Club Times - Spring 2024

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111 Wexford Club Drive | Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 | (843) 686-8810 | VOLUME XXXVIII, ISSUE 1 • SPRING 2024 CLUB TIMES

In This Issue

Message from the GM, 2

Letter from the Board

President, 3

Employee News, 4

ASC News, 4

Security, 5 Camp Wexford, 6

Harbour/Yacht Club, 7

Golf, 8-9

Clubhouse Corner, 10-11

Tennis & Pickleball, 12-13

New Website & App, 14-15

Foundation News, 16-18

Wexford Clubs & Groups, 19

Croquet, 20

Message from the Nominating Committee, 20

Member Photo Gallery, 21 Calendar, 22-24

Wexford Briefly



President: Stephen Carter

Vice President: Gary Crandall

Treasurer: Keith Poisson

Secretary: Lynn Looby


Bob Cherichella

Michael Fajgenbaum

Paul McEvoy

Michael McKelvey

Harry Mellon


Wexford Owners,

I wanted to take a step back to explain the search process for a new Executive Chef and how this search differed from prior searches.

I think we all agree that the focus is to find the right professional and cultural fit for the next Wexford culinary leader. Much like the final drawings for the Amenities Plan focused on the majority of feedback from the listening sessions, we were focused on aligning our culinary program based on the feedback from the recent owner’s survey and prioritizing things like menu rotation, quality of product, health/dietary restrictions and value.

To do this, we opted to use an outside organization and engaged RCS Hospitality, who are experts in this field. RCS has extensive resources to fully vet potential candidates including the ability to cast a broad net based on their extensive network, in depth evaluations including video interviews, personality assessments, job fit reports and comprehensive reference checks. Further benefits include narrowing the field to a short list of qualified candidates and then supplying us with complete candidate packets including portfolios, assessments, and reference checks. Mary Howley, lead search recruiter with RCS, assisted the House & Social Committee and key management team with onsite cooking evaluations and interviews.

I understand there have been questions like, “why don’t we just hire our current Executive Sous Chef?” or “the Interim Executive Chef is doing great, why not hire him and get it over with?” and “why hire a chef with the impending clubhouse construction project?” All of these are valid questions.

above. As far as timing of the hire with upcoming construction, it is vitally important that we onboard our next Executive Chef to allow them ample time to assess staff, garner feedback from the owners and their dining preferences and to be part of the kitchen design process. Not to mention a leader to manage temporary operations during construction. Since they will be accountable for the food produced from the kitchen, it is reasonable to afford them the opportunity to offer feedback on how they can most efficiently meet those expectations.

As of late February, we received a total of 132 applicants of which 25 had been deemed qualified by RCS. Eleven of the remaining 25 candidates removed themselves from consideration and the balance were in varying stages of the vetting process. Onsite cooking evaluations and final interviews took place the last week of February. After much deliberation among committee members and management team, the decision to extend an offer to Robert Wysong was made and accepted.


Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM 843-686-6950

With respect to personnel, both the Executive Sous Chef and Interim Chef were included in the process and were fully vetted as described

Robert, welcome to the team!

My best,


The Club Times • 2
Patrick McGuire General Manager

Letter from the Board President

Hello Neighbors,

Welcome to the Spring edition of the Club Times.

Financially, 2024 has started with a very solid January performance, beating our budgeted bottom line comfortably. Additionally, our cash reserves are in great shape and Wexford is on the verge of another clean Audit.

One of the drivers of our capital reserves is the New Property Owners Initiation Fee (“NPOIF”) which is charged to buyers of property in Wexford. In the last annual ballot, you voted to increase the NPOIF for a finished home from $35,000 to $50,000.

Based on comparable fees at similar communities, we did not believe that this would have any adverse effect on our potential home sales.

I was also curious though, to see whether our capital project was seen as an attraction or a deterrent to new buyers, and whether the impending assessment was seen as a problem.

I thought it would be useful to interview a professional Real Estate neighbor for their observations based on their recent experiences, and the answers were very positive. (At this point I will issue the disclaimer that these are the opinions of a professional, but not the result of a scientific survey.) They reported that potential buyers very logically wanted to know what the project would cost them, and when told, did not feel that the price tag was unreasonable. They also asked if Wexford had a history of regular special assessments, and of course, we do not. Generally, they were much more interested in the enhanced amenities for the future than the potential inconvenience during construction.

