W h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g i n 1 B ?
Mr. Scott’s Official Newsletter for the Week of September 19, 2011
L ite r a c y a n d L anguage
Daily 5 Read to Someone- Building stamina in partner reading, check for understanding
Work on Writing- Writing independently, responding to journal topics, parts of a sentence
Investigations Unit 1 Sessions 3.3-3.7 -Addition Story Problems -Roll and Record -Double Compare Vocabulary: equal, plus, add, notation, counting on, combine Calendar: -Writing numbers in expanded notation
Work on Words: Short vowel sounds, Words Their Way sorting, making words Literacy CAFE: literary elements help our comprehension, making a literary element map of characters, setting, and plot
September Citizenship Skill: Patriotism
-Compare and describe the roles of community helpers.
Writing Workshop Launching the Writing Workshop: -Using pictures and words like famous authors -Spelling the best we can and moving on -Using writing tools: the alphabet card -Stretching and writing words
Handwriting Without Tears -Using appropriate spacing between words Our class needs supplies.
S o c ia l S t u d ie s
Go to
www.mysignup.com/nscott@coppellisd.com to see how you can help. Thank you!
S c ie n c e
-Learning about the apple life cycle.
Special Notes: Please save your water bottle tops. We will be using these for a work on words station. Please send them in with your child!
Nicole Scott – 1B- nscott@coppellisd.com