2022Fall No Time Like Fall for Elk Spotting FAVORITES Instagram Curator Plus, hundreds of events and things to do this fall! Visiting the Homestead of Pennsylvania’s Colonial Peacemaker Free

Official Tourism Guide for Sullivan, Susquehanna & Wyoming Counties PA ssP n ess Mo sMou tain Endless Mountains A Guide to Agricultural Goods & Heritage with EndlesstheMountainsOFNORTHEASTERNPA VisitorsBureau 1 800 EndlessMountains.org-769-8999 Fall in Love R086576

VisitLawrenceCounty.com 724-654-8408 ere’s so much to do on Pennsylvania’s Route 422 Just north of Pittsburgh from the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains to the Ohio border, family fun and entertainment. Contact each visitors bureau for a visitors guide and calendar of events. t OH h PA VisitButlerCounty.com 866-856-8444 Come For A Ge taway VisitIndianaCountyPA.org 877-746-3426 ArmstrongCounty.com 724-543-4003 R086579

/ 4 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com PENNSYLVANIA'S TRAVEL GUIDE Online (fastest response): whereandwhen.com -click on "Visitor Information" at top of Mail:homepage Where & When, P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 q 1. Pennsylvania's Great Lakes q 2. Pennsylvania Wilds q 3. Valleys of the Susquehanna q 4. UPSTATEPA (NE PA Mtns) q 5. Lehigh Valley q 6. Philadelphia and the Countryside q 7. Pittsburgh and its Countryside q 8. Dutch Country Roads q 9. Laurel Highlands q 10.The Alleghenies q 11. Pocono Mountains VISITOR INFORMATION REQUEST FORM Select the areas of PA that you would like to receive information about NameAddress ____________________________ City EmailPhoneCountryZip/PostalState/Province______________________________________________________________Code__________________________(ifnotUSA)_______________________()_____________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 800.800.1833 • 717.653.1833 Vol. 57 No. 4 Published quarterly by Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. PUBLISHER:©2022Jocelyn beverly@whereandwhen.comwendy@whereandwhen.comjrengle@engleonline.comEngleEDITOR:WendyRoyalADVERTISING:BeverlyShankSUBSCRIPTIONS:800.800.1833,ext.2541$12/yrEVENTSUBMISSIONS We welcome events of interest to the tourist and local traveler. Must be open to the public. Submit your event online at: www.whereandwhen.com/events/submit Email: FALLSUMMERSPRINGWINTEREVENTevents@whereandwhen.comSUBMISSIONDEADLINES2023(Dec-Feb):10/14/222023(Mar-May):1/13/232023(Jun-Aug):4/14/232023(Sep-Nov):7/14/23DISTRIBUTION&CHANGEOFADDRESS Email: therr@engleonline.com Phone: 800.800.1833, ext. 2541 Available throughout Pennsylvania at adver tisers, PA Welcome Centers, Visitors Bureaus, AAAs, and more than 100,000 households in Southcentral Pennsylvania. Where & When reserves the right to edit material based on its standards for publication. Advertis ing and event listings are subject to the approval of the publisher. Events are listed as space allows and at the discretion of the editor. Although ex treme care is taken to ensure accuracy in adver tising and editorial content, Where & When or its advertisers are not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions.Allrights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process except with the written authorization from Where & When or its publisher. Proud Member WH ER E & WH EN PENNS Y LVA NIA ES T.

resources Visitor Information Request Form Editor’s SubscribeLetter2364 regions Northern region Southern region Eastern Westernregionregion4942583 features Favorite Destinations of Instagram Curators Elk Country Visiting the Conrad Weiser’s Homestead 38207 7 38 20 On the cover: Veterans Memorial Bridge spanning the Susquehanna River be tween Columbia, Lancaster County, and Wrightsville, York County Where & When Pennsylvania | Fall 2022 @whereandwhenPA

Whether you love, hate, or simply tolerate social media, it’s hard not to be im pressed by some of the incredible photography on Instagram. I’m consistently inspired by photos that are shared with Where & When by those who follow us. Some are professional photographers, and others are weekend adventurers. All I know is that it makes me appreciate Pennsylvania’s beauty, history, and culture even more. So, I asked a handful of Instagram curators to share their favorite PA destinations. You’ll find photos of their favorites throughout this issue. Just look for the Insta gram curator badge. And be sure to check them out on social media for Pennsylva nia travel inspiration. There are places in Pennsylva nia that may not have the most sweeping views or spectacular landscapes, but they are the heart of the Commonwealth. They are our small towns, where football on autumn nights and falling leaves on the sidewalks are a familiar and welcome sight. So for me, today at least, my favorite place is my home town. Fall on Main Street, Lititz
I’ve been asked what my favorite PA destination is more times than I can count. And, I can never name just one location. From the overlook at Jakes Rocks and the waterfalls at Ricketts Glen to the scenic Laurel Highlands and picturesque Bucks County, every corner of Pennsylvania has post card-worthy views.
Instagram Curator
Wendy Royal

The photo above shows Shawn’s favorite view overlooking Pine Creek in the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon.
Shawn is a photographer and outdoor enthusiast whose photography may look familiar to anyone who saw the Fall 2021 issue of Where & When Pennsylvania. See more of Shawn Grenninger’s photography at https://www.facebook.com/shawngrenningerphotohttps://500px.com/p/shawngrenninger
“I am most thankful for the Pine Creek Valley as a whole because this is the area where I fell in love with the outdoors - kayaking, hiking and camping,” remarked Shawn Grenninger.

Please consult event website before attending to confirm that event has not been canceled or postponed. Oct. 1 - EMHR's Fall Heritage Benefit Paddle Endless Mountains www.emheritage.org/eventsOutfitters, Oct. 16 - Pennsylvania Home brew Invitational Championship Rusty Rail Brewing Company, Mifflinburg Scan QR Code for website

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 9 / NORTHERN REGION calendar of events
Sep 2-5. 51st Annual Labor Day Re gatta & Street Festival. Lock Haven. 570-748-6388, com/groups/189565506315/https://www.facebook.
ONGOING Through Sep 4. Over & Over Again. HUB-Robeson Center, HUB Gallery, University Park. 814-865-2563, dentaffairs.psu.edu/hub/art-gallerieswww.stu Through Sep 4. Regional 2D/3D Exhibit. The Station Gallery, Lock Haven. 570-748-0949, https://www.stationgal leryccac.org/ Through Sep 30. Clinton County Speedway Racing. Clinton County Speedway, Mill Hall. toncountyspeedway.com/http://www.clin Through Oct 31. Mental Health in Higher Education. HUB-Robeson Center, University Park. iesstudentaffairs.psu.edu/hub/art-galler8148652563, Through Nov 3. Nikki Lau | Generous Helpings. HUB-Robeson Center, Uni versity Park. 814-865-2563, fairs.psu.edu/hub/art-galleriesstudentaf Through Nov 6. Future Return. HUBRobeson Center, University Park. 814865-2563, art-galleriesstudentaffairs.psu.edu/hub/ Aug 31-Sep 4. Sullivan County Fair. Sullivan County Fairgrounds , Forksville. 570-924-3205, sullivancountyfair.com/ SEPTEMBER Sep 1 - Oct 31. River Rat Brew Trail Digital Passport . Susquehanna River Valley River Rat Brew Trail, Lewisburg. 570-524-7234, com/passport/https://riverratbrewtrail.
Sep 3. ex-STREAM Saturdays: Rac ing Fish. Lewisburg Children’s Mu seum, Lewisburg. 570-768-4914, www. lewisburgchildrensmuseum.org Sep 3-4; Oct 1-2. Hazen Flea Mar ket. Warsaw Fire Hall, Reynoldsville. 814-849-5197, https://visitpago.com/ events/ Sep 5. Toddler Time: Caterpillars and Butterflies. Lewisburg Children’s Mu seum, Lewisburg. 570-768-4914, www. lewisburgchildrensmuseum.org Sep 6. Kids’ Night Cruise. Susque hanna State Park, Williamsport. http:// www.ridehiawatha.com/ Sep 8-10, 15-17. Steel Magnolias. Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre Clearfield.www.clearfieldarts.org/(CAST),
Underground Railroad Exhibit R085612

Sep 10-11. Durty Dabbers Vintage & Modern Mototrials. Event At, McEl hattan. 570-726-6389, https://www.dur tydabbers.com/ Sep 10. NRWC Sportmens Expo 2022. North Rome Wesleyan Church, Rome. 570-888-9900, Northromesportsmanbanquet/facebook.com/
Sep 9-11. Danville Heritage Festival. 4502, visitdanvillepa.org/events/ Sep 10. ex-STREAM Saturdays: Chlo rophyll Painting. Lewisburg Children’s Museum, Lewisburg. www.lewisburgchildrensmuseum.org570-768-4914, Sep 10. BCPAC’s Fall Music & Arts Festival. Events Downtown , Bradford. 814-362-2522, https://www.bcpac.com/ Sep 10-11. Endless Mountains Fiber Festival. Harford Fairgrounds, Harf ord. (717) 343-4835, https://www.end lessmountainsfiberfest.com
90TH Anniversary
Sep 10-11. Balloonfest, Air Show & So Much More. Lycoming County Fairgrounds, Hughesville. https://www. balloonfestairshow.com/ Sep 10-11. PINE CREEK CHAL LENGE. Pine Creek Rail Trail, Wells boro. tyogarunningclubpa/#https://sites.google.com/site/ Sep 10-11. 42nd Annual Wild Wind Folk Art & Craft Festival. Warren County Fairgrounds, Pittsifield. 814688-1516, www.wildwindfestival.com Sep 11. Autumn Daze Car Show. Downtown, Bradford. https://www. facebook.com/Garykhoy/ Sep 11; 25. Brunch Cruise. Susque hanna State Park, Williamsport. http:// www.ridehiawatha.com/ Sep 12. Toddler Time: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Lewisburg Children’s Museum, Lewisburg. www.lewisburgchildrensmuseum.org570-768-4914, Sep 12-17. McClure Bean Soup Fair. Bean Soup Fairgrounds, McClure. 717543-5467, com/fair-info/entertainment/http://mcclurebeansoupfair. Sep 13-17. Annual Book Sale Annual Book Sale. Ross Library Patio, Lock Haven. 570-748-3321 Sep 13. Princess Cruise Party. Susquehanna State Park, https://ridehiawatha.com/Williamsport. Sep 15-17. Antes Fort Historical Days. Antes Fort Village Park, Antes Fort. Historical-Days-196058667439454/www.facebook.com/Antes-FortR085900
/ 10 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 11 / NORTHERN REGION calendar of eventsABSOLUTELY STUNNING! WOW! Kinzua Sky Walk “One of the Top 10 Most Scenic Skywalks in the World” FREE Advent ure Guide & Map Scenic Drives, Lodging, Restaurants & Events 800-473-9370 VisitANF.com Kinzua Sky Walk Spend the day exploring the skywalk and Kinzua Bridge State Park Fall Scenic Drives, Camping, Cabins, Hiking & Biking Trails Breweries, Wineries & History you can see, touch & feel Discover Oil! Tour the September 17 & 18, 2022 Kinzua Bridge State Park October 8, 2022 Marilla Reservoir Bradford, PA 16701 R085665

