From the Headmaster Dear Parents, I know that many of you have already visited our new websites, launched this week for both schools. These are at the same addresses as before, so no need to change bookmarks, but just offer a fresh, more up-to-date look to our virtual ‘front windows’. Thank you for your many kind comments and suggestions. Do keep them coming, as we are really keen to ensure that those websites are a fitting reflection of our, in the broadest sense, schools. Logistical considerations meant that a launch date of Monday had been planned which meant that Prep School boys, off school due to our 8+ Assessment Day, were unable to access our revision guides. We managed to address this later in the day but the timing was less than ideal, for which I apologise. Also, many thanks indeed to those parents who alerted me to the temporary absence of password protection on our revision area; this too has now been addressed so our examination material remains accessible only to Wetherby boys and their families. As much as we, as a community, take great pride and care in how our websites portray our schools, the open areas are of greatest practical use to prospective parents, potential staff interested in working at our schools and anybody else wishing to know more about Wetherby. Our parents (plus boys, past and present) are warmly encouraged to interact with the schools via our Facebook and Instagram pages; the links appear on the left of the website. It’s taken us (ok, me!) a while to feel fully at ease with these 21st Century technologies but now we embrace the future! Well, I am just about to set off to watch Wetherby vs Falcon’s vs Chesham Prep at rugby. Cheering on Wetherby, of course, and our Alpha Plus friends from Falcon’s but also Chesham Prep, where my elder son, Patrick, will line up for the U11s this afternoon. With working where I work and living where I live, I rarely get to watch Patrick (3rd from the right) play for his school so this is an opportunity not to be missed; I’ll just have to keep on changing which group of parents I’m standing next to! Have a good weekend…
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From the Headmaster In Memory of Graham Taylor In what has been a twelve month period bringing announcements of an unprecedented number of deaths of high profile people, yesterday’s news that Graham Taylor has passed away touched me greatly. Graham was manager of Watford when I attended my first game and during his two tenures at the Club was responsible for many of the most memorable sporting occasions that have punctuated my life over the past 30 odd years as a supporter. He was a brilliant manager but an even more impressive person and everyone could identify and get behind him as someone who represented them as the manager of Watford, such was his sense of decency and strength of character. My time at university coincided with his difficult tenure as England manager and I found myself fervently defending Graham as a professional and even more so as a person, so underserved and hurtful were the comments towards him from the media and public at large. I only got to meet him once. An exWetherby parent invited me to a lunch some years ago and it was an absolute honour to sit round the table with Graham, his wife, Rita, and a few others, as we all listened to him regaling us with humorous anecdotes on football and also the world at large. Graham was everything I had expected he would be: entertaining, witty, self-deprecating and asked as many questions of me as I did of him. I emailed that parent yesterday, on hearing the news, as I will forever be thankful that he gave me the opportunity to meet the great man. There have been some really heartfelt comments in the media since the announcement but this sums up Graham perfectly for me and in many ways is an observation that everyone, whether interested in football or otherwise, might aspire to: “He was kind, courteous and considerate. He was interested in you as a person and was totally without ego. He had a very good sense of humour and could laugh at himself. That he loved the game is not the news here. That he survived the evisceration and humiliation of his England reign ending in resignation and came out the other side, still smiling, still besotted with football, still able to meet foe as much as friend in the eye, that certainly is the news. Graham Taylor showed the way to behave, how to treat people and what is really important in life.� Mark Pougatch, BBC 5 live
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DIARY Monday 16th
Rock Choir
Tuesday 17th
Year 7 & 8 Globe Players Shakespearean Workshop (Years 7 & 8 Periods (5 & 6)
Year 9 & 10 Globe Players Shakespearean Workshop (Year 9 Periods 1 & 2) (Year 10 Periods 3 & 4)
Wetherby Brass Ensemble Year 7 & 8 English SPaG Clinic
13:30 13:45-14:05
Wednesday 18th Year 10 English Intervention French Charity Breakfast (boys and staff)
Friday 20th 11+ Assessment Day NO SCHOOL FOR BOYS
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd
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Basketball Cricket Film Review Football GSCE Art GCSE Graphic Design Performing Arts (Y7 & Y8) Quiz Club School Play YAD Fitness
Tuesday Clubs Art and Design Bridge Club Climbing Fencing Football Junior Quiz Club MFL Cinema Club YAD Fitness
Wednesday Clubs
08:00-08:30 08:00-08:30
Thursday 19th Mums’ Night Out at The Marylebone
Monday Clubs
Duke of Edinburgh Award Performing Arts (Y9) Service
Thursday Clubs
Classics Club Junior Geographical Society Lego Club Table Tennis
NOTICEBOARD From the PTA: Mums’ Night Out On Thursday 19th, we will be holding Wetherby Senior School’s first Mums’ Night Out at The Marylebone on Marylebone High Street from 19:30. This is open to all mums at the Senior School and, indeed, staff. It promises to be a fun, enjoyable and convivial evening.
