Weyburn This Week - February 27, 2025

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Ready, aim, snowball fight!

A group of participants of the Spark Centre Winter Break camp threw snowballs at the Weyburn Review photographer, after being given permission to have a little fun during a warm and bright afternoon on February 21. Participants included Grace, Waylon, Isabelle, Kennedy, Caden, and Avery.

(Submitted) WeyStrong is a cancer support group that was formed in Weyburn in the fall of 2024. It fulfills the need for various forms of support for women living in SE Saskatchewan. WeyStrong is inclusive of all ages of women who have ever received any type of cancer diagnosis at any time in their lives.

Our committee is made up of a small group of survivors that have experienced a variety of different cancers and who are currently in different stages, living life post-cancer, as

well as an oncology nurse.

Our overall plan is to provide support in a variety of ways including educational events, peer support, events to gather together and have fun, as well as eventually helping to equip the oncology unit that will be housed in the new hospital. With wonderful financial and in-kind support from the community, WeyStrong held its inaugural All Day Women’s Retreat last October. The retreat was attended by 35 cancer survivors, who enjoyed a day of food, crafts, speak-

ers and a few introductory rounds of BUNCO to end the day. BUNCO is a simple, light-hearted dice game that takes very little skill. It is just good clean fun and is suitable for all ages.

The day was enjoyed by all the attendees, so much that we have decided to host a BUNCO Ladies Night Fundraiser evening on Saturday, March 8, at Cecilia’s Banquet Hall. It is open to ALL ladies over 19 years. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m. and we will play three rounds of

BUNCO that should end around 10:30 p.m.

There will be a cash bar, complimentary snacks, 50/50 draw, raffle table and a silent auction table.

Tickets are $40 and available for purchase through the WeyStrong Facebook page - EventBrite link, sending our WeyStrong FB page a message or by emailing weystrong2024@gmail.com.

WeyStrong’s hope is to make this an annual event, and we are asking the community for support to make our inaugural

BUNCO Ladies Night a success. Gather your girlfriends, family, coworkers, grandmas and aunties and purchase tickets to attend.

If you are unable to attend, simply sharing our Facebook posts to help us spread the word. Since the game is not played in teams, you can join on your own as well. We don’t want anyone to miss out on the fun because they feel they need to come in a group.

One of the most fun parts of the game is meeting new people as you slowly move around the room playing

against and with different woman each round. We promise loads of laughter and excited squeals as the dice are rolled and the game progresses.

WeyStrong is also looking for support with a few raffle table and silent auction items as well. If you would like to contribute an item, please reach out. If you have any additional questions about the BUNCO fundraiser or WeyStrong in general, please contact us via email, FB or any of our committee members.

Photo – Sabrina Kraft/Weyburn Review


Enjoying reading time with the Kare 4 Kids program

Karina Tremblay reads a story to Warren and Vaughn, during the Kare 4 Kids Winter Camp program held at St. Michael School last week. The Kare for Kids program runs a before-and-after school program at St. Michael School. They also run PD camps and can accept children from any school into their programming.

The Weyburn YF Wives and Spilling Prairie Tea are holding a live taping on Friday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Weyburn Credit Union Community Room, and would love to have a studio audience.

Access Communications will be broadcasting this live event.

The pre-gala show will start off the evening discuss-

ing all topics related to the 3rd Annual YF Wives Women of Distinction Awards Gala. Any questions regarding the nomination process will be addressed at that time, and sponsorship opportunities are available.es

At the end of the evening, a Dress Pop-Up of new and preloved dresses will be available to be purchased for the gala to be held May 2.

Weyburn Chamber inviting applications

The Weyburn Chamber of Commerce is inviting applications for a vacant position on its Board of Directors.

This is a valuable opportunity for a business leader to contribute to the Chamber’s mission of supporting and strengthening the local business community.

Southeast College has announced the introduction of Indigenous equity seats in its full-time postsecondary programs.

This initiative is part of the college’s ongoing commitment to fostering inclusivity and providing equitable access to education for Indigenous students and is an important goal within its newly-released Indigenous Action Plan.

Starting in the 202526 academic year intake, designated seats will be available in many of the college’s full-time pro -

grams for students of Canadian Indigenous ancestry. This initiative aims to support Indigenous students in their educational pursuits and ensure they have the opportunity to succeed in their chosen fields.

