Barometer Week 23
11th March
Getting Quizzical Announcements Classroom News Club News Sport
From the Headmaster Dear Parents, On Sunday, I travelled to Epsom College to see my older son, Patrick, take part in his school’s U10 rugby team, having qualified for the National Finals.
won their group games and topped
unfortunately, got knocked out narrowly by Eversfield in the quarter finals. Patrick is by no means the best rugby player in his school and has been mainly a ‘B’ team player this year but the sports staff at Chesham Prep wanted to reward his behaviour and commitment, perhaps also with an eye towards next year when the team increases in size. Patrick was really chuffed and,
could see that this meant more to him than any other achievement this year, in or out of the classroom. There is something special about sport. That sense of being a part of something is so powerful and you don’t necessarily have to win or even play well to get something out of it. It was a great day – he even scored a crucial try which he/I felt justified his selection – and he hasn’t stopped smiling since.
Lots of sport in both schools of course and we continue to push the boundaries with national
climbing. Claudius Wheeler is National Champion at the Blokfest Bouldering Climbing
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Competition – a fantastic achievement in its own right but even more so when you consider that this is the third year in a row that he was won the competition!
U11 Prep
School boys won all but one of their matches at the Blackrock Rugby Festival at the weekend (I remember the first time we went to this tournament and were chuffed to score one try!) and this week our Ski Team have been taking part in the IAPS Ski Championships in Tonale. Last year, they won the Plate Competition but this year they not only qualified for the Cup but won silver medals and second place in a competition that ranks them as the second best prep school in the country. A great week of sport for Wetherby then, with more to come no doubt as every Wetherby boy becomes glued to their televisions to watch Watford beat Arsenal in the FA Cup quarter finals on Sunday…
On to Quiz Night this Wednesday and a studious, yet rather raucous, atmosphere amongst our competing teams. The room had been beautifully decorated by the PTA and Chef Peter, with his team, laid on a superb Chinese themed spread. As always, we try to incorporate the boys as much as possible, with the singing of Queen songs, excerpts from famous speeches and even a video link, live and direct to Miss Martin, Miss Hart and the Wetherby Ski Team in Tonale. Nobody said putting on a Wetherby Prep Quiz was meant to be easy or straightforward…
We also had two picture rounds: one of images of boys at different shops in London and, the second, an impression of a famous artist’s work. For the benefit of all those who did not attend the Quiz, both rounds are below and answers revealed at the bottom of the respective newsletters – point for the artist and point for the boy here. WSS parents are excused from the second point on offer here, apart from the last question of the Art Round. You don’t need to be an expert in Wetherby Prep pupils to identify the boy who is not in this picture – the clues are there…
Have a good weekend…
The Barometer - 11/4/2016 3
Wetherby ge
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ets Quizzical A
The Barometer - 11/4/2016 5
You can find all the answers in the back of this newsletter
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On Tuesday 18 March come along to the
WSS SOLOIST RECITAL EVENING in the theatre at 7pm
THE LINE UP: Joshua George-Oppong on Trumpet, Alex Piggott-Testa on Piano, Luca Grinceri on Cello, Alessandro Guglielmi on Piano, Louis Jegou singing, Rahul Thacker on Piano, William Piccione Neiss on Clarinet, Sebastian Burkle on Flute, Harrison Phillips singing, Frejvid Gislev on Guitar The Barometer - 11/4/2016 7
ON THE NOTICEBOARD and, as is the Wetherby way, drinks and nibbles
From Miss Vanstone Madagascar World Challenge meeting for Year
will of course be provided! If your son would like to perform in this concert,
9 parents Following the boys’ talk on Monday, there is an information evening for parents and their sons on
please send me an email or ask him to come and speak to me as soon as possible.
From Mr Hartley
Tuesday about the proposed Madagascar World Challenge Expedition. Thank you for the replies so far, all are welcome to attend and please let me know if you are or would like more information:
E-Safety Talk, Thursday March 17th On Thursday March 17th Wetherby Senior School will be hosting an E-Safety Talk for parents of boys in Years 7 and 9. The talk will help raise awareness of the safety implications of your son’s
Date: Tuesday 15 March 18.00 World Challenge
parents’ information talk
The talk will be followed by a Q+A
session and will take place at from 6.30pm to
From Miss Valentine
7.30pm in the Drama Studio. If you are interested
LAMDA Lessons
in attending, please let Tessa Stewart, School
Please find attached to this newsletter details of
Secretary, know how many tickets you will
the LAMDA lessons which will be run by Liz
Mance after Easter.