So how are sales going? At the time of writing, inventory is tight and it is technically still a seller’s market. We seem to be in line with other communities in terms of similarly priced property selling in the area, but there are few that have as many homes as we do at our price points.

Finally, I looked at what has been sold or put under contract this year to date and, although it is early in the year, we are certainly tracking to hit or exceed our budgeted 20 home sales for the year.

By the time you read this, we should be close to getting our newly refurbished Lock Gates back and completion of the channel dredging, both of which will enable Wexford to have an operating Harbour and the golf course back to its normal routing.

The other major project, the Enhanced Amenity Plan, is progressing well but there are still a number of months to

go before we do any actual demolishing or building. To that end though, I am assured by our Construction Task Force (“CTF”) that nothing has been discovered that would suggest anything unforeseen other than the “Black Hole” of permitting. We will know much more about this as the spring turns into summer, but the CTF Chairs and our Management are all feeling very good about the planning, designs and financials at this point.

Last year the Board approved a golf master plan to give strategic direction to our Greens and Grounds Committee and Staff to ensure that this very important amenity receives the resources it needs to ensure that the condition of the course is in line with owner expectations. As part of this effort we have consulted the agronomy department at the University of Tennessee, and have removed samples of Poa Annua for examination. The focus will be to identify the species of this weed so we can really target our maintenance program to include the herbicide with the greatest efficacy.

March is still too early for temperatures to be high enough consistently to see much, or any growth, of the grass that we want to grow on the golf course. However there has been a lot of work done over the winter to try to minimize the amount of invasive unwelcome species and we are confident that with some warm temperatures, tender loving care and chemicals, that the course will be in much better shape than we experienced last year as we emerge from winter.

Our GM, Patrick McGuire, has devoted space in his Club Times article to the recruitment process for our new Executive Chef so I will not refer to Food and Beverage, other than that it is gratifying to see so many positive comment cards and anecdotally to hear so many positive stories from the Clubhouse. I attended the Valentine’s Day Nine and Dine and not only did we have a near perfect afternoon for golf, but we all enjoyed a tremendous evening with entertainment and some excellent food. The dessert table with the complementing mini drinks were a big hit.

We have some exciting events and competitions coming up in the next few months and I feel we are in a good position to really enjoy them. I look forward to seeing you around the neighborhood, experiencing all that the community has to offer.


3 • The Club Times

Congrats, Hugo!

Join us in congratulating Victor “Hugo” Perez on his promotion to Sous Chef! His dedication and culinary contribution to the Wexford vision is immeasurable and is demonstrated most professionally. In his new role, we look forward to his influence and expertise as we continue to elevate the member dining experience.

ASC News

ASC Review

Please remember the ASC must review and approve all exterior changes and major landscape changes. Prior to planning any improvements to your home, please contact the ASC Office to review the scope of your project.


Dumpsters are placed on properties for new home builds and renovations. They are placed for the sole use by the owner/ contractors of that property. No other homeowner living near-by nor contractor working at neighboring properties

are authorized to use these dumpsters. Violators will be subject to compliance fines.


It is the homeowner’s obligation to maintain their property according to the Covenants, Article V, Section 5.01. Some things to pay attention to are debris on your roof, dirty and/ or cracked driveways, mildew on your house and/or roof, overgrown landscaping. All properties are checked on a regular basis to ensure that Wexford continues to be a beautiful place to live!

Wexford recently welcomed Ryan Driscoll as our new HR Recruiting and Retention Coordinator. Make sure to say hello to Ryan if you see her around the Club!

Palm Tree Trimming

It is almost that time of the year again. Palm tree seed pods usually sprout by mid-May, so the best time to trim your palms is at the end of May through June. Arbor Nature has presented a trimming quote for all Wexford homeowners of $45 per palm and $65 per Washingtonian palms. You can contact Arbor Nature at 843-681-2726 to schedule your palm trimming.

Listed below are 3 other licensed & insured tree companies that provide palm trimming services.

Jones Brother’s: (843) 842-4686

Tree Wise Men: (843) 540-1620

Monster Tree: (843) 816-4255




Interested in introducing new neighbors & prospective members to the Wexford Community?

Interested in introducing new neighbors & prospective members to the Wexford Community?