“We are excited to take this significant step towards promoting equity and inclusion within our institution,” said Jody Holzmiller, interim president and CEO at Southeast College. “By designating seats for Indigenous students, we hope to create a more diverse and support-

ive learning environment that reflects the rich cultural heritage of our communities.”

The Indigenous equity seats will be available across various programs, including business, health, community services and trades. Eligible students will also have access to designated scholarships and support services to help them succeed in their studies.

The Southeast College operates campuses in six communities, including Assiniboia, Estevan,

Indian Head, Moosomin, Weyburn and Whitewood, as well as on numerous First Nations within the region. The college says it is dedicated to meeting the educational, economic, and labour force demands of southeastern Saskatchewan through a wide variety of career, vocational and academic programming.

For more information about the Indigenous equity seats and how to apply, please visit the Southeast College’s website or contact the College’s strategic enrolment office.

The Chamber Board of Directors is a governance board responsible for providing strategic direction to the Executive Director. Board members are expected to attend monthly Board meetings and participate in at least one of the Chamber’s two standing committees. All meetings are structured to be efficient and last no longer than one hour. Addition -

ally, Board members are encouraged to take part in Chamber-hosted events throughout the year to support and engage with the business community. To be eligible, applicants must own or be employed by a Chamber member business in good standing, meaning their company must be a current Chamber member with upto-date membership fees. Those interested in applying can contact Monica Osborn, Executive Director, at manager@ weyburnchamber.com, or Chad Bailey, Weyburn Chamber of Commerce Board President at cbailey.remax@hotmail.com. Applications must be submitted prior to March 7, 2025.

Cold week cancels games at Wheatland

A number of activities at the Wheatland Senior Centre News were canceled during the week of February 17 to 21, due to the cold weather.

The following is the results of activites that were held during the week:

In canasta, Lavine Stepp won first, Elaine Frasz took second, Gerry Thompson placed third, Sheila Greiner finished fourth and Cris Herlick won fifth.

During the Thursday crib game on February 20, Ray Boucher and Connie Boucher won first, Marge Schultz and Fay Johnson took second, Stand Hubick and Sheila Greiner placed third, and Marie Marcotte and Ruth Boren was fourth. In shuffleboard, Coral Schindel and Sophie Gall won first, Mel Schindel and Ron Frayn placed second, and Willa Mae Donald and Theresa Istace won third.

Photo – Greg Nikkel, SaskToday.ca



Marco Navarro-Genie, VP of Policy and Research at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

Calls for Canada to respond aggressively to U.S. trade threats ignore the economic realities of such a move. Consider Quebec and Alberta energy. The stakes for Alberta and Quebec in this morbidly anticipated trade-war gamble are profoundly asymmetric, with Alberta standing to lose far more in absolute terms and per capita. The arguments to engage in such conflict are reckless and fail to recognize the magnitude of our economic integration with the United States.

Canada and the United States share one of the world’s most extensive and intertwined trading relationships. In 2022, bilateral trade in goods and services exceeded $900 billion annually. Canada exported 75 per cent of its goods to the U.S. Beyond trade, bilateral investment is immense, with more than $1 trillion in two-way direct investment.

A trade war would jeopardize trade and these capital flows, which are critical for businesses and public finances. Retaliatory tariffs or export restrictions would destabilize relationships and harm key industries across Canada. During the 2018 NAFTA renegotiations, even the spectre of a trade breakdown cost Canadian industries millions in lost revenue and opportunities. A full-blown trade war would magnify these damages exponentially.

Alberta’s oil and gas sector is the backbone of the provincial economy and a vital contributor to Canada’s prosperity. In 2023, Alberta exported $127 billion worth of oil and gas to the U.S., representing 82 per cent of its energy exports. This sector accounts for 27 per cent of Alberta’s GDP and contributes approximately $28,863 per capita to the provincial economy.

Halting these exports would be devastating to a weakened economy. Alberta’s energy industry supports tens of thousands of jobs and generates substantial government revenues that fund social programs and infrastructure. Alberta is also a net contributor to federal equalization payments, providing billions annually to support less prosperous provinces, including Quebec.

