W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?
Mrs. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of January 23, 2012
L it e r a c y a n d L a n g u a g e
Daily 5
Investigations Unit 4
3.1 How Old Are We? 3.2 Ages of Another Class 3.3 Comparing Age Data 3.4 End of Unit Assessment
Read to Someone: Poetry practice, drawing conclusions, monitoring comprehension while listening to reading Work on Writing- supporting details, organizing ideas in paragraph writing
Envisions Topic 20
Likely or Unlikely Certain or Impossible
Work on Words: vowel digraphs ay and ai, singular and plural possessives
Literacy CAFE: Reading with a question in mind, responding to text in journals Sight words: Saturday, home, brother, we, out
Writing Workshop -Focused small moments -Using personal word wall in writing workshop -Writing more and more clearly
Handwriting Without Tears -Lowercase r and n
Vocabulary: compare, representations
S o c ia l S t u d ie s January Citizenship Skill: Self-Control
Using timelines to show when things happen. Understanding how the past affects the present. Creating a class timeline.
Report cards will be sent home this Friday, January 27th. Please sign and return by next Wednesday, February 1st. The first grade teachers need help with lunch and recess duty. You can sign up to volunteer at www.mysignup.com/firstgrade.
Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com