W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?
Mr. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of September 6, 2011
Literacy and
Daily 5 Read to Self- Building independent reading stamina, reviewing 3 ways to read a book, check for understanding Work on Writing- introducing the 1B Chronicles: A New Spin on Classroom News. Editing for punctuation marks and sentences that start with a capital letter. Work on Words: Complete a high frequency word inventory for differentiated word lists, learning how to sort with Words Their Way
Investigations Unit 1 Sessions 2.1-2.4 -Comparing Quantities -Different Ways to Record Quantities -Comparing Numbers up to 20 -Dot Patterns/Number Arrangements Vocabulary: greater than, less than, more, fewer, greatest, least, quantity Calendar: -Writing the digital date -Today is, yesterday was, tomorrow will be -Locating the number of the day on the hundreds chart
S c ie n c e a n d S o c ia l S t u d ie s
Writing Workshop Generating a list of personal stories and expertise for First Grade Writing Workshop.
Handwriting Without Tears Starting letters at the top, differentiating tall, short, and tail letters.
September Citizenship Skill:
Patriotism -Learning about each other (Me Bag Presentations) -Identify authority figures in our home, school, and community
Special Notes: Check out our class blog at www.wethinkschooliscool.blogspot.com for newsletters, a calendar of events, first grade forms, and more.
Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com