The Barometer Week 4 Spring

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Dear Parents, As I have come to accept that the Christmas mince pies are likely to stay with me for the foreseeable future, the PE department has provided some timely motivation and advice on training. There are all some memories of the fantastic InterTrib matches that were played at the end of last term. There has been recent success for one of our Year 12 rugby players. Nelson T has been selected to play for Middlesex U17s and will be training with the squad for their match against Oxfordshire. I, on the other hand, am preparing to take my traditional position propping up the table in the Six Nations Wetherby Senior Fantasy League (more details of how to enter are included inside).

The last few weeks have been largely taken up with interviewing boys for entry in Year 7 and Year 9 and the process, for the most part, comes to an end this Saturday. Meeting the boys and their parents, who I hope will go through the Senior School has contrasted with several former pupils getting in touch with me recently through LinkedIn. To have updates from the boys and girls I used to teach has been a powerful reminder of why I started doing this job, particularly one boy who was endlessly resourceful and creative when it came to finding new ways not to do what he was supposed to do. To be thanked all these years later and to find out that those skills of creativity have been put to very good use, leading him to becoming a Senior

Strategist for an international brand building company is, of course, gratifying but also a timely reminder as we prepare to meet Year 11 parents to discuss mock examinations that a lot can change over the next few months and years and, no matter what they have scored now, it can be improved with effort from them and support from school and home. Have a good weekend,



Talk for Sixth Form boys - Pillow Talk, Dawn Grantham from the Wellbeing Team - Hannah House 15:00 Year 11 Parents’ Evening (Surnames A-K) - Hannah House 17:30 - 19:30 St John’s Ambulance Bronze DofE training - Hannah House Hall and Drama Studio 16:00-18:00


05.02.18 Football WSS U15 A/B/C/D vs City of London (A) 14:30 Year 11 Parents’ Evening (Surnames L-Z) - Hannah House 17:30 - 19:30



Rugby WSS 1st XV Rugby vs Radnor House (H) 14:30 Football WSS U16A vs KGS (H) 14:30 Football WSS U17A vs KGS (H) 14:30 Optional Theatre Trip to see ‘Come From Away’ - The Phoenix Theatre 19:30



Year 10 Teenage Booster Vaccinations - Hannah House 09:30-13:30 Football WSS U14 A/B vs City of London (A) 14:30 Classics Trip to ‘Oedipus Rex’ (Years 10, 11, 12) - Bloomsbury Theatre 18:30-21:30







Friday Lunchtime Clubs and Societies 13:40-14:25 Year Group Assemblies (Years 7&8 - HH Dining Room, Year 9 - Drama Studio, Year 10 - Hinde Street Methodist Church, Year 11 - HH Hall, Year 12 - HH Music Room) 15:15-15:45

Please ensure all uniform, games kit and equipment is clearly named.

Calendar correction: The LIVE LOUNGE event is on WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 13th  6pm-6:45pm in the Drama Studio

WETHERBY SENIOR SCHOOL WATER BOTTLE Help reduce our school's plastic consumption by using this personalised Active Bottle, emblazoned with the Wetherby Senior School logo and your own name. Made from highly durable materials, your Active Bottle is easy to open and close, won't leak and will keep your drinks hot or cold throughout the school day. Active Bottle supports our planet by donating 10% of all their proceeds to Clean Ocean and what's more, all remaining profits from selling the bottle will go straight to support your school's PTA and their selective charities. Can't get better! You can order online at: collections/wetherby





Main: Beef Burritos

Main: Roasted whole chicken

Meat Free: Tortilla Bean Gateaux

Meat Free: Vegetable pasta bake

Main: Macaroni and cheese with bacon

To Go With: Succotash, parmesan parsnips, Cajun salt baked potatoes

To Go With: Wilted cabbage, cheesy leeks, roasted mid potatoes

Dessert: Strawberry Mousse

Dessert: Flapjack


Main: Hoi sin chicken stir fry with water chestnuts

Main: Fish finger bap with cucumber, iceberg and tartar sauce

To Go With: Egg fried rice, rice noodles, broccoli in oyster sauce, Szechuan green beans Dessert: Chocolate beetroot cake

