Grand opening for golf car storage shed at Assiniboia Golf Course
The Assiniboia Golf Course announced the grand opening of the much needed golf Cart Storage Shed on June 15.
Funding was provided by the RM of Lake of the Rivers and the Assiniboia Civic Improvement Association as well as Nelson GM. Interm Financing was
provided by the Town of Assiniboia. This new facility can provide seasonal or yearly housing for 74 golf carts on a rental basis.
The building is named “Greeners Garage” and “Tim’s Tee”, in memory of long time local golfers and community leaders Rob Greensides and Tim Dhouhy.
The grand opening ceremony was followed up by the second annual Tim/Greener Golf Classic, Men’s Open Tournament.
The official ribbon cutting was attended by Jeff Weal – RM councillor for Lake of the Rivers; Judd Dhouhy-
son of Tim Dhouhy; Bev Dean- Wife of Rob Greensides; Penni Greensidessister of Rob Greensides; and Mayor Sharon Schauenberg.
Curtis Nelson, long time friend and colleague of Tim and Rob gave the opening speech and dedicated the building in the names of both men.
The first annual street market held in Assiniboia June 15 was a new and exciting day for everyone in attendance. With over 30 vendors displaying their wares, there was something to interest all who flooded the street. Garden Party Fundraiser Featuring JefferyStraker
PMA 40069240 R 7925 Vol.112 No. 25 - Assiniboia, Saskatchewan Friday, June 21, 2024 - 12 Pages Times Assiniboia
Sunday,June 23 ShurniakArt Gallery Shurn kA Galle Art Raffle. Winaset of 3framed photographs donated by Hali Booth and Larry Adamache, valued over $1200 Tickets $10. Available at the Shur niak Art Gallery or etransfertoshur Draw June 23 @6:30 p.m. Raffle License#SR24-0534 Our Bra in Wit hH ea ri ng Lo ss Our brain is amagnificent and complex organ that is naturally divided into many different regions Each region is generally responsible for a different typeoffunction or sense, for example: hearing, vision, and touch There'sevenanareafor planning and problem solving As we grow up,experience and learn, our brainadapts and changes,creating new connectionsinthe differentregions.Thisnatural process, sometimes called Neuroplasticity, occurs in children andinadults Hearingloss and tinnitus are common among Canadian adults, yet many people are not aware that they have ahearing loss Hearing loss and tinnitus canbe caused by aging, noise exposure trauma and/or disease 5 Hearing aidscan help: Improve quality of life Increasecommunication and socialinteractions Provide easeoflistening Lower the risk of developing cognitive decline 4 Good news! Studies from the last few years found that properlystimulating these hearing regions of the brain maylead to new connections being formed and reverse these changes 3 The way to do that, is by consistently wearing hearing aids that were properlyfittoyour needs We look forwardtohearing from you P- 1-306-642-4242 101 3rd AveEast Assiniboia Sask Hours: Monday- Friday 9:00 A.M. -5:00P.M Lifestyle and Budget Orientated. The latest in technology Geraldine L. Ruzicka BC-HIS,HIP,RHAP,President of SHIPS (SaskatchewanHearing Instrument PractitionerSociety). Southland Co-op Home Centre 403 -1st Avenue West 306-642-5944 CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS From June 24th to 29th Ever y50th customer will receive aCanada gift package 22 LANGCASTER ROAD MOOSE JAW FREE SUMMER CHECK UP WITH OIL CHANGE ANGE LOANER TRUCKS AVAILABLE! AILABLE! CALL 306-694-4644 OR CHECKOUT OUR FACEBOOK Branded synthetic oil change special Cars $38 Trucks and Suv's $68 European and Diesel $118 2 Person Best Ball, 18 Holes $80.00 per person. Registration 9:00 A.M. Golden South Childcare Chil Golf Tournament ur July 6, Shot Gun Start 10:00 A.M. To register call 306-642-5442 432 High St.West| MooseJaw,Sask 306-972-9020 Celebrating 11 yearsCelebrating11year It Is Time YouFound Serenity MOOSEJAW SideWalk Days July 4,5and 6 SeeUsThere
With over 30 vendors displaying their wares, there was something to interest all who flooded the street. Live Entertainment by Amelia Hanstock, made the day even more fun. Jenna, one of the organizers of the day is quoted “ We started off with a simple plan this year and we weren’t expecting quite the popularity. So each market will get even better.”
Birdwatching: how to get started
Are you a senior looking for a new hobby that’s both relaxing and rewarding? Birdwatching might just be what you need. Not only is it a great way to get outside and spend time in nature, but it’s also a fantastic way to spend time with friends and family who share your interests. www.assiniboiaar
First, you’ll need a good pair of binoculars and a birding guide. You can find these at most outdoor supply stores or online. Once you have your gear, it’s time to head out into the great outdoors.
One of the best things about birdwatching is that you can do it just about anywhere. Whether you’re in a local park, on a hike or even in your backyard, there are always birds to be found. To get the most out of your birdwatching experience, try to go out at dawn or dusk when birds are most active.
As you start to spot different bird species, try to take note of their distinct features such as their size, colour and shape. You can even bring along a notebook and jot down your observations. This will help you identify the different species later and add to the fun of the experience.
Why not give birdwatching a try? You might just discover a new passion that will keep you entertained for years to come.
A2 Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024
Dale Gee Sales 306-640-8058 -640-805 Aiden Miller AidenMiller Sales 306-650-7601 23rd rd Anniversary Celebration 23 23rd rd Anniversary Celebration lebratio Door Prizes 2023 NXTR4 MSRP-$25,100 NelsonAnniversary Price- $21,750 Boat and Marine parts 20 % OFF Air and Oil Filters 25 % OFF RV Accessories - Cashand Carry 25 % OFF 2024 CHEVEQUINOX Engine- Turbocharged Gas1.5L MSRP $42,650 Nelson Price $42,150 Stk #24059 AnniversaryCash Discount $500 2024 SIERRA SLT Engine GasV86.2L MSRP $84,914 Nelson Price $79,614 Stk #24221 AnniversaryCash Discount $5300 2024 SILVERADO LTZ Engine- Gas V8 5.3L MSRP $84,849 Nelson Price $79,549 Stk #24084 Anniversary Cash Discount $5300 2023 SIERRADENALI DEMO Engine- Gas V8 5.3L MSRP $92,578 Special Nelson Price $76,500 Stk #23157 2024SIERRA DENALI Engine- Turbocharged Diesel 3.0L MSRP $92,634 Nelson Price $86,024 Stk #24087 Anniversary Cash Discount $8300 2024 SILVERADOHIGHCOUNTRY Engine Gas V86.2LMSRP $92,344 Nelson Price $87,044 Stk #24145 Anniversary Cash Discount $5300 2024 SIERRAELEVATION Engine- Gas5.3L MSRP $78,989 NelsonPrice $77,489 Stk #24108 Anniversary Cash Discount $1500 2024 SIERRA DENALI Engine TurbochargedDiesel 3.0L MSRP $100,229 NelsonPrice $94,929 Stk #24039 Anniversary Cash Discount $5300 Sale Ends June 30th. Sale Ends June 30th. SOUTHLAND CO-OP PHARMACY ~ ASSINIBOIA 306-642-4766 A medication review with your pharmacist gives you the opportunity to ensure all of your medications are working together to give you the maximum benefit.
ts-related activities
our community.
Season Presenting Sponsor Programming Sponsor
The Assiniboia &DistrictArtsCouncil would liketo thank Everyone who has suppor ted our 2023-2024 Season and our Sponsors forhelping us bring
If anyone wouldliketomakea Donation or Sponsor our
, please contact Alison at 306-640-7031.
July 2-Aug 16
Ages L-12
Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024 A3 ASSINIBOIA AQUATIC CENTRE OPENING DAY,
SET 1, JULY 8-19
WEEKS) • SET 2, JULY 22-AUG 2 (2 WEEKS) SET 3, AUGUST 12-16 (1 WEEK) •
7 week program. Sign up for one week, tw o weeks, or all seven weeks! Option to
sw imming lessons This is a play program brought to you by the Town of Assiniboia & CIF! 9:00am-3:00pm, Monday-Friday If your child is enrolled in sw imming Lessons we will take them to and from! Pack a bagged lunch. We provide snacks & play! Located in Kin Hut
Summer Day Camp
Editorial & Opinions
Sherri Solomko/Freelance Reporter
Community barbecues and fundraising barbecues are not just a staple of summer but also a mainstay in our communities because of what they represent and what they offer.
The meat of this story isn’t just the burgers being flipped or the fundraisers being organized it’s the heart and soul of our communities and our provinces just digging in to help in any way they can.
People don’t flock to these burger sales because they are craving a hamburger, they come out because they are wanting to help. They want to be part of the community culture that rolls up their sleeve and doesn’t moan about who is and who isn’t doing their part, they just come out and start cooking or start buying to support the cause that needs supporting.
That is why community fundraising BBQs are so main stream and commonplace in all of our communities. You could come out to the event simply because you support the cause or group that is fundraising. Some come out just because they live alone and a BBQ burger is not something often on their menu. Some folks attend because they are busy running their kids from one activity to another and it is a budget friendly option to grab supper on the go, while supporting the fundraising initiative. Others come out because they want the social factor that accompanies these events; come for the food, stay for the fellow -
ship. It’s never just about the burgers.
A local or community approach to fundraising is by definition very specific and targeted. It involves building a relationship between your organization and the people who give you money and support your aims and activities; and let’s face it, food is often the heart and soul of many a fundraising opportunity.
It’s no secret that people are bombarded with requests for their income for a variety of causes on a regular basis. $100 tickets are not an affordable option for everyone, and the odds of return on this donation aren’t ideal. We receive requests by mail, email, text, on our social media accounts and some are even presented at the front door of our homes. A simple community BBQ event is one way we can donate to the cause spending as little as 5 bucks, and getting a meal in return. There is always the option to donate more at the event if the supporter so chooses. But, here, at these fundraising BBQ’s, we aren’t judged by the size of the donation we present; instead being thanked for the choice to support and/or contribute. Our $5 is combined with a 100 or more other $5 donations and soon enough, that fundraiser is deemed a success because the combined effort of many has garnered a portion or completion of their fundraising initiative.
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no community”.... Anthony J. D’Angelo
Teachers agree to binding arbitration for prov’l collective agreement
The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has agreed to participate in binding arbitration for the issues of wages and class complexity-accountability framework.
The decision was made following extensive consultation with members that took place this week. As a result, the current provincewide work-torule sanction will cease at 4 p.m. today and there will be no further sanctions.
“Our consultation with members indicates that teachers see binding arbitration as the best path to an agreement that will take steps to address class complexity and also provide students, families and teachers with stability for the rest of this school year and into the fall,” said Samantha Becotte, president of the STF.
“Securing a written commitment from the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee that class complexityaccountability framework would be part of the joint submission for arbitration meant the Teachers’ Bar-
gaining Committee was able to bring the proposal to members.”
Based on numerous member consultations throughout the week, approximately three-quarters of members believe binding arbitration is the best path forward. This was consistent throughout all consultations.
When the TBC declared a bargaining impasse on June 5, the GovernmentTrustee Bargaining Committee offered binding arbitration on the issues of wages and the accountability framework, a proposal that was rejected by the TBC because it did not include class complexity. That proposal was revised to include class complexity-accountability framework and wages, which aligned with teachers’ position.
The TBC has confirmation from the GTBC that the agreed-upon language for the joint submission would request binding arbitration for “wages and class complexity-accountability framework.” In March, the TBC had pro -
posed binding arbitration on class size and complexity only, but that offer was rejected by the GTBC.
The decision to participate in binding arbitration means STF members will not vote on a collective agreement. The arbitrator’s award (decision) on the two issues under arbitration is legally binding and it will be incorporated into the final provincial collective bargaining agreement along with all other matters agreed to during negotiations.
The next step in the process is the appointment of a mutually agreed arbitrator. The availability of an arbitrator will determine how soon a hearing can be held.
A hearing typically takes place over a few days and allows each side to present arguments, rationale and documentation to support their position. The resulting award of the arbitrator may take several months and is delivered in the form of a written report.
“Throughout collective bargaining teachers have
firm that there must be a commitment by government to respond to class complexity. Including class complexity-accountability framework in binding arbitration allows us to make our case to a neutral third party and provides an opportunity for progress in addressing the needs of Saskatchewan students,” Becotte says.
“The overwhelming support of parents and caregivers, students, community groups and businesses has encouraged and sustained teachers during a challenging year. Together we have been able to position public education at the centre of community and political conversation. Teachers will continue the fight for publicly funded education and long-term, sustainable solutions that address the needs of students and schools.”
A4 Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024
Assiniboia office: Linda
Sales Manager Sue
Administration Times
Advertising: Editorial: The Assiniboia Times is published every Friday. Mailing address is Assiniboia Times, P.O. Box 910, Assiniboia, SK SOH 0BO Assiniboia Times is owned and operated by Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a subsidiary of Glacier Media Inc. Member of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association, the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association and the Canadian Media Circulation Audit Inc. Yearly subscription rates: One Year $52.50 (within Saskatchewan) $63.00 (outside Saskatchewan). All prices include GST. The publisher reserves the right to restrict all advertisements to their proper classifications, to edit or reject any copy, and to set typographical standards. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be responsible for errors in advertisements submitted other than in clear writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. The advertiser agrees that the publisher will not be liable for damage arising out of errors, in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the actual space occupied, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s servants or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount actually paid for such advertisement. All claims of errors must be received by the publisher within 30 days of such insertion. The contents of the Assiniboia Times are protected by Copyright registered with the Access Copyright Office at Toronto. Reproduction of any material herein may be made only with the written permission of publisher. ISSN 1715-734X Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office department Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cast. Publication Mail Agreement Number 40069240 Registration Number 7925 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESS TO: P.O. BOX 910 ASSINIBOIA, SK S0H 0B0 Assiniboia Times is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email or call the newsroom at 306-642-5901. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Phone: 306-642-5901 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Publisher: Gordon Brewerton Senior Group Publisher
Email opinion letters to:
Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024 A5 Check out moredetails at All items will be sold unassembled Monday to Saturday 8:30 A.M. -5:30 P.M. 104-2NDAVE.W.• 306-642-4413 Jordan Daniel Ted Kevin Char 112 CENTRE ST.|306-642-4699 Ken Jacqui
Celebrating its 45th year, the St. Victor Biker Boogie was once again a hit with the young and old alike. Bikers from far and wide look forward to the events of this annual weekend to share fun, stories, games that showed the skill of these riders, music and friendship. Very well attended once again, all proceeds go to charities each year.
Monday - Thursday 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. or
June 21, 2024 CivicNews
Do youhaveacontractor doing renovations,repairs or any work this spring/summer? Please askyour contractorsifthey havea valid Businesslicensefor theTownofAssiniboia. 2024 Business Licenses arevalid from April1,2024toMarch 31, 2025. Contractorswho do not obtain abusinesslicense,will leavetheir customer withthe cost of thelicense.
If youhavequestions regarding avalid businesslicense, please call theTownOfficeat(306) 642-3382orcheckour business directoryat https://www business_directory.html
SewerJetting – didyou getthe voyentalert? Pleasebeadvised that theTownofAssiniboiaissewer jetting around our community.Sewer jetting canoftenleaveanunpleasant odor around thework area and youmay experiencethe backflowofsewer gases in your house. Running waterinyour sinks, bathtubs/showers, flushingyour toilets,etc will fillp-traps to eliminatethe backflow of sewergases &the odor
This information wassent on Voyent alertonJune 12th. Be in theknow – sign up today!
→ COMPOST& BRANCHES: areaccepted year-round for FREE at theLandfill. There will be no curbside compostpick-up by theTown.
→ COUNCILMEETING: Held in CouncilChambersinthe AsaskanComplex, 131 3rdAve West.The nextcouncil meetingwill be Tuesday,June 25, 2024 at6:30p.m
→ Thank youfor followingalong on theTownofAssiniboiaCivic News.Got an idea youwouldliketosee in this spot?Email
A6 Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024
• @assiniboiarecandwellness @townassiniboia• @assiniboiarecreation To wn Office: 306-64 2- 3382 •1 31 Th irdAve nue We st E :t owno ffi ce@assinibo ia .ne t• www.a ssiniboi
Office Saskatchewan’sOnly Stop. July 25 July 25 Australia’s Assiniboia Times 410 1st Ave. East 306-642-5901 OFFICE HOURS
Tickets Available at
at The Town Of Assiniboia
Age is just a number, athletic success story of former ACHS teacher
Sherri Solomko
Freelance Reporter
Residents may remember Jim Stangel as an Algebra, Geo-Trig and Computers teacher at Assiniboia Composite High School, where he taught for 21 years. While in Assiniboia, Stangel also coached girl’s softball and served as advisor to the SADD group for many years.
