CENTRAL VIRGINIA design ✦ improve ✦ garden ✦ live HOME FALL 2022 Fall FOR THE VIEW COLOR is back COZY FIRE PITS delicious TAILGATING

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cvhomemagazine.com 13 CONTENTS Central Virginia HOME Fall 2022 49 23 92 FIRE23 FEATURES Warm up the season with a fire pit or fireplace BY MITZI BIBLE READERS’49 FAVORITES Find the perfect partner for your next project RUSTIC92 CHIC Hillside home invites in the great outdoors BY CARTER HEALD BENDALL SECRET119 ROOMS Spaces hiding in plain sight BY CHARLOTTE A.F. FARLEY 119 FACEBOOK: HOME Magazine INSTAGRAM: @ homemagva Cover photo: Michael Patch

14 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 FALL 2022 43 7834 88DESIGN BEGUILING43 BENCHES Banquettes uplift your seating style BY MARGIE LIPPARD UPCYCLING106 BOOKCASES Creative ways to reuse shelves BY SLOANE LUCAS COLOR124 IS BACK! How to slide the scale from blah to ta-dah BY KENDALL ATKINS LIVICK IMPROVE FIRST39 IMPRESSIONS Decorative garage doors bring flair to your home BY PAULA PETERS CHAMBERS CLEAN88 BY DESIGN Laundry spaces with function and personality BY JESSIE THOMPSON CHECK114 OFF YOUR LIST A year in the life of home maintenance BY AMELIA POORE GARDEN A34TASTE OF SUNSHINE Grow citrus at home BY JANE RENNYSON THE84 GREEN CARPET Your sod and lawn care primer BY KATHERINE FULGHUM KNOPF LIVE THE78 SMART HOME How tech can make life easier BY BECKY CALVERT GAME110 DAY DELICIOUS Addictive foods to make year-round BY SARAH NICHOLAS BATH&BLINDSCURTAINS,PHOTO:

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read: a local home that will make you want to move in. The Sawyer family built a gorgeous getaway that offers some of the best views around. The unique siding, the walls of windows and all the architectural details make this one of my favorite showcase homes. also draw inspiration from our articles on banquettes, stylish upholstered benches that can elevate the coziness of your dining space, and how to upcycle an old bookcase for an innovative new use. And good news…color is back! explore trained staff is ready to help you create your perfect outdoor living space. Visit our 10,000+ sq. ft. showroom see the area’s largest selection of outdoor furniture. AVE.,
I am proud to call Central Virginia home. The beauty of our rolling hills and wildflower meadows is only matched by the lovely spirit of the people I’ve met here. My husband and I have been fortunate to get to raise our two children here. This issue of HOME brings you a slice of what is wonderful about this region. Let me highlight a bit of what you’ll see. First, be sure to check out all of your readers’ favorites for 2022. These are local businesses and organizations you count on for all things home! Consider it your go-to source for your next
16 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 how to inject vibrant hues into the more neutral palettes that have been most popular in recent years. Since it’s fall, we want to share how to make the most of the season. Whether you’re looking for the perfect game day recipe or planning a gathering around a firepit, you’ll find just what you need for cooler weather. It’s also a great time to upgrade your grass with sod, especially now that those blistering summer days areFinally,done. be sure to check out our entertaining story on secret rooms. I don’t know about you, but I love the idea of exploring an older home and finding something truly unexpected. This article also looks at ways you can create your own hidden spaces for security and for fun.
EDITOR’S note Hello, Central Virginia HOME readers! I’m glad to meet you, and I am honored to serve as the new editor for the magazine. Allow me to introduce myself: I am a Chatham native who graduated from James Madison University and lived in the Shenandoah Valley for about a decade before moving to Lynchburg in 2005. I’ve written and edited for many publications, as well as for video, internet and corporate communications.
Donna donna@jamesrivermedia.comDunn
I hope you enjoy reading these articles as much as I did. Happy fall, my friends!

18 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 VOLUME 1 6 ISSUE 4 PUBLISHER Trish Roth EDITOR Donna Dunn ART DIRECTOR Edwana Coleman CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Carter Heald Bendall Mitzi JessieJaneAmeliaSarahSloaneKendallMargieKatherineCharlottePaulaBeckyBibleCalvertPetersChambersA.F.FarleyFulghumKnopfLippardAtkinsLivickLucasNicholasPooreRennysonThompson PHOTOGRAPHER Michael Patch GRAPHIC DESIGNER Donna Collins ADVERTISING SALES Kirsten Morey Becker Julia Belvin Lisa Bowers Joe AnneKatanyMarie Poore Kenny Shelton SUBSCRIPTIONS Central Virginia HOME is published five times annually by James River Media, LLC. For an annual subscription, please send $20 and your name, address and telephone number to: Central Virginia HOME 109B Tradewynd Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24502 For advertising information please call (434) 845-5463 or email HOME@jamesrivermedia.com To discuss coverage of an event relating to home or garden, please contact Central Virginia HOME at HOME@jamesrivermedia.com JAMES RIVER MEDIA, LLC (434) Copyright845-54632022byJames River Media, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from James River Media, LLC. All pictorial material reproduced in this magazine, whether in a produced ad or by itself, has been accepted on the condition that it is with the knowledge and prior consent of the photographer or the artist concerned. As such, James River Media, LLC is not responsible for any infringement of copyright or otherwise arising out of publication thereof. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. However, James River Media Group, LLC makes no warrant to the accuracy or reliability of this information. Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ownership or management. CENTRAL VIRGINIA HOME AssociationFinancialManagementCollectionServicesBoardTraining AdministrativeManagementPropertyManagementMaintenance SignaturePropertiesiscommittedtoenhancingthevalueofall propertiesunder ourmanagementinaccordancewiththe associations'valuesandindustrystandards. Let us help establish a sense of communication and cooperation in your homeowner’s association! WhatwedoasyourCommunityManagementCompany: 540-266-1422 | 422 Campbell Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24061 434-509-0749 | 13696 US HWY 29, Chatham, VA 24531 stella@signaturemanagementllc.comwww.SignatureManagementLLC.com COMING SOON Cottontown Road in Forest LILLYCONSTRUCTION.COM434.534.5764 3 BEDROOMS 2 1264BATHSSQUARE FEET

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Fall is here in the Hill City, and it is by far my favorite season. From Friday night football to the changing of the leaves, the crisp cool air, cozying up by the fire, picking apples and pumpkins, I could go on and on. As we enter this season of gratitude, I want to thank our readers and advertisers for your overwhelming support in bringing HOME Magazine to James River Media. I have loved the feedback from readers who picked up our latest issue. It is extremely rewarding as well to hear how our advertisers are utilizing our various media platforms to successfully promote and grow their local businesses. As we’ve been producing the fall issue, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many of our Readers’ Favorites and getting to know more of the wonderful organizations and businesses that make HOME possible. The job of publisher is multi-faceted and incredibly detailed, and I learn something new every day. Yet, the people who contribute to this magazine are truly what makes it worthwhile. So, in the months to come, I look forward to getting to know more of you and to hear from you. If you have an idea for HOME, please reach out to me! Together, we’ll continue the lovely legacy that Julie began with HOME 15 years ago, and which gets better with every issue. If you’ll allow me one final thank you: To Julie Pierce, who has been an amazing mentor. I have learned so much from her throughout the years, including her work ethic, relationships with her clients, and fearlessness to go for it. I’m humbled and proud to continue what she built here at HOME. I will be forever grateful we had that cup of coffee all those years ago. Best wishes, Julie, as you embark on your next chapter!
20 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 PUBLISHER’S note Kathy Acorn, Polly Flint, Moose Pierce, Billy Flint, Nat Perrow, Amy Scott, Victoria Bartholomew, Chantal O’Keeffe Flint Property Group proudly represents these three outstanding developments: Cottage Hill, The Preserve at Oakwood and Blackwater Run.434.386.3000 flintpropertygroup.com LYNCHBURG’S BEST AGENTS OPENING LYNCHBURG’S FINEST DOORS
Trish Roth, Publisher

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cvhomemagazine.com 2 3
COZY UP to the outdoors extend the season with a custom fire feature
Since the early ages, campfires have been meeting our basic needs, keeping us warm and well fed. Now, our kitchens and home heating units do the job. But there’s still something primal we crave from the flickering flames: a relaxing place to gather with friends and family. From the natural and rustic to the modern and luxurious, today’s options for fire pits and other outdoor fire features can complement any style home. Just a few steps outside your back door, you can serve up fresh air and fun.


cvhomemagazine.com 2 5
Meet me at the pit Local landscape and hardscape professionals agree that adding a fire feature to your backyard will not only enhance your property but also your family and social life.
Even though fire pits and outdoor fireplaces can be installed year-round, he said his company sees a spike in requests around fall and spring, “when the evenings are chilly and people are antsy to get outside.”
“It’s a classic thing; from the beginning of time we’ve been wanting to gather around a fire,” said Ashby Perrow, a design/build sales professional with Southern Landscape Group. Many fire pit projects happen because a homeowner decides to build or remodel a patio, he said. “A lot of time, they tell us they want a patio and a fire pit, where the fire pit will be central to the design.”

26 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 PHOTO: LAND TECH

LANDSCAPINGSON&MITCHELLRONNIEPHOTO: kathyterrell9@gmail.com434.942.2222 1254 HURRICANE REEF DRIVE ■ Glorious mountain views ■ 30 private acres ■ 2 acre stocked pond ■ Spacious contemporary with main floor master
“During the height of COVID, this was particularly true, because people were tired of being isolated and looking for comfortable outdoor spaces to gatherHomeownerssafely.” can choose various styles, shapes, and sizes of fire pits. Although many companies will install kits (pre-designed with standard, but often limited,
Fire features increase the amount of time during the year that people would use the space, “so they get more value out of their outdoor living area,” said Rebecca Mahanes, the operations supervisor for Land Tech Group. She added that a lot of her clients use their fire pit or fireplace as a welcome spot for family and“Somefriends.people may not want a large gathering inside their home, but if they have a nice outdoor space, they are more comfortable,” she said.
cvhomemagazine.com 27

In recent years, fire pits have paved the way for a more modern feature called fire tables. Fueled by gas burners buried under lava rocks, these narrow, rectangular pits, usually about the height of a coffee table, produce a consistent, soothing glow. You will often see them with a clear partition called a windguard to keep it aglow on a windy night.
28 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 choices in materials), they also encourage the homeowner to customize their space. They will walk you through the entire design process, including determining the best location for your fire pit, and help you create a one-of-a-kind outdoor haven.
While many homeowners choose the traditional cylindrical pit, there are more options than ever before. You can go with a standard brick wall design or raise the bar with natural stone installed by a skilled mason. The newer designs include a wider top surface, with plenty of room to prop your feet or park your food and beverage. A popular accessory, especially for woodburning, is the spark guard, a metal mesh that covers your pit and provides a measure of safety.
Many people prefer simple, rustic fire pits that match their natural surroundings. If your fire pit will be near a wooded area or garden space, you may want an in-ground pit circled by large rocks to create a campfire feel. Or you can go even bigger with the rocks and design a boulder fire pit, where the center of a very large boulder is dug out to hold the fire. You can also find fire pits that resemble a natural feature, like the Bryndle Root Fire Pit, a gas fire pit that is built with cement but looks like a tree stump.
“We’re client-focused and try to be very customized with our work,” Perrow said. “We ask how the client wants to use the space; it really ties back into what their aesthetics goals are.”

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Also among the most attractive new fire features to hit the market are fire bowls. Like fire tables, the calming flames sprout out of a pile of rocks to embellish pools, decks, and patios. The bowls can be filled with “fire glass,” shiny glass made specifically for fire bowls and fire tables. The combination of the glistening glass and the dancing flame is mesmerizing. Fire bowls can also double as a water fountain: installed at the edge of a pool or waterfall, these features add a luxurious feel to your space.
Wood vs. gas
The fire pit design often comes down to your choice of fuel. Although many still prefer to burn wood, the convenience of a gas pit makes it a popular choice, especially when you can start your fire with the flip of a switch.
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30 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Mahanes recalls a local homeowner who added multiple features: two fire bowls, two fire/water bowls and a fire pit. “The variety of fire elements created a very nice ambiance at night with all of the elements running.”

