Week 20 WSS Newsletter

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WSS Highlighter 22nd February

Week 20

World Cancer Day

Classroom news

Party pics

Club news

Sporting updates

Words from the Headmaster

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Dear Parents, Well, what a hoot that was last night! Great to see so many parents and staff looking their glamorous selves and creating such a sense of fun in the room. Some excellent dancing on display and let’s just say, to be fair, some pretty average dancing too but any slight deficit in style or finesse was more than made up for in energy and enthusiasm! As I write this, the fundraising stands at over £5000. If you haven’t already done so, yet would like to donate, please follow the link below. My thanks, of course, to all of our brilliant staff and parents for coming and for their generosity with the fundraising but also to Tony Matharu, Managing Director of Grange Hotels, who, although no longer a Wetherby parent, remains one of the school’s closest friends. And onto today at the Prep School, with the Fourth Annual Staff Appreciation Day. I have to admit, it is not the one and only of its kind in London as I did ‘borrow’ the original idea from another prep school.

At that school, parents came in to place a

daffodil on every teacher’s desk and left a set of post-it notes in the shape of a heart. They also laid on some pastries and a bowl of fruit at breaktime. These are lovely thoughts but our parents have taken the idea and ‘Wetherbyfied’ it, developing it as only Wetherby parents know how. Every year, we think that the occasion simply cannot be bettered; every year you amaze us with your generosity, creativity and sense of genuine appreciation. Ours might not be the one and only staff appreciation event in town but it is utterly unique and, as with so many aspects of life at Wetherby, no school does things like this, or parties like last night, quite like us. On behalf of all of the staff, thank you for being our parent body. You are a very special bunch! Have a great half term…

Weblink for further donations: https://uk.walkaboutfoundation.org/wetherby-school-sfundraiser.html Parental Questionnaire Now we are halfway into the first year of the School we would like to know how you feel the School is doing. Please complete the questionnaire at the link below and do be as honest as possible as these can be extremely useful exercises in wider school development. We will leave it open for the next two weeks. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/M67BTWR

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter


Pupil Absence Mr Lawrence writes... It would be a great help to our administration team if you could be sure to ring or email Tessa Stewart or Rebecca Cumaraswamy before 0830 registration if your son is unwell. Permission for planned pupil absence in term time can be sought from either Mr Baker or Mr Lawrence by email, telephone or letter. Please also note that from after half term, any boy who is unable to take part in afternoon games will remain in school to complete school work and will leave at 1720 after prep as usual. tessa.stewart@wetherbysenior.co.uk rebecca.cumaraswamy@wetherbysenior.co.uk Many thanks

Grades and Reporting update: Mr Morris writes... The third set of grades for progress and study habits for all boys will be emailed home to parents today. At the end of this term a second set of grades will also be sent out, accompanied by full written reports for each subject and an overall tutor’s report. As well as giving feedback on your son’s progress and efforts so far, these reports will provide an opportunity for teachers to offer guidance about preparation for the summer examinations (held in June). Once all the examination results have been collated, there will then be a parents’ evening at the end of the Summer Term to discuss the year as whole and to set targets for the next .

Year 9 GCSE Options evening Wednesday 24th February 7-8.00pm in the Drama Studio I would like to remind all Year 9 parents about this forthcoming event in the first week back after half term. As I will be speaking to all the Year 9 boys in tutor period on Monday 22nd February, and issuing them with an options booklet, the evening meeting is just for parents. It will consist of a short presentation outlining the process and the options available at WSS, a question and answer session, and then the chance for parents to talk to teachers of the optional subjects (as well as to receive another copy of the booklet). This is very much the start of what I hope will be a helpful three way conversation between boys, parents and tutors over the rest of term before final choices have to be submitted at the start of the Summer Term. I look forward to talking you on the 24th.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

E-Safety Talk: Thursday March 17th Mr Hartley writes... On Thursday March 17th Wetherby Senior School will be hosting an E-Safety Talk for parents of boys in Years 7 and 9. The talk will help raise awareness of the safety implications of your son’s use of the internet and communication devices. The talk will be followed by a Q+A session and will take place at from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the Drama Studio.