/ 12 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com REGION calendar of events
Sep 16. Take 3 - String Ensemble. Bromley Family Theater, Bradford. 814362-2522, concert-serieshttps://www.bcpac.com/fallSep 16-18. Central PA Vintage Iron Club Fall Festival. Union County West End Fairgrounds, Laurelton. 570-4127307, iron-club-fall-festivalhistory-heritage/central-pa-vintage-www.visitcentralpa.org/events/ Sep 16-18. Bavarian Fall Fest. Down town, Saint Mary’s. https://visitpago.com/events/814-849-5197, Sep 16-18. Brayden’s Benefit 2022: North of 80 Music Festival, 5K, and Kids’ Fishing Derby. Stony Fork Creek Campground, Wellsboro. 570-7231004, www.braydensbenefit.com/ Sep 16-18. Comicon Erie. Bayfront Convention Center, Erie. epromotions.com/comicon-erie/https://eri Sep 16-17. Waste Management Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally. Tioga and Potter Counties, Wellsboro. https://stpr.org/ Sep 17-18. Kinzua Bridge State Park Fall Festival. Kinzua Bridge State Park, Mount Jewett. 814-778-5467, www.kinzuabridgefoundation.com/https:// Sep 17-18. Colorado Rang ers National Horse Show. Clin ton County Fairgrounds, Mill Hall. 570-748-7754, groups/203241509692858www.facebook.com/ Sep 17. Lake Augusta Wine & Brew Festival. Sunbury Riverfront Park, Sun bury. 570-286-7768, talization.org/events-programs/brews/https://sunburyrevi
Sep 17. Clinton County Farm-City Festival . Clinton County Fairgrounds, Mill Hall. 570-726-3798, x3800 Sep 17. 17th Annual Wyalusing Wine Festival. Wyalusing Wine Festival, Wy alusing. 570-746-3979, https://wyalus ingwinefestival.com/ Sep 19. Toddler Time: “Ten Apples Up On Top”. Lewisburg Children’s Museum, Lewisburg. www.lewisburgchildrensmuseum.org570-768-4914, Sep 19. Bingo Cruise. Susquehanna State Park, Williamsport. https://ridehi awatha.com/ Sep 20-24. Harmony Grange Fair. Harmony Grange Fairgrounds, Westo ver. pg/1201HarmonyGrangeFair/posts/https://www.facebook.com/ Sep 23. LCM Summer Chill. Lewis burg Children’s Museum, www.lewisburgchildrensmuseum.orgLewisburg. Sep 23-25. Truckers 4 Hope. Clinton County Fairgrounds, Mill Hall. 570-6607281, facebook.com/Truckers4Hope/ Sep 23 - Oct 1. 45th Eastern Primi tive Rendezvous. Pruyne Crest Farm, Milan. vous.com/www.easternprimitiverendez Sep 23 - Oct 1. 167th Bloomsburg Fair. Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, Blooms burg. 570-784-4949, 167th-bloomsburg-faircentralpa.org/events/festivals-fairs/the-https://www.visit Sep 23-25. PA State Championship Fishing Tournament. Fishing Tourna ment Grounds, Tidioute. http://www.pascft.org/about.htm814-484-3585,
whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 13 / NORTHERN REGION calendar of events At the beginning of the MountainsEndless CAMPSITESCABINSCOTTAGESWeeklyEventsHeatedPoolDogPark 570-946-9971 307 Pioneer Trail, Muncy Valley, PA (Near Ricketts Glen & World End State Park) WWW.PIONEERCAMPGROUND.COM R085882Like Us on Facebook We invite everyone from everywhere to come “Experience Bradford County!” www.visitbradfordcounty.com • 570.265•TOUR Follow us on pf y R085598
Sep 23-24. North East Wine Fest. Gibson Park, North East. 814-725-4262 Sep 24. Le francais en famille. Lew isburg Children’s Museum, Lewisburg. 570-768-4914, www.lewisburgchildrens museum.org Sep 24. ex-STREAM Saturdays: Rice Friction. Lewisburg Children’s Mu seum, Lewisburg. 570-768-4914, www. lewisburgchildrensmuseum.org Sep 24. Pumpkin Fest. Downtown, Bradford. possible-pumpkin-festreachamber.com/#!event/2022/9/16/https://www.bradforda Sep 24. Boulder Beast Trail Challenge. Castanea Fire Company Picnic Grounds, Lock Haven. https://www.pa traildogs.com/ Sep 24-25. 2022 Adventure Bike Motorcycle Ride. Canton Lions Club, Canton.www.tourarmeniapa.org/ Sep 24 - Oct 30. Ard’s Farm Fall Fun. Ard’s Farm & Restaurant, Lewisburg. 570-524-9820, ardsmarket.com/fall-fun/ Sep 25. Sentimental Journey All-YouCan-Eat Pancake Breakfast. Piper Airport, Hanger 1, Lock Haven. 570893-4200, https://sentimentaljourney fly-in.com/ Sep 26. Toddler Time: The Legend of Spookley The Square Pumpkin. Lew isburg Children’s Museum, www.lewisburgchildrensmuseum.orgLewisburg. Sep 30 - Oct 1. Mifflinburg Okto berfest. Mifflinburg Community Park, Mifflinburg. 570-966-1666, https://www. mifflinburgpa.com/copy-of-2020-fallflight-festival-1 Sep 30-Oct 1. 2022 Falling Leaves Festival. Coudersport Courthouse Square, Coudersport. door-Show-540837402732094facebook.com/Falling-Leaves-Outhttps://www.