To Go With: Broccoli and butterbean crush, grilled courgettes, sables potatoes Dessert: Blackcurrant jelly and cream


Meat Free: Sweet chili tofu stir fry

Meat Free: Licolnshire Poachers potato croquettes

Meat Free: Grilled catch of the day with parsley and lemon butter


Homemade Bread Freshly made yogurt pots Fresh Fruit

To Go With: Oven baked chips, green peas, mushy peas Dessert: Winter berry Eton Mess


HEALTH AND FITNESS Overtraining Decreased performance - The tell-tale sign of overtraining is a lack of improved performance, despite an increase in training intensity or volume. Decreased agility, strength and endurance, such as slower reaction times and reduced running speeds are all common signs of overtraining.

Increased perceived effort during workouts -


Not only can overtraining decrease performance, it can also make seemingly effortless workouts feel unusually difficult.

Excessive fatigue Agitation and moodiness Overtraining significantly affects your stress hormones, including cortisol and epinephrine. This hormonal imbalance can cause mood swings, unusual irritability and an inability to concentrate.

Chronic or nagging injuries Overused muscles and joints can cause constant aches or joint pain. Pain that does not subside in two weeks (or so) should be considered a notable injury. Overtraining taxes all of the body’s systems and also makes it more difficult to ward off infections. Thus, frequent illnesses and upper-respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are signs as well. Medical complications may also include low bone mineral density and low testosterone.

Insomnia or restless sleep Sleep ideally provides the body time to rest and repair itself, but overproduction of stress hormones, as mentioned above, may not allow you to wind down or completely relax, making sleep much less effective (which compounds chronic fatigue and moodiness).

A few days of fatigue or “heavy legs” is expected at times. But fatigue will accumulate in a body that never has a chance to fully recover from previous workouts. Further, chronic, negative energy expenditure leads to something called “low energy availability,” which means that the body is consistently pulling from its own energy stores (carbs, protein, fat). This can be the result of too much training or too little fuelling.

Metabolic imbalances Loss of appetite A hormone imbalance can also affect hunger and satiety mechanisms. More training should stimulate more appetite, but the physiological exhaustion of OTS can actually lead to appetite suppression.

Long-term low energy availability may lead to nutrient deficiencies, such as iron deficiency anaemia, which have the potential to harm both health and performance. Medical complications can also involve the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine, nervous or reproductive systems (e.g., menstrual cycle disturbances in women).

Psychological stress and/or depression

Lack of structure in your routine


Heading into the gym with no plan at all and just winging it with whatever equipment is available might work for the first couple of months of training (anything works at first) however this won’t work long term.

Turning up for 3 workouts for 3 weeks in a row then having a 2 week break and people wonder why they can never make much progress. Just as you start to get in the groove you take a step back by having a break. A common trend in people who live a healthy, fit (both subjective, so I may be wrong in your view) lifestyle is that they consistently exercise. Be honest with yourself about what you can commit to and make it a priority. 2 sessions a week for a year is better than 3 sessions a week for half of the year. Poor exercise technique Taking the time to learn how to correctly perform exercises will go a long way for your progress and training longevity. No one wants to be injured, that’s the fastest way to slow progress. How do you know if your technique is right? There are plenty of Youtube tutorials to help you learn, for some people they can teach themselves but I would advise finding yourself a good coach, just to go over your techniques or you may have a friend that knows what they are doing (but just be aware that just because your friend may be in good shape it doesn’t necessarily mean they know how to train correctly.)

If every workout you do is just chest & arms, yes you will develop your arms & chest to a point but you’re likely to develop some kind of muscular imbalance that may affect your posture, potentially picking up injuries and you may end up getting weaker due to constant overuse of the muscles.

some hamstring isolation work. Etc… This gives a structured template that still allows for flexibility, while it may not be the best way, its certainly better than winging it each day. Trying to rush progress ‘The one thing all famous authors, world class athletes, business tycoons, singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common, is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.”