If you are

interested in attending, please let Tessa Stewart, School Secretary, know how many tickets you will need.

The upcoming week at Wetherby Senior School

Monday 22nd WSS All Stars

Monday Clubs 13:30

Tuesday 23rd

Art & Design Basketball Future Writers Videography Ukulele

Tuesday Clubs Chess & Backgammon Fencing Football Quiz Yofit Music Tech

Wednesday 24th

Wednesday Clubs

Rugby Year 7 U12 WSS v St Philip’s


GCSE Options Evening (Year 9 Parents)


Thursday 25th Football Year 9 U14 WSS v Harrow (A/B/C) (A)

Thursday Clubs 14:30

Friday 26th School Choir - CANCELLED


HM Assembly - Hinde Street Methodist Church


Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th

SlowMo Table Tennis Mandarin Family History

Code Table Tennis Grub Club

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

World Cancer Day Miss Vanstone writes… Last week 9 Fleet led by Adin DeCarlucci fundraised for Cancer Research by recognising World Cancer Day. The boys sold unity bands for £2 and raised an outstanding £190 over just two days! In tutor time, boys were given the opportunity to remember someone affected by cancer or equally celebrate someone who has survived the illness. They did this by writing a name and sometimes a little about the person on a card in the shape of a cloud or star. These are now displayed next to the dining room. I was impressed by the maturity with which the boys addressed World Cancer Day and they produced some poignant stars and clouds. Congratulations to Harrison Phillips who despite not being in 9 Fleet raised a lot of money! Thanks also to Pia DeCarlucci who organised the unity bands.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

CLASSROOM NEWS From the Design & Technology Department Mr Meyer writes‌ This term, Year 9 have moved from the Art suite into the Design & Technology Department. During the course of the last five weeks they have researched, designed and started constructing their very own bedside bookcases. During the latter phase, they have developed a working understanding of the dowel joint, allowing their work to go from a 2D piece of birch faced ply into a 3D bedside bookcase. As well as this, they have developed their competence and confidence in using a number of machines from a table mounted sanding device to a floor standing band saw.

Work in progress bedside bookcases

2 & 3D Designs

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

From the French Department Mrs Diamond writes… On Tuesday all Year 9 and Year 7 boys went to our first French field trip to the Institut Français in South Kensington. After a studious morning of language and cultural activities, we were rewarded by lunch and “une montagne de pains au chocolat”, before heading off to the cinema at the Institut Français. Le Chat du Rabbin, is a philosophical tale about hope and tolerance through the journey of 3 men and a cat leaving 1920s Algiers on a journey through Africa. The movie is an animated cartoon, based on a celebrated French bande-dessinées (French comic book). It won the Cesar in 2012 (French Baftas), and was realised by a collective of artists from the age of 16 to 60 years old. It is funny and moving and the boys enjoyed it a lot. I am often asked by parents for recommendations about books or films to watch. This is a great one to watch with the family during a rainy afternoon this half term.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

And finally, a reminder: Our French trip to Bruxelles is now booked but although most boys have returned their medical consent form, could those that are still outstanding be handed in asap as it is a legal requirement for us to get all the forms in. The form is attached to the Newsletter.

From the Geography Department Miss Vanstone writes‌ Geography Competition The entries to the inaugural Junior and Senior Essay Prizes were overwhelming. I was hugely impressed by both the number and quality of the entries received. This bodes well for the future as this will be an annual event so if your name does not appear on the trophies this year there will plenty more chances!

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

The Junior question was “How does Geography help you?” and entries ranged from traditional essays, to creative boards to videos showing much technical skill. Boys discussed transport, tourism, energy and natural resources to name but a few of the topics. The



was “Should the UK increase



renewable This










impact of fossil fuels on the environment, which of the renewables is most suitable for the UK and the economic implications of a lack of energy diversity. There were


arguments range


including legal,

strong from


viewpoints religious,



economic. After much deliberation, Mr Baker and I selected the winners which are as follows: Junior Prize 1st Place- Robert Bektas Robert wrote a really comprehensive account of the uses of Geography. What was particularly impressive was his inclusion of current events such as the plight of Syrian refugees and why they might choose to seek asylum in Europe. He also explained how businesses use Geography to make key decisions. 2nd Place- Finlay Waters 3rd Place- William Piccione Neiss Highly Commended- Alessandro Guglielmi, Alex Piggott Testa, Frejvid Gislev

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Senior Prize 1st Place- Tom Zundel Tom wrote an outstanding essay which showed that he had a clear understanding of renewable energy as well as the implications of continuing to use fossil fuels on the environment and the economy. He built a strong argument but the essay also had an element of balance. Tom included plenty of current, well referenced examples to support his work. Importantly, Tom’s essay was clearly focused on the UK although he brought in other countries on occasion to illustrate points. 2nd Place- Louis Jegou, Talal Hangari 3rd Place- Oliver Lind Highly





Connolly, Vadim Mandel, Marcos Burnett Commended- Philip Armstrong , Joshua George-Oppong, Jack Henniker-Gotley, Luca Lobefalo, Sean Masri. Year 9 visit from author Andy Mulligan To conclude our current unit on global development gaps, Year 9 had a talk from an eminent children’s author in their Geography lessons on Friday. Andy Mulligan is the author of the ‘Ribblestrop’ series of books, ‘The Boy with





‘Trash’, recently adapted for the cinema, which is a thriller set in the Philippines about children who live in shanty towns there and end up in great danger. He has taught English in India, Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines and the UK so is well placed to discuss contemporary geographical issues with the boys.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

From the Maths Department Mr Bray writes... Year 9 boys have been given access to the Mathematics section of frog.wetherbysenior.co.uk in order to view support and revision material. Frog is our VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) platform that will be rolled by all departments to all groups in the future, but Maths (Year 9), History (Year 9) and Geography (Year 7) have taken the lead in exploring the capabilities. In Maths, we aim to build up a selection of videos on all GCSE topics that can be used to help with weekend homework and revision for tests. Aside from having a go at problems, I believe that watching someone explain how to solve a question is the best way to learn in Maths – learning from a textbook is rarely the most efficient or invigorating way. Furthermore, the boys are far more likely to view videos to revise than read a textbook and their feedback shows that they feel that the videos will be useful. I will focus on how to solve more complicated questions that the boys have already attempted, to make it more relevant to them and to help trigger memory. I also aim to be more exam focused in these videos than I might be in class as, ultimately, the boys may use these videos in preparation for GCSE. The topic pages in Frog link to a private YouTube channel that cannot be found by searching, but each video can be visited via a link. As an example, if you are interested in a couple of questions involving probability and tree diagrams which the boys did this week as part of their prep, see https://youtu.be/kCgYMlvZOYA and https://youtu.be/iZreytffkE . P.S. I have removed the ability to add comments as I do not want the boys to waste time composing flattering remarks.

From the Music Department Miss Valentine writes... In Music this half term boys in Year 7 have been composing minimalist pieces.

This involves creating short “cells” (melodic ideas) and layering

them on top of each other, fading in and out and manipulating them. This technique is most commonly used to create tense music for horror films. As a final addition this week, boys were allowed to add sound effects to their compositions to make them even spookier. You can listen to some of the best here.

22nd February 2016



The WSS Highlighter




composing music to fit with James Bond movie clips. First they learnt to play the James Bond theme tune and recorded it into Cubase. Then they had to compose their own music to fit with the on-screen action.

Again, in the final lesson they

were able to add sound effects to tie the film and music together.

The boys’

ability to line the sounds up precisely with the movie was very impressive and really brought the clips alive. Some of these can be found on the Performing Arts twitter account here So after a half term of lots of music technology, we’ll be taking a break from computers next half term and focusing on performance. Year 7s will be working on




“Pantoperas” (a mix between a pantomime and an opera). These are tailor made mini musicals which will give the boys an opportunity to act, sing and dance. 7B’s will tell the





“Peter fisherman

who desperately wants to be




whilst 7A will morph into lumberjacks



performance of “TreeStan and his Boulder”.








details to follow…


22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Year 9 will be learning to play our brand new Samba kit which arrived on Wednesday. The drums were specially customised for us by LTL Drums. Pretty cool, huh?

From the Science department. Miss Lillington writes... This week in Science, the boys carried out their own frog dissections in order to study organs and organ systems. They were able to identify most of the different organs belonging to the digestive, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems. I was really impressed with their practical and observational skills and I hope it is a lesson they always remember!

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

SPORTING NEWS From the Games Department Mr Sullivan writes… Half-term approaches and I am sure everyone is looking forward to a relaxing break, but I would encourage the boys to reflect on some of the highlights of 2016 at Wetherby. What has been your favourite moment? What are you looking forward to after half term? Always take time to look back at your achievements and notice how you did that and maybe how could you do it again!

Players of the week: Well done to Armand Sharda, JP Cairaschi and Zack Zachariou in Year 9 for their ‘never give up’ attitude that lead both teams to victory. In Year 7 - Adhemar Foucault d’Amecourt and Beau Beale for leading by example on the field with lots positive comments and hard tackles. Keep it up boys!

Fitness Programme over Half term:    

The aim of this programme is to perform ‘hi Intensity’ cardio sessions each day. The sessions can be performed in the gym on a bike, x-trainer or a rower. These sessions must be completed after a thorough warm up. The work bout (e.g. 15 secs in week 1) should be completed at an intensity that you feel is 7 out of 10 (10 being your max effort level). Day 1 15 secs work 30 rest x 5 times, rest 6 mins repeat 2 times Day 2 20 secs work 20 secs rest x 6 times, rest 6 mins repeat 2 times Day 3 Rest Day 4 30 secs work 15 secs rest x 8 times, rest 6 mins repeat 2 times Day 5 or 6 45 secs work 10 secs rest x 6 times, rest 6 mins repeat 3 times

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Basketball Wetherby Senior School vs. Wetherby Prep Miss Vanstone writes‌ On Monday 8th January, Wetherby Senior pioneers played in their first ever basketball match vs Wetherby Prep. WPS shocked the senior boys by scoring first to take an early lead. In fact, the Seniors were all over the place in the first quarter seemingly forgetting their positions and defensive procedures due to nerves and the intensity of a proper match. Nelson Tobin and Joshua George-Oppong were substituted on to solidify the post play and to take advantage of a significant height advantage. The Seniors were soon drawing and then took a narrow lead. Strong post play also came from Zack Zachariou who has been really responding to advice given in training. Tenacious dribbling and persistent defence came from Oliver Lind, Rahul Thacker, Himat-Vir Singh Virdee, Leo Maydannik and JP Cairaschi. By the end of the second quarter WPS had caught up due to some incredible 3-pointers. Paul Schell, Marcos Burnett, Pip Evans, Alan Azeaz and William Bratvedt provided excellent late defensive energy whilst Armand Sharda and Michael Dimech DeBono stabilised the post. Over the next two quarters the game was close but WSS came out on top with a final score of 22-21. Man of the Match: Matthew Monaghan for significant improvement during the game and reflecting on advice given to dribble less and rebound more!

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Year 7 Rugby Hill House 25 vs. WSS 25 Mr Sullivan writes‌ Wetherby started off very slowly in this match and were unable to grab a foothold in the first half. Wetherby




passes and weren't communicating like they were in training. However, there was a massive improvement in the second half. 15-0 down, Wetherby boys believed they could come back! The tackling was much better, our rucking was quicker and ball in hand was more





Bohemond and Jack who grew into the game and made a series of fantastic tackles and offloads bringing the score to 20-25 to Wetherby! Unfortunately Hill House combined well on the left hand side to create an overlap and made the final score 25-25. Man of the Match: Alexander for all his hard work in defence An honourable mention must go to Beau and Adam who made their 1 st team debut. Well done!

Hill House B vs. WSS B Mr Meyer writes... Barn Elms Sports Ground, Barnes, is one of those great rugby paddocks in South-West London, littered with a plethora of pitches and not to mention the Canadian Geese from the nearby Wetland Centre. Under the warming spring sunshine, Wetherby Senior School kicked off in their all black strip. From the outset, the away side were thrown back by the pace at which Hill House played. After a quick score, Jude Jones scored a fine solo try, darting through a number of missed tackles before diving over the try line. 1-1. As the game wore on, Hill House started to get more of a strangle hold on proceedings, scoring at will. Wetherby, though, must take a lot heart from their performance with Maxime captaining from the front with some hard hitting tackles; Manu tackling and running with conviction and Dylan running straight lines with ball in hand. All in all, a lot of positives can be taken away from this, and the matches, that preceded this fixture.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Year 9 Football Year 9 QPR session Mr Betts writes... On Thursday, the 1st XI had amazing afternoon out at Q.P.R. There were luxury facilities and quality coaches available and the boys were in awe as soon as they entered 'the dome'. They had the pleasure of having an amazing session with the youth coaches and were even given a few coaching tips from the ex Q.P.R manager Chris Ramsey, an experience they won't forget. The outing was a great success and the boys absolutely loved every moment of it, as well as myself and Mr Sullivan. We will definitely be looking to continue this relationship with Q.P.R and I know that is something that all the boys would love as well. I hope you all have a fantastic half term and I can't wait to get back to training on the first Monday!

And finally… Mr Savage is at the top of the table in our 6 Nations ESPN fantasy Rugby League. Quickly sort your transfers out and hopefully we will see a new leader next week! Good luck and enjoy the rugby!

Sports Quote of the Week ‘Every setback has a major comeback’ Follow us for results and updates on Twitter via @WetherbySSports #teamwetherby

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Grub Club Miss Lillington writes... This week in Grub Club, the boys made chocolate truffles dusted with cocoa powder. As Valentine's Day is on Sunday, the boys packaged them up into little boxes with a note to give as a gift to their loved ones.

Star baker this week was Adam for his great care in making the chocolates.

Yofit Club Mrs Diamond writes... The boys are now well into the rhythm of Yofit club and have tried a range of yoga poses since the beginning of the term as well as some Pilates exercises to tone and stretch their muscles, with dumbbells, Pilates balls, stretch bands, foot balls and foam rollers (a big favourite with the boys).

In fact, despite the quite obvious

pain some of us (the fittest) feel while rolling the front of our thighs on the roller, it is a great exercise to release built up tension in the muscles. In our last session we also tried a bit of relaxing meditation at the beginning of the session which was a great success to get the boys ready for the activity.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Wetherby Learning Community Mrs Diamond writes... A few weeks ago I bought myself a mug with this on it 'What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?' I like this saying as it reminds us that fear of failing is the biggest reason of failure after all. I always wanted to play the guitar, but never tried. So last Saturday I scrolled YouTube for online beginner guitar lessons (they are loads of them, really good and free) and bought an acoustic guitar. I felt very excited and proud with my guitar, which instantly became the centre of attention in my household. I started to practice, carefully following the detailed and patiently explained instructions of the video (the beauty of a YouTube teacher is that you can stop and rewind him as many times as you want). I would not let go of it and was late to the cinema in the end... The next morning I felt that the tip of my fingers were a bit funny/ hardened. A good sign apparently. I will practise again this weekend and hope to be able to play a few cords to accompany my singing in class in not too long. And remember to attempt something new too, this week end. You never know, you might like it! A suivre...

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

Mr Sullivan writes... Look your subject in the eye My learning proposal is to develop some photography skills to relate to my love for the arts and sport. I have enrolled myself on a photography course and I am working on ‘looking the subject in the eye’. Teaching point: direct eye contact can be as engaging in a picture as it is in real life. When taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at the person's eye level to unleash the power of those magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles. For children, that means stooping to their level. And your subject need not always stare at the camera. All by itself that eye level angle will create a personal and inviting feeling that pulls you into the picture. What do you think of my attempt? Of my beautiful sister in a wheelchair, crouching to get to her level and two close friends pulling silly faces to show real emotion at that precise moment.

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

22nd February 2016

The WSS Highlighter

A note from the Editor Inspiration for this week’s title came from Louis Jegou (9 Tyburn). Please do keep your ideas and feedback coming. This week’s front cover features Joshua George-Oppong playing in last week’s assembly. If you took any particularly stunning photos of the Wetherby Celebration that you think others would appreciate then send them in and they may make it to publication! Please send all your comments and suggestions to henry.warner@wetherbysenior.co.uk

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