Sustainability Matters April/May 2014

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April/May 2014

4 A silver lining remains for Australia’s solar industry 6 What’s in store for solar? 8

Case Studies


Grand wastewater designs

16 Auckland War Memorial Museum’s sustainability journey 20 End of the road for landfill and incinerated plastics? 27

Research & development

30 Intelligent water: how unique technologies are driving efficiencies in water management 39

Solar 2014

41 Resource centre Legislation, governance, programs and industry links to help guide your sustainability development.

42 Solar shading matters unny South Australia is leading the way in solar shading S


he circular economy is much more than just recycling and this business model will soon gain further traction with the formation of the Wealth from Waste cluster research which launched in March. Damien Giurco, research director, Institute for Sustainable Futures at University of Technology, Sydney, is heading up part of the program that looks at service innovation: developing business models. Damien says we need to think about what business models we need to establish in order to derive value from recycling aboveground resources in ‘urban mines’. For example, do we consider leasing instead of selling or establish a better knowledge about what resources are available and where they are, so we can better track that value and recover it? He says the research will also explore the opportunities of new technologies such as 3D printing, which has the potential to reduce materials and energy use, and wastage, by allowing products to be produced on demand rather than just in case. The research cluster is a three-year project involving five research universities working in partnership with the CSIRO and also heavily connected to industry, end users and stakeholders. At the end of the three years, which is particularly focused around the recovery of metals, Damien says he hopes to have some good examples/case study of business models that can achieve high-value opportunities. In Australia, it has been estimated that about half the waste we generate is being recycled. It is good to know that some intellectual minds will be on the job to find a solution for the other half.

Cover pic: © Spencer

Carolyn Jackson

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April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 3

Leading the way

A silver lining remains for Australia’s solar industry

W Derek Durham is the Region Manager East SolarMax and has over 15 years’ experience working in the global solar photovoltaic industry. He has gained extensive knowledge in technical, commercial and market developments from managing activities in 30 countries covering primary, secondary and developing markets for both grid-connected and off-grid sectors. Durham has been involved in different aspects of the solar industry from the design and installation of off-grid electrification projects in rural Africa to utility-scale project development in the Philippines.

While Australia is a relatively young renewable energy market, it is perfectly poised to become a global industry leader.

hile the federal government’s recent plans to review the Renewable Energy Target (RET) are steeped in controversy, the reduction or complete removal of the RET will not spell the end of Australia’s clean energy sector. Despite the negativity and doubt that surround Australia’s renewables industry, the reality is this country has all the ingredients it needs to foster the development of a strong renewable energy sector. There is no denying that cuts or the complete removal of the RET - a legislated scheme that was put in place in 2001 to source 20% of Australia’s power from renewable resources by 2020 - will put a handbrake on the industry in the short term. Taking away the financial incentives for the installation of renewable energy with the displacement of the RET will leave home and business owners thinking twice about investing in clean energy. The Australian Solar Council has predicted that this has the potential to destabilise the renewables industry with the potential for 8000 job losses. While it would specifically impact on the solar PV dedicated industry, these repercussions from changes to the RET will only be temporary and would potentially only last for months. Australia can lean on the experiences of Europe where many government incentives have been progressively phased out as various markets move towards grid parity for electricity prices. Europe’s once highly incentivised solar energy markets undertook a natural transformation as solar PV systems became more affordable. Despite the initial turmoil, Europe’s renewable energy sector is learning that it can stand on its own two feet and will eventually emerge stronger than before. After the initial period of uncertainty passes with the RET review, we believe that solar PV companies who have been able to withstand the shake-up of the market will also come out on top. This is when the Australian solar PV industry realises it doesn’t need financial incentives to be successful. While Australia is a relatively young renewable energy market, it is perfectly poised to become a global industry leader.

4 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

It’s an often cited fact that Australia receives more sunshine than any other developed country. Even Victoria, which receives significantly less sun than most areas of Australia, still has the ability to produce more solar power than Germany - one of the world leaders in solar PV systems. The initial growth in demand for solar PV in Australia was largely driven by the residential market as environmentally savvy consumers opted for a renewable energy alternative to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills. A study by the Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics found that in 2010-2011, over 90% of solar energy generated was used in the residential sector, with the remaining 10% used in the commercial sector. Despite the initial slow uptake, Australia’s commercial sector is showing significant promise in the first few months of 2014 and will likely follow in the footsteps of the residential solar power market. The Clean Energy Regulator reports that Australia’s commercial solar PV market has exploded over the last five years to generate 15 more times the electricity generated in 2007. Businesses are switching to renewable energy sources as they realise the benefits solar PV systems offer in delivering significant economic benefits to their bottom lines. Some sectors have more to gain than others with the mining and agricultural companies amongst those that may benefit most from PV power supply. Of course, this is not an argument to support the drastic reduction to the RET and a gradual and foreseeable reduction to this incentive program will always be preferable to a sudden elimination in order to smooth out the peaks and troughs that the PV industry has always had to contend with. However, there is much more Australian regulators can do to promote the growth of Australia’s renewable energy sector. This includes planning, standardising and making technical improvements to reduce the barriers towards increasing the penetration of solar PV into the energy grid. Instead of focusing on the current gloom and doom around the renewable energy sector, with the right political and legislative foresight the future does remain bright.

What’s in store for solar? A major review of the Renewable Energy Target (RET) is currently underway by the federal government. Headed by former Reserve Bank board member Dick Warburton, the reviewers will report back to the federal government by the middle of the year. So what could this mean for the future of renewables, in particular solar?


he Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme was originally established to ensure that 20% of Australia’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2020. Since January 2011 the RET scheme has operated in two parts - the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) and the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET). Both create a financial incentive, using certificates managed by the Clean Energy Regulator, for the establishment or expansion of renewable energy - either in large-scale power stations, such as wind and solar farms and hydro-electric power stations, or small-scale rooftop systems. John Grimes, the CEO of Australian Solar Council (ASC), believes any changes in the RET could have a devastating effect

on the industry and many jobs could be lost if the scheme is axed. Fearing the worst, the ASC has launched a ‘save solar’ campaign and has already raised a fighting fund, which is expected to help the association craft out key media messages to help save the industry.

Lessons from the US The federal government is reported to be split on what to do about the mandatory RET and one senator has commented that we should learn lessons from the US, which has power prices over three times cheaper than ours. Paul Nahi, CEO of Enphase Energy, whose company has recently established in Australia, was here on a recent visit, so Sustainability Matters asked him to comment on solar.

6 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

Nahi says this phenomenon (of axing subsidies) has been seen over and over again in multiple countries all over the world. “I do truly believe that the incentives/ subsidies structure needs to be a catalyst not a crutch. We should be looking at moving towards a self-sustaining industry over time,” he says. “Having said that, we have to recognise that all energy is subsidised and frankly, solar energy is far less subsidised than current fossil fuel energy. So, if we are talking about reducing or eliminating subsidies, we should be talking about it across all energy, worldwide, which I am a big proponent of. “I’d love to see the market perform in its natural state sending the appropriate prices and allowing the public


... we have to recognise that all energy is subsidised and frankly, solar energy is far less subsidised than current fossil fuel energy. So, if we are talking about reducing or eliminating subsidies, we should be talking about it across all energy, worldwide...

them with a deeper understanding of the local jobs you’re creating and the ability you’re giving to the consumer to lower their electricity bills. “Part of what is incumbent on the solar industry is to work closely with the utilities, and they need a willing participant, of course, for this to work. A business model that allows the utilities and the solar industry to thrive needs to be developed. “Here’s the bigger challenge,” he says. “The dynamic that is making solar a threat to the utility is that solar is only going to get better over time. Independent of solar, the cost of fossil fuel is continuing to go up, the cost of solar is continuing to go down. We are still only in the early days of solar and it’s only going to get a lot less expensive over time, whereas fossil fuels have nowhere to go but up. “If you fight that you are going to be on the wrong side of history. “Eventually solar is going to take its rightful place and have a very meaningful part of the energy mix.”

Innovations in store for solar to respond. This will allow innovation and technology to create a better and cleaner form of energy on a level playing field. Although, Nahi points out, he doesn’t have a thorough knowledge of politics in Australia, he believes that sudden swings or lack of predictability in policy could be very detrimental to the development of this industry. “A lot of the amazing work that has established the solar industry in Australia could be really affected by this,” he says. “If a self-sustaining industry is desired, it is important to have a predictable long-term path towards elimination of subsidies. “Speaking from the US point of view, what has worked in the past to influence government is providing

Moving on from the stand-alone system focus, energy management innovation is on its way for solar. Consisting of three pillars: solar generation, local storage and load management, Nahi says all this is coming for solar and very much part of the Enphase vision. It will also be vital to have the appropriate finance vehicles to support this innovation. “We are seeing the growth of these finance vehicles in the form of consumer loans becoming more prevalent. “The consumer of the future will have the ability to be self-sufficient in terms of energy,” he says. “I’m definitely not saying everyone go off-grid. Utilities play a purpose and they have been instrumental in societies across the world. We want a healthy

utility industry but we cannot have an industry that is at odds with what is in the best interest of the consumers. “We do need a business model that works to generate as much energy from clean sources as possible.” Learning from the US experience, the Australian solar industry needs to ensure a close and cooperative relationship with the utilities and to educate the policymakers and general public about the cost and job benefits of increasing solar penetration. If this can be achieved with the ASC’s ‘save solar’ fund, the future of solar (and all renewables) could be a whole lot better off. Paul Nahi, President, Chief Executive Officer of Enphase Energy: Based in San Francisco, Nahi has over 20 years’ experience in both entrepreneurial and multinational high-technology companies. Most recently, he was the CEO of Crimson Microsystems, a fabless semiconductor company specialising in large-scale SONET ICs for the telecommunications industry, with customers worldwide. Prior to Crimson, he was the CEO and co-founder of Accelerant Networks, a semiconductor company that designed and developed intelligent multigigabit transceivers. Accelerant was acquired by Synopsis, Inc (Nasdaq: SNPS). Enphase Energy: Founded in 2006, Enphase Energy developed what is claimed to be the first commercially available microinvertor, which converts DC output from a single solar module into an AC current. Today, the company has reportedly captured between 40-50% of the US market and, according to Nahi, the secret for its success has been the higher rate of return for owners, and the low-voltage installation creates a profitable business model for installers.

