Focused on Faro, October 2022

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Message from the Mayor’s Mayor Jack Bowers

At the October 18th Council Meeting, both the Yukon Government and WSP Engineering sent a delegation to meet with Council and the public to respond to questions and concerns of those residents living on Douglass Drive and Yates Crescent. Everyone wanted to know what can be done to return their streets back to a usable condition. I commend the delegation for attending and being open & understanding as Council and residents expressed their concerns.

The whole idea with having the delegation attend the meeting was to get answers. To assist the delegation in being better prepared to provide meaningful answers, the Town provided a list of questions from Council and Administration in advance. These questions reflected the comments that the Town Office and Council have received over these last few months. The delegation appreciated the list, because they could then respond with something more than “I’m not sure, so I’ll have to get back to you.” I was impressed with how both the Yukon Government and WSP are handling the contactor situation, and we look forward to the contractor soon leaving Douglass and Yates in a usable condition for the winter months.

Another topic that I want to touch on is the issue of our community having enough firewood for this season. Vangorda Enterprises is not the only company in Town that provides firewood in the community so, in my capacity as Mayor, I wanted to ensure that all distributors in Faro were going to have firewood for their customers. The Yukon Government’s Director of Forest Management, Michelle Seacott, called me to say that commercial woodlot permits have been approved throughout the Yukon for most commercial firewood producers and that the backlog of firewood demand is starting to be met. This is welcome news, for all suppliers, but mainly for the many residents in Faro who count on firewood to heat their homes in the winter. For a complete list of Faro Business please visit the Business Directory on the Faro website at directory

Finally, we are entering a period where many decisions are needed, and your Council will be busy moving our way forward with deliberations on 2023 budgeting, the Official Community Plan (OCP), new bylaws, and development of RFPs for the sale of assets including the Old Fire Hall, the Legion Building, and vacant developed lots throughout the community. While it will be sad to see some of these buildings sold, Council is confident that new investors can breathe new life into them, and those buildings can have greater purpose again. With an extreme shortage of commercial and industrial space in the community, the right investors should be able to fill an important void. At the same time, the sale of these buildings will remove a maintenance expense from municipal budgets and create much needed property tax revenue.

Council Meeting

Council Chamber is open to the public. The Next Regular Meetings are:

Copies of meeting agendas are posted at the Town Office, Post Office, CIBC Bank, and at

The Public Package will be available on the Town’s Website at the time of the meeting at: and documents

Remote Attendance is available with the Zoom App. To Join a Zoom Meeting go to : Meeting ID: 506 321 8045 Passcode: 641202

November 1 November 15 December 6 December 20

Office & Administration News

Message from the CAO Larry Baran Official Community Plan

The Town has many important projects underway, but few will have the potential long-term impact like the review and update of the Official Community Plan (OCP).

Our last OCP was completed in 2013. At that time, Council created an innovative document that they titled “Forever Faro”. It was actually three documents in one, because it addressed community land development (the OCP), it dealt with asset management & replacement, and it included a Strategic Plan for the future. However, ten years later, “Forever Faro” is no longer an effective document and needs to be replaced.

For example, in 2013, Faro was very conservative about what was expected for the future. Housing was surplus. Jobs weren’t as plentiful. There didn’t appear to be much need to prepare for growth. Now, in 2022, Faro is one of the faster growing communities in the Yuko, housing is scarce, and there are more jobs than there are people to fill them. There is no available office or commercial space, and visitor accommodation is limited. Furthermore, by all indications, Faro needs to prepare for even more growth.

Council will be revisiting their Strategic Plan every year to ensure that the Town is always focusing five years ahead and can respond to changes in the economy and demographics. The Town is also investing in a separate and much more detailed Asset Management System to get the longest life out of our assets.

The new Official Community Plan will need everyone’s attention because, unlike a five-year strategic plan, the OCP looks forward 25 to 50 years as to where and how Faro will grow. What happens if Faro grows to 3,000 people again? That may sound farfetched now but remember in 2013 Faro had a population of about 350 and there didn’t seem to be a lot of reasons for Faro to continue existing.

The world economy is changing and so are technologies. Ten years ago, electric cars were barely heard of, ten years from now, gas & diesel vehicles will be on their last months of legal new-vehicle sales in Canada. Change can happen quickly, and the Town of Faro needs to prepare for that constant change and evolution. And you can help.

Think about questions like: Where should we develop a new residential subdivision? What about a new commercial district? What about more industrial land? What land does the community want to protect from development? All these questions need to be discussed and addressed.

Inside this Issue

Message from the Mayor......................................p. 1 Council Meetings p. 1 Office & Administration News...............................p. 2

Message from the CAO p. 2 Phase II Water Sewer Project p. 3 Faro History p. 4 Natural Arena Ice p. 5 Don’t Feed the Wild Animals

p. 5 Recreation New & Events.....................................p. 6

Message from the GM of Rec. & Culture p. 6 Recreation Schedule p. 7 Up-Coming Events

p. 10

p. 9 Public Works Up dates p. 10 Message for the Operations Manager

Please don

t let your Dogs Run Loose

p. 10 Gun Fire Around Tintina

p. 11 And About the Garbage Bins

p. 11 Faro’s Volunteer Fire Department p. 12 Jaws of Life Training

p. 12 The Great Yukon ShakeOut

p. 12 Fire Prevention Week p. 13 Community Notices p. 14 Town Contact Information & Staff Directory

p. 14

In the not too distant future, a series of public engagement sessions will be set up by Mr. Jordan Stackhouse who has been contracted to assist Council in developing a new OCP. More importantly, Council wants the new OCP to be a community driven document, not something created in a backroom of the Town Office. Council wants your input and your ideas. Watch for those public engagement sessions that will be advertised in November & December.


In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields

The Town of Faro Office & Facilities will be CLOSED on November 11 in Honour of Remembrance Day.

*The Rec. Centre will be open for the Reembrace Day Ceremony at 10:45 , but closed for all rec. activities.

Job Postings

Casual On-Call Junior Utility Operator

Casual On Call Recreation Assistant

FireSmart Supervisor

FireSmart Chainsaw Operator (2)

FireSmart Labourer

All job postings and descriptions can be found on the Town

s Website.

Despite Town Staff and Council looking forward to having new underground services, that should last another 40 50 years, we are aware that work on Yates Crescent and Douglass Drive has left many residents with complaints and concerns. We, like you, share these concerns.

While the construction is happening in Faro, the Town of Faro is not the project manager the Government of Yukon is. Town Staff and Council have heard and made note of residents’ complaints and concerns regarding the work being undertaken to-date and are sharing those comments and concerns with the Yukon Government in order to work in partnership to address these issues moving forward.

We can appreciate that this was a painful summer for some residents. If you or anyone you know has a complaint or a concern regarding the work being undertaken, please do not hesitate to bring this to the attention of Town Staff and/or Council because we are here to listen, and help.

Q&A About the Construction Project

When is the construction supposed to end for this season? It is anticipated that the construction will wind up around October 28th

Will people have access to their driveways and delivery services then?

Yes. A temporary road surface at grade is planned for the winter months so that snow removal, garbage collection, and fuel delivery can be completed. This will also be important for emergency vehicle access.

When is the final completion date for this Phase 2 Project?

Mid summer 2024. Yes, you read that correctly. Work will continue for another year and a half. Most of the work on Yates & Douglass will be completed in 2023 with the balance of the work on this project then being focused on installing a new sewer line near the back trail area from the Upper Bench down to the Lagoons.

Will Douglass and Yates be dug up again next Spring?

Yes, but it is expected to be for a much shorter period as the temporary road work put in place for this winter is replaced with proper material and compaction.

What should I do if I have a water or sewer line leak and my basement or crawl space floods? First step is to notify the contractor. If they are not here, however, call the Town Office and we will give you the contact information for the best person at the Yukon Government to address the problem. If there is damage and there may be an insurance claim, you will need that contact info for coverage.

Focused on Faro October 25, 2022 Page 3

Carlson Road

Thank you to Former Mayor & long time resident Jim McLachlan for keeping Faro’s History alive and presenting the current Town Staff with this letter and picture.

Picture Left Wolfgang and Glenda Eberlein at Carlson and Mitchell Road 1997.

Page 4

Natural Arena Ice for this Season

It is sad, but the ice plant for the Father Rigaud Arena, which is the original ice plant installed when the arena was built about 40 years ago, quietly died last March. CIMCO Refrigeration, who installed the ice plant originally and has maintained it since, reminded the Town that the average life span of an ice plant is 20 to 25 years, so we did more than okay with our ice plant. In fact, the last few years, any repairs were done by sourcing parts from other ice plants that had been decommissioned because replacement parts are no longer manufactured.

Although the Town started the process to locate funding to replace the ice plant, the Town hasn’t yet been able to secure the estimated $1.3M to replace the ice plant. So, for this winter season, the ice will be added but it will be natural ice. This meaning that the cold temperatures of our winter will freeze and maintain the ice. Sliding screened door panels will be locked in an opened position to allow the outside air to pass over the ice area of the arena, and staff will maintain the ice as if it was artificially frozen. It'll kind of be like an outside rink, but inside instead.

The Town started the process last Spring to locate funding to replace the ice plant, and we have been working with the Yukon Government and Federal Energy program funds to make it happen, but we weren’t able to pull everything together in time for this winter season.

Denis has consulted with other communities in the Yukon who do not have an ice plant in their arena. This is a viable solution and the only option that we currently have to open the arena this winter.

So, please be patient with Rec Staff, the public works crew, and community volunteers as they flood the rink, paint the ice, and run the Zamboni, because it will be different for them this winter too. Whereas in the past, Rec Staff had control on the start date and the closure date, that now is under the control of Mother Nature.

Get to Know Faro

Lions Park

Lions Park is an old recreation area behind Dawson Drive. The trail that went to Lions Park can still be accessed from the Bear Trail, but be warned that it is no longer maintained and is over grown.

Eagle Rock

Eagle Rock is the rest stop along the Campbell Highway between Faro and Carmacks. You may know it as the Columbian Site or the Columbian Disaster, as there are information panels about that tragic event in 1906.

Goat Hill & The Pedestrian

Ask any school kid living in Faro in the ‘70’s and they will tell you about the almost 90 degree foot path they used to walk to school. . The Goat Hill connects lower and middle bench coming up just in front of the school. For those not so limber The Pedestrian has a slightly lesser slop and comes out on middle bench across from the old post office. Both are still in use and you can find them on the Faro Trail map listed as “other trails”.

Don’t Feed the Wild Animals

It sounds silly to even have to remind people, because it’s something we’ve probably been taught since grade school, but don’t feed the wild animals. It’s not only a bad idea, it is illegal. Yet, we regularly hear reports of people feeding foxes in Faro.

One of the concerns with providing the foxes with human food is the message it sends to the animals. Generally, foxes who are biting humans are the same foxes that have been conditioned to eat human food. Foxes are often beautiful animals and, all too often, people think that they can tame them. The reality is that the foxes are wild animals and can end up treating a human like other forms of prey.

Besides, foxes don’t need a handout because they have their own smorgasbord outdoors already. Foxes help keep ground squirrels, mice, and other kinds of small mammal populations under control. But, if the foxes aren’t eating those things, because they are getting food from humans, those pesky populations grow to create other negative issues. Then we end up with foxes that either bite or spread deceases, or other pests that are out of control, and also spreading deceases.

It really very simple: It's illegal to feed wildlife in the Yukon (whether bears, foxes, coyotes, wolves, or cougars) even if it's unintentional, like leaving food somewhere wildlife can find it. Doing so could result in a ticket or, if the animal bites you, a trip to the Health Unit.

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Recreation News & Events

Message from the GM of Rec. & Culture

Denis Bento

Hello Faro! October, November, and December are really busy for the Recreation Department, which means lots of programs/activities for the community. We also secured many grants/funding to keep Kids Club, Youth Group, Seniors Workshops, and other programs running.


Great news! We secured funding form the Youth Mental Wellness Grant. As a result, the youth in Faro will be able to participate in many workshops from November 2022 until March 2022. The recreation department will provide more information soon about this opportunity.

We will apply for the New Horizons for Seniors Program again this year. The target is to provide activities/workshops to seniors from March 2023 until March 2024. These activities include Aquafit Classes, Yoga Classes, Painting Workshops, Antler Carving Workshop, a trip to Dawson City, and much more.

Arboretum upgrades in partnership with the Yukon Government, we are looking at updating all the signages at the Arboretum, providing relevant and respectful information about plants, repairing interpretive infrastructure, introducing visitors to the fauna areas, and providing a brief overview of forest ecology. We are also looking to add Kaska words to the signs. We secured funding for the CPRA Student position. The student started a couple of weeks ago. We are glad to help employ the youth in town.

Halloween Party

Please put on your best Halloween Costume and bring your little ones to our Halloween Party on October 28, at 6 p.m.. Lots of fun, games, candies, and food will be available at the party. So, where do ghosts go on holidays? The Boohamas.