From the Deputy Headmaster Please take note that it is the 11+ Assessment Day on Friday 20th January. This means that there will be no school for the boys.
The Barometer is now on Instagram! Want a preview of what is coming up this week? Keen to get hold of some of the images we publish each week? Here is an easy way of getting hold of them. Find us: wss_barometer
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CO-CURRICULAR NEWS Years 7, 8 and 9 Residential Week: 27th – 30th June Mr Dawson writes... Parents of all Year 7, 8 and 9 boys will shortly receive a letter in the post with information about the school’s Summer Term residentials. Years 7 and 8 are off to the beautiful Weald of Kent to spend four days camping in the woods and doing a variety of outdoor activities and bush craft. Year 9 are heading down to the Quantock Hills, in Somerset, where they will also be camping, as well as spending some time down at Torquay kayaking and coasteering. Full details of each trip can be found in the letter you will receive shortly. Can parents please get their son to return the signed consent form, that accompanies each letter, to Mr Dawson, or reception, by Tuesday 31st January to confirm attendance. Here are some reminders of what last year’s residential to Somerset involved:
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Art Department Mr Meyer writes… As mentioned in the previous newsletter, ‘Glass Form’ is a new medium that has been implemented into the curriculum this year, providing another area of how we can use the kiln. During the last two weeks of the Autumn Term boys created and learnt about the process of tacking and fusing pieces of glass together, which helped as they created a striking and visually impressive looking coaster. Clockwise from the top left: Danny Silver, Gabriel Tobin, Eli Al-Baho, Teagan Whealon Mortimer, Lucas Kane, Arthur Chung.
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From the Graphic Design Department Miss Bradley writes... This week, Year 8 boys have been continuing to develop illustrations inspired by A Christmas Carol. Having previously studied Matisse’s cut-outs, they have moved on to explore collage further, considering the work of Dadaist Hannah Hoch and Pop-Artist Richard Hamilton. Both artists worked with found images, splicing them together to create humorous but arresting social commentary. Year 8 have experimented with their technique of using found images and manipulating them in order to tell a different story from the one they were originally intended for. Focusing on a specific quote in the text, they were tasked with trying to convey the ghostly face of Jacob Marley appearing on Scrooge’s door knocker, with striking results. Clockwise from the top left : Alex Piggott Testa, William Piccone-Neiss, Mischa Demichev, Sherif Kotb, Nicholas Sharma
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From the Geography Department Invitation to and RGS talk: Edward Parker, Co-Founder & CEO, Walking With The cordially invites parents to attend: A Night of Adventure in aid of Walking with The Wounded at The Royal Geographical Society Thursday, 23rd February, 2017 – 7.30pm - 9.30pm (Doors open at 6.30pm) On the evening of 23rd February at The Royal Geographical Society in London, a multitude of world record setters will be taking to the stage to share their fascinating adventures in support of WWTW – some of whom may well become the Chelsea Pensioners of tomorrow…. All those taking part (Olly Hicks, Jake Meyer, Ben Saunders, Al Humphreys) have extraordinary stories to tell, from completing the route taken by Scott’s team in the South Pole, to canoeing from Greenland to Scotland, to being the youngest Briton to climb the highest peak in each of the seven continents. The talk starts at 7.30pm, finishing around 9.30pm. Doors will open at 6.30pm and there is a cash bar. The whole evening is generously supported by Bremont so all the proceeds will go to Walking With The Wounded. Tickets are available at: The Barometer - 13/01/2017 9
FRENCH CHARITY BREAKFAST Tickets on sale in Common room during morning break
8am-8.30am Wednesday 18th January
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Music Department Mr Martin writes... Year 9 boys have begun studying Film Music; specifically underscore. Boys are creating an underscore to a short film clip. Using musical devices such as dissonance, pedal, chromatic scale and a minor tonality, boys are able to produce some spine-tingling compositions. These will be available to listen to, watch and download at the end of term. The boys have been using Cubase to record their music. This program allows the music and film to be synchronised to perfection. We have been listening to some excellent examples of underscoring, such as: the Mirror of Erised scene in Harry Potter and King Kong (1933) to get a flavour of the style of underscoring required.
