Weyburn This Week - November 13, 2015

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Inspirational speaker to share message of ‘If I Can…’

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Chris Koch, centre, a farm boy turned world traveller, has set out on his latest adventure bringing his “If I Can” message global and will bring his message to the Weyburn Junior High on Wednesday, November 25. Born without his arms or legs, Chris was raised to take life in stride and make the best of the situation. He is constantly setting new goals for himself and has never let limitations or obstacles in his life stand in the way of achieving his goals and dreams. His motivational speech at the Weyburn Junior High will be about encouraging others to do the same.

Junior High to host ‘If I Can …’


hris Koch a farm boy turned world traveller, has set out on his latest adventure bringing his “If I Can …” message global. Born without his arms or legs, Chris was raised to stake life in stride and make the best of the situation. He is constantly setting new goals for himself and has never let limitations or obstacles in his life stand in the way of achieving his goals and dreams. Koch will bring his motivational message to the Weyburn Junior High on Wednesday, November 25

with the goal to encouraging others to achieve their goals and dreams. Chris was born and raised in the small farming and ranching community of Nanton, Alberta. “It was clearly established early on in my life that I would not be raised with pity or sympathy,” said Koch. “Within hours of when I was born my grandma was informed that my parents gave birth to a healthy baby boy however, I was missing both arms and both legs.” “Without any hesitation whatsoever she simply

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Sale ends Wednesday, Nov. 18


5 lb. Sirloin Tip Roast 5 lb. New York Striploin Steak 5 lb. Back Ribs 5 lb. Lean Ground Beef 5 lb. “Maurer’s” Sausage 5 lb. “Maurer’s” Burgers 5 lb. Chicken Drumsticks 5 lb. Stew Beef

40 lb.


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pointed out the fact that, ‘Bruce (my father) never did finish anything he started’. I attribute that dry and quirky sense of humor as the reason why I can honestly say that growing up without arms and legs was quite easy.” “My family could have treated my disability like a total tragedy but instead chose to take it all in stride and make the best of the situation,” said Chris. “After all, I still had a good head on my shoulders … and with that, anything is possible.” He grew up just like

Store Hours Mon.-Sat. 8:30-6:00 p.m.

We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices are subject to change.


10 lb. Outside Round Roast 10 lb. Pork Loin Roast (Boneless) 10 lb. Lean Ground Beef 10 lb. Spare Ribs 10 lb. Pork Chops 5 lb. Sirloin Steak

55 lb.




any other small-town kid. and I was always treated “I played road hockey and just like the rest.” baseball with all the others After Koch graduated my age. I caused mischief high school, he moved to at school and got in trouble Calgary to pursue his postfrom my parents when secondary education. my grades weren’t good After a few years, he enough. I helped out on moved to Ottawa to study my grandpa’s farm operat- History and Psychology at ing equipment whenever I university, as well as workcould. Life was pretty nor- ing with The War Amputamal,” said Koch. tions of Canada. “Sure, I had to do “The War Amps was althings a little differently ways, and still continues to and maybe took a little bit be a very longer to complete tasks. But I was determined to be just like the rest (of the world) ››› Continued on pg. 3

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