Remembrance Day

Share a moment of silence for the men and women who fought for the freedom and liberty of our Country. There will be a Remembrance Day Ceremony at the recreation centre on November 11 at 10:45 am. “Remembrance Day is when the country stops for two minutes of silence to pay respects to those who gave their lives and our veterans who fought for our freedom.”

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1:00-2:30pm Pickleball 3:00-4:30pm Open Court Basketball 4:30-6:00pm Open Gym 1:00-2:00pm Seniors Games & Walks 2:30-3:30pm Seniors Yoga 1:30-3:30pm Open Gym 3:30-4:30pm Volleyball 7:30-9:00pm Soccer 10:00-11:30am Parent & Tot * 1:00-2:30pm Carpet Bowling* 3:30-5:00pm 7:00-9:00 pm 1:00-2:00pm Seniors Games & Walks 2:30-3:30pm Seniors Yoga 2:30-5:30pm Open Gym 4:00—5:30pm Basketball 7:00 pm Fire Practice (Fire Hall) 10:00-11:30am Parent & Tot* 1:00-2:30pm Carpet Bowling* 3:30-5:00pm Kids Club 5:00-6:00pm Open Gym 6:00-8:00pm Archery* 7:00-9:00pm Adult Floor Hockey
Wednesdays Thursdays
Sunday &
Closed *Not organized by rec staff. **Bi-Weekly, check schedule online or by calling the Rec. Center Questions or comments? Please contact the Faro Recreation mail
Focused on Faro October 25, 2022 Page 8

Mental Wellness and Victim Services

October 27

8 am 5 pm, Rec Centre Youth Lounge. Remembrance Day November 11

10:45 am. Location: Rec Centre Gymnasium.

Community Christmas Potluck December 2

Organized by Community Members. More Information to Come.

Kids Christmas Party December 3

Organized by Community Members. More Information to Come.

Community Memorial Potluck

Faro Council invites everyone to the Community Memorial Potluck

October 26th, 2022

Fireside & Soup

Time:1pm – 5pm Location: Tree Circle


Please bring 1-2 side dishes if possible. Time: 5pm 7pm Location: Rec. Centre Gym

Sock Blanks Dyeing*

Food Colouring Workshop

Date: Saturday, October 29th Time: 1:30 pm 5 pm

Instructor: Kim Whincup

Location: Rec Centre Youth Lounge

Seniors Acrylic Landscape Workshop*

Date: November 5th Time: 2 pm 5 pm

Instructor: Jackie Irvine

Location: Rec Centre Youth Lounge


Date: Fridays

Time: 3:30 pm 5:30 pm

Ages: 12 +

Location: Rec. Centre Gym

Indoor Soccer

Starting on November 18th

Date: Fridays

Time: 7:30pm 9pm

Location: Rec. Centre Gym

Ages: 15+


Tuesdays: 6 pm 8 pm

Ages: 6 and up. Children under 6 are permitted with parental supervision.

Location: Rec Centre (Old Curling Rink).

For more information, please contact Peter Kazda at

Focused on Faro October 25, 2022 Page 9
Please bring your own landscape photo reference, or one will be provided to you.
For more information or to reserve your spot, please call the Rec Centre at 994 2375 *Funded by the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Pubic Works Up-dates

Message from Operations Manager

Public Works Crew

Peter Kazda has accepted the Carpenter Position and recently started. He will be very busy as this position has been vacant for some time. I’m excited this position is finally filled and Peter is fitting in very well and making a difference already.

The Gardening Crew is gone for the season now. We’ve still some catch up brushing to do which I hope to get done over the next few weeks with our casuals before the snow gets too deep.


Lagoon Maintenance Sludge levels are approximately 50% of what they were in June, so our Bacteria program is working. Need to do some brushing inside the Lagoon fence and when the ice is thick enough, brush Cell #4. This work is necessary to maintain air flow over our cells.

Town of Faro Duplex We need to do some renovations over the winter on one of these units. With the current shortage of accommodation in Faro, we’ll need these units for Town of Faro contractors. Our contractors have been experiencing difficulties getting accommodation which results in delays in our projects.

Please Don’t Let Your Dogs Run Loose

Landfill Grizzly Panels have arrived. They are for covering our Municipal Waste so we don’t need to bury it as often, which will reduce the amount of dirt we put on our waste and increase the lifespan of our Landfill. Handy in the winter especially, as we won’t be burying our waste with snow when dirt is difficult to obtain.