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 7

case study


Agribusiness wastewater treatment reduces odours and generates energy

cost-effective way to simultaneously increase the quality of wastewater produced by agribusiness while disposing of an expanding odour pollution issue is being deployed to assist crop and livestock operations achieve higher environmental standards. The COHRAL technology of Global Water Engineering (GWE) involves a covered high-rate anaerobic lagoon that uses concentrated anaerobic bacteria to digest 70% of the organic matter (chemical oxygen demand, or COD) in wastewater to produce effluent of higher quality than open lagoons. Even higher water quality standards exceeding 90% COD removal and up to 99% in some instances - can be achieved by using GWE anaerobic and complementary technologies contained in totally enclosed tanks, or reactors, making it suitable for discharge in surface waters. This is according to the managing director of CST Wastewater Solutions, Michael Bambridge, whose company represents GWE technologies in Australasia. COHRAL eliminates many of the odours associated with open lagoons often used in meat, dairy and crop waste processing. These are increasingly leading to environmental protests and land use conflict as urban expansion and rural

businesses operate in greater proximity to each other, says Bambridge. “Another major benefit of covered anaerobic lagoons and of totally enclosed anaerobic reactor systems is that the methane biogas produced within them by the anaerobic process can be collected and used to feed steam boilers and processing plant, replacing fossil fuel,” said Bambridge. Thus, closed lagoons not only prevent methane escaping into the atmosphere but also generate energy. The first COHRAL installation in Australia, to be employed at a meat processing and packing plant, will feature re-use of the biogas in the boiler. The systems are suitable for solutions involving less technology-intensive applications that allow a long process residence time and where adequate space is available. The anaerobic lagoons consist of two zones, with the complete surface of the lagoon being covered with an influent distribution system. The first and largest zone receives the major part of the incoming wastewater. This reaction zone is where the anaerobic digestion occurs. The second, smaller part of the lagoon serves as a post-digestion and pre-settling zone where a partial clarification of the effluent wastewater takes place. Settled sludge collected in this zone is pumped back to the inlet of the lagoon.

Part of the anaerobic effluent is recycled back to the lagoon. The remaining effluent of the lagoon flows by gravity towards complementary technology, such as the GWE SuperSep-CFS separation technology being used in the Australian installation. No additional mixing facilities are required in the anaerobic lagoon. The influent distribution system acts as a hydraulic mixing system, converting a standard low-load/low-efficiency lagoon into a COHRAL system with increased efficiency. Each lagoon is covered by a special floating membrane to retain the methane produced. A typical feature of the system is the operation at zero biogas pressure (-1 to +1 mbar range). A sensitive membrane level measurement system controls the speed of a biogas extraction fan, bringing the gas at 20 mbar to go to the flare. Compared to ‘inflated’ single membrane covers, the risk for leaks is highly reduced. A SCADA computer control system is typically employed with COHRAL technology. All indications and alarms, reporting on the daily operation of the plant and trending can be done via the system. All motor start/stop functions, as well as auto/manual, can also be controlled from the computer. A simplified flow sheet can be displayed on the computer’s colour screen, featuring all measurements (continuously updated) and indicating operating motors. Alarms can be indicated by a colour change to red of the corresponding measurement or indication. An external acoustic alarm can also be incorporated. Following the covering of lagoons and incorporation of anaerobic processes feed and recycle systems, CST Wastewater Solutions recommends the use of tanks to contain these processes. A third stage can be the incorporation of advanced anaerobic technologies into sealed tank environments, eg, GWE’s RAPTOR treatment system for organic residues. CST Wastewater Solutions Contact info and more items like this at

8 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

Grand wastewater designs

Wendy Pyper, Corporate Communications, Australian Antarctic Division

A state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system, planned for Antarctica’s Davis station, will convert effluent into some of the cleanest water in the world. This effluent will have minimal impact on the marine environment when it’s discharged to the ocean.


ince 2005, when Davis station’s original secondary treatment plant failed, effluent has been macerated and discharged to the ocean from a pipe at the water’s edge near the station’s wharf. While this disposal method meets the minimum requirements specified in the Madrid Protocol and the Antarctic Treaty (Environmental Protection) Act 1980, an environmental impact assessment, conducted by Antarctic Division scientists in 2009-10, identified a need for enhanced secondary or tertiary sewage treatment. “The environmental impact assessment showed that while the effluent was reasonably dispersed during the period of our study, it was not dispersed rapidly enough to prevent accumulation of

A diver collects samples during the Davis environmental impact assessment. Photo credit: Glenn Johnstone.

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some contaminants in the environment, and related adverse impacts,” says assessment leader and marine biologist Dr Jonny Stark. To address these issues, the Australian Antarctic Division established a project, led by engineer Michael Packer, to install both secondary and advanced wastewater treatment systems. The first step was a request for tender for construction of a secondary sewage treatment plant that would meet Antarctic-specific requirements. “The problem with sewage treatment in Antarctica is that there are significant technological requirements to process the water to a high level, but limited available knowledge to run the plants at the stations,” Packer says. “When we prepared our specifications for tender, we picked components and processes that have a long history of operation in rugged conditions, that are simple to operate and that have low maintenance needs. We then put them together in a novel fashion that balanced maintenance, reliability and state-of-theart features.” They found part of their answer in German company Martin Membrane Systems, which has successfully provided secondary treatment plants for the German and Norwegian Antarctic programs. Over the next three years, the company will deliver secondary treatment plants to Davis, as well as Casey and Mawson, whose plants have reached their expected life span. One of the Antarctic-specific operational requirements for the secondary treatment plants was that they accommodate large flows in summer, for up to 150 people, and significantly smaller flows in winter. To achieve this, Martin Membrane Systems designed the plants so that one of the tanks in the three-tank system can be switched off over winter. The secondary plants will use a standard biological nutrient reduction process, where the effluent is digested by microbes in aerobic (oxygenated) and anaerobic (no oxygen) processes, before being filtered to remove the solids and microbes. A centrifuge will then reduce the solids to a cake for return to Australia.

Wastewater treatment

Welder Stuart Norris assists with the construction of the advanced treatment plant at the Australian Antarctic Division. Photo credit: Michael Packer.

The site at Davis where the secondary and advanced wastewater treatment plants will sit. Photo credit: Mark Pekin.

The advanced treatment plant will employ an arsenal of germkilling technologies to achieve an astounding 13 ‘log reduction’ in pathogens.

Because the Madrid Protocol prohibits the introduction of non-native organisms into Antarctica, microbes from Casey’s and Mawson’s existing plants will seed the new systems. As Davis has no existing plant, effluent direct from the kitchen, bathrooms and other sources will provide the seed culture for the system. This will extend the start-up time of the Davis system by about six months, as a healthy population of microbes becomes established. The secondary treatment plants will also be able to process kitchen waste, improving the effluent quality before it enters the system. While the processing of multiple waste streams through treatment plants is quite common in Australia, it hasn’t been attempted in Antarctica on this scale. “Our Antarctic wastewater is very concentrated as there’s no external addition of water, such as rainwater,” Michael says. “So the plants have a high biological load, which affects the biochemistry to the point that there may not be enough carbon relative to the amount of nitrogen. Kitchen scraps will help rebalance this equation and improve the effectiveness of the plants. It also means we won’t have to incinerate the kitchen waste anymore. “At the end of the secondary treatment, we expect to get good quality effluent by world standards. We’ll improve on

that further with the advanced treatment plant at Davis, so that we can address the issues that arose out of that station’s environmental assessment.” The advanced treatment plant is being built at the Australian Antarctic Division, with funding, research, design and testing input from academia and industry partners, including the Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence, Victoria University, the University of Melbourne, Veolia Water, TasWater and AECOM. The advanced treatment plant will employ an arsenal of germ-killing technologies to achieve an astounding 13 ‘log reduction’ in pathogens. A one log reduction kills 90% of pathogens; a two log reduction kills 99%; and so on to 11 decimal places. The average log reduction from a freshwater treatment plant in Australia is four to five. To achieve this kill rate, the treated effluent will undergo ozone disinfection, ultrafiltration, passage through a biologically activated carbon filter, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet disinfection and chlorination. The result will be some of the cleanest water in the world. In fact, it will be so low in salt it will corrode metal pipes, so lime will have to be added to replace the salts and ions characteristic of normal tap water. While there are no immediate plans to use the purified water for drinking, the

project partners are researching the level of processing needed to achieve potable re-use using their methods, based on Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and World Health Organization guidelines. Once built, the advanced treatment plant will fit inside two shipping containers. This will include space for a laboratory for regular water quality testing. The plant will then undergo extensive testing by academic and industry partners at an urban water site. “The plant will be run for two years to iron out any problems and give our academic partners an opportunity to conduct a range of research and improvement projects, some of which will continue in Antarctica,” Michael says. Once in Antarctica, the advanced treatment plant will be removed from the shipping containers and installed in a purpose-designed building alongside the secondary treatment plant. The combination of the two treatment plants will provide an exciting new chapter in wastewater treatment. “This project is an opportunity to develop a secondary-level wastewater treatment plant that has application far beyond Antarctica,” Packer says. “A wastewater treatment plant of this size and capacity would potentially find applications in a wide range of remote communities. When coupled to the advanced treatment plant, it will offer a complete, self-contained, small-scale solution to produce purified recycled water for drinking or non-drinking purposes.” Reprinted with permission from Australian Antarctic Magazine: au/magazine.