This structure needs to be in place to allow for progression, recovery, and for muscular balance. For some people following a training program is too restrictive which I don’t agree with as I think having a program to follow is one of the key points to progress.

We all have a first time in the gym, some will be naturally stronger than others, some will progress quicker than others. What counts is YOU. Don’t compare yourself to others, accept that you need to dedicate time & effort if you want to improve, keep on adding those little plates, keep on pushing out those few extra reps that you couldn’t do before.

For the person who doesn’t like the ‘restraint’ of a program at least having some sort of structure in place such as:

Progression will come, be patient and enjoy the journey. Take pride when you hit a new personal record and focus on the next small jump.

Monday – Upper body day, pick 3 exercises for horizontal pulling/pressing (back/chest) & 2 exercises each for biceps/ triceps.

The person who is deadlifting 200kg, didn’t just walk in the gym on their first day and lift 200kg. They started with much lighter weights and slowly built up.

You should have some kind of ‘balanced’ structure in place.

Tuesday – Lower Body, perform a squat variation, a hinge, single leg work and

While you may have no intention at all of lifting

that much weight, the same principles apply to any training methods, if you want to make progress take the slow & steady route. “It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” Training to failure every workout NO pain no gain, if you’re not suffering you’re not working hard enough! You may have heard or seen these kind of quotes before and while there is a time & place to leave yourself crawling out the gym….at the end of every workout is not the answer.

Some of my best workouts I have experienced have been brutal and left me in a pool of sweat on the floor. Would or could I repeatedly do this? NO. I would burn myself out, I might be able to maintain it for a short period but at some point it would catch up to me. I would constantly be feeling tired, my progress would begin to slow down or stop.

Pushing yourself to failure means you may potentially sacrifice good technique. Bad technique combined with fatigue isn’t a great idea, which is why learning correct technique is important as when you do get tired & concentration begins to drop your body automatically will resort to what it knows best to get the job done.

There are certainly some benefits to training to failure as evidence shows particularly in untrained individuals but any new stimulus will work with this type of individual so this isn’t really saying much.

You have to weigh up the risk vs reward. Avoiding failure doesn’t mean that you train lightly but on the whole I recommend leaving 1-2 reps in the tank on the majority of your exercises or save it for your last set until technical failure.

If you can get the same results without the risk & potential negative effects of training to failure why wouldn’t you take that option?

What are the common mistakes that you think people make when training?

GETTING THE BASICS RIGHT To keep your mind and body alert in the classroom and outside on the games field you must have the right nutrition balance. You are right, that extra slice of chocolate cake or pizza is not going to kill you. However, will it help you reach your goal? The answer to this question, of course, depends on your goal. If your aim is to achieve the pinnacle of your athletic potential, you may consider skipping that extra slice. Becoming the athlete you want to be takes a lot more than practising your passing technique or hitting every rep in the gym. Your development depends upon every choice you make, both on and off the field. Helpful facts A food first approach is best. Fresh, quality foods provide essential nutrients for health and performance. You CANNOT supplement a poor diet. A range of colourful fruits and vegetables should be consumed throughout the day. Each colour contains an array of vitamins and minerals essential for health and wellbeing, and optimal performance. Hydration helps regulate and facilitate key bodily functions. Dehydration can negatively affect both health and performance.

STAY MOTIVATED: TRAINING DURING THE WINTER Don’t blame yourself for losing motivation to exercise during the winter.

what some realistic targets might be to get you into the gym or exercising consistently.

With it being so dark by the time you leave school, it’s hard to get fired up to do little more than cosy up on the couch. Plus, with winter well and truly here and although spring is on the horizon, the temperature has dropped significantly so it’s even more challenging to wake up early and get out of bed for a pre-work training session.

