UWSU Societies' Handbook 2014/15

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STUDENTS’ UNION STATEMENT This handbook tells you all you need to know about starting, running and developing your society. From finding members to your presence at freshers fair; from running an event to requesting funding. As a union, we are here to support and uphold the rights and needs of the student body at the University of Westminster. This includes opportunities for student led activities such as societies. There is a diverse range of society activity for you already to get involved in. From political and religiously affiliated societies to course-based and down-right-wacky, there really is something for everyone.

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To re-register your society, email the Society Co-ordinator with a completed re-registration form (available on the society dashboard - see page 7) BEFORE Monday September 1st. If you miss this deadline your society (account/online presence) will be deleted and you will need to register again as a new society following the steps below. Re-registering societies are required to complete a yearly forecast form (accessible via the online societies dashboard).


CONTENTS • • • • • • • •


Students’ Union Statement 2 Registering / Re-Registering Your Society 3 Some Important Information 4 Equal Opportunities Statement 5 Disciplinary Procedures 5 Health and Safety 6 Booking a Room 6 Promoting Your Society 7 Student Media / UWSU Website 7 Guest Speakers 8 Faith Based Societies 8 Freshers Fair 9 Funding 9 Things to Remember 10

1. Come up with a great, original idea that you think will be of interest to other students. Get in touch with the Society Co-ordinator to discuss your idea.

TOP TIP! Don’t be shy to get to know your SU. Our offices are always welcoming, and our staff are, amongst other things, sexy, sassy and fabulous. Make sure you get to know them - we’re here to help!

2. To demonstrate there is support from other students for your proposed society, you will need to get 20 Westminster students (and their student ID) to give their support to your application. 3. 4.

Find a committee. These should be people who share your passion and willing to help with the running of your society.

A copy of this form can be found under the societies tab on the UWSU website.

Submit the online registration form before the termly deadlines (term one - 10th October, term two - TBC February).

5. Your society idea will be discussed by the SU. You will be informed of the decision as soon as possible. If approved, you are ready to go!

TOP TIPS FOR NEW SOCIETIES! Make sure your society is original and doesn’t already exist. Societies will not be approved otherwise. Make sure you plan your events in advance. Societies are required to hold at least two events each term. Consider your membership fee carefully based on your plans for the year.





The society co-ordinator is your first port of call for all society related matters. They are responsible for reviewing applications in the first instance, managing society funds, as well as imposing sanctions as required.

All affiliated societies must agree to the following statement:

All approved societies are free to operate under the banner of ‘The UWSU’. Affiliated societies do not necessarily have to represent the views and opinions of the Students’ Union although they are required to adhere to the brand’s operating guidelines.

1. The UWSU seeks to encourage a community in which all individuals may contribute without fear of unfair and discriminatory attitudes and practices including (but not limited to) on the basis of gender, sexuality, disability, race and religion. 2. All SU clubs and societies must be open to the entire student body. All publicity and literature produced must be given in English (or with English translation).


3. All society events, elections and communications must be run democratically and fairly.

• Annual elections must be held (with two weeks notice) for any named post within your society. Committee members must all be full members of the UWSU.

If you are unsure about any of the above, or you feel this may interfere with the operating of your society, then please contact the Society Co-ordinator.

• All clubs and societies must have an up-to-date mission statement on their web page (please see the student media page of this booklet).


• Every active club and society must attend every compulsory SU meeting that they are asked to attend (these will be emailed to your society account in advance). Failure to do so may result in sanctions.

The SU does all it can to support its clubs and societies. In return we expect respect for our rules and procedures. If a society is found to have broken our rules or abused our trust the following course of action will be taken:

• All societies must communicate with the UWSU through their active society email account. Please don’t use your personal email account.

A warning will be given to the president/committee. Immediate expulsion of accused perpetrators pending investigation of the incident. In certain cases the entire suspension of a society for up to one academic year.

• Every society must hold a minimum of two events / meetings per term. ALL SOCIETIES MUST AGREE TO THE EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES STATEMENT IN ORDER TO BE AFFILIATED WITH THE UWSU.


In certain cases an entire suspension from the UWSU and all of its activities, with no refund of subscription or usage charges. Appeals: These will be taken to an SU committee and considered by the relevant staff and sabbatical officers.

• A dedicated and experienced team of staff who can help you from start to finish with the organisation, promotion and running of your society and events throughout the year. • Transparency, availability and professionalism in the services we offer and provide. • A great time working with us!





The safety of our members is paramount. Clubs and societies must make health and safety their absolute priority.

All societies are encouraged to make use of student media wherever possible. Be it to promote a forthcoming event, comment on a particular topic, or to celebrate their success.

Before any public event, performance, or meeting, a risk assessment must be completed and a copy sent to the UWSU in advance. This form can be found online on the society dashboard. For help completing it please contact the Society Co-ordinator.