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 11

case studies index

Monitoring rainwater with Talking Tanks

 A gribusiness wastewater treatment reduces odours and generates energy

 M onitoring rainwater with Talking Tanks

 T urning Nottingham’s waste into energy

 S olar-electric hybrid sports car for Australia

 O n-site solar for RSL club

8 12 14 14 18

 Audit reveals over 40% in

potential energy savings for manufacturer 22

 Sydney Markets wins

global recycling award

 Water treatment at the source

24 26

research & development index  Kangaroo Island bounds

into renewable energy 27

 Powering batteries with

protons and hydrogen 28

Developed by iota, the commercial arm of South East Water, Talking Tanks monitors water levels in a rainwater tank and automatically releases water at a controlled rate if required. The system pre-empts the release of water from set points that are chosen by the user, according to rain or storm predictions which are received via a communications link to the Bureau of Meteorology. “Stormwater can increase the risk of overflow into urban waterways and, in some cases, carry litter and pollutants or cause erosion,” explained iota Business Development Manager Adrian Blinman. “The system automatically releases water, creates storage capacity and prevents overflows of stormwater. With unique self-learning, these intelligent systems are paving the way forward for efficient management of rainwater tanks. “The application of Talking Tanks on a large scale is an effective measure in prolonging the life of existing stormwater infrastructure or minimising the impact of peak flows on natural waterways that form an integral part of a stormwater network.”

Dobson’s Creek The advancement of the Talking Tanks technology was sparked by Dobson’s Creek - a water body which runs through the peri-urban community of The Basin at the foot of the Dandenong Ranges. The creek has the highest ecological value within the municipality, but its health is adversely impacted by stormwater flows that can carry litter and pollutants or cause erosion. South East Water wanted to reduce the volumes and the speed with which stormwater enters Dobson’s Creek to help create a healthier environment. Along with Melbourne Water and Knox City Council, it aimed to reduce the proportion of surfaces that were directly connected to the creek to improve water quality. A system that could shorten these peak stormwater flows within a city environment without the need for huge retention basins was needed. In order to ensure tanks were ready to receive rainwater runoff, they may have had to dump some or all of the water contained within them before the predicted rain event arrived. iota aimed to employ products and software that could monitor local weather data and react by a controlled release of water in the tank before the forecast rain event arrived. A microprocessor linked to a solenoid valve on the tank’s outlet was used to manage the water held by the tank. These units were controlled by South East Water’s SCADA network to which they were linked via a telemetry unit. In addition, the telemetry would monitor local weather forecasts.

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Adding complexity to the task, the residential rainwater tanks had dual and conflicting purposes: • To leave space within the tank to capture the peak stormwater event. • To retain water in the tank for the resident to use for their own purposes such as irrigation or re-use in the home. The microprocessor was to only release sufficient water from the tank that would be necessary to capture the forecast rain. A smaller forecast rain event would not necessarily require all the water in the tank to be released. All combinations of roofs and tanks react differently to the volume and intensity of a rain event. To account for this variation and to ensure the tank’s dual duties were achieved, the microprocessor’s software algorithm needed to learn and self-correct as it reacted to each rain event. The algorithm detects how successful the capture of rainwater was for each predicted rain event and whether it should change the volume needed in the tank for future, similar predicted rain events. South East Water retained control over these multiple tanks and was able to monitor their performance via the SCADA system. The user would also retain control over the water retained in the tank by allowing access to the SCADA web page for their tank and an iPhone app that allows control over the tank release valve and setpoints. Monitoring the multiple tanks via South East Water’s SCADA system indicated that they were operating as intended, releasing water before forecast rain events and retaining the runoff during the storm - effectively reducing the peak flow. Following the project’s success, the technology can now provide similar benefits to other users throughout Australia. South East Water Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

case studies Turning Nottingham’s waste into energy UK waste management company FCC Environment is using the latest energy-efficient compressor and filtration solutions from Atlas Copco to help turn waste into energy at its Nottingham waste processing site. The energy from the company’s commercial and domestic waste processing facility in Nottingham produces heat and steam to generate power without using fossil fuels. Its Eastcroft plant generates steam used by many public buildings in Nottingham and keeps 5000 families warm while keeping the climate a little cooler. Since the facility opened 39 years ago, it has reduced the amount of Nottinghamshire’s waste going to landfill sites by 5 million tonnes. The facility needs quality compressed air for a number of process applications: from emission monitoring equipment to the pulsing of filtration bags employed in the flue gas treatment stages of the operation. Air quality is extremely important, since any contaminants in the air supply would affect the instrumentation that is vital to flue gas monitoring and risk non-compliance with the company’s environmental licence stipulations. This requirement for high quality standards is the principal reason FCC turned to Atlas Copco to meet its compressed air needs. Equipment installed at the site includes two GA 90 screw compressors - one fixed-speed and the other a VSD machine (capable of matching output to user demand for optimum energy savings). The system was augmented with three vertical air receivers and, to ensure first-class dry air at the point of use, three BD desiccant dryers with a guaranteed dew point of -70°C. These were then fitted and connected to Atlas Copco’s latest in particulate and coalescent filters. Environmental protection was also ensured with the installation’s EWD condensate management

system that prevents any possible drainage contamination. When the Atlas Copco team surveyed the installation site, they found a great deal of external pipework between the location of the compressors and the various points of use throughout the production facility, so it was essential that pressure drop within the air net had to be kept to a minimum. FCC was one of the first to have Atlas Copco’s latest filter range units installed. The design of the innovative filters means a pressure drop of only half of that associated with conventional coalescing or particulate filters is incurred. This translates into significant energy savings. Alan Burkill, Atlas Copco Sales Engineer and the principal liaison on the project, outlined the core benefits to be derived from the compressed air system. “When we sat down to discuss potential requirements, life cycle costs and energy efficiency was at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Our proposal was a solution that delivered the lowest life cycle cost to our customer, and energy-efficient filtration was an integral and indispensable part of the installation.” According to Philip Eyre, FCC Environment’s maintenance manager, the whole system is a perfect fit with FCC’s ethos. “I have known Atlas Copco for over 23 years and have always had a good quality service from them in all respects. The quality of their products definitely fits with what FFC requires in this facility.” Atlas Copco Compressors Australia Contact info and more items like this at

Solar-electric hybrid sports car for Australia A collaboration between Swinburne University, Aurora Vehicle Association and SolarX Corporation has set out to create Australia’s first road legal solar-electric hybrid sports car. According to Swinburne Product Design Engineering senior lecturer Dr Clint Steele, Aurora approached Swinburne to use the talent of the undergraduate engineering students. While Swinburne’s students have brought their mechanical engineering knowledge, Aurora is providing expertise in automotive exterior and interior styling, aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, automotive engineering, vehicle dynamics, vehicle testing and public outreach. Dr Steele said the car will be powered by solar and electric battery energy, eliminating

the reliance on fossil fuels and making it a zero-emissions vehicle. Hub motors will be built into the rear wheels and the batteries are topped up via solar panels, he explained. “The car will be able to drive at any speed limit in Australia,” said Dr Steele. “As long as the sun is shining, the car can keep going … It has the ability to make drivers completely independent, so they don’t need to rely on service stations.”

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Dr Steele said the challenges associated with moving from a concept to producing a car that is commercially viable are in the refinement stages. Not only does the car have to be strong and lightweight, “We also need to make the car look good and still have the aerodynamics that we require,” he said. SolarX Corporation is the collaborative enterprise’s commercial arm, set up to work alongside Aurora and Swinburne. The company’s CEO, Barry Nguyen, said the project has international potential. Nguyen said the car will be available for limited production. It will also serve as a public platform to showcase technologies for potential licensing to other companies, as “the intellectual property that we develop in these circumstances has the potential to be applied in other areas”, he said.

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Auckland War Memorial Museum’s sustainability journey Auckland War Memorial Museum is one of New Zealand’s premier tourist attractions, with over 850,000 visitors each year.


stablished in 1852, the facility consists of a war memorial, heritage library, a vast collection of Maori and Pacific artefacts and an encyclopaedic collection, totalling approximately 3.5 million pieces. It also attracts regular international exhibitions and provides educational services to over 60,000 school children annually. The museum has a longstanding relationship with Honeywell Building Solutions (HBS), spanning close to a decade, through the operation of HBS’s Enterprise Buildings Integrator (EBI). EBI is a building management system that helps organisations to improve efficiency and reduce energy and operational costs by simplifying set-up, scheduling and control. When a significant upgrade to Auckland Museum took place in 2009, opera-

Relaxing your controls by even one degree Celsius for temperature or a few per cent for humidity levels can have a dramatic flow-on effect for energy consumption,” said Karl Satchell, sustainability engineer, Auckland Museum.