For example, say you normally set a goal of getting to the gym 3-4 times a week which you know will be a massive stretch at this time of the year, cut it down, lock in 2 sessions and perhaps a couple of walks or a HIIT class as an extra. That way you are more likely to be consistent in your approach and won’t feel like you keep letting yourself down.

As a result, good nutrition and exercise can often fall by the wayside if not planned correctly. Here are a few things to consider that can HELP YOU KEEP ON TRACK: 1. Exercise Being the silly season there’ are going to be a lot more social events as well as getting darker much earlier. Make sure you plan for this. Have a think about

2. Schedule workouts Create external accountability; commit to making gym sessions (if available for you), jump on a short term exercise programme. If that is not an option for you then an even more simple way you can create external accountability for yourself is to buddy up with a friend or even set a competition amongst friends that you will commit to X number of sessions a week.

3. Be prepared If you know that you are planning to go to the gym after school or first thing in the morning then have your kit bag ready to take with you so you don’t end up bailing, or in the morning, have your alarm set and your gym stuff at the ready otherwise it’s much more likely that you’re going to skip the session. In summary, planning ahead is what will lead to success during the colder months and, will feel more motivated to get stuck in once you have some targets that are reasonable and achievable so that if you fall off the wagon you can just get back on and keep going! Good luck and happy training!

SPRING TERM TRAINING PLAN Are you looking for motivation to get back on the fitness wagon in 2019?

Key: green = easy, yellow = medium, red = hard




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Mr Sullivan writes...

rugby matches.

I’ve signed up for the Spartan South East Super Race in Kent for Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) on 4th May 2019. Being a volunteer for CALM and helping young adults is a massive passion of mine. Listening & communicating is the most important factor! I’m raising awareness & money throughout the year by completing in many half marathons and memorial

It would be great if you could donate and share my page so I can raise as much as possible to help them provide a campaign and helpline to prevent male suicide in the UK. If you would like to find out more about CALM please visit www. fundraising/james-sullivan21


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Health/ Wellbeing










WORKOUT OF THE WEEK 10 ROUNDS FOR TIME: 10 PUSH UPS 10 SIT-UPS 10 AIR SQUATS Send Mr Sullivan your scores! Good luck Follow us for results and updates on Twitter @WetherbySSports and Instagram @WSSSports #teamwetherby







TOM WHITELEY VISITS WSS A massive thank you to Saracens Captain Tom Whiteley for coming in and talking to the boys about the importance of effort and dedication.


It’s a Mental Game The mental game is as challenging as the physical one. It's a Team Game - No matter how much of a partnership type of game or an individual game cricket is, it all comes down to being a team game. Your team provides the emotional support and energy to keep you going. It’s a Physical Game - It’s an elite sport where elite athletes of all body shapes and sizes are pushed to the limit. It’s a Skilful Game - A batsman in international cricket has 600 milliseconds to hit a ball. They have around 200 milliseconds of that to actually make up their mind. It’s a Testing Game - You can play cricket in so many different conditions.

It’s an Individual Game Although you play as a team, so are very much alone when you're actually in the action. Batsmen act alone, as do bowlers. Your team mates can't help you; it's all up to you. It's a Partnership Game When batting, you have to be ready to hand your life over to the guy at the other end. You have to trust each other so that you follow each other's instructions. Sports Quote of the Week: “Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there”