ENSEMBLES Wetherby Brass Ensemble The first rehearsal got off to a great start. We are currently working towards our first performance of a Lament for a Lost Yak. I have assured the boys that hopefully we will find the Yak. Rehearsals are every Tuesday lunch at 13:30. Rock Choir This new ensemble for 2017 is currently working on a choral arrangement of Vida La Vida by Coldplay. Rehearsals are every Monday lunch time at 13:30. Big Band We rehearse every Friday lunch time at 13:30. Currently we are working on the James Bond Theme.
INSTRUMENTAL LESSONS Please remember to check for your instrumental lesson time on the new timetable noticeboard which is outside the music office. All lessons have started this week.
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the English Department Miss Kirk writes... This half term, Years 7-9 will be studying and producing a range of non-fiction texts, from newspapers to persuasive speeches to extreme travel writing accounts. To kick start the term, each year group has explored examples of powerful advertising, which culminated in them creating their own product or campaign. In groups, the boys battled against one another to convince the 'dragons' (Miss Ridley and I could teach Deborah Meaden and Peter Jones a lesson or two about interrogation tactics...) to invest in their product or to use their campaign poster to raise awareness of a particular issue, involving high levels of team work, imagination and excellent persuasive writing skills.
Gabriel Tournant and Rafael Hajjar (Year 7) appeal to thrill -seekers with their state of the art theme park, designed to make you 'feel the difference'... from other less adventurous ones.
Sasha Elgen and Arthur Chung (Year 7) attempt to entice a more 'sophisticated' crowd with their ÂŁ140 bottle of 'delicieux' rouge; that's the price of a diamond encrusted seal, apparently...
Oscar Cornaby and Ahmed Alsibai (Year 7) describe the precise science behind their gravity defying trampoline. They had me utterly convinced! 12 The Barometer - 13/01/2017
'We all love 'em, pick up a Horizon'- a surprisingly catchy slogan for our winning group.
CURRICULUM NEWS Not only have I been impressed by the boys' astute understanding of the importance of audience and purpose when designing and promoting a product but as the following images reveal, the boys were certainly able to hold their own when under the spotlight presenting their pitches to the class. A particular well done to Ahmed Alsibai and Oscar Cornaby (Year 7) whose pitch contained remarkable, albeit entirely fictional, information about their multi-purpose trampoline and to Danny Barta and Danny Silver (Year 7), whose chocolate product left the audience salivating. It's safe to say that we have at least one business tycoon in our midst: Bill Gates, watch out!
Not that anybody got competitive or anything...
Year 9 also have a go‌.
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Biology Department Mrs Skinner writes... This week in Biology, the Year 9 boys have been learning about how stem cells differentiate into specialised cells by changing shape. To demonstrate cell differentiation, the boys moulded their own specialised cells from playdoh!
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Biology Department Mrs Bennet writes... Year 7 Biologists have been learning about different food types and balanced diets. Boys carried out four food tests to check for the presence of starch, glucose, fat and protein. They used Benedicts solution, Iodine solution, Biuret solution and Ethanol. Boys added these to different foods and recorded their observations, these can be seen in the photos.
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the English Department From the Chemistry Department Miss Hoskins writes... This week in Chemistry, the Year 9 boys have been revising their methods of separating mixtures. The boys 'snowballed' their ideas by writing down as much information next to each diagram regarding the name of the method, what sort of mixture it separates and how the method actually works. After 4 minutes of initial brainstorming, the boys scrumpled up the paper and threw it towards another group. They then opened the paper up and added to or changed the information written down. After another 2 minutes the process was repeated. Eventually, the group ended up with their original work and they received peer feedback on their initial work.
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Classics Department Miss Nash writes... This week, the Year 10 Latin boys became teachers! The class was divided into three groups with each group having to prepare a section of a Latin story to present to the rest of the class. When their big moment arrived, each group presented their translation with confidence and also ensured that they spoke about key grammar points within their section such as subjunctive verb tenses and participles. The boys who were listening asked questions to their new “teachers� about anything they did not understand and were also keen to point out any errors that had been made by them so that by the end of the lesson, the class had come up with a perfect translation of the whole story. I was very pleased with the way in which the boys tackled this task (they even managed not to get too distracted by the vast number of pen colours and highlighting tools available to them on the board!) and I will definitely be trusting them to take over from me at the front of the classroom again.
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Philosophy Department Mr Atkinson writes... I am often asked by friends what exactly it is that I teach since Philosophy, in its purest form, was not something that was on the curriculum when they were at school. My answer to this question, apart from a lengthy outline of the various topics that we may cover in Philosophy, is the punchier response that my job is not to teach the boys ‘what to think’ but to teach them ‘how to think’. I hope then that the recent article in the Guardian ( commentisfree/2017/jan/09/philosophy-teachchildren-schools-ireland) goes someway to explain the importance of this to the boys for not only their current education but their future lives. To give a flavour of the sorts of things currently
making the boys think: Year 7 have been thinking about how we should treat others; Year 8 took a test designed to show the flaws in their own reasoning before crafting a speech designed to argue for a particular point of view; Year 9 have been researching some of the ideas of the most influential thinkers throughout human history; Year 10 are grappling with whether or not any of our choices are really free at all.
From the Drama Department
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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Drama Department Miss Twomey writes... The Children- GCSE Drama Theatre Trip to The Royal Court This week, Miss Twomey took the Year 10 Drama GCSE students to The Royal Court to watch The Children by Lucy Kirkwood. The play began as we watched two old nuclear physicist colleagues become reacquainted, as Rose turns up unannounced and Hazel jumps in shock so
aggressively she elbows Rose and causes a nose bleed. It’s a tense, confusing and bloody start as we wonder what happened to these old friends. Over the course of the play, the characters familiarise themselves with each other’s whereabouts for the last 40 years. Hazel’s husband arrived home from the farm where he’d been ‘looking after the cows’ and the three recount the disaster caused by their nuclear power station and whether they are accountable for this ‘exclusion zone’ and electricity rationed reality.
not appear to connect with the existing Royal Court stage in any way. As we looked into their life as if it were a make-shift doll’s house in a shoe box, we begin to notice the struggles in their seemingly happy routines. Interestingly, to show the effects of the ‘disaster’, the entire box stage was hung on a slight tilt, causing the odd prop to role across the stage. There was very little artificial lighting in the play, the kitchen setting was lit by the kitchen itself; the candles, gas lamps and a florescent tube above the sink- once the electricity rations began at 10pm. The dialogue overlapped frequently, at first to show the awkwardness of their new familiarity, and later in anger as their secrets were exposed. The relationship between Hazel, Robin and Rose is intriguing and we discover what brought them together as they reminisce happily, share secrets, air dirty laundry and dance to an old routine they made up in the 1970s. In this seaside cottage, we gradually build our awareness of why Rose has come to visit Hazel and Robin, it’s not a happy revelation and their going to have to tell ‘The Children’.
The play had many unusual features: the set was suspended in a box and did The Barometer - 13/01/2017 19
SPORTING NEWS From the Games Department Mr Sullivan writes…
HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED TO EXERCISE THROUGH THE WINTER When you wake up to natural sunlight, buzzing hot weather, and plenty of holidays lined up, it's not much of a slog to workout. Fitness motivation is much easier in the summer but it’s during the winter that most people’s exercise regime STOPS! This time of the year, many of us will find it hard to jump out of bed - never mind hitting the gym. Here are two simple ways to help you stay proactive: 1) SCHEDULE YOUR ‘FITNESS’ SESSION Your training session should be scheduled as a school/homework/clubs after school and it should only be changed as a last resort. This will ensure you stay consistent. A common theme I often see is once you start neglecting a session over something minor, it starts compounding. Start blocking out at least an hour out of the diary once or twice a week - you’ll be surprised at the accountability and positive difference it makes. 2) PACK THE NIGHT BEFORE “What should I wear?” “Black or green socks?” “Do I have enough time for breakfast?” “What time’s my train?” When you’re still a bit drowsy in the morning, the last thing you want is to overload your brain. This can easily stop people from being proactive about their day ahead. One setback or a few too many decisions will likely push you off the wagon. Instead, have your school kit laid out. Prep your breakfast (and other meals) so all you have to do is either heat it up or simply pack it in your bag. Heck, even go as far as having your morning cuppa ready and enough water in the kettle. Make your morning life easier by less thinking and more doing; you’ll find yourself in the groove relatively quicker. Mental energy should be saved for the important stuff. As you may agree, there’s nothing magical with what I’ve suggested. But if you find the winter months are harder to exercise in (especially in the mornings), I would recommend taking action now. Nothing major needs to be done; it’s usually the subtle changes that will keep the consistency.
Good luck! 20 The Barometer - 13/01/2017
Years 7 & 8 measure up for their mouthguards
SPORTING NEWS Coaches’ Corner Mr Ryan Underwood Height: 5’10. Weight: No idea. Favourite food: Easy – Indian takeaway. So good! Sports Coached: Football, Rugby, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics, Tennis, Gymnastics, Swimming, Skiing, Badminton, Table Tennis, and Basketball Hobbies: Being a dad, family time, playing and watching sport especially the mighty Harlequins, teaching. If you could be one player: Andres Iniesta – the man is a genius with a football Achievements: Premiership football academy coach and raising my son, Harry – so far, so good! Most memorable moment working at WSS: The Games Department receiving best wishes from Jonny Wilkinson! Which fellow staff member would make the best James Bond and why: Mr Warner – why not? It could be interesting. (Loving the flattery Ryan - Ed.) What was the last film, book or TV show you cried at: When I realised that I had to wait a year for the next Game of Thrones season. If you went on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be: The ‘Harry Potter’ book series, without a doubt! If you could witness any past, present or future moment what would it be: Being at the final of England v Australia, 2003 Rugby World Cup Final. What three guests (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party and why: David Blaine – entertainment purposes Ed Sheeran – musical backdrop George R R Martin – conversation to find out the ending to Game of Thrones. If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you’d buy: I’d go skiing!
Sports Quote of the Week: “Don’t compare your results to someone else’s. You can never be another person, you can only be a better version of yourself” Follow us for results and updates on Twitter via @WetherbySSports #teamwetherby The Barometer - 13/01/2017 21
Life Beyond Wetherby Missing Maps Mapathon Adam Ahmed-Mekky (8 Tyburn) writes... Last year, I attended a Missing Maps Mapathon. Missing Maps is a project that helps aid workers from charities such as MÊdecins Sans Frontières and the Red Cross locate people in remote villages and homes. Surprisingly, large portions of the world have not yet been mapped and so aid workers struggle to find remote villages where aid is needed. Mapping these places is very important because often the countries that are not mapped are more likely to need aid. This mapping project is a great way to help people from distant countries, wherever you are. I think more people should get involved with the project and get mapping! The Mapathon I attended was also attended by a journalist from the Financial Times. After interviewing my mother and me, the journalist wrote an article about the project in the Seasonal Appeal. I would suggest you read it if you want to find out more about the work of the Missing Maps Project.
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CLUB NEWS Junior Geographical Society Miss Maroudi writes.... Junior Geographical Society discovered more about the world around them as they were quizzed on their geographical knowledge. All teams performed impressively but in the end it was Misha, Tommaso and Haotong that achieved the highest score. If you think you are a Geography quizmaster, why not have a go at the following: 1.
What A is the sea between Italy and Croatia?
What B is a type of igneous rock?
What C is a Scottish National park and major ski centre?
What D is an accumulation of sediment at a river mouth?
What E is a Baltic member of the EU?
What F is a geological term applied to San Andreas?
Junior Quiz Club Mr Atkinson writes... This week Adam Ahmed-Mekky, Faisal Abaalkhail and Joao Andrade Lopes Correia da Silva took the crown. Well done!
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News from the Climbing Club
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VOTES FOR SCHOOLS This week’s topic has been: Will virtual reality change the way we respond to news?
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ON THE HOT SEAT Hello and welcome to Week 11 of “On the Hot Seat”. We hope you all had a wonderful festive period and enjoyed welcoming in the New Year; we certainly did! Ever since we arrived at Wetherby we have been itching to make our way over to Science in an effort to improve our cross curricular knowledge… JOKES! We just wanted to play with all the cool equipment they have over there. Naturally, it seemed sensible to head to the Head of Science’s lab to see what we could find – he’s the chap in charge of the budget after all! Therefore, on the Hot Seat this week is our very own Mr Hasthorpe. Did you know, dear readers, that the seemingly extraordinarily competent Mr Hasthorpe is actually seriously accident prone? He once broke his arm whilst pretending to be an alpha radiation particle, (it’s ok, we don’t know what one of those is either) in front of a class of Wetherby boys. One of the boys later described him as "looking very grey afterwards ". This is not the only time Mr Hasthorpe has sacrificed himself in the name of Science. He once went ice-skating to find out what it is like to walk without friction and managed to crack three ribs. At one point, (in his dark and murky past) at his last school, Mr Hasthorpe attempted to pilot a mini hovercraft down a long corridor in the Science department. However, the boys and girls pulling him along on a rope were much stronger than he expected, and the hovercraft broke a door frame away from the wall. Mr Hasthorpe, thankfully, was thrown clear, rolled to a surprisingly gentle stop, and suffered nothing more than a torn-off jacket sleeve on his favourite suit! So, on that bombshell let us begin… 1) Physics Astronomy?
Physics 2) Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup 3) Bowtie or tie? Whilst Frau Eaves and Mr Hasthorpe were earnestly discussing “string theory”, Señor McFaul had discovered the giant canister of helium…
Tie 4) Starter or dessert? Starter 5) Wine or Beer? Oh wine!!! 6) Tofu or Quorn? (struggles…) depends on the dish… Quorn. It’s more versatile.
Mr Hasthorpe takes the “Hot Seat” to a new level
7) Dancing or singing? Again, depends on the occasion…. dancing. 8) Scrambled or fried? Scrambled (no hesitation at all here dear readers) 9) Dog or cat?
Mr Hasthorpe decided Frau Eaves needed re -styling. #newyearnewhair
Dog (readers, Mr Hasthorpe dislikes cats… a lot) 10) Winter or summer? Oooh, summer 11) What pet hate would you consign to Room 101? (Dear readers, at this point Mr Hasthorpe decides to refer to his list of pet hates on his phone. Rumour has it this list is 12 pages long…) Last minute changes of plan 12) What 3 items would you want if stranded on a desert island? iPhone, yacht (we didn’t bother trying to explain that he was in fact, stranded and therefore a yacht is invalid. Personally we would have taken a solar panelled charger for that iPhone of his), and hot chilli sauce The Barometer - 13/01/2017 27
From the Editor On this week’s front cover: Year 10s Nicky and Pip try their hand at teaching Latin to their peers On the back: Year 8 pitch their Dragons’ Den idea For all comments and feedback please email: