Week 21 Barometer

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From the Headmaster Dear Parents, I write this just as I am about to leave for Dublin on rugby tour with the U11s. This is the fifth year we have taken part in the Blackrock Tournament. Six years ago, Alan McGinty, Headmaster of Blackrock College, visited Wetherby Prep and we instantly hit it off. As I toured him around our building, he really warmed to the spirit of the boys and the conviviality of our staff, so much so that, as he left, he invited us to attend their annual Prep School Tournament the following spring. For five years now, we, as staff, boys and parents, have loved our participation in this tournament, fond recollections of Dublin and fellowship between staff, parents and our Irish friends at Blackrock making for the happiest of memories. It is always a highlight of the year for me and tomorrow, probably a career highlight as not only will I be there supporting Wetherby but also my elder son Patrick, who will be lining up for his (and my old) school, Chesham Prep, who now also attend the same tournament. As the only two teams from England, we will be supporting and cheering each other on; follow the Twitter feed for news on what will be a memorable and, for me, quite emotional event. Great fun all this week with Book Week celebrated at both the Prep and Senior Schools. My ‘wolf’ costume got another outing (last seen at Wetherby Prep Christmas Party 2015) at the Senior School, as the staff put on a splendidly imaginative and creative display of costumes throughout the day. I must say that I chickened out for a meeting with a prospective parent halfway through the morning and reverted to a boring suit but I shouldn’t have bothered as the parents, having just finished their tour asked, “Why aren’t you in costume?” A lesson then to stick to your principles and follow the day through, no matter the circumstance or detail of the day. And how pleased I was when, unlike the majority who instantly remarked that I had come as a character from a fairy tale, one boy questioned me, “Are you the wolf from The Crossing?” I admit, I also thought I was the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ on this occasion but, typical of our learned and well-read boys at Wetherby Senior, he had made the link with what is indeed an excellent book by Cormac McCarthy, that I remember reading as a student, describing the care a cowboy takes of a captured wolf. Well done to that boy and well done to all of our boys and staff, particularly Heads of English, Miss Kirk (WSS) and Mrs Trevitt (WPS) who, with the support of our ever-brilliant PTA, made Book Week at Wetherby such a successful one. Have a good weekend,

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DIARY Monday 6th


Monday Clubs Basketball Cricket Film Review Football GSCE Art GCSE Graphic Design Performing Arts (Y7 & Y8) Quiz Club School Play YAD Fitness

Rock Choir


Tuesday 7th


Tuesday Clubs

Wetherby Brass Ensemble Year 7 & 8 English SPaG Clinic

13:30 13:45-14:05

Art and Design Bridge Club Climbing Fencing Football Junior Quiz Club MFL Cinema Club YAD Fitness

Wednesday 8th Year 10 English Intervention Rugby U12/13 WSS A/B vs WCCS Prep A/B (H)

Wednesday Clubs

07:55-08:30 14:40

Thursday 9th

Duke of Edinburgh Award Performing Arts (Y9) Service

Thursday Clubs Classics Club Junior Geographical Society Lego Club Table Tennis

Friday 10th Big Band Guitar Ensemble HM Assembly - Hinde Street Methodist Church

13:30 13:30 15:00

Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th Y7&8 National Preparatory Schools’ Cross-Country Championships at Malvern College, Worcestershire, 14:30

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NOTICEBOARD Summer term Exam dates for Years 7 and 8 The summer term exams for boys in Years 7 and 8 will take place from Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st April. During this period there will be no after school activities for these two year groups. A timetable will be issued to boys and sent to parents next week.

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VOTES FOR SCHOOLS Mr Hartley writes...

This week’s topic has been: ‘Can music change politics?’

Next week’s topic will be: ‘Is Donald Trump making us question all news?’ 6 The Barometer - 03/03/2017

Last chance to sign up for

Jake Davis @ GENERATE on March 8th! INTERESTED IN HACKTIVISM AND CYBER SECURITY? Jake Davis (aka Topiary) is a former hacker/hacktivist. Previously an Anonymous and LulzSec member, Jake was arrested aged 18 for political hacking and banned from the Internet for two years. Jake is now a writer, speaker and global consultant on security, internet culture and privacy. He has consulted across film, television, theatre, radio and the wider security sector, and has a keen interest in the arts and young offender prison reform. Come to GENERATE to hear his exciting story! Event details: Jake Davis @ GENERATE Wednesday, March 8th, 2017 18:00 -19:30 DONMAR Dryden Street 3 Dryden Street London WC2E 9NA

PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT IS FOR TEENS ONLY. HOW TO GET FREE TICKETS: Please send your full name, school, age and mobile number to: info@generatelondon.co.uk We hope to see you soon! THE GENERATE TEAM The Barometer - 03/03/2017 7


Miss Kirk writes... On Thursday, all boys and staff got fully into the spirit of World Book Day! Staff dressed up as characters from their most loved books, whilst the boys eagerly buzzed around the school trying to decipher their teachers' new identities. During Period 1, all boys dropped everything that they were doing and picked up a reading book for fifteen minutes, joining the thousands of other students doing the same thing at precisely the same time on this extremely special day. At break time, it was 'out with the old and in with the new' as boys traded already enjoyed reads for new and highly recommended others in our 'Book Swap'. In today's assembly, Danny B and Ben W humorously and expertly presented Wetherby's very first 'Great British Book Off', where members of the English Department were able to 'cook up' some of their favourite books and recommend these to the boys. And, the celebrations don't stop here... Year 9 and 10 will be participating in workshops with a dystopian fiction writer, Sara Grant, in two weeks. For now, 'Happy World Book Day'! I hope that everybody gets a chance to pick up a book over the weekend; if you need a recommendation, just ask your sons...

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Drop everything and read!

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The Book Swap

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Staff join in the fun!

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WORLD BOOK DAY From the Spanish Department Mr McFaul writes… World Book Day strikes the Spanish Department! This week, in Spanish lessons, boys have been learning about literature from Spain and Latin America. We have been talking about famous writers, some of which many of you may know: Miguel de Cervantes, Jorge Luis Borges, Mario Vargas Llosa, Isabel Allende, Federico García Lorca and Gabriel García Márquez. Unfortunately, we did not have time to read any of the great classics (boys… come back and do A level Spanish and I promise we will!) However, we took this fabulous opportunity to read some short childrens’ stories that we are all familiar with! Year 7 have been reading the Gruffalo (or ‘El Grúfalo’ in Spanish) and have been producing some fabulous story boards. Year 9 have been reading Satomi Ichikawa’s ‘The first bear in Africa’ (Hay osos en África) which even contained some words in Swahili! Well done, boys! Remember boys, there are many more Spanish language books and parallel texts (Spanish and English) in the department and even more in the library. So if you fancy reading something familiar such as Harry Potter, a short story by Roald Dahl or challenging yourself to read one of the Spanish classics sign out a book and get reading!

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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Art and Graphic Design Department Mr Meyer writes... A first for this academic year: we are now at a stage where every boy from Year 7-9 has a piece on display. In Art & Design Club, the boys were using Styrofoam to sculpt and carve a maquette looking at Henry Moore; in Graphic Design they designed and created William Morris Wallpaper using Adobe Illustrator and Year 7 have recently sculptured a minimalist looking coffee mug. All work is now being exhibited around the school, please do pop in and have a look at your son's fine work.

Year 8: William Morris Work

Art & Design Club: Henry Moore Work

Year 7: Minimalist Coffee Mug The Barometer - 03/03/2017 13


From the Geography Department Mrs Deedat writes... This week we had the first Senior Geography Forum with fantastic presentations from Tobi A and Louis J. Tobi spoke in depth about China’s one child policy and included some strong statistics and history. Louis discussed how transport technology can help fight the battle against global warming. He included some radical technologies including the Torqueedo electric boat engine, the Solar Impulse 2 which is a solar powered aeroplane and the ultra-fast Hyperloop. The Hyperloop uses electromagnetic technology 14 The Barometer - 03/03/2017

similar to the maglev trains but is much faster. The UAE have commissioned this train to link Dubai to Abu Dhabi and it will take just 12 minutes to do this journey. This is like travelling from Birmingham to London in this time and really puts our efforts with HS2 to shame!

Thank you to both boys for such interesting speeches and I look forward to hearing from Robert B, Billy M and Matteus S on Tuesday 7th in Junior Geography Forum. All are welcome to attend.