SPORTS RECORDS Year 7 100m – Z. McMillan (2018) – 14.49 secs 200m – R. Le Brusq (2018) – 31.50 secs 400m – A. Cobb (2017) – 1 min 20 secs 800m – A. Cobb (2017) – 2 min 50 secs 1500m – L. Roselli (2018) – 6 min 15 secs Long Jump – D. Silver (2017) – 3.96 metres High Jump – G. Tournant (2017) – 1.21 metres Shot Putt – A. Hay (2018) – 6.17 metres Year 8 100m – G. Gerson (2017) – 13.34 secs 200m – G. Gerson (2017) – 27.06 secs 400m – H. Xiong (2017) – 1 min 5 secs 800m – B. Beale (2017) – 2 min 37 secs 1500m – G. Gerson (2017) – 5 min 17 secs Long Jump – A. Piggott Testa (2017) – 4.52 metres High Jump – S. Stone (2018) – 1.29 metres Shot Putt – M. Hashem (2017) – 8.75 metres Triple Jump – J. Brazier (2018) – 7.82 metres Year 9 100m – N. Hammad (2017) – 12.00 secs 200m – J. Saeger (2017) – 25.28 secs 400m – N. Hammad (2017) – 1 min 1 secs 800m – M. Bykov (2017) – 2 min 30 secs 1500m – S. Lind (2018) – 5 min 15 secs Long Jump – J. Saeger (2017) – 5.42 metres High Jump – J. Saeger (2017) – 1.50 metres Shot Putt – Y. Aubakirov (2018) – 11.03 metres Triple Jump – D. Auerbach (2018) – 8.15 metres

Year 10 100m – N. Hammad (2018) – 11.44 secs 200m – J. Saeger (2018) – 24.18 secs 400m – JP. Cairaschi (2017) – 56.31 secs 800m – N. Stick (2017) – 2 min 31 secs 1500m – O. Lind (2017) – 5 min 15 secs Long Jump – N. Hammad (2017) – 5.31 metres High Jump – J. Saeger (2017) – 1.55 metres Shot Putt – A. Fattah (2018) – 9.80 metres Triple Jump – J. Saeger (2018) – 10.15 metres Year 11 100m – JP. Cairaschi (2018) – 11.53 secs 200m – JP. Cairaschi (2018) – 24.54 secs 400m – J. George-Oppong (2018) – 1 min 8 secs 800m – N. Stick (2017) – 2 min 31 secs 1500m – O. Lind (2018) – 4 min 53 secs Long Jump – JP. Cairaschi (2018) – 5.02 metres High Jump – M. Monaghan (2018) – 1.61 metres Shot Putt – M. Monaghan (2018) – 9.88 metres Triple Jump – O. Lind (2018) – 9.40 metres

SIX NATIONS FANTASY RUGBY COMPETITION We are trying to encourage as many boys as possible to watch the upcoming Six Nations. The competition starts THIS WEEKEND with all fixtures shaping up to be fiercely contested matches. Starting today, we have decided to commence a Wetherby Senior School Fantasy Rugby Competition for the Six Nations. We will be using the Six Nations Fantasy Rugby system by ESPN (http:// and the code to join the league is: 1328576-119199 Watching the high standard of

rugby within the Six Nations, the boys will have a greater understanding of the game and the roles within the sport. We believe that having a fantasy competition will encourage the boys to watch the Six Nations and pay close attention to the key tactics from start to finish, tweaking their team to maximise points per week. We would like to encourage as many boys as possible to enter and we will be giving a prize to the top 'manager' at the end of the tournament. Any help and encouragement you can give them would be greatly appreciated. We understand that it may be difficult to watch

all of the matches in a weekend due to other commitments. However, the boys will gain an in-depth knowledge from watching one game alone each weekend. There is no obligation for boys to enter but we hope to see lots of entrants before the weekend! The final entry date for the competition is Friday 1st February 7pm. Pick your team name, pick your team and watch some quality rugby! Maybe even see if you can beat a few of the teachers... Good luck boys!

INTERTRIB FOOTBALL AND RUGBY InterTrib football had a new twist on proceedings as Whitestone and Serpentine were combined to form two separate teams of Year 7s and 8s to battle it out for the honour of winning InterTrib football. The first half of the A team game was an exiting affair with end to end action which finished 1-0 to Serpentine thanks to Raphael Le B. In the second half, Zac M equalised for Whitestone with a screaming half volley from outside of the box, but after leaving themselves exposed at the back they conceded two more goals, leaving Serpentine victorious. The B team game was a more one-sided affair with Serpentine winning 5-0, with goals from James U, Oscar T and Isaac E. Both matches were fantastic, with a great show of sporting enthusiasm from both students and staff, Congratulations to Serpentine!

