Special Thanks Aside from those already mentioned the show could not go on without the help and generosity of the following: What We Did Next is a group producing great theatre for and by the community of Liverpool. It sprang up in the summer of 2008 from the realisation that the central Liverpool community had no focus to gather around in order to put on great musicals specifically, whilst having a rehearsal schedule that fits around people‘s busy lives and also aiming to provide a vibrant social scene. Since our inception we have expanded into original writing, workshopping scripts and straight drama pieces.
SALT Studios, The Clove Hitch, Mr & Mrs Murphy, 81a Renshaw Street, Blue Giant Lighting
National Blood Week
We know that a lot of people love being connected to the stage in whatever way possible and think this love provides the perfect excuse to socialise with like minded people. With this in mind we aim to produce musicals that our members want to perform, theatre that gets people interested, involved and thinking. Most of us have been involved in amateur theatre before and we‘ve all enjoyed our many and varied experiences. But after a while everyone gets that feeling, that the time has come to take some ownership of what we exhibit on stage, make it our own, make it a success. It‘s time to take a good look back on all we‘ve learnt in the past, get together with exciting new friends, and leap forward into performing spectacular shows. This is what we did next.
What We Did Next Singers The Singers is our relaxed, friendly, non auditioned free choir. We sing a range of songs from musical theatre standards (think Phantom, Avenue Q and everything in between) to motown, through awesome medleys and occasionally something we‘ve arranged ourselves. We‘re very keen on being led by what you the members want, so if you think you‘ve got an excellent song choice then let us know. We meet every Tuesday at 7pm in The Clove Hitch on Hope Street and sing for 2 hours before having a few drinks in the bar afterwards. Although we tend to sing for the fun of it we also perform and can often be found showing off at our popular open mic nights.
As there is a fair amount of blood spilled over the stage during our 4 night run of Bat Boy, the cast and crew chose to donate some of their own. We have been warmly welcomed by the nurses at Liverpool Moorfields Donor Centre during our donation drive and we would encourage our audience members to consider donating blood too. We are also very proud to be promoting blood donation in the run up to National Blood Week 10-16th June.
Wed 5th - Sat 8th June 2013