News from the MFL Department
Dear Parents, Given the international makeup of the student body, it is not a surprise that all three of the Modern Foreign Languages on offer are popular with the boys and I am particularly pleased that German, a language that has fallen out of favour at many schools, enjoys healthy numbers at GCSE. With several of our pupils bilingual it is no surprise that the department has already had examination success with boys sitting IGCSEs in modern languages early; another group sat examinations in November and we hope that they will repeat this success when the results are released in January. As part of my annual round of lesson observations, I have seen a number of Modern Languages lessons in the last couple of weeks. Two of the lessons were on music and the boys task was to learn the vocabulary and structures to be able to say what they enjoy and why. I was impressed by the ways the boys engaged along with their eagerness to push themselves and try to use more complex sentences or vocabulary than might have been expected. Employing modern music, creating haikus
in German or the Year 10s leading the lessons, along with the arrival of our Modern Language Assistants, are all part of what makes the Modern Languages department such a vibrant part of the School. The benefits of learning a modern language are many, not least the improved cultural understanding that comes from learning another country’s language and the increased employability, but I was interested to learn that studies have shown polyglots to be better at critical thinking and at making decisions, as well as having better memories and being better at multi-tasking; there is much more to be gained than just being able to find your way to the railway station or book a hotel. Following up on my comments a few weeks ago, a visiting theatre company reminded the Year 7 about the importance of road safety which will hopefully focus their minds in the future when walking to and from school. The Year 10s and 11s also had a visiting speaker in to talk about relationships and, as part of a programme designed to prepare for the challenges of modern life, there will be a talk in the Spring Term for them on alcohol and drugs. There
will also be an evening session for parents to attend so that you can hear the messages that your sons received earlier in the day but also get up-to-date on an area which his constantly changing. Miss Ridley will send more details in due course but I hope that as many of you as possible will attend. As this newsletter lands in your inbox, I will be pitch side at Meridian School in Royston supporting the Year 10 team in the third round of the ESFA Small Schools Cup. Both teams performed very well in the second round so it promises to be an exciting game. I sincerely hope we will end the week travelling back down the motorway looking forward to the fourth round. Best wishes
Rugby U14 WSS B vs St Paul’s School (A) 2:30pm Year 8 Parents’ Evening 5:30-7:30pm
Rugby U15/16 WSS A vs Tiffin School (H) Football U13 WSS (11 a side) vs Notting Hill Prep (A) Football U12 WSS A/B vs Notting Hill Prep (A)
Year 10/11 Theatre Trip, Heisenberg: The Uncertainty Principle, Wyndham’s Theatre 3:00pm
HM Assembly at Hinde Street Methodist Church 3:30pm
IMPORTANT NOTICES Thursday 23rd November Year 10 & 11 GCSE Drama Theatre Trip to Heisenberg: The Uncertainty Principle at Wyndham’s Theatre at 3pm
DATE FOR YEAR 11 PARENTS’ DIARIES Tuesday 30th January 2017, 18:30 Year 11 parents and boys’ talk: UK university admissions. Dr Will McMorran from Queen Mary, University of London and Wetherby Senior Parent.
CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX APPEAL Once again, we will be supporting West London Mission (a local organisation which helps homeless people) with their Christmas shoebox appeal. We would like as many boys as possible to bring in a shoebox of gifts suitable for adult males. Scarves, socks, toiletries and dried or tinned food are examples of some of the items you might like to include. You can start bringing in your shoeboxes from next week; please leave these in Miss Nash’s or Mrs Skinner’s classrooms. Look out for the campaign poster in next week’s Barometer!