Year 9 and 10 InterTrib rugby was a fantastic event for all, with some well contested games, and all boys showing what it means to compete against their peers on the rugby field. Following on from a great rugby season, the level of talent on show was impressive, with standout performances by Joshua A, Evan H and Tom C. A special mention must go to Harry O’C for outstanding sportsmanship. A standout moment in defence came from Evan H, who managed to make three bone crunching tackles in the space of minutes. Marcel B also showed his running skills, scoring tries from everywhere, demonstrating powerful and elusive running. The competition was hotly contested, with Fleet coming away with the honours, with Tyburn and Effra coming in second and third, whilst Wallbrook and Ravensbourne took fourth and fifth place respectively.

YEAR 11 & 12 INTERTRIB Year 11 and 12 came together at the end of Term to play in the InterTrib rugby tournament, which the boys had been talking about for weeks, eagerly awaiting the chance to play against each other. After a competitive season, which saw great results against St. Columba’s College, Tiffin, KCS Wimbledon and Emanuel, another great representation of talent and skill was on show throughout the tournament.

Outstanding contributions in the tournament were seen especially from Harrison S, Nour H, Antonio DeB, Nelson T, Jock S and Oli L. Special mention for great skills and tries scored goes to Will B and Massi M. Again, Fleet came out on top in this competition, making them winners of both the Middle School and Upper School InterTrib rugby competitions.




Height: 6’2 (I wish)

Height: 5ft 10in

Weight: 85kg

Sports Coached: Football, Rugby, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics, Tennis, Gymnastics, Swimming, Skiing, Badminton, Table Tennis, Basketball

Favourite food: PIZZA! Sports Coached: Rugby, Football, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics, Weight Lifting, Gymnastics, Swimming, Snowboarding and Basketball Hobbies: Enjoy taking risks and trying new things – Just started boxing to improve my movement and I may have signed up for a Spartan Race If you could be one player: Jonny Wilkinson Achievements: Ping Pong Champion 2006, Premiership Rugby Player (back in the day) with Saracens, Quins and London Irish and England Youth International. What was the last film, book or TV show you cried at: Film called Trophy Kids (my worst nightmare) If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be: Best striker in the world ever Robbie Fowler If you could witness any past, present or future moment what would it be: Watch the Rat Pack live in Las Vegas (Frankie, Sammy and Dean) Who would you invite to a fantasy dinner party?: Frank Sinatra, Michael Parkinson and Billy Connolly.

Hobbies: Being a dad, family time, playing and watching sport especially the mighty Reds! If you could be one player: Andres Iniesta – the man is a genius with a football. Most memorable moment working at WSS: The Games Department receiving best wishes from Jonny Wilkinson! Which fellow staff member would make the best James Bond and why: Mr Warner – why not? It could be interesting. If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be and why: The Harry Potter book series, without a doubt! If you could witness any past, present or future moment what would it be: Being at the final of England v Australia, 2003 Rugby World Cup Final If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you’d buy: I’d go skiing!




Height: 2m (6ft 6in)

Height: 6ft

Height: 5ft 11”

Weight: 110kg

Weight: 85kg

Weight: 87kg

Favourite food: Thai

Favourite food: Chicken or anything Jamaican

Favourite food: Chicken…with anything

Sports Coached: rugby, football, cricket, hockey, athletics, gymnastics, swimming and basketball

Sports Coached: Rugby, Athletics, Hockey, Swimming, Cricket

Sports Coached: Football, Rugby, Swimming, Gymnastics, Trampoline, Cricket, Strength and conditioning Hobbies: Fitness training, football, rugby, walking, travelling If you could be one player: Patrick Vieira Achievements: Sussex County rugby U12–U21, Scotland age groups and A team rugby. Most memorable moment working at WSS: U14 rugby B team coming back to beat Mill Hill School. What was the last film, book or TV show you cried at: Marley and Me. What would the title of your autobiography be: Monty’s Memoirs

