W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?
Mrs. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of February 6, 2012
L it e r a c y a n d L a n g u a g e
Daily 5
Read to Someone: Star Spangled Banner lyrics Work on Writing- proper nouns thinking map, editing practice reviewing capitalization and punctuation rules, dictation practice Work on Words: three letter consonant blends, segmenting and blending words with long o sound, long o vowel patterns o_e, oa, and ow Literacy CAFE: expository text, main idea, fact and details, inferring Sight words: asked, good, there, will
Writing Workshop Informational Writing- Famous Americans -using thinking maps to record information -researching on Pebble Go -organizing facts into a tree map
Handwriting Without Tears -Lowercase b -Paragraph and poem writing
Investigations Unit 5
1.3 Measuring Fish* 1.4 Fish Stories* 1.5 Measuring Keepers* 1.6 Assessment: How Long is This Fish? 2.1 Measuring with Kid Steps 2.2 Measuring with Different Units *Due to special activities last week, we will be catching up on math this week.
S c ie n c e & S o c ia l S t u d ie s February Citizenship Skill: Respect
Introduction to Earth Science and Geology
FOSS Kit: Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Investigation 1: First Rocks Investigation 2: River Rocks Investigation 3: Using Rocks
Mustang Mutual will be open this Friday, February 10th for banking. Stop by and make a deposit! Boosterthon pledges are due this Friday, February 10th. Make checks payable to Austin PTO.
Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com