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y Roman Holida (1953) — Feb. 13

Is On The


hroughout February, Turner Classic Movies (TCM) celebrates cinematic romance with a number of films spanning seven decades — from Charlie Chaplin and Virginia Cherrill in 1931’s City Lights to Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder and Michelle Pfeiffer in 1993’s The Age of Innocence. TCM’s primary focus will be on Valentine’s Day weekend, when it will air over 48 hours’ worth of romantic movies beginning the evening of Feb. 12 and continuing through Feb. 14, as part of its TCM Romantic Weekend Getaway programming event. Additionally, each Thursday, the network will air a primetime lineup of themed romantic titles. Here are just a few of the notable films TCM is airing this month that you will fall in love with all over again — or for the first time. Check your listings for more titles and airtimes.

ind Written on the W (1956) — Feb. 11 r which director fo as m ra d lo e m s colorful 1950 n, One of the lushly stars Rock Hudso lm fi is th , d e n w o ains ren ominee Robert n Douglas Sirk rem ar sc O r to c A g st Supportin Lauren Bacall, Be winner Dorothy ar sc O ss e tr c A g upportin and Stack and Best S e siblings (Stack tiv c ru st e d lfse t u o a Malone in a tale ab th. Hudson plays al e w il o s r’ e th fa y their cretly loves the Malone) spoiled b se o h w , n ru y e th il company matic geologist for the o apy and oh-so-dra so y sl u io lic e d ith all), w scar nomination O brother’s wife (Bac an d e iv e c re so . The film al situations ensuing d Sammy Cahn. an g n u o Y r to ic V y song b for its title theme 4

s Oscar for her s e tr c A t s e B a won Audrey Hepburn on a European s s e c n ri p l fu ti u ea role as Ann, a b icture OscarP t s e B , g in rm a this ch publicity tour, in y from director d e m o c c ti n a m ro nominated 1953 uring a stop D ). e e in m o n r a n Osc William Wyler (a her embassy, m o fr y a w a ks a e . in Rome, Ann sn n her own terms o y it C l a rn te E ee the ing determined to s regory Peck), hid (G n a rm e p a p s w er A hard-bitten ne s the day with h d n e p s r, e rt o p a re g the fact that he’s nds himself fallin fi t u b , p o o c s a t in an effort to ge yal. for the young ro

Pillow Talk (195 9) —

Feb. 13

Doris Day, Rock Hudson and Ton y Randall made the first of their th ree timeless rom antic comedy teamings in this classic that won an Oscar for its screenplay. It tells the story of Jan (B est Actress Oscar nominee D ay), an uptight in terior decorator who must share a party line with laidback playboy Brad (Hudson). B ut the real conne ction is made when the two me et and he begins wooing her with late-night ca lls — while preten ding to be someone else.

Written On The Wind, Roman Holiday, Lover Come Back, Pillow Talk: © Everett Collection / Everett Collection

Spend A Romantic Movie-Viewing Month With Turner Classic Movies. By Jeff Pfeiffer

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