Newsletter September 12

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W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?

Mr. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of September 12, 2011


L ite r a c y a n d

Investigations Unit 1 Sessions 2.5-

L anguage

2.7, 3.1, 3.2 -Counting Backwards -Ordering Numbers -Comparing Numbers up to 20

Daily 5 Read to Self/Someone- Building independent reading stamina, fluency practice with first grade poems

Vocabulary: image

Work on Writing- Scrambled sentences, punctuation marks, checking to make sure our sentence is complete

Calendar: -Writing the digital date -Today is, yesterday was, tomorrow will be -Locating the number of the day on the hundreds chart -showing quantities with base 10 blocks

Work on Words: Exploring short vowels in CVC words, emphasis on short a Literacy CAFE: literary elements help our comprehension, making a literary element map of characters, setting, and plot

S c ie n c e a n d S o c ia l S t u d ie s

Writing Workshop

September Citizenship Skill: Patriotism

Launching the Writing Workshop: -Carrying on independently as writers -Telling stories in illustrations -Using supplies independently

-Describing similarities and differences in ways families meet basic human needs -Describing and explaining the importance of various beliefs, customs, language and traditions of families and communities -A special note of thanks to Coppell police and fire fighters

Handwriting Without Tears -Starting letters at the top -Developing handwriting language: big line, little line, big curve, little curve, diagonals

Special Notes:

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Nicole Scott – 1B-

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