/ 14 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com NORTHERN REGION calendar of events re information of events, please Facebook September@BavarianFallFest16-18 Location: New Park in St. Marys behind the Depot Street Parking Garage R084 R08084 840 2 266 6 66 Depot Street Garage egas McGraw Saturday Night Headliner ariety of Vendors ¨ Food Huge Basket Raffle Beer Booth by Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast R086810 Cameron, Clarion, Elk, Forest & Jefferson Counties VISITPAGO . CO COMM • (814) 849-5197 Endless End En Adventure Sept23 6-9PM Craft & Food Vendors, 6-9PM Street Dance - Music by Digitrax Sept24 9AM-9PM Craft & Food Vendors, 12PM Marienville Lions Club Chicken BarBQ, 1PM Children’s Bike Races, 2PM Tractor Races, 4PM Parade, & 12-9PM Musical Entertainment Sept25 11AM Marienville UMC Church Service in Town Square, 11AM Car Show sponsored by Marienville Vol. Fire Dept., 11-4PM Craft & Food Vendors, 1-4PM Music by CHAZ, 2PM Pet Parade, & 4PM Raffle Drawing R086038 Sign Up Get our monthly whereandwhen.com/newsletternewsletter 814-752-6334 Come See Your Dream Buck This Fall • Open 7 days a week Mother’s Day through Halloween • 21 Deer COOK FOREST, PA R084596814 752 6 63PA Visit us on Facebook

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 15 / NORTHERN REGION calendar of events OCTOBER Oct 1-2; 7-9; 14-16; 21-23; 28-30. Corn Maze At Pine Creek Seed Farm. Pine Creek Seed Farm, Jersey Shore. 570-599-6949, Creek-Seed-Farm-107222984938296/com/pages/category/Agriculture/Pine-https://www.facebook. Oct 1-2; 7-9; 14-16; 21-23; 28-30. Spook Haven Haunted House. Jer sey Shore. https://spookhaven.com/ Oct 1. Clinton County SPCA Pet Extravaganza & Craft & Vendor Fair. Riverview Park, Lock Haven. 570-7484756, https://clintoncountyspca.org/ Explore Clinton County Explore our Wide Open Spaces Explore Clinton County, PA! 570-748-5782 www.ClintonCountyinfo.com tourism@clintoncountyinfo.com R086664 • Kayaking • WildlifeViewing • ScenicBackwoodsDrives • State Parks and Forests • BikingHiking/Trails • AT V Trails • Boating • Camping • Fishing • Hunting • Golfing R086608 YOUR FAVORITE CENTRAL PA WINE FESTIVAL WILL RETURN APRIL 29, 2023 S HEFFI ELD MEMORIAL PARK , SHEFFIEL D, PA & check us out at APPLESEED FESTIVAL 6 R086106

Oct 5-8. Eerie Horror Festival. War ner Theatre, Erie. http://www.eeriehor rorfest.com/ Oct 7-8, 14-15. Historic Ghost Walks of PA. Old Mill Village, New Milford. 570-434-3353 , http://oldmillvillage.org Oct 7-8. 16th Annual Johnny App leseed Festival. Sheffield Memorial Park, Sheffield. 814-968-3906; 814-7307633, www.johnnyappleseedfest.net/
Oct 7. Dinner Cruise With B & C Ctering. Susquehanna State Park, Wil liamsport. www.ridehiawatha.com/ Oct 8-10. Artists Open House Weekend. Various locations around Susque hanna County, Montrose. https://www.artiststour.com/570-836-5431, Oct 8-9. Apple Butter Festival. Wa terville Fire Company, Waterville. 570-447-5257, Festival/140518331830?fref=tscom/pages/Waterville-Apple-Butter-https://www.facebook.
Oct 9. Fall Festival. Little Pine State Park, Waterville. eStatePark/Pages/default.aspxpa.gov/StateParks/FindAPark/LittlePinhttps://www.dcnr. Oct 14. Ali Stroker. Bromley Fam ily Theater, Bradford. 814-362-2522, https://www.bcpac.com/
Oct 9. 20th Annual Cider Pressing and Tasting. Laurel Mountains Winery, Falls Creek. www.laurelwines.com
Oct 1. EMHR’s Fall Heritage Paddle. Endless Outfitters, Sugar Run . 570-2651528, www.emheritage.org/events/ Oct 1. Masters Of Illusion. Commu nity Arts Center, Williamsport. 570-3262424, https://www.caclive.com/ Oct 2. First Sunday Car Cruise-In. Millbrook Plaza / Harbor Freight Park ing Lot, Mill Hall. book.com/groups/752111185160248/https://www.face
/ 16 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com NORTHERN REGION calendar of events

Oct 16. Pennsylvania Homebrew Invitational Championship. Rusty Rail Brewing Company, Mifflinburg. 570966-7878, championshippennsylvania-homebrew-invitational-org/events/winery-brewery-events/https://www.visitcentralpa.
Oct 14-23. Millbrook Playhouse
Presents: The Great American Trailer Park Musical. Millbrook Playhouse, Mill Hall. 570-748-8083, https://mill brookplayhouse.org/ Oct 14. Great American Trailer Park Musical. Millbrook Playhouse, Mill Hall. 570-748-8083, https://millbrook playhouse.org/ Oct 14-16. Pennsylvania State Flaming Foliage Festival. Downtown Renovo, Renovo. 570-923-2411, https:// pastateflamingfoliagefestival.org/ Oct 15-16. Christmas In The Barns Crafts Festival. Clinton County Fair grounds, Mill Hall. 570-660-4536; In-The-Barns-958600930849571/https://www.facebook.com/ChristmasOct 15. Annual Mummers’ Parade. Event At, South Williamsport. https:// www.swmummersparade.com/
visit the festival | tour the bridges! iTourColumbiaMontour.com
LYCOMING COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS balloonfestairshow.com
whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 17 / NORTHERN REGION calendar of events R086740
2022 CoveredBridgeFestival . 6-9OCT bloomsburg, pa R085273
Timeless & picturesque, the 25 co vered bridges of Columbia & Montour Counties harken back to simpler times.

/ 18 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com NORTHERN REGION calendar of events Oct 22. Wicked Wine Festival. Casta nea Fire Company Picnic Grounds, Lock Haven. thewickedwinefest/posts/https://www.facebook.com/pg/ Oct 22. Witches Tea. Old Mill Village, New Milford. 570-465-3448, www.old millvillage.org Oct 27-29. Hooskow Chainsaw Carvers Festival. Clinton Coun ty Fairgrounds, Mill Hall. 570-6606373, https://www.hooskow.com/ NOVEMBER Nov 3-5. Holiday Open House. Events , Bradford. 814-368-7115, http:// bradfordpa.org/ R086807 R086596 PLAN Y OUR E scape Infinite Skies by Night – Boundless Activities by DayPennsylvaniaGrandCanyonCherry Springs State Park For Lodging and Area Information Visit: www.Visit PotterT ioga.com | 888-846-4228 R08667 2 119 Patterson Road, Westfield, PA 16950 (814) 628-3751 • www.pattersonmaplefarms.com Maple Syrup • Maple Sugar • Maple Cream • Maple Crunchies Maple Candy • Maple Coated Nuts • Maple BBQ Sauce & Much More! Open Year Round CALL US TO SET UP A TOUR FOR YOUR FAMILY! See the largest privately owned maple producer in PA. Terry Patterson, Owner 4th Generation Still Going Strong R085956

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 19 / NORTHERN REGION calendar of events R086809 Highland Chocolates Downtown 82 Main Wellsboro,StreetPA16901SpecialtyChocolates,SweetSouvenirs,FamousPretzelBark (800)-371-1082 highlandchocolates.org HighlandFactor y Store & Tours Closed until Spring 2023 R084764 Nov 3-5, 10-12. MacBeth. Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre (CAST), Clearfield. 814-765-4474, www.clearfieldarts.org/ Nov 4-6. Gingerbread Tour. Various Stores & Shops, Brookville. 814-8495197, https://visitpago.com/events/ Nov 4. Brews In The Barn 2022. Mill brook Playhouse, Mill Hall. 570-7488083, https://millbrookplayhouse.org/ Nov 5. Brews In The Barn Beer Tast ing Festival & Chili Cook-Off. Mill brook Playhouse, Mill Hall. 570-2630549; millbrookplayhouse.org/ Nov 6. The View 25K. Western Clin ton County Sportsman’s Club, North Bend. https://www.patraildogs.com/ Sponsored in par t by Visit-Potter Tioga. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2022 8:00 am Gates Open 2:00 pm Tractor Parade 5-7:00 pm Full Course Meal SATURDAY, OC TOBER 15, 2022 8:00 am Gates Open FUN TRACTOR PULLS 9:00 am Weigh in • 10:00 am PULL 11:00 am Tractor Parade BARN QUILT PAINTING 8 am - noon 50/50 RAFFLES • CAKE WALK CHINESE AUCTION • CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES GARDEN TRACTOR PULLS • 9 am Noon-Kettle Bean Soup, Chicken BBQ Noon-4:00 pm FFA trac tor rodeo 2:00 pm k ids peddle pulls 3:00 pm tractor parade MUSIC - Cowanesque Valley Boys & Kelly $5 Cover Charge - Members FREE 6:30-9:30 pm Dancing for Everyone! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2022 8:00 am Gates Open 9:00 am Church Ser vice 11:30 am Chinese Auction Drawing For information contact: Gary Comfort Phone: 607-259-6234 Email: gcomfort@empireaccess.net Open 8:00 a.m. Daily FREE ADMISSION & PARKING Donations Accepted $10 Weekend Donation for Camping (Exhibitors Free) SHOW CLOSES AT NOON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 All Weekend... WORKING DEMONSTRATIONS Operating 1889 Saw Mill Wood Car ver • Cider Press 4th U.S. Light Artillery “ The Living Histor y” R086454 OC TOBER 14-16, 2022 Tioga County Fairgrounds 2258 Charleston Rd., Wellsboro, PA 56 Show TIOGA COUNTY EARLY DAYS Just 23 Miles the PA Grand Cany ! R086474300 GATEWAY DR. MANSFIELD, PA 16933 570-662-3000 800-822-5470 www.ChoiceHotels.com/Hotel/PA139 • Free Morning Breakfast • AAA & AARP Discounts • Exercise Room • Wifi • Lounge • Free HBO • In-Room Coffeemaker, Micro. • & Refrigerator in all Rooms