MONDAY Soup: Leek & Potato Main: Lemon & Asparagus Risotto Meat Free: Baked Potatoes Served With: Baked Beans or Tuna & Sweetcorn or Bacon & Sour Cream or Mixed Grated Cheese To Go With: Sugar Snap Peas, Warm Chickpea, Tomato & Onion Cassoulet, Dessert: Apple & Forest Berry Crumble
TUESDAY Soup: Cream of Broccoli Main: Bacon, Tomato & Basil Gnocchi
To Go With: Vegetable Kebabs, Roasted Vine Cherry Tomatoes, Vegetable Rice Dessert: Mango & Passion Fruit Yogurt Pots
Main: Beef Stir Fry Meat Free: Mixed Vegetable Stir Fry
Dessert: Black Cherry Fool
Main: Pepperoni & Bacon Pitta Bread Pizza Meat Free: Tomato, Mozzarella & Basil Pitta Bread Pizza
To Go With: Sautéed Potatoes With Thyme & Cumin, Roasted Carrots & Parsnip Sticks, Steamed Peas
Freshly Made Bread To Go With: Vegetable Frittata, Chips, Grilled Courgettes Dessert: Apple Pie
Homemade Salads Vegetable Crudités With Hummus Sandwich & Wrap Selection Meat & Cheese Platters Fresh Fruit Yogurt Pots
Soup: Roasted Pepper & Tomato
Meat Free: Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms
Dessert: Chocolate and Raspberry Roulade To Go With: Egg Fried Rice, Grilled Bok Choi, Steamed Bean Sprouts, Spiced Savoy Cabbage
Soup: Roasted Cauliflower Main: Chicken & Leek Pie
Meat Free: Pesto, Rocket & Goat’s Cheese Gnocchi
THURSDAY Soup: Roasted Butternut Squash
Miss Suarez writes... The European Day of Languages, proclaimed by the Council of Europe in 2001, aims to encourage language learning and cultural understanding across Europe. Not wanting to miss out on any of the fun, staff and boys at Wetherby threw themselves into the celebrations. The hallways and dining room were decorated with European flags and tutors from all year groups promoted the day by engaging the students with an interesting quiz on European facts and cultural curiosities. Students were enthusiastic about the idea that they live in a multicultural community where speaking different language can provide exciting professional and personal opportunities. The Year 7 boys also spent tutor time completing and competing for the best European passport design. In addition to the theme-based lunch menu, the Modern Languages and English departments collaborated to lead the weekly assembly. Language teachers selected their favourite poems written in different European languages to be read out and explained to the boys. It was an excellent day full of creative activities where staff and students enjoyed learning a bit more about our European neighbours.
Der Fischer - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Das Wasser rauscht’, das Wasser schwoll, Ein Fischer saß daran, Sah nach dem Angel ruhevoll, Kühl bis ans Herz hinan. Und wie er sitzt und wie er lauscht, Teilt sich die Flut empor: Aus dem bewegten Wasser rauscht Ein feuchtes Weib hervor. Sie sang zu ihm, sie sprach zu ihm: »Was lockst du meine Brut Mit Menschenwitz und Menschenlist Hinauf in Todesglut? Ach wüßtest du, wie’s Fischlein ist So wohlig auf dem Grund, Du stiegst herunter, wie du bist, Und würdest erst gesund. Labt sich die liebe Sonne nicht, Der Mond sich nicht im Meer? Kehrt wellenatmend ihr Gesicht Nicht doppelt schöner her? Lockt dich der tiefe Himmel nicht. Das feuchtverklärte Blau? Lockt dich dein eigen Angesicht Nicht her in ew’gen Tau?« Das Wasser rauscht’, das Wasser schwoll, Netzt’ ihm den nackten Fuß; Sein Herz wuchs ihm so sehnsuchtsvoll Wie bei der Liebsten Gruß. Sie sprach zu ihm, sie sang zu ihm; Da war’s um ihn geschehn; Halb zog sie ihn, halb sank er hin Und ward nicht mehr gesehn.
EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES Le corbeau et le renard – Jean de la Fontaine Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché, Tenait en son bec un fromage. Maître Renard, par l’odeur alléché, Lui tint à peu près ce langage : «Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois.» A ces mots le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie ; Et pour montrer sa belle voix, Il ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie. Le Renard s’en saisit, et dit : «Mon bon Monsieur, Apprenez que tout flatteur Vit aux dépens de celui qui l’écoute : Cette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute.» Le Corbeau, honteux et confus, Jura, mais un peu tard, qu’on ne l’y prendrait plus.
A una nariz - Francisco de Quevedo Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado, érase una nariz superlativa, érase una nariz sayón y escriba, érase un peje espada muy barbado. Era un reloj de sol mal encarado, érase una alquitara pensativa, érase un elefante boca arriba, era Ovidio Nasón más narizado. Érase un espolón de una galera, érase una pirámide de Egipto, las doce Tribus de narices era. Érase un naricísimo infinito, muchísimo nariz, nariz tan fiera que en la cara de Anás fuera delito.
