The Wardens to bring music of nature, the mountains
By Greg Nikkel,
The Wardens will bring their unique blend of original songs and stories about Canada’s protected wilderness areas to the Cugnet Centre stage, as they are the next artists to be featured by the Weyburn Concert Series on Thursday, Oct. 24.
The Rocky Mountainbased band’s music reflects the lands protected as Canadian National Parks wardens.
Scott Ward, now retired from the Park Service, plays along with longtime partner, Ray Schmidt, who is a current serving park warden in Jasper, Alta., along with fiddler Scott Duncan, and Nico Humby on the standup bass and mandolin.
Ward noted the group came into being after he and fellow warden Schmidt played at a reunion of park wardens from across Canada, held in Banff.
They started playing together more, and formed
as a group in 2009. Ward plays standup bass and guitar, while Schmidt plays mandolin, guitar and standup bass, enabling the group members to switch roles around on stage in between the telling of tales from the mountain parks.
“Ray and I have written most of the songs about our lives as wardens. It’s about the land and the people, plus Ray has a couple of songs about the prairies,” said Ward.
He noted that they have incorporated a visual element into their show, as videos and photos will be shown on the big screen behind them to illustrate what experiences or stories they are singing about.
Ward spent 35 years working for the National Parks, spending about half that time as a back-country warden on horseback, and the other half working in search-and-rescue in Banff National Park. He also spent three years working in the Pacific Rim Park on the west coast of Vancou-
ver Island.
Through OSAC (Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils) the group will be doing a tour to 19 Saskatchewan communities, with 10 this fall and another nine in the spring, and in between they will tour in the U.S., from Great Falls, Mont., to California, Washington and Oregon.
“Wherever we go, it goes over really well,” said Ward, noting they have shared their music all across Canada and the U.S., from PEI to Prince Rupert, and from southern California to Alaska.
He characterizes their music as folk and western, and is entirely acoustic with tight harmonies, which audiences appreciate no matter where they have played.
The Wardens are currently working on their fifth album, and will have CDs available at the concert in Weyburn along with copies of a book about park warden life written by
a good friend of theirs.
“We enjoy meeting people, that’s a big part of the show for us,” said Ward.
They have done shows in Saskatchewan before, but this will be the first performance in Weyburn.

The Wardens to bring stories, songs to Weyburn
The Wardens will bring their unique blend of stories from Canada’s National Parks and songs to the Weyburn Concert Series on Thursday, Oct. 24 at the Cugnet Centre, starting at 7:30 p.m. There will be videos and photos displayed with the songs, and many stories about their adventures will be shared.
Councillor asks for investigation to 16th Street project
By Greg Nikkel,
Weyburn city council approved a request from Coun. Larry Heggs for an investigation into the city’s tendering process, after the City needed to replace the company doing the 16th Street storm main replacement project.
He noted that from the start, there were questions about the wide variance in bids made on the project, with the winning contractor, Folspire, based in Ontario but was able to meet the requirements of the project in their bid.
“Throughout the project, I personally asked in July, August and again in September whether the contractor was meeting the contract’s requirements. I was repeatedly assured that the project was progressing as planned,” said Coun. Heggs.
“However, on Sept. 12,
the contractor, Folspire, was released from the contract with the City of Weyburn,” he added, with A&B Concrete of Weyburn then engaged to complete the project.
“I believe it is imperative that we review this contract and the bid process to ensure such issues do not arise in future projects,” said Coun. Heggs in making the motion that city administration conduct “a thorough investigation and post-mortem review of the bid process for the 16th Street Storm Main Water Replacement project.”
Mayor Marcel Roy wanted it clear that there would be no finger-pointing or blaming about what happened with this project.
Coun. Heggs said from what he understands, everything was handled properly, so the review
“We’re looking forward to coming, for sure. We always enjoy playing on the prairies,” he said. would be to look at if there are improvements that could be made. Coun. Mel Van Betuw commended the city for acting quickly and making the decision to finish the project, and not have it sit unfinished over the fall and winter. Coun. Heggs said this review would not happen until after the

Skies alive with the Northern Lights
The iron bridge on the Weyburn Golf Course road was silhouetted as the Northern Lights were dancing brightly in the skies above, on Thursday evening. The P&H Inland Terminal can be seen in the background to the right.

Ministerial: Living with an attitude of gratitude
By Pastor Cam Weber, Weyburn
Ministerial Association
By the time you read this we will just have come through Thanksgiving weekend. Hoping you all got some time to spend with family and friends being thankful for all we enjoy here in Canada.
With it being election year in Saskatchewan there seems to be more than normal grumblings and complaining about government, high cost of living, wages, etc. Therefore, I
would like to remind you what the Apostle Paul tells us in the Bible what our attitude should be.
Eph. 5:15-20 says, “See then that you walk circumspectly (cautiously) not as fools, but as wise. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, (alcohol), wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns and
spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Here we see Paul telling us to walk cautiously as wise people because the days are evil. Does that sound like the world we live in today? So how does Paul say we are to live? First, we are to understand what God’s will is for our lives. How do we do that? Paul goes on to tell us. We are not to get drunk with alcohol because that only leads to doing foolish things, but rather be filled with the Holy Spirit (God’s Spirit).
How can we be filled with God’s Spirit? By speaking to ourselves (our spirit) in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs and by making melody in your heart to the Lord. As we do this, God will give us understanding in what his will is for our lives.

I often put on good uplifting music, songs, hymns when I am feeling down or discouraged and sing along with them

in my spirit and as I do I find my mood changing and I feel motivated to do good things in my life and for others (with no hangover). This works before bed as well, listen to good wholesome music or positive things and if you wake up during the night, I often have these positive songs and thoughts going through my mind, making melody in my heart.
This is Pastor Cameron Weber saying we can and should be thankful all year long, not just at Thanksgiving time, and should and can live with an attitude of gratitude all year long. As we do this God will reveal his will for your life so you can live a long and fulfilling life, despite living in these evil times. God just like a parent will respond to a grateful heart faster and quicker than to a grumbling and ungrateful heart. Have a happy and thankful next year.

Special Olympics raffle winner
Ali Klippenstine, Fundraising Coordinator for Weyburn Special Olympics, presented raffle winner Dwight Achen with his prizes on Tuesday afternoon. Achen won a number of prizes from Kal Tire, and the raffle raised $2,335 for the Special Olympics program in Weyburn.
Special Olympics raises funds
Dwight Achen was the winner of the Kal Tire Tires for Good raffle that Special Olympics Weyburn held.
The draw was held on Tuesday afternoon, and the raffle ran from Sept. 1 to Oct. 15.
The raffle was for a $1,650 prize pack donated by Kal Tire that included $1,500 towards tires/installation, plus an emergency roadside kit and fleece blanket valued at $150.
The total raised for Weyburn Special Olympics was $2,335. The funds raised will go towards general operating costs, training and development for coaches, board members and volunteers, as well as helping fund any out-of-town competitions for the athletes.

Curator Regan Lanning showed where the over 300 items in the City of Weyburn’s Permanent Art Collection are stored, to Coun. Jeff Richards and his wife Lynette, during the reception on Friday evening at the Weyburn Art Gallery. The reception was held for -

Proclamation for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A new initiative has started in Weyburn, Wey-Strong, that evolved due to the need for support for women living in Weyburn and surrounding communities who have been diagnosed with various types of cancer.
This includes women who are at various stages in their cancer journey. With cancer numbers on the rise, Saskatchewan will see approximately 780 women diagnosed with breast cancer alone in 2024.
The group’s first event is an all-day women’s retreat to be held on Sunday, October 20 at the Weyburn Travelodge. The retreat will start at 9:30 a.m. with registration. The day will include a couple of movement sessions, an information session with a nurse, hands-on crafting activities and an opportunity to socialize with women who have all been diagnosed with cancer. Nutritious snacks and lunch will be provided as well.
The retreat is free to attend and open to all women in Weyburn and surrounding communities that have ever received a cancer diagnosis.
It doesn’t matter if
you have been cancerfree for 10 years or just a few months, organizers would love to have you attend the retreat.
“We want woman of all ages and stages to join us, as the more diverse group we have the more knowledge can be shared,” said organizers in a release. If you are interested in attending or know someone who would benefit from attending, please email weystrong2024@gmail. com
There will be additional spaces for caregivers if one is needed for an attendee to be able to join us.
WeyStrong has longterm plans as well. Future plans include ongoing learning events, movement events and raising funds to eventually equip the oncology unit in the new hospital, and just building a strong group of woman supporting woman here in Weyburn.
If you have questions or would like to support the retreat with a financial or in-kind contribution, message the group on their Facebook page, or email to weystrong2024@ to learn how you can support women diagnosed with cancer in the community.

Consumer prices only rise 1.1% in August in Sask.
The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) num bers show that Saskatch ewan saw an increase of only 1.1 per cent for August 2024 compared to August 2023. This is the lowest year-over-year inflation increase among the provinces, well below the national average of 2.0 per cent. The CPI measures changes in the price of goods and services over time. Inflation is indicat ed by the growth of CPI, which helps assess chan ges to the cost of living. An individual’s ability to buy goods and services is affected by changes in in
Mryglod Steel and Metals Inc. donated a cheque for $40,000 to the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan, the proceeds of their second annual Cure for Cancer Charity Golf Classic held on July 5 at the White Bear Golf Course. This brings their total contribution to $65,000. The funds will go towards the renewal of the Regina Cancer Patient Lodge. From left to right are Tyler Mryglod, Shawn Pollock, Erika Manko, president Sandra Mryglod, Travis Mryglod, Kyle Mryglod and Brad Mryglod. In front accepting the donation is Nora Yeates, CEO of the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan and Sutter Ross.
Strong Economy Bright Future


Graduating players honoured by WCS Eagles
The Grade 12 players for the Weyburn Comp Eagles football gathered on the field along with their families, as they were honoured prior to the start of the game versus Estevan on Saturday afternoon. This was the last regular season game for the Eagles, who will now begin playoffs this Saturday, hosting Moose Jaw Central at 1 p.m.
Comp Eagles defeat Estevan, ready for semi-final playoffs
The WCS Eagles football team entertained the ECS Elecs in the final regular season game of the season on Saturday, the Eagles with a 4-1 record and the Elecs with an 0-5 record.
Pre-game there was a graduate ceremony where the graduating players from each of the teams were introduced along with their families and acknowledged for their contributions to their respective programs.
The Eagles established an early lead with touchdowns from Spencer Bell, Vaughn Wendel, Haydin Buehler and Nolan Uhren.
Estevan answered with a kickoff return touchdown by Jayden Smith to cut into the lead, but the Eagles responded with a touchdown from Max Vennard before the half.
The Eagles used the opportunity to get some game experience for the younger players in the second half. Estevan took advantage and scored twice with Preston Mcguire and Dor-
ian Sifton scoring for the Elecs, but before the end the Eagles scored one more time with Brody Walter getting the touchdown and lifting the Eagles to a 46-22 victory.
The Eagles now look to the playoffs where they will host the Moose Jaw Central Cyclones on Saturday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. at Darold Kot Field. This is the league semi-final, and the winner will take on the winner of the other semifinal where Balgonie is hosting Yorkton. In other sports at the Weyburn Comp this weekend, the WCS Senior B Girls volleyball tournament starts Friday and goes all day Saturday.
The Senior Girls soccer regional tournament will also be held at WCS on Saturday. The WCS girls will play at 11 a.m. in a semi-final, and the winner will play at 3 p.m. for the chance to advance to provincials.
The WCS Boys soccer team is heading to Moose Jaw for their regional event

Running for a big gain
WCS Eagles player Spencer Bell ran for a big gain for the football team, in their game against the Estevan Elecs on Saturday afternoon, and went on to score one of the touchdowns in the 46-22 victory.
Weyburn Red Wings post back-to-back wins
The Weyburn Red Wings have improved their record to four wins in a row, after winning both of their weekend
Hosting Yorkton on Saturday night, the Red Wings came away the victors by the score of

the first goal of the game
the first goal of the game
on the night in the 6-4 win over the Terriers.
6-4, including a hattrick for both Jaxson Ruthven and Ethan Dekay, and in a neutral-site game in Assiniboia, Weyburn defeated the Notre Dame Hounds 7-1, and Liam Fitzgerald had a hattrick.
In the home game, Ruthven was first on the board with a goal in the first period, assisted by Jerome Maharaj. The Terriers tied the game 13 seconds later, then made it 2-1 when former Red Wing Keenan Ingram scored in the second period.
Ruthven got his second goal of the night a minute later, assisted by Maharaj and Dallen Oxelgren, then Ethan Dekay scored, assisted by Ruthven and Simon Martin.
Yorkton tied the game again, then Ruthven completed his hattrick near the end of th second period, assisted by Martin and Maharaj once more.
Dekay scored twice more in the third period, both times assisted by Maharaj, and once by
Ruthven and Martin. Angelo Zol was in goal for the full 60 minutes, stopping 45 of the 49 shots made on net. In the game held in Assiniboia, the first period was all Red Wings, with Liam Fitzgerald getting a hattrick, and the goal came from Dekay. In the second period, Jase McNichol, Max Chakrabarti and Drew Molde all scored, and Notre Dame scored the last goal of the period for their lone mark on the scoreboard.
Assists on the night included three by Lucas Schmid, and singles by Chakrabarti, Martin, McNichol, Dekay, Josh Karman, Oxelgren and Ryder Rommelaere.
Zol was again the goalie for the full game, making 31 saves on 32 shots on net.
The next action for the Red Wings will be a road trip, first stopping in Nipawin to take on the Hawks tonight, Oct. 16, and on to Flin Flon for a pair of weekend games on Oct. 18-19.

George Canyon opens Weyburn Concert Series season
Award-winning country artist George Canyon performed an acoustic show at the Cugnet Centre on October 9, to open the 2024-25 season for the Weyburn Concert Series. Canyon was accompanied on stage by Jay Buettner on guitar, and Jarret Mayo on the steel. His team also included sound technician and tour manager Rick Bazuin.
Theatre announces accessibility sponsor
The board of directors of the Weyburn Theatre Cooperative announced a new partnership with the Weyburn Oilwomen. The agreement will see the Oilwomen commit $25,000 in return for being named the Accessibility Sponsor for the new cinema.
“We are thrilled to partner with another great community group who do so many good things
in our city,” said Sean Purdue, Treasurer of the Theatre Cooperative.
“The Weyburn Oilwomen are a hardworking group of volunteers and we are thankful they share our vision of bringing the movies back to Weyburn.”
The Co-operative held a groundbreaking ceremony last week to kickoff construction of the Spark Cinema. They hope to have the foundation com-
pleted prior to year-end, with construction then pausing until the remaining funds are raised to complete the project
“This Accessibility sponsorship aligns so well with our mission, vision and values,” said Carmen Sterling, chair of the Weyburn Oilwomen.
“We are dedicated to driving positive change by supporting innovation, promoting learn -
ing and breaking barriers for a more inclusive and equitable future. We are incredibly proud to provide the funds to ensure everyone can experience the thrill of movies in Weyburn.”
Weyburn Theatre Community Service Cooperative is a non-profit organization, formed with the exclusive goal of bringing the movies back to the City of Weyburn.
Scouts to hold annual bottle drive
The Fifth Weyburn Scouts will be holding their annual bottle drive on Saturday, Oct. 19.
The drive will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the proceeds to help the group carry on their activities in Weyburn.
Donations may be taken to the Integrity Oilfield
building on Railway Avenue, or donors can call and ask for donations to be picked up. Contact 306-861-3467 by text or phone call to arrange for the donation pickup at the door. Members will also be going door-to-door as time permits.
SWF urges drivers to ‘give wildlife a brake’ this fall
As autumn marks the breeding season for both moose and deer, these animals are on the move, actively seeking mates and exploring new territories. This increase in wildlife movement significantly raises the risk of vehicle collisions, particularly during the fall months.
The Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation is urging all drivers to remain vigilant and take extra precautions while travelling this season.
Over the last five years, an average of 376 injuries and one fatality per year have been linked to vehicle collisions involving wildlife. In 2023 alone, there were 8,955 wildlife-related collisions, resulting in 426 injuries and three fatalities.
These incidents also result in substantial financial costs, with wildlife
collision claims averaging $98 million annually over the last five years, and collisions involving deer accounting for the majority of those claims at $82 million.
Darrell Crabbe, SWF executive director, stressed the importance of exercising increased caution in areas known for wildlife activity, particularly where wildlife crossing signs are posted.
“By slowing down and staying alert, especially at dawn and dusk, we can significantly reduce the risk of collisions, injuries and even fatalities,” he said.
To prevent wildlife collisions, the SWF recommends reducing speed in high-risk areas, scanning roadsides for movement, and being cautious during low-light conditions when wildlife are the most active.

Checking out the ‘Flavours of Fall’
Many vendors were offering samples of food and beverages, at the Weyburn Ag Society’s annual Flavours of Fall event on Saturday evening at Weyburn Exhibition Hall. The event included live music, a prize draw and lots of deals at the vendors’ booths.
Application extended for Youth Council
The City of Weyburn is inviting local high school students to lend their voices and ideas to the community through the Weyburn Youth Council.
The application deadline has been extended to Oct. 31, giving Grades 10-12 students from the
Weyburn Comprehensive School more time to apply for this unique opportunity to influence municipal decisions and amplify the perspectives of local youth.
Youth council members play an active role in the city’s governance
Town of Yellow Grass
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll.
Voting will take place for the election of:
Six (6) Councillors Town of Yellow Grass
On Wednesday, November 6, 2024, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m at the Town of Yellow Grass Office located at 102 Coteau Ave., Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan.
Wendy Wood Returning Officer
Notice of Abandonment of Poll
The Rural Municipality of Cymri No. 36 Municipal Elections 2024
Whereas, Brad Eggum nominated for the office of Reeve was the only candidate. I hereby declare, Brad Eggum elected by acclamation for a 4-year term for Reeve.
Whereas, Greg Wallin nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. 1 was the only candidate. I hereby declare, Greg Wallin elected by acclamation for a 4-year term for Division No 1.
Whereas, Aaron Toles nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No 3 was the only candidate. I hereby declare, Aaron Toles elected by acclamation for a 4-year term for Division No 3.
Whereas, William Gill nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No 5 was the only candidate. I hereby declare, William Gill elected by acclamation for a 4-year term for Division No 5.
by participating in city council meetings, holding monthly discussions on key community issues.
They also offer recommendations on municipal matters that directly impact their generation.
“The youth council has been a platform for real change,” said outgoing
youth mayor Nikola Erasmus. “It allows the voice of youth to be heard and make meaningful contributions that shape our city’s future.” Applications can be submitted through the City of Weyburn website at youth-council.
Notice of Abandonment of Poll Village of Osage
Ga rry Kr eu tz er, nom in at ed fo r th e of fi ce of Ma yo r, V il la ge of Osage.
Travis Franklin, nominated for the office of Councillor, VIllage of Osage.
Rommel Glover, nominated for the office of Councillor, VIllage of Osage.
Are the only candidates for their respective positions, I hereby give notice that no voting for the aforementioned offices will take place on the 13th day of November, 2024.
D at ed th is 10t h day of Oc to ber, 20 24.
Vernna Wiggins Returning Officer
Town of Yellow Grass MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A poll has been granted for the election of:
(2) Voting will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m at the following place:
Town of Yellow Grass Office 102 Coteau Ave., Yellow Grass, Sask.
(3) I will declare the result of the election at the Town of Yellow Grass Town Office on the 13th day of November, 2024 at the hour of 8:30 a.m.
Dated at Yellow Grass, this 11th day of October, 2024.
Wendy Wood Returning Officer
RCMP warning residents about gold jewelry scams
RCMP detachments in Saskatchewan have issued a warning to residents about fraudulent gold jewelry scams in the province, after some recent incidents.
Carlyle RCMP received a report of fraud on Sept. 13, at approximately 2:45 p.m. Investigation determined a motorist approached another motorist near Highway 13 and asked them for gas money. They then offered a gold ring in exchange for additional money.
Shaunavon RCMP received a report that a male motorist flagged an individual down and asked them for gas money on Sept. 16. Once it was provided, the motorist asked for additional money and gave the individual a gold ring in exchange for it.
The incidents, though still under investigation, are part of a trend of potential fraudsters approaching people in parking lots, gas stations, or other public locations and offering “gold jewelry” in exchange for money. The jewelry the fraudsters provide is not genuine gold and holds little
value. If you are approached by someone trying to sell gold jewelry, do not follow through with their request and call the police. Saskatchewan RCMP warn the public that fake gold scams often occur through the following tactics:
• A scammer approaches their victim, offers to sell or trade them gold jewelry, and the victim later discovers the gold is not real.
• A scammer approaches their victim and asks for money, claiming they have lost their wallet and are in an emergent situation, such as needing money to pay a hospital bill or to escape a dangerous situation. The scammer then offers the victim gold jewelry as collateral. The victim later discovers the gold is not real and receive no further contact from the scammer. Report all information about fake gold and jewelry scams to your local RCMP at 310-RCMP (7267). Information can also be submitted anonymously by contact Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or
Notice of Abandonment of Poll Rural Municipality of Wellington No. 97
Whereas Schenley Borys, nominated for the office of Reeve,
Whereas Sarah Leguee, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division 1, and
Whereas Brett Gaube, nominated for the office of Councillor for Division 3,
are the only candidates, I hereby give notice that no voting for these offices will take place on November 13, 2024.
Dated at Cedoux this the 10th day of October, 2024
Michelle Klein Returning Officer
Wheras the following individuals are elected by acclamation:
Lindsay Dammann Councillor
Dante Nelson Councillor
I hereby give notice that no voting will take place on the 13th day of November, 2024.
Dated at Creelman, Saskatchewan this 10th day of October, 2024.
Amanda Baumgartner Returning Officer
Weyburn police investigate a Canada Post scam
The Weyburn Police Service received 107 calls for service during the period of Oct. 7-13, with 15 charges being laid during the week.
Police received a complaint of a scammer on Oct. 9, posing as a Canada Post representative who claimed to have located a package that had the individual’s license and passport. The scammer then pretended to transfer the victim to Canadian Security who asked the individual to withdraw money from their bank account. They further used the Weyburn Police Service phone number to make the scenario seem legitimate. Thankfully the citizen had no loss of personal information or funds and did the right thing by contacting the police.
Police are asking citizens to be careful just as this citizen was, and to never provide any personal information or funds to anyone making these types of claims or demands, and check with police or bank in person to be safe.
A 42-year-old female was charged with uttering a threat to cause bodily harm to two other adult females on Oct. 11. In addition, this individual was found to be on release order conditions to keep the peace and be of good behavior. Consequently she was also charged with breaching this order. She was released on no-contact conditions with the victims and is to attend court in November.
Criminal Code charges laid this week included failing to attend court as required by a court, justice or judge, uttering threats against a person, failing to comply with a release order condition, and theft under $5,000.
Traffic violations included Traffic Safety Act Charges for exceeding the speed limit, proceeding from a stop before safe to do so, proceeding before safe after yielding right of way, driving a vehicle without due care and attention, failing to comply with license endorsement or restriction

and driving a vehicle while using a cell phone or device.
During this week, police attended calls for service in relation to business alarms which were found to be false. They conducted checks on offenders who were found to be abiding by court curfew conditions. Police also received requests to check on the wellbeing of a few citizens who were then linked to necessary helping services or family.
Police received a complaint of a stolen license plate off of a black Dodge Ram truck on Oct. 9. Culprits put the screws back in place and are unknown at this time. Anyone with information on this crime is asked to contact Weyburn Police Service or Crime Stoppers.

Teaching how to make perogies
Sherry Klemmer, left, helped out Georgia Lavallee and Brandy Watson, during a class she taught about how to make perogies on Saturday afternoon at the Weyburn Public Library. This was the final event held for Weyburn’s Culture Days event.

Third Street closed for infrastructure work
Work crews were making upgrades to the underground infrastructure for the new site of the “Spark Cinema” theatre on Tuesday, partially closing Third Street. The street was closed from the MNP parking lot up to Coteau Avenue, which affected access to City Hall and the Legion until the work is done.
Notice of Abandonment of Poll Village of Sedley Municipal Election 2024
Whereas the following have been nominated for the office of:
Mayor: Christopher Stevens
as the only candidate, I hereby give notice that no voting for the said office will take place on November 13, 2024.
Da te d th is 10t h da y of Oc to ber, 20 2 4
Laura M. Ward Returning Officer
Municipality of Tecumseh No. 65
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
(1) A vote will be held for the election of: REEVE: RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF TECUMSEH NO 65
Christy Goudy
Zandra Slater
Jerry Wilkes
Mike Picard
Guy Russell
Richard Bowes
Tanya Dubois
(2) The vote will take place on: Wednesday the 13th day of November, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the R.M. Office at 111 Government Road N. in Stoughton, Saskatchewan.
(3) I will declare the result of the voting at the R.M. Office at 111 Government Road N. in Stoughton, Saskatchewan on Thursday the 14th day of November, 2024 at the hour of 9:00 a.m.
Dated at Stoughton this 11th day of October, 2024.
Kellee Slimmon Returning Officer
Theatre construction closes Third Street
The City of Weyburn is advising residents and businesses of the closure of Third Street from Coteau Avenue to the MNP parking lot.
The closure will go
from Tuesday, Oct. 15 to Thursday, Oct. 17, to accommodate underground infrastructure work needed for the construction of the new theatre.
In addition to the road
Wheras a poll is not required pursuant to the local Government Elections Act for the office of:
Mayor (1) Town of Yellow Grass
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office will take place on November 13, 2024 and the following person is elected.
Mayor: David Byrns
Dated at Yellow Grass this 11th day of October, 2024.
Wendy Wood Returning Officer
Village of McTaggart
Wheras a poll is not required pursuant to the local Government Elections Act for the offices of:
Mayor (1) Village of McTaggart Councillor (2): Village of McTaggart
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said offices will take lace on November 13, 2024 and the following people are elected:
Mayor Tasha Lanz
Councillor Jed McIntyre
Councillor Ken Cross
Dated at Yellow Grass this 11th day of October, 2024.
Wendy Wood Returning Officer
closure, the sidewalk from the Legion to Ann’s Nail Salon will also be closed during this time.
Pedestrians are encouraged to obey all posted signage and use alternative routes when necessary.
The construction will affect access to both the Legion and City Hall, and the city asks for the public’s patience and understanding to complete this necessary infrastructure improvement.
NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL Rural Municipality of Tecumseh No. 65
Wheras the following have been nominated for the office of:
Division 3 - Councillor: George Ingram as the only candidate, I hereby declare George Ingram duly elected by acclamation and that no voting for the office will take place on November 13, 2024.
Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Kellee Slimmon Returning Officer
Municipality of Tecumseh No. 65 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that advance voting for the benefit of qualified voters for the following positions:
Division 1 - Councillor
Division 5 - Councillor
Advanced voting will take place on Wednesday the 30th day of October, 2024 between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Rural Municipality of Tecumseh Office located at 111 Government Road N., Stoughton, Saskatchewan.
Dated this 11th day of October, 2024.
Kellee Slimmon Returning Officer

Learning about soap carving
Adult programmer Krista Klemmer, left, chatted with Joan Hallberg Mayer and Kendra Ellingson during a soap carving class at the Weyburn Public Library on Oct. 9. This class was set up as part of Weyburn’s Culture Days event, and had members of Weyburn’s wood-carving group on hand to provide guidance.
Wheatland Senior Centre holds activities
The Weyburn Wheatland Seniors Centre held a number of games the week of Oct. 7-10, with the following results.
The winners of Spades on Oct. 7 were Kathy Carson in first, Sherrill Taylor in second, and Mildred Sandiford in third.
In Kaiser on Oct. 8, first went to Basil Holyer and Blake Johnson; second was Betty Knibbs and Jean Knibbs; and third was Elaine Frasz and Jeanne Molnar.
The winners of Canasta on Oct. 9 were Trina Maas in first; Ione Schnell in second; Marg Warnke
The Village of Halbrite MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 2024
Wheras Bruce Palmer, nominated for the office of Mayor for the Village of Halbrite, was the only candidate nominated, I hereby give notice that no voting for this office will take place on November 13th, 2024.
I hereby declare:
Bruce Palmer elected by acclamation for the office of Mayor in the Village of Habrite.
Dated this 10th day of October, 2024.
Tammie Kwochka Returning Officer
Notice of Poll Village of Sedley Municipal Election 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:
1. A poll has been granted for the election of: COUNCILLOR FOR THE VILLAGE OF SEDLEY
2. Voting will take place on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the polling places listed below
3. I will declare the result of the election at the Village Office on the 14th day of November, 2024, at the hour of 10:00 a.m.
Polling Place: Sedley Village Office, 121 Broadway Street, Sedley, SK
Da te d th is 10t h da y of Oc to ber, 20 24.
Laura M. Ward Returning Officer
for Golden Sheaf award
The Weyburn Chamber of Commerce is taking nominations for the Golden Sheaf Award until the deadline on Friday, Oct. 18.
The Golden Sheaf Award allows the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce the opportunity to recognize excellence in agricultural achievement and to help foster rural-urban understanding and consideration.
The award is based on a farmer’s contribution to, and participation in, the agricultural industry and community life. To be eligible for this award the nominee must be a farmer residing in any of the Rural Municipalities as follows: Francis, Scott, Wellington, Fillmore, Norton, Brokenshell, Weyburn, Griffin, Tecumseh, Golden West, The Gap, Laurier, Lomond, Cymri, Surprise Valley, Lake Alma, Souris Valley and Cambria. Nomination forms are availabile at the Chamber office or online at www.

in third; Shirley Cherpin in fourth; and Gerry Thompson in fifth. In Hi-Low Whist on Oct. 9, first went to Marge Schultz and Fay Johnson; second was Elaine Frasz and Jeanne Molnar; and third was Gladys Lok-
ken and Coral Schindel.
The winners of Thursday Crib on Oct. 10 were Marge Schultz and Fay Johnson in first; Sheila Greiner and Stan Hubick in second; and Garth White and Marlene Szczecinski in third.
Notice of Abandonment of Poll
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the offices of:
Mayor: Village of Ceylon
Councillors: Village of Ceylon
Number to be Elected - Two (2)
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said offices will take place and that the following persons are elected by acclamation:
Mayor: Landon Lillejord
Councillors: Tammy Gust Kyle Madigan
Da te d at Ce yl on, Sa ska tc hew an, th is 11 th day of O ct ober, 2024.
Laura Delanoy Returning Officer
Notice of Abandonment of Poll
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the offices of:
Reeve: Rural Municipality of The Gap No 39
Councillors: Rural Municipality of The Gap No 39
Division No 1
Division No 3
Division No 5
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said offices will take place and that the following persons are elected by acclamation:
Reeve: Alastair Burnett
Councillors: Lane Carles, Division 1 Tim DeBruyne, Division 3 Austen Carles, Division 5
Da te d at Ce yl on, Sa ska tc hew an, th is 11 th da y of Oc to ber, 20 24.
Laura Delanoy Returning Officer
Notice of Advance Poll
Village of Sedley Municipal Election 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the provision has been made for an advance poll on electors who:
1 are physically disabled;
2. have been appointed as election officials; or 3 anticipate being unable to vote on the day of election
Voting will take place on Thursday, November 7, 2024, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Sedley Village Office, 121 Broadway Street, Sedley, Saskatchewan.
Da te d th is 10t h da y of Oc to ber, 20 24.
Laura M. Ward Returning Officer
Notice of Abandonment of Poll
The Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the offices of:
• Reeve
• Division 1 Councillor
• Division 3 Councillor
• Division 5 Councillor
And Whereas:
Alan Krausher was nominated for the office of Reeve and was the only candidate.
Allan Tytlandsvik was nominated for the office of Division 1 Councillor and was the only candidate.
Jennifer Riviere was nominated for the office of Division 3 Councillor and was the only candidate
Reid Daley was nominated for the office of Division 5 Councillor and was the only candidate
I hereby give notice that no voting for the offices listed above will take place on November 13, 2024 and the individuals nomiated are elected by acclamation.
Da te d at Ra dv ille , Sa ska tc hew an, th is 10 th day of Octo ber, 20 24.
Sam Kalmbach Returning Officer

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Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@xplor www
Recreation &