From the Chemistry Department Miss Hoskins writes... The Year 7 boys have continued their study of chromatography this week and progressed this using Sharpies and ethanol to make some decorative hankies. The dots of coloured pen were placed in circles (or some other more creative shapes) and ethanol was dripped into the centre. As the ethanol spread outwards it picked up the inks and made the dyes in the pens separate.

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CURRICULUM NEWS From the Biology Department Mrs Skinner writes... This week in Biology, the Year 8 boys have been learning about microorganisms. They were amazed (and slightly disgusted) by the number of different microorganisms growing on the everyday items they use, including their phones and Oyster cards! We also heard some fantastic presentations from the boys about different infectious diseases they had been researching. I was so impressed by the resources they created and the delivery of their presentations.

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CURRICULUM NEWS Mrs Bennet writes‌ This week, Year 7 have been studying the animal kingdom as part of the classification topic. The animal kingdom is split into vertebrates and invertebrates. The boys watched a starfish dissection; they learnt that they are invertebrates and belong to the Echinoderm phylum. Echinoderms have radial symmetry and are made up of five segments which contain various internal organs. The boys (and myself) found it very interesting that in the stomach of one starfish was a very small mussel shell!

ell ’s sh fish el r ss sta mu he all in t Sm nd h! c u fo ma sto The Barometer - 03/03/2017 17

SCHOOL SHOW Behind the scenes for the School Show - Curiosities Miss Twomey writes... The boys in the school show have been busy devising their unique play. This week, they were introduced to Puppetry - they made their own basic puppets and practiced how to breath, walk, sit and gesture believably. It's incredible how, with the right movement, some pieces of paper can look fully alive! Next week, we decide how to use these puppets in our final piece.

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CURRICULUM NEWS From the French Department Mrs Diamond writes... Year 7 did really well this week in their role play about birthday presents. Winning team was Atticus C and Ben W but all contenders were really strong. Bravo les garรงons :)

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SPORTING NEWS From the Games Department Mr Sullivan writes‌

Happy Pancake Day! Dying for a pancake but don't want to throw your diet off kilter? No dramas. Love a pancake with lemon and sugar drizzled all over! So how can you still have your (pan) cake and eat it too? Simple. Remember, that it's not what you have for breakfast or lunch that matters, it's your total calorie intake for the day. So if you're planning to smash a pancake or 2 this week, try this to keep yourself on track... Have a salad-based lunch (low carb/high protein) Have your pancake(s) Enjoy them as them should be enjoyed! It's not that you should eat like this every day, but it's a great way to keep your nutrition in check, whilst still enjoying treats like everyone else. You eat less calories throughout the day, giving you a bit more wiggle room when you want it. Job done! We’ve just launched our new Sports Website, which you can see via the address below.

Our Sports Website: www.wetherbyseniorsport.co.uk Please see the attached for more info. Enjoy! The Barometer - 03/03/2017 21

SPORTING NEWS Cricket is coming As the cricket season is fast approaching, we would like to make you aware of the clothing that your son will be required to wear for his Games lessons. It is important that your son has the relevant attire to keep in line with the ECB safety regulations and to enhance the sense of team identity.

Ordering With regards to clothing, the mandatory whites can be ordered here from Perry. We would advise placing your order sooner rather than later so that Perry are given the maximum amount of time to process your order. Please note – all boys will need to purchase the new cricket shirt that has been customised for Wetherby Senior School. The white polo shirt will not be considered cricket attire during the Summer Term.

Batting Equipment With regard to batting safety regulations, all boys will need to have the following to be allowed to play in fixtures:

Cricket Bat It is important for the boys to choose the correct bat size to help them swing properly and develop good technique. The longer a bat, the heavier it is to swing and there are recommended sizes of bats for players based on their age. It is important that cricket bats are purchased based on your son’s height.

Cricket Box This is a mandatory requirement for playing cricket at any level and offers important protection. Boxes can be purchased from any sports shop (such as Sports Direct) or Amazon. These also come in different sizes: YS – Adult.

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SPORTING NEWS Optional Extras As your son progresses through the school, he will play hard ball cricket on a frequent basis. With this comes additional essential safety equipment. Please see below for equipment required for hard ball cricket.

Helmet If you are planning on buying or upgrading your son’s helmet, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) strongly recommend that school players only wear helmets that comply with the new specifications set by the national organisation. The school has plenty of helmets for the boys to use so please do not feel that you will need to buy one. However, for boys who are real cricket enthusiasts, especially those playing outside of school, it is recommended that your helmet meets the new regulatory standards. Click here for the latest helmets that meet the new specifications (N.B this list is constantly being updated and can be found on the ECB website). There has been a development with helmet safety in the form of the StemGuard. This was designed to further enhance the safety of a cricket helmet. At current, the ECB highly recommends (but does not demand) this additional safety support. Please click here for further information.

Leg Pads Hard ball cricket demand the need for protective clothing. It is important that each boy placed in an A/B team has a pair of leg pads. While the school has some pairs to share amongst the boys, our stockpile is not large enough to accommodate the year group as a whole. These can be purchased from any sports store.

Batting Gloves Boys who play hard ball cricket will also be required to wear protective batting gloves. It is important that each boy placed in an A/B team has a pair of gloves. While the school has some pairs to share amongst the boys, our stockpile is not large enough to accommodate the year group as a whole.

Cricket Bag Cricket bags are extremely useful for holding all cricket-related equipment. Bag sizes vary enormously, but experience has told us that all necessary equipment can be stored (with a modicum of packing practice!) in bags measuring 700mm x 280mm x 290mm. If you wish to purchase a cricket bag, please use these dimensions as a guide for maximum size permitted. As stated, all of the above equipment can be purchased from any sport shop / www.amazon.co.uk. For further details, please contact ryan.underwood@wetherbysenior.co.uk. The Barometer - 03/03/2017 23

SPORTING NEWS Year 7/8 Rugby WSS A vs. WPS Mr Sullivan writes…

On Wednesday, Wetherby Senior School went up against the close rivals Wetherby Prep School in the under 13 A fixture. The weather was good with a little bit of wind to

provide a bit of entertainment and make it trickier for the boys! The whistle blew and the boys were off. Straight from the start it was an incredibly 24 The Barometer - 03/03/2017

intense and action packed game. There were tackles flying in from both teams as well as great runs and great communication between the backs. WSS started well with some great tries from George, Himat and Manu as a result of some strong running. The first half continued as a back and forth game but WSS were able to maintain their lead and go in at halftime a few tries up. The second half was very similar to the first in the sense that both teams were putting a great amount of effort into the rugby and playing with very high intensity. WPS managed to grab two quick tries after some very good running to make the game much more interesting and put WSS on

the back foot. Having felt the pressure for a few minutes the Senior School were able to regain the gap in the lead with some great footwork from our wingers Joao and Nico, resulting in some beautiful team and individual tries.

The game finished 6 tries to 2 to WSS. It was a great afternoon of rugby and an excellent performance from the boys. Man of the Match: Alexander P-T for his physicality in defence.

Year 9 Football WSS A 3 vs. Harrow 0 Mr Montgomery writes… The U14 A team played Harrow on a lovely sunny afternoon on one of their first team pitches. The conditions were perfect for a passing game of football which suited Wetherby’s style of play nicely. Wetherby started with a really high tempo and immediately put Harrow under pressure. A great throw in from Nour H, set up Antonio M who scored our first goal with a lovely right foot finish in the first five minutes of the game. Wetherby almost scored soon after as Ignacio G chased a long ball, stealing it from the defender before crossing it into Ethan E who hit the post. Harrow counter-attacked well and looked like they would score, if not for two fantastic double saves from Leo K. Leo rolled the ball out to Nour H who brought the ball up well, passing it to Montagu C. I proceeded to watch some fantastic interlinking passing for a great team goal. Nour H eventually got the ball back on the right of the pitch and glided past two players before crossing the ball to Sasha R who completed a difficult one touch volley making the score 2-0.

SPORTING NEWS into the penalty area. With a lucky deflection, Harrow doubled their lead. Heading into halftime, the Harrow winger demonstrated some fine skill and added a third before the break.

In the second half Wetherby kept possession of the ball well, creating many chances on goal with Harrison S coming close from a free kick and Ignacio G chasing a goal that he thoroughly deserved. Nour H took a corner which gave Younis A a chance on goal; he decided to pass to Montagu who put a lovely flick over the defenders head for Ethan E to run onto. Ethan took the opportunity with both hands and smashed a lovely looking low volley into the left hand corner of the goal. 3-0 to Wetherby! Well done boys, you really deserved to win in such an emphatic fashion! Men of the Match: Nour H and Ignacio G WSS B 0 vs. Harrow 4 Mr Underwood writes.... Harrow took an early lead after a slow start from Wetherby, capitalising on a poor defensive clearance. This gave Wetherby a kick start and we began to produce some good attacking play through Luca and Tobias. Despite a period of possession, Harrow countered and managed to work the ball

With work to do, Wetherby attacked and raised the intensity in the second half. Elis and Seb had small chances to score, with the game beginning to swing in our favour. As Wetherby continued to push forward, we left space for Harrow to exploit as they added a fourth goal in the final few minutes. A well-deserved win for Harrow on a lovely afternoon for sport. WSS C vs. Harrow Mr Betts writes.... On Thursday the U14C team travelled with the rest of the year to face Harrow in their latest football fixture. Having dealt with the extreme wind conditions against UCS last week, these conditions seemed relatively tame! The first half was one of the best performances the team has put on this term. The boys were linking well and shots were flying at the opposition goalkeeper, forcing him to make some fantastic saves in order to stop an early Wetherby runaway. However Harrow were able to soak up the pressure and score a couple before Luca L scored a goal worthy of the Premiership ‘Goal of the Season’ from

about 30 yards out. The second half started similarly to the first but unfortunately Wetherby were unable to maintain their fantastic form that they had displayed in the first half. The game ended with a Harrow victory but the boys should be very happy with how they played. A special mention should be made to Jonathan G who had an outstanding game at left back having never played in that position before. WSS D vs. Harrow Mr Meyer writes... Wetherby (D) 0 vs. Harrow 5 Harrow hosted this eagerly anticipated fixture against Wetherby Senior School. What a difference a week can make. Last week, the wind almost picked the marquee up off from the ground at Hampstead. This week, however, the weather was more spring like. The home side controlled the opening minutes, with the two wide players exerting pressure and getting to the bar line and crossing. Alejandro and Maxwell controlled the defence with ease, making a number of important blocks and headers. As the game calmed, Maarten and Andrei made a number of impressive passes allowing Wetherby to get into the home side's final third. As the half came to an end, Harrow picked up the ball on the half way, directed play to the forwards and a firm shot nestled into the bottom right hand corner. The home side went into the halftime break with a 1-0 lead.

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SPORTING NEWS The hosts made a string of changes in the second half and their fresh legs were putting pressure on our weary legs, scoring a number of quick goals as a result. As the game reached its conclusion, WSS found it increasingly more challenging to get a stranglehold on the game. As such, Harrow found the back of the net with comparative ease, scoring a plethora of goals. Our heads never dropped and the boys can take a lot of heart from yet another impressive performance. The Man of the Match award goes to Eduardo: making a number of impressive saves and keeping us very much in the game. Year 10 Football WSS A vs. Harrow Mr Montgomery writes… Wetherby’s A team took on Harrow on one of the wettest days on the year, with very poor conditions making it difficult to play in. The wind was running from North to South making it horrible in goal for Nelson T in the first half of the game. Despite the awful conditions Wetherby started well passing the ball from side to side, making excellent progress towards the physical Harrow team’s goal. Wetherby scored first with a fantastic shot from Will B after a great ball in from JP-C, making the score 10 to Wetherby. The boys were on a high and put Harrow under increasing pressure, forcing errors from them at the back which created a few corners in our favour. Luke K 26 The Barometer - 03/03/2017

was next on the score sheet using his pace and skill to beat a handful of players before placing the ball in the bottom left hand corner of the goal using the wet conditions to his advantage. The score was 2-0 in Wetherby’s favour, Tom B came off the bench and made an immediate impact solidifying the left hand side of the pitch. Unfortunately we could not hold the lead though as Harrow scored two long range efforts making the score 2-2 at half time. Wetherby scored first in the second half with man of the match Sean M bagging a goal from another Wetherby corner. Frustratingly like so many other matches Wetherby were unable to hold onto their lead and ended up losing the game 4-3, with Harrow scoring from a fast break in the last few minutes of the game. Man of the match: Sean M WSS B vs. Harrow Mr Underwood writes…. On a Tuesday, the boys engaged Harrow in what can only be described as a monsoon…and somewhere amid the wind and rain, a football match was in full flow. Wetherby started the game slowly and Harrow took full advantage, scoring three quick goals in the opening minutes.

As the game edged towards halftime, Wetherby began to create chances through Louis and Massi, with Rory unlucky not to capitalise in the sodden conditions. Into the second half and Wetherby maintained their pressure. Matthew made a break down the right wing, finding Louis in the box; with one touch to control the ball, he unleashed a shot. However, the Harrow goalkeeper made a superb save and pushed it to safety. Wetherby continued to pour forward but could not break down a solid Harrow defence. Upon this firm foundation, Harrow were able to attack freely and finished the game with another quick flurry of goals, thoroughly deserving their win in the wet conditions. WSS C vs. Harrow Mr Sullivan writes… On Thursday WSS U14C team travelled to Harrow School on the windiest and wettest day of the year. On an open pitch the football had to be kept on the floor in order to maintain possession. Despite the result, the boys were fantastic and on another day could have got the win from this game. It was extremely tough conditions to play in but the boys should be pleased with their effort.

Sports Quote of the Week:

“Nothing will work unless you do” Follow us for results and updates on Twitter via @WetherbySSports #teamwetherby

CLUB NEWS Junior Quiz Mr Atkinson writes‌. This week’s winning combo was: Beau B, Luca O , Adam A-M.

Senior Quiz Mr Hasthorpe writes... It was triumph of the Year Nines this week as they beat three other teams to be the first Y9 team to win the weekly quiz! Pictured are Maarten and Tyler who helped lead their team to victory!

Fancy yourself a quizzard? Have a go at the three dog-themed questions below! Which word can follow the following pairs to form different breeds of dog? 1) cocker, cavalier King Charles? 2) Yorkshire, Cairn? 3) Irish, Gordon? Answers: Spaniel, terrier, setter The Barometer - 03/03/2017 27

TRIB NEWS 8 Tyburn get bouncy Mrs Skinner writes... On Friday, 8 Tyburn went free-jumping at Oxygen Trampoline Park. We had great fun jumping, flipping and seat dropping across the interconnecting trampolines, as well as playing against each other in some very competitive dodgeball games. A special thank you to Mrs Deedat for coming with us!

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ON THE HOT SEAT Hello and welcome to Week 16 of “On the Hot Seat”. Readers, we know how hard it must have been for you last week, when, flicking eagerly through The Barometer to the back pages you found to your horror that there was NO HOTSEAT. We can only apologise and beg for your forgiveness. It will not happen again, even if we must toil through the night and drag our unwilling victims from their beds…

1) Prosecco champagne?

It will please you to know that this week we are back with an absolute corker. If Ms Simpson is an integral cog, Mrs Stewart is a nut… or a bolt, we can’t decide, in our ever spinning Wetherby wheel! She sits at reception with a ready smile and easy chat and she always looks amazing! In the words of Taylor Swift, (one of our MOST favourite artists of all time… #dontjudge) she will “never go out of style”!

4) Manicure or pedicure?

When she was young Mrs Stewart was crazy about, amongst other things, ice skating and gymnastics and spent most of her teenage years either on the ice or walking around on her hands. Later she spent many happy times socialising with the great actor John Hurt in her local pub and once appeared in a film with Roger Daltrey, (you know, the frontman for The Who). She has three grown up children (two boys and a girl) the eldest of whom recently got married in Westminster Cathedral, #fancy! She was also recently discovered snooping in Princess Anne’s office in Buckingham Palace, (we didn’t ask… neither should you!) So, on that bombshell let us begin…


Champagne 2) Tea or coffee? Tea 3) Reiss or Jigsaw? Reiss Pedicure 5) Flats or heels? Heels (slight hesitation though here readers) 6) Lemon or lime? Lime! 7) Starter or dessert? Starter 8) Chips mash?


Mash 9) Summer or winter? Summer 10) Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Dark 11) What 3 items would you want if you were stranded on a desert island? Lipstick, moisturiser, perfume! You never know who you might meet. (Fingers crossed a hot Robinson Crusoe turns up then readers…) 12) In celebration of World Book Day yesterday, what is your favourite book? The Hungry Caterpillar. (Readers, she then tried to change this to Babar but we stopped her in her tracks with our withering looks… says the woman dressed up as Peter Pan!!)

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From the Editor On this week’s front cover: There’s no joy like a new book! On the back: The staff show off their book characters For all comments and feedback please email: henry.warner@wetherbysenior.co.uk


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