From the Headmaster Dear Parents, Thursday night is ‘Colts Cricket’ in our village and always a good place to meet up with the villagers, have a drink in the sunshine and chat amongst ourselves whilst our children play cricket in small groups. Everyone knows everyone but, last night, we had a new arrival. One of the villagers brought along ‘Queenie’, his ten day old Peregrine Falcon, and what a remarkable sight she was. With a thick but incredibly soft coat, she was bright and alert, already with fully formed talons. In ten weeks, she will be fully grown and, hopefully, make a return visit to Thursday night cricket so we can all marvel at this incredible bird of prey. With boys at both schools out on residential and field days, the buildings have been relatively quiet this week. One might think we had planned it this way after the fabulously riotous occasion that was the Wetherby Prep Ball last Friday. We certainly would have aimed for this week if we could have predicted what fantastic weather we have had for all our activities, particularly sailing on the Solent or measuring beaches in Brighton. I often say to the boys that my personal view of school parties is that the majority of groups I seem to come across outside school are never terribly well behaved. There can be air of insensitivity, arrogance even, in the manner of some school parties in their inter-actions with the general public or their surroundings, something I find repugnant. I demand of our boys that we buck this seeming trend and always aim to be, to act and therefore be perceived as humble, respectful and courteous fellow-citizens. I was delighted then to receive two pieces of feedback this week: one from an American lady who remarked to Miss Bradley at Tate Britain that she had been a teacher for many years and was really impressed with how Wetherby Senior Year 7s conducted themselves in what was a very busy exhibition. Then an email arrived which requires no explanation. The boy in question is Jude Brazier. Well done, Jude! I am so proud of you. Dear Mr Baker One of your pupils whose Christian name I’m afraid I do not know but surname by deduction is Brazier? Picked up my wallet that I left in Sloane Square. He gave it to his Mother and it has been returned to me – very unexpected and he also charmingly refused my offer of a £40 reward. Just happy to do a good deed. He’s a great credit to your school. My very best wishes, (name supplied)
Have a great half term,
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Prize Giving Ceremony – Monday 12th June 7pm Attached to the Barometer email this week is an invitation to our Prize Giving Event on 12th June at St Mary’s Bryanston Square. All boys and parents are invited to and expected to attend this event. I will make a speech and there will be some musical items, as well as the presentation of Prizes across the curriculum. I look forward to seeing you there.
DIARY Monday 5th Year 9 Exams No Year 9 Activities Year 10 Trib Drama Heats (Drama Studio)
Tuesday 6th Year 9 Exams No Year 9 Activities Year 8 Trib Drama Heats (Drama Studio) Cricket U15 WSS A/B vs Mill Hill (A) GCSE Drama trip to see The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui at the Donmar Warehouse
13:15 14:30
Wednesday 7th Year 9 Exams
No Year 9 Activities Year 9 Trib Drama Heats (Drama Studio) Cricket WSS U13 A vs North Bridge House (H)
13:15 14:30
Thursday 8th Cricket U4 A/B vs John Lyon School (A)
Year 7 Trib Drama Heats (Drama Studio)
Friday 9th Trib Drama Finals
HM Assembly at Hinde St Methodist Church
English Dept screening of ‘Macbeth’, & accompanying Q&A, for all Year 10 boys
Saturday 10th Sunday 11th The Barometer | week 31 | 26/05/2017
NOTICEBOARD Year 9 exams reminder: Monday 5th-Wednesday 7th June During the three day examination period, there will be no Games, prep or afternoon activities. Boys should be in school for the normal time in the morning, and in the afternoon will be free to go home at the end of the final exam at 16:00 (or 16:35 for boys with extra time). On Thursday 8th June lessons, Games and other activities will begin again as normal.
Year 10 exams reminder: Monday 19th - Friday 23rd June There will be no Games, prep sessions or activities taking place during exam week, and boys only need to be in school for exams in subjects they are sitting, subject to the guidelines below. In order to make sure that they arrive in plenty of time, and that once here they make the best use of that time, boys will be allowed to arrive at the following three times, depending upon when their first exam is that day: 08:35, 10:55 or 13:35. For boys with extra time, these times are: 08:35, 10:00 or 12:15. Once in school, boys must stay until the end of their final exam on that day, when they will be free to go home. Lunch will be available every day from 13:35-14:00, or from 12:15-13:45 for boys with extra time. The final exam on Monday to Thursday finishes at 16:15 (17:00 for extra time pupils), except for Friday, when the very last exam, Biology, will finish at 13:35 (14.35 for extra time pupils). Boys will then be free to go home for the weekend. Of course, on any day in the week boys are welcome to come into school at the start of the day and to revise in the library or a spare classroom. Similarly, they can choose to stay after their final exam of the day until 17:20.