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While gas fire pits can cost more due to installing a gas line, Perrow said that many homeowners prefer woodburning so they can create a memorable experience for children and grandchildren. Going smokeless One drawback to a traditional woodburning fire pit is the smoke, which can sting your eyes and leave you with an odor that lingers. If the smoke and stray embers are a concern, you may consider a smokeless fire pit. Brands such as Breeo and Solo Stove have specially engineered
“Gas fire pits seem to be the most popular, particularly for new construction homes and people who don’t have regular access to firewood,” Mahanes said. “People who opt for the gas usually do so because it is cleaner and easier to maintain. They don’t have to get any wood or clean out ashes later. People who opt for the wood burning usually do so because they like the smell of wood smoke, the crackling sound of burning wood, and they can have a larger fire they can control. It comes down to personal preference.”

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Somebudget.”homeowners who want to plan for larger crowds install a fireplace as well as a fire pit, to give guests separate but different areas to gather.
Some homeowners who want to plan for larger crowds install a fireplace as well as a fire pit, to give guests separate but different areas to gather.
Fireplaces: a grand gesture Outdoor fireplaces, although not as common locally as fire pits, are a feature that can really make a statement.
“Typically, we fit them in to the design so that there is plenty of space for comfortable furniture for lounging in front of the fireplace,” Mahanes said. “Sometimes the seating area in front of the fireplace is covered with a pavilion or pergola. We also add on firewood boxes or other side walls. They can be customized many ways depending on the size of the space, the user, and the
Fireplaces have long been called the heart of the home, to create an outdoor living space that is just as comfortable and inviting as the fireplace in your living room, connect with your local hardscape expert. Welcome those chilly autumn nights with a fire pit or fireplace custom-made for your home! ✦
Fireplaces have long been called the heart of the home, and companies like Land Tech Group and Southern Landscape Group can help you create an outdoor living space that is just as comfortable and inviting as the fireplace in your living room.
32 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 increases airflow and eliminates smoke. With its versatility, you can move it around if you want to rearrange your outdoor living space for particular events.Also available are smokeless fire pit inserts and special rings that make the insert a perfect fit in your traditional stone surround pit. Easily removable, they are quickly becoming a backyard favorite.

Imagine reaching over to grab a little piece of sunshine in the form of a juicy lemon or lime after your concentrated effort, combined with a bit of patience, results in successful growth of your own citrus fruits. Citrus plants tend to be easy to grow. However, successful fruit production requires taking your knowledge of plants and gardening to the next level. You must also be extremely familiar with the ins and outs of your home regarding sunlight, air circulation and temperature fluctuations. If you are ready to go from casual gardener to serious cultivator, growing citrus at home may be in your future.
34 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 GARDEN tasteful plants

Small varieties with delightful results
Rio Red grapefruits are similar to Ruby Reds with a vibrant red, semi-sweet fruit. Dancy tangerines are small, easy to peel and a delight to grow. In addition to the fruit these plants produce, they have fragrant flowers and lush green foliage that will add freshness to any room.
Once you bring your desired plant home, transplant it to a new pot. Choose a planter that is just larger than the root ball. A pot that is too big will have excess soil which will hold too much moisture. Make sure there are holes in the bottom for drainage, and if it has a drainage dish, fill it with stones to maintain good air circulation under the plant. You can increase the size of the pot as the plant grows. A larger pot allows for larger roots that will lead to a plant that produces more fruit. Never use a potting soil designed to hold moisture; instead use a blend specifically designed for growing citrus, or an equal mix of peat, sand, perlite and bark.
Calamondin oranges are a cross between a mandarin and a kumquat, with a tangy taste and edible, thin skin.
Key limes are similar in taste to a Persian lime that you find in the grocery store, but are smaller in size and tend to be more yellow than green.
Popular and successful citrus plants that grow well at home include dwarf varieties of Meyer lemon, Key lime, Calamondin orange, Rio Red grapefruit and Dancy tangerine. Most of these fruits are more sour than sweet, since sweeter fruits require copious amounts of sunlight and warmth for proper ripening.Here’s a closer look at each: Meyer lemons are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange, and have a slightly sweeter taste than a traditional lemon.
There are several steps to take prior to purchasing your desired citrus tree. Be sure to buy your plant from a trusted nursery so you start off with a healthy, disease-free plant. If you want immediate results, choose an older plant; citrus trees take two to three years to produce favorable fruit. Be prepared for early harvests that contain small fruit with inconsistent results. Young plants are still setting their roots and preparing for heartier harvests in the future.
Proper care and feeding Citrus trees aren’t your typical houseplant that you can put by a sunny window and hope for the best. They require a lot of maintenance.
cvhomemagazine.com 35
Temperature. During the spring and summer months, your citrus plants can stay outside. They love a balcony, porch or terrace with good air flow but protection from damaging winds. The ideal temperature range favorable for growing and fruit
Starting off strong

ENHANCE YOUR BLOOM with a beautiful prune… 4 SEASONS LANDSCAPE, INC focusing on residential pruning maintenance (434) 384-8361 g Fashi ly Fu frShopp g 16940 Forest Road, Forest 434.525.7503 Tuesday-Saturday 11 am - 4 pm
production is between 75 and 90 degrees in the summer months and 60 and 70 degrees in the fall and winter. In Virginia, our fall and winter temperatures can drop below this optimal range, so you will have to bring your citrus indoors. Citrus plants do not like major shifts in temperatures; do not place your plants near exterior doors, drafty windows, radiators, heating vents, fireplaces or ovens. Sunlight. Typically, a citrus tree needs eight hours of sunlight per day. Too much light can stress the tree, and it will stop growing. Not enough light and your plant won’t produce fruit. Choose a south or southwest facing spot in your home for your plant. Watering. The most important aspect of caring for a citrus tree is watering. Your plants will require regular watering, and knowing signs of over- and under-watering is paramount to its success. Let the top two inches of soil dry out, then water your plant until it drains out the bottom. Citrus does not like to be dry. If you see soil pulling away from the pot, water sitting on top of the soil immediately after watering, or water than runs quickly through the pot, your plant needs more water. If your home is dry in the winter months, your plants will benefit from a good misting or a spot near a humidifier. Conversely, signs of poor drainage and too
36 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022

much water include a pot that is damp at the bottom, moist soil that never dries out, fungus gnats and yellow or drooping leaves. A moisture meter can aid in determining if your plant needs watering or not. Pests. Similar to your other indoor plants, pests can be an issue. Before moving your citrus indoors for the fall and winter, give them a good rinse to remove any bugs that may be along for the ride. Keep them away from other houseplants and watch for spider mites, mealy bugs and aphids. Insecticidal soap and neem oil are both effective treatments for fighting pests on your citrus trees.
Fertilizer. Choose a fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen and created for citrus, or you can also use one designed for vegetables. Feed your plants every three weeks in the spring and summer and half as often in fall and winter months. With consistent care and a watchful eye, your citrus plants will thank you with a bountiful harvest of lemons, limes, oranges or tangerines that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Let the growing begin! ✦
something for everygardener WE ARE READY TO HELP WITH YOUR PLANTING NEEDS YEAR ROUND. 2452 Bethel Church Rd, Forest • Open Year Round* • 434.525.3107 • rainfrostnursery.com serving Lynchburg and surrounding counties for over 30 years *HOURS CHANGE WITH THE SEASONS
cvhomemagazine.com 37

38 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 IMPROVE first impressions THECHANGINGVIEW DECORATIVE GARAGE DOORS BRING FLAIR TO YOUR HOME Even if you’re not planning to sell your home in the near future, maintaining its exterior appearance is a smart move. Everyday home repairs are essential, of course, but occasional upgrades — new light fixtures and fresh landscaping, for example — will ensure your home stands out for the right reasons. BY PAULA PETERS CHAMBERS

“A standard, raised-panel door can easily be updated to carriage-style, which is super popular,” Nuckols says. “With our custom options, you can choose everything.”
cvhomemagazine.com 39
One of the easiest ways to enhance your home’s curb appeal is by switching out a basic garage door for one that commands attention. Garage doors are available in a range of designs and colors, and are worth the effort, whether they’re on the front or side of your home. Garage doors can also offer excellent return on investment (ROI). Remodeling magazine’s 2022 Cost vs. Value Report indicates homeowners can recoup more than 90 percent of their new garage door costs when they go to sell, well above the ROIs for kitchens and baths.
“You can get a plain Jane door that does the job, or you can change the style and color for a few hundred dollars more,” says Jake Nuckols, service manager of DoorTek Garage Door Service in Lynchburg. “A lot of people want their house to look nice, but for a small investment, you can make a bigGlassimprovement.”panelsareanother way to add sparkle. Instead of a horizontal row of windows in the upper half of the door, try a column of windows, from bottom to top. Or you can opt for a door that is primarily glass, with panes of your choosing.
“You can have a full glass door that has an aluminum frame with windows,” Nuckols says. “There’s plain clear glass, tinted, frosted, opaque. Frosted is probably most popular because people don’t want a clear view straight into theManufacturersgarage.” also offer different styles, either ready-made or custom, to complement the house’s architecture.
Making it pretty Many home garages include doors that are a solid color, usually white. Unless you live in a neighborhood with homeowner association covenants that specify the acceptable colors for a garage door, you can change that color to match your home’s siding, trim or exterior structure.
A Tudor home can have a door that is paneled with timber accents. For a farmhouse-style home, details can be added to make a single door appear to be double carriage-house doors. Even a traditional colonial house’s garage door can be upgraded with square paneling, for visual interest.

“The technology is insane now,” Nuckols says. “You can set the door to close on its own after a certain amount of time, use cameras to get full vision of the garage, even two-way audio.”
To make the garage more appealing on the inside, some doors have built-in LED lighting that turns on when the door is raised, offering greater illumination than the light typically included in the operator. You can also add a battery backup to the system. In the event of a power outage to the home, the battery will open the door as usual. No muscles needed!
For more security, the door package can include cameras as well.
Bells and whistles
40 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Mechanically, an automatic garage door is a simple device, with an operator — or motor — that provides the power for a pulley-and-spring system to lift the door. Today’s motors can connect to a house’s Wi-Fi via a mobile app, so you can check whether the door is open or closed from a remote location.

cvhomemagazine.com 41 DOORTEK GARAGE DOOR SERVICE is a family owned and operated business that is dedicated to providing the highest quality products and best service for both residential and commercial customers in Lynchburg and surrounding areas. DoorTek’s mission is to raise the standards in the garage door industry, and create an amazing experience when installing, repairing, or maintaining your garage door. INSTALLATION, REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE 434-237-1011 • DOORTEKVA.COM COME HOME TO STYLE

needs. 3211 OLD FOREST
42 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 Hidden benefit
As with other home options, added features will increase the cost of your new garage door. But it’s worth it, Nuckols says.
“We recommend doors be two inches thick with insulation and steel backing,” Nuckols says. “As soon as you open the door in the summer, you let the heat in, but the insulation is going to help.”
“Cheaper, builder-grade doors wear out and the components break faster; you’ll get 15 years maximum before it needs to be replaced,” Nuckols says. “But you can get 20 to 30 years out of the right“Thesystem.garage door is the first thing people see when they walk down the driveway,” he adds. “Based on the size of your home, the garage door can make up a significant percentage of curb appeal. You want to make your neighbors jealous.” ready real estate RD., 434-385-6655
to assist with your
Depending on the size and style of the house, an attached garage door can represent a significant percentage of the home’s total exterior. And every time the door opens, air flows in, whether hot or cold, placing added stress on the home’s HVAC system. Even though doors come in a variety of materials — galvanized metal, wood, fiberglass, aluminum — nearly all can be insulated, which is a smart investment, especially if the opening faces the sun or prevailing winds.