FireSmart Planned to start in November, this program will run for up to 6 weeks, depending on how many applicants we get. This program must be completed by December 31. Interested candidates can find more information on the Town’s website.

New Snow Plow & Sander This equipment is on its way and will arrive in Faro later this week.

Dena Cho Trail Improvements CDF Grant We have until December 31st to complete this project. The bridge at Excel Creek is complete. Orchay River Bridge construction is underway. With the windstorm a few weeks ago, we lost a couple days clearing blowdown trees on the trail. Switchback near the start of the trail from Swim Lakes has a detour now. Still steep, but a lot straighter. Swim Lakes brushing has been completed and the lake is now easily accessible with ATVs, Snowmobiles, or by hiking.

The Public Works & Fire Hall Building Sewer and water deficiencies have been corrected. There are still some electrical deficiencies, so our take over date is still uncertain.

We hear it all of the time that “We live in the Yukon so we should be able to play by different rules”, and sometimes we can. But letting dogs run loose in Town is not a rule we should break.

Dogs don’t always behave the way we expect. For example, when one person is walking their dog on a leash, and another person is walking toward them with their dog OFF LEASH, it shouldn’t be the responsibility of the first owner to protect their dog from the loose dog. To put it simply, it demonstrates selfishness on the part of a lazy dog owner.

If you are letting your dog run loose, even if you are within eyesight and earshot of your dog, you do NOT have control of your dog. Worse, if your loose dog attacked and injured another dog, child, or adult you could be liable, and the courts would have little compassion regarding your lack of consideration of others.

No resident of Faro should feel that it is unsafe for them or their children to walk the streets in our community. Lose dogs can put other people & pets at risk, and there is no reason to support that.

Please be a responsible dog owner and keep your dog on a leash or contained in your yard. Failure to do so makes you look like a (readers can insert your own string of adjectives).

Focused on Faro October 25, 2022 Page 10

Gunfire Around Tintina?

Our airport manager has contacted the Town Office and the RCMP about someone apparently discharging a firearm from the general direction of the Tintina Subdivision.

While this may not seem that troubling to someone hunting or wanting a little target practice, the reality is that firearms are not to be discharged within 1 kilometre of a residence, whether you are in the municipal boundary or not.

Further, it is worrisome for the airport manager who, in September alone, had to coordinate over 300 flights (landings and takeoffs) from both Johnson Lake and the Faro Airport. As the person responsible for the safety of these planes and passengers, the airport manager is required to notify pilots and NavCanada if there is any risk to people accessing the Faro airport or Johnson Lake for float plane usage.

Worst case scenario is someone indiscriminately shooting in the air and accidentally hitting a plane.

The RCMP reminds everyone that, with the town boundary encompassing a large portion of the Pelly River and Hunting Game Management Areas 4-42, 4 44, 4 47, and 8 19 and wants to remind everyone of these laws.

 Hunting near a residence 13(1) Yukon Wildlife Act A person shall not hunt or trap wildlife within one kilometre of a building which is a residence, whether or not the occupants are present in the building at the time, unless the person has the permission of the occupants to do so.

Careless use of firearm, etc. Section 86 (1) Criminal Code Every person commits an offence who, without lawful excuse, uses, carries, handles, ships, transports or stores a firearm, a prohibited weapon, a restricted weapon, a prohibited device or any ammunition or prohibited ammunition in a careless manner or without reasonable precautions for the safety of other persons. (e.g.: Discharging a firearm towards aircraft, buildings, or even waving around a gun in your backyard.)

Pursuant to Part III, Subpart 1 and 2 Prohibitions under 301.08 (i) and 302.10 (j) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations: No person shall, discharge a firearm within or into an aerodrome/airport without the permission of the operator of the aerodrome/airport. (aerodrome means any area of land, water (including the frozen surface thereof) or other supporting surface used, designed, prepared, equipped or set apart for use either in whole or in part for the arrival, departure, movement or servicing of aircraft and includes any buildings, installations and equipment situated thereon or associated therewith)

Please be cautious and respectful about hunting and shooting firearms within Town Limits. If you have any questions about what you can and cannot do, please call our local RCMP Detachment at 867 994 2677.

And, About the Garbage Bins …

One of the reasons that the Town invested in the large garbage bins was so that residents can take the garbage out of their homes and into a safe animal proof container any time, day or night, any day of the week.

Town Staff have noticed a problem, though, where people will leave a bag of garbage BESIDE the garbage bin, instead of IN it. Of course, this defeats the purpose because that garbage attracts the animals that we don’t want in the community.

Someone said, Well, it was hard for my kid to open the lid and put the garbage in. Well, then don’t send a child to do an adult job. D’oh.

Someone else said, sometimes

lid gets

won’t open. Then bang the lid and break it free.

Seriously Folks. Don vite wild animals into the community by leaving bagged garbage beside the garbage bins. The intent is to reduce the reasons why foxes, wolves, or even bears would be wandering the community. Make sure the garbage is IN the bin. (And, that’s really not rocket surgery to figure out.)

Focused on Faro October 25, 2022 Page 11
frozen and
Landfill Hours Winter Hours Begin November 1 Friday & Saturday 1 4 p.m. Faro Bottle Depot: Located at the Corner of McQuesten Rd. and Ross Rd. Winter Hours By Appointment only Phone Number: (867) 994 3022 Water Bleeders should now be Turned ON If You Have Any Questions, Please Contact Mark Vainio at 994-2728 ext. 7 or Email Thankyou,foryourCooperation RegardingthisImportantMatter!

Faro’s Volunteer Fire Department

Jaws of Life Training

Saturday September 17, 2022

Faro’s Volunteer Fire Department along with the Faro EMS Crew had a real life exercise where they received training in vehicle extraction. Great Team work was shown between two of the Town of Faro’s Emergency Response Departments.

Did You Feel the Earthquake on Thursday?

Actually, there was no earthquake, but on October 20th at 10:20am, many places in the Yukon joined the worldwide Great ShakeOut earthquake drill. The Town of Faro participated in the drill, as did other businesses

Boreal has completed an emergency earthquake drill. Documented and eve-

Mayor Jack Bowers attended the Town Office EarthI learned that a door jam is also a safe, strong place to be and hold on during an earthquake.

So, what is the reality of an earthquake happening in Faro, and do we really need to prepare?

Surprisingly, the possibility is much higher than most people think because this region is on a fault

As in preparation for any majour emergen-

pack or plastic bin, that you can grab quickly if you need to evacuate the building or the community.

For more information about 72 hour emergency kits, please contact the Fire Department or the Town Office.

Mayor & Council want residents to be prepared and safe, no matter what the emergency is.

October 25, 2022 Page 12

The Town of Faro Fire Prevention week BBQ was a successful event. We would like to Thank Deputy Fire Chief Kieth Austin for barbecuing in the snow, Fire Department Volunteer Neil Yee for giving tours of the fire trucks, and local youth Charlotte for volunteering her time with monitoring the Sparky Swag table.

We would like to thank all that came out, even with this cold

flammable liquid, such as lighter fluid, kerosene or Keep the doors of your wood stove closed unless Allow ashes to cool before disposing. Dispose of ashes in a tightly covered metal container and keep the ash container at least 10 feet away from the home and any other nearby buildings. Douse and

Community Notices

Streetlights Working?

It’s that time of the year, when the days are shorter, and everyone is walking to school or work in the dark. When a streetlight is out, that dark area seems even darker.

Help make Faro a safer community. If you find a streetlight that isn’t working, please call the Town Office so we can make a note and follow up with Yukon Energy. Although Yukon Energy does their best to keep the streetlights functioning, the Town pays for the streetlights’ operation, whether it works or not. We want to make sure that we are getting value for your tax dollars and Yukon Energy wants to provide quality service to Faro residents.

All Yukon Energy service poles have are numbered. Please mark down the pole number when reporting streetlights that are not working.

If you are an able bodied individual, please consider joining the Fire Department and Protecting our Community.

Contact the Town Office or Fire Chief for more information.

Town Office

Public hours are Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm.

Town Contact Information & Staff Directory:

Chief Administrative Officer

Larry Baran 994 2728 ext 4 cao Operations Manger Mark Vainio 994 2728 ext 7 Town Shop: 994 2758

GM of Recreation & Culture Denis Bento Rec. Centre: 994 2375

GM of Finance Lenka Kazda 994-2728 ext 3

Executive Assistant Jennifer Brooker 994-2728 ext 5 admin

Finance Clerk Glenda Power 994 2728 ext 2

Correspondence to Mayor & Council:

The Source of Official Town Information and Notices:

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