The suggestion that Alberta should stop exporting oil and gas to “do its part” for Canada is economically nonsensical. Unlike Quebec’s electricity sector, Alberta’s energy industry has no immediate alternative markets to replace U.S. demand. Shutting off the tap to America would devastate Alberta and weaken Canada.

In contrast, Quebec’s hydroelectric sector, though significant, plays a smaller role in its economy than oil and gas does in Alberta. In 2022, Hydro-Québec exported $3 billion worth of electricity to the U.S., representing about 12 per cent of its total electricity production and 2.9 per cent of its GDP. With a population of 8.6 million, these exports amount to $349 per capita.

While losing U.S. electricity exports would hurt Quebec, the economic impact would be far less severe than Alberta’s potential losses. Quebec’s export economy is more diversified, with industries such as aerospace, aluminum, pharmaceuticals and technology providing alternative revenue streams.

The notion that Alberta and Quebec will equally shoulder the burden of a trade war by withholding energy sales to the United States is deeply flawed. Alberta’s reliance on the U.S. market is far greater, and its potential losses are higher. This is partly because Quebec objected to Energy East, the proposed pipeline to carry Alberta energy to Atlantic waters. Halting oil and gas exports would cost Alberta almost 10 times more per capita than

it would cost Quebec.

This asymmetry highlights the uneven stakes in any trade conflict. Asking Alberta to sacrifice its economy while Quebec faces minor losses is unfair, economically irrational and deeply corrosive to national unity. Undermining Alberta’s economy would have repercussions far beyond the province’s borders.

Far from being “anti-Canadian,” as those with a political agenda to hurt Alberta suggest, the province’s reluctance to dismantle its energy sector is a defence of Canada’s broader economic interests. Alberta’s contributions to federal revenues and equalization payments help sustain national programs that benefit all Canadians. Conversely, Quebec’s relative insulation from the harmful consequences of a trade war explains its more relaxed stance. For Quebec, halting exports would be akin to a paper cut, whereas, for Alberta, it would be a lethal wound.

Canada’s strength lies in its economic diversity and regional contributions. Alberta’s oil and gas sector, Quebec’s hydroelectric industry, Atlantic fisheries and Ontario’s manufacturing base are all critical to the country’s prosperity.

A trade war would disrupt this relationship and risk Canada’s position as a stable and reliable trading partner. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith alone has offered a mature and reasonable approach.

The idea of a trade war with the U.S. is reckless when Canada’s government is in stasis and already mired in the economic problems it created. Rather than pitting provinces against one another, Ottawa— and the premiers spoiling for a fight—should focus on preserving a proven key to our prosperity: strengthening its relationship with the United States.

SPSA launches the President’s Awards to recognize excellence in Public Safety

The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA) is launching the President’s Awards, which will recognize achievement in public safety in the province. The SPSA is seeking nominations for awards available to both youth and organizations that have shown leadership in emergency preparedness.

The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2025. An awards ceremony will be held in the spring of 2025, in Prince Albert. Nominations can be made at saskpublicsafety.ca.

“These awards help showcase the incredible work of youth and organizations in the province,” SPSA President and Fire Commissioner Marlo Pritchard said. “It is paramount that we recognize and appreciate the efforts of those who help to keep our province safe and prepared.”

The President’s Award for Youth honours the high school student within the Emergency Services Response Training Program that has shown

their commitment, skill, dedication and interest in helping others. Eligibility is one student from each school that holds the Emergency Services Response Training Program. This award can also be presented to a youth or child who has demonstrated a special commitment to enhancing public safety or performing lifesaving measures.

The President’s Award for Prevention or Prevention Initiative honours a community, school or organization that has taken great steps to improve the preparedness within their specific jurisdiction. Consideration would be given to the impact on neighbouring communities.

More information on the awards is available at saskpublicsafety.ca.

Established in 2017, the SPSA is a Treasury Board Crown Corporation responsible for emergency management, Sask911, SaskAlert, the Civic Addressing Registry, wildfire management and fire safety.

Government commitment funding to 2025 Crop Insurance Program

Canada’s Minister of Agriculture and AgriFood Lawrence MacAulay and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Daryl Harrison announced continued funding and commitment through the 2025 Crop Insurance Program, administered by the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC).

“Our business risk management programs are a producer’s first line of defense when it comes to protecting their operation,” MacAulay said. “Our government is pleased to partner with Saskatchewan to make sure producers have access to the support they need, when they need it.”

“SCIC’s Business Risk Management programs remain strong and are here for Saskatchewan producers when they have challenging times,” Har-

rison said. “The Crop Insurance Program offers producers the security they need, no matter what 2025 may have in store. I encourage all Saskatchewan producers to take a proactive approach to their coverage: select options, fine-tune and adjust coverage and costs within the program to further mitigate their risks.”

SCIC’s existing suite of Business Risk Management programs continues to demonstrate support for Saskatchewan producers.

Over the last four years, the Crop Insurance Program paid approximately $7 billion in claims, in addition to other program benefits. Crop Insurance continues to be a sound program, with premiums set to ensure the long-term sustainability of the program.

A combination of Crop Insurance premium and

government funds, along with private reinsurance, is in place to ensure the program remains stable. Funds are managed to build premium reserves in good production years, in order for money to flow back to producers during challenging ones. Premiums are cost-shared 60 per cent by federal and provincial governments and 40 per cent by producers.

Administration costs are fully funded by federal and provincial governments.

Trusted and relevant partnerships ensure the Crop Insurance Program remains innovative and responsive for Saskatchewan producers. SCIC collaborates regularly with industry groups to support farmers and ranchers, assisting with overall direction of policy and program offerings.

Work continues developing future opportunities to enhance support for the livestock sector. SCIC is evaluating new remote sensing technologies to measure soil moisture and plant growth, to evaluate potential improvements to forage and pasture insurance. This focus will ensure forage insurance is relevant and accessible for Saskatchewan livestock producers.

“We appreciate the continued focus and work on forage insurance,” Saskatchewan Cattle Association (SCA) Chair Chad Ross said. “We are directly involved with the National Forage Working Group. Throughout the 2025 season, we will continue to consult on these projects, as producer feedback and understanding is critical in program design and acceptance.”

“This continued work on forage insurance has potential to improve the

program for livestock producers,” Saskatchewan Stock Grower’s Association (SSGA) President Jeff Yorga said. “We look forward to our ongoing involvement at the national level, to ensure Saskatchewan producers have access to a variety of insurance options. We are hopeful, continued work throughout 2025, will bring it all together as another viable positive outcome for risk management programming.”

March 31, 2025, is the deadline for Saskatchewan producers to apply, reinstate or cancel their Crop Insurance contract.

Producers must select their insured crops and coverage levels or make additional changes by this date. Producers can speak with their local SCIC office to make changes or options will remain the same as the previous year.

Every growing season is unpredictable. Pro -

ducers are encouraged to plan and update their coverage yearly, based on the needs of their operation. A suite of Business Risk Management Programs offers options to help producers navigate uncertainties, mitigate risk and secure the future of their operation. In addition to Crop Insurance, producers can consider AgriStability, Livestock Price Insurance and the Wildlife Damage Compensation and Prevention programs. For more information, contact a local SCIC office, call 1-888-935-0000 or visit: scic.ca.

Crop Insurance is a federal-provincial-producer cost-shared program that helps producers manage production and quality losses. Support for the program is provided by the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP).

Your neighbour in energy and communit y

For more than 75 years, Enbridge has been more than pipelines in Saskatchewan. We’re a neighbour, committed to the places we live and work

We create loc al jobs, support loc al business es, and invest in what strengthens the community. In 2023 alone, we contributed over $500 million to Saskatchewan’s economy.

From powering homes and vehicles to fuelling local business es, Enbridge is proud to be part of Saskatchewan’s grow th.

Learn more at enbridge.com/s askatchewan.

Selecting sea-shells for her lamp

Manya carefully selected seashells to glue to her lights, while creating a summer-themed lamp at the Weyburn Public Library. The library hosted many programs for children and teens during the February Winter Break.


Heart, One Mind’ Pink Shirts are available to purchase on pinkshirtdaycanada.ca

How do you react when you witness bullying?

Bullying, unfortunately, continues to be a significant issue in 2025. Although many bullies commit their acts discreetly, others act in plain sight. What should you do if you see someone being treated badly? As a witness, you have an important role to play. Here are a few guidelines:

• Many bullies love to have an audience and enjoy getting laughs at someone else’s expense. Don’t engage in the bullying or treat it as entertainment.