Upcoming Grades Year 9 and 10 grades will be sent home today. The next grades for Years 7 and 8 will be sent on Friday 23rd June.
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Clubs & Food Clubs & Activities this week: Monday Film Review Club Music Tech Philosophy YAD Fitness Basketball Barre Fitness Book Club Cricket Food Chemistry Football GCSE Art & Design GCSE Drama GCSE Graphic Design Quiz Club
Tuesday Art and Design Bridge Club Climbing Club Fencing Football Parkour Quiz Club YAD Fitness
Wednesday Actor Training & Physical Theatre Choir MFL Cinema Club Biology in the News Duke of Edinburgh Award Community Service
Thursday Fun Run Classics Club Junior Geographical Society Rock School Table Tennis
There will be no activities for Year 9 due to their Exams
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WSS Art Exhibition Mr Meyer writes... The inaugural Year 7 and 8 Art & Graphic Design Exhibition took place on Friday evening at the prestigious Saatchi Gallery. The boys can feel very proud of the work they have produced this year; they enjoyed seeing their work on display in such an inspiring setting.
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YEAR 7 FIELD DAY David Hockney at the Tate Britain Miss Bradley writes... As their Field Day trip, Year 7 were lucky enough to be able to visit the celebrated David Hockney exhibition at The Tate Britain (thanks to some very advanced ticket booking!) .The exhibition is a journey through Hockney's career, which spans almost 80 years, and includes some early works, as well as his famous pool paintings, landscapes, joiners and iPad
drawings. The boys were able to enjoy works such as 'A Bigger Splash' (1967), painted during Hockney's first move to California, and analyse in depth his series of 'double portraits', including 'Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy' (1971). The boys set about investigating the exhibition with a particular focus on colour and pattern, looking for the ways in which Hockney uses colour to convey emotion and create atmosphere and the patterns that he employs to show texture. They
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produced some thoughtful responses as part of their analysis and some detailed drawings of his work. We then visited the permanent exhibition, looking again for interesting examples of colour and pattern, visiting works from the Post Impressionist era, right up to contemporary art. I was very impressed with the boys’ thoughtfulness when considering the historical context of artworks, and the way they were able to use their existing knowledge to interpret what they saw.
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YEAR 8 FIELD DAY Japanese and Arabic at King’s College Year 8 boys spent their Field Day at Kings College London doing language taster sessions in either Japanese or Arabic. Each session started with a cultural quiz, (who knew that you could buy shirts and fresh eggs from vending machines in Japan?) and then the boys learnt some basic conversational phrases and numbers. At the end of the session, they got to sample some delicious cultural treats, (another macha tea pancake George?) and each group had to teach the other what they had learnt that morning. Well done to Nico who took on the challenge of how to count to 100 in Japanese with success! We then all went to Wagamama for a Japanese inspired lunch!
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YEAR 9 FIELD DAY Geography Field Work in Brighton Mrs Deedat writes... On Thursday, the whole of Year 9 went to Brighton to complete the first part of their GCSE Geography fieldwork. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of hard engineering in Brighton so we focused on whether groynes reduce the movement of beach sediments by restricting longshore drift. In their three classes, boys worked effectively in small groups to measure sediment height on either side of groynes. The sites were chosen through stratified sampling and the positions on the groyne through systematic sampling which the boys have studied in class. On returning to the classroom, after the exams, the boys will present and analyse their data which will help them to draw conclusions. The boys worked really hard on their fieldwork and completed it in just over two hours. We also enjoyed lunch and games on the beach and a visit to the famous Brighton Pier, where boys played on the penny falls and ate ice cream. Thank you to all the staff who assisted on this trip including Mrs Bennet, Miss Nash, Mr Martin and Miss Maroudi.
