W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?
Mrs. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of December 5, 2011
L it e r a c y a n d L a n g u a g e Daily 5 Read to Someone- Choosing appropriate level texts, using punctuation to enhance phrasing Work on Writing- Learning how to edit and use editing marks Work on Words: Identifying verbs and using them correctly in sentences, making words with the letters in holidays, more contraction work Literacy CAFE: Visualizing strategies, making “mind movies” when we read
Writing Workshop -Descriptive paragraph writing -Elf Job Application -Making lists
Handwriting Without Tears -Lowercase e and l -Punctuation marks: periods, question marks, and exclamation marks
Investigations Unit 3 Sessions 3.3-
3.5, 4.1-4.3 Adding and Subtracting Story Problems Strategies for Addition Assessment How Big Are Our Feet? Covering and Counting Counting to Higher Numbers
S o c ia l S t u d ie s December Citizenship Skill: Caring Locating places of significance on maps including major cities and capitals. Holidays Around the World
S c ie n c e
--CCoom mppaarriinngg tthhee tthhrreeee ssttaatteess ooff m maatttteerr aanndd tthheeiirr pprrooppeerrttiieess.. --DDiissccoovveerriinngg hhoow m w maatttteerr cchhaannggeess w whheenn hheeaatteedd oorr ccoooolleedd..
Last week I sent home our digital math textbook from Envisions. This is yours to enjoy and does not need to be returned. Notice this is a different math program than what we use in class (Investigations), but has lots of great activities you can do with your child to promote success in math!
Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com