Just as adults scoot to cozy booths in restaurants, children often scramble to climb a comfy padded banquette in a kitchen nook, eschewing more formal table and chair arrangements. Of French origin and Germanic derivation from the word “banc” or bench, a banquette comprises a long padded or upholstered bench that seats multiple people. Either built-in or freestanding, banquette seating can elegantly line a wall, wrap around a corner, or nestle beneath a bay window. Banquettes maximize space in tight places while creating convivial seating and dining nooks — warm zones, in design parlance — which beckon family and friends, not to mention the gregarious cook.
DESIGN seating style benchesbeguiling
cvhomemagazine.com 43

Banquette seating not only augments a room’s spaciousness, but it dramatically expands storage capacity. Some banquettes offer lift-up seat lids concealing generous interior storage space
Marrying function with style Banquette seating is trending in home design because it weds functionality with aesthetics, saving precious space while embellishing your home’s existing décor. It comes in versatile shapes and sizes to complement your floor’s layout. Straight line, U-shaped, L-shaped, semicircular, built-in or free-standing banquettes create dynamic silhouettes of your floor plan while they enhance its flow and spaciousness. Especially popular in kitchen nooks, an upholstered banquette and pedestal table pair occupies half of a conventional table and chair setting’s dimensions, yet it accommodates the same number of people. Designing a banquette kitchen nook takes meticulous planning. You’ll want to ensure that the upholstered banquette seating has sufficient height (18 inches), depth (24 inches), and breadth (27 inches per person), so it’s ample enough for its occupants. Likewise, the matching table requires sufficient height (30 inches) and coverage over the banquette (three to four inches) to allow for plenty of elbow and leg room. Pedestal tables best suit banquettes because their shape helps prevent the knocked knees of a four-cornered table.
44 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022

By mixing splashes of bold color, interesting textures, and unique details, you can fashion almost any look for your banquette nook, from nostalgic country to contemporary chic and refined classic. Custom banquette seating often features decorative details like buttoned or fluted seat backs, contrasting piping and trim, and built-in bookcases above or stylish drawers below. Once you decide upon your upholstery fabric, you can make your banquette pop with colorful, contrasting throw pillows or soften its ambiance through soothing natural, neutraltoned cushions.
while others feature stylish drawers tucked below that can stash games, gear, or tablecloths. Whatever your preferred storage option, your kitchen banquette nook will multitask into a play, homework, and dining hub, making it a popular family hangout while clearing clutter and creating luxurious cooking space for the chef in the house.
New patients welcome! 0 % Financing!* *1 year with approval FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Kevin S. Midkiff, DDS, FAGD 20331 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg 434-239-8133 | KevinMidkiffDDS.com THERE ARE SOME THINGS YOU JUST CAN’T AFFORD TO GAMBLE WITH. NO RISK Quality Dental Care Our goal is to provide superior dental care whether you need a routine cleaning and check-up, teeth whitening or advanced cosmetic restorations.
Banquette upholstery and design Kitchen banquettes get lots of wear and tear, so their padding and upholstery should be spill-proof and durable as well as comfortable and attractive. Vinyl or leather (real or faux) padding is easy to clean, weathers well, and won’t slip off the bench like some loose fabric cushions can. Boucle, linen, and wool also rank as hardy upholstery materials.
In contrast, family and living room banquette upholstery can be less utilitarian and more intentionally aesthetic. Brightly colored floral prints or soft, plushy velvet upholstery transform a bay window banquette, framed by cascading curtains, into a reader’s paradise.

If your family enjoys the comfort and coziness of restaurant booths, they’ll likely revel in a built-in kitchen booth. For a cheerful window nook, pair parallel banquettes with a matching table; hang a charming pendant lamp or chandelier; decorate with colorfully patterned wallpaper and curtains; build bookcases for your cookbooks and stereo speakers; and adorn your oasis with treasured family photos and artwork. No one will want to leave the kitchen! But there are some downsides to banquettes.
46 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Is a banquette right for you?
Future home buyers may view built-in banquettes as too specific to your tastes, which might not mirror their own. Depending upon the materials used, banquette seating can be expensive to build and remove: Built-in banquettes cost between $1,500 to $8,000. Alternatively, you might consider buying an affordable ready-made banquette seating set. Banquette seating often has a nostalgic and retro feel, but it solves some very modern design problems. For a house with small rooms, banquettes open space. They transform vacant walls, corners, and alcoves into warm and cozy settings to sit awhile and chat. In the beguiling banquette, the spartan, noble bench has reached its zenith. ✦

F&S BUILDING INNOVATIONS has over 40 years of experience with hundreds of satisfied residential customers throughout central and southwest Virginia. We’re a Class A contractor, which means we can facilitate your project from design to completion. And we have designers on-staff to guide you every step of the way. FSFOURSEASONS.COM FSFOURSEASONS • 2944 ORANGE AVENUE NE • ROANOKE • 540-985-9160 YOUR SOURCE FOR KITCHENS AND ANDADDITIONSOUTDOORBATHS,LIVING,MORE FOUR EXTERIORGARAGESADDITIONSPLATINUMTREXAWNINGSPERGOLASBATHSKITCHENSSUNROOMSSEASONSANDANDDECKPROSANDUPDATES

cvhomemagazine.com 49 FAVORITESREADERS’ THE RESULTS ARE IN! Earlier this spring, HOME magazine readers cast thousands of votes for their favorite home and garden-related businesses in the area in our annual Readers’ Favorites Awards. Here, we are delighted to share the winners, many of whom won multiple awards in various categories. If you need goods or services for your home, these pages may be a great place to start to find your favorite. 2022

CONTRACTORS, REMODELERS AND HOME BUILDERS READERS’ favorites ARCHITECTS Platinum: Dominion Seven Architects Gold: Scott Glass Architect Silver: Architectural Partners ELECTRICAL Platinum: Wired Up Electrical Gold: Maddox Air & Electrical Silver: Freedom Electrical GENERAL CONTRACTOR Platinum: L.G. Flint Gold: F & S Building Innovations Silver: Custom Structures HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Platinum: Arctic Refrigeration Heating & Air Gold: F&W Heating and Cooling Silver: Brown’s Heating & Air HOME BUILDER Platinum: Frank Good Builders Gold: L.G. Flint Silver: Custom Structures HOME REMODELING/RENOVATION Platinum: Faithful Servant Handyman Gold: F&S Building Innovations Silver: Collins Siding & Windows 50 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
A beautiful new community in historic Rivermont, right off of the Blackwater Creek Trail. Lots starting at $75,000 | www.BlackwaterRun.com

L.G. Flint General Contractors, which began in Lynchburg 71 years ago, is a family business dedicated to quality, new construction and remodeling for both residential and commercial spaces. While this versatile company can handle both big and small jobs, the majority of their business is in remodeling and additions.
Serving the community is a priority with L.G. Flint. They are actively involved with various local organizations, including the Home Builders Association of Virginia, Central Virginia United Soccer, The Lynchburg Education Foundation, Mustaches for Kids and The Miller Home for Girls.
“One of our strengths is our diversity of skill sets. We do it all,” said Andy Flint. Flint, the current owner and president, came to L.G. Flint, following in the footsteps of his father Bob, who joined the business in 1975 after his military service and work as an engineer, and his grandfather, Lloyd, who started the business. A graduate of Virginia Tech, Andy’s designations include Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR) and AAMAcertified window installation. He and his team are proficient in CoConstruct, a project management software that helps homeowners follow the progress of their build.
52 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 READERS’ favorites
PLATINUM General Contractor GOLD Home Builder L
Andy Flint is supported by a strong team, including Vice President Ron Blackwood.
Ron says the L.G. Flint difference is its team. “When you hire L.G. Flint, you’re hiring our talented staff, which is supported by qualified Trade Contractors.”
Ron, a Past Chairman of the Lynchburg City Comprehensive Plan, has developed multi-family communities, rehabilitated nine communities and 500,000 square feet of commercial space and redesigned numerous homes.

cvhomemagazine.com 53 IRON WORKS/WELDER Platinum: James River Ironworks Gold: Bailey Spencer Hardware PLUMBING Platinum: Tyree Plumbing Gold: Plumb Care Plumbing Silver: Gibson Plumbing ROOFING Platinum: Cenvar Roofing Gold: Perimeter Roofing Silver: Collins Siding & Windows BUILDERSANDREMODELERSCONTRACTORS,HOME AWARDSFAVORITESREADERS’2021 Steam Extraction Pet ScotchGuardOdors Treatment Smoke & Water Removal Bonded & kiddsservices.com337On-SiteResidentialInsured&CommercialorPick-up&DeliveryStAugustineSt.,Lynchburg WE OFFER RESIDENTIAL CLEANING FOR CARPETS, RUGS, UPHOLSTERY AND MORE. CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE (434)QUOTE.233-4903 PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022

SERVICE PROVIDERS AND MATERIALS READERS’ favorites 54 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 CARPET AND RUG CLEANING Platinum: Kidd’s Restoration & Cleaning Gold: Michael’s Carpet Cleaning Silver: Persian Rugs & More DRIVEWAY REPAIR AND SEALING Platinum: Lynchburg Sealcoating & Lawn Care Gold: Mr. Pave Silver: Mr. Pot Hole ESTATE SALES Platinum: Estates Revisited Gold: High Cotton Fine Furnishings & Gifts Silver: Estates & Consignments EXTERIOR HOME CLEANING SERVICES Platinum: H2O Home Improvements Gold: All Washed Up Silver: Hill City Pro Wash FENCE AND RAILINGS Platinum: The Vinyl Porch Rail Company Platinum: Lynchburg Fence & Railing Company Gold: James River Ironworks Silver: Crowned Fence GARAGE DOORS Platinum: DoorTek Garage Door Service Gold: Lynchburg Garage Door Silver: Lynchburg Overhead Door GUTTERS Platinum: Brothers That Just Do Gutters Gold: Collins Siding and Windows Silver: Gutters & Guards

56 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 READERS’ favorites
Kidd’s Restoration & Cleaning
PLATINUM Carpet & CleaningRug
PLATINUM Water & RestorationFireandClean-up
Since 1991, this locally owned business has been helping neighbors in the Lynchburg area regain peace of mind and a safe place to live through its 24-hour emergency services. Kidd’s began as a carpet cleaning business but quickly became a full-service restoration contractor about 30 years ago.
“The biggest thing that surprises people are how many services we provide,” said Dan Taylor, owner. “It is pretty neat to have people drop off area rugs almost every day to be Taylorcleaned.”feelsthat what makes his business special is its care for every customer. “I know how I would want to be treated, and that’s how I’m going to treat the customer,” he said.
At the same time, Kidd’s can help your home or business look and feel better day to day through its carpet cleaning services and upholstery cleaning. Over the years, they have added mold and asbestos remediation to their water and fire restoration services.
In their St. Augustine Street location, a slogan is written on a white board: “We will care, listen, understand and deliver.” A customer wrote next to it, “And you always do!” Learn more at kiddsservices.com.
At the same time, Kidd’s employees are trained continuously to make sure they are applying the latest and safest techniques and cleaners to every job. Kidd’s has IICR Certification (Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration).
When the worst happens — a flood, a fire, a storm — you want trusted people to help you restore your life. That’s where Kidd’s Restoration & Cleaning comes in.

READERS’ favorites SERVICE PROVIDERS HANDYMAN Platinum: JMK Construction Gold: Wright Choice Construction HOME CLEANING SERVICES Platinum: Pink Ladies Cleaning Services Gold: Executive Maintenance Silver: Twin Chix HOME FUEL COMPANIES Platinum: Foster Fuels Gold: Francis Oil & Propane Silver: Watts Petroleum MOVING COMPANIES Platinum: Five Star Moving & Transportation Gold: American Moving & Storage Silver: Brooks Rogers Moving PAINTERS Platinum: Love Painting Gold: Harris Painting Silver: C. S. Schrader Painting Silver: Southern Charm Painting 58 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
cvhomemagazine.com 59 PEST CONTROL Platinum: Dodson Pest Control Gold: Specialty Exterminating Silver: Brown’s Exterminating Silver: Kyle Unruh's Pest Pros WATER AND CLEAN-UPRESTORATIONFIREAND Platinum: Kidd’s Restoration & Cleaning Gold: Serv Pro WINDOWS AND DOORS CollinsPlatinum:Siding and Windows Gold: Bailey Spencer Hardware Silver: Pella 100 Oakley Ave., Lynchburg, VA 24501 Step up to quality with Call for a FREE quote LynchburgFence.com434.386.0444

GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE READERS’ favorites GARDEN SUPPLIES AND ACCESSORIES Platinum: Huckleberry Knob Nursery Gold: Gary’s Garden Center Silver: Rustic View Home & Gardens LANDSCAPE AND HARDSCAPE DESIGN/BUILD Platinum: Lynchburg Landscapes Gold: Southern Landscape Group Silver: Land Tech LAWN AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Platinum: Lynchburg Lawn Care Gold: Majestic Views Landscaping Gold: Southern Landscape Group Silver: Affinity Lawn & Landscaping NURSERIES Platinum: Huckleberry Knob Nursery Gold: Gary’s Garden Center Silver: Rainfrost Nursery OUTDOOR FURNITURE Platinum: Virginia Furniture Market Gold: Grand Home Furnishings Silver: Indoor Outdoor Living PORCHES AND DECKS Platinum: Southern Landscape Group Gold: Collins Siding and Windows Silver: JMK Construction SPA AND HOT TUBS SALES AND SERVICE Platinum: Perry Pools & Spas Gold: National Pools SWIMMING POOLS Platinum: Perry Pools & Spas Gold: Land Tech Silver: National Pools TREE SERVICE Platinum: Alto Tree Service Gold: Monster Tree Service Silver: Bartlett Tree Service 60 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
cvhomemagazine.com 61 Annuals • Perennials • Shrubs • Trees • Seed Mulch • River Rock • Gravel • Soil • Natural Stone Delivery Available 434-266-1262 • 1469 SUNNYMEADE ROAD, HUCKLEBERRYKNOBNURSERY.COMRUSTBURG A BOUTIQUE NURSERY EXPERIENCE IN THE FOOTHILLS OF VIRGINIA Lynchburg Landscapes, Inc. is a full-service provider of landscape design and construction in the Lynchburg and Smith Mountain Lake regions lynchburglandscapes.com434-608-1121 DESIGN TO INSTALLATION WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED

62 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Lynchburg Landscapes
PLATINUM Landscape and Hardscape Design & GardenBuildSupplies&AccessoriesNurseries
With the expert knowledge and experience to professionally design and install commercial and residential hardscapes and softscapes, Lynchburg Landscapes has become known for its ability to transform challenging terrain into stunning surroundings. This local Class A Landscape Contractor serves the Lynchburg and Smith Mountain Lake regions.“Inthe Hill City, it’s important to know the rolling terrain, along with what plants will thrive here — and avoid the deer,” said Scott MacLeod of Lynchburg Landscapes.
Lynchburg Landscapes’ certified professionals have been creating custom-built landscapes, walkways, fire pits, outdoor lighting systems, tiered hillsides, patios, natural stone walls, water features, outdoor kitchens, pergolas, and pools since 2015. They can provide a consultation and create designs, whether or not they do the installation. Their architects consider the existing terrain and envision a transformation using 2D and 3D modeling. With designs in hand, they can then provide job costing and installation.
Lynchburg Landscapes is one of the only firms in the area with two landscape architects on “Ourstaff.reputation has been growing,” said MacLeod. “We are known for our beautiful and functionalLynchburgspaces.”Landscapes also features its own boutique nursery, Huckleberry Knob, located at 1469 Sunnymeade Road, Rustburg. The nursery sells annuals, perennials, grasses, shrubs, trees and natural stone. Learn more at lynchburglandscapes.com and huckleberryknobnursery.com.

cvhomemagazine.com 6 3 AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022 GREAT PLANTS, GREAT SELECTION, GREAT ADVICE Fall Décor · Trees & Shrubs · House Plants 794 Leesville Road | Lynchburg, VA 24502 434.239.5282 | GarysGardenCenter.com 434.239.9650 6000 Fort Avenue perrypools.com Making SPLASHafor50Years

READERS’ favorites REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BANK Platinum: Your Community Credit Union, Central Virginia FCU Gold: Bank of the James Silver: First National Bank CREDIT UNION Platinum: Member One Federal Credit Union Gold: Your Community Credit Union, Central Virginia FCU Silver: Freedom First Credit Union FINANCIAL PLANNING Platinum: Commonwealth Financial Gold: Don Wooldridge, Edward Jones Silver: Freedom First Wealth Management HOME INSURANCE Platinum: Scott Insurance Gold: Campbell Insurance Silver: Rob Chapman, State Farm Insurance MORTGAGE LENDING COMPANY Platinum: Your Community Credit Union, Central Virginia FCU Gold: Bank of the James Mortgage Silver: Member One Federal Credit Union MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER Platinum: Teresa Davis, Member One Federal Credit Union Gold: Carletha Tweedy, Your Community Credit Union, Central Virginia FCU Silver: Will Luper, Movement Mortgage REAL ESTATE COMPANY Platinum: Lauren Bell Real Estate Gold: Coldwell Banker Silver: Nadine Blakely Real Estate REALTORS Platinum: Yvonne Jansen, Realtor Gold: Lauren Bell, Realtor Silver: Josh Sutton, Realtor Silver: Nadine Blakely, Realtor 64 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
cvhomemagazine.com 65 434/528-9016 800/335-0069 www.cvfcu.com Lynchburg Mt Athos • Old Forest Road • Timberlake Madison Heights Seminole Plaza Forest Cavalier Corner Your Dream Home Projects are Reality with a Home Equity HOME EQUITY LOANS and LINES OF CREDIT | MORTGAGE LOANS

Learn more at www.cvfcu.com.
PLATINUM Community Credit Union
MortgageBankLendingCompany GOLD Credit Union Your
Organized in 1976 as "Nuclear Power Federal Credit Union" to serve the employees and families of Babcock & Wilcox, Central Virginia Federal Credit Union began adding additional partner companies in 1991 and is now a community credit union serving anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Region 2000, including small businesses. When CVFCU became a community credit union, fewer than 20 percent of the local area had access to a credit union. Members now enjoy five local branches, a locally staffed call center and thousands of shared service branches and ATMs nationwide.
66 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Your Community Credit Union provides saving, checking, credit cards and personal, auto, home and small business loans. “Like other financial institutions, we offer a full range of financial products and services. Unlike the others, we are not-for-profit … putting those savings in your pocket! That’s the biggest difference in dealing with a credit union,” said Kim Wilkerson, Vice President of Marketing. “As a member here, you’re not just a customer. You own a share of the credit union and have a say in its direction. Lower loan rates, fewer fees and higher savings rates are standard benefits we offer to you as a member and owner.”
READERS’ favorites
Your Community Credit Union is passionate about helping their neighbors by partnering with local charities like Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and financial education programs to improve the quality of life for those in our area.
When it comes to your money, it’s personal. That’s why Your Community Credit Union, Central Virginia FCU believes in delivering financial services as a neighbor and friend.

Curtains, Blinds & Bath
cvhomemagazine.com 67
Along with window treatments for every price point, Curtains, Blinds & Bath also offers installations and in-home design consultations (CBB Home). Even if you buy your own furnishings, they can help you plan a design that works for your space.
“We all have our own niche here,” Cindy said. “Everybody brings their strengths and finds what they love to do. We let them go for it.”
Cindy’s parents, James and Joyce Falls, began their business in 1976 as a curtain and towel outlet. However, as big box stores moved into Lynchburg, Cindy and her husband Brad began to evolve the business to include window treatments. Today, their top sellers are custom blinds, shades and shutters. However, they also offer a vast array of home goods in their trendy showroom on Forest Road near Grave’s Mill.
For a family-owned business to survive for more than 45 years requires adaptability and strong values. For Cindy Greer at Curtains, Blinds & Bath, that boils down to “doing the right thing” and “showing you care.”
Over the years, Cindy and Brad’s children — Ashley, Mady and Spencer — also joined their award-winning business.
READERS’ favorites
PLATINUM Blinds & Home
TreatmentsWindow GOLD
The community-minded company finds that customers appreciate that they’re a small business with a big heart. They’ve donated thousands of blinds through the years to various projects.Customers also love their competitive prices and great service. Their website, curtainsblindsbath.com, explains, “You could say we got it from our momma, who got it from her momma! We have been a family owned and operated business for 45 years and while it’s a little atypical to get to work with the whole family, we promise to make your experience one to remember!”

READERS’ favorites HOME DECORFURNISHINGS,ANDINTERIOR DESIGN ANTIQUES Platinum: Ashwood Manor Designs Gold: High Cotton Fine Home Furnishings & Gifts Silver: Enchanted APPLIANCES Platinum: Hailey’s Appliances Gold: Silver:FergusonVintonAppliance ARCHITECTURAL SALVAGE Platinum: Bailey Spencer Hardware Gold: Black Dog Salvage ART GALLERY/STUDIO Platinum: Findings Art Gold: Academy Center of the Arts Silver: The Little Gallery BLINDS AND WINDOW TREATMENTS Platinum: Curtains, Blinds & Bath Gold: Budget Blinds Silver: Decorating Den Interiors CABINETRY, KITCHEN AND BATH Platinum: Cornerstone Cabinets & Design Gold: Kitchen Crafters of VA Silver: Piedmont Floor Show Silver: Ramsey Cabinets CONSIGNMENT FURNITURE Platinum: Next Time Consignment Gold: Estates Revisited Silver: On Second Thought 68 Central Virginia HOME Fall 2022

READERS’ favorites HOME DECORFURNISHINGS,ANDINTERIOR DESIGN COUNTERTOPS Platinum: Spectrum Stone Designs Gold: Premier Stone Silver: Stonecrafters CUSTOM FURNITURE AND CABINET MAKER Platinum: Virginia Furniture Market Solid Wood Gallery Gold: Ramsey Cabinets Silver: Bernie’s Custom Furniture and Cabinetry FLOORING Platinum: Piedmont Floor Show Gold: Central Virginia Flooring Silver: Blue Ridge Floors FURNITURE Platinum: Virginia Furniture Market Gold: Grand Home Furnishings Silver: Bailey Grey Interiors HOME ACCESSORIES AND GIFTS Platinum: Farm Basket Gold: Curtains, Blinds & Bath Silver: Accents INTERIOR DESIGNERS Platinum: Bailey Grey Interiors Gold: Curtains, Blinds & Bath Silver: Sarah Girten Interior Design LIGHTING FIXTURES Platinum: Timberlake Lighting of Lynchburg Gold: Silver:FergusonSweetPeas Lighting and Decor 70 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
cvhomemagazine.com 71 434.993.0888 | spectrumstonedesigns.comNEWSHOWROOMOPENINGINOCTOBERINFOREST Locally Owned in Lynchburg AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022 2008 Langhorne Road • 434.528.1107 • thefarmbasket.com • Store Hours: Monday–Saturday, 10–5

HOME DECORFURNISHINGS,ANDINTERIOR DESIGN PAINT AND PAINTING SUPPLIES Platinum: James T. Davis Gold: Sherwin Williams Silver: Benjamin Moore RUGS Platinum: Persian Rugs & More Gold: Curtains, Blinds & Bath Silver: Ashwood Manor Designs UPHOLSTERY Platinum: Phil's Upholstery Shop Gold: Ferguson Upholstery Silver: David Michael Upholstery WALLPAPER Platinum: Mahones Wallpaper Gold: James T. Davis Silver: Kevin Saunders Wallcovering WOODWORKING AND TRIM Platinum: Grayson Ferguson Woodworking Gold: JMK Construction Silver: David Mahler 72 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 READERS’ favorites
Clean. Reliable. Propane. 1505 Rutherford Street • Lynchburg, VA AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022 Bringing the Outdoors Into Your Home. 3416 CANDLER’S MOUNTAIN RD.