Member Services is recruiting volunteers to help new and prospective members experience what it truly means to live at Wexford

Member Services is recruiting volunteers to help new and prospective members experience what it truly means to live at Wexford

For more information or to apply to become a Wexford Ambassador email

For more information or to apply to become a Wexford Ambassador email

The Club Times • 4
Ryan Driscoll!

(843) 686-8817

Springtime Safety Reminders

Remembering safety first as we approach springtime.

• With our recent incident, along with neighboring areas that have continued to experience the breakins of their vehicles and homes, as a reminder, please remove any valuables and guns from inside your vehicles, while ensuring your cars and homes remain locked.

• Members should adhere to the speed limits within our community, as there is much activity of golf carts, bikers, walkers, runners and children at play in or near the roadways. We have the radar display board posted at various locations throughout the year, which helps to identify and bring attention to your speeds.

• Remember, to operate a golf cart inside Wexford, a person must be 16 years of age, with a valid driver’s license in their possession. Security is instructed to stop the violator, and to contact the owner who will be required to go to the location and take possession of their golf cart. Golf carts MAY NOT be driven on the leisure paths, as the paths are for pedestrian traffic and children under 16 years of age to ride their bicycles.

• Security continues to receive complaints of dogs running off leash and owners not cleaning up after their pet. As always, I would ask our pet owners to adhere to the Wexford policy and Beaufort County ordinance regulating your pets.

Remember, the leash is there to not only protect your dog from the world as much as it is there to protect the world from your dog. You should never walk your dog along any ponds or waterways, as this is dangerous due to the alligator population being in and around these areas.

vehicles need clear access onWexford’s roadways, so no parking is allowed along our streets.

• The width of roadways in Wexford does not allow for parking on them in accordance with the international fire code, which is described in, and enforced by Wexford policy. A fire truck needs the width of our roadway to maneuver and or set up to extinguish a fire, while an ambulance needs the space to safely move a patient. You will not have time to move vehicles. So please help us to manage commercial services to your home, along with guests to ensure our roadways are kept clear of parked vehicles and available if an emergency should occur. Many of you work with your neighbors to utilize driveways or will contact Security for suggestions.

• As a reminder, we have 13 Automated External Defibrillators (AED), which are inspected weekly by Security in accordance with the Hilton Head Fire and Rescue requirements and can be found:

Patrol Vehicle 1 - On the back seat

Patrol Vehicle 2 - On the back seat

J18 Administrative Office - on the counter inside the break room.

Harbor Center - Behind POS terminal

Tennis Center - Lower level outside wall mounted by storeroom door.

Golf Course - Hole #5 rest area mounted on the wall.

Golf Course - Hole #14 rest area mounted on the wall.

Clubhouse - Cart Barn on the wall next to roll up door.

Clubhouse - F & B Managers Office on wall next to the door

Clubhouse - Pool House on exterior wall Maintenance Building - Main garage on the inside wall

Maintenance Building - Greens & Grounds Directors Office in black box

Maintenance Building - Greens and Grounds Supervisor’s Office next to the rear door

• Wexford also has 56 fire extinguishers, which are inspected and located within each facility. In this, you will find an extinguisher near each entry to a facility.

• Wexford maintains nine first aid kits, which are checked and are located:

Clubhouse Cart Barn

Clubhouse Kitchen Prep area

Pool Bar

Harbour Center

Maintenance Office

Security Gatehouse

Tennis Center

Croquet Court

Administrative Office

5 • The Club Times Security
Stay safe, Chief Morrison
Williams Security Captain (843) 686-8817

Mark Dryden

Harbour Master

(843) 686-8813

Harbour/ Yacht Club

Wanda Marshall Administrative Assistant

(843) 686-8813

Season of fun events planned for Yacht Club

Turns out, No-See-Ems like oysters too!

The first Docktails of the year featured Oysters-on-the-House and lots of yummy appetizers. A group of about 50 members shucked their way through a pickup truckload of oysters and swilled them down with their favorite BYOB.

Since nothing is really free, the price of the oysters was having to swat a few hundred no-see-ems, and listen to a few remarks by Commodore Steve Duvall. All good though, as the Commodore welcomed everyone to the 2024 Boating Season with a brief introduction to some the fun events the Yacht Club is planning for this year. It’s going to be a great season on the water, so jump in and join us! Look for updates in the e-Blasts and Club Times.

