k e e w s i h t
FRIDAY, December 11, 2020
Highest number of COVID deaths, recoveries for Saskatchewan to date
The winning duck crosses the line
Photo 3319 — Greg Nikkel
Shelley Dammann watched the finish line as Abby Kradovill did a live Facebook video of the Duck Drop fundraiser for the Weyburn Artistic Swimming Club on Thursday evening. The Duck Drop was done in an empty pool at the Weyburn Leisure Centre, with around 300 ducks sold. The winning duck belonged to Carla Donison, who won a $250 cash prize in the contest.
Some schools plan virtual Christmas concerts
By Greg Nikkel Some of Weyburn’s schools are planning to hold virtual Christmas concerts this year, while others either won’t hold one, or haven’t decided how they are going to proceed. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, no in-person concerts will be possible this year, so some online versions of a concert are being considered or planned for. Queen Elizabeth School is holding a virtual contest, “The News at QE School”, with each classroom doing a “news” report related to Christmas. The virtual concert
will go online on Thursday, Dec. 17, at 1:30 p.m., with some live posts and some pre-recorded items. It will be made available to the families through their Microsoft Teams account. Haig School will also offer a virtual concert, the “Holly Jolly Jukebox”, for which music teacher Holly Butz has been working with each classroom, from Kindergarten to Grade 6, to put together. The concert will be online on Thursday, Dec. 17 as a Microsoft Teams special assembly, with the link to be shared with the students’ families in an email on Dec. 17.
For this concert, principal Arlene Dobson and administrative assistant Deana Peterson will send the Grade 6 students on a mission to find more Christmas decorations. With the help of a talking jukebox that lights up and plays music, they spend their days back in time dancing and making music through the decades, from the 1940s up to the 80s. There will also be an “Eye Spy” challenge as an added fun activity for the families. Assiniboia Park School staff had not yet decided on whether to hold a concert as of Monday, and Souris School will not be
holding a formal production this year. Souris teachers will be sharing Christmas activities with their students families via Teams, with links to be provided by the staff. We y bu r n C o m p r e hensive School music teacher Tanya Cameron is creating videos of her junior choir and her Arts Ed classes from Grades 7-9, which may be shared on the Comp’s YouTube channel. The details of this project have not been finalized as yet. St. Michael School will also be doing a virtual music concert, but the details are not finalized.
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Six residents who tested positive for COVID-19 have died. Five of these individuals were in their 80s, from the Northwest (1), Regina (3) and Southeast (1) zones. One individual in their 30s was from the North Central zone. This marks the largest one-day increase in the number of COVID-19 deaths in Saskatchewan since the pandemic began. There are 183 new cases of COVID-19 to report in Saskatchewan on Dec. 8, bringing the provincial total to date to 10,597 cases. The new cases are located in the Far Northwest (13), Far Northeast (10), Northwest (18), North Central (30), Northeast (5), Saskatoon (62), Central West (7), Central East (4), Regina (25), Southwest (4), South Central (1) and Southeast (1) zones, and three new cases have pending residence information. Two cases where a Saskatchewan resident tested positive while out of province have been added to the Far Northwest (1) and Northwest (1) zones. Four cases with pending residence information have been assigned to the Northwest zone. The seven-day average of daily new cases is 264 (21.8 new cases per 100,000 population). Of the 10,597 reported cases, 4,663 are considered active, with 172 in the southeast region. A total of 5,868 people have recovered. With 279 recoveries as of Dec. 8, this marks the largest oneday increase in the number of recoveries since the pandemic began. There are 144 people in hospital, with 117 people receiving inpatient care: seven in the Northwest, 16 in the North Central, two in the Northeast, 51 in the Saskatoon, one in the Central East, 23 in the Regina, one in the Southwest, one in the South Central and 15 in the Southeast zones. Twenty-seven people are in intensive care: six in the North Central, 11
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in the Saskatoon, eight in the Regina, one in the Southwest and one in the South Central zones. Of the 10,597 cases in the province, 510 cases are travelers; 4,446 are community contacts (including mass gatherings); 2,440 have no known exposures; 3,201 are under investigation by local public health, and 345 cases are healthcare workers; however, the source of the infections may not be related to healthcare in all instances. By age category, 2,233 cases involve people 19 years of age and under; 3,718 cases are in the 20-39 age range; 2,803 are in the 40-59 age range; 1,423 are in the 6079 age range; and 415 are in the 80-plus range. Confirmation of age is pending for five cases. About 50 per cent of the cases are female and 50 per cent are male. A total of 66 deaths related to COVID-19 have been reported to date. Of 10,597 confirmed cases, 3,200 cases are from the Saskatoon area; 2,192 cases are from the north area (783 northwest, 1057 north central, 352 northeast); 2,047 cases are from the Regina area; 1,312 cases are from the south area (514 southwest, 454 south central, 344 southeast); 1,106 cases are from the far north area (694 far northwest, 84 far north central, 328 far northeast); 708 cases are from the central area (304 central west, 404 central east), and 32 cases have pending residence information. To date, 369,755 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of Dec. 6, when other provincial and national numbers were available, Saskatchewan’s per capita rate was 232,584 people tested per million population. The national rate was 321,090 people tested per million population. A total of 2,359 COVID-19 tests were processed in Saskatchewan on Dec. 7.