LAMDA can help to build
From Mr Lawrence
boys’ confidence as well as improving their communication and acting skills. Lessons are optional and will be run in a similar way to the Music peripatetic lessons. Please do forward any questions about the tuition to me in the first instance and, if interested, return the slip by
Earthworks City of Westminster have informed us that the final phase of the Marylebone Lane Public Realm Streetscape Improvement Works – the road surfacing on Bulstrode St and the construction of
Thursday 24th March.
a raised junction with Marylebone Lane – are due
Music Soloists Recital Evening – 15th March 7
to commence on 14th March and finish on 25th
-8pm, Wetherby Senior School Theatre
March. In the light of our earlier experiences, it is
In assemblies this year we have enjoyed a range of brilliant musical performances by the boys. Now I’d like to share the performances with you! Please join us for an informal performance in the theatre on Tuesday 15th March.
It would be
wonderful to have a supportive audience for this
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worth anticipating some disruption to vehicle access with road closure and diversions in place throughout the period of construction.
DIARY & LUNCH MENU Monday 14th
Monday Clubs Art & Design Basketball Future Writers Videography Ukulele
Tuesday 15st
Tuesday Clubs 19:00
Soloist Recital Evening in the Theatre
Wednesday 16th
Chess & Backgammon Fencing Football Quiz Yofit Music Tech
Wednesday Clubs
Year 7 Rugby – 7s Tournament (Arnold House, Falcon Prep, St Anthony’s and WSS)
Thursday 17th
SlowMo Table Tennis Mandarin Family History
Thursday Clubs
Year 9 GCSE Option choices due
Football Year 9 Inter Trib Football WSG
Code Table Tennis Grub Club
Friday 18th Year 9 Field Day to Kew Gardens School Choir
HM Assembly - Hinde Street Methodist Church th
Saturday 19 & Sunday20
Soup Meat main Meat free main To go with
Served with Puddings
Roasted Butternut served with bread
Pepper and Oregano served with bread
Watercress and Potato served with bread
Red Onion and Beetroot served with bread
Parsnip and
Vegetable stirfried rice
Sweet and Sour Pork
Mixed Bean Burrito served with a Spicy Salsa
Fricassee of Mushroom with a Vegetable and Herb Crust
Cauliflower and Potato Curry
Vegetable Lancashire Hot Pot
Green salad
New potatoes
Egg Fried Rice
Chunky Chips
Roasted Vegetables
Green Beans
Stir Fried Vegetables
Savoy Cabbage
Burger condiments
Rhubarb and Apple Crumble with Custard
Upside Down Pineapple Cake with Syrup
Mixed Fruit Bread and Butter Pudding
Chocolate and Orange Brownie
Mango and raspberry yogurt
Apple served with bread British Beef Burger served with condiments
Available daily: fresh fruit, salad bar, homemade yogurt and dressings The Barometer - 11/4/2016 9
CLASSROOM NEWS From the Art & Design Department Mr Meyer writes... The 3D area of Art & Design has continued this half of term with the boys creating a Giacometti inspired maquette produced using a range of different materials and utilising a number of resources. They
through their piece, having this week applied pulp giving their work a textured finish just like Giacometti did all those years ago.
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From the History Department Mr Warner writes‌
WSS Historical Fiction Competition Historical fiction can be a fantastic way of bringing the past to life. Unconstrained by the mere facts of what happened it allows the writer to take a real historical setting and insert their own plots and characters. Writers such as Bernard Cornwell, Cecil Forester and Rosemary Sutcliff (see below) are all great examples of historical fiction writing at its best and now WSS pupils have an opportunity to create their own. The best entries will not only win a prize but will also be entered into the Historical Association’s national competition. The entry rules are as follows: 1. Your story can take place in ANY historical setting you choose. 2. There is no word limit (but entries will be judged on quality, not quantity!) 3. In both Year 7 and Year 9 there will be categories for both the best stories and the best historical character. Other than that it is simple: write a gripping story set in the past and hand it in to me. If you would like to look at the Historical Association page follow this link: resources/primary_resources_245.html
The deadline for entries is Friday 22nd April.
