The Barometer Week 12 Spring

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Dear Parents, The run up to the end of term is always a busy time and the last couple of weeks have been no exception. The photos of Trib drama and the wonderful review are a great reminder of an evening where the boys took the lead in an exciting new competition. The boys on Bronze and Silver DofE had a challenging weekend as the temperatures dropped (I was told one boy had seven pairs of socks on on Saturday night) and the steps in both buildings added a further challenge when they returned with sore legs to school on Monday morning. That some of those boys were then taking part in the inter-Trib sports competitions and the two fanastic concerts this week is a testament to their character. Both the concerts are worthy of a special mention. The title Brass Bash suggested something that might be a bit of a fun and a bit rough round the edges but the boys and the girls from

Queen’s College London put on a very polished performance which raised the roof of Hannah House. The collaboration at the end was fantastic and I hope this will be the first of many musical collaborations between the two schools. The Classical Concert in Hinde Street Chapel was a great showcase for classical music at the School – the orchestra bravely took on Finlandia – but the highlights of the evening for many were the solo performances, particularly William P N and Stuart H in Year 10 who played their own compositions. My thanks for to Mr Martin, Mr V and all the instrumental teachers who work so hard to prepare the boys. The final morning will see us celebrating the achievement and effort of many of the boys with our termly prizes but I have spent much of this week reading through the boys’ reports. I am grateful to the staff for the time and effort that they have put

into them and reading them has highlighted the positive and engaged way that the boys approach their work and the results that come from it. Each week we hold a visitor morning, a miniOpen Day, so that parents and boys considering the school can see us in action and the feedback that comes from these oversubscribed mornings is that the parents are impressed by the ways the boys approach their work but also their warmth and friendliness. Whilst there are many things for the community to be proud of about this school, it is that which I think we can be most proud. I hope you all enjoy the Easter break.











LAMDA recital, Drama Studio, 17:30







GSCE French Orals HM Assembly, Hinde Street Methodist Church 15:45 - 15:45

WETHERBY SENIOR SCHOOL WATER BOTTLE Help reduce our school’s plastic consumption by using this personalised Active Bottle, emblazoned with the Wetherby Senior School logo and your own name. Made from highly durable materials, your Active Bottle is easy to open and close, won’t leak and will keep your drinks hot or cold throughout the school day. Active Bottle supports our planet by donating 10% of all their proceeds to aClean Ocean and what’s more, all remaining profits from selling the bottle will go straight to support your school’s PTA and their selective charities. Can’t get better! You can order online at:

Please turn to the last page for important information from the Games Department about next term.

Good Luck to Year 11 revising over the Easter break!


Have a great holiday!




Main: Spaghetti and meatballs

Main: Steak and mushroom pie

Main: Chicken curry

Meat Free: Totellini fromaggio with tomatoes, mushroom and spinach

Meat Free: Leek and gruyere tart

Meat Free: Lentil dhal

To Go With: Mashed swede, steamed florettes, parsley potatoes

To Go With: Chana masala, Fennel seed rice, Kachumba salad, mini naan bread, rhaita yoghurt

To Go With: Tomato, red onion and boconchini salad, salad, peas and beans, herbed diced potatoes

Dessert: Chocolate Brownie

Dessert: Orange tart



Main: Beef stroganoff

Main: Beef or chicken burgers

Meat Free: Vegetarian pizzas

Meat Free: Falafel and spinach vegetable burgers

To Go With: Pilau rice, French beans Provencale tomatoes, garlic and parsley pasta Dessert: Orange jelly bowls

To Go With: Chips, roasted Mediterranean vegetables, Calabrese with garlic and chilli

Dessert: Chilled Spanish style rice pudding


Homemade Bread Freshly made yogurt pots Fresh Fruit

Dessert: Baked jam roll and custard


ALVIN IN WONDERLAND Henry B, Year 10 writes... Unlike previous years, this was the first Trib drama competition to include boys working together on a whole play, rather than monologues that were judged individually. The play was split into seven scenes, one for each trib. The hard work of everyone involved, boys and teachers alike, was evident throughout. As always with the School’s productions, the stage was decorated in theme with the play, adorned with verdant plants and tiny teacups. The unenviable task of kicking off the show was carried out by Effra, who took it very much in their stride. Their portrayal of the elderly was one that provided many laughs for the audience. Following them, Ravensbourne took to the stage. I must confess that I was taken aback by their fantastic variation of facial expressions, which made their dynamic performance almost tangible for the audience, with a number of comedic moments. Next were Whitestone, who depicted a scene that is not from the original story of Alice in Wonderland. The characters of the yoga instructor and the guru caterpillar were both original and humorous in their own ways, and both were played by strong actors. Fleet were the winners of this year’s Trib drama competition, a no doubt well-deserved victory. Their exaggerated

movement and wonderful use of comedy was key in their performance. I thoroughly admired the unison of Rocco & Fabien as Tweedledee & Tweedledum, which was executed flawlessly each time. Pip Evans’ portrayal of the lizard was one that he carried out perfectly. His body position, with his legs sagging and head looking into empty space, perfectly reflected his character’s absent-mindedness. We were treated to Tobi A’s performance as the arrogant turtle. As with his part as the monster in Frankenstein, his portrayal of the character was simply jaw-dropping. He was undoubtedly a worthy winner of the “Best Stage Presence” prize. Finally, it goes without saying that the consumption of French fries, with ketchup from the arm of one of the

sheep, was a most original and comedic touch! During the interval, I had the honour and privilege of speaking to Miss Amelia Morse, director of drama at Queen’s College, London and our external judge for the competition. She very kindly gave me an exclusive statement of her thoughts at the end of act one: she was “very impressed” with the “unique take on Alice in Wonderland” and felt that the “audience love[d] it”. We were also in agreement that the “costumes [were] excellent” (the queen’s flamboyant wig, the Cheshire cat’s striped tail and the caterpillar’s colourful abdomen, to name but a few). After the interval, we saw Walbrook, whose performance

was especially entertaining due to the contrast and variation between characters, from the sleepy dormouse to the frantic and energetic mad hatter. Next, Serpentine, led by their director Oscar T (winner of the “Best Director” prize), made a dramatic entrance with their queen, who was dressed in the most extravagant of dresses, not to mention her crimson, curly wig. I was intrigued by the director’s choice to have red lights flashing upon each of the queen’s outbursts. It was very imaginative and I found that it was a nice idea that added much effect to the queen’s presence as it tied in with the colour scheme of her outfit, as well as denoting her blazing anger. The staging and position of the actors was also very inventive. Finally, Tyburn concluded the play with a rather amusing portrayal of a court trial for Alvin, who was convicted of having eaten the queen’s cake. The king’s (Harry H) continuously varied tone of voice, as well as his many facial expressions were complemented by Sacha R’s excellent reactions as the queen. The show would not have been what it was were it not for the hard work and unremitting devotion of everybody involved. Thank you to Miss Webb and Mrs Atkinson, who diligently operated the sound and light systems, while Mr Avroutine, Dr Choong & Mrs Skinner poured refreshments during the interval. Each head of Trib coordinated their rehearsals in the lead up to the show and, of course,

the fabulous Miss Twomey produced the play and made it all possible. Every scene was unique; each had something special about it that set it apart and made it humorous. Hard work and effort was consistent in all of the performances. The play was most entertaining and I hope that this format is retained for future Trib drama competitions as it was so enjoyed by all the boys, parents and teachers.

Prizes: 1st Place: Fleet 2nd Place: Serpentine 3rd Place: Whitestone Best Stage Presence: Tobi A (Fleet) Best Facial Expressions: Nicholas M (Walbrook) Best Pace and Comedic Timing: Max P & Isaac E (Serpentine) Best Director: Oscar T (Serpentine)


Miss Ridley writes... Last weekend, Year 10 boys set off on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition to Wendover. They enjoyed the sunny weather on the Saturday, and tolerated the chilly temperatures on Sunday! All the boys impressed us with their ability to cook their own meals on the gas stoves, put up their tents, and walk approximately 40km over the two days. Well done, Year 10!

SILVER DUKE OF EDINBURGH Mr Dawson writes... Last weekend the Year 12 boys headed to the rolling hills of the Peak District for their Silver Duke of Edinburgh practice expedition. The boys had beautiful sunshine each day and despite the chilly nights, the boys endured the weekend with typically good spirits. Heavy rucksacks and long days on the hills were also hard for the boys but I am always amazed at just how resilient and cheerful they can be when put to the challenge. Well done to all the Year 12 boys who took part! Rahul didn’t let a few blisters and DofE get in the way of his JP Morgan work experience application. Here he is heading off for a video interview as the sun is setting . Great commitment!

YEAR 12 BIOLOGISTS AT LONDON ZOO Last Monday, the Year 12 Biologists went to London Zoo in order to find out about the role of zoos in the conservation of endangered species. We had a wonderful time visiting the Asian Lions, Tigers, Penguins and Gorillas and we are looking forward to hearing the boys’ reports on the ways in which London Zoo is helping to conserve a species of their choice.

Mr Sullivan writes... Thank you all for submitting your Summer Term choices. If your son would like to see what he has selected, please tell him to come to the Games office. We’ve been amazed by the increased popularity of YAD and tennis, but please remember tennis trials for Year 9/10 will be held over two games lessons which will reduce the final number of boys to 16. Those boys not selected will move to their second choice. We would like to make you aware of the requirements for your son during his Games lessons. It is important that your son has the relevant attire for his Games lessons, in line with the School policy, safety regulations and raising the sense of a team environment.

Attire During Games lessons, all boys will be required to wear the white polo shirt, black shorts and white socks, as per our Games policy. The only exception is for boys playing cricket as they will be required to wear Wetherby cricket whites.

Youth Athletic Development (YAD) With over 65% of the Upper School selecting YAD we’ve split each year group into two*with seven sessions in the gym followed by seven sessions at the sports ground. We will rotate the groups after half term.

It is essential that during the summer months the boys continue looking smart in full school kit when arriving to school plus a reusable water bottle/sun cream. If the boys are wearing the incorrect attire they won’t represent WSS if selected for a fixture. Thank you for your understanding.

Group 1: WSS Gym/AMP - Wednesday 24th April to Friday 24th May WSS Ground – Monday 3rd June to Friday 5th July Group 2: WSS Ground - Wednesday 24th April to Friday 24th May WSS Gym/AMP – Monday 3rd June to Friday 5th July Please come to the Games office to see which group you’ve been placed in.

Year 7/8 – Cricket/Swimming and Tennis (Friday only) Year 9/10 – Cricket, Tennis and Athletics (YAD) Year 12 – Cricket, Tennis (Wednesday only) and Athletics (YAD) Ordering The mandatory Summer Term attire can be ordered from Perry. We would advise placing your order sooner rather than later so that Perry are given the maximum amount of time to process your order. Cricket

SUMMER TERM GAMES Teamsheets At Wetherby, we use SOCS software to publish our teamsheets for fixtures, tournaments and other sporting events. These will be displayed on the screen outside the Games office during the school week. Each teamsheet will include the timings for the event, any specific kit requirements, the location and the member of staff taking the fixture. It is the responsibility of your son to check this screen regularly to determine these logistics. As parents, you can access this information from home via the School’s sport website www.wetherbyseniorsport. – following the calendar to locate your son’s team. You will find all of the necessary information regarding your son’s participation in the event/ fixture/tournament to aid your planning.


Leaving Wetherby Sports Ground

late, we will take all boys back to school.

From the beginning of the summer term, boys will be allowed to go home from the Wetherby Sports Ground/ YAD at the end of the session or fixtures and do not need to return to school, but only with written consent from parents. If they do return to school, the expected arrival time is around 4:35pm.

Address: Ealing Trailfinders, Vallis Way, West Ealing, London, W13 0DD

To clarify: this would be for Year 7/8 – Wednesday afternoons and Friday mornings. Year 9/10 – Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Year 11 – Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Year 12 – Wednesday afternoons (optional) and Friday morning (compulsory). If you are picking up your son please arrive at around 3:40pm and wait in Wetherby Sports Ground car park. If you are

If your son is leaving from Wetherby Sports Ground could you inform me via my email: james.sullivan@ Please be aware that if you intend to pick your son up from fixtures or training you must email your son’s Games teacher by midday. This is important because our attention will be focused on coaching the boys after this time and emails sent may not be received. It also improves the efficiency of us returning boys to school which is essential for the day to day running at Wetherby – Thank you.

YEAR 7 & 8 FULL CONTACT RUGBY Serpentine 70 - 15 Whitestone Tries: Andrew H x 3, Dan R, Raphael L x 5, Max D x 2, Kwame D, Miles H x 3, Andrew M, Li M MoM: Andrew H YEAR 7& 8 TOUCH RUGBY Serpentine 0 - 15 Whitestone Tries: Alexei M, Julius V, Zac M MoM: Alexei M


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