READERS’ favorites APARTMENT LIVING Platinum: The Gardens on Timberlake Gold: City Market Lofts Silver: The Vistas at Dreaming Creek HOME HEALTH PROVIDERS Platinum: Generation Solutions Gold: Visiting Angels Silver: Gentle Shepherd Hospice RETIREMENT LIVING COMMUNITIES Platinum: Westminster Canterbury Gold: The Summit Silver: Runk & Pratt HOME LIVING OPTIONS 74 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITIES Assisted | Independent | Memory Support | Adult Day Center | Lynchburg | Forest | Smith Mtn. Lake (434) 237-2268 | RunkandPratt.com Luxury optionsLuxury options FOR ACTIVE SENIOR LIVING AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022

Canterbury of Lynchburg offers its residents a continuum of care from independent living to assisted living and memory support to skilled nursing care. Its residents have the peace of mind to know that more care is available when needed, without having to leave the campus, and there are many opportunities to be active and“Weengaged.knowsome folks are hesitant about assisted living and long-term care, but here we are very personalized and flexible,” said Callahan.
READERS’ favorites
Opened in 1980, Westminster Canterbury of Lynchburg could boast of its beautiful campus, its team members’ expertise or its long list of amenities — from three dining venues to an onsite health clinic, wellness center and its two salons — but what comes first for this Life Plan Community is its person-centered care. This extends to its residents and to community members who trust its short-term rehabilitation programs on campus and home health services in the greater Lynchburg area through Westminster at Home.
76 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
“We live out a person-centered philosophy of care,” said Debbie Callahan, VP Marketing and Development. “Our residents and clients are at the center of everything weWestminsterdo.”
Though the campus has a long history in Lynchburg, it continues to evolve. The Drinkard Health Care Center opened in 2019, and renovations of the Hearthside Assisted Living neighborhoods finished in June of this year. Twenty-six new, independent living apartments will be fully occupied in January 2023. Learn more at www.wclynchburg.org.
PLATINUM RetirementCommunitiesLiving Westminster Canterbury of Lynchburg

cvhomemagazine.com 7 7 AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022 (434) timberlakelightingoflynchburg.com239-693420779TimberlakeRoad

78 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 HOW SMART IS YOUR HOME? what gadgets can do for you BY BECKY CALVERT LIVE smart homes

It would seem that almost every device or gadget you can purchase for your home now comes with a “smart” option. While the list is seemingly endless, how many of these items do you really need to make your life easier? And what sort of internet connection do you need to run all these devices?
Thermostats, security cameras, door locks, light bulbs, dishwashers, stoves, microwaves, refrigerators, televisions, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dryers are just some of the items on the market that can be operated from your smart phone or tablet, whether you are at home or not. Combine them with a smart assistant like Alexa, and they can work together, adjusting the temperature and lighting upon your arrival home or creating a grocery list for you.
vacuum that runs itself? A refrigerator that lets you know you’re out of milk? As appliances are increasingly made with microprocessors, they are also making our lives more efficient, tackling some of our household chores for us.
cvhomemagazine.com 79 A

The good news is that many of these devices don’t require much bandwidth from your internet, although they will need a consistent connection. Devices that need a continuous connection (for example, a digital assistant such as Alexa) or that stream (like a smart doorbell) will need a larger bandwidth allotment, but others, like those handy robot vacuums, have far lower requirements.
Try starting with a small gadget called a smart plug. These install between an outlet and an appliance, allowing you to control the flow of electricity to and from an item using a smart phone. This can be handy for coffee makers, phone chargers or even lamps, as they allow you to turn an appliance off and on via an Smartapp. lighting is another easy way to dip your toes into the new technology. Smart light bulbs are LED bulbs that can be customized, scheduled and controlled remotely. Some of them are dimmable, some can change colors and others can be synced with music, giving a whole new dimension to the concept of moodManylighting.arefamiliar now with the smart doorbell, one of the most popular of which is the Ring Camera. Along with similar VA
Short of building an entirely new house using all this technology, how exactly do you determine which smart devices you should have and which you can live without?
How much bandwidth is needed?
A good rule of thumb is for every 10 or so smart devices, you’ll need an additional 5 Mbps on top of what you typically use for your home internet. There are some workarounds if you live in a rural area without fast, dependable internet service, but that is a topic unto itself. What smart devices should you buy?
80 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 John Stewart Walker, INC 3211 Old Forest Rd Lynchburg VA 24501 BRINGING YOU HOM E ... Making dreams reality (434) laura@laurasimmswebb.com384.0873
Lynchburg Roanoke Danville Charlottesville Smith Mountain Lake Richmond Petersburg Fredericksburg Full Service Local & Long Distance Moves | Licensed Bonded & Insured Estates/Clutter/Trash Removal Services/Local /Veteran Owned 434-525-3444 AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022

The 1960s animated show The Jetsons imagined a world with automated homes and flying cars. We may not yet have flying cars, but thanks to technology and smart devices, our homes are inching more and more toward that world we
n A bad internet connection can make the technology in the devices unusable.
cvhomemagazine.com devices, it monitors the activity at the entrance in which you install the doorbell, offering you a personal security system that you control. Some are battery powered, so they don’t need to be hardwired into your existing doorbell. Not only do they allow you to see if a package has been delivered, but they can also alert you to anyone who sets foot on your doorstep, whether they ring the bell or not. If you like a neat house or are a pet owner who is always trying to keep up with your four-legged friend’s “glitter,” then a smart vacuum might be for you. These robot vacuums can detect hazards and obstacles while moving through your space, cleaning the floors as they do. There are even some mop versions on the market, although reviews of those appear to be mixed. Smart thermostats allow you to control the temperature of your home, programming the temperatures for when you are there and when you are not. This means that your home can be either warmer or cooler when you aren’t there, running your heat pump less and ultimately, saving money on your energy bills. Saving money is one of the advantages to many of these smart gadgets, although they tend to be more expensive than their nonsmart competition. It is worth considering how many of those features you will need, as these appliances are typically more expensive to both purchase and repair. What are the drawbacks?
While smart home devices can save time and improve some aspects of your life, there are drawbacks:
TOTAL KI TC HEN TR ANSFO RMAT ION. Before After New Cabinets 540.274.3230 • kitchentuneup.comKitchen Tune-Up , serving Lynchburg and surrounding communities CORY DUGUAY Local Owner ©2021 HFC K TU LLC. All Rights Reserved Kitchen Tune -Up is a trademark of HFC KTU LLC and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand Each franchise is independently ownedand operated. 1 DAY TUNE-UP • REDOORING • REFACING CABINET PAINTING • NEW CABINETS Starting as low as $99-$249/month! FINANCING AVAILABLE 5 Ways to Update Your Kitchen
n They can also pose data and security risks, as many of them don’t come with reliable internet securityWhileprotocol.smartdevices are often much more efficient than your existing appliances, even a newer appliance that’s not computerized will still be more efficient than your old washer. In the end, if you determine a smart refrigerator that sends you a grocery list isn’t for you, but a smart thermostat is, that’s OK.
n They may not always integrate well with other smart gadgets in your home unless they are all from the same manufacturer.

82 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 Shop With Us! estate sales, antiques, gifts DESIGNLYNCHBURG@GMAIL.COM • (434) 384-3232 AWFAREADERS’VORITESARDS2022 paisleygiftslynchburg.com4925BoonsboroRoadLynchburg,VA24503434.385.0598 Get cozy cashmere!in

A unique selection of shopping and dining, coupled with friendly business owners makes Boonsboro Shopping Center a superior shopping destination. 4925 Boonsboro Rd. | Lynchburg, VA 24503
cvhomemagazine.com 83
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A unique selection of shopping and dining, coupled with friendly business owners makes Boonsboro Shopping Center a superior shopping destination. 4925 Boonsboro Rd. | Lynchburg, VA 24503

ith cool, crisp days arriving, a lush area of grass creates an inviting spot for sports, relaxing, and cookouts. Healthy grass also sets the tone for your garden’s surrounding plants and shrubs. Thankfully, fall offers an ideal time to build a beautiful lawn.
84 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 GARDEN sod 101 W
roll out the GREEN CARPET

Where to start
To begin, consider your options to make your lawn greener and stronger.
How sod works
M ake a fresh start: till the yard, rake it smooth, then put down seed to germinate. Cover it with straw so it won’t blow away, wash away in a torrent of rain, or feed the birds.
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Aerate the soil then over-seed the established grass with the same type of grass seed.
Growing grass from seed takes time and patience. Then there are the weeds to tackle — they come up among the grass shoots, courtesy of the birds.
Sod is an alternative that is gaining popularity due to its durability and simplicity. Offering instant gratification, sod looks beautiful right away and doesn’t require weeks of daily yard work.
Sod is easier because it requires less maintenance. With adequate water to keep the grass thick and full and proper mowing height, so it does not experience stress, it does not offer as much opportunity for weeds to grow in it. W.B. Bass says, “With sod, you’ve taken the first year of weed worry away.” After that, with annual applications of preemergent such as crabgrass controls and appropriate water during dry spells, sod will continue to look good for years.”
n Try an easier method: sod. Sod arrives weed-free and hasslefree. All you add is water. It is like rolling out a green carpet.
Sod arrives stacked on wooden pallets. Thick squares of healthy grass, free of weeds and cut in sections that are ready to put down over the bare soil. All sod needs for the first year is water and some sunshine to thrive.
As W.B. Bass of Bass Sod Farm in Gladys says, “putting down sod in the yard takes all the waiting and hard work out of it. Sod won’t erode with the first rainfall whereas seed and straw may washBassaway.”knows sod. His family business has transitioned from raising cattle and growing tobacco and soybeans to cultivating premium turfgrass for residential and commercial use. In 2005, W.B. and Allen Bass started growing sod with 40 acres. Today they grow over 250 acres of Bermuda, fescue, and zeon zoysia. Their mission is “to make grass greener on your side of the fence.” They Reseedingdo.alawn, starting with bare soil and seed, or installing sod are all methods that give similar results — a yard that is green and healthy.

86 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 Starting a lawn from the ground up can also be done with seed and straw. Eliminating old grass and weeds is recommended as Will NMLS#1229598Luper *Source : Home Magazine's Readers' Favorites Awards 2022

well as tilling the ground to loosen the soil. Finish by adding several inches of fresh topsoil or compost and leveling any unevenOnceareas.theseed is sown and straw scattered over top, the lawn requires fertilizer, water, and patience. New grass will emerge in 10 to 14 days with proper hydration. The fertilizer step is very important so that the grass grows quickly and thickly and doesn’t allow as many weeds to get into the lawn. Once the foliage sprouts, be on the lookout for weeds. At this point, pulling a few weeds by hand keeps them to a minimum. The following season the grass will be ready for preventive weed products and another round of fertilizer.
Now’s the perfect time for a lawn refresh. Cool weather after a summer of heat beckons work and play outdoors before winter weather arrives. Whether sod or seed is applied, new grass improves the lawn and adds value to a home. Once a lawn is established it is easier to maintain.
There is no reason not to roll out the green carpet. ✦
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n the not-too-distant past, the herky-jerky washing machine and its dryer buddy were banished to the corner of an unsightly, musty-smelling basement. At some point, some brilliant person realized that getting clean clothes — a chore for one person, let alone a family — deserved a better setup. Now, laundry spaces are going from dingy and dated to large and luxe. No matter your space or your budget, there are ways to make the mountain of laundry scalable, and the space to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The first step is to get organized.
88 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 IMPROVE level up the laundry clean by designLAUNDRY SPACES WITH FUNCTION AND PERSONALITY MAKE WASHING LESS OF A LOAD

Some might suggest decanting products to reduce visual clutter, but, honestly, it’s a lot of work, and we’re trying to lessen the load, so to speak.
Another important tip: make sure you have proper lighting. While you might not think about it, good light is essential to properly sort clothing and treat stains. If you’re someone who irons (kudos to you!), proper lighting will help ensure settings so garments are pressed perfectly, and your creases are crisp. If you have space, consider adding a light fixture that not only brings you lumens but sparks joy and makes a design statement. Keep different hampers for different loads — yes, basic ones for lights and darks, but also for items you hang to dry or that need to be pre-treated.
Think about function, vertical spaces
Or have a basket for each person in the house. (Be sure to read labels, too, as some pieces of clothing react to certain ingredients; and some stain fighters should not be left to dry.) Teach others in the house your systems, too, so they can help.
So think about what you need to do in your laundry area, and, if space permits, what you would like to do in your laundry room. Does it make sense to combine a
The mantra of all good design is “form follows function.”
Get organized Look around your space and edit. Keep only what is essential: detergent, stain fighters, wool balls/dryer sheets, clothespins/hangers and a place to throw away dryer lint. Even if you have a larger space, keeping just the basics within arm’s length will help with efficiency. The more clutter you can remove from your space, the easier it will be to get the task at hand done.
cvhomemagazine.com 89

Wallpaper is another way to add design to a space, but if it’s too daunting, you could opt for adding paper to the back of open VA
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Just because a laundry room isn’t a living space doesn’t mean it should be outdated or a space you dread going into. While laundry spaces might not get top billing, it’s easy to refresh your space without spending a lot. For bang-for-your-buck, buy some paint for the cabinets, walls, and even floors. Coordinate a colorful palette or stay all neutral. Chalkboard paint may also be used — and is a fun way to remember lists or leave messages.
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laundry room and a bathroom or mudroom? Could an upstairs closet be turned into a laundry room? Would it make sense to have two dryers? Laundry spaces, just like kitchens, are really individualized.Beingableto hang clothes directly from the dryer, or even straight from the washer, or after being ironed will help keep them looking fresh. A custom clothes rail to airdry clothes can be installed; a portable drying rack might work if you have space. Another quick fix is to hang tension rods at or above head height to allow you to keep hanging clothes tidy; just make sure the rods can withstand the weight of the clothing. Skinny, no-slip hangers help save space. Install shelving systems in vertical spaces. Open shelving is particularly functional for your most-used items; a deep shelf over front-loading machines can double as a folding station. Be sure to invest in durable materials, as these shelves will see lots of use. Also, peg boards can be hung up near the top of the walls, and items (think laundry baskets, drying racks and even an ironing board) can be hung from hooks in the pegs. Make it pretty, or at least, not ugly
90 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022

n Set alarms to remind you to get clothes out of the dryer once it finishes shelves/cabinets. Artwork might not have a place in smaller laundry areas, but if you have the wall space, a color-saturated print in a neutral area makes a statement; or prints in a monochromatic color scheme can add texture. If your space is large, consider adding a low pile, tight-weave area rug, or even a moveable cart. If your space has a window, consider a window treatment as a way to make the space reflective of your style. Think about how much personality blinds or a valance can add. As for other décor, think aromatherapy, laundry-room themed items, a family portrait or a plant or two. However, keep in mind, you don’t want to add more cleaning to your routine, so keep it simple. Ideally, a laundry space is a highly functional, highly organized, pleasant place in which you get your clothes clean. You don’t need a lot of square footage, but you need a good floorplan, and systems that help with efficiency. If doing laundry feels less like a chore, that can only be a good thing.
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Keep one bin near the washing machine that is an “emergency wash” area — so that items that are needed within 24 hours can get done first Run a cold wash, hangto-dry-load first thing in the morning — it won’t take hot water for showers and will have all day to dry Keep hangers in your laundry space, so you can hang clothes immediately after they come out of the dryer Put socks in a mesh bag to wash/dry, so the pairs are always together
William Carvajal, MD FACS surgeon over years of experience cosmetic surgery. CT A,
in facial
n Use your phone: listen to golaundry,whilepodcasts/music/booksdoingandfoldingitmakesthetimebyquicker
cvhomemagazine.com 9 1 M AKE LAUNDRY DAY EASIER n

Winding down Holcomb Rock Road, prepare for some great views, but none are any grander than those of the hillside home of Summer and Shannon Sawyer. The Sawyers purchased the land and its original cabin in 2017 for a weekend retreat. They would pile their two children, two dogs and chickens — yes, chickens — into their car and head to the tiny cabin to unwind from their hectic lives. It didn’t take the family long to decide that this property was special enough to make into their full-time home.
Photography by Michael Patch

cvhomemagazine.com 93
Summer fondly remembers the moonlit night when the family decided to make the move to the cabin permanent. No longer would they be carting chickens back and forth between houses. They enlisted the help of Zach Baldridge of True Custom after his name was recommended to them numerous times. Baldridge, a fourth-generation homebuilder, also possesses a fine arts degree. With his mechanical skills and eye for design, he was the perfect fit for the Sawyers. Baldridge came out to the property and immediately had a vision of what could be. The trouble was trying to work with the existing cabin. After much thought and many sleepless nights, the Sawyers decided to tear down the cabin and start Summerover.says, “In short, we realized we were just making too many sacrifices in trying to keep the old cabin versus what we really wanted and needed.”

The Sawyers loved the use of stone, different woods, and myriad windows. Both Summer and Shannon said they wanted a rustic chic design and “a simple home with nothing too fancy.”
94 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Summer and Shannon are both local dentists and are extremely busy during weekdays. They wanted their home to feel like a rural refuge — an escape from their work lives. Baldridge understood this and took it to heart. Given almost total creative freedom, Baldridge began work in October 2019 with the teardown of the old cabin.
Situated on top of a hillside, the Sawyer’s home feels like a lodge with a vaulted A-frame roofline. On the exterior, stones cover the foundation, transitioning to poplar bark siding, brought in from North Carolina. This special siding was peeled directly off the poplar trees and thus has moss and lichen still attached to it.
Creating an escape
Dreaming and designing
In the early stages of design, Baldridge invited the Sawyers to come out to the Liberty Mountain Gun Club that he had recently completed designing and building. It was love at first sight for the Sawyers, who quickly told Baldridge to “make this into our home.”

cvhomemagazine.com 95

Walking through the Dutch front door, one is immediately drawn to the expanse of windows along the back of the house and the glorious views they provide. In this great room, the vaulted ceiling continues from the front porch. The entire back wall is made of windows and folding glass doors that open onto the back porch. The ceiling is covered in tongue and groove wood, left in its naturalTherestate.isonly one wall in the room that is not made of windows—the wood-burning stone fireplace. The Sawyers wanted the popping and cracking sound and the smell that only wood could provide. A large TV sits above the mammoth fireplace with a brown sectional sofa, situated to best take in the views.
“My favorite time of the year in the house occurs in the fall, when I can open the glass doors to see the fall foliage and have a football game on the TV,” Shannon said. With an open concept, the dining room and kitchen flow directly off the great room. In the dining room, a simple table was chosen to not distract from the views. On the one wall not covered by windows resides an abstract painting created by Shannon’s stepmom, Robin. His father Chris created many of the sculptures throughout the house.
96 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022

The kitchen was Summer’s favorite room to work on in the design phase. Tracy Kearney, the owner and a designer at Cornerstone Cabinets & Design, guided Summer every step of the way. Summer says, “Thanks to Tracy, the kitchen is my happy space.”Leathered black granite countertops sit on top of gray cabinets that have been stained so the wood grain can be faintly seen. There is a prep sink, as well as a main sink that looks out over the back yard, both of which were hand-crafted by Alberene Soapstone Company. Wide-plank hardwood floors finished in the “hit-and-miss” style, were chosen because they closely resembled what was in the original cabin. The kitchen also has a full-size stand-up freezer and refrigerator—much needed for a family of four. Above the Wolf gas stove is an accent wall of the same poplar bark used on the outside of the house. There are also not one, but two islands in the kitchen. Both are covered in a white granite, in contrast to the black in the rest of the kitchen. One island is solely for the use of the children, with a space for homework, drawers for snacks, and even a computer. The other island is used mainly for prep space.
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‘My happy space’

The main bedroom features another vaulted ceiling, this time with beams. The windows that face the front of the house are framed out, resembling a church, and make a striking statement.
Summer says it was all Baldridge’s vision and that “he has such a good eye for these kinds of details.”Themain bath has more travertine tile in the shower and cream granite on top of the dual sink cabinets. Kearney also helped with this design and added a special touch of rice paper to some of the cabinet fronts. The main closet has tons of hanging storage and a dark wood island, resembling furniture. Kearney even made sure that the hanging rods for Summer, who is petite in stature, were lowered so that she could reach them. From the vaulted ceilings to the windows framed out to resemble a church, the builder, Zach Baldridge of True Custom, "has such a good eye for these kinds of details," said homeowner Summer Sawyer.
Personal touches
When coming back inside the house from the great outdoors, a mudroom is conveniently situated between the kitchen and garage. It includes a dog (or foot) washing station, a roll-out pantry and washer/dryer area. The same cabinets used in the kitchen are also used in here to preserve continuity.
The rest of the main floor consists of a main bedroom, bath, and closet, as well as an office and guest bath. The design plan kept in mind having all of the necessities on the main level for when the Sawyers start to grow older.
In the office, Shannon uses his stepdad Bill’s former desk and chair that he used while serving in Congress as a representative of Texas. There is also a small watercolor of the original cabin that the family holds dear. The guest bath features travertine tile on the floor and has a trough sink hand-crafted by Alberene Soapstone.
98 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022

Also upstairs is a guest bedroom and bath with a view that Summer says is the best in the house. It is decorated with Asianinfluenced furniture and artwork that Shannon’s mom brought back with her from her extensive travels.
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The basement possesses great views and high ceilings, just like the rest of the house. It was designed around providing entertainment for the children, with a ping pong/pool table, foosball table and an arcade game. A workout room with the machines facing the back yard makes exercising just a little bit easier. There is also a spare bedroom that the children have dubbed “the sleepover room.”
The second floor features the bedrooms of the Sawyer’s children, Olivia and Ashton, and are connected via a Jackand-Jill bathroom. A painting of ice cream cones by her grandmother adorns Olivia’s room, while Ashton’s room features blackand-white photos of the plane Shannon’s grandfather flew in the Pacific in WWII.

100 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022

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102 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Unparalleled views While the house is beautiful, the outdoor spaces and views are unparalleled. Along the entire back side of the house is a covered porch. The railings are done with wire to not block any of the views. Baldridge says they used a laser to cut out the metal railing plates, which cut down on costs and allowed them to use unusual shapes. The porch overlooks 40 acres of pastures, orchards, forests and a creek.
The chicken coop built by Tim Kappel, owner of Pure Home, incorporates the same materials as the house to blend seamlessly into the farm.
The Sawyer farm comes alive with animals, including six cows, two horses and, of course, tons of free-range chickens. Summer says the chickens have a very healthy appetite and “beg for food like dogs, which always surprises people.”

Stone steps lead guests down to a beautiful saltwater pool with a pergola, fire pit, grill, and multiple seating areas. A native of Florida, Summer grew up accustomed to warmer temperatures. Thus, when the pool was installed, they had a pool heater installed, as well as a roll-out solar cover placed so the pool water temperatures can reach up to 92 degrees. Stone pavers cover the ground around the pool and hydrangeas, grasses, and laurel round out the landscaping.
To say the least, the Sawyers have achieved their goal of creating a rustic chic home. Every inch of the house feels lived in and appreciated. With seasonally changing views and animals full of personality, nature provides the gift that keeps on giving. ✦
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104 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 DestinationBedfordVA.com Begin your extraordinary visit to downtown Bedford at the official Welcome Center. Find sweeping views of the Peaks of Otter, a LOVEworks display, gift shop and more. ———— ere Ordinary Ends... ———— Bedford Begins. DestinationBedford VA .com 877-447-3257 | #DestinationBedfordVA

cvhomemagazine.com 105 ere Ordinary Ends... Bedford Begins. The Blue Lady 107A E Main Street Bedford, VA BUSINESSES540.586.462224523THREEAMAZINGUNDERONEROOFIppolito EverafterCandyFlorist

106 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 DESIGN repurposed furnishings
The BookcaseBetter-Than-Basic
H ome decorating projects are always gratifying — but there’s something extra appealing about taking a piece of furniture that might be unused or under-utilized and upcycling it into a creative, functional piece. Enter the humble bookshelf. Maybe you’ve got one tucked into a guest room where you store some paperbacks you haven’t read in a decade. Or one stashed in an attic, basement, or garage that you never use, but still can’t part with.

Don’t let that potential go to waste. There are some wonderful ways to upcycle that basic bookcase into several other pieces: Lovely libations
Creative closets & storage
For the at-home mixologist or amateur sommelier, transforming a bookshelf into a bar cart or wine bar is a wonderful way to upcycle. For a bar cart, you can adjust the shelving to accommodate the height of liquor bottles, add decorative trays to hold cocktail shakers and tools, and choose a curated assortment of colorful, classic clear, or vintage cocktail glassware. For a wine bar, the underside of the top can be outfitted with metal racks for hanging wine glasses, and the lower shelves can be fitted with horizontal wine racks. Decorative baskets can hold wine openers and stemware tags, so guests know which glass is theirs. If you want to be extra creative, add some rails to secure glassware and bottles and add wheels to the bookshelf to create a travelling bar or wine cart.
As long as a bookshelf can fit inside your closet, it can be enlisted for a multitude of uses. Add shelves to pack in layers of shoes. Add wicker or canvas baskets for a beautiful and practical way to organize scarfs, hats, and bags. Expecting a new addition to the family? You can turn a bookshelf into a mini-closet for a nursery by removing a shelf and adding a clothes rack. Baskets or canvas cubes on lower shelves can organize smaller items like socks and shoes. You can also enlist a bookshelf for creating a decorative but functional piece for storing linens or toiletries in a bathroom.
Culinary inspiration Bookshelves have myriad uses in a kitchen, not the least of which would be to organize your cookbooks. Additionally, you can also line up multiple waist-high bookshelves back-to-back, adding a tabletop to create a functional kitchen island. The sides can be outfitted with wire baskets or upcycled hanging file folder holders to drape kitchen towels or store other items. Bookshelves can be lined with wicker or wire baskets for storing root vegetables or to organize linens, plastic containers, snacks, or anything else that needs storage. If you need more space to display your favorite dishware, you can add decorative feet to an old bookshelf and create a hutch. Adding a tabletop to a single bookshelf can convert it into an intimate table for a coffee or breakfast nook.