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The Barometer | week 31 | 26/05/2017
YEAR 10 FIELD DAY Historians visit Leeds Castle Mr Warner writes… On Thursday the Year 10 historians headed to Leeds Castle (in Kent). As part of their GCSE, the boys have to study the historical environment which, in their case, means castles. In class we have been looking at Framlingham, which is a majestic ruin (and subject of a recent Ed Sheeran song), located in the faraway depths of Suffolk. Happily for Year 10, I did not want to spend 7 hours on a coach, so Leeds provided a sound alternative. The boys had the chance to look around a castle that has, as a result of the enormous wealth of its last owner, one Lady Bailey, been regenerated a number of times and is stunning to look at. We were fortunate to enjoy fantastic weather so, after exploring the castle and listening to a lecture on the castle’s history, there was time to enjoy the grounds, eat a few kilos of ice cream, explore the maze and even catch a falconry display. Thank you to Miss Webb, Miss Kirk and Mr Chidell for all their help in making the day run smoothly and for not fleeing in terror when faced with Britain’s least friendly peacock.
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The Barometer | week 31 | 26/05/2017
YEAR 10 FIELD DAY PE GCSE Field Trip Mr Montgomery led a trip to St Mary’s University with the Academic Physical Cohort for their activity day trip. The boys took part in three sessions lead by the Physical Education, Nutrition and Sport Science staff at St Mary’s, which linked to the work they had been studying this year. The first session involved a new sport called Tchoukball, which involved the boys shooting at a netted target and catching the
rebound; check out our Twitter feed to see them in action! From there, the boys went onto a nutrition session, which involved them making some nutritious sports meals and drinks. The boys loved the challenge and made some protein balls, pizzas and rehydration drinks. After lunch, the boys went to the sports science lab and took part in some submaximal and maximal testing, which involved measuring their oxygen and carbon dioxide consumption, as well as their maximum power
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output. The testing which would have usually cost in excess of £1000 was challenging but the boys took this in their stride, accurately administering the tests and recording the data with precision. We had a thoroughly enjoyable day at St Mary’s and are looking forward to heading back there in the future. A big thank you to Mr Sullivan and Mr Underwood for helping out with the trip…. And eating all of the pizza!
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YEAR 10 FIELD DAY Physicists visit HMS Belfast and the Imperial War Museum Mr Dawson writes… For Field Day, the Physics Department took some of our Year 10s to HMS Belfast and the Imperial War Museum, where they put their GCSE studies on pressure and momentum to the test. The boys first calculated the depth of HMS Belfast that should be underwater, if we approximated its shape to a cuboid. The results were remarkably close to the actual ‘draught’ value quoted for the ship of 5.5 – 6m. After a tour of the ship we headed to Borough Market for a delicious lunch and quick time-out, before heading off to the IWM. On arrival at the IWM, we set ourselves up opposite the BL-15 naval guns that are on display outside the museum. The boys used their knowledge of conservation of momentum to calculate the speed at which a ship like HMS Terror could be pushed back upon firing its 15 inch guns. Despite shooting a shell of 879 kg at 749 m/s, a ship the size of HMS Terror would only be pushed back at a rate of 9 cm/s!
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Sporting News From the Games Department Mr Sullivan writes...
essential for health and well-being, and optimal
To keep your mind and body alert in the
classroom and outside on the games field you
must have the right nutritional balance.
regulate and facilitate key bodily functions. Dehydration can negatively
NUTRITION COMMANDMENTS A food first approach is
affect both health and performance. In general, 5-6 meals
best. Fresh, quality foods provide
performance. You CANNOT supplement a poor
daily, this includes snacks between meals.
These should incorporate quality carbohydrates To facilitate growth and repair
and proteins, structured around training and energy requirements.
muscles with fuel for performance, you should
Carbohydrates are not
consume food every 3 to 4 hours throughout the
only the predominant fuel for energy during high intensity exercise, but
day. Try
cheap and
instead choose fresh ingredients from local
Carbohydrate intake should be structured around training intensity and goals.
sources if you can. If you cannot pick it, kill it or
Education and learning
grow it, do not eat it.
is key to building the To sustain growth and recovery, quality sources
of protein should be eaten at every meal,
overnight by eating protein before and after sleeping. A range of colourful fruits and vegetables should be consumed throughout the day. Each colour contains an array of vitamins and minerals
right nutritional foundations to positively benefit performance,
knowledge and practical skills.
