The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) Volunteer Services team is looking for volunteers to assist staff, patients, cli ents, families and visitors in its acute care facilities, long term care homes and community programs.
Residents are urged to support care in their com munity by volunteering to help host recreational and pet support programs, as sist patients navigating through acute care settings, or support local Meals on Wheels programs.
“Prior to the pandemic, the SHA had a strong vol unteer base,” said Bernie Doepker, SHA’s director of Volunteer Services.
“As with every sector,
we are in the rebuilding phase for our volunteer team. We are asking people to consider volunteering with one of our programs across the SHA as we work together to improve health and well-being, every day, for everyone.”
The SHA is recruiting volunteers provincially and has a range of differ ent positions available.
Volunteer shifts typically range from two to four hours, and most programs require volunteers to come in a minimum of two times per month. Interested vol unteers are encouraged to match available volunteer positions to their skills, interests, experiences, and availability.
Students shuffle over a seat as a classmate searches frantically for a place to sit down, in this fun ice-breaker game held as part of a day-long retreat on Friday at St. Michael School. NET Ministries led the retreat for students in Grades 8 and 9, and it included some serious faith-based discussions as well as fun moments like these in the gymnasium.
Jason and Laura Lee Petersen, the new UFA pet roleum agents in Weyburn, are proof that volunteering pays off. After all, it’s what brought them together over 20 years ago.
“We are both communityminded and we volunteered
at the local dinner theatre,” said Laura Lee. “We were cast as boyfriend and girl friend in the play, and by the end of it, let’s just say, we weren’t acting!”
They both grew up in rural Saskatchewan. Jason grew up in Lake Alma, a vil
The Rural Municipality of Caledonia No. 99 Municipal Election 2022
WHEREAS a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the offices of: COUNCILLORS - DIVISION 2, 4 & 6
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office(s) will take place and that the following person(s) are elected by acclamation:
COUNCILLOR Division 2: Aaron Davidson COUNCILLOR Division 4: Chad Nicholas COUNCILLOR Division 6: Darcy Phillips
Dated at Milestone this 5th day of October, 2022.
Stephen Schury, Returning Officer
Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38 Municipal Elections 2022
Whereas, Austin Watson nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 2 is the only candidate;
Whereas, Laura Lee Marin-Petersen nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 4 is the only candi date;
Whereas, Mitchell Ferguson nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 6 was the only candidate;
I hereby give PUBLIC NOTICE that NO POLL will be held for Divisions 2, 4 and 6 on November 9, 2022.
Dated this 7th day of October, 2022.
Sam Kalmbach, Returning Officer
lage about an hour south of Weyburn. He developed a strong work ethic early on in life. His family was active in the community, ran a mixed farm with grain and cattle and there was always work to be done.
Laura Lee’s family ran a grain farm in Radville, south west of Weyburn. In addi tion to farming, her parents
also operated pedigree seed and agriculture management coaching businesses.
She inherited some of her family’s entrepreneurial spirit and perhaps that’s why opening the new UFA petrol eum agency in Weyburn was appealing.
The couple made their home in Lake Alma for a decade before moving to the
Rural Municipality of The Gap No. 39 Municipal Elections 2022
WHEREAS a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the offices of: COUNCILLORS - DIVISION 2, 4 & 6
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said offices will take place and that the following persons are elected by acclamation:
COUNCILLOR Division 2: Jeff Jensen
COUNCILLOR Division 4: Murray Scott COUNCILLOR Division 6: Ernie Sorensen
Dated at Ceylon Saskatchewan this 7th day of October, 2022.
Laura Delanoy, Returning Officer
Rural Municipality of Fillmore No. 96
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of: COUNCILLOR FOR DIVISION 6
The returning officer or nomination officer will receive nomi nations of candidates for the above office:
(a) During normal office hours from October 7, 2022 until 4:00 p.m. on October 19, 2022
At the Rural Municipality Office, 48 Main Street, Fillmore.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal office at 48 Main Street, Fillmore, Saskatchewan.
Dated at Fillmore this 6th day of October, 2022.
Vernna Wiggins Returning Officer
farm they call home today.
Running a cattle ranch, rais ing an active 12-year-old son, and both working off the farm, make for busy days, not that it stopped Laura Lee from pursuing her life-long dream of getting her MBA.
“It is definitely a family MBA,” she laughs. “As a busy working mom, it took a lot of support and patience from my family.”
Laura Lee has an impres sive resume that includes managing national Human Resource projects. Together with Jason’s many years of experience in the fuel and agriculture business, they have the ideal mix of skills and expertise to run a suc cessful petroleum agency.
Why UFA? Laura Lee said it was a no-brainer. “We saw lots of signage and heard the buzz that UFA was ex panding in Saskatchewan, so we kept our eye out for the agent posting,” she said. “Re viewing the qualifications, we ticked every box. And the more we learned about UFA, the more it aligned with our approach to business; pro viding quality products sup ported by excellent service.”
Jason adds that UFA being a member-owned co-operative was the deter mining factor. “We believe
strongly in the co-operative business model; patronage can be a real differencemaker for members. We have had many conversations with leadership at UFA, and it is clear they have a vested inter est in their agent’s success. When an organization has a service-leader mentality, it trickles down. And that’s ob vious with UFA.”
Both Jason and Laura Lee are active in their com munities including volunteer work with the local Recrea tion Board, minor hockey and 4-H. “We’ve been raised to give back to the commun ities we serve,” said Laura Lee.
The couple also em phasizes the importance of knowing your market and your customers. “UFA is a western Canadian company that understands agriculture, the energy sector and the overall needs of the Weyburn area. And through UFA, we will be the exclusive dis tributors of Dieselex® Gold, which is a proven product that consistently outperforms other diesel fuel,” said Jason.
Jason and Laura Lee wel come the opportunity and look forward to supplying Weyburn and area with great products and great service from a state-of-the-art facility.
Rural Municipality of Wellington No. 97 Municipal Elections 2022
Whereas, Robert Kot nominated for the office of Coun cillor for Division No. 2; And
Whereas, Edward Kyrylchuk nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 4;
are the only candidates, I hereby give notice that no voting for these offices will take place on November 9, 2022.
Dated at Cedoux this 7th day of October, 2022.
Michelle Klein Returning Officer