Boat Inspections, March 9th

These guys don’t fool around! Make sure you sign up for your free boat inspection on March 9th. When you get stopped by the Coast Guard (not if, but when), things can go smoothly and friendly, or maybe not! Our boat inspection program will give you the information you need to help make things go smoothly and friendly.

Call now to sign up for an appointment for your boat’s inspection on March 9th. You need to be on your boat during your inspection. Our inspectors will take you through the same safety inspection the Coast Guard uses. It’s better to find out now if you have a deficiency, rather than having the USCG find it (them) later. Call the Harbour Center for your appointment time.

Blessing of the Fleet, March 24th

Our annual Spring formal event, the Blessing of the Fleet will feature a warm welcome by our Commodore and our special guest, the USCG Commander of the Savannah Small Boats and Aviation Facility. A USCG Chaplin will say a few words then bless all of our vessels in the Harbour, and

will be done just in time for cocktails and dinner to follow. Make your dinner reservations now for this popular event!

Docktails, April 2nd

Stay tuned for details on our next Docktails event on April 2nd. While details are still being finalized, we are certain you will not want to miss out on the fun!

Circumnavigation, May 22nd

We will depart Wexford and go as a flotilla around Hilton Head, which should take around 3 hours. Please register with the Harbour Center if you are interested in joining. Don’t have a boat and want to participate? Let the Harbour Center staff know and we’ll try to get you on one of the boats that is going.

Take the Mystique to the Heritage

The Mystique will once again be providing transportation to and from Harbour Town during Heritage. Pricing for this year is $30 per person one way ($60 per person round trip). Please note, all reservations will be taken by Harbour Town Yacht Club. Call 843-671-1400 to make your reservation.

Thursday, April 18th – Sunday, April 21st


Depart from Wexford at 9AM (60 min transit); Freewater&sodaonly.


Depart from Wexford at 11:20AM (60 min transit); Freewater&sodaonly.


Depart from Wexford at 4:35PM (60 min transit); Freewater&sodaonly.


Depart from Wexford at 6:35PM (60 min transit); Freewater&sodaonly.

7 • The Club Times

Scott Hunter

Director of Golf

(843) 686-8812, ext. 141

Friendly reminders from the Pro Shop

• Proper Attire is required on the Golf Course and the Practice Facility

• Please adhere to the cart rules of the day. Carts are not permitted off cart paths next to tees and greens. When in doubt, check in with the golf shop.

Demo Days

Taylor Made — Saturday, March 9th

XXIO – Wednesday, March 13th

Srixon – Friday, March 22nd

Titleist – Friday, April 5th

Callaway – Wednesday, April 10th


Men’s Member Guest

Event Dates: September 18-21

Application Dates: March 9-28

Drawing, if needed: March 29

Thursday, March 7th: WWGA Spring

Opening Day

Friday, March 8th: Glow Golf Nine & Dine

April 6th-7th: Broad Creek Classic

April 26th: Dearman’s Diabolical Nine & Dine

May 10th: May Nine & Dine

May 23rd: WWGA Spring Closer


Bobby Blanken

1st Asst. Golf Professional

(843) 686-8812, ext. 142


The Club Times • 8
Michael Fajgenbaum on #13 Keith Madison on #17

Nine & Dine Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our recent Valentine’s Nine & Dine!

Front Nine Flight Winners: Jim & Joanna Hicks and Tom & Cathy Grove

Back Nine Flight Winners: Joe & Trish Wilson and Fred & Nancy Noonan

Intercollegiate Tournament

9 • The Club Times
Wexford Intercollegiate Individual Winners: Oscar Abrahamsson (USC Aiken), Connor MacMillan (Georgia State), and Mason Tucker (Winthrop) tied for first place. Congratulations! Wexford Intercollegiate Pro-Am Winners: Wexford Members Yale Bray and David McPhail with ECU Students Carter Busse and Lucas Augustsson
The Club Times • 10 Clubhouse Corner Robert Mosco Food & Beverage Mgr. (843) 715-0914 Vivienne Smith Asst. Food & Beverage Mgr. (843) 686-8810 Craig Kandravi Clubhouse Manager (843) 715-0913 $40++