Stangel recently earned two gold medals on the track at the Saskatchewan Senior’s Fitness Association 55+ games held in North Battleford June 1113. Stangel turned 80 in May of this year.
“In 2004, at the age of 60, I entered the Sask 55+ Games competition. I decided to try track because my legs always worked quite well. There were Zone games then and I went to Moose Jaw for those. I was successful there and then participated in the Provincial 55+ Games in Humbold,” said Stangel
The former Assiniboia senior athlete said he won his first gold medal in the 100m race in Humboldt and was thrilled with his 13.75 second result.
With SSFA competitions every two years, and no games held during COVID-19, Stangel has competed eight times in provincials, plus the zone competitions. As evidenced in the photo he shares, the results have bene multiple medals won in the past two years.
The newly inaugurated 80-year-old said, “The games give me another reason for staying active besides the health benefits of daily activity. And I do enjoy competing. When I get on the track, I do not enjoy looking at the rear end of someone ahead of me. I prefer them to be looking at mine.”
Stangel acknowledges that he has always been interested in track events but did not consider partici -
11:00-1:00 Kids Funtime/Amusement pour lesenfants Face Painting, Puppetshow, Songs, Crafts/ Peinture du visage, spectacledemarionettes, chansons,bricolage ScavengerHuntfor allages/ Chasse au trésor pour tous lesâges! Thankyou to oursponsors!
pating until he saw an advertisement in the Moose Jaw newspaper about the 55+ games being held there in 2004.
“When I first started competing, I entered the 100m, the 200m, the 400m and the 800m. There usually was a relay race as well and I would be part of the 4-person team for that. In the Zone games, I would run all those races in one day. YES, one day. I was plenty sore the next day. At the Provincials, the races were spread over two days,” affirms Stangel
The games have evolved over the years, now including a 50m race, which is one of the events Stangel won a gold medal in this year. It was somewhat of a good news/bad news story as Stangel was entered to run the 100mrace but tore a muscle in his calf while running the 50m, making the gold medal win even more impressive.
Another former ACHS
teacher, Ed Bearss, helped Stangel with his training when he first began competing.
“He had exercises and training suggestions for me to follow. I ran on the streets in Assiniboia every day. The tracks in Assiniboia were poorly maintained (gopher holes) so street running was the best option. I used to do gym workouts too but that has lessened over time. This year, I trained by doing a brisk 30 minute walk every day as well as exercises with weights on alternate days. I also ran daily, sometimes in the parkade of the condo building I live in,” adds Stangel Stangel modestly pointed out that with the SSFA 55+ games, age categories go up in five-year intervals starting at 55. So, he points out the obvious, stating that the 75+ and 80+ categories, there is not a lot of competitors. However, former students and staff remarked on social media their pride in his accomplishments, knowing the
commitment and efforts it still takes to compete.
“I have met many wonderful people at the competitions. People who like to remain active. I could have gone to the National Competitions many times but chose not to go. Participation at that level would require a longer and more intense preparation. One has to make choices,” said Stangel.
This former Algebra teacher was once an x-pert in class but now there’s a reason this retired math teacher has a favorite season, Summer.
The Rural Municipality of Excel No 71 offers for sale the following property: Lot 4 Block 8 Plan No 63MJ08188 Ext 0
A tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Property Tender” addressed to: Rural Municipality of Excel No 71 Box 100 Viceroy, SK S0H 4H0
Tenders must be postmarked by 4:00 p.m local time on July 2, 2024.
A certified cheque to the municipality for 5% of the amount of the tender must accompany the tender. Successful bidder will have 30 days to provide the balance of cash to complete the purchase.
Highest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted Dated the 21st day of June, 2024.
Jan McDonald Administrator Rural Municipality of Excel No 71
Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024 A7
WHERE: MAZENOD HALL TIME: STEAK SUPPER AT 6:00 P.M MEETING TO FOLLOW. EVERYONE WELCOME Monday July 1st, 2024 Lundi 1er Juillet, 2024 Come Celebrate Le MuséedeWillowBunch LA FÊTE DU CANADA at the/ aux
9:00-4:00 -OpenHouse /PortesOuvertes 11:00-1:00 -BBQ /Barbecue- $8.00 Door Prizes /Prixdepresence
Invite home automation into your garden!
Home automation is a modern technology that allows you to control various systems in your home using your smartphone. It’s an efficient way to save energy and money. If you have a garden, it’s a great idea to consider home automation for optimizing plant watering and conserving drinking water.
How does it work?
Using a watering timer and several sophisticated sensors and algorithms, the system detects numerous data points and variables in real time, such as soil moisture and weather. Based on these readings, the system can adjust the irrigation in your garden to provide your plants with the precise amount of water they need, and only when they need it. This means no more wasting water.
Moreover, you can also program the system to water your plants at the best times, such as early in the morning. Depending on the system you choose, you may be able to connect it to other sensors, such as a sunlight sensor and your rainwater collector or well. This allows you to set up personalized watering programs for different areas of your yard. Talk to local home automation companies to learn more about designing a connected and sustainable garden.
Are you thinking of planting a tree or multiple trees on your property? Whether you select the location or the tree first, there are certain factors you need to consider to ensure the tree survives and thrives. Here are a few:
• Soil type. Different tree species have specific soil preferences. You must determine if your soil is dry, damp, sandy or loamy and choose a tree that will grow well in those conditions.
• Sunlight. The amount of sunlight your planting site receives and the amount required by the tree species is another important factor.
• Hardiness zone. Choose a species that can survive in your region’s hardiness zone, or it may not make it through the winter.
• Tree characteristics. You must consider various as-
pects of the tree, including its height, width, shape, type, colour of the leaves, flowering habits and other characteristics that suit the available space and match your preferences.
• Surroundings. If your yard has a swimming pool, vegetable garden, parking area or power lines, it will influence your choice of tree species and location. For example, you don’t want a tree whose fruit will fall on your car or the neighbour’s property or that will eventually shade your vegetable garden.
• Local regulations. Some cities and towns have specific requirements regarding the species planted and the location.
Don’t hesitate to consult your local plant nursery to make an informed decision.
A8 Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024
Factors to consider when planting trees CheckOut Our Selection ofCeramic Tiles, Handles, Counter Tops and Cabinets Summer Sale on all Flooring Luxur yVinyl Plank, Carpet, Laminate and more. See in store for morehome renovations. SALE ON IN STOCKLINOAND CARPET. 200 2nd Ave. West Assiniboia, SK 306-642-3339 Motorized 40% OFF All otherblinds 35% OFF Blinds by Vertican Graber Blinds BLINDS Summer S le Sale e HS Restoration, Assiniboia Providing Emergency Insurance Services for Home and Businesses 24 Hours 7Daysa Week. Call Brian at 306-640-8325 We Can Bring Your Home Back To Life •Water and Flood Damage •Fireand Smoke •Sewer Cleanup •Mold •Carpet and Fur nitureCleaning •Counter Tops •Cabinets •Wedoitall! Call us first Gayland Panko 306-630-7911 Let me helpyou find yourhome or farmland
Which flooring should
Finishing the basement is a crucial step in completing your home. However, before you can install your new television or exercise equipment, there are a few things you need to do, such as cover the floor. There are several materials to choose from, including ceramic, vinyl and engineered wood. Which should you go with? Here’s a comparison.
Although typically expensive, ceramic has its advantages. It’s moisture resistant, tolerant of temperature extremes and waterproof, making it ideal if you live in a flood zone. Ceramic is also very durable but can be a bit cold on the feet.
Flexible and easy to maintain, vinyl is highly moisture resistant. Additionally, you can easily install it yourself. Are you on a tight budget? Vinyl is an affordable option. The only drawback is that it wears out more quickly than other flooring options.
Engineered wood
Made of several layers of plywood with natural wood on top, engineered wood is less likely to warp than hardwood floors, which aren’t recommended for basements. Although often the most expensive solution, engineered wood offers a warm and distinguished finish.
Other materials are gaining popularity in basements. For example, cork provides excellent soundproofing, while laminate is available in various shades. Are you torn between several options? Consult a flooring professional. They’ll help you find the right flooring for your style and budget.
Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024 A9
I choose for my basement?
this summer
me r in your back yard. Seeustoday to orderyour s Custom Made Outdoor Furniture Ready to Finish Watchfor upcoming promos this summer 403 -1st AVENUE WEST 306-642-5944
Helen Coghill
Helen Ann Coghill (Myron) passed away peacefully on June 4, 2024, at the age of 95, at Prair ie Villa in Assiniboia SK She is predeceased by her husband Glen and daughter Mar lene Helen was bor n in Moose Jaw in 1929 and was raised in the Crest wynd distr ict She pursued a career in nursing and later wor ked in Mossbank While there, Mom met the love of her life – Glen They were marr ied on November 20 1954 and had seven children: Nancy (Bill) Mar lene (deceased) Leanne (Dan), Ian (Vicki), Karen (John), Gar th (Gilette), Gar y (Renee); 19 grandchildren; as well as 8 great-grandchildren Dur ing those years of child-rear ing, Mom put her hear t into filling her role as a mother providing for the family’s needs – a role that she continued to demonstrate throughout her life Mom was known for her dogged wor k ethic and her massive garden was one of her greatest joys Throughout the years Mom and Dad wor ked side by side on many far ming tasks Mom was a nur tur ing mother and her grandchildren held a special spot in her hear t She always had fresh buns chocolate chip cookies or other baked goods on hand The grandkids lear ned the love of cards while sitting on Mom’s lap Mom had a quiet faith and church communit y was impor tant to her She was involved in the United Church Women’s group for many years with roles We will remember Mom for her love of animals, cheer ing on the Toronto Blue Jays and her cur ling teams Her war m smile, kindness to others, and love of playing cards with family and fr iends will be missed Funeral Ser vice for Helen was held Tuesday June 11 2024 at 2:00 pm at St Paul s United Church in Assiniboia SK Wendy Gibson DLMr officiated tr ibute was presented by daughters-in-law Vicki and Renee Pallbearers were grandsons Quentin Coghill, Mar k Coghill, Austin Coghill, Scott Irwin, Ben Irwin, Ryan Moneo and Noah Coghill Inter ment in Congress Baptist Cemeter y, Congress, SK Donations in memor y of Helen may be made to Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Fond memor ies and expressions of sympathy for the Coghill family may be shared at www rossfuneralser vice com Arrangements entr usted to Ross Funeral Ser vice, Assiniboia, SK 306-642-3373
Delphine Emma Berard Januar y 5th, 1924 –June 8th, 2024
It is with heavy hear ts and sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother Delphine She passed away peacefully at the age of 100 at the Assiniboia Union Hospital, Assiniboia, SK with family by her side Delphine was predeceased by her husband Leonard (1986), daughter Mar ie Vaughn (2022), four siblings: Mar ie Salaba (2022), Herber t Jerome Flavia McGilles Mable Granger and granddaughter Bambi She is sur vived by her children Herber t (Barbara), Cecil (Claudette), Gail Berard, and Larr y (Doreen), numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren
Delphine was bor n near Rockglen, Saskatchewan She marr ied our beloved father, Leonard Berard in 1942 and they far med by Willow Bunch until they retired to Moose Jaw in 1986 She moved to Red Deer Alber ta then eventually back to Saskatchewan to reside at Ross Payant Centennial Nursing Home where she lived until her passing
As per her wishes, there will be no ser vice Her ashes will be bur ied with Dad in Veterans Rosedale Cemeter y, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
The family wants to thank all the staff at the Ross Payant Centennial Nursing Home for the wonderful care they gave to our mother She was treated with utmost respect and loved by all
Thank you to the staff at Assiniboia Union Hospital and the doctors for ensur ing that our mother was kept comfor table
Thank you to Anette at Ross Funeral Ser vice for all of her help Donations in memor y of Delphine may be made to Ross Payant Nursing Home – Front Patio Project; cheques payable to “Assiniboia Auxiliar y for Long Ter m Care Homes – RPNH” Memo: “Front Patio Project” PO Box 454, Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0 Fond memor ies and expressions of sympathy for the Berard family may be shared at www rossfuneralser vice com Arrangements entr usted to Ross Funeral Ser vice, Assiniboia, SK
Motor scrapers, dozers, excavators, rock trucks, packers; wide range of machines.
Lots of work all season. Camp/R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844
Email: brydenconstruct@ www. brydenconstruction
A10 Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING To book Classified Advertising call: 306-642-5901 or email: Deadline: Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. the week before publication Prepayment required... Word Ads 20 words $6.50 Second Week $6.50 Additional Weeks Half Price Additional Words $0.25 Make Bold for $2.25 Promote Your Business Locally Business Services Guide AUTO BODY LEGAL BUILDING SUPPLIES PLUMBING & HEATING REAL ESTATE FARM EQUIPMENT RENTALS NEW IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD? Call 642-5901 to book into the business directory Keep our community beautiful! Recycle this paper! Adver tisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibilit y of the persons or entities that post the adver tisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warrant y as to the accuracy, completeness, tr uthfulness, or reliabilit y of such adver tisements For greater infor mation on adver tising conditions, please consult the Association's Blanket Adver tising Conditions on our website at www swna com WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN HEATED... LIGHT BUGS... TOUGH MIXED GRAIN SPRING THRASHED WHEAT... OATS PEAS... BARLEY CANOLA... FLAX “ON FARM PICKUP” WESTCAN FEED & GRAIN 1-877-250-5252 Find QUALIFIED LOCAL EMPLOYEES, using the strength of communit y newspapers! Visit www swna com or call 306649-1405 to find out how! PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS 49 local communit y newspapers, distr ibuting to over 450 communities, including 14 cities Reach over 550,000 readers weekly Call 306649 1405 or visit www swna com for details AGPRO SEEDS - BUYING HEATED CANOLA, FEED BARLEY & FEED GRAIN #1 buyer on the prair ies, top pr ice paid! For Bids Call/Text: 306873-0481 Email: sales@agproseeds com FORAGE SEED FOR SALE: Organic & conventional: Sweet Clover Alfalfa Red Clover Smooth Brome Meadow Brome Crested Wheatgrass Timothy etc Star Cit y SK Birch Rose Acres Ltd 306921-9942 WANTED: JOHN DEERE SQUARE BALER Can be Wor king or for par ts/repair/missing par ts Models 327/328/336/337/338/346/347/ TUB GRINDER Haybuster/New Holland/Far mhand\ Bearcat Can be r usted out or Needing repair ROCK RAKE and ROCK PICKER can be PTO, hydraulic or ground dr ive Does not have to be in Wor king condition Call 1-306946-9669 GRASSROOTS COO PERATIVE Now in 3 locations! HAZENMORE 264-5111 LIMERICK 263-2033 WOODROW 472-3742 • 3500 PSI Portable Pressure Washer • REM Grain Vac • 10 Round Bale Haukaas Picker • Heavy Hitter Post Pounder • Hydraulic Bin Anchor Machine • Lumber • Posts • Building Supplies • Westfield & Meridian Augers • Batco Conveyors • Westeel Bins & Parts BULK FUEL - CROP INPUTS - FERTILIZER SYSTEM WIDE CARD LOCK AT ALL THREE LOCATIONS PRAIRIE MECHANICAL SERVICES Commercial & Residential • Bryant Furnaces & Air Conditioners • Water Softener & Filters • Sheet Metal Work Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Gas Fitting Pumps • Natural Gas Fireplaces & Barbecues 306-648-3469 Fax: 306-648-2248 Gravelbourg w.prairiemechanica NELSON GM Auto Body S.G.I. Accredited Assiniboia’s Only Full Downdraft Paint Booth Frames, Windshield Replacement, Stone Chip & Repair Thanks for your Support! 329 1st Ave. West 642-3434 B.J. Building Supplies McCord, SK 306-478-2577 Color & Galv Metal Cladding; Lumber, Windows & Doors. Including Complete Shop Package at great prices. Phone Bruce for details Dionne Tjeltveit Cassie McCann LOCAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES 306-642-3086 306-640-8002 (cell Cassie) 1306-640-7480(cell Dionne) Specializing in: Residential, Commercial &Agriculture Real Estate Free Mar keting Analysis
Career Opportunities Wanted For Sale - Misc Feed & Seed Health Services
Family sees potential in Assiniboia, new business under construction
Sherri Solomko Freelance
The Patel family, operated by Jay Patel, President, along with his father Kan Patel, Director, mother Daxa Patel, Director, operating as Patel Fuel Group Ltd. saw the need and opportunity in Assiniboia and are now constructing a new Petro Canada location with potential for addition of a food option as well.
Patel is a resident of Strasbourg, Sask. and says they operate Petro Canada in Whitewood and Langham, as well as the Tempo location in Strasbourg.
“In 2020, we were looking to expand our business holdings. We saw that an amazing corner lot was for sale in Assiniboia. We looked at the Assiniboia market, and saw a dire need for another fuel station in Town. Our company is heavily focused in investing in smaller towns in Sask. Assiniboia fit our picture. It has a strong community, a big trading area,” said Patel. The site will be located on the corner of Highway 2 and Highway 717 in Assiniboia. “We look to break ground on the building sometime in June,
construction for the PetroCan shall last 6-7 months. We look to open Jan-Feb 2025,” adds Patel.
Patel acknowledges that they have had a great time working with the Town of Assiniboia, making this project happen.
“This is a big investment and a first ground up development for our company. We have a great time working with our architect , for creating a modern building. I think creating something that is useful for members of the Town and area was exciting, “acknowledges Patel.
The new business
group said they purchased the land in late 2020 and had hopes of starting in 2021, however equipment delays and high constructions costs in Covid, they could not proceed. Work started on this project in late March of 2024.
“I think we have amazing reception from Town. I think the people are excited of this. A post by the local Radio system has blown up, and we have hundred of likes and lots of positive engagement from the town. We know this was a big gap in the fuel, c-store market in Assiniboia. Monopoly is
Summer Storms: the importance and value of
Sherri Solomko
Freelancer Reporter
Summer storm season has arrived, evidenced by several weather incidents across the province in June, after receiving tornado warnings in South Eastern Saskatchewan.
Being proactive rather than reactive is important to helping your family in case of a severe weather occurrence, and resulting emergency situations.
One way to stay aware is to download the SaskAlert app on your phone.
Severe weather can happen suddenly and residents need to be aware of these
threats before they occur to protect themselves.
SaskAlert is the Government of Saskatchewan’s emergency public alerting program that provides critical information on emergencies in real time, so you can take action to protect yourself, your family and your property.
Kara Slobodzian, Director of Marketing and Communications for the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) reminds everyone that emergency preparedness is important. Every year, Saskatchewan faces the possibility of emergencies stemming from both
natural and human causes.
Severe weather and other events remind us of the need for emergency preparedness.”
The SPSA advises, “it only takes four simple steps to become better prepared for an emergency that include:
• Know the risks.
• Make a plan.
• Get or prepare a 72-hour emergency kit.
• Download SaskAlert to receive alerts of emergencies happening now in your location.”
To learn more about emergency preparedness, visit Why should you down-
load the SaskAlert app?
An emergency alert issued through this provincial alert system will let you know what the emergency is; let you know where it is happening; provide instructions for you to follow to stay safe as well as advising you when the incident is over.
The SPSA website states, “Alerts can be issued by: Environment Canada, Government of Saskatchewan ministries, crowns and agencies as well as participating local governing jurisdictions.”
The website also informs residents that Environment Canada is the
never good for anyone. Competition allows us to be on our toes, and provide a great experience. We like to innovate and provide things to consumers that other stores might not have.” said Patel.
With project costs between $6.5-7M, provided by Patel, this will be a big investment for Assiniboia, creating jobs and work for the local area.
“I am sure, having this facility will entice people to choose Assiniboia as their home. Local is important to us, and we will look at ways to give back to the community once we
are open. Our C-Store will have everything the consumers wants and beyond, we look to offer a OneStop shop with competitive pricing,” said Patel Offering competitive fuel pricing will be another goal, including benefits for those who have an RBC card. Excitement was evident around town once people learned of the new business on the horizon for their community and construction start has residents anticipating the opportunity to experience the new location in a matter of months.
being weather aware
lead agency responsible to issue all types and levels of weather-related alerts including advisories and special weather statements, watches and warnings.
The EC weather alerts that SaskAlert carries are:
• Tornado – watches and warnings
• Any warnings issued for: blizzards, blowing snow, dust storms, extreme cold, freezing drizzle, freezing rain, heat and rainfall, severe thunderstorm, snowfall, wind and winter storm
Saskatchewan residents can receive alerts by downloading the SaskAlert app, by visiting the SaskAlert
website at www.saskalert. ca or following their local radio and tv broadcaster, who will also issue critical alerts issued by federal, provincial and local alerting authorities.
Both provincial and federal government agencies advise residents to be prepared for up to 72 hours in case of emergency caused by severe weather or other emergency occurrences. Logging onto these agency’s’ websites provide lists of items people should have ready to go if an emergency should occur and includes water, food, batteries and other emergency essentials.
Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024 A11
protect your from hail... but you can insure them Contact Talsa Warken at 306-640-8814 today! BRANDON’S HAIL INSURANCE. NCE Competitive RatesCompetitiveRate andReliable Companies. CallToddat306-640-5260 Call Todd at 306-640-5260 or Marla at 306-640-7552 -640-7552 Call us today Municipal Hail Insurance has been insuring farmers for over 100 years! Please call or email for moreinformation or visit the R.M. of Lakeofthe Rivers No.72 office to apply for coverage. SHANESE MIELKE Phone: (306)642-3533 Cell: (306) 640-8650 Email: HAIL INSURANCE Protect your CROPS andyourLIVELIHOOD Premiumoptions designed foryou Coverage availablefor any RM in Saskatchewan Leah Munteanu 306 631-1586 PROTECT AGAINST THIS HAIL INSURANCE ANCE TheHailSeasonisuponus! The Hail Season is upon us! ForAll your insuranceneeds contact: ance needs LARRYTHORBURN HORBURN 306-642-4779 2-4779 (home) (home or 306-642-7814 (c) WE OFFER •Reliable Companies eliable Compan •CompetitiveRates ompetitiv ates •Evening and On-Farm Service •Policieseffectivethe Next Dayat Noon olicie ctiv tNoon
New Assiniboia Municipal Airport Authority formed, exciting goals ahead
Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
It hasn’t been a fast process and there is still much work to be done that requires collaborative efforts by those involved with Assiniboia’s Airport, the Town of Assiniboia and partnering organizations, as well as RMs of 72 and 73, community members and those that appreciate the value of an airport option from their home community.
There have been many changes at Assiniboia’s Airport since it was first created in the early 1940s. Did you know Assiniboia’s Airport was built to help training air force members for WWII. It was administered by the Central Manitoba Flying School and graduated 2096 students. The town took over after the war in 1947.
Numerous changes have taken place over the years and a dedicated group of people are working hard to reinstate appreciation and value for this important asset to Assiniboia.
The change in leadership has taken place over a two-year time span.
Grant Payant, board member, says the Saskatchewan Air Ambulance has taking a liking to their
group. They had to fly a person out in the past and were not happy with condition of runway. Since then, industrious people committed to keeping the airport viable undertook some patchwork on the runway and the recent Air Ambulance pilot who landed here was happy with results.
Weather dependant, June 26, the Saskatchewan Air Ambulance team will fly down with air ambulance for a come and go event, at the airport. The intention of the event is to draw attention to the goals the new airport authority have as well as seeing, and hearing, all that this community airport provides to the community and surrounding area. Attendees will have a chance to come on board a Sask. Air Ambulance to learn about organization is all about.
The Sask. Air Ambulance has made five transfers from this airport in seven years, resulting in many lives being saved.
The Assiniboia Municipal Airport Authority hope to do 100% of the management but the town will own 100% of the facility and will have representation on the board.
Payant notes that at one time there were 15
airplanes used to fly out of this facility. The flying club was active until the early 2000s and they built a clubhouse on site but have since donated it back to the town.
“A lot of training took place there but farming got tough and the airplane regulations changed, which changed all the dynamics,” said Payant.
The goal is to improve the runway and make it longer to accommodate larger airraft. Hoping that STARS will be able to use the revamped runway for instrument approach in inclement weather. Update lighting to new LED lights would be installed too. The cost of this refurbishing to enable this airport to expand its use and create something viable for the future could run upwards of $3Million.
Payant affirms they are building a 5–10-year plan together and will get quotes on what they realistically can do. One of those things will be applying for available grants, provincial and federal government grants, a portion will have to be raised locally as most grants are matching.
Did you know Assiniboia’s airport was the ori-
ginal homestead of John Engstrom and Oscar Hogland; that land was given to the airport for their use? All history is included on the Cairn that stands on the location’s grounds.
At one time the flying club hosted fly in breakfasts, held poker derbies and raised money for the clubhouse as well as donating money back to the community. There has been a lot of flight training at this Assiniboia Airport as well as search and rescue training and being a base for Sask. Air Ambulance, and
to ag applicators.
“Recently the Assiniboia Fire Department were involved in a mock crash training and had to do gride searches for the pilot and passenger that ejected, in their mock incident. This training is invaluable when applying to real life scenarios that could occur.”
Payant and Engstom’s long time commitment to upgrading and maintaining Assiniboia’s airport, while showcasing the value of this facility to the community, is unending. They want to honor the airport’s
history while creating a revitalized airport that will serve the community in many years to come, in many different forms.
Payant knows that it will take community support and engagement to help make their vision a reality and they are counting on airport users, residents and visitors to see what their vision could lead to for this important facility.
There are great details on the Assiniboia Airport’s history on the RCAP Station Assiniboia Wikipedia page.
A12 Assiniboia Times, Assiniboia Saskatchewan -- June 21, 2024
Register by callingthe Chamber at 306-642-5553 Canada Day Celebrationspresentedby Town of Assiniboia. July 1, 2024 ADay Filled WithFun For All Ages 9:00 A.M. -11A.M. FREE Pancake Breakfast (SouthlandCo-op Food Store parking lot) Sponsored by Southland Co-op FREE Swimmingfrom12pm-8pm PARADE 11:00 A.M. DECORATE YOUR BIKE, DRESS UP YOUR PETS, DRIVE YOUR FANCYCAR, BE CREATIVE!
1:00 P.M. -5:00P.M.1:00P.M.-5:00 P.M Bringthe family outfor • BouncyHouses • Face Painting • Balloon Twisting • Carnivalgames • AxeThrowing • Beer Gardens. FREE Swimming imming 12:00 P.M. -8:00 P.M. :00P.M.
Don' A Day Full of
Fun for y f
from 12:00 P.M. -4:00P.M. Let's Party in Centennial Park 11:00A.M. -4:00P.M. 3rd Annual Smoker Cook Off.LocatedinCentral Park 1:00 P.M -2:00P.M. KowacatooseDancers 2:00 P.M.- 4:00 P.M. Badlands Countr yBand 9:00 A.M. -4:00P.M , Bring your ownsmokerand allsuppliedneeded forpreparation. FREE Swimmingfrom 12:00 P.M. -8:00 P.M. Monday, July 1st Centennial Park Assiniboia's 3rdAnnual
CHECK US OUTON FACEBOOK:TownofAssiniboia Recreation &CommunityWellness CEBO own of Assiniboia &Community Wellnes ww w. as sinibo ia re cr ea ti sinib oia eati on .co m FREE Swimming ing 12:00 P.M. -8:00 P.M. :00P.M. :00P.M. CANADADAY HAPPY 1st JULY Le t' sP ar ty On
1:00P.M.- 4:00 P.M. TradeShow 10:30 P.M. Fireworks Display at FireworksDisplay theAssiniboiaFairgrounds the Assiniboia Fairgrounds