The Barometer - 11/4/2016 11
From the Chemistry Department Mr Hasthorpe writes... Year 9 this week have been investigating
using a micro-chemistry kit. The idea
passionately championed by Mr Uliana, is to use very small quantities of reagents in a Petri dish
worksheet) so that all of the boys have the same arrangement of results in front of them. This appeals to visual and kinaesthetic learners, and allows the boys to share and compare their results easily.
completed a set of experiments with ammonia gas, changing the oxidation number of the transition metal salts inside the dish (the small coloured droplets in the Petri dish). The original colours of the salts are visible in the droplets outside the dish for comparison. The point of the experiment is to show
change oxidation number their salts change colour. Transition metals produce some wonderful dyes, for example cobalt giving Bristol blue glass its distinctive colour,
and copper giving the
green colour seen on the Statue of Liberty. 12 The Barometer - 11/4/2016
From the Biology Department Miss Lillington writes... This week in Biology, the Year 7 boys have been learning about the structure of DNA and creating their own model using pipe cleaners and beads. I was really impressed by their team work and I'm looking forward to putting them in display in my room.
From the Physics Department Mr Hasthorpe writes... Year 7 have been studying floating and sinking in Physics. The boys in 7B saw a demonstration of this excellent simulation and liked it so much they wanted a link to look at it themselves. I encourage parents and boys to have a play with this – it really is excellent fun! The Barometer - 11/4/2016 13
SPORTING NEWS From the Games Department Mr Sullivan writes…
Concussion education App by World
Following the release of the ‘Doctors and
Academics urge schools to ban tackling in
This app is very useful
rugby’ highlighting the dangers of rugby and
concussion the Sports Department would like
to assure you that we are fully trained in first
yourself aware of all
signs and processes.
coaching the boys to tackle safely in rugby
and in other sports like football and basketball.
The Department aims to inform boys, other
teachers, coaches and parents, how to spot
name of the app by
the signs of concussion. Anyone who has
World Rugby as part of
suffered a concussion is not always in a
#RecogniseAndRemove call to action on
Rugby is
themselves, but friends and other team
players can seek help if they know how to spot
The app is freely available from the Apple App
the signs. All concussions are serious and can
Store. It is aimed at educating players,
happen in any sport or recreational activity.
parents, coaches, medics and officials about
Any young person suspected of having
concussion. World Rugby has gone for a more
concussion should be removed immediately
mobile-friendly approach. The new app has a
from their activity and should not return until
mixture of written content and videos as well
they have been assessed.
as a test to ensure you’ve understood and
Overall rugby is a fantastic sport for children,
remembered the material.
bringing many physical and social benefits,
including increased confidence, self-esteem
accessible in the app for information that will
be needed anytime there’s a suspicion of
enjoyable physical exercise
concussion. Both the pocket Concussion
as part of a team. We
Recognition Test (CRT) and the Graduated
constantly comment on off-
Return to Play Guidelines (GRTP) are menu
items on the opening screen of the app but
improvements when rugby
also attached to this newsletter. If you have
is introduced in school.
any questions please do get in touch.
14 The Barometer - 11/4/2016
Year 9 Inter-Trib Football Our first ever Year 9 InterTrib Football is on Thursday 17th March 2016 and starts at 14:30pm. Come down and support your TRIB! Will Fleet make it a double? Come
Tyburn! Please park at Wetherby Sports Ground, Beechwood Grove (Entrance off East Acton Lane) W3 7HB.
Boys Sporting News We would like to congratulate Luke Kirilenko who has been selected for the 5th Annual FC Barcelona Escola International Tournament in Barcelona, Spain. Show them how the Wetherby boys play! Well done! #teamwetherby
Players of the week: Year 9 – Pip Evans and Rory Lawless for
performance against Park.
Holland Being
supportive in every way and keeping everyone’s energy high by leading by example.