Wine Time – March 27, April 24, May 29


Meet the Chefs – April 18

5 O’Clock Somewhere Waves Happy Hour – April 19

Denim & Diamonds Country Party – April 20

Passover Seder – April 28

Cinco de Mayo – May 5

Mother’s Day Brunch – May 12

Summer Kickoff Party – May 25

Hours of Operation


Monday Closed

Tuesday & Wednesday 11:30am – 2:30pm Lunch Only (*Bar service until 5pm)

Thursday-Sunday 11:30am – 2:30pm Lunch; 5:00pm – 8:30pm Dinner


Monday Closed

Tuesday & Wednesday 11:00am - 5:00pm

Thursday 11:00am - Close

Friday-Sunday 11:00am - 4:00pm; 5:00pm - Close





Saturday & Sunday 11:00am – 5:00pm

Stay tuned for new Spring hours of operation at Waves!

To find out the Daily Specials or to place To Go orders, call 843-715-0912 during the listed Clubhouse hours.

11 • The Club Times
CLUBHOUSE CLOSURES April 7th – Lunch Closure April 16th May 4th May 18th

(843) 686-8816, ext. 150


Let score dictate strategy

Your strategy should be based on the score!

There are 3 types of points in tennis. GREEN points are when you’re up big in the game and you can afford to be aggressive with your shot selection and movement on the court. If you’re up 40-0 go for that down the line shot, or if you’re at the net, go for the poach.

If the score is closer, like 30-30, this is a YELLOW point. On these types of points you want to play smart. Don’t be quick to change direction of the ball and continue to focus on hitting to the weaker opponent.

If you are down 0-40 this is a RED point. This is the ultimate conservative point. Slow down and keep the ball in play. Use the middle of the court as much as possible and focus on hitting high percentage shots.


Mike Pollard Head Tennis Professional

(843) 686-8816, ext. 152


March 15: St. Patrick’s Day Round Robin, 4:00-5:30pm. Tennis and Pickleball

March 22: Pro Tennis Exhibition. Anders Jarryd and Mikael Pernfors. Join us for a fun tennis doubles exhibition with former doubles #1 in the World Anders Jarryd, and former singles #10 and French Open finalist Mikael Pernfors.

April 8: Tennis & Pickleball Social at Long Cove, 4:00-5:30

April 27: NOC Charity Pickleball Round Robin

May 4: Wexford hosts the 80+ Tennis Robin

May 9: Big Break Big Smash Big Pickle

May 11: Ultimate Club Championship. Wexford hosts the annual 4 team championship. This year the teams are Wexford, Moss Creek, Sea Pines CC, and Long Cove.


Q: What is the largest Tennis facility in the world?

A: The USTA National Campus in Orlando, Florida currently has 100 total tennis courts. The cutting-edge tennis center is located on 64-plus acres and features a total of 100 courts (32 hard courts, 32 Har-Tru green clay courts, 16 ReBound Ace short courts, eight acrylic cushion courts, six European red clay and six hard indoor courts) along with two stadium courts.

Tennis & Pickleball
The Club Times • 12

10-Minute Pickleball


Do these moves across the court for 8 lengths.

13 • The Club Times LIVESTRONG.COM

New Wexford Website & Mobile App

The new Wexford website is now available for your use at When you first arrive on the site, you’ll see the “public” face of the Club. In the upper righthand corner of the screen, you will see the “member login” button which will take you to the private member side.

For your first login to the new site, you can use your member number and last name (all lowercase) as your credentials. The site should then prompt you to change your username and password to something easy to remember.

Once logged in, you will see “Quick Links”, news articles of interest, and a club calendar preview. Use the “Quick Links” to quickly access reservations, tee times, dining menus, and more.

While on Wexford’s new website for the first time, visit the “My Profile” page under the “My Club” tab, and update your personal information as well as select the items you would like viewable in the directory listing and on your profile page.

New Mobile App

Along with the new site, we are also launching the new Wexford mobile app. If you have used the Wexford app in the past, that version will no longer be functional. You will need to delete the app from your phone and download the new app with the following steps:

1. Depending on your device, navigate to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and search for and

download the Wexford Hilton Head mobile app.

2. After you open the app, we recommend you allow for push notifications and location services so you may receive important communications from the club.