The student media outlets consist of Smoke TV, Smoke Radio, Smoke Magazine and the QH Newspaper. For further information or for details about promoting your event or having student media cover your event then contact: smokemedia@su.westminster.ac.uk


If you wish to promote your society’s event on social media (Twitter, Facebook etc), please contact the Website and Social Media Co-ordinator on: web@su.westminster.ac.uk

If you want to book a room for your society event you can do so by submitting a room booking request. The form can be found online under the Activities tab. Please ensure you submit a room booking request in good time (at least two weeks in advance). Note: The submission of a room booking request does not confirm use of that room on the requested day/time. If you wish to have an external speaker at your event, please note that there is a separate procedure for this (see Guests & External Speakers, page 8). Before filling out the form please consider whether you intend to serve any kind of food or refreshments. These need to be pre-approved by the Society Co-ordinator. To meet the university’s food hygiene requirements you will need to sign a food disclaimer form, which is available online via the societies dashboard. Although all efforts are made to fulfil booking requests, your first preference may not always be available.

TOP TIP! Remember that there are four campuses that you can host your event at. Why not use this opportunity to explore and broaden your society ’s horizons?

UWSU WEBSITE - WWW.UWSU.COM Every society has an online presence through the UWSU website. It is each societies individual responsibility to manage and maintain this web-page. Using your account login (the same used for your emails) you can access the dashboard. From here you can update your bio, blog and upcoming events, to keep both members and potential sign-ups in the loop. After you login you’ll also be able to find links for: • • • •

Room Bookings Inter-faith advisor contact details Request for funding form Event report form

Before going online, all content is approved so must be in keeping with the SU societies code of conduct. For help with the website please contact the Website and Social Media Co-ordinator on: web@su.westminster.ac.uk

TOP TIP! Tag @WestminsterSU in your tweets so we can re-tweet it to our followers!





If you want to invite people from outside the university to your on-campus event, you will need to submit a list of all the externals coming, at least 24 hours before the event, to the room bookings officer. They will forward the list of names to the relevant reception and your guests will need to sign in upon arrival. For more information on external guests (limits etc) contact room bookings.

Societies are required to book a stall in advance. The deadline for the 2014 fairs is 5th September. To do so please email Ash Chakraborty (details below) with the name of your society and any special requirements.

CONTACT - ROOM BOOKINGS roombooking@su.westminster.ac.uk

CONTACT - INTERFAITH ADVISOR Yusuf Kaplan Academic Services University of Westminster 020 7911 5000 ext. 65794 y.kaplan@westminster.ac.uk

Please note that only fully registered and affiliated societies are permitted to have a stall at the freshers’ fairs. Societies are not allowed to advertise on behalf of external companies.

If your event involves a guest speaker (not a member of Westminster staff or a student), they need to be approved by the university inter-faith advisor, irrespective of the nature of the talk. Make sure your speaker(s) is approved in good time.

FAITH BASED SOCIETIES All faith based societies are required to meet with the inter-faith advisor. This is to discuss the aims of the society and any subsequent or planned events. Your faithbased society will not be allowed to run until it has been approved by the inter-faith advisor. If you require clarification as to whether your society would be considered ‘faithbased’, please contact the society co-ordinator.

For more information please email the commercial manager, Ash Chakraborty on: media@su.westminster.ac.uk.

FRESHERS FAIR 2014 (10AM - 4PM) MARYLEBONE Tuesday 16th Sept REGENT STREET Wednesday 17th Sept NEW CAVENDISH STREET Thursday 18th Sept HARROW Friday 19th Sept

NEED SOME MONEY? FUNDING As well as your society membership money, affiliated societies can put requests in for further funding. This could be used to cover the travel fees of a speaker or to subsidise trips to the theatre, for example. To submit a request, please complete the request for funding form that can be found online in the societies dashboard. Please submit all requests at least two full weeks in advance. Make sure to allow extra time for public holidays. Note that submission of a request DOES NOT equal an approval.


Be creative with your event to ensure value for money. If your request is not approved do not despair! Consider other fundraising options such as raffles, charity walks or ticketing your events. 8


THINGS TO REMEMBER • All existing societies intending to continue in the academic year 2014/15 need to re-register on or before 1st September 2014. This can be done by completing the re-registration form which can be found online on the UWSU website. • As of the academic year 2014/15, all societies are required to charge a membership fee to new and existing members. This doesn’t need to be much, £1 will do - but you are welcome to charge more if your society has grand plans! • Societies must offer their members at least two events per term. Societies which have not met this requirement will be in breach of the society Code of Conduct and may be shut down. Make sure you complete the event report form to avoid this happening. • Presidents/committee members must always use the society e-mail address to contact the SU with related matters. These details are also your login to edit your web presence and access the society dashboard. • If you want a stall at Freshers’ Fair then don’t forget to register before the deadline!


CONTACT: SOCIETY CO-ORDINATOR To get in contact with the Society Co-ordinator please email: society.coordinator@su.westminster.ac.uk UWSU Sports and Activities Office Room B33, 309 Regent Street, London. W1B 2UW

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