Hobbies: F1, playing football, cricket, hockey. Watch far too many films and series. If you could be one player: Mora Itoje Achievements: Played football for Harrow Borough and Wealdstone. 2014 Lidlington Hill Race Champion (many GB Tri-Athletes were upset). What was the last film, book or TV show you cried at: Forrest Gump If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be: F1

Hobbies: Anything adrenaline fuelled If you could be one player: Jason Robinson Achievements: County and Regional rugby representation at all ages, Academy rugby player and achieving first class honours in my undergraduate degree. Which fellow staff member would make the best James Bond and why: Mr McFaul What was the last film, book or TV show you cried at: 12 Years a Slave If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be: Anything sport related.

If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be: AQA GCSE PE

If you could witness any past, present or future moment what would it be: 2003 Rugby World Cup

If you could witness any past, present or future moment what would it be: Jimmy Hendrix, Woodstock 1969

What three guests (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party and why: James Hunt, Zinedine Zidane and JFK.

Who would you invite to a fantasy dinner party? Arnold Schwarzenegger, Muhammad Ali and Barack Obama.

Who would you invite to a fantasty dinner party and why: Robin Williams for his laugh of loud comments, Stephen Fry for his witty banter!

If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you’d buy: A stakeholding in Newcastle United FC.

If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you’d buy: A round the world flight ticket, stopping off at all the best destinations on the planet.

If you could witness any past, present or future moment what would it be: 2003 RWC Final.

SKI TRIP TO HEMEL SNOW CENTRE On Monday 21st January, the ski and snowboard GCSE PE boys took to the slopes at Hemel Snow Centre. The boys had an hour of free ski before their instructor took them through a series of assessments allowing them to demonstrate their skills, gaining valuable evidence for their practical assessment. After the skills had been recorded, and I felt suitably frozen, we retreated to the chalet themed restaurant which gave us an opportunity to warm up and devour some burgers and nachos! Feeling suitably refreshed, the boys donned their ski gear and went out to film the competitive portion of their assessment. This involved racing each other through a series of slalom poles! There were some spectacular crashes, slides and funny moments but I was impressed with the grit and resilience the boys showed. Kudos to Ethan E. and Seb L. who achieved the quickest times in a nail biting final race. The winner is yet to be decided as even the video replay was inconclusive! Well done boys, that was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and you did yourselves proud!

RUGBY TRIP The Games Department is running a rugby pre-season training tour for current Years 10, 11 and 12. During the pre-season training tour your son will take part in several training sessions, two of which will be with the former England international rugby player Magnus Lund, as well as represent Wetherby against a local club team.

Boys will also have the opportunity to participate in cultural activities in Bilbao, Bayonne and Biarritz. Activities will include: visiting either the Guggenheim Museum or San Mames Stadium, an afternoon’s introductory Pelota lesson, exploring the Old Town of San Sebastian followed by relaxing on La Concha beach and a surfing lesson on Zurriola beach.

SKI TRIP In February 2020, 18 boys will fly off to Panorama in Canada to ski in one of the finest locations in the world. During the week-long trip, the boys will have the opportunity to ski in a resort with the highest vertical drop in North America, while staying in a slope-side hotel. Boys will be able to choose from over 100 pistes when skiing, with the longest slope at a staggering 6 kilometres in length. During the evening, boys will experience snowshoeing, sledging, night-skiing, indoor climbing, wolf-calling and tubing.

SIXTH FORM LECTURE Mrs Deedat writes... This week’s Sixth Form lecture was from Ben Heason. He was lead of a team who made the first free-climbed ascent of the Angel Falls in Venezuela. As high as ten Big Bens, this was an incredible achievement and Ben told a gripping tale of sleeping on cliff ledges and practicalities such as using the bathroom. He emphasised the importance of team work and resilience. His favourite quote is: “Success is the ability to go from one failure to the next without losing enthusiasm”


Rugby 1st XI WSS vs St Benedict’s 27-22 Men of the Match: Jonathon G and Oli L Football U15B WSS vs Kingston Grammar School U15A 0-1

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