3. Then, use the same Username and Password that you use to log into the full club website.

Please note that you will need to log into the new site on a computer or web browser before logging in on the app.

The Club Times • 14

New Wexford Website & Mobile App

New Payment Platform

We are pleased to announce that effective April 1st, we will also be upgrading our payment platform within our website to provide you with an improved user experience and empower our Club with a modernized, optimized toolset for payment and statement administration. In conjunction with the move, we wanted to communicate highlights of the change that will be of interest to you.


The payment options will allow you to make one time and scheduled payments, either from your desktop or from the convenience of your mobile device. All stored payment methods are tokenized and encrypted for maximum security.

1. Make a one-time payment

2. Save a new payment method to your file

3. Schedule a future or recurring payment.


1. Click on Manage Payment Methods within PayCloud

2. Click Add New Method

3. Enter your bank, or credit card, information as prompted.

15 • The Club Times

Over $400,000 awarded to local charities

On February 13th, The Wexford Foundation awarded a record sum of $406,000 to 39 local charities at their annual grant awards luncheon. Bringing together Wexford donors, business sponsors and charity recipients, the event was a celebration of the good works being accomplished together in the local area.

The awards luncheon is the culmination of the Foundation’s year-long fundraising efforts and the completion of a rigorous grant selection process to ensure that the activities of the charity recipients address health, hunger, housing, and educational needs in our neighboring communities.

During the event, Foundation Chair Fred Noonan reflected on the beginnings of the Foundation in his remarks. He noted: “At the first awards luncheon in 2012, the Foundation proudly donated $66,000 to 11 carefully chosen organizations, and remarkably, all of those recipients are represented here today. The theme for that first luncheon was Partnership of Service – a statement that perfectly describes the long-standing relationship between the Wexford Foundation and our grant recipients. They are our partners, and we are thrilled to support their efforts to provide life-changing services to those in need because they align with our mission.”

Noonan’s commentary also recognized everyone who made this day possible. “Thanks to the generosity of our Wexford friends and neighbors, we had an exceptional fundraising year. In terms of both the number of recipients

and the total amount of sustaining grants, we will achieve new milestones this year.”

Nicki Gilboy & Mark Brown, Co-Chairs of the Grant Committee, proceeded to call each of the organizations forward to receive their check and noted the project that the money was designated to fulfill. Appreciation and thankfulness filled the room as these wonderful organizations received their grants to carry out their various missions.

Since its inception, The Wexford Foundation has awarded over $2.8 million to create positive change in the local area.

The Club Times • 16 Wexford Foundation News
Wexford Foundation Supporters and 2024 Charity Recipients Foundation Chair Fred Noonan making remarks during the luncheon.

Wexford Foundation News

Thank You to our Generous Donors

The Wexford Foundation is immensely grateful to our 2023 patrons for helping us to reach new milestones and fulfill our mission.