and is congratulated by Police Chief Brent VanDeSype.
Pool may be closed well into 2025
By Greg Nikkel,
The Weyburn Leisure Centre’s indoor pool may be closed well into 2025, as the city looks into what options are available to them to repair or replace it, council was told on Monday evening.
Providing the background to the situation that led to the closure of the pool, leisure services director Andrew Crowe explained when they began to fill the pool for opening in September, they found they were losing 32,000 litres a day, which sparked an investigation.
Using ground-penetrating radar, the findings showed “significant damage to the pool basin and hot tub” with cracks in the cement, and problems with the rebar in the cement, creating structural issues.
The City then engaged Stantec Engineering, which had carried out an assessment of city facilities in July and August, to do a report for the City on what options are available to them for dealing
SaskTel collaborates on recycling of e-waste
SaskTel announced a new recycling collaboration with the provincial government in support of the Crown corporation’s Phones for a Fresh Start program with an initial donation of nearly 2,500 late model government-owned devices.
Through the collaboration, the government will donate surplus government-owned devices to the program for responsible recycling going forward.
This collaboration will help boost recycling rates across the province while providing vital funds for the Fresh Start program to carry out its important ac-
tivities in support of those fleeing domestic abuse and youth transitioning out of foster care. Wireless devices, including cell phones and tablets, are comprised of materials that make them unsuitable for regular waste disposal.
Since it launched in 2009, the Fresh Start program has diverted more than 143,400 electronic devices from the landfill, while helping provide people in Saskatchewan get a fresh start.
“The Government of Saskatchewan is proud to partner with SaskTel to champion sustainable ewaste recycling efforts,”
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act, 2015 for the office of:
Board Member: South East Cornerstone Public School Division No 209
No voting for the said office will take place and that the following persons are elected by acclamation:
Board Member: Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division No 140
No voting for the said office will take place and that the following persons are elected by acclamation:
Dated at Weyburn, this 10th day of October, 2024.
said Terry Jenson, SaskBuilds and Procurement minister. “This collaboration underscores our commitment to environmental stewardship and highlights the importance of collective action in safeguarding our planet for future generations.”
“I’m pleased to see SaskTel’s Phones for a Fresh Start program benefit those in need across the province, including those fleeing domestic violence and youth transitioning out
of care,” said Dustin Duncan, Weyburn-Big Muddy MLA and minister responsible for SaskTel.
Since the program started, over $134,000 in prepaid phone cards and 5,740 cell phones have been donated to help people get a fresh start in life.
In addition to this collaboration, SaskTel continues to work with SaskPower that began donating end-of-usage devices to the program in 2022.
with the pool.
“I will be providing something back to council to see how you would like us to go,” said Crowe, noting the pool will be closed for the rest of 2024, and will likely be well into 2025 “for quite some time.”
At this point, he added, they are looking at having seasonal swimming, as the outdoor pool and equipment are all in good shape, and will be able to be used next year when the weather permits.
“Unfortunately we had to lay off our part-time employees,” he said, noting the fulltime employees were able to be transitioned into other positions.
“I appreciate the predicament you’re in,” said Coun.
Jeff Richards, noting he has been asked by members of the public why these problems weren’t looked into while the pool was empty in the summer.
“We didn’t have these issues when we closed the pool for the summer,” said Crowe. “The concrete is underneath the tiles, so it’s not visible. We did have a facility assessment which said we should look at the basin. Typically a facility like this has 45 to 50 years of life, and this one is about 35 years old, so it’s early, but it was on our radar to see what kind of condition it was in. We didn’t expect this to happen. It’s really unfortunate, but there was nothing staff could’ve done to identify the problem.”
Public notice is hereby given that a poll has been granted for the election of:
Mayor (1): City of Weyburn Councillor (6): City of Weyburn
and that except where noted, voting will take place on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m at one polling place, which will be Credit Union Spark Centre at 540 5th Street, N.E.
Public notice is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll for electors and voting will take place as follows:
• Thursday, November 7, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Credit Union Spark Centre – 540 5th Street N.E.
• Saturday, November 9, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Credit Union Spark Centre – 540 5th Street N.E.
Mail-in Ballot option is available for voters who anticipate not being able to vote on Election Day or the dates of the Advance Polls In person applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., November 12th, 2024 at the Returning Office at City Hall, 157 3rd Street N.E. or by 4:00 p.m., October 31st electronically by emailing the Returning Office at election@ Voter ID required at time of application.
Special Polls will be held at the following locations and times:
• Weyburn General Hosptial: November 13th, 2024 –1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Weyburn Special Care Home: (Special Mail-In Poll)
• Tatagwa View Care Centre: November 13th, 2020 –Special Mail-In Poll)
For details of identification requirements or any other information, visit our website at
Dated at Weyburn, this 10th day of October, 2024.
Inclusion Weyburn awards Travelodge golf committee
Inclusion Weyburn presented an Inclusion Award of Recognition to the Travelodge Golf Tournament Committee, in recognition of the support they have given to the summer camp program for the organization.
Jackie Wilson of Inclusion Weyburn presented the award to George Siourounis, along with brothers Harry and John, and the committee members, on Friday morning.
The Weyburn Travelodge held its 20th and last edition of its annual charity golf tournament in June, and provided donations to Inclusion Weyburn and Envision Counselling from the proceeds.
Each organization received a cheque for $14,185, for a total of $28,370, to bring the 20-year total to $394,297 since the tournaments began in 2002.
The funds raised from the tournament came
from the golfers registration fees, a Greek meal, and live and silent auctions, which is supported by many businesses and supporters who put in good bids on items. This year’s tournament had 76 golfers take part.
“We in Inclusion Weyburn like to recognize people who support us, and we thank you for all the money you’ve donated. It’s made a huge difference to our summer camp program,” said Wilson.
“By showing your support, it’s changing lives, and you’re saying to us and to individuals with disabilities we matter, and inclusion matters, and that makes a huge difference to so many people,” she added.
This year the summer camp program had 39 children enrolled between the ages of three and 18, with around 20 staff to work one-on-one with them, most from
high school or university, noted Wilson.
“It’s such a good ex -
perience for the students, and some have gone on to take education or to work
with special needs kids,” said Wilson. “We had fun for a good cause,” said George Siourounis. “It was a good choice for us.”

Viewing ‘Zero Degrees of Separation’
The Weyburn Art Gallery held the opening reception for the exhibit, “Zero Degrees of Separation” on October 11, which marks the 50th anniversary of the City of Weyburn’s Permanent Art Collection, with many in attendance.

In 1949, Cecil Barber founded theBarber Motors GM dealershipinWeyburn His son, Ron, purchased the dealershipin1965, followedbygrandson, Mal, purchasing it in 1980. Andy Barber,Cecil’sgreat-grandson purchased thedealershipin2014. Four generations later,Barber Motorshas thecorevalues set out sinceits inception Quality,trust, and exceptional automotiveser vice has alwaysbeen thebackboneofour business. Although therehavebeen periods of difficult economic times, theBarber family and businses has continued tobeapillar in thecommunityofWeyburn and surrounding areas. Throughout the past 75 years, we have continued to grow as our customers’needschang e. To keep in line with current transpor tationoptions,Barber Motors has recentlyadded 11 EV charging stations.
“ TheBarber Familyis proud to have served the communit yofWeyburn forover75years ,spanning 5generations .Wehavealways been happytocontributetomaking Weyburna betterplacetoliveand raise afamily.Wewould liketothank the residents of Weyburn, past and present, and we will continue to do ourpart to ensureWeyburn continues to be agreat place to call home .” –Andy Barber