Humble home office Attaching a level surface to one shelf, and adding two legs for support, can create a small home office area or desk space for kids to do homework. You could even attach an existing small table to a bookshelf and paint to match, taking two unused items to create a functional new one. Even simpler, take the coffee or breakfast nook idea and just add a tabletop, creating an instant desk.
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Once you determine how you will use your newly redesignated bookcase, you can punch up the décor. Repainting is a nobrainer, but you can also add pizazz by painting the interior a different color. You can also add wallpaper to the inside – or even the outside – for some pop. Consider distressing to give an antiqued look. Add thin wooden planks inside or outside for a rustic, shiplap look. Or go with a high-gloss finish inside and out for a modern, sleek feel. Whatever your current décor or practical need, a simple bookshelf and some creativity can combine to create a new piece that works for both you and your space. ✦
Green thumbs If you love to garden, you can convert an old bookshelf into your own indoor seed-starting center. Attach grow lights to the top of each shelf and buy seed-starting kits that come with trays, soil pods, and a clear plastic lid. Seedlings can grow there until they are large enough to plant outdoors – or until they grow taller than the shelves.
Kid stuff Ideas for kids and bookshelves abound. You can turn an old bookshelf into a dollhouse by adding a few dividers and painting or decorating each room. You can paint the back and sides with chalkboard paint, giving kids a canvas they reuse again and again. Similar to the idea for a nursery closet, you can also make a dress-up closet to hang up costumes and accessories. Add wheels and it can be portable, too.

youll want to make all year long’
The qualifications for a perfect game day spread are pretty straight forward. Here are the four magic ingredients:
1. Must be scalable — crowds can eat a lot. 2. Must be easy to prepare. 3. Must be delicious. 4. Must be a little splurge worthy for the waistline. Sticking to the classics is always a hit. But why not take it up a notch? These recipes take a spin on the classics from deviled eggs and pizza to cheese dips and sheet cake. We don’t need to rewrite the classics completely, but these versions might make you want to add some extra notes to grandma's recipe cards.

This is a spin on a Korean American dish. It’s not what most game goers would expect like your typical buffalo chicken dip. This is best served straight from the skillet but is wonderful reheated. Serve with crackers and watch it disappear!
2 teaspoons Sriracha
2 cups mozzarella, shredded 1 (5-oz.) package prosciutto, diced 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded (plus more for garnish)
1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
TEX-MEX DEVILED EGGS Who doesn’t love a deviled egg? Can you call yourself a Southerner if you don’t? Eggs are a blank canvas for flavors, so try this smokey and spicy version!
1 tablespoon green onions, thinly sliced
Preheat the oven to 325°F. Combine mozzarella, prosciutto, parmesan, basil, and parsley into a bowl. Combine oil and garlic in a small bowl, and drizzle over the cheese mixture. Cut biscuits into quarters and add to cheese and oil mixture. Toss together. Transfer to a lightly greased nonstick Bundt pan and bake until the top is golden, about 45 to 55 minutes. Let the bread rest in the pan for about 5 minutes. Remove bread (by flipping over on a platter and garnish with parmesan and basil. Serve with marinara sauce for dipping.
4 ears corn, shucked (if using canned, rinse and drain well, about 3 cups)
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup whole milk mozzarella, shredded and divided 1 green onion, thinly sliced
Preheat the oven to 400°F. Lightly grease an ovenproof skillet. In a large bowl, combine corn, mayonnaise, Sriracha, sugar, garlic powder, salt, pepper and half of mozzarella. Spread corn mixture into a lightly greased ovenproof skillet, and sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella. Bake until bubbly, about 15 minutes. Then broil for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown. Garnish with sliced green onions.
1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped (plus more for garnish) 1/4 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 (16-oz.) cans biscuit dough, refrigerated 1 cup marinara sauce, jarred and warmed
6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled
1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, chopped 1 small jalapeño pepper, seeded and diced 1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon chili powder 1/4 cup Monterey Jack, shredded Smoked paprika, to garnish Cut eggs in half lengthwise and remove yolks into a bowl. Mash egg yolks and stir in green onions, cilantro, jalapeño, mayonnaise, mustard, salt, pepper and chili powder. Spoon the mixture into egg white halves; sprinkle with Monterey Jack and smoked paprika. Serve immediately or cover and chill until ready to serve.
2 teaspoons sugar 1 teaspoon garlic powder
OMG! This is pizza elevated and totally shareable. My biggest tip is to make more than one. It will fly! It is an easy finger food with very simple steps and pre-made ingredients! The prosciutto makes it slightly unique and utterly divine!

112 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
1 3/4 cups sugar
CAKE 2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
I adore this recipe because the longer it sits, the better it tastes, which makes it perfect for game day! It’s buttery, just sweet enough and will make all ages happy.
1 cup butter, cubed 2 large eggs 1 cup sour cream
FROSTING 1/2 cup butter, cubed 1/4 cup half and half 3 1/2 cups confectioners’
1/2sugarteaspoon almond extract 1 cup chopped almonds
Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Cream together butter, eggs, sour cream and almond extract. Add to the flour mixture and mix well. It will be thick! Transfer to a greased 15x10x1-in. baking pan. Bake until golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for 20 Forminutes.frosting, add butter and half and half to a large saucepan and bring just to a boil. Be careful not to scorch. Remove from heat and stir in confectioners' sugar, extract and almonds. Spread over warm cake. ✦ We believe hope comes in many forms. We just happen to deliver it in brown boxes. Our mission takes us around the world — but we call central Virginia home. Visit us online • www.gftw.org
2 teaspoons almond extract

cvhomemagazine.com 113 find your perfect vintage Winner 2 categories, ree years in a row! Thank You! (434) 845-0555 1301 Main St. Lynchburg The Autumn Season always inspires us with thoughts of home and comfort. LET US HELP YOU STYLE YOUR HOME WITH HAPPINESS THIS FALL Thank You for voting us your choice for Favorite Home Accessories & Gifts. 434.847.0576 Mon — Sat: 9:00-4:00 • Sun: 11:00-4:00 1716 Main St. • Downtown Lynchburg HOME DÉCOR • FLAGS • GIFTSREADERS’FAVORITESAWARDS2022

114 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 IMPROVE home maintenance by month BY AMELIA POORE
In the never-ending journey of homeownership, it can feel like each new season brings a whole host of problems to solve — some are time-sensitive and some are just convenience, but which is which? Below, we list a few of the most important and prevalent seasonal inspection items. However, every home is different. Especially in an older home, your seasonal maintenance list may include more or less per season. Always conduct your own research or consult with an expert before embarking on a brand-new task. CHECKLISTSMAINTENANCEFOREVERY
a year inthe life HOME

cvhomemagazine.com 1 15 FALL WINTER SPRING SUMMER

While fall is the perfect time to focus on the exterior, winter is a great time for interior maintenance, such as vacuuming and sealing air vents, replacing the batteries in smoke/carbon-monoxide detectors, and deep-cleaning carpets and rugs. Since the outside is like one big refrigerator anyway, simply place all your food in coolers and take the opportunity to deep-clean your fridge and freezer.
Fall Generally, the mild weather makes fall an opportune time to take care of any significant home improvement or maintenance outdoors, such as replacing windows, exterior painting, and roofing. In addition to the raking and other yardwork best done before it snows, there are tasks that must be completed before it gets too cold such as inspecting and cleaning fireplaces and chimneys; clearing gutters; winterizing hoses, sprinklers, and other exterior plumbing; re-sealing the gaps around exterior windows and doors; and fixing any cracks on sidewalks or driveways.
Taking care of these chores during fair weather will save a lot of headaches once the winter sets in! Winter
There are a few items that should be inspected every month or two to ensure your home is running at peak efficiency, which will save money and time in the future. A good rule of thumb to guide timing for these year-round tasks is how often you use the item. If you use it year-round, you should inspect it yearround. The best examples are bathrooms, kitchens, and the equipment therein; this includes cleaning faucet aerators, clearing drains and garbage disposals, and flushing hot water heaters. Additionally, you should regularly inspect electrical cords, dryer and other air vents, and smoke/carbon-monoxide detectors to make sure they are in safe working order.
Fortunately, most big-ticket maintenance items can be completed seasonally, and most can be accomplished by the homeowner alone. Nonetheless, always seek the guidance of a professional if any task is dangerously out of your wheelhouse.
Lastly, there are a few as-needed items following a winter weather event, like inspecting the basement, roof, and gutters for leaks and damage. 434-847-1223
116 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
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cvhomemagazine.com Spring Like the fall, pleasant spring weather means easily-accomplished exterior maintenance. However, instead of preparing for the cold, springtime work focuses on protecting your home from the hot, humid summer months. Replacing the air-conditioner filter (or simply scheduling a service appointment), repairing weather stripping, cleaning gutters, power-washing, and cleaning and repairing door and window screens will ensure your home is operating at peak efficiency for the summer months.
1 17
The long, hot days of summer are great for spending time outdoors — for leisure, of course; not so much for yardwork or exterior maintenance. Thus, like the winter, summer is a great time to focus on your home’s interior. Use the opportunity to leave the windows open and deep-clean bathrooms and laundry areas: re-seal tile grout, remove mold and mildew, sanitize washing machine hoses, and repair any leaks. Expand the deep-clean to the kitchen to clean the oven and exhaust filters, and inspect the refrigerator and dishwasher for leaks, changing the filters if necessary. Also, take advantage of warm temperatures by oiling squeaky door hinges. Rather than being overwhelmed by tasks, take the maintenance one step at a time. Hopefully these suggestions help seasonal home maintenance feel like less of an ordeal and more of a few simple boxes on a to-do list. Use the sample list as a starting point for your own maintenance checklist. Happy checking! Scan the QR code to download our free printable maintenance calendar to keep your home in good repair in all seasons!
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Of course, you have — we all have! But did you know that secret rooms aren’t just a convenient device for a Hollywood storyline? You read that correctly: you, too, can have a hidden space in your home that only you and your family know about. CHARLOTTE A. F. FARLEY
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Have you ever watched a movie set in a grand old Victorian home where the lead actress bumped into a bookcase and revealed hidden rooms or mysterious passageways?
shhh! it’s a secret ROOMS HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT BY

1213 Long Meadows Drive
What rooms are otherwise empty or underused? Could the back of a closet transform into a hidden entryway? Can the space behind your built-in bookcases turn into a secret room? Alternatively, an unfinished basement can take on new life as a secretWhetherspace.you’re the kind to DIY this type of project, hire a contractor, or you’ve already uncovered a secret room in an older home, you might be asking yourself what can I really do with a secret room? Here are a few of our favorite ideas along with what you’ll need to design these spaces.
From hidden wine cellars to panic rooms and pantries, a secret room is more than an old bookcase trick. In fact, any room within your home that isn’t purely visible can qualify as a “secret room.” A hidden room not only infuses your home with personality and character, but it can make more efficient use of any wasted space in your home. If you find this notion appealing and want to find a way to have a hidden space in your home, then consider your floorplan.
Create a hidden wine cellar. Isn’t this the dream of every oenophile, truly? Although you may harbor dreams of having your very own Tuscan-style cellar to store your vintage vinos, you can create a secret wine cellar in the meantime. In fact, this is one instance where the “hidden bookcase” idea can come in handy. You can take any doorway, really, and convert it into a storage solution for your collection with a hidden flush wine rack door.
120 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
ValleyViewRetirement.com(434)Lynchburg237-3009 34 years in business independent & assisted living no endowment or move in fees warm & friendly, exceptionalatmospherehome-likeactivitiesprogrammonthtomonthleasesaward-winningcommunity vibrant & worry-free senior living HOME PUBLISHER TRISH ROTH WAS EXCITED TO FIND HIDDEN STORAGE ROOMS IN TWO OF HER CLOSETS!WALK-IN