This year, our lucky year 7 students will be taking part in the national MFL Spelling Bee, in Spanish, German and French. Boys will spend some time practising, and will then take part in a class
competition in December to see who can spell the most words in the target language in 60 seconds. The winners from each class will go on to compete against each other next term, and one
student from each language will go on to represent Wetherby at the regional finals in the summer term. Could it BEE any more exciting? We certainly don’t think so!
YEAR 10 & 11 GERMAN HAIKUS As part of their EDL and World Poetry Day celebrations, Year 10 and 11 Germanists attempted to write some German haikus. This was not as easy as they first thought but after wrestling with their creativity, (and their language skills), some excellent pieces of work were produced. Mr Chidell from the English department had the honour of judging the haikus and we have published first, second and third place here for you to enjoy.
First place: Nick S Second place: Tom Z Third place: Jonathan G
YEAR 9 FILMKRITIKS Year 9 German students took on the role of ‘Filmkritiks’ when reviewing ‘Das Wunder von Bern’, a 2003 film about the championship-winning German soccer team of 1954.
Das Wunder von Bern – Filmkritik Der Film geht um einen Jung heißt Matthias, der Fußball liebt und seinen Vater, der aus Russland zurückkommt. Die Hauptthemen sind Fußball und Geschichte. Der Film findet in Ostdeutschland und Bern statt. Die Handlung war sehr rührend und ziemlich realistisch. Die Musik war ein bisschen langweilig aber okay. Die Charaktere waren sehr überzeugend und Matthias war toll. Die Spezieleffekte waren ziemlich schlecht. Ich haben den Film unterhaltsam gefunden, weil es glaubwürdig ist. Ich würde den Film empfehlen, weil es sehr rührend ist. Robert B, 9. Klasse
Das Wunder von Bern – Filmkritik Der Film geht um einen Jungen, der Fußball liebt und seinen Vater – der wurde vom Gefängniscamp entlassen. Der Vater war sehr streng und hat den Jungen geschlangen. Aber dann hat der Sohn seinem Vater verziehen. Der Sohn ist ein großer Fußball-Fan. Sein Idol ist ein Fußballspieler. Er ist im Nationalteam und der Team hat die Weltmeisterschaft gewonnen. Die Hauptthemen sind Familie und Fußball. Der Film findet in einer kleinen Stadt in Ostdeutschland statt. Die Spezieleffekte waren sehr unecht. Ich habe den Film unterhaltsam gefunden, weil es dramatisch war. Ich würde den Film nicht empfehlen, weil es zu vorhersagbar war. Nikolaos P, 9. Klasse
MEET THE MFL ASSISTANTS Frédéric Guignard: French Language Assistant What is your name? My name is Frédéric Guignard. Where is your home town? I am from Lausanne, in the French-speaking area of Switzerland. What language(s) do you speak? I speak French and English. I should be able to speak German after learning it for almost ten years – but I don’t… What made you want to come to London to be a language assistant? I wanted to get away from the routine and live in a big city, along with an interest in teaching in the future. What do you enjoy most about learning foreign languages? I definitely enjoy learning and speaking languages that I find pleasant to the ear and whose associated literature I want to fully understand. Where is the best place you have ever been on holiday? Although I am very keen on visiting any European city, Rome is definitely the most impressive place I have been to. What is different about living in London to Switzerland? London is much bigger than my hometown and always buzzing with activity, something I particularly enjoy. What are your top three things about living in London? I love all the galleries and museums, exploring new areas of town and English breakfasts.
MEET THE MFL ASSISTANTS Simone Luttert: German Language Assistant What is your name? Mein Name ist Frau Luttert. Where is your home town? I was born in Heidelberg, but I’ve lived in Berlin before coming to London. What language(s) do you speak? I speak German, French and English. What made you want to come to London to be a language assistant? I wanted to be a language assistant so that I can both teach the language, and share the German culture with the students. It would be so nice if the boys noticed that German doesn’t sound as harsh as they might think and that Germans are friendly and can actually be, at least a bit, funny… What do you enjoy most about learning foreign languages? I enjoy most that it enables me to discover different cultures and countries. If one speaks the language of the country one lives in, one gets to know more about how things work, about the customs etc. In Germany, for instance, you would learn slang words used by German teenagers, what to discover in Berlin that is off the beaten track and how few Germans wear the folkloric costumes (lederhosen and dirndl) on a daily basis! Where is the best place you have ever been on holiday? Travelling in Western Australia. What is different about living in London to Germany? Mild climate and the rush hour! What are your top three things about living in London? 1) Going for a run along the Thames in the evening when everything is illuminated. 2) Afternoon tea (especially scones!) 3) Food markets.