Steve & Cyndi Duvall

Harvey & Pam Geiger

Lesley Green

Michael & Judith Harrington

Gary & Jane Heminger

John & Bobbie Arlotta

Terry & Chris Baehr

Mark & Marion Brown

Ben & Tracy Clark

Bob & Ann Grassi

Rich & Kathy Alexander

Rusty & Nancy Brause

Robert & Beverly Chell

Alan & Michelle Davidson

John & Kathy Adair

Mike & Gillian Alsko

Richard & Sandy Berthelsen

David Cousins

John & Celia Cunningham

Graham & Carolyn Dillaway

Joseph & Sylvia Eisenberg

Frank & Janice Fernalld

Joseph & Donette Fitzpatrick

Stephen & Marilyn Gammarino

Michael & Karen Kelly

Paul & MC McEvoy

Mike & Janice McKelvey

Thomas & Carol Meeker

Mark & Julia Musto


Kurt & Ann Grindstaff

Bill & Nancy Haverland

Jim & Joanna Hicks

John & Teresa Kelly

Brian & Darlene Marlowe

David & Rosalind Parry

Joseph & Marilyn Allegra

Dave & Susan Atwell

Nancy Friel

Gary & Marjie Gaynor

Bruce & Vickie Parker

John & Kathy Patterson

Andi Purple

Doug Tozour

Denny & Jane Yetter

Ray Purdom & Diane King

Grant & Peggy Saunders

Terry & Gale Seikel

Pat Smith

Cathy Sumpter

Michael & Nicki Gilboy

Marty & Cheryl Hahn

Craig & Claire Lenz

Keith Poisson & Liz Faas


Richard & Mary Glaser

Art Gorman & Mary Faas

Tom & Catherine Grove

Jim & Susan Hall

David & Marisa Hay

Tim & Jaque Johnson

Joe & Beverly Kyle

Fred & Nancy Noonan

Allen & Nancy Oechsner

Richard & Jean Palmer


Paul & Marsha Handy

David Jackson & Carol Comer

Frederic & Sharon Jauch

John & Linda Macilroy

John & Amy Presley

Carolyn Rider

Drew & Jamie Seale

Michael & Patricia Spears

Michael & Jane Peak

Peter & Vickie Peuquet

Barry & Colleen Price

Misael & Olga Rodriquez

Tim & Beverly Rose

Brian & Barbara Soiref

Ingrid Soldan

Don & JoAnne Staffa

Steve & Vicky Timperman

Joe & Linda Zychowicz

Charles Matthews

Carl & Sandra Rossetti

Michael & Hilary Thomas

Doug & Connie Watson

17 • The Club Times

Sponsors step up in 2024

The Wexford Foundation is extremely honored to have four local business sponsors to support our mission this year. Commitments were received from South State Bank, Island Environments, Howell-Chase Heating & Air, and ArborNature.

The funding from our business sponsors is dedicated to the Foundation’s administration and special event costs. This ensures that every dollar donated by our Wexford community goes directly to our charity recipients.

Along with providing excellent services these businesses are clearly community-focused and want to help our local area just like us. Their generosity to the Foundation has been longstanding and we consider them partners in achieving positive change in our local area.

We hope you will consider using the services of our sponsors when the need arises.

New Board Leadership

The Wexford Foundation named Jim Hicks as the incoming Board Chair at their March annual meeting. The significance of this appointment is that Jim, along with a small group of Wexford neighbors, set the Foundation into motion back in 2012. His continued passion for the organization’s mission is welcomed by all. Two new Trustees, Nicki Gilboy and Gillian Alsko, were also elected to join the Board of Directors for a three-year term.

The Trustees extend their sincerest appreciation to outgoing Chair Fred Noonan as he rotates off the board after reaching his term limits. Fred served 4 years as Treasurer and his last two years as Chair. Fred’s passion and expertise crossed all facets of the organization, and he will be greatly missed by all. A special thank you is also offered to Andi Purple for serving 10 years as the Foundation’s Secretary. Andi was a constant source for knowledge and inspiration during her time on the board.

The Wexford Foundation is an all-volunteer organization with over 30 Wexford members serving on the Board and committees each year to make its mission a reality.

The Club Times • 18
Wexford Foundation
Jim Hicks Wexford Foundation Board Chair Gillian Alsko Wexford Foundation Trustee Nicki Gilboy Wexford Foundation Trustee

Wexford Clubs & Groups

Event & Travel Club (ETC)

ETC members recently spent a delightful evening at HHSO Soundwaves. They enjoyed a fabulous dinner and danced to the sounds of the Wexford Garage Band featuring special guest, Joe Zychowicz, Wexford’s own piano man. ETC is dedicated in its mission for arranging a variety of activities including events, trips and social gatherings for our members’ enjoyment. If you would like to be a part of this active club and learn more about becoming a member, please contact Colleen Price, membership chair at grammy@barryandcolleen. com or 248-496-8697 for more information.

Wexford Veterans & First Responders Association

If you are a Veteran or First Responder and wish to work and socialize with others in Wexford who have served, we welcome you to join the new Wexford Veterans & First Responders Association (WVFRA). The Association members will work together to support various events and causes here in Wexford. The support is not necessarily financial in nature, rather than volunteering to assist in running events.

Please contact Rick Anderson at or 202-669-1065 for additional information and the membership form. The form is obviously voluntary and you may fill out as much or as little of it as you choose to disclose.

Wexford Hear & Now

Are you experiencing hearing loss? Do you find yourself struggling to keep up in conversations or missing out on social events due to difficulty hearing? You’re not alone. Many people in Wexford face the challenges of hearing loss, and it can impact our social lives in countless ways.