• If possible, team up with friends to show your support for the person being bullied. Remember, there’s strength in numbers! Bullies often pick on people who are alone or feel left out. To prevent the bully from feeling like they can do whatever they want, sit near the person being bullied and strike up a conversation when you see them in the cafeteria or at the bus stop.

• Sometimes, you may not be able to react in the moment. If that happens, you can check in with the person later to see how they’re doing. Let them know that you find the situation unacceptable and that you support them. You should also encourage the bullying victim to seek help.

Finally, the most important thing you can do to stop bullying is to report it to a trust ed person in a position of authority.

The widespread access to new technologies and the pervasive use of social media have given rise to cyberbullying. This relatively recent issue, which is still poorly documented, affects many young people. Here’s a closer look at this worrying problem.

Major consequences

Cyberbullying can affect young people at any time, day or night, and anywhere, be it at school, at home or elsewhere. The worst part is that it’s often anonymous and spreads like wildfire, leaving the victim feeling defenceless.

For these reasons, the impact of cyberbullying on young people can be extremely serious. It can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, selfmutilation, skipping school, isolation, suicidal thoughts and much more.

Actions to consider

If your child is being cyberbullied, it’s crucial to take action to ensure their well-being and safety. Remember: don’t reply to or share the bully’s messages. Encourage your child to block the bully on social media and remove them from their contacts.

You can help your child stay safe online by encouraging them to keep a record of ALL the messages, emails and screenshots they receive. If they ever experience cyberbullying that involves serious offences like sharing explicit photos or making threats, be sure to report it to the service provider, social media admins, school administration and even the police. Reporting these incidents is crucial to keeping everyone safe online.

Reasons to wear pink

Recently, many countries have designated specific days to raise awareness and prevent bullying, whether at school or in the workplace.

In Canada, Pink Shirt Day takes place on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Here are three excellent reasons to join the movement by proudly wearing the event’s emblematic colour:

Incite enriching conversations

Pink is a colour that doesn’t go unnoticed! When you’re out and about on Febru ary 26, you may meet or talk with other people who are passionate about the cause. You may even meet someone who doesn’t know about the day, giving you the perfect chance to spread awareness. Who knows, maybe they’ll wear pink next year, thanks to you!

Show solidarity

People who are bullied often feel alone and isolated. Seeing others wearing pink can help them feel support ed and understood. Your gesture might even encourage them to open up to you or, even better, speak out against their aggressor.

Encourage others to act

Wearing pink can help encourage your family, colleagues and friends to join the cause. Inspired by your actions, some of your friends and family might feel motivated to stand up against bullying, attend events or spread awareness on social media.

The 2025 Pink Shirt Day design available for purchase on www.pinkshirtday. ca is all about cultivating a community of kindness.

Just like tending to a garden, together we can each help nurture a sense of belonging where we live, work, and go to school. It all starts with small gestures— a kind word, an offer of support or understanding. If we plant enough, pretty soon, more will be sprouting up all around us!

By sprinkling these seeds of empathy and compassion, we can work towards a world without bullying and “Let Kindness Grow” through all of our community gardens.

Harness the power of kindness and inclusion on February 26 by wearing a pink T-shirt or hoodie.

Kindness Grow’ Pink Shirts are available

Be kind & Shine.

Weger, MLA Weyburn-Bengough (306) 842-5005

Red Wings still vying for top spot in the Viterra Division

The Weyburn Red Wings have two games left in the regular season to try to claim the top spot in the Viterra Division of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey


The Red Wings have qualified for playoffs, as they are currently ranked second in the Viterra Division. They are one point

behind the Yorkton Terriers, who are currently in first place of the division.

The Red Wings do not play against Yorkton in their last two games of the

regular season, but each game will still be important. They played Humboldt in a road game on Wednesday night (February 26).

Their last regular season

JHC Wings host home game vs Capitals

Weyburn JHC Wing, Blaise Jorgensen (No. 17), moved the puck past a Regina Capital oppnent, during regular U18 AA hockey action at Crescent Point Place on February 22. This was the last regular season home game for the JHC Wings, and they ended the game with a 5-5 tie, even after an overtime period.

game is at Crescent Point Place, when they host Melville at Friday, February 28. Fans are encoruaged to pack the stands and cheer on the Red Wings in their final playoff push.

The Red Wings dropped a 7-5 game against the Nipawin Hawks, played on February 21.

Weyburn had an early one goal lead in the first period, after Braigh LeGrandeur scored off assists by Blake Betson and Josh Karman.

Both teams fought back and forth during the second period, with the Hawks scoring three times, and the Red Wings scoring twice. Weyburn goals were scored by Jaxson Ruthven and Liam Fitzgerald.

Tensions were high in the third period, with the Hawks scoring four more times, and Weyburn only able to secure two more goals for the night. Wey-

burn goals were scored by Max Chakrabarti and a second by Fitzgerald.

Weyburn started the game with Angelo Zol behind the net, who stopped three out of six shots on net in 35 minutes and 33 seconds. Ty Matonovich was switched into goal for one minute and 25 seconds, and had no goal atempts.

Zol finished the night in net, and stopped 11 out of 15 attempts on net in the final 22 minutes and 16 seconds.

As the SJHL season starts to wind down for playoffs, both the Meflort Mustangs and the Flin Flon Bombers have secured playoff spots in the Sherwood Division. The Battlefords North Stars and the Humboldt Broncos are currently leading the Nutrien Division, but are game points behind the Melville Millionaires, who sit in third in the Viterra Division.

Golf Club set to hold Texas Hold’Em tourney on March 1

The Weyburn Golf Club will be hosting a Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament on Saturday, March 1 at the Weyburn Golf Club. Registration will be at 2 p.m. with a start time of 3 p.m.

There will be a $100 entry fee and a $100 re-buy for the first hour and a half. The club is offering a 50

per cent payout with Gibson Welding guaranteeing a $500 50/50 raffle. There will be food and drink specials as well as dart poker and a safe ride home. All proceeds will go to the club’s irrigation project. For more details contact 306-842-5881 or j.gibsonwelding01@yahoo.com.

Ogema woman to be inducted to Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame


The sports movie, starring Tom Hanks, ‘A League of Their Own’, depicting the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League (AAGPBL), might have made reference to Ogema born Arleene Noga. It certainly included her baseball talent as she was brought on as advisor for the wellknown sports movie.

Imagine having Saskatchewan represented at The Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame, alongside famous Toronto Blue Jay, Jose Bautista. The Veterans Committee Inductees, includes the only Saskatchewan induction for Arleen Noga, born in Ogema, Sask.

Noga was an outstanding softball player when she was signed by the AAGPBL in 1944.

Her bio on the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame website, announcing the class of 2025 inductions says, “Noga joined the

Fort Wayne Daisies for 15 games in 1945 prior to being dealt to the Muskegon Lassies. The sure-handed infielder proceeded to establish a league record for best fielding percentage (.942) by a third baseman, and helped lead the Lassies to a pennant in 1947.

At one point, Noga played over 300 consecutive games, which garnered her the nickname “Iron Lady.” In all, she competed in 354 AAGPBL games, which is the eighth-most among Canadians who played in the league. She also ranks ninth among Canadian AAGPBL players in at bats (totaling 1,1119), with 91 RBIs and 213 stolen bases, along with tenth in hits (183) and runs (103).

Following her AAGPBL career, Noga returned to Regina where she was part of nine provincial championship-winning softball teams., and five Western Canadian cham -

Arleene Noga pionships.

But she never lost her connection with the AAGPBL. She served as a member of the board of directors of the AAGPBL Players Association for 12 years and was a spokesperson for Canadian AAGPBL women.

The big movie screen came calling. Her playing prowess was an asset when she was brought on board as a technical advisor for Penny Marshall’s film, ‘A League of Their Own’. The movie tells the tale of the AAGPBL. On set,

Noga worked with many actors, teaching Rosie O’Donnell the nuances of playing shortstop and also teaching Madonna how to slide. Not bad for a smalltown Saskatchewan girl. Noga was also a tireless promoter of women’s baseball across the country, speaking at school assemblies and banquets and assisting at baseball clinics for girls. For her efforts, she was inducted into the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame in 1988 and the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame the following year. In October 2004, she was inducted into the Regina Sports Hall of Fame. She passed away on March 14, 2017 in Regina. The website included a statement from her daughter, “I was surprised and honoured to learn that my mom, Arleene Johnson Noga, was to be inducted into the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame this year. I was surprised because I

had no idea that this was in the works, but I feel honoured because she dedicated most of her life to baseball and empowering women in sport as a player, coach, mentor, and ambassador. Thank you for the recognition of her accomplishments and her passion.” – Carol Lee Noga Scott, Arleene’s daughter.

In 2004, Arleene was honoured by her hometown of Ogema when the historical heritage grandstand was dedicated the “Arleene Johnson-Noga Grandstand” in recognition of her athletic accomplishments, baseball in particular. She accomplished many of these athletic endeavors while working approximately 30 years with the Government of Saskatchewan, including five years with the Premier’s Secretariat, and raising a family as well.

Noga’s induction will take place on June 7 of this year. She was born on

New Year’s Day in Ogema, Sask. and her primary position was third base, batting right and throwing right.

The Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame’s 2025 class will be honoured in a ceremony at the Hall of Fame grounds in St. Mary’s, Ont., on June 7.

“We are proud and excited to celebrate the outstanding careers of this year’s inductees in St. Mary’s this June,” said Jeremy Diamond, chair of the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame’s board of directors. “Each of them, in their own distinct way, has had a tremendous impact on the game of baseball in our country.”

Residents can read all about this year’s inductees, that include this remarkable Saskatchewan woman as well as wellknown Toronto Blue Jay, the infamous bat flipper, Jose Bautista online at the: Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum website, Hall of Fame tab.

Photo – Sabrina Kraft/Weyburn Review

Fillmore 4-H Club holds speeches

The Fillmore 4-H Club level speeches were held on February 23rd. Winners were as follows: Cloverbud: Luke Beckstead won first, and Michael Keller won runner-up. Junior: Macee Kyle won first, and Kipton Kyle as runner-up. Intermediate: Tanner Kyle won first, and Leah Keller was runner-up. Their projects this year were Foods and Woodworking. Missing from the photo was Emma Cross.

Industry leaders join Washington mission

Premier Scott Moe is leading a mission to Washington, D.C. alongside several Saskatchewan businesses and organizations. The delegation will meet with U.S. decision makers and business leaders to underscore the importance of a strong integrated economy.

“Saskatchewan companies play a critical role in North American food and energy security,” Moe said. “I am returning to Washington to continue our efforts in de-escalating the threat of potential tariffs from, our largest trading partner, the U.S. The relationship between our jurisdictions has mutual benefit, and we are working with key stakeholders, industry leaders and government representatives on both sides of the border to build and protect our economies.”

Saskatchewan’s delegation includes representatives from Cameco, Evraz, Arizona Lithium, Cenovus, Whitecap Resources, Enbridge, North American Helium and the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce.

Minister of Agriculture Daryl Harrison is also traveling to Washington to attend the 2025 Winter Policy Conference of the National Association of State Department of Agriculture (NASDA) this week. The conference offers a unique opportunity to meet with state secre -

taries, commissioners and directors of agriculture, industry leaders and federal representatives to talk pressing agriculture and food policy issues.

“The future of Saskatchewan’s agricultural sector is built on strong international relationships and our trade mission to the U.S. reinforces our commitment to open markets and collaboration,” Harrison said. “Attending NASDA’s Winter Policy Conference allows us to showcase Saskatchewan’s world-class agri-food products and the contribution we make to North American competitiveness and food security, and to strengthen partnerships and advocate for policies that benefit our producers.”

This advocacy is crucial to strengthening key relationships and emphasizing how highly integrated both economies are.

The U.S. is Saskatchewan’s largest and most important trading partner. About $40 billion worth of imports and exports cross the border every year. Canada and U.S. are much stronger when operating in a tariff-free environment.

In 2024, Saskatchewan’s top exports to the U.S. were crude oil ($12.5 billion), potash ($4.2 billion), and canola oil ($2.9 billion). Agri-food products represented 21.9 per cent of total exports.

This mission runs from February 24 to 27, 2025.

Bryden Construction & Transport Co. requires SHOP LABORERS

Duties involve cleaning the shop and equipment, assisting in the

35th Annual

Premier Moe: government aims to rid province of fentanyl

Jon Perez


Premier Scott Moe reiterated his government’s declaration of war against fentanyl, joining the federal government in increasing monitoring of possible points of entry of the dangerous drug and other illegal substances in the province.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week ap -

pointed Harvard Law School-educated Kevin Brosseau as the country’s first Fentanyl Czar as part of the federal government’s $1.3 billion investment to improve border security to prevent harmful substances from entering the country.

Answering questions from local journalists in Saskatoon on February 19,, Moe said that he

shares the concerns of the other premiers and the federal government in the menace brought by illegal substances like fentanyl in communities across the country.

That’s why you’ve seen provincial investment and credit to the federal government’s significant investment. We need to continue to do more to eradicate fentanyl

from our communities,” said Moe during a press briefing on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at the Saskatchewan Cabinet Office.

“When it comes to this poison that is killing people that live in our province, our nation, our communities— all too often our friends and family members— fentanyl has no place in Saskatchewan, and we

Playing in the snow

Caiden plays in the snow while spending some outdoor time in Jubilee Park, while attending the February Winter Camp at the Weyburn Credit Union Sparks Centre.

are going to be looking at every effort to eradicate it from the province and do what we can to do the same across Canada.”

U.S. President Trump has repeatedly claimed that fentanyl and crystal meth have also been entering their country, aside from Mexico, through the northern border, accusing Canada of having a lax approach when it comes to preventing illegal drugs and migrants.

However, the Canadian Border Services Agency has seized more illegal drugs and prohibited firearms and weapons from crossing from the U.S. to Canada. Early this year, the RCMP and Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety’s Provincial Protective Services made significant seizures of illegal drugs at the Saskatchewan-U.S. border.

The Saskatoon Police Service has also ramped up its traffic stops, arrests and seizures of illegal drugs like fentanyl, cash related to trafficking and other deadly weapons in their routine patrols in the city.

Moe said border and other law enforcement officers should concentrate on three points of entry that drug traffickers may use in bringing illegal substances to the country.

“One is the 49th parallel, points of entry and exit. There are also our port facilities, which need to be more closely monitored as well when it comes to precursor drugs and things that can be used to make fentanyl, as well as our airports that need

to be closely examined. We must have an ongoing conversation with our federal government on how we are guarding ourselves from the entry of these drugs,” said Moe.

“But there’s more that we can do locally at the provincial level as well, whether it be fentanyl or crystal meth, things of those nature, in eradicating those from our communities. They are most certainly the drivers of crime. They are in many ways associated with and the drivers of some of the homelessness and social challenges that we see in our communities. We can do better as a provincial government and intend to do so.”

“We much have a parallel approach when it comes to how are we going to make our communities safer than they are today. One is to provide recovery opportunities. Two is to increase the enforcement, whether that’s the increase of close to 400 police officers in our streets,” said Moe.

“Whether it be looking at what we can do to eradicate poisonous drugs like crystal meth and fentanyl from our province and ultimately from the hands of those that are living in our communities. That will go a long way, a long way to making for safer communities in the province of Saskatchewan.”

He added provincial leaders, regardless of party affiliation, should be united in combating illegal drugs in their constituencies, listening to the people from their caucus and those living in their communities.

Photo – Sabrina Kraft/Weyburn Review


3lb. Lean GroundBeef

2pkgs. “Maurer ’s”Sausage 2pkgs. Sliced Bacon

2lb. Pork Souvlaki 12 (4 oz)“Maurer ’s”Burgers 1 “Prairie Meats” Meatballs

3lb. Lean GroundBeef

5lb. Pork Chops

2pkgs. Sliced Bacon

2pkgs. “Maurer ’s”Sausage

2lb. ChickenSouvlaki

1 “Prairie Meats” BreakfastScrambler

3lb. Stew Beef

3lb. Lean Ground Beef

5lb. Pork Chops

2pkgs. “Maurer ’s”Sausage

8(6oz) “Maurer ’s”Burgers

2lb. LemonHerbChicken ThighKabobs

4.4lb. ChickenBreast (Boneless, skinless, seasoned)

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