MEET THE MFL ASSISTANTS Grecia De la Cruz: Spanish Language Assistant What is your name? My name is Grecia De la Cruz Where is your home town? Durango, Mexico What language(s) do you speak? Spanish and English What made you want to come to London to be a language assistant? I find really interesting to teach my mother tongue in other countries, so this was a great opportunity to do it, I also want to live in an English speaking country to become even more involved with the language and culture. I have also lived in the USA and am looking forward to living in the UK and hopefully other countries in the future. What do you enjoy most about learning foreign languages? Being able to communicate with other people and learn about their culture/lifestyle. Where is the best place you have ever been on holiday? The Neuschwanstein castle in Germany What is different about living in London to Mexico? There are a lot of differences. The main things that stand out for me are the weather, food, customs, language, transportation, multicultural population, meal times, transit rules, steering wheel on right hand side of cars and buses, currency, electricity plugs, government system, etc. What are your top three things about living in London? I love that it s a multicultural city and that there is always something going on. I also love the sightseeing, just walking around and enjoying the view.
YEAR 7 ROAD SAFETY TALK Last Thursday, the Riot Act came to Wetherby to speak to all Year 7 boys about the importance of road safety. Not only did they perform a play with a hard-hitting message concerning the dangers of being careless around roads, but they also carried out a really informative workshop with the boys afterwards which looked at issues such as peer pressure and peer influence. Here is what some of our Year 7 boys had to say about the afternoon:
“It made me think more about crossing roads. Now I check extra carefully.” - Edward H
“Fun and enjoyable yet still educational.” Alec F
“The talk was very informative and helped me to learn and be more safe on the road.” - James U
“I think the Riot Act should go to schools more frequently so everybody can learn this valuable lesson.” - Nicholas F
“I think it was a really good and informative play. I enjoyed it. I hope they come back and do another play.” - Jose M
“I learnt how important road safety is as it leads to severe consequences.” - Nima K-A
“I learnt that you must always make sure you can see all viewpoints, you can hear the cars and DO NOT LOOK ON YOUR PHONE.” - Michael F
“We learnt: Phones Off, Be Safe.” - Andrew H
“A great way to learn. Probably saved my life.” - Max K
GLOBE THEATRE PERFORMANCE On Thursday, The Globe Players returned to Wetherby, debuting in our fantastic new performance space in Hannah House, for our annual celebration of Shakespeare! Year 7 and 8 were thrown aboard the dramatic shipwreck in ‘The Tempest’, and introduced to the love spats in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and cunning plots of ‘Richard III’. For Year 9, the acting company relived the scenes of ‘oh brawling love’ and ‘oh loving hate’ from ‘Romeo and Juliet’, producing a wave of gasps among the boys during Mercutio and Tybalt’s sword fight, and an intake of breath in the play’s tragic conclusion. Finally, Year 10 were transported to the bloody battlefields of Scotland for an enthralling reenactment of their GCSE set text, ‘Macbeth’, which included a useful analytical commentary of its most important scenes. We hope that the boys enjoyed the performances as much as their English teachers did and that they found the experience helpful in assisting their understanding of the Shakespearean text which they are studying in class. We are already looking forward to the return of the Globe Players next year!
MATCH REPORT Football U12 WSS A v Wetherby Prep 0-0 Man of the Match: Nico F U12 WSS B v Wetherby Prep 0-0 Man of the Match: Isaac E Rugby U15/16 WSS v KCS 10-17 Man of the Match: Antonio DeB U14 WSS v Latymer Upper School 7-12 Man of the Match: Seb L & Aidan U
International Men’s Day! Sunday 19th November Join us in celebrating International Men’s Day! I’m running the Hertfordshire Half Marathon to celebrate and spread awareness! What are you doing? The objective is to focus on the health of men and boys, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models. It is an occasion for men to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care while highlighting the discrimination against them #spreadthelove