Sports Quote of the Week:
“Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there� Follow us for results and updates on Twitter via @WetherbySSports #teamwetherby The Barometer | week 31 | 26/05/2017
Sporting News Year 7/8 Cricket WSS A vs. WCCS A Mr Underwood writes… On a perfect afternoon, the U13A team played Westminster Cathedral Choir School in their fourth encounter of the term. After losing the toss, we were put into bat to begin the game. Finlay W. and Akshay B. opened the batting with authority in the first over, easily hitting a fast bowler for short singles and big boundary shots. This promising partnership was disrupted by confusion on the wicket, resulting in a run out. Oscar C. calmed the innings down with a fine display at the crease, forming a comfortable and assertive partnership with Atticus C. As the overs ticked by, both boys ensured a steady flow of runs and WCCS needed two remarkable catches to remove these two from the wicket. Nico S. and Alex PT. saw out the batting and added some valuable runs to the innings, with WSS finishing on 69 for 8. With captain, Finlay W. organising the field and bowling order, WSS started the bowling superbly. The tight fielding limited WCCS to minimal runs and we were very much on top throughout the early stages. After Akshay B. took a sublime one-handed catch, we finally 20
got our reward for fine bowling. WCCS turned to their county batsman and he began to exploit the gaps in the field with some fine batting shots. Our opposition began to creep towards the run total and, despite wickets from Atticus C. and Rafael H., they achieved the target with 2 overs remaining in the game. A very close game and our boys put in a proud performance as we continue to develop our skills. A Man of the Match award goes to Oscar C. for a fine display with the bat. Oscar ensured that he communicated well with his teammates, encouraging their efforts and displaying a level of passion that deserved a victory. A superb performance from Oscar C. and the team. WSS B vs. WCCS B Mr Betts writes… On Wednesday, the U13B side had their latest cricket fixture against WCCS. Both sides were looking forward to playing in the lovely, sunny afternoon: a perfect day for cricket.
WCCS won the toss and chose to bowl. Wetherby batted the best they had all season with Luca Grinceri facing the first ball of the innings until the last. To bat for all 20 overs is a difficult and tiring task but Luca was exceptional. With some good batting support, Wetherby
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finished with 93 for 4 off 20. WCCS had a slow start after some fantastic bowling from Manu, Billy and our captain Himat. However, after getting a few early wickets, their number 5 batsmen showed excellent skill and was able to secure the winning runs for WCCS with just 8 balls remaining. Despite the loss, it was a great afternoon and the boys have made such amazing progress. I hope all the boys have a good rest over the half term and come back to cricket the way we left off, always improving.
And finally… Congratulations to Nour H. and Antonio M. for being selected for London Irish Academy. Well done, boys! Onwards and upwards.
Clubs & Activities Pool Competition The following people will face elimination if they do not complete their games by the end of Monday 12th June: (This really has to be a tight deadline in order to have the tournament completed before the end of the year!) SINGLES: Ed G V Faisal (7) or Younis Luca O V Sacha R D Lawrence V Arthur Tobi A V Leo M Seb P V Luca L N Baker V Armand DOUBLES: Hamoud & Seb V Harrison S/AJ Faisal A/Andrei M V Tobi A/Monty C Thomas T/Nelson T V Tobias T/Nour H Armand S/Jack HG V Abdul F/Antonio DB Rocco/Fabien V Louis/Vadim Alex PT/Nico S V Luca L/Luke K Luca V/Elis M V Danny/Danny
NASH/RIDLEY V Antonio M/Seb P Will B/Josh OP V Adam/Beau WARNER/DEEDAT V Matthew M/Tom B KIRK/MARTIN V Lucas K/Jude J CHIDELL/DAWSON V Nacho G/Anthony A Evangelos/Tyler v Luca G/Joao S Ali R/Leo L V Jock/Michael T
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Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition Mr Dawson writes... Last week saw the Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh boys embark upon their Practice Expedition to the sunny Surrey Hills. The boys were absolutely fantastic and thrived with the independence given to them. The two weeks preceding the expedition was the planning phase and the boys, split into groups, planned their routes using the map skills gained over the course of the year. On the expedition, the boys were split into groups of five - seven and were tasked with getting themselves round their route, navigating themselves with very little input from staff. The routes planned were just shy of 20km on each day, and with the odd navigational mishap, even longer! On arrival at camp, the teams put up their own tents and used gas stoves to prepare their meals. After food, the energy levels shot back up and the boys finished the evening playing a game of football before the sun set and it was time for a well-earned sleep. With the Qualifying Expedition just round the corner the boys have plenty of time to reflect on their experience and ensure they have they have all the necessary kit for July. Well done boys, you did a great job!
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Duke of Edinburgh
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From the Editor On this week’s front cover: Year 10 Historians at Leeds Castle On the back: Year 10 physicists on HMS Belfast For all comments and feedback please email: henry.warner@wetherbysenior.co.uk