Benezette in Elk County has estab lished itself as the “Elk Capitol of Penn sylvania.”
Elk once roamed the mountains of the eastern United States from New York to Georgia. Westward advancement of Eu ropean settlers greatly reduced the herds, and the last of the wild elk disappeared from Elk and Cameron counties in the 1860s. The Pennsylvania Game Commis sion (PGC) slowly reintroduced transport ed Rocky Mountain elk to several north central counties between 1912 and 1915, and their numbers grew rapidly.
To ease the burden on farmers, the PGC authorized legal hunts of bull elk from 1923 to 1931. The hunts proved too pop ular, and the elk were all but eradicated once more, with fewer than 50 remaining in Elk and Cameron counties. Luckily, they were appreciated there. According to a history of elk in Penn sylvania posted on the PGC website, “People were flocking to wherever elk could be found to take pictures and feed them. Visiting hunters were also enam ored by the elk, the sight of which wid ened the eyes and quickened the blood.” So it was fitting that Benezette would be the focus of the KECA’s revitalization ef forts.A renewed desire by people to ex plore open spaces during the COVID pandemic made the Elk Country Visitor Center a very popular destination, with attendance reaching upwards of 480,000 A horse-drawn covered wagon is perhaps the easiest way to view elk on the 245 acres managed by the Keystone Elk Country Alliance near Benezette in Elk County. By Rick Hiduk
Nearly 1,400 elk roaming 3,000 square miles in more than six counties draw hundreds of thousands of natural ists, hunters and the curious to the region every year. At Benezette, the Elk Coun try Visitor Center was established by the Keystone Elk Country Alliance (KECA) to benefit the future of Elk Country and pro vide guests with an up-close look at the majestic, timid creatures.
Farmers were not fans of the elk, as their sheer size and voracious appetites could destroy a cornfield in just one night.

There’s plenty to see and do at the Elk Country Visitor Center, which is open year-round. Days and hours are limited from No vember through May.
Restricted hunt ing of elk is permitted by the PGC, with the number of licenses allot ted each year determined by the estimated herd size and the previous season’s yield. Fourteen elk hunting zones have been established and allotment varies from one to another. The elk are beautiful and live in one of the most pristine regions of the PA Wilds. While they may be the focus of a trip, there are plenty of other things to do and people annually. The venue is a partner ship between the KECA and the Penn sylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and it features a multi-sensory 4-D theater, interactive exhibits, a gift shop, and gravel walking paths from which guests can safely view the elk. Horse-drawn wagon rides around the 245-acre preserve have also proven popular.“We did a lot of habi tat management here on the property, so it brings them up here to feed,” said Josiah Jones, director of communications and marketing for the Elk Country Visitor Cen ter. “It gives them wide open spaces for different elk to come together. They are a beautiful animal, and they are massive.”
The most popular time of the year to visit Elk Country is in September and Octo ber when two elements overlap to attract naturalists and especially photographers: the annual elk rut, or mating season, and fall foliage. “It’s a lot of fun to watch elk during the rut season,” Jones remarked. “They are in a different ele ment.”While the Visitor Center may offer the easiest way to view elk, the PGC owns much of the land adjacent to the KECA property and has official viewing areas at Winslow Hill and Dents Run. Safety of both humans and ey
the elk is a priority for both PGC and the KECA, and the PGC developed a simple Elk Smart program geared toward “Keep ing PA Elk Wild.” Signage in viewing ar eas reads “Give Elk Space – at least 100 yards; Never Feed Elk – it’s dangerous and illegal; Don’t Name Elk – let wild be wild; and Do Your Part – if you see some thing, say something.”Thebest viewing times suggested by the KECA are just after daylight and at dusk, when the elk are moving back and forth from the open spaces where they feed and the woodlands where they spend most of their day.