16 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

tions staff decided to focus on improving the building’s collection environment as well as its energy performance to align with and support Auckland Council’s wider environmental strategies. Part of this process involved an upgrade to the latest version of EBI, as well as working closely with HBS to undertake an audit of current operations. A number of recommendations were outlined as a result of this, and in 2011 the museum began to address those recommendations, which included a trial to change the operation of its heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) system. This trial saw a level of improvement that has resulted in it being rolled out across the entire facility. As part of this change to the HVAC, operations relaxed the temperature set points within Auckland Museum. Where the building would have previously been operating at as close to 22°C as possible, the new approach expanded this to a scope of anywhere between 20 and 23°C. Humidity controls were also significantly widened. With these changes, any time the facility was within the new settings meant that very little energy was consumed. “Relaxing your controls by even one degree Celsius for temperature or a few per cent for humidity levels can have a dramatic flow-on effect for energy consumption,” said Karl Satchell, sustainability engineer, Auckland Museum. EBI integrates with Auckland Museum’s HVAC system, sewerage and wastewater alarms, and electricity, natural gas and water meters for easy management. EBI’s powerful engine allows the museum’s operators to control all of this equipment from a single access point, making tuning of the systems simple. It also allows operators to monitor, report and trend energy consumption. A userfriendly interface provides the flexibility needed for when adjustments are made for continual improvement. “It has been a three-year collaboration with Honeywell Building Solutions to get to where we are today,” Satchell said. “As a result, we have seen a 50% reduction in our carbon footprint in just

Energy management

three years, a majority of this directly from the innovative software enhancements that were developed. This equates to approximately a NZD$350,000 reduction in annual energy costs. And that’s just through energy-efficiency improvements - there have also been a number of financial savings in maintenance and other areas.” While the approach of constant tuning and adjustment over the past few years has been relatively smooth, one challenge the museum did face was ensuring its conservators accepted the climate changes

it was making. However, the measurement and visualisation functionality of EBI made it simple for facility managers to be transparent in their actions and keep the conservators involved throughout the process. In fact, the changes have led to an improved housing environment for the museum’s collection. “We designed the software in a way so that during the day there wasn’t too much change, but after hours there was dramatic change, which was possible due to no visitors or staff being in the facility,” said Satchell. “Our first priority was to improve the col-

lection environment and secondary was the energy improvements. Honeywell’s software enabled us to do that.” “For Auckland Museum, its approach has been about widening its comfort guidelines until it finds the right balance between energy consumption and user comfort,” said Steve White, account manager, Honeywell Building Solutions. “While we work with the facility on an ongoing basis to help identify new methods for improving operations, we’ve also set up the system so that it can run seamlessly in the background with little intervention needed.” “The success we have seen has been about partnership,” said Satchell. “My advice to any organisation embarking on a sustainability overhaul is to build a relationship with your supplier, because through ongoing collaboration real results will be seen.” Honeywell Building Solutions Contact info and more items like this at

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 17

case studies On-site solar for RSL club Energy Action has engineered a 50 kW solar power solution for Nyngan RSL Club in western NSW to cut the club’s operating costs and reduce its carbon footprint. With over 1500 members and 35 employees, Nyngan RSL Club has been serving the Nyngan community since 1960. Concerned about the potential future price rises in electricity and keen to understand the best way to go about minimising the club’s impact on the environment and reduce its carbon footprint, Nyngan RSL Club Manager Sharyn Martin contacted Energy Action for advice. “I really wanted the best possible advice on an on-site solar power installation as it was quite a large investment for the club,” Martin said. The club made the decision to install a 50 kW solar power system, which was commissioned in August 2013. Valued at almost $90,000, the system is expected to save the club approximately 18% in its energy bills per annum, and be fully repaid in under 10 years. “Our solar power installation will provide us with an additional energy source to complement our current power requirements, offsetting our energy bills and providing us with substantial savings into the future, whilst reducing our carbon footprint,” Martin said. Throughout the project Energy Action provided the advice, project management, and supply and installation requirements for the solar power solution, based on the specific requirements for the site. According to Edward Hanna, Energy Action’s director of sustainability solutions, “Our objective is to sit on the client’s side of the table so we can really understand their requirements and propose the most efficient solution for their site and business. “Electricity is used every single day by Nyngan RSL as they operate seven days a week, so it’s important for them to understand the best way to minimise their energy usage and power bills, and also have a more positive impact on the environment by reducing

18 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

their carbon footprint. We were delighted to partner with Sharyn Martin and the Nyngan RSL to engineer and deliver the most efficient solar solution for their club.” The club is now talking to Energy Action about other ways to minimise their energy usage, such as undertaking an energy audit to understand how energy is used throughout the club, and improvements in lighting and air conditioning to further reduce energy usage. Energy Action will continue to monitor and report on the performance of the on-site solar system to ensure it continues to deliver the positive financial and environmental outcomes for Nyngan RSL Club. Energy Action Contact info and more items like this at

The large-scale incineration or dumping of plastic films in landfills could soon be a thing of the past as new technologies seek to convert plastics into fuels and other useful products.

End of the road for landfill and incinerated plastics?


conomic factors and fundamental difficulties with handling and sorting at recycling facilities has resulted in plastic film recycling still being in the early stages of development, especially in comparison to recycling processes for dense rigid plastics such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used widely in the drinks industry. As a result, policy around the world has looked at alternative solutions to reduce the impact of plastic films, especially plastic bags, on the environment. Controversial policies have included the banning of single-use plastic bags and imposing charges on consumers. However, Axion Consulting - a UKbased waste processing consultancy specialising in plastics recycling - believes

it is now technically feasible and economically viable to begin the large-scale collection of low-grade plastic films for conversion into fuels and other recycled products. Speaking at the 12th European Gasification Conference - organised by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) in The Netherlands - Sam Haig, IChemE member and senior engineer at Axion Consulting, said: “Plastic films are lightweight and 2D in shape and can easily get mixed into other recycling streams, such as paper, causing contamination. “They also have a tendency to get trapped in recycling machinery requiring regular maintenance. As a result, plastic films have been excluded from most public household waste collection schemes around the world.

20 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

“However, a new generation of machinery uses a flow of air to help detect and remove around 95% of films from comingled kerbside waste collections1. The process is likely to be more economical and efficient than current machine-based and hand-picking operations. Importantly, the recycled films can be used for products including refuse sacks and signage for retailers.”2 Haig continued: “Our analysis also suggests that it is now economically viable to convert low-grade plastics into fuel. We studied five chemical engineering processes and concluded that three - fast pyrolysis; depolymerisation; and gasification with biological treatment - provided significant financial returns over a 10-year period. “The more efficient sorting of films at recycling facilities and the conversion to

Waste to fuel

Consumer products made from rigid plastics can be categorised into shortlife and long-life. The most common short-life applications are in product packaging and include bottles used for soft drinks polyethylene terephthalate (PET); milk - HDPE; cleaning products - polypropylene (PP) and HDPE; food trays - PP; and pots - PP. Long-life plastic items are generally parts of products in and of themselves: TVs, fridges, car parts, etc. There is a huge range of different types of plastic used in order to cater for particular niche requirements, but the main ones are PP and polystyrene (PS). Some plastics are governed by legislation dictating recycling targets. Plastic packaging is not subject to this type of legislation.

Why are some plastics currently not recycled?

fuels are clearly better solutions than disposal in landfills or by incineration. However, avoiding irresponsible disposal in the first place and increasing our efforts to re-use plastic films and bags should be the priority for everyone.”

Plastics and recycling - the facts The following information and opinions were provided by Sam Haig, Axion Consulting.

Plastics and consumer products Most consumer products made from films have short lives and include plastic shopping bags and wrapping for food such as bread, fruit and vegetables. Generally, these are made of low density polyethylene (LDPE) or high density polyethylene (HDPE).

Rigid plastics are much denser and more rigid than films. They are much easier to transport and handle in recycling facilities. Plastic films have a tendency to pick up and retain moisture and contamination much more than rigid plastics. This also makes them more difficult to identify during sorting. Many plastic films are constructed as multilayer sheets of several different types of plastic, which means they are not as easy to re-extrude to a suitable product. Commercial and public relations (PR) factors also influence recycling. Drinks manufacturers have rolled out PR initiatives to enable ‘closed loop’ recycling of their own bottles. The commercial values of recycled ‘clear’ PET and ‘natural’ HDPE streams are much higher than PP, PS and PVC (or coloured PET/HDPE).

What are the challenges when recycling plastics? All plastics have to be sorted to keep levels of contamination low. The challenge lies in separating the different plastic types and the end markets for the recycled products. Clear PET bottles are used almost exclusively for drinks, as are natural HDPE bottles. This means it is possible to sort on both polymer type and

colour to produce a food-grade plastic that can be remanufactured into a bottle. PP, which along with LDPE, HDPE and PET makes up the vast majority of consumer plastic packaging, is not as easily sorted. In the UK, many authorities do not collect them as part of their kerbside collections. Material recovery facilities (MRFs) are not typically set up to produce a purified PP stream. In addition, PP is used for fatty foods and cosmetics, which requires the packaging to be thoroughly washed before it can be re-extruded. Recycled PP cannot be re-used in food-grade packaging applications as non-food-grade PP makes up a large proportion of the PP waste and cannot yet be effectively sorted from food-grade PP. The recycled plastic can only be used as non-food-grade polymer attracting a lower value than food-grade. The economics of recycling PP are not as favourable as PET and HDPE.