Stairway rooms. Most older homes have nothing but dead space beneath their staircases. Take advantage of this opportunity to design an enchanting little play space for small children. The location of this nook already will feel “hidden” for a child, but you could add a curtain or easy-to-open door to enhance that magical feeling of having escaped to an enchanted secret world. If you don’t have little ones around but still like the idea of putting your underthe-stairs space to work for you, then why not use it as a place to stash away seasonal decor? Panic room. A high-security hidden room offers your family a safe shelter should — heaven forbid — an intruder find their way into your home. These rooms are frequently outfitted with technology that allows you to call for help during the crisis. It’s crucial that these rooms look nonexistent. Keep the entrance hidden behind a hutch, beneath the staircase, or behind a paneled door that looks like part of the wall. Disguise your library. Personally, I love being surrounded by my treasured books and keep them out on display, but I understand the appeal of having a quiet, secluded space for escaping into a novel. And what better place to use the hidden bookcase idea? A two-piece sliding bookcase would be just the thing for this secret room.
Cover your pantry. Keep your perishables stored away fashionably (and with a bit of whimsy!) by installing paneled doors that resemble your kitchen cabinets. This might read simply as “hidden storage,” but if you have a walk-in pantry you actually have a hidden room with a clever disguise. Keep the valuables under wraps. A single hidden bookcase door could easily hide jewels, a rare first edition, or a priceless baseball card collection. You might easily achieve this by sectioning off and hiding a closet, or you might need a smaller section of a larger room — it all depends on the scope and size of the valuables that need to be hidden.
HOME WRITER NOELLE MILAM OWNS A PROHIBITION-ERA HOME, BUILT INTO A HILLSIDE WITH MANY HIDDEN SPACES AND A PROBABLE BOOTLEGGING PAST. SHE FOUND WHAT APPEARS TO BE A SPEAKEASY BAR —ABOUT THE SIZE OF A CLOSET — HIDDEN AWAY! 434.907.3643 truecustomva.com zachbaldridgedesign.com Lynchburg Smith Mountain Lake 434-907-3643 www.truecustomva.com www.zachbaldridge.com Lynchburg, VA uniquely yours
cvhomemagazine.com 121

122 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
Likewise, you might consider concealing the entrance to a room you’d rather keep off-limits to guests (or even kids!), such as your home office space. It’s easy to disguise the doorway. Simply use a door latch to secure an oversized framed print or high-end poster to the door (just make sure the frame is large enough to cover up the door’s hinges). You could also cover the door with this clever idea: flank the entrance with bookshelves and paint the door so that it looks like another bookshelf. Of course, this would require molding that matched the bookcases along with the talents of an artistic friend, but it’s an affordable, manageable way to mask the entry.
Some spaces lend themselves more easily to secret rooms than others. Take the FROG, for example. A finished room over the garage (FROG) lets you have your space and hide it easily. If you’re planning to convert the space over your garage into a more functional area such as a guest room, office, or rec room, then your garage exterior is really doing the work for you.
If you have a room at the end of a hallway, you can hide the door to make it feel like a “secret room.” Install a swing door and
How to hide your secret room

finish the trim work for a seamless finish. Hang a piece of lightweight artwork on the panel and none will be the wiser. A riff on this approach involves using a door-sized mirror, so that it looks like a mirror is hanging on the wall. You might also look at installing false walls as an option for closing off a space. The same type of false walls you might use to conceal plumbing pipes or electrical wiring can be used to partition off a space — or a room — that you intend to keep private.
Looking for the perfect home financing? We’ve got you covered! We’ll analyze your unique financial picture and goals to help you fall into the perfect mortgage. Sherry Brady Branch Manager NMLS #217258 C. (434) www.LynchburgLender.comsbrady@apexhomeloans.com238-8984 Apex Home Loans is a division of Celebrity Home Loans, LLC NMLS #227765 www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org | Equal Housing Lender
It’s even easier to keep a small secret space hidden, especially one that’s meant to stow away supplies. One way you can obscure vertical storage is by hanging a gorgeous tapestry. By doing this, you not only hide your stuff, but you also create a focal point and bring a splash of color into the room — talk about hiding in plain Creatingsight!asecret room not only maximizes your space, but it brings to light a new chapter in your home’s story — trick bookcases, and all. ✦
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Color can be the cure for all manner of life’s blahs, no doubt. While pre-pandemic life gave rise to a minimalistic retreat from the clutter and noise of a busy life, the pandemic timeframe offered the opportunity to look within, both metaphorically and literally. In doing so, many have discovered a re-ordering of priorities. This can show up in a new habit as simple as learning to say no to what doesn’t bring joy and yes to what does.
During a previous time in your life, you may have relied on minimalism as a remedy for sensory overload in other areas of life. Yet with rejuvenation and a renewed sense of mental and emotional space, you just might be ready to invite a little bit (or a lot) of color in. The tips included in this article will help you slide the scale from blah to tadah, as you infuse your little corner of the world with colors that make you feel alive.

126 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022
YOUVOTED for your favorites! Thank you for voting for your favorite local stores, service providers and businesses for all things home improvement, design and garden in
Create cohesion Using your initial neutral color as the main foundation, scatter other favorite colors all throughout the room. This tells the eye that the hues are working together to create a unified tapestry.
The traditional 60-30-10 rule in the world of design, stipulates that a dominant color should take up 60 percent of the room, while two complementary colors take up the remaining 30 percent and 10 percent. HOME’s
annual Readers’ Favorites Awards.
Accessorize As fast as the length of a shopping haul, you can bring new knickknacks and textiles into your space in the form of pillows and throws, window treatments, rugs, vases, and the like. It’s a quick and low effort change, and boy does it make a difference!
Not to mention, it’s flat out fun to select colors and choose from a buffet of options at your favorite local and online stores.

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The traditional 60-30-10 rule in the world of design, stipulates that a dominant color should take up 60 percent of the room, while two complementary colors take up the remaining 30 percent and 10 percent.
Curate Add character with strategic placement and promotion of special features. Group knickknacks in odd numbers (threes and fives, for instance) for a less staged, more inviting feel. To update the old school accent wall, colorfully highlight specific areas with new adornments like picture frame molding or chair rails.
And while you can’t go wrong with this strategy, today’s trends that embrace maximalism, eclectic vibes, and hybrid styles, make way for even more color — imagine four or five — with color blocking offering multiple shade variations in each category.
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Accent colors can be introduced with painted ambiance elements like fireplaces, credenzas, cupboards, or walls that offer

128 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 a backdrop to entertainment areas and media — i.e., large-scale works of art, big screen TVs, record players, pool tables, video game consoles or wet bars. This wouldn’t be an article about color if we didn’t cover wallpaper. If wallpapering an entire room or wall is too much too soon, consider adding patterned colors to a small surface area like the inside of a bookshelf, the top of a plant stand, or the front of the steps. Roller patterned and textured paint can achieve a similar look. Then again, if you do want to take the full plunge from minimalism to maximalism and wallpaper the entire wall, room, or house, who are we to stop you? It’s your house. Go for it! Like a new haircut after a breakup, your home can reflect your personal transformation. In every spiritual practice, the act of surrender is pivotal to enlightenment. If your space remains static, it can quickly feel stagnant. Allow your abode to reflect your lessons learned, energy shifts, and transformations in an ongoing metamorphosis as your life evolves. BATH&BLINDSCURTAINS,PHOTO:

Scandinavian Sense Infusion If you’re still loving your Scandinavian-inspired simplicity from the Ikea shopping spree of yesteryear, no need to ditch that picturesque oat-colored sectional with the sturdy wooden base. Simply toss in a thick, fluffy area rug that lays down the palette of all the new colors you wish to introduce in your upgraded living room and cozy up with some bright textured pillows and throw blankets with fringe. The addition of both color and texture will deepen the dimension and give the room a greater sense of purpose.
The possibilities are endless, but here are three examples for inspiration for room reinvention as you move that neutral needle to life in vivid color.
Cohesive Coastal Hybrid If your sunroom coastal whites, creams, and beiges have you feeling a little too subdued, bringing in a hybrid style might be just the ticket for a fresh breeze to set your sails afloat. A jute rug with some extra colors and fringe or layered with a vintage rug on top can lay a foundation. Then, build upon it with a tasseled table runner featuring colorful geometric shapes and scattered pillows of a different but complementary accent color. Now you have coastal boho vibes. If “granny coastal” is more your cup of tea, introduce floral patterns in table settings and plant holders, along with nautical striped or botanical placemats and cushions. Additional vibrant coastal accessories can include stained glass bottles, lanterns, and sea glass resin art.
Midcentury Makeover If your midcentury kitchen is starting to feel a bit too matchy-matchy, you have options galore that will allow you to maintain the same overall design aesthetic. An automatic way to add more color, is to introduce a Moroccan rug with warm tones that appeal to your quirky taste. Change out a few dining chairs for mismatched upholstery and bring in new wood tones like driftwood if you’re feeling beachy or ethereal. Color pops can also show up in the form of a hanging light pendant or barstools in cherry red or canary yellow ✦
ScandinavianCoastal Midcentury

ADVERTISER indexLOCAL sources 4 Seasons Landscape 36 Academy Center of the Arts 44 Accents 113 Acupuncture Works LLC 130 Agatha Interiors 105 Alpaca By Jaca 44 American Moving and Storage 80 Apex Home Loans 123 Appalachian Orthodontics 122 Ashwood Manor 69 Bailey Grey 6, 82 Bailey Spencer 120 Bank of the James 128 Bass Sod Farm 87 Bedford County Tourism 104 Blickenstaff & Company, Realtors 19 Bloom by Doyles 82 Bowen Jewelry Company 113 BVA Mercantile 104 Children’s Dentistry & Orthodontics of Lynchburg 29 Collins Siding & Windows, Inc. 55 Curtains, Blinds & Bath 126 Daniele Mason, Realtor 19 Davies & Davies 22 Decorating Den Interiors 47 Dermatology Consultants Inc. 46 DoorTek Garage Door Service 41 Electric Co 105 Enchanted 113 Estates Revisited 113 F&S Building Innovations 48 Farm Basket 71 Findings 83 Fink’s Jewelers 7 First Bank & Trust Company 116 Flint Property Group 20 Forest Farmers Market 130 Fortress Foundation Solutions 40 Foster Fuels, Inc 63 Francis Oil 30 Frank Good Builders Inc 53 Gary’s Garden Center 63 Generation Solutions 73 Gleaning For The World 112 Grand Home Furnishings 12 High Cotton Home Furnishings 82 HSC Wealth Advisors 31 Huckleberry Knob Nursery 61 Image Maker Hair Salon and Wig Studio 118 Isabella’s 83 James River Ironworks 59 James T. Davis 127 John Stewart Walker 42 Just Liz 90 Kathy Terrell, Realtor 27 Kevin Midkiff, DDS 45 Kidd’s Services 53 Kitchen Crafter’s of Virginia 77 Kitchen Tune-up 81 L.G. Flint 51 Land Tech 9 Laura Webb, Realtor 80 Lauren Bell Real Estate 17 Lilly Construction 18 LinDor Arts 10 Love Painting 77 Luper Team Mortgage 86 Lynchburg Aesthetics and Wellness 91 Lynchburg Dental Center 32 Lynchburg Fence & Railing Company 59 Lynchburg Landscapes, Inc 61 Lynchburg Regional Airport 118 McBride and Blackburn Opticians 86 Meals on Wheels 109 Montana Plains Bakery 2 118 Nadine Blakely, Realtor 11 National Pools of Roanoke, Inc 16 Paisley Gifts & Stationery 82 Peakland Catering Co 90 Perry Pools 63 Persian Rugs & More 83 Piedmont Eye Center 5 Piedmont Floor Show 132 Pink Ladies Cleaning Services 77 Rainfrost Nursery 37 Riley Dental 25 Rotary Club of Forest 122 Runk & Pratt, Inc. 75 Scott Insurance 65 SharpVue Eye Care 118 Signature Management LLC 18 Small Business Accounting 117 Southern Landscape Group 131 Spectrum Stone Designs, LLC 71 Sweet Peas Lighting and Decor 127 Terrell E Moseley, Inc. 116 Terry Volkswagen Subaru 3 Tharp Funeral Home & Crematory 28 The Blue Lady 105 The Columns 36 The Dahlia 30 The Vinyl Porch Rail Company 2 Thomas Road Baptist Church 21 Timberlake Lighting of Lynchburg 77 Town of Bedford 104 True Custom 121 Valley View Retirement Community 120 Virginia Furniture Market 4 Visiting Angels 75 Watts Petroleum 73 Wendy Witt Group / EXP Realty 104 Westminster Canterbury 15 Wired Up Electrical 57 Your Community Credit Union 65 Yvonne Jansen, Realtor 8 FOR ADVERTISING INFO: (434) 845-5463 HOME@JAMESRIVERMEDIA.COM 130 C entral Virginia HOME Fall 2022 sourceslocal special rates available A HOMETOOPPORTUNITYCOST-EFFECTIVEADVERTISEINMAGAZINE. FOR MORE HOME@JAMESRIVERMEDIA.COM434-845-5463INFORMATION:

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