Wexford Hear & Now is a new community group formed to support and empower those living with hearing loss. Join us at Wexford Hear & Now and discover a community of support, information, and empowerment to improve our social interactions. For more information or to join the group, please contact David Atwell at

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Croquet Demo Day with Oakley Woods Croquet

On February 17, Wexford was lucky to be visited by Dan and Diana Oakley from Oakley Woods Croquet. With over twenty years of custom woodworking experience, Oakley is one of the foremost manufacturers of croquet mallets. The event had a great turnout and Wexford players will now have beautiful mallets to match our premier lawn. Thank you to GM Patrick McGuire for setting this up and to Craig Kandravi for the lovely spread.

Message from the Nominating Committee

Although it’s relatively early in the year, the Nominating Committee invites any Wexford member who may have an interest in running for election to the 2025 Board of Directors to contact any one of the Committee members below to find out more about the Nominating Process. Firm commitments to run for election are not required until October so this is purely an early opportunity to

indicate a possible interest in becoming a future member of the Wexford Board and find out more about the process.

The members of the 2024 Nominating Committee are John Cunningham, David Jackson, Laura Levine, Darlene Marlowe, Peggy Meddaugh, and Vince Sullivan.

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Member Photo Gallery





Do you have amazing images that you would like to share? Submit your images by posting them to our Facebook or Instagram pages, or email them to

21 • The Club Times
Photo by Tom Jenike John Lawless & Robby Jaber catching a large Sheepshead in the Harbour on New Year’s Day. Wexford Pickleball Social with Moss Creek Director of Tennis Patrick Mason teaches Alexa Sally TENNIS LESSON
10am-12pm Shred Day 1pm Mah Jongg Trivia Night Golf: Men’s Day 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge WWGA Spring Opener 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg Glow Golf Nine & Dine Golf: Men’s Day 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge Golf: Ladies Day Blind Holes 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg 4pm St. Patrick’s Day Tennis & PB Round Robin Golf: Men’s Day HHS & PS Vessel Inspections 4pm St. Patrick’s Day Party 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge Golf: Ladies Day Luck of the Irish 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg Pro Tennis Exhibition Men’s Golf Association Blessing of the Fleet 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge Wine Time Golf: Ladies Day March Madness 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg Golf: Men’s Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2024 31 Easter Brunch & Egg Hunt

APRIL 2024

9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge Golf: Ladies Day Open Golf 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour Broad Creek Classic Golf Tournament 1pm Mah Jongg Trivia Night Broad Creek Classic Golf Tournament 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg Tennis & PB Social with Long Cove 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion Docktails Pizza Party 1pm Ladies Bridge Golf: Ladies Day Pro is Your Partner 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour Men’s Member Member Golf Tournament 1pm Mah Jongg Men’s Member Member Golf Tournament Golf Course Open Board of Directors Meeting 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour Meet the Chefs 1pm Mah Jongg 5 O’Clock Somewhere Waves Happy Hour Denim & Diamonds Country Party LFWMH Golf Tournament 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion 1pm Ladies Bridge Wine Time Golf: Ladies Day Low Gross & Net 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg Dearman’s Diabolical Nine & Dine NOC Charity Pickleball Round Robin Passover Seder 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Fit Fusion
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HERITAGE WEEK HERITAGE WEEK HERITAGE WEEK HERITAGE WEEK

MAY 2024

1pm Ladies Bridge Golf: Ladies Guest Day 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg Golf: Men’s Day Clubhouse Closure 80+ Tennis Round Robin Cinco de Mayo 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics Golf Chairlady Day 1pm Ladies Bridge 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour Big Break Big Smash Big Pickle 1pm Mah Jongg Nine & Dine Men’s Golf Association Tennis Ultimate Club Challenge Mother’s Day Brunch 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg Virtual Wine Tasting 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge Golf: Ladies Day Cha Cha Cha 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg Clubhouse Closure 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge WWGA Spring Closer 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour Board of Directors Meeting 1pm Mah Jongg Summer Kickoff Party Wine & Wickets Golf Course Open 9am Golf Croquet 6:30pm Mah Jongg 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Golf: Men’s Day 10am Water Aerobics 1pm Ladies Bridge Wine Time 9am Aussie Croquet 10am Yoga 5pm Member Happy Hour 1pm Mah Jongg
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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