Recycled plastics and fuel Depending on the technology used, lowgrade waste plastics can be converted into diesel or petrol-like products, or into synthesis gas (syngas). The product can undergo further processing into a variety of products including ethanol. Syngas can be used in an on-site combined heat and power (CHP) engine, or the diesel, gasoline and ethanol products can be blended with road fuels to power vehicles. Current technologies advertise a conversion ratio of 1000 kg waste plastic = 1000 L fuel oil; a syngas to ethanol plant could theoretically have a conversion ratio of 1000 kg waste plastic = 750 L ethanol. WRAP - Processing trials for household f i l m w a s t e : h t t p : / / w w w. w r a p . o r g . uk/sites/files/wrap/Processing% 20trials%20for%20household%20 film%20waste.pdf 2 WRAP - Post Consumer film Recycling: Recycling%20post%20consumer%20 film%20trials%20report.pdf 1

For further information aboutIChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers), visit For further details about Axion Consulting, which is a division of Axion Recycling Limited, visit

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 21

case studies Audit reveals over 40% in potential energy savings for manufacturer Cummins South Pacific signed up for an Energy Saver audit of the company’s Wetherill Park facility aiming to reduce energy costs by 25%. The management team was delighted when the audit found ways to reduce costs by more than 50% and cut carbon emissions by nearly 300 tonnes per year. A subsidiary of diesel engine manufacturer Cummins, Cummins South Pacific has operated locally for more than 40 years and employs 1600 people in Australia and New Zealand. Its Wetherill Park facility houses a sales office, a repair/maintenance workshop and a spare parts warehouse. When area director Paul Anscombe began his Six Sigma project targeting a 25% reduction in energy consumption at the Wetherill Park site, identifying potential energy savings wasn’t as simple as he’d first thought it would be. “Six Sigma projects require that you use robust data to support your business case,” he explained, “and I realised early on that we needed more data analytics.” An internet search led him to the Office of Environment and Heritage’s (OEH) Energy Saver program, which “not only provided us with that data but found additional opportunities to reduce our energy consumption and costs”, said Anscombe. “While the audit identified more than 40% in potential savings, trials of various recommendations enabled us to further fine-tune our business cases and find even more savings.” The biggest ticket item from the audit was the lighting upgrade, which included replacing 82 mercury-vapour high-bay lights with fluorescents; removing twin fluorescent fixtures in office areas and replacing them with single fluorescent units with highly efficient reflectors; and replacing halogen

downlights with LEDs in the other areas. “The audit recommended we replace each existing high-bay fixture with five 28 W fluorescents, but our trial revealed that four would be more than adequate and provide better quality light than had been there previously,” said Anscombe. “This is one recommendation we are especially excited about because it has become a test case that could potentially be used globally throughout the Cummins network.” Other projects recommended by the audit included: • installing occupancy sensors on lights and air conditioners in infrequently used areas; • installing dimming control and photocell detectors for the light fittings in the workshop and warehouse areas; • replacing electric heater units with a heat pump. “We are already seeing savings,” said Anscombe. “In January 2012 we were at 130 kWh per hour worked and at the end of August we were at 86 kWh per hour, which represents a 33% saving in kWh per hour of operation.” Next, the company plans to: • i mprove the existing power factor correction;

22 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

• install submetering in six locations to enable closer scrutiny of energy consumption throughout the complex and circuit monitoring/data logging to identify base load consumption; • modify the set points on air-conditioning units; • install a 10 kW grid-connected photovoltaic system. The total cost is estimated at just over $200,000, with a payback period of less than three years. Anscombe says implementing the audit recommendations was a ‘no-brainer’ as they will reduce Wetherill Park’s annual electricity use by 263 MWh, carbon emissions by nearly 300 tonnes and costs by over $59,000. “Reducing the company’s carbon footprint has been priority for Cummins for many years now,” he said. “Our environmental team is very happy with the audit outcomes and the potential to replicate some of the recommendations in other facilities. “Feedback from the environmental team at Cummins headquarters in the United States has also been very positive.” Office of Environment and Heritage NSW Contact info and more items like this at

case studies Sydney Markets wins global recycling award Sydney Markets has received a ‘Best Renewable Resources: Recycling’ award at the Global Sustainability Leadership Conference and Awards, a part of the World Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Congress. The company was shortlisted as the winner from over 2500 international entries. The award recognised Sydney Markets for its innovation and commitment to sustainable business practices, closing the loop and reducing its environmental footprint through waste management, recycling, and water and energy savings. Sydney Markets generates 20,000 tonnes of waste per annum but has increased its resource recovery rate from 17% in 2005 to 65% in 2013 by implementing a number of initiatives, including: • A Green Point Facility that operates daily to allow tenants to deliver waste to be sorted, separated and diverted into eight waste streams including organic, cardboard/paper, timber, steel, plastic, polystyrene, steel and concrete. • Working with Veolia Environmental Services to collect and transport waste streams with the aim of diverting the majority of the organic waste produced. Over 4000 tonnes of organic waste are processed each year by EarthPower Technologies using anaerobic digestion technology to con-

24 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

vert solid and liquid wastes using bacteria into a biogas and a sludge that is dried to produce a high nutrient organic fertiliser. • The on-site recycling of polystyrene using a machine at Sydney Markets Flemington that has resulted in over 50 tonnes per annum of polystyrene or the equivalent of over 200,000 boxes being recycled. • The daily collection and recycling of plastic film in excess of 30 tonnes per annum. • The re-using and recycling of timber pallets with damaged pallets being shredded and turned into garden mulch. About 1156 tonnes of timber pallets were recycled in 2013. • Reducing paper consumption by 30% since 2011 with the introduction of electronic invoicing to tenants, sending information by email and staff education. • Working with Planet Ark to recycle over 120 kg of printer cartridges and old mobile phones in 2013. The company’s investment in its recycling program has reduced its waste disposal costs by over $7 million since 2005. More recent initiatives include the collection of fluorescent tubes, light bulbs, batteries and e-waste; and water recycling plans will be incorporated in Sydney Markets’ environmental management plans in the near future. In addition, Sydney Markets has introduced energy- and waterefficiency measures. The introduction of energy-efficient lighting and sensor-controlled light fittings has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by over 6000 tonnes to date. Smart water meters, the use of a rainwater tank and the retrofitting of public toilets have meanwhile reduced water consumption by 22% in 2013 when compared to 2011. “Sydney Markets is the largest distribution centre in the Southern Hemisphere and we are committed to reducing, reusing and recycling as our core environmental management philosophy,” said Brad Latham, CEO of Sydney Markets. “This award validates our efforts to continuously improve by adopting initiatives that create more sustainable operations in partnership with our tenants, employees and partners.”

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high performance, low cost of ownership

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case studies Water treatment at the source







TOLL FREE 1300 363 163 26 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

Western Water’s Rosslynne Water Filtration Plant (WFP), located in Gisborne, Victoria, has had an innovative water treatment process implemented that will help to provide high-quality water to local properties. The plant was shut down during the Millennium Drought after the Rosslynne Reservoir dropped to below 4% of its 25,400 ML capacity, at which point customers in the Macedon Ranges were switched to the Melbourne drinking water system. When the plant was reopened, its water quality was found to be not up to standard. The reservoir refilled in 2011 and 2012, swamping vegetation that had grown on the edges and leading to high levels of organics in the water. The existing plant was unable to treat these levels. Western Water worked with consulting company GHD to tailor a solution. The innovation was to dose powdered activated carbon (PAC) at concentrations tailored to achieve the required removal of variable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels in Rosslynne source water. The PAC particles loaded with DOC are removed by the existing dissolved air flotation process at the plant.

Running from May 2012 to January 2014, the project involved bench- and full-scale pilot testing, followed by full-scale construction at the existing Rosslynne WFP. In addition, works to optimise the removal of manganese and to fluoridate the treated water were implemented. “This is an excellent example of how innovative thinking can help water utilities reduce costs and create additional value from their existing assets,” said GHD Project Director Michael Chapman. “This solution builds on GHD’s work with Western Water towards an integrated sustainable water supply strategy.” With greater utilisation of the local water supply, there will be less need to buy and pump water from Melbourne. As noted by Western Water Managing Director Neil Brennan, this will save on costs and emissions. Brennan further stated, “With work on a pipeline to the town of Lancefield now underway, all our Macedon Ranges towns will have access to high-quality local water.” GHD Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

research & development Kangaroo Island bounds into renewable energy Funded by the state government’s RenewablesSA program, the $500,000 Kangaroo Island Visible Solar Project boasts the first dual-axis solar trackers in Australia to power electric vehicles. The solar array system, which is installed at the Kangaroo Island Airport, tracks the sun and is said to increase energy output by 30% compared to a fixed system (generating 100 MWh a year enough to power 13 homes). Solar power provider Ingenero delivered a solar PV system and electric vehicle charge network to maximise benefits to the Kangaroo Island community. The company’s national sales manager, Patrick Greene, said, “Ingenero worked collaboratively with council to deliver a solution that not only powers the entire airport but reduces fuel costs and emissions, whilst also providing the island with another ecotourism attraction. “We recommended the dualaxis trackers to the council because we had seen from previous projects the trackers perform better than static panels. By following the path of the sun throughout the day, the panels are exposed to sunlight for a longer period of time, maximising power production.” The council was further able to install a 14 kW rooftop solar system at the Kingscote Town Hall to offset its power bill there; install infrastructure to recharge electric cars (at the airport, Kingscote, Penneshaw, Parndana and American River); and

lease three Nissan LEAF electric vehicles, two of which can be hired by the public. The excess power produced at the airport, in addition to the rooftop solar system, will support the charging of the Nissan vehicles. Mayor Jayne Bates said the project will deliver financial benefits to the community as well as environmental ones, stating, “It’s a terrific project and part of this island’s quest to generate more of its own electricity, which has been one of the key barriers to encouraging growth and development here. “The solar trackers at the airport have already shown an 80% reduction in energy costs (inclusive of use of green energy and exporting surplus power to the grid), equating to around $24,000 per annum in savings at the airport alone.” The project is already gaining interest from national and international parties. Within the first few months of commissioning the infrastructure, the project became a catalyst for interest in potential value-added investment into the renewable energy and business sector on the island. “We are confident that Kangaroo Island can build on this significant opportunity provided by the SA government,” said Kangaroo Island Council CEO Andrew Boardman. “We are already receiving significant domestic and overseas interest in the potential expansion of green energy infrastructure on Kangaroo Island.”

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 27

research & development Powering batteries with protons and hydrogen Researchers at RMIT University have developed a concept battery based on storing protons produced by splitting water, thus advancing the potential for hydrogen to replace lithium as an energy source in battery-powered devices. Their concept for the ‘proton flow battery’ has been published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Lead researcher Associate Professor John Andrews said the name came about as “only an inflow of water is needed in the charge mode, and air in discharge mode”. The concept integrates a metal hydride storage electrode into a reversible proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. During charging, protons produced from splitting water are directly combined with electrons and metal particles in one electrode of the fuel cell, forming a solid-state metal hydride as the energy storage. To resupply electricity, this process is reversed. The hydrogen storage electrode was “found to have acceptably high proton and electron conductivities”, said the researchers, with a hydrogen storage capacity “measured to be 0.6 wt% of hydrogen, although the amount of hydrogen recovered to run the device in fuel cell mode was much lower”. In principle, the energy efficiency of the battery could be as high as that of a lithium-ion battery, while storing more energy per unit mass and volume. The proton flow battery concept eliminates the need for the production,

storage and recovery of hydrogen gas, which currently limit the efficiency of conventional hydrogen-based electrical energy storage systems. Associate Professor Andrews added, “Powering batteries with protons has the potential to be a much more economical device than using lithium ions, which have to be produced from relatively scarce mineral, brine or clay resources.” Associate Professor Andrews said the concept combines the best aspects of hydrogen fuel cells and battery-based

electrical power. He said hydrogen has “great potential as a clean power source and this research advances the possibilities for its widespread use from consumer electronic devices to large electricity grid storage and electric vehicles”. However, noted the researchers, “additional research is still required to enhance both storage capacity and reversibility”.

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Intelligent water:

how unique technologies are driving efficiencies in water management Derek Vogelsang, Business Technology Practice Leader, MWH Global

In a world of constrained water resources and extreme weather events that can often disrupt water supply, effective water management is paramount. The challenges of managing water supply and security have contributed to rising costs for customers in recent years.


ater utilities across the board are being challenged to reduce the costs of supply and to look at ways to deliver water more efficiently. Specific technologies developed for water utilities can enable infrastructure to be managed more efficiently and drive savings for the end user.

Pressures on water management The cost of water for customers in Australia has risen on average by at least 15% in the past year alone. This, combined with rising living costs more generally, and the pressure to maintain positive customer sentiment and meet regulatory requirements, is placing significant pressure on utilities to reduce the cost of water.

Water companies are looking at ways to reduce operating costs so that savings can be passed on to customers. A large part of their focus is on operational efficiency across their networks.

Driving efficiencies is key Developing more operationally efficient water networks will ensure economic benefits, as well as provide other advantages such as improved network reliability and a reduction in customers impacted by emergency incidents. This enhanced level of service can both meet and exceed ever-growing customer expectations. In response to the situation faced by water utilities, MWH Global has been developing a technology solution to allow more efficient operation of water networks, helping water utilities to significantly reduce their operational expenditure.

The challenge for Adelaide In 2010, SA Water engaged the Waterlink Joint venture which comprised MWH Global, Tonkin and Parsons Brinkerhoff to deliver the interconnection of the Adelaide water supply network. The outcome of this $403 million investment would improve flexibility and reliability of supply, improve water security during events such as prolonged drought and increase capacity to allow for demand from population growth until 2050. SA Water required decision support tools to help the organisation make informed choices to get the best out of the new infrastructure and deliver for its customers. MWH and its business intelligence service, which provides tools and software to drive efficiencies in operations and asset management, were required to design and develop a suite of sophisticated, decision-support tools, to enable the optimal operation of the Adelaide water supply network.

Unique technology solution MWH has worked closely with SA Water to develop a suite of tools that can de-

30 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

Water management

liver valuable operational and predictive analytics, ensuring that both current and future maintenance and operations are taken into account. A demand forecasting tool is capable of calculating demand (how much, where and when) across the entire network at 30-minute intervals, seven days a week. This means that at any point in time, SA Water can generate a demand profile across the network, allowing the organisation to carefully balance supply and demand at all times. A distribution optimisation tool provides a clear picture of how this demand can best be met - by analysing how much water needs to be supplied to meet demand against the available water (in dams, pumping from the River Murray, and the new desalination plant). This tool analyses the cost of different supply options and can generate a 30day and two-year outlook to map how water can most efficiently be sourced. A network operations model uses a hydraulic model of the network and con-

nects it to live supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) information to predict the performance of every asset in the network at any point in time. This means that if there is an event, eg, a burst or water quality incident, the model can track what is happening in real time as well as predict the implications of the event on other assets. A network status display brings all information across the entire network - across asset management, geographic information system, water quality, billing and meteorology - into one single portal to enable fully informed decisions to be made. Most water organisations tend to be siloed in their information management so having all of the relevant information together in one place is a unique and valuable capability.

New ground in water management and delivery

ics - what is happening now across the network and how should we respond to it - but also predictive analytics - what will happen in the future. Combined, these tools give SA Water access to a wealth of information not previously available. The technology has the potential to create significant operational efficiencies, in turn delivering customer service improvements and minimising costs. Other benefits likely to be realised include reduction in customers impacted by events, improved water quality event detection, improved reliability and transparency in decision-making, and real-time modelling and response to emergency incidents. Added to this, the depth and breadth of data generated by these tools will make regulatory compliance a much easier task for both regulators and utilities - a win-win for efficient water management. MWH Australia Pty Ltd

These tools are unique in that they not only enable real-time operational analyt-

Contact info and more items like this at

n products & services

Air/gas mass flow meter The ST102A Air/Gas Thermal Mass Flow Meter from Fluid Components International features a dual-element averaging system, improving installation repeatability and accuracy for larger diameter pipes and ducts. The transmitter electronics average the input from two independent flow elements into a single output. Each flow element can be independently configured for insertion length and process connection to allow installation flexibility. One flow element can be integral with the flow transmitter, or both can be configured as remote for easier access and visibility to the digital display/optical four-button user interface. The flow transmitter also provides independent information for each flow element. The product offers feature- and function-rich electronics to meet plant gas flow measurement in large line applications, whether the need is for traditional analog outputs or digital bus communications. Should a plant’s DCS or PLC interface change over time, the product adapts as necessary with a plug-in card replacement that can be changed out in the field. The graphical, multivariable, backlit LCD display/readout provides a continuous display of all process measurements and alarm status, and the ability to interrogate for service diagnostics. The flow meter stores up to five calibration groups to accommodate broad flow ranges, differing mixtures of the same gas and multiple gases, and obtains up to 1000:1 turndown. An onboard data logger contains a removable 2 GB micro-SD memory card capable of storing 21 million readings. The product can be calibrated to measure virtually any process gas, including moist gas, mixed composition gases and dirty gases. The basic insertion-style air/ gas meter features a thermal flow sensing element that measures flow from 0.07 to 305 NMPS with accuracy of ±0.75% of reading, ±0.5% of full scale. Designed for rugged industrial processes and plants, the device is suitable for service up to 454°C and agency approved for hazardous environments. AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 31

n products & services

External mix spray nozzles Exair’s external mix spray nozzles atomise fluids in a range of spray patterns for a wide variety of uses. The devices are suitable where a high volume of liquid is needed. They can be used on liquids with a viscosity up to 800 cp. The nozzles are available in a round or flat pattern. They combine liquid and compressed air to create a coating of liquid that can be easily adjusted to meet the needs of each application. With the company’s external mix atomising nozzles, the user can coat, cool, treat and paint a variety of products. Used with water, atomising nozzles are an efficient way to evenly cool hot items in an automated process. As they are external mix, airflow and liquid flow can be controlled independently, providing precise liquid flow. The stainless steel construction of the atomising nozzles adds to their durability and corrosion resistance. Compressed Air Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Breathable pallet wrap Numerous products rely on aeration. Beer and fruit juice is packed hot and, wrapped with conventional stretch wrap, can be prone to condensation issues. Other products like dairy, ice cream and meat need cooling/deep freezing before transportation. Air-Flow is a macro-perforated stretch film structure and has been developed especially for products that need to ‘breathe’. The product is said to deliver reduced packaging costs and lower waste, eliminating condensation while allowing ventilation. The film fulfils the need to tightly wrap goods on a pallet while giving the advantage of aeration. It is forklift friendly and has no reduction in width, plus good grip and visibility. Australian Warehouse Solutions Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Transforming water quality monitoring NEW! smarTROLL™ Handheld Use your smartphone instead of a propriety meter with the new smarTROLL handheld meter. See results instantly and eliminate training time with this industry-first water monitoring smartphone app. The smarTROLL can be used for surface water and groundwater monitoring and for aquaculture spot checks.

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n products & services

Submersible pressure transmitter The Trafag 8432 series Ex Submersible pressure transmitter features thick-film-onceramic sensor technology. Other features include: measurement ranges from 0..+100 mbar to +25 bar; output is 4-20 mA with enhanced EMC protection; the media temperature of the instrument is from -25 to +80°C and accuracy is ±0.2% FS typical NLH @ +25°C (BSL through 0). The unit comes with standard PUR cable with PE or PTFE optional. Standard ranges are available with custom constructions possible and approvals to IECEX and ATEX. Dart Instruments Contact info and more items like this at

Ion chromatograph for routine analysis Metrohm has launched the 930 Compact IC Flex, a compact ion chromatograph developed for the requirements of contract laboratories and QC laboratories in various industries as well as the public sector. The product provides flexibility and ease of use for routine analysis. The device is entirely modular by design. Users can select from a comprehensive range of components to configure the custom solution they need to meet their particular analytical requirements. An online configurator provides support in selecting from the numerous modules and components. A few clicks are all it takes to design a custom system. There is a broad variety of options, including suppression (sequential, chemical or no suppression); detection (conductivity, UV/VIS, amperometric); and automation (inline dilution, inline ultrafiltration, inline dialysis). The system can be fitted with separation columns of any base material, selectivity, capacity and dimensions. The system is self-monitoring, as all system and method parameters are permanently checked against the respective limits and standards. Results can be traced back to every single step of the analysis including sample preparation, making users prepared for even tough audits. Combined with the 941 Eluent Production Module, the product integrates automated inline preparation of eluents of any composition and concentration. The ELGA PURELAB flex5/6 ultrapure water system can even be directly connected to the system. In this set-up, conventional tap water can be used for ion chromatography.


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April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 33

8:24 AM

n products & services

Height-adjustable pipe supports LED floodlight range With a brilliant white wide beam ensuring a consistent and clear light source, the Light Eco LED Floodlight range is a suitable choice for security applications, car parks, building facades and sport fields. The range combines the latest efficient COB Bridge lux chip technology and Mean Well driver, wrapped in a robust weatherproof IP65 housing using good thermal heat management. The product is said to offer a long-life, maintenance-free floodlighting solution and is available from 20 to 480 W. Ilum-a-lite Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Swift Metals Services offers pipe supports to the water, energy, oil and gas industries. The company manufactures its height-adjustable flange mount pipe support system in galvanised or powder-coated finishes. Alternatively, the pipe saddles and tube supports can be formed from stainless steel for additional corrosion resistance. Manufactured in Australia from local and imported components, Anchorage Height Adjustable Pipe Supports are composed of a pipe flange mounting, with adjusting collar, grub screw and locknut, and are supplied complete with a welded baseplate and stanchion. The centreline of the pipe support system can be adjusted up to 120 mm to accommodate height variations across undulating terrain, without the need for cutting or welding on-site. No tailoring, welding, fabricating or cutting of the pipe support mechanism is required on-site, meaning trucks equipped with welding equipment and qualified welding personnel are similarly unneeded. A secondary benefit is the versatility of installation in gas fields or areas where there is a danger of fire or explosion: as no welding or cutting is required on-site, users do not need to obtain regulatory hot work permits. Pipelines, depressurisation stations and pumping stations are said to be quicker to install with the pipe supports, saving on time, workload and cost - particularly on remote sites, where accommodation and travel can add substantially to capital costs. SWIFT Metal Services Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

We WANT to tell you about it ... But we can’t. We want to tell you why this new technology is a game-changing evolution for civil, industrial, and commercial water industry partners. But we really can’t. This unspeakably brilliant product is being launched at Ozwater’14 as part of a coordinated worldwide event, so for now we can’t say a word – even though our R&D boffins have impressed all of us with this development. We JUST CAN’T! Please come to Ozwater’14 from 29 April, for Bürkert’s Big Reveal. If you’re not at Ozwater’14, keep watching & we’ll catch up soon! We make ideas flow. Tel 1300 888 868

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[Don’t try calling about the new product launch though – we can’t tell!]

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34 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

19/03/2014 3:54:46 PM

n products & services

Power supply The PULS UB20.241 DC UPS uninterruptible power supply has been designed to be connected on the output side of a 24 VDC power supply and back up critical 24 VDC loads such as PLCs, RTUs and HMIs in the event of a power failure. The unit manages and monitors two 12 V batteries that are connected in series. When power is present, the UPS charges and monitors the batteries as well as isolating the 24 VDC load connected to its output from the input supply. When it detects that power has been lost, it provides output power from the batteries while continuing to monitor each battery. The device can be used with batteries that range from 3.9 to 130 Ah. It is powerful yet compact, measuring as little as 46 mm in width. Other features include adjustable output voltage in buffer mode and negligible voltage dips or overshoots when transitioning from normal to buffer mode. The unit also has extensive diagnostic and monitoring functions. Control Logic Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Ultrasonic level sensor The Model ULSS ultrasonic level sensor provides non-contact, continuous ultrasonic level measurement of fluids for short-range applications. Ultrasonic technology paired with automatic temperature compensation provides accurate and reliable measurements in almost all conditions. The product has failsafe logic that is easily configured to custom applications via free software, removing the need for target calibration. Using the software, the device can be programmed to transmit an output signal as well as set the four relays for control applications. The rugged design comes with a NEMA 6P submersible enclosure rating to ensure a long-lasting unit. The level sensor has a narrow beam width and a short, selectable dead band. It is suitable for use with dirty, corrosive or sticky fluids, as well as in bulk containers, small tanks and sumps. Dwyer Instruments (Aust) Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 35

n products & services

Rotary lobe blowers Aqualab Scientific is recognised as a leader in the environmental industry, supplying quality brands that customers have known and trusted for years.

Water Quality Instruments Water Quality Multiprobes measure and store temp, pH, conductivity, LDO (luminescent dissolved oxygen), self-cleaning turbidity, chlorophyll a, bluegreen algae, redox, depth etc.. in one rugged housing.

Water Level Sensors CBS Compact Bubbler Level Sensor Low Maintenance, low power with an intelligent pump strategy, no pump maintenance or lubrication required. SDI-12, 4-20mA. RLS Radar Level Sensor Contactless and energyefficient water level measurement. Flat antenna and inconspicuous design housing using diving bell principle. 35m range SDI-12, 4-20mA, RS-485.

Water Level Data Loggers Diver Data Loggers have become an industry standard in the measurement of water level and salinity in groundwater and surface water applications. The pressure transducer, temperature sensor, salinity sensor, data logger and battery are integrated into a single robust device.

Tyr rotary lobe blowers are high-performance generators for vacuum and overpressure which can be used for wastewater treatment, specifically in aeration applications. The robust design ensures the product is reliable and operationally dependable. The blower is available in six different sizes, which can be individually adjusted to suit any application by selecting the drive and variable speed. The product is suited for aeration with overpressure, eg, aeration of fish tanks and biofilters. It is energy efficient and service friendly due to the non-contact design, whereby no operating fluid is required in the compression chamber. The three-blade rotary blowers operate with two mounted parallel rotary pistons, which rotate in opposite directions within housing. The pumped medium is sealed in the space between the rotors and housing, where it is compressed and pumped through the housing to the gas discharge by the rotary motion and discharged. Once the medium has been compressed during the blower stage, it flows through the downstream discharge silencer. The operating pressure, filter and gear oil level can be monitored via displays on the housing/sound-absorbing cabinet. The maximum nominal pumping speed offered by the largest of the blowers is 15.4-73 m3/min and many accessories are available, including an acoustic enclosure for noise-level reduction, making the blower very quiet. A non-return valve and heat sensor are also available. Busch Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Handheld oscilloscopes Micsig handheld oscilloscopes feature touch-screen technology. With bandwidths ranging from 70 up to 200 MHz, two channels and a 1 GSa/s sampling rate, the unit is suitable for laboratory testing or field service applications across a wide range of industry sectors. High-performance features include isolated inputs for safely carrying out floating measurements; up to 190,000 wfms/s refresh rate; support for serial bus protocol trigger and decode (1553B/429/UART/232/485/LIN/CAN/SPI/12C) in both graphic and text modes; and multifunction operation including digital oscilloscope, digital multimeter and recorder. In oscilloscope mode, the units offer a wide range of trigger types, 31 automatic measurements and maths functions including FFT. Isolated input versions offer up to 1000 V CAT II 600 V CAT III maximum channel floating voltage. Users have three operation modes in touch-screen operation: moving the waveform, zooming in and out and menu option selection. The units offer a large 5.7″ TFT LCD, which not only provides users with a sharp 640 x 480 high-resolution display but also offers a user-selectable indoor (black background) or outdoor (white background) display mode, making the models particularly useful in field service applications. The Li-ion batteries provide users with up to 6 h continuous operation. A USB host and slave interface allows users to easily download captured waveforms, as well as connect the oscilloscopes to a PC. Emona Instruments Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

36 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

n products & services

DC surge protection device A range of DC surge protective devices that protect DC applications, including LTE (4G) GSM sites, is available from DEHN + SOHNE. The DEHNsecure range is available for 60, 220 and 242 VDC and fulfils the requirements in accordance with the lightning protection zones concept including the cross-boundary DC lines as per IEC 62305-4. The internal structure of the DEHNsecure spark gap is suited for use in DC circuits. The spark gap prevents mains follow currents from occurring. DEHNsecure arresters are used for railway DC control circuits, emergency safety lighting, emergency power supplies, remote radio heads (RRH), DC systems for direct supply of DC drives control circuits and any kind of battery-operated power supply. A modular device, the DEHNsecure product range is a coordinated lightning current arrester with a discharge capacity of 25 kA (10/350) and a functional design. They are energy coordinated with Class II type surge arresters without requiring a decoupling device or additional cable length. Their electrical parameters are rated for the most stringent requirements in lightning and surge protection systems. The modular design of the DEHNsecure arresters makes them safe and user friendly. The vibration-proof-tested module locking system, for example, is said to be unique. The mechanically coded base section and protection module prohibits installing an incorrect replacement module. DEHNsecure arresters incorporate double terminals for connecting conductors, allowing series connection of the arresters in a space-saving and cost-effective way according to IEC 60364-5-53 requirements. The operational status/fault indication provides real-time information regarding the operational status of the arrester even if no operating current is present. The DC arresters are classified as Class I type arresters according to EN 61643-11 and IEC 61643-1/11. DEHN + SOHNE GmbH + Co KG Contact info and more items like this at

Oil in water analysis - simply and quickly! The OCMA-310 features: • Built-in extraction system which speeds up sample processing • On screen messages with operator instructions and process status • Automatic standard calibration with a range of 0-200 mg/L or higher with dilution • Small footprint • ASTM method D7066-04 and APHA 5520C Typical applications • Waste water discharge, influent and effluent • Oil/water separation process efficiency • Storage tank cleaning discharge • Water quality surveys and waste sites • Bilge and ballast discharge



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April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 37

n products & services

HVLS fans Hurll Nu-Way’s SkyBlade HVLS (highvelocity, low-speed) fans use aircraft STOL technology. The fans deliver efficiency to heating and cooling systems by reducing run time and cycles and improving overall comfort. The user saves money by operating heating and air-conditioning systems less frequently, reducing the need for heating in the cold months through destratification of hot air pockets and increasing air velocity to assist air-conditioning systems in warm months. STOL (short take-off and landing) technology is designed to provide maximum lift to aircraft for short field take-off and landings. The technology is incorporated within the design of the air foil, making the fans more efficient and aerodynamic while operating at full speed. The fans are available in sizes 30 to 50 cm. The smallest model covers 1050 m2, while the biggest in the range covers 2917 m2, delivering 20-30% savings in energy. It takes just a couple of hours to install and has low operating costs and a low carbon footprint, making the product friendly for business, people and the environment. The fans are suitable for warehouse/manufacturing facilities, work-out/gym facilities, educational facilities, retail facilities, indoor arenas, places of worship and auto dealers. Hurll Nu-Way Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Handheld XRF analysers An XRF analyser uses a controlled beam of radiation to excite the electrons in a sample, causing the elements to ‘fluoresce’. Each element fluoresces at a specific energy level, which can be identified as a characteristic peak. A higher peak indicates a greater concentration of an element. Olympus provides light and compact analysers for smaller companies. The Delta Professional handheld X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyser has been developed for the alloy and NDT sectors, especially companies conducting analysis of manufactured and scrap materials such as stainless steel and a wide range of other alloy types. Also available from Olympus is the GoldXpert, a stylish and functional benchtop precious metals analyser for the new and second-hand precious metals market. The unit was designed to be compact and attractive. It is easy to use and provides carat and compositional analysis results with one push of a button. Traditionally, XRF has been used for grading ore, exploration, metallurgy and mine site remediation and closure. The technology can also be used for scrap metal recycling and by environmental consultancies specialising in contaminated land remediation. Olympus Australia Pty Ltd Contact info and more items like this at

Ammonium and nitrate sensor The Hach Lange AN-ISE sc combination sensor for ammonium and nitrate features a probe which uses Cartrical technology. This is claimed to provide reliable measured values and reduced maintenance time and costs in comparison with conventional ISE probes. The system comes as a complete system - the probe is installed on the side of the tank and an SC controller completes the system. It can be extended to include an automatic cleaning unit with a compressor. Hach Company Contact info and more items like this at

38 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

Solar 2014 Conference and Exhibition 8-9 May 2014 Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Solar 2014 The Australian Solar Council together with international partner AUPVSEE present the 52nd annual Australian Solar Council Industry Conference & Exhibition on 8-9 May 2014 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre. Solar 2014 is free to attend* and will focus on delivering expert analysis and opinion, and showcasing the latest technologies from solar and renewables, energy efficiency and the sustainable built environment industries. The event will feature three concurrent conference sessions: • Industry and policy stream • Solar installer and designer professional development training • Scientific and research stream* The event will also include an extensive industry exhibition, with over 100 exhibitors.

The industry and policy conference session will host a continuous stream of presentations from industry experts, covering diverse topics from current policy and market analysis, to financing of projects and industry case studies along with government representative updates. Solar 2014 is working with the Solar Energy Industries Association to deliver solar installer and designer professional development training. This training will be free to attend and delegates may be eligible for CPD points towards accreditation. The Australian Solar Council’s scientific and research conference session will also be held over the two days and features approximately 100 peer-reviewed academic papers. A registration fee does apply for this session. Don’t miss this important industry program - join in and share your thoughts at

the open forums, discuss current industry concerns and issues, and address the future outlook for the solar industry. The Solar 2014 exhibition has a wide range of international and Australian participants providing the opportunity to network directly with policymakers, industry players, experts and consumers. Registration for the Solar 2014 Conference & Exhibition is now open via the event website: The official launch of the Australian Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition will be held alongside the Solar 2014 show. For further details, visit www. For further information, visit www. *Registration fees will apply to attend the Australian Solar Council’s research and scientific conference sessions.

April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 39

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18 – 19 June 2014

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Keynotes — Industry leaders will share their expertise and experiences with you. Workshops — Always popular, and included in your general conference registration, the workshops will give you a more in-depth look at selected topics including: • Advanced radio over IP • Mobile broadband and LTE for critical communications • Implementing a digital radio solution — change management • In-building distributed antenna systems Industry stream — Case studies and papers focusing on key sectors and users of radio and converged communications: • Public safety and emergency management • Mining and the wider resources sector • Utilities • Transportation • Government and enterprise Technology @ work stream — A broad selection of papers on technologies used in the field, often using case study examples, will deliver critical technical content to you and your colleagues. Exhibition – and don’t forget, an exhibition with dozens of local and international manufacturers and distributors will have their experts on hand to help you find the solutions you’re looking for. In conjunction with the NSW ARCIA networking dinner, 18 June @ Dockside, Cockle Bay Wharf In association with:

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Legislation, governance, programs and industry links to help guide your sustainability development.

Is there opportunity for desalination in Australian agriculture? With desalination plants now being a key water source in many urban contexts in Australia, it is time to look beyond the urban landscape to how desalination could benefit other industries, whether they be agriculture or mining. Currently, desalinated water produced worldwide still comprises less than 1% of total worldwide water use, and only 2% of total desalinated water production is currently used for agriculture. Ozwater’14, Australia’s International Water Conference and Exhibition, will bring together the leaders in water management from the urban, rural and mining sectors to discuss and debate the best ways to manage water in an environment of competing demands from the various sectors. At this year’s event being held at the end of April, there will be specific streams to explore the rural water issues and emerging research and developments on the diversification of water sources. One of the key speakers for this stream is Olga Barron from CSIRO Land and Water, who will discuss the opportunities for desalination in Australian agriculture. Barron will discuss the first national assessment of desalination opportuni-

ties in agriculture funded by the National Centre of Excellence in Desalination Australia (NCEDA) and undertaken by CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country National Flagship and Valoriza Agua Ltd (Spain). This assessment determined that successful implementation of desalination technologies in agriculture is required for adaptation of a combined ‘food and water production’ concept, when the opportunities for an increase in agricultural productivity due to higher water quality and more efficient use will lead to overall cost-effective agricultural enterprise. Other notable speakers at Ozwater’14 include international keynote speakers:

Editor Carolyn Jackson email: Chief Editor Janette Woodhouse Editorial Assistant Lauren Davis Westwick-Farrow Publishing A.B.N. 22 152 305 336

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Margaret Catley-Carlson from Canada, who is chair of the Wastewater Group, UN Secretary General Advisory Board (Water); and Benedito Braga from France who is president, World Water Council. They will share their knowledge of global water issues and will captivate you with their stories. These speakers will be supported by a diverse selection of technical and strategic speakers from Australia and beyond. In addition to the comprehensive conference program, there will be seminars, workshops, networking functions and the water trade exhibition. For further information, visit

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April/May 2014 - Sustainability Matters 41

In my opinion Robert Smith of Sustainable Focus will deliver a seminar with lessons learnt from the SA Pathology solar shading project and other renewable energy projects at ARBS 2014.

ARBS 2014 will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 20-22 May 2014. Seminar registrations are open on the ARBS website:

Solar shading matters Sunny South Australia is leading the way in solar shading


n a flagship project for Adelaide, SA Pathology’s innovative Hanson Institute building upgrade is a landmark for Australian sustainable building design. The Hanson Institute building, one of SA Pathology’s main buildings, now has eaves made up of photovoltaic cells installed around the building. The eaves double up as window shades, providing additional comfort for staff and the PV cells generate electricity. The system, designed by Sustainable Focus, is claimed to be possibly the largest installation of its kind in Australia. While solar shading has been in use in Europe since the late 1990s, it has not been applied broadly in Australia, but this benchmark project may change all that. It’s a winner on multiple fronts, with SA Pathology avoiding the need to substantially upgrade its existing air-conditioning system and simultaneously obtaining good building performance improvements. Energy bills are down and greenhouse gas emissions will reduce by 100 tonnes a year. The project is predicted to pay for itself within five years and was commended in the Energy Efficiency Council awards for ‘Best Commercial Building Energy Efficiency Project’ in 2013. The solar shading project delivers a range of benefits including: • reduced solar gain, which in turn reduces cooling demand and therefore energy consumption of chillers; • solar power generation with the integration of renewable embedded generation; • increased occupant comfort levels (the building windows previously recorded 60°C in summer). The solar shading project, however, is just the latest enhancement to a program of works undertaken by SA Pathology and Sustainable Focus over the past 10 years. “Solar shading is certainly an exciting technology, but it’s not a silver bullet,” says Robert Smith,

42 Sustainability Matters - April/May 2014

technical director of Sustainable Focus. “It should absolutely be considered in conjunction with a range of other improvements to building performance.” Sustainable Focus has worked in partnership with SA Pathology since 2004 to implement wide-ranging energy and water saving initiatives to become more energy efficient, reduce costs and engage staff in sustainable practices. SA Pathology’s buildings are a combined 25,000 m 2, with the largest facility a sprawling 18,000 m 2 across seven floors and three linked buildings. As a pathology facility, the refrigeration demands are enormous. While seeking improvements for the buildings and the working environment, it was essential that changes did not compromise operations. Substantial energy savings were achieved by improving air-conditioning control and through a comprehensive lighting upgrade. Another innovation was the installation of a bespoke polyurethane panel, which cost approximately six times less than installing factory doors at the facility. It’s this kind of thinking that delivers Australia’s best buildings. “Looking at a building - or a complex - requires a whole-of-system approach. Looking to introduce new technologies for technology’s sake is far less beneficial than considering which suite of improvements will maximise building performance,” says Smith. “And it’s important not to overlook simple changes like occupant behaviour or smarter programming of building automation systems.” Elements of SA Pathology’s sustainable building initiatives included: • o verhauling building and refrigeration equipment controls to optimise performance; • s witching to more energy-efficient lighting solutions; • s aving approximately 1,500,000 L per year in treated mains water; Overall, the project delivers a massive 1.25 million kWh reduction in energy use each year. This project shows that solar shading, in conjunction with other sustainability initiatives, has an exciting future in Australia.

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