see while in Elk Country. In Benezette, visitors will find the Honor Walkway lined with Civil War, Veterans, and Boy Scout memorials. Nearby are the Quehanna Wild Area and Marion Brooks Natural Area. The week of Oct. 18 is considered the average peak season for fall foliage in Pathways within a stone’s throw of the Visitor Center also provide opportunities to safely view elk. Nov 8. Holiday Parade. Event , Wil liamsport. 570-327-7510, https://www. cityofwilliamsport.org/ Nov 11-12. Annual Artists Exhibition & Sale. Muncy Historical Society, First United Methodist Church, Muncy. 570546-5917, muncyhistoricalsociety.org/ Nov 19-21. Victorian Christmas. Downtown, Williamsport. https://victo rianchristmaspa.com/ Nov 25-27. Santa Trolley. Pennsyl vania Trolley Museum, Washington. https://pa-trolley.org/ Nov 25-27. Festival Of Trees. Bay front Convention Center, Erie. 814-4525000, x5706, https://erie.ahn.org/ PA, but leaves begin changing color ear lier in Elk Country. For information on where to eat, shop, and stay, interested readers can log on to experienceelkcountry.com or visit pago.com.

Jun. - Oct.: Daily, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Dec.: Thursday through Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m by Robin
Jan. - Mar.: Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Apr. - May: Thursday through Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Visitor Center Hours:
$12 for an entire year of things to do, great destinations and fun getaway ideas for the whole family. visit whereandwhen.com/subscribe Bull elk photo

My passion for the outdoors started when I was very young. I have my parents and grandparents to thank for their weekend trips to the Poco nos. As a teenager, my friends and I were always on the hunt for our next adventure. As an adult, that lust for nature continues and only grows stronger. These days I spend my time sharing my love of nature with my family, and I consider myself fortunate enough to be able to make lasting memories that, hopefully our children will one day recreate with their families.
I chose Barbour Rock and the infamous long pine tree. You can find this view of the Pine Creek Gorge (PA Grand Canyon) along the West Rim Trail in Tioga State Forest after only a short walk. Although the tree has fallen victim to time, the views all along the trail are gorgeous and well worth the hike. Fall, for me, is the best time to visit. Keep up with Melissa on Instagram @sacagawea_hikepennsylvania
My name is Melissa, and I’m 33 years old. I’ve lived in northeast Penn sylvania all of my life, and I am the proud mother of 2 amazing children.

Please consult event website before attending to confirm that event has not been canceled or postponed. Through Dec. 15Autumn Hawk Watch North Lookout, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, www.hawkmountain.orgKempton Nov. 26 -OpenCandlelightHouse Ephrata Cloister, www.ephratacloister.orgEphrata

ONGOING Through Sep 4. River Discovery Boat Tours. Zimmerman Center for Heritage, Wrightsville. https://susqnha.org/programs/boat-tours/717-252-0229, Through Oct 30. Long Rifles Of The American Revolution: How Lancaster County Craftsmen Helped Win The War. Historic Rock Ford, Lancaster. 717-392-7223, www.historicrockford.org
/ 26 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events
October 29 - Veterans Tribute
Sep 4. What The Food Trucks. Penn Park, York. whatthefoodtrucks.com/ Sep 4. Hanover Chili Cook Off. Moul Field, Hanover. hanoverchilicookoff.com Sep 7-11. 70th Farmers and Thresher mens Jubilee. New Centerville and Ru ral Volunteer Fire Company, Rockwood. 814-926-3142, www.ncrvfc.com Sep 9-10. 26th Annual Chile Pepper Food Festival. William Delong Park , Bowers. 610-682-7045, http://www.pep perfestival.com R086601 Mountain Lion Observatory Special Events Special Events 2022
SEPTEMBER Sep 1-10. Aladdin Junior. Lebanon Community Theatre, Stoevers Dam Park, Lebanon. 717-833-4528 Sep 2-4. Cambria City Ethnic Festi val. Cambria City section of Johnstown, Johnstown. 814-535-3142, briacityethnicfestival.webs.com/http://cam Sep 3. Taste Of Hamburg-er Festival. Downtown, Hamburg. https://www. tasteofhamburger.com/ Sep 3-4. Log House Arts Festival. Community Arts Center of Cambria County, Johnstown. caccc.org/log-house-arts-festival-1814-255-6515, Sep 3-4, 10-11, 17-18, 24-25; Oct 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, 29-30. Secret Valley Excursions - Railbikes. Cole brookdale Railroad , Boyertown. 610367-0200 , www.parailbiketours.com/ Sep 3-10. Juniata County Fair. Port Royal Fairgrounds, Port Royal. 717-5274414, www.juniatacountyfair.com/ Sep 3-4. 5th Annual Pennsylvania Union Soldiers & Civilians Encamp ment. Old Bedford Village, Bedford. 814-623-1156, fordcounty.com/calendar/https://www.visitbed
October 8 - Halloween Adventures
November 5 & 6 - FortMas Exploring the Night Sky with Lasers August 26 Open on the Park Grounds Year Round: Space & Time Discovery Trail, National Treasure Scavenger Hunt