The Barometer - 11/4/2016 15
Year 9 Football WSS A vs. Westminster A Mr Betts writes.... On Thursday the 1st XI faced up against Westminster. As their school plays two terms of football we knew it was going to be a tough fixture. After a good warm up and team talk we were ready to go. The first half started well for Westminster. Wetherby were having to withstand a lot of pressure with Sean making same great saves. After a while, Westminster managed to grab a goal after a quick counter attack. The first half continued in this fashion and Westminster were able to grab two more goals, coming from a penalty and another counter attack. With 5 minutes to go, Wetherby really started to come out of their shells and had a couple of good efforts, unfortunately unsuccessful ones. Half time came and the team talk was with a very focused group of boys. They were all determined to keep up the form from the last 5 minutes of the first half and take that into the second half. The second half started with Wetherby dominating. And it didn't stop. The ball was being transferred from left to right, back to forward with some fantastic two touch football. The control was phenomenal, especially from the acting midfielders of Luke, Oli and Pip, JP, Phillip and Rory were creating some great space up top and this allowed us to play the ball down the wings. The whole of the second half was all Wetherby. Unfortunately, despite a lot of efforts and some great saves from their keeper, the game ended 3-0 to Westminster. Despite the loss, the football we displayed in the second half was, arguably, some of the best we have played all season. A special mention must go to Armand Sharda for having an extremely impressive debut at the back. He looked strong, fast and switched on! I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching the boys with Mr Sullivan this term and cannot wait to see the standard of football the boys are sure to produce at the Inter Trib.
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WSS B vs. Westminster B Mr. Meyer & Mr. Murphy write... The inaugural fixture between Wetherby Senior School and Westminster kicked off at Wetherby Sports Ground on Thursday of this week. The mid-week rain had stopped and made way for a mild but grey day. Within the first five minutes, a scramble in the Westminster penalty area resulted in a handball and penalty awarded to the home side.
Thomas stepped up to fire it into the
bottom right hand corner. 1-0. With play resuming, Westminster took the initiative and applied the pressure before forcing the equaliser with a sustained spell of possession. The game remained even in the remaining exchanges of the first half before some brilliant play from the away side was rewarded with a fine volley into the bottom right hand corner. The second half ebbed and flowed but turned in favour of the visitors with countless attacks on the Wetherby goal. Paul made some outstanding saves to keep Wetherby in the game. Time was running out with Wetherby trailing 2-1, the game became stretched allowing more space on the wings for counter attacking. Thomas popped up with an assist from Hamoud to emphatically put the ball in the bottom corner and score the equaliser. A great game and well deserving of a draw. Well played, boys!
Sports Quote of the Week ‘Nothing will work unless you do’ Follow us for results and updates on Twitter via @WetherbySSports #teamwetherby The Barometer - 11/4/2016 17
CLUB NEWS Table Tennis Club Miss Lillington writes… This week saw the usual levels of intense competition as the boys fought it out for mastery of the table tennis competition. Pictured below is an intense game of ‘Round the World’ which was won by Pip Evans and Sean Masri. Well done, boys!
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Quiz Club Mr Hasthorpe writes... This week's Tuesday Quiz saw three large teams matched very closely. The winning team of Rory, Jack C, Michael and Thomas narrowly
This week's quiz question for you all to try at home is a question on art. In which cities would you see the (originals of) the following sculptures? - Michelangelo's David
beat the second team at the very last minute.
- The Little Mermaid
Pictured below are two of this week's winners.
- Christ the Redeemer
And the answers: Florence, Copenhagen, Rio de Janeiro The Barometer - 11/4/2016 19
Grub Club Miss Lillington writes... This week in Grub Club, the boys were making cheese straws and chocolate puff pastry swirls. Star bakers were Maxime and AdhĂŠmar for their creative pastry designs!
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Berry Bros
Fortnum and Masons
Harvey Nichols
And so the answers to the quiz are...
10. Selfridges
Higgins b.
Kahlo – Rupert Cullinane
Cairaschi d.
Hockney Thorowgood
Russell f.
Kahlo – Rupert Cullinane
Marchant h.
Gormley (Angel of the North)
Patten i.
Radcliffe j.
Emin – Joseph Baker
The Barometer - 11/4/2016 21
From the Editor This week’s front cover is Misha and Jack working on their sculptures in the Art Department. On the back we have Sherif with his DNA model. For all comments and feedback please email: