Caring UK June 2024

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June 2024 no.329 The Number One magazine for the care sector S DOC 12.85012B.12 Freephone: 0800 032 4789 Carpeted and Standard Floor Sensor Pads Available • Antibacterial • One-year warranty • Integrates with most nurse calls One monitor works with two sensor pads Floor Sensor Pads Wireless Options: • Call button • Pager • Floor sensor pad • Door/window exit alerts New Better Wireless Fall Monitoring Carpeted Standard 01937 842 758 m: 07920 475 440 . COM LAMONT JOHNSON THINKING OF SELLING? PHONE GRAYSON OR DAWN TAYLOR TODAY WITH OVER 43 YEARS EXPERIENCE SELLING CARE HOMES AS AGENTS NATIONWIDE NO UPFRONT FEES Totally Confidential No Obligation
“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”

– James

Joyce, Ulysses (1922)

THE art of learning from mistakes in social care leadership is an invaluable skill, pivotal for professionals navigating this challenging and dynamic field.

Failures are often stigmatised, whereas in reality, they can be rich opportunities for growth, innovation, and improved practice in all social care settings.

Let’s talk about how embracing and learning from failures can enhance leadership skills, foster a culture of learning and resilience, and ultimately lead to more effective social care services.

Henry Ford stated: ‘The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.’

Accepting that failure is a part of the learning process is crucial.

In the realm of social care, where leaders are faced with complex decisions, unpredictable environments and diverse needs, mistakes are inevitable.

However, it’s the response to these mistakes that sets apart effective leaders.

Viewing failures as stepping stones rather than setbacks, leaders can cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement.

In a recent podcast I shared where, during a discussion with some care home leaders, it was possible to reflect, in the moment, on my tone, when speaking with people in the room.

Being able and willing to articulate that I felt fear around a situation occurring and not, (as could be perceived) frustration or anger enabled:

n The team could then be honest and open around their ‘take’ on the situation.

n It demonstrated that leaders feel fear too and it’s important we are truthful when this happens and not cloak this in anger or a tone of frustration.

n It enabled us all to seek solutions to reduce the risk and move forward.

Creating a culture of transparency and openness is a fundamental aspect of learning from mistakes.

Encouraging open dialogue about mistakes, making it safe for teams to share their experiences without fear of judgment or retribution.

This approach fosters a learning environment where collective wisdom is valued and shared. It encourages teamwork and collaboration, as teams feel more connected and supported, knowing that their contributions and learning journeys are respected.

This develops emotional intelligence, a key competency in social care leadership.

To harness lessons from mistakes, we must practice reflective leadership.

Critically analysing where things didn’t go as planned, identifying contributing factors, and recognising systemic wisdom gained from any experience.

Learning from failure necessitates a commitment to continuous professional development and training.

Promoting and investing in learning opportunities that help us all refine our skills and knowledge is essential.

By staying informed about the latest research, best practices, and innovative approaches in

social care, leaders can better anticipate challenges, adapt to changes, and mitigate future failures.

Leaders need the inner strength to face setbacks, learn from them, and move forward with better insight.

This resilience not only benefits the leaders themselves but also inspires and empowers our teams, creating a more robust and adaptive social care workforce.

The art of learning from mistakes in social care leadership involves embracing a growth mindset, in a culture of openness.

By viewing failures as opportunities for learning and growth, social care leaders can enhance their leadership effectiveness, improve the quality-of-care delivery, and make a more significant impact on the lives of all the people we serve.

Samantha Crawley is the CEO of Bracebridge Care and a director of The Outstanding Society.

The Outstanding Society is a Community Interest Company, free to all providers irrelevant of their rating.

It is a platform to share and celebrate best practice, help others to improve and promote careers in social care.

Email Sonia at info@ theoutstanding for more information or follow the links below:

Advertiser’s announcement
Samantha Crawley

Company director highly commended at Belfast Telegraph Business Awards

LOUISE McLaughlin, co-owner of Home Instead Belfast, has been ‘highly commended’ as Young Business Person of the Year in the Belfast Telegraph Business Awards, having grown a successful home care company in just two years to make it a vital resource for families across the community.

Along with husband Roger, Louise, 30, opened Home Instead Belfast in 2022, providing people with the care to keep them fit and well at home.

Beginning with just a handful of clients, the company has grown to employing around 30 care professionals who collectively deliver around 1,400 hours of care a month to over 100 ageing adults.

She said: “It’s an honour to be highly commended in the Belfast Telegraph Business Awards. Roger and I were delighted to represent the care sector and to have the opportunity to promote the care options available in the area.

“Receiving recognition for running a successful business makes me extra proud of our fantastic care professionals.

“They make it possible for older people to live at home, a place of

familiarity and comfort, yet receive the care crucial to their health and wellbeing. When we see care professionals bond with clients and develop friendships, it’s simply heart-warming.”

With a background as a radiographer, Louise spent her earlier career supporting older people and recognising the challenges many of them face. She and Roger were keen to make a difference in the community and

established Home Instead Belfast, providing a range of care to older people in the community, including help with dressing and bathing, companionship and specialist dementia care.

The judges of the awards recognised Louise’s proactivity when it comes to motivating the team of care professionals.

Organising regular team building activities and recognising outstanding performance, Louise has instilled a close-knit network for employees, not to mention introducing a 24-hour phoneline support service.

Louise is regularly out in the community, answering people’s questions about care and helping lift the taboo of old age.

Given that many of us are reluctant to speak to loved ones about what happens if old age and bad health takes its toll, Louise has been in shopping centres, encouraging people to have the care conversation, as well as promoting care as a worthwhile career route to take.

The awards ceremony was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belfast.

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Emma to host CUK Awards

WEATHER presenter, event host and voiceover artist Emma Jesson will host this year’s Caring UK Awards, Caring UK can reveal. Frequently recognised for her sunny “Bye Bye” sign-off, Emma is a popular face of ITV Weather, one of the longest serving weather presenters and one of the friendliest personalities on TV. Emma produces and presents news features and is particularly at home in her wellies presenting countryside programmes for the network.

She regularly hosts racedays, ‘empowering ladies’ gatherings and a number of community events, as well as various

charitable events and lighthearted ladies’ nights. Emma is a former carer and, as of 2020, a registered celebrant.

Entries for this year’s event are currently open and will close on September 2nd. The Caring UK Awards are free to enter and are open to all elderly care services.

The Caring UK Awards take place at the Athena in Leicester on Thursday, December 5th, and sponsorship opportunities are available to suit all budgets.

To find out more call Bev Green on 01226 734288.

For more information and to enter visit www.caringukawards. or turn to pages 10 and 11.

Poetry competition inspires heartfelt words about carers

A HEARTFELT poem about the true meaning of care work helped amateur poet and care professional Sinu Ravindran win a national poetry prize.

Sinu, a homemaker at Richmond Manor Care Home in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, came first in the competition launched by Hamberley Care Homes, asking colleagues to write poems capturing what care work means to them.

The judges singled out Sinu’s entry for how movingly it depicted the love and dedication of those looking after older people.

Hamberley Care Homes CEO Paul Hill said the judges had been impressed by all the entries, but the beauty and sentiment of Sinu’s poem stood out.

He added: “Sinu’s poem was outstanding because of the beautiful imagery she used and the way it captured the deep bond between care professionals and residents.

“Lines like ‘With every act of kindness, they weave a tapestry of care’ and ‘The carer’s touch is magic, it turns grey to gold’ were so moving.

“It was a privilege to read Sinu’s poem and the many other entries

we received, all of which showed just how thoughtful, dedicated and caring our colleagues are.”

In second place was ‘Our Day’ by receptionist Isla McAllistair from Elstow Manor Care Home in Wixams, Bedfordshire. Kelly Carhart from Lovell Place Care Home in Bristol came third.

The judges received poems from people working in many different roles at Hamberley Care Homes, including homemakers, maintenance staff and wellbeing coaches.

Sinu took home the £100 top prize and said she was thrilled by the reaction to her poem.

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Sinu shares her poem with Richmond Manor resident Rosemary Parrish.

Share your experience of working in care during the pandemic to help us learn lessons for the future.

Search: Every Story Matters

Charmaine, Care worker

Prized staff are ‘more than just carers’

IT IS becoming a bit of a cliché, but staff, in all industries but especially social care, are our most prized and most valuable asset.

Recruiting and retaining the best, most committed and loyal team of staff is central to the success of any business.

There is much talk of new technology and, increasingly AI, taking over some jobs, and I can see where in social care they might have a part to play – in the fields of monitoring or data analysis, for example.

But the true heart of care is still that person-to-person relationship, that friendly face that knocks on the door each day to help you, the carer who has a laugh and a joke with you in a care home, the shoulder to cry on when things get too much.

That is where we will always need very special caring and compassionate people who see looking after others as their vocation.

They share that selflessness, that desire to put others before themselves with nurses but yet the two are not held in the same regard and that is something we must address.

In my 35 years of delivering

care, I have lost count of the number of times I have heard staff say “I’m just a carer’ or similar, but I have never heard anyone in a hospital say “I’m just a nurse”.

I’m not suggesting the way we treat our nurses and other NHS staff is perfect but compared to the way the country regards care workers, it is positively reverential. And yet we need carers like we have never needed them before. We are currently short of 152,000 staff to fill current vacancies.

There are predictions that we will need a further 440,000 carers to meet rising demand, by 2035. If we cannot recruit them now, how are we going to recruit

almost half a million more over the coming decade?

However we do it and however much it costs, we must find a way to reward our carers better so that we can keep the ones we have and employ thousands more. And by that, I mean a lot more than clapping for them on the doorstep (during Covid) or finding them endless packages of spurious training funding (postCovid).

The Labour Party is suggesting a fair pay agreement for social care workers and that has to be a starting point. Detractors cry that this could cost billions but somehow it must happen. There is only so far that praising social care as a rewarding career will take you when it comes to people putting food on the table. Providing care can be hard, stressful work over long, demanding shifts. It is easier and better paid to work in hospitality or retail.

Some politicians will argue that it is up to employers to pay staff better but that is a monumental cop-out.

Care providers have seen the fees they are paid by commissioners like local authorities cut back, in real terms,

repeatedly in recent years.

Those commissioners have not paid anywhere near the actual cost of delivering care for a long time, even when the economic situation was much better, so it gets harder each year to keep giving staff meaningful increases in pay and it is currently impossible to match pay offered by supermarkets or Amazon.

The recent larger-than-expected increase in the National Living Wage is making it harder still and some providers are giving up.

The answer lies in reform of the way social care is funded, pure and simple.

Whether it is through a fair pay agreement, as suggested by Labour, or some other way, we must fund social care properly so that workers get proper pay and equality with the NHS.

The Conservatives proposed a solution through its Health and Social Care levy, but that was jettisoned by Rishi Sunak as soon as he was Prime Minister – yet more evidence of the low-priority social care reform is in his eyes.

Our staff are our lifeblood, we need to treasure them, respect them and reward them. They put the care in social care and without them, we have nothing.

Advertiser’s announcement

Specialist insurance division launched

INDEPENDENT boutique finance

broker Montane Finance has launched a specialist insurance division aimed at supporting the healthcare and hospitality sectors.

To head up this new division the firm has announced the appointment of Adam Lee.

He said: “We are excited about the opportunities this new division represents for our clients and feel ideally positioned to capitalise on new business opportunities.

“The creation of our dedicated insurance division aligns directly with the Montane Group and reflects our commitment to becoming the insurer of choice for the healthcare and hospitality sectors.”

Montane Insurance is based in offices in Winsford, Cheshire and will provide insurance solutions to clients predominantly across the North West and Midlands, as well as nationally.

The firm has also acquired a sector related insurance book which means the business is fully operational from day one and can service clients’ insurance requirements.

A senior insurance professional with 20 years of experience, Adam’s career has seen him work across different sectors, with a focus in the commercial, healthcare and hospitality


He joins Montane Insurance, which has the infrastructure, support and capacity of an experienced insurance broking team.

He has been working alongside the team at Montane Group for the last three years to support their clients’ insurance needs.

Montane Finance managing director Scott Murcott said: “The launch of an insurance division specialising in healthcare and hospitality is a planned and logical step for the Montane Group as we continue to grow the business.

“We’re responding to increased demand from our clients to deliver a proactive and full service offering to their funding and insurance needs. We’re thrilled to welcome a skilled insurance professional like Adam to the team.

“Building Montane into a full service independent broker is an exciting proposition, and I am looking forward to growing the business further and welcoming more new members to the team in the future.”

Montane Finance has been steadily growing having recorded an uplift in revenue in the past 12 months and dealing with more than £100m of lending cases to a wide variety of businesses across the North West and beyond.

A very rare opportunity not to be missed to own a pair of distinctive number plates for your cars which stands out in the business for care of older people: Priced at: £125,000 Call Danny on 07831 463941 6 CARINGNEWS
In his latest in a series of regular columns, care provider Mike Padgham, who is chair of the Independent Care Group, gives us his personal take on the big issues facing social care.
Mike Padgham

Council chairman opens home

CARPENDERS Park Care Home near Watford was officially opened by the chairman of Three Rivers Council, Raj Khiroya.

Councillor Khiroya cut the ribbon together with home manager Claire Masterson and Country Court co-CEOs Al-Karim Kachra and Alykhan Kachra.

The home is the latest to be opened by the Peterboroughbased operator and will provide residential and dementia care for up to 76 people.

Throughout the weekend visitors were welcomed to the home which sits in countryside on the outskirts of Carpenders Park near Watford.

Alykhan said: “The warm and friendly response from our local community was wonderful . “We were delighted that we

could finally showcase our beautiful facilities to our local community who have been eagerly awaiting this grand opening. We look forward to working closely with all our new connections to enrich the lives of our residents.”

During the weekend staff were delighted to offer tours, food and live music to visitors from the local community.

Home manager Claire Masterson added: “I want to thank everyone for attending and supporting our open day. It’s been wonderful to see so many new faces from the local community.

“We can’t wait to set in motion our plans for events and other opportunities to support our community near Watford in any way that we can.”

Residents reunited after first meeting in the early 1950s

TWO residents at Meallmore’s Culduthel home in Inverness have reunited 67 years since first meeting.

Phyllis Pieraccini née Wiseman and Helen Malcom née Richardson recently discovered they previously knew each other during the time they spent with Girlguiding in the early 1950s but hadn’t seen each other since.

Phyllis first joined Brownies at age seven, before joining Guides at 11. At the same time, Helen was Brown Owl of the 1st East Kilbride Brownie Unit.

Helen has been guiding her entire life and has held various roles including district commissioner and county commissioner.

These roles involved visiting Guide units, such as the one Phyllis was part of, and carrying out inspections across Scotland.

Phyllis said: “Helen was a big, strong lady. We never had any reason to fear her, but the fact she was a commissioner meant we had to be on our best behaviour.”

Phyllis was not the only member of her family to be a part of Girlguiding.

Her younger sister, Joyce Baxter, almost achieved The Queen’s Guide award, the highest award you can work to in guiding. It was her who informed Phyllis that Helen was a fellow resident at Culduthel.

Phyllis added: “My sister told me that Helen was here and one day at the church service I heard someone talking to a ‘Helen.’ I leaned across and asked, ‘Are you Helen Malcom perchance?’,

and it was. It has been lovely to reconnect with Helen.”

In recent years, Helen became chair of the Trefoil Guild. Whilst no longer holding this position, she continues to be part of this division of the Girlguiding family which aims to support and help others by carrying the spirit of Girlguiding into local communities.

Helen expressed the key thing that she has learned from her time in the Guides is the value of lasting friendships, noting another friend she has known over 30 years.

Activities coordinator Louisa Taylor, who has been talking to both ladies during reminiscence sessions at the care home, added: “Helen and Phyllis are very highly regarded ladies within their communities.

“The way they have told the stories of their time spent with the Guides has been a joy to listen to. We feel very lucky to have been able to bring them together and strengthen their relationship.”

Balnacarron care home in St Andrews, Fife, was visited by MP for North East Fife, Wendy Chamberlain, Liberal Democrat Chief Whip and Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Work and Pensions. Residents and staff at the facility spoke to her about what life is like at the HC-One Scotland owned home. Wendy enjoyed a tour of the 33-bed home, played a game of bingo alongside residents and enjoyed a cup of tea and cake whilst chatting about the refurbished café and sweet shop. n Home manager Olga Jankovska is pictured with area director Angela Percival and Wendy Chamberlain MP.

Our June front cover photograph shows Joan Howes, a resident at Barchester’s Ashcombe House in Basingstoke, enjoying a mocktail as the care home celebrated World Cocktail day recently. If you have a portrait shaped image that you think would make the perfect front cover then email it to Dominic Musgrave at

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Chairman of Three Rivers Council Raj Khiroya cuts the ribbon with home manager Claire Masterson and Country Court co-CEOs Al-Karim Kachra and Alykhan Kachra. Phyllis Pieraccini and Helen Malcom.
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Caring UK Awards 2024 are kindly sponsored by

Fourth royal honour as apetito gets The King’s Awards for Enterprise

apetito has been honoured with the UK’s highest business accolade, The King’s Awards for Enterprise, Sustainable Development.

apetito is one of an elite number of companies which over the past two decades has won multiple Enterprise awards in both Innovation and Sustainable Development.

2024 sees the company’s fourth Royal honour, having previously won three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise (two for Innovation in 2005 and 2016, and one in 2019 for Sustainable Development).

This year it is one of 252 organisations nationally to be awarded a prestigious King’s Awards for Enterprise, with just 29 businesses being recognised for their work in Sustainable Development.

CEO and chair of apetito UK and North America, Paul Freeston, said the win was a reflection of the extraordinary teamwork and values that are shared from top to bottom within the business.

“We are proud, honoured and delighted to have been recognised in The King’s Awards for

Enterprise: Sustainable Development 2024. It epitomises the collective hard work, dedication, and vision of our entire team,” he added.

“All of us at apetito are passionate about ‘making a real difference’ to people’s lives and we believe our commitment to sustainable development reflects this.

“Sustainability informs not just the way we work, but how we treat people, the impact on the environment and our contribution to the economy. Put simply, we believe it’s the right way to do business”

The Award recognises apetito’s commitment to conducting business in a way that impacts positively on the environment, society, and economy – and of course the residents it serves in homes across the UK.

In particular it celebrates

apetito’s commitment to sustainability, its ambition to reach Net Zero by 2040, and its work in taking concrete actions to meet challenging shortterm targets for carbon reduction and supporting climate change – targets which are validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative.

At the heart of this recognition lies ‘Project Boomerang,’ a pioneering sustainability initiative, launched through its consumer business, Wiltshire Farm Foods.

The ground-breaking project focuses on the company’s ready-meal deliveries and is the world’s first closed-loop recycling system for plastic meal trays on an industrial scale.

Not only does the Awards recognise apetito’s achievement of closed loop production it also referenced the company’s pivotal role in shaping Government policy and driving advancements in recycling practices.

apetito employs 1,900 staff and can trace its heritage back to 1928. It embodies strong social values and is both an accredited living wage employer and full member

of the ethical trading initiative.

All its products are carbon footprinted and it is leading the way to Net Zero across the industry, whether in its sourcing of sustainable ingredients, in food waste reduction and investment into every aspect of its operations to reduce emissions.

The King’s Awards for Enterprise, previously known as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, were renamed last year to reflect His Majesty The King’s desire to continue the legacy of HM Queen Elizabeth II’s by recognising outstanding UK businesses.

The Awards celebrate the success of exciting and innovative businesses which are leading the way with pioneering products or services, delivering impressive social mobility programmes, or showing their commitment to excellent sustainable development practices.

The Award programme, now in its 58th year, is the most prestigious business award in the country, with successful businesses able to use the esteemed King’s Awards Emblem for the next five years.

Advertiser’s announcement

War of words as residents from four homes dabble in Scrabble

DEDICATED Scrabble fans from four care homes in the South were quick to mind their Ps and Qs as they enjoyed a friendly battle of words in multiple encounters.

Players at the Colten Care homes in Dorset and Hampshire pitted their wits against each other to search for the ultimate word score using giant Scrabble boards.

While Woodpeckers in Brockenhurst welcomed friends from Kingfishers in New Milton, there was similar gentle rivalry as Amberwood House in Ferndown took on visitors from Bourne View in Poole.

The inter-home fun, inspired by National Scrabble Day, lasted several hours and featured a sweepstake so non-players could feel involved by guessing the number of words the teams achieved in each game.

At Amberwood House, staff reflected the theme of word play by dressing up as something beginning with the first letter of their name.

Companionship team leader Kirsty Richmond-Cole was a kite, clinical lead Hanna Rehbein

was a hot dog, home manager Diane Nicholls was a dragon, nurse Anika McQuirk was Alice in Wonderland and maintenance manager Christian Blanch was Clark Kent, unveiling a Superman top from under his shirt.

Kirsty said: “We decided to dress up so residents could have a good laugh and join in with the celebrations even if they had decided not to play. We did have some strange looks and one or two belly laughs.”

The Bourne View team –

Faircloth, Wendy Barnes and Peter Prior – arrived at Amberwood House just before lunch, taking a stroll around the garden and enjoying fish and chips before sitting down for the competition.

In the end, Amberwood House put up three teams itself, with residents Marjorie Hutchings, Rita Bryant and Noreen Hewitt having a closely fought match with Harold, Wendy and Peter. Kirsty added: “There were some clever moves and a

few challenges on words and Marjorie, Rita and Noreen jumped into the lead.

But Harold, Wendy and Peter refused to give in and made a word score of 41 which enabled them to go in front.

As it went on and with a final push from Marjorie, Rita, and Noreen, Amberwood House cheered with joy as they cleared their rack with a fantastic move and won the game.”

At Woodpeckers, there were also multiple matches with some ties open to family and friends as well as residents.

The most successful residents’ team was Jo Bray, Pam Welch and Molly Wolstenholme.

Companionship team member Sian Harris said: “Over an hourand-a-half of playing and 75 words later, Jo’s team were the clear winners with 307 points against 239. Jo also won a prize for the longest word. This prompted a lot of laughter as her word was ‘headstones’.”

There was also National Scrabble Day fun with games between residents living at Colten Care’s Avon Cliff home in Bournemouth.

The essence of exceptional care

AS WE all know, the significance of the role that carers play in enhancing the lives of those they support cannot be overstated. Having supported the development of carers for more than 10 years, we understand the foundation of exceptional care lies not just in the technical skills of our carers but, more importantly, in the intrinsic qualities they bring to their roles.

As one of the proud directors of Nexus Care Services, I have seen first-hand how these attributes create an environment where clients feel not just cared for, but truly valued and respected.

Vital qualities of a carer

We believe that several key characteristics help to define exceptional carers, which include:

n Reliability and dependability: Trust is the cornerstone of the caregiver-client relationship. It is built on the carer’s reliability to consistently provide high standards of care, showing up on time, and being present not just physically but emotionally. This dependability fosters a sense of security and peace of mind for both clients and their families.

n Empathy and compassion: The ability to empathise and exhibit genuine compassion is what sets an outstanding carer apart. Understanding and sharing the feelings of another is not just

a skill; it’s a characteristic that enriches the care experience, facilitating a deeper connection and trust between the carer and the client.

n Patience: Home care’s dynamic nature often presents challenging situations. Patience is critical in navigating these moments with grace, ensuring a positive and calming environment that benefits everyone involved.

n Communication: Effective communication is pivotal in the care sector. The best carers are those who can clearly express themselves while being excellent listeners, always prioritising the needs and preferences of their


n Problem-solving: The unpredictable nature of home care requires carers to have adept problem-solving skills. The ability to think on one’s feet, creatively addressing and anticipating challenges, ensures a seamless care experience.

n Physical stamina: Given the demanding nature of the role, physical stamina is essential for a carer. This not only aids in providing the best possible care but also ensures the carer’s wellbeing.

Developing these skills

Some of these come naturally to those entering the care profession, but equally many can be learned or further developed. Just like qualifications, soft skills are integral to building an exceptional care team, which is why we – like many other care providers – invest a lot of time into giving our carers the tools they need to fulfil their role and provide exceptional care services. This is often done through mentoring and on-the-job training. Much can be learned from senior carers, but equally many of our clients help our team to flourish in these areas.

It is not uncommon for many of the people who join our team to not realise they possess these qualities until they start in their role – especially if they are new to

the industry.

Often, we can see it before them during the recruitment process and it is often a key differentiator when we are exploring the capabilities of new candidates.

We are currently extending an invitation to individuals in the north Birmingham area, including Sutton Coldfield, Tamworth, and Lichfield, who embody these qualities and are considering a career in this rewarding field.

Choosing to become a part of our team means embarking on a journey that is as fulfilling as it is impactful, contributing significantly to the lives of those we care for.

We are committed to supporting our carers through comprehensive and paid training, competitive salaries, and a nurturing environment.

Our goal is for every member of our team to thrive, feeling empowered to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients.

Our approach is the reason we have been shortlisted for several awards in the last year.

If you are passionate about making a positive impact and possess the qualities, we’ve highlighted then a carer in care could be right for you, regardless of what qualifications you may or may not already possess.

n Samuel Court is a director at Nexus Care Services.

Harold Samuel Court

A Positive Outlook for Care

Join us for an informative day meeting care suppliers, industry experts and like-minded care professionals.

Holiday Inn, Barnsley 10th July 2024

Dunston Hall, Norwich 30th October 2024

Visit more than 25 exhibition stands showcasing the latest products. Speakers topics will include:

• An update on the care sector and the way forward.

• The new CQC framework.

• Nourishing lives - promoting good nutrition in care settings.

• Improving dementia care through experience.

• Recruitment and staff retention.

All delegates receive:

• Lunch and refreshments

• Goody bag and attendance certificate

• Enter our prize draw with some amazing prizes

Scan the QR code to visit our website, find out more information and book your place, or alternatively call us on 01226 734412 or email


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New care home to open this autumn

KELVINSIDE Manor is the latest care home being opened by Meallmore this autumn.

The home marks the operator’s 27th care home in Scotland, and eighth within the Greater Glasgow and West Scotland region.

Regional director Carol-Anne Foote said: “I am really looking forward to welcoming residents to Kelvinside Manor. This modern, luxury home will provide a safe, and comfortable environment for residents.

“Our experience from managing seven other homes in this region of Scotland means we are equipped with knowledge of the community, and will look to continue building strong connections with local members of the public and community groups.”

Located in the West End of

Glasgow, Kelvinside Manor will provide facilities that offers personalised nursing care and support for 48 elderly people, including those with dementia and its related conditions.

With an extensive interior refurbishment underway, residents can expect a modern, luxurious living experience where

they feel at home and part of the community.

The newly renovated care home will feature a range of amenities including a café, hair and nail salon, private gardens, dayrooms and balconies; all designed to enhance the living experience of its residents. It will provide in the region of

80 full time equivalent jobs in a variety of roles, including nurses, care assistants, services team members, administrators and managers. Recruitment will start in the near future.

The opening of Kelvinside Manor later this year will represent a £9m investment by Meallmore. Meallmore property director Michael Gillespie added: “Kelvinside Manor will be a brilliant addition to our care homes here in the West of Scotland.

“This modern, luxury home will be finished to the highest standards and is designed for ease of living with ageing and related health conditions. We will provide tailored plans to meet care, hospitality and social needs with onsite support of a 24-hour nursing team.”



A very successful Home in the densely populated and historic Dudley.

Presently registered for 21, with 20 bedrooms, 50% having ensuite facilities and an overall CQC rating of “Good.”

The Home has been sold on behalf of the Sahni family, who have been operating the business for over 20 years and acquired by the Birmingham based existing operator Mr Harvi Singh.

Carol-Anne Foote and Michael Gillespie at the site of the new care home.

MSP visits site of Inverness care home as countdown to its opening begins


Edward Mountain has visited the site of a new care home in Inverness as the countdown to its opening begins.

Parklands Care Homes is investing £11million on a new flagship facility at Milton of Leys on the outskirts of the Highland capital.

It is expected to create around 120 full-time equivalent jobs when it opens in April 2025.

During a site visit, Edward was briefed by Ron Taylor, managing director of Parklands Care Homes and Rhona Donnelly, managing director of Capstone Construction.

Ron said: “We were delighted to welcome Edward Mountain MSP to the site of our new Inverness care home. When it opens, a year from now, it will be the largest purpose-built care home in the Parklands group, and very much the flagship of our group.

“We’re confident that it will set a new standard in care quality, offering unparalleled comfort, support and amenities for our residents.

“We are pleased to be working with Capstone Construction on this important construction project for the city.

“Together, we are committed to delivering a state-of-the-art care facility that exceeds the expectations of our residents and their families and becomes a vital

Work starts on new £20m Bowdon home

BUILD is now officially underway on a new state-of-the-art £20m care facility on the site of the former Mercure Hotel in Bowdon, with practical completion confirmed for May 2025.

At the start of the year Altrincham-based New Care commenced remediation works on the site, including demolition of much of the old hotel.

Over the course of the last few weeks work has gathered pace and construction has now started on the foundations of the new care home.

Helping to increase the provision of quality beds in Trafford, New Care’s ‘new generation’ care facility is purpose-built to deliver care in a safe and stylish home-from-home environment.

Dawn Collett, commissiong director at New Care, said: “It’s wonderful that work has now officially started on site in Bowdon.

“The foundations will soon be complete, which means the brickwork can commence, and it won’t be long before the shell of the building will be seen above the hoarding.

“All is on track for practical completion in May 2025, which is great news.”

The care home will feature 51 bedrooms, each with its own private wet room. Residents will be encouraged to personalise their bedrooms with soft

furnishings from home.

There will also be several communal lounges and dining rooms, along with a nail bar and hairdresser. There will also be landscaped grounds with secure garden and outdoor spaces for residents to enjoy.

Residents will receive individual person-centred care enhanced with a programme of daily activities from a permanent and skilled professional team.

The operator has another care home under construction in Herne Bay. Principal contractor McGoff Construction (New Care’s sister company and also part of the McGoff Group) is managing all build programmes.

hub for the local community.

“Our investment in Inverness doesn’t stop there; in later phases, we will develop a later living village and affordable homes for key workers, creating a unique integrated care community for the city.”

The new care home will offer

58 en-suite bedrooms, many of them overlooking the Moray Firth, several day/dining rooms, quiet lounges, an activity room, hairdresser and café.

The home is the first phase of an ambitious multi-millionpound plan to create a new care community in the city, the first of its kind in the Highlands.

Subsequent phases will see the construction of a later living village, comprising 11 twobedroom bungalows, designed to enable older people to live independent lives within a care home setting, and new rental accommodation for Parklands’ workers.

The construction project is being spearheaded by Inverness based contractor Capstone Construction. The site team has now completed the installation of the bison concrete flooring beams. The next major milestone will see the erection of the steel frame in early June, with the timber frame to follow later that month. At its peak, the site will support between 40 and 60 construction jobs.


rating for home

BANKHOUSE Care Home in Lesmahagow, Lanark has been awarded Good ratings in all evaluated areas, including Support, Leadership, Staff Team, and Setting, during its latest unannounced inspection by the Care Inspectorate.

Highlights from the inspection report include:

n Resident and Family Satisfaction: Feedback from residents and their families emphasised the high level of care and support provided at Bankhouse. One family member said: “I could not ask for better care. They [staff] phone about any changes and are very good to him [relative]. He seems very happy here.”

n Wellbeing and Activities: The inspection highlighted the individualised care approach and the rich activities programme tailored to resident preferences, promoting community connections and personal fulfilment.

n Leadership and Staff: The report praised the leadership and the skilled, caring staff team for their motivation and

commitment to continuous improvement and training.

“Receiving such positive feedback from the Care Inspectorate is a testament to the hard work and passion our team puts into every aspect of care at Bankhouse,” said home manager Paula Bartlett.

“We’re not just resting on our laurels, however; we see this as a stepping stone towards even greater achievements.

“Plans are already underway to further enhance our care plans and environment, ensuring that our home remains at the forefront of quality care for older people.

“Our team is committed to providing exceptional care that respects the dignity and preferences of our residents. This inspection proves our dedication to not only meeting but exceeding the standards expected by our community and the Care Inspectorate.”

Bankhouse Care Home is managed by Healthcare Management Solutions and is currently being marketed for sale by BNP Paribas Real Estate.

Dominic Kay, chairman of New Care, at the site in Bowdon. Rhona Donnelly, Ron Taylor and Edward Mountain MSP.

Pub set to become supported living accommodation

PROPERTY development firm

SEP Properties and Radis Community Care have joined forces to turn a former Walsall pub into a state-of-the-art supported living service.

Consisting of 12 self-contained apartments, communal areas and a manager’s office, the building that was once a pub called The Bowman will be renamed Bowman’s Court – in a nod to its history within the local community.

Gavin Dixon, head of supported living services at Radis Community Care, said: “Myself and the entire team at Radis are absolutely thrilled to have a supported living service opening in Walsall.

“This location is perfect and we’re really happy to be able to provide a service that will benefit the community and their families in a plethora of ways.

“We’re incredibly proud to have teamed up with SEP Properties to create a first-class facility for individuals with various care needs. It’s fantastic to support other local businesses and to have created such a communityfocused facility together is an honour.”

SEP Properties is in the final stages of the development with a grand opening expected to happen in the summer.

With the scaffolding due to come down shortly, attention will be turned to the inside of the supported living accommodation.

Built with assisted technology at the forefront of the design, Bowman’s Court will be kitted out with 360 degree CCTV and access control.

Prioritising safety, security and accessibility for all, the supported

living service will include a 24/7 warden call system and the building will allow for keyless entry in the form of fobs.

Managed by Inclusion Housing, each apartment will be made up of a fully fitted kitchen, bedroom, living space and a bathroom, as well as being supplied with underfloor heating.

Palminder Singh, director at SEP Properties, added: “As a local business we’re keen to work on projects that will benefit the community and this does exactly that.

“We’ve worked closely with Radis Community Care to ensure the bespoke development is suitable for the individuals who will call it home.

“And we have done so by implementing first-class assisted technology to the supported living service.

“We’re keen to continue in this line of work, teaming up with fellow local businesses, supporting the community whilst promoting and providing further jobs.

“We have a number of projects in the pipeline for the next two years that will allow us to do just that.”

Ed Courtney has been appointed the manager of Langford Park near Exeter. Ed will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the 35-bed care home, as well as overseeing the substantial modernisation and refurbishment project currently underway. Ed’s first job at 16 was as an activities co-ordinator in a care home, which was where he first realised his passion and talent for helping and supporting older people. Ed later worked for a care consultancy, which helps care homes to develop and improve their services. In this role he visited hundreds of homes across the country, advising managers about staffing, introducing new systems and developing a positive working culture. More recently Ed has been a change manager, supporting struggling homes in times of change and difficulty.

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Operator strengthens dementia care with updated training programme

HOME Instead UK has launched a new and revised version of its dementia training programme, making it easier for people to learn knowledge and skills to support someone living with dementia.

Launched in 2016, Home Instead’s bespoke dementia training programme recognises that many of the 944,000 people with dementia in the UK are keen and able to continue living at home.

Tim Howell, learning and development partner at Home Instead UK, said: “Dementia is a condition that doesn’t just affect the individual, it affects their family and others around them too, who are concerned about seeing their loved one’s health decline.

“Our training programme equips people with the knowledge and practical skills to support people living with the condition at home. As a safe pair of hands, our care professionals provide families with much-needed reassurance.

“Our dementia training has

certainly gone from strength to strength and we’re excited to innovate it. With a blended approach – virtual and faceto-face – we’re making it more accessible. People can do some of it at home and fit it around other commitments, and at 10-and-a-half hours, the training is now more streamlined.

“As dementia becomes more prevalent, we need to meet the demand for this specialist care. I look forward to seeing more of our care professionals add

dementia care to their skill-set and thrive in their roles – it will only become an increasingly sought-after skill in the care sector.”

Thousands of Home Instead UK’s care professionals nationwide have undertaken its City & Guilds assured training, supporting ageing adults with the challenges that the condition can bring. Soon after the launch, the programme won a Princess Royal Training Award.

Keen to further the programme’s

success, Home Instead has given it an update with the view to boost the amount of Care Professionals able to deliver the specialist care.

The programme has a blended approach, consisting of eLearning, virtual delivery and in-person sessions, making it easier for people to undergo the training while still benefitting from face-to-face teaching.

The virtual modules cover key factors of dementia, including its effects on the brain, the typical behaviours of somebody living with the condition, and how to interact with them.

This leads to a practical faceto-face session where learners are given scenarios involving someone with dementia and discuss how they would respond.

Care professionals learn how to provide support with utmost empathy, from making mealtimes easier to adding elements to the home (such as labelled cupboards) so that the client can continue living safely and independently.

Foundation Partners and Deer Capital to acquire Hartford Care

FOUNDATION Partners and Deer Capital have entered a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Hartford Care for a sum in excess of £100m.

The transaction also provides significant additional capital to execute on the provider’s expansion strategy, which will

see it double in size by 2026 with the strategic acquisition of new care homes, and the expansion of its existing portfolio of 21 homes.

Hartford Care chief executive Kevin Shaw said: “Fundamental to our growth strategy is the exceptional high quality of care

we offer and the ways in which we enhance the lives of our existing residents. We thank our outgoing shareholders for their commitment to our values and unwavering support. As well as enabling the continued growth of Hartford Care, our exciting new partnership with Foundation

Partners and Deer Capital is strongly aligned with our ethos of investing in innovation and creating a ‘home from home’ setting; we can move forward in growing the Hartford Care brand to create new caring communities that are kind and welcoming of everyone.”

First residents move into new stateof-the-art Oswestry care home

THE doors of HC-One’s Bluebell View, a new £12million state-ofthe-art 80-bedroom care home in Oswestry, Shropshire, has opened to residents.

The first one, Dot Jones, cut the ribbon to mark the opening of the care home after weeks of hard work by the team preparing to get everything ready for the grand opening.

Dot was one of three residents who moved into Bluebell View, and was welcomed by home manager Michelle MiddletonPrice, who has more than 20 years of frontline healthcare experience, deputy home manager Vicky Athey and resident liaison manager Sheilagh Lewis. Michelle, was also presented with a card and flowers to recognise her hard work in getting Bluebell View up and running.

She said: “We are delighted to have opened Bluebell View Care Home and welcomed our first residents into their new home.

“I look forward to showcasing our new state-of-the-art beautiful

care home and what it has to offer the local community. I am confident that the team will make a huge difference in the local community and enrich the lives of residents living at Bluebell View.

“We strive to be the first-choice

care provider for residents and colleagues in every community we serve.

“As the first HC-One home in the Oswestry area, I’m looking forward to working with more talented colleagues in the area

to provide the kindest possible care to older people in the community.”

Bluebell View has been developed in conjunction with contractor Greenchurch Developments.

The purpose-built three-storey home features residents’ lounges, reading rooms and a reception and bar area, along with private gardens with courtyards, and will create circa 90 new jobs in the area at full occupancy.

The home also plays host to a selection of paintings by local artist Richard Briggs that celebrate local landmarks and culture which can be seen on display throughout the reception and communal areas to make residents and visitors feel at home.

Bluebell View is the latest home to be built in HC-One’s new build programme, which saw three homes open in 2021 (in York, Bingham and Telford) with another set to open in Milton Keynes later this year.

Vicky Athey, Michelle Middleton-Price and Sheilagh Lewis.

New home care services arrive in Norfolk town

A HOME care service has opened its offices in Gorleston-on-Sea so that more people across the region can choose to stay safe and independent at home for longer.

With its expansion into the new office, Bluebird Care East Suffolk, Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft will be creating 30 new jobs as it looks to grow its team of care experts and administrative team members.

The family-run business is led by Kerry Hobbs. She was inspired to start the East Suffolk care service after supporting her own grandparents with their care.

Kerry said: “I’m delighted that we are now able to offer home care services across the Gorleston area. I know from experience how difficult it can be navigating the different care options available, and so I’m pleased to be able to make this journey easier for people in the local community.

“The wider Great Yarmouth area means so much to me and my family is all still based here too –so when the opportunity came to bring our services to Gorlestonon-Sea I didn’t think twice.

“The team and I are already getting stuck in to making sure people can maintain their independence within the comfort of their own home, rather than

moving to a residential care home if this isn’t the right time for them.”

Also helping to lead the local care team is Registered Manager Deena Malvin, whose years of experience in health and social care, including specialist dementia care will bring fresh options.

The Bluebird Care team will be bringing a range of different care services to the Gorleston-on-Sea community, including domiciliary and companionship care, live-in and respite care, and night care.

New home approved

MILESTONE plans which will see the delivery of a 75-bedroom, highly sustainable, care home in Harpenden, Hertfordshire have been approved by councillors.

The state-of-the-art development is being built by Oakland Care. It becomes the 11th addition to the business’ growing portfolio of care homes across the South East and London.

The new care home will be their most innovative and sustainable to date and will 100 per cent be powered by electricity.

Chief executive officer Joanne Balmer BEM said: “This is a major milestone for Oakland Care and one I am incredibly proud of. This achievement is testament to the outstanding efforts of all those we have worked alongside to get the project to this point, and I am delighted that we have now received planning permission for this scheme.

“The new care home in Harpenden will be our most

innovative, adventurous and sustainable yet, and will act as a blueprint for our future homes. It demonstrates a big step forward against our environmental strategy and is further evidence our industry-leading approach to combatting the climate crisis.

“To be able to expand our portfolio of care homes is also a sign of our continued progress as a care provider. We have become well-recognised for the outstanding care we deliver to our residents and look forward to supporting more people in Harpenden and Hertfordshire over the coming years.”

125 solar panels will be installed to generate power for the care home, whilst air source heat pumps will help heat the building via an under-floor heating system. The Harpenden care home will be the operator’s first to be powered by renewable energy that does not connect to the gas infrastructure grid.

Registered Care Manager Deena Malvin and care supervisor Cindy Learmonth.

It is time to switch and save ...

CHOOSING the right supplier for your essential needs can be a crucial decision.

It is a decision that directly impacts the quality of care provided to residents and the efficiency of daily operations.

Among the many options available, Gompels shines as a beacon of excellence. With a deep commitment to quality, a wide range of products, and a track record of reliability, Gompels has rightfully earned its place as the best choice for care homes.

Spend 20 per cent less at Gompels

We are known for our competitive pricing and offering quality products at affordable rates without the fancy branding.

This enables care homes to make the most of their budgets without compromising on the quality of care provided to residents.

Our free online tools will drive efficiency across your business helping you make substantial cost and time savings.

Why not let us complete a price comparison against your supplier and we can demonstrate how

much you could save.

Email keyaccounts@gompels. to request your price comparison and we can have it back within 24 hours.

Greener at Gompels

In an era where sustainability and ethical business practices are becoming increasingly important, we stand out by prioritising these values.

We have implemented ecofriendly practices and offer a selection of sustainable products, helping care homes reduce their environmental footprint.

Furthermore, at Gompels we are committed to ethical sourcing and fair labour practices, ensuring that the products care homes use have been produced in a socially responsible manner.

Our carbon neutral head office in Melksham generates 10 times the amount of electricity we need, making us a net contributor to the grid.

We are ambitious and ready for change.

Come and find out more in our sustainability section on the website https://www.gompels.

Better service as standard

Not only do we offer top-quality products but we also provide exceptional customer service. We have a dedicated team that is ready to assist care homes with their needs and queries. Whether it is product information, order tracking, or support with special requests, our customer service is there to help and ensure a smooth experience for care home professionals.

No matter if you have 10 bedrooms or 500 bedrooms across multiple sites, you will always get the best service at Gompels. We have more than 98 per cent of products in stock every week and you can rely on our speedy next-day delivery service with more than 99.7 per cent of orders arriving on time.

Care homes can trust us to provide the support they need to deliver outstanding care to their residents and to operate efficiently in an increasingly challenging environment.

Let’s talk soon and discuss your requirements in more detail.

Email or call 0345 450 2420

Digital transformation – a call to action

TO ALL care providers who have not yet embraced digital this is a timely call to action.

Digital solutions offer transformative change.

The ability to have both your care and business records collated from one simple and straightforward point of entry in an easy to understand format is great for you, your business, your stake holders and your regulator.

Fusion’s development in providing over 14 years of digital technology to the care sector has proven to have driven higher standards of both care

and efficiency by spearheading enhancements in time consuming input, reporting and care processes proven by numerous outstanding CQC reports achieved by our tech savvy clients.

It is no longer possible to deliver care to an acceptable standard without a digital record of the care an individual has received.

Continuity of care for all won’t be 100 per cent effective until everyone’s onboard, but for some the decision making is slow and frustrating and it’s taking too long to realise the benefits, digital is not going away so embrace the change today.

Digital technology should be a prime objective promoting new ways of working.

Effective investment is key. Many times, decisions to procure are weighted towards cost not value for money.

Test the marketplace, compare systems, apply due diligence and

rather than being sold a system for the wrong reasons, buy one that delivers to your expectations. Fusion is one of the only suppliers of an end-to-end care management system so no need to look any further for care planning, staff management and resident administration one point of entry, one system.

Release the potential of your business by empowering your team to let them focus on what really matters, quality care. We will deliver, get in touch today.


Your trusted laundry services partner

AT FORBES Professional we understand the critical role that dependable laundry facilities play in the daily operations of any care home.

As a trusted industry partner, we provide a reliable, multiaward winning support that encompasses both reactive and preventative services for commercial laundry appliances. We offer a range of servicing options; whether you opt for our comprehensive Complete Care rental solution or purchase with maintenance, or simply a service contract for your existing machines, we can accommodate your requirements.

We understand the importance of ensuring that your care home fully complies with all the relevant industry and health and safety regulations.

As such we can also offer gas-certification for your existing machines as well as our rented or maintained appliances, ensuring that your operation is in accordance with Regulation 35 of the Gas Safety Regulations 1998.

As a supplier and service partner for Miele, Primus, SpeedQueen, Heusbsch and many leading brands, we bring you unparalleled expertise and access to genuine parts, ensuring that your equipment receives the highest standard of care.

We have an expansive team of in-house, qualified electrical and gas engineers, allowing us to deliver a consistent level of service.

With a nationwide network, coordinated from our headquarters in Surrey, our engineers provide a swift and efficient support. All our vans carry key components and spare parts, and are tracked to enable us to assign calls according to our engineers’ proximity to site.

With our extensive reach across the UK, we ensure that wherever your care home operates, our skilled engineers are just a call away.

Our commitment to a rapid response means minimal downtime for your laundry operations, which we know is key to keeping your care home

running smoothly.

Whether you rent, lease or purchase laundry equipment, it is important to secure a reliable partner for regular machine servicing.

That not only helps maintain optimal performance of the laundry appliances, it also prolongs the equipment’s life expectancy.

Furthermore, proactive and preventative maintenance helps to reduce costly repairs and disruptions as well as reducing waste and minimising your carbon footprint.

With almost 100 years’ service experience, you can trust Forbes to support your care home and help you maintain stringent hygiene standards. Call 0345 070 2335 or email


Care Show celebrates its London debut

THE inaugural launch of Care Show London brought a bustling, vibrant atmosphere to the ExCeL London and welcomed 3,395 delegates, 195 speakers, and 180 exhibitors through its doors.

The event was rebranded as Care Show London following the final run of The Residential and Home Care Show in April 2023.

The launch promised to bring all the passion and buzz of Care Show Birmingham to the country’s capital, and with visitors eager for the initial conference sessions, and exhibitors prepped and ready, Care Show London began.

The exhibitors showcased a wide array of products and solutions, ranging from innovative technology and care equipment to HR systems, catering, and even therapy animals. Key exhibitors included MOA Benchmarking, Nourish, Sona, Wagada Digital, Christie Finance, 2 Pure Products, Pass, E&R Moffat Catering Equipment, and Birdie.

Jake Rose, healthcare outcomes manager at ARJO said: “The Care Show been really good for us.

“There has been a good range of different customers – from carers who are on the front line dealing with our products, also at a director level of the care homes that we’re interested in and the whole top level of detail.”

The conference programme boasted a broad variety of topic areas following this year’s key themes of funding, future workforce, innovation and change management, and sustainability.

By bringing together the key thought leaders and experts from across the adult social care sector, delegates received up-todate research, advice, and best practice from each session.

From expert individuals presenting on workforce strategy, diversity, and inclusion, to esteemed panel members discussing international recruitment and the new CQC framework, the conference theatres had it all.

Providing both practical guidance and thought-provoking debates, Care Show London was the place to learn from the best.

Jade Kent, senior associate at Stephens Scown LLP, and a speaker at Care Show London, added: “The people within the room are interesting and influential, and the talks cover key topics with high calibre speakers.”

Tailored to the needs of the attendees, the show proudly

presented a new set of feature areas: Caring Conversations, led by Five on a Bike, sparked discussion and insight into some difficult topics and the Technology Concierge service, offered by Guided Innovation, provided assistance and information to direct individuals to the most suitable software suppliers.

The Selfie & Media Zone provided the perfect opportunity for a cheeky team photoshoot with branded signage and a life-size magazine cover to step inside.

Other feature areas included Meet the Inspector Hub with CQC, the Quiet Room for relaxation, and of course the Café and seating area.

Show manager Matthew Moore

said: “I could not have expected the launch of Care Show London to go any better, the feedback we received from exhibitors, attendees, speakers and partners was amazing. Bringing the Care Show buzz to London is something we have only dreamed of before, and seeing it all come together was a dream come true.”

The show will return to ExCeL London in 2025 on April 30 and 1 May. Attendees can register their interest at https:// register-interest-attending-careshow-2025

Care Show Birmingham takes place at NEC Birmingham on October 9 and 10. Registration is now open.

Complete protection* for urinary incontinence with Always Discreet

ACCORDING to a recent survey conducted by Carers UK1, the total number of carers in the UK today is approximately 10.6 million.

This means that one in five adults are providing care and indicates the huge role carers play in society.

Urinary incontinence is defined by the NHS as the unintentional passing of urine2 and has been identified as one of the most demanding responsibilities when it comes to being a carer of others3

A third of women in the UK4 experience urinary incontinence – which is often linked but not limited to ageing, medical conditions, pregnancy and vaginal birth or physical injuries.

There are several different types of urinary incontinence, including:

n Stress incontinence – this is the most common type of female incontinence. Urine leaks out at times when the bladder is under pressure; for example, whilst coughing or laughing.

n Urge (urgency) incontinence

– also known as an overactive bladder, occurs when urine leaks

due to feeling a sudden, intense urge to pee, or soon afterwards.

n Overflow incontinence (chronic urinary retention) – when you’re unable to fully empty your bladder, which causes frequent leaking.

n Total incontinence – when the bladder cannot store any urine at all and leads to constant passing of urine or frequent leaking.

Always Discreet products are

designed for mobile women with sensitive bladders.

Always Discreet Pants offer complete protection* for urinary incontinence and lock in heavy bladder leaks and odours.

Always Discreet pants are also soft and gentle on skin, dermatologically tested, and come with a discreet and comfortable 360° fit.

Always Discreet offers a range

of pads, liners and pants that provide protection for urinary incontinence.

For more information and to explore the full range, visit https://

If you have any concerns for either yourself or for a recipient of your care regarding bladder weakness, or pelvic floor discomfort, we always recommend speaking to a GP as a first step.


*Based on our 5 areas of protection: trusted protection from leaks, instantly dry, odour lock, discreet fit, soft and gentle on skin

1. Carers UK, State of Caring Report 2022 ew5e4swg/cuk_state_of_caring_2022_ report.pdf

2. NHS, Urinary Incontinence Overview

3. Di Rosa, M., Lamura, G. The impact of incontinence management on informal caregivers’ quality of life. Aging Clin Exp Res 28, 89–97 (2016).

4. NHS, Excellence in continence care

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