Marie Baron is a young outdoors enthusiast who loves the Raystown Lake region. When she’s not at the lake you will find her hiking and ex ploring, editing both photos and videos, and working towards her Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
“I am a proud PA resident, who is oh, so grateful for the Raystown Lake area! My family has been visiting for 20+ years, and has been the place that means the most to us. We have made endless memories there over the years.”
Follow Marie on Instagram and on her YouTube channel youtube.com/c/mariebaronn

THE RIVER TOWNSStay WITH US OUR RAIL TRAIL, WATERWAYS, Columbia | Marietta | B.F. Hiestand House B&B 722 E. Market Street, Marietta www.bfhiestandhouse.com717-426-8415 Stay at our own hometown local Inns and B&Bs Bootleg Antiques 135 Bridge Street, Columbia www.bootlegantiques.net717-684-0009 Columbia Market House 15 S. Third Street, Columbia www.columbiamarkethouse.org717-572-7149 Kindred Collections LLC 452 Locust Street, Columbia www.kindredcollectionsllc.com717-449-5476 MCC Re-UzitColumbiaShop 363 Locust Street, Columbia 717-684-7621 Murphy's Mercantile & Co. at Hinkle's 261 Locust Street, Columbia www.murphys-mercantile.com717-449-5756 Shop Shop at our variety of unique antique shops, boutiques and local artisans Real Food Emporium by John Wright Restaurant 234 N. Front Street, Wrightsville www.facebook.com/RealFoodByJWRwww.jwrpa.com717-252-0416 The Artful Nest 17 W. Market Street, @the.artful.nestthe.artful.nest.pa@gmail.comMarietta

Molly's Courtyard Cafe 17 E. Market Street, Marietta www.mollyscourtyardcafe.com717-604-1169
Rose's Deli More 13 N. 4th Street, Columbia www.rosesdelinmore.com717-684-0285
Ice Cream & Grille (Open
John Wright Restaurant 234 N. Front Street, Wrightsville www.instagram.com/jwrpawww.facebook.com/jwrpawww.jwrpa.com717-252-0416
AREA WITH & Explore WATERWAYS, & SHOPPING Wrightsville at our various food stops to feed your style and taste buds Entertainment can be found indoors or out Boulders Miniature Golf (Open through October) 312 Primrose Lane, Mountville www.bouldersminigolf.com717-285-7007 National
SNHA - Columbia Crossing 41 Walnut Street, Columbia www.SusqNHA.org717-449-5607
*Check website and social media outlets for updated hours, special promotions and sales. YorkLancaster,Counties
Bootleg Café at Bootleg Antiques 135 Bridge Street, Columbia www.bootlegantiques.net717-684-0009
Marco's RestaurantItalian&Pizzeria 1410 River Road, Marietta www.marcos-pizza.net717-426-2210
Scoops through 312 Primrose Lane, Mountville www.scoopsgrille.com717-285-2055 Watch Clock Museum 514 Poplar Street, Columbia www.museumoftime.org717-684-8261
SNHA - Zimmerman Center for Heritage 1706 Long Level Road, Wrightsville www.SusqNHA.org717-252-0229

Sep 10. KTA Trail Challenge 25K & 50K Run / Hike. Pequea Creek Camp ground, Pequea. 717-766-9690, kta-hike.org/kta-trail-challenge.htmlwww. Sep 10. A Bronx Tale: One Man Show Starring Chazz Palminteri. Ameri can Music Theatre, Lancaster. 1-8006484102, https://amtshows.com/ Sep 11. The Golden Boys Starring Frankie Avalon, Fabian, & Lou Chris tie. American Music Theatre, Lancaster. 800-648-4102, https://amtshows.com/ Sep 16-17. Johnstown Slavic Festival. Heritage Discovery Center, Johnstown. 814-539-1889, events/johnstown-slavic-festival/https://www.jaha.org/ Sep 16-17. Harrisburg 60th Anniversary Coin Show. Scottish Rite Entertain ment Complex, Harrisburg. 717-991-5065 Sep 16-18. 32nd Annual Southern Cove Power Reunion. Power Reunion Grounds, New Enterprise. 814-977-2561 Sep 16-18. 11th Annual Lancaster Hot Air Balloon Festival. 2727 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird In Hand. 717966-6323, lancasterballoonfest.com Sep 16-19. Day Out With Thomas. Strasburg Rail Road, Strasburg. 866725-9666, www.strasburgrailroad.com Sep 16. Sara Evans. American Mu sic Theatre, Lancaster. 1-800-648-4102, https://amtshows.com/ Sep 16 - 17. Kutztown Radio Meet. Events Occuring At, Kutztown. 610-6836848, https://renningers.net Sep 17. Music & Arts Fest & Fall Li bations Trail Kickoff Party. Event At, Lebanon. https://visitlebanonvalley. com/libations
designated driver.
and have a valid photo ID ® Si p fo r Sw ag We’ve Gone Get Your FREE Good Libations Trails® Passport Today! Digital! YorkPA.org/GLT-passport R086342
drink responsibly and assign
Sep 9. Féte En Noir. Mount Bethel Cemetery, Columbia. mtbethelcemetery
beer, wine,
/ 30 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events
The of and craft spirits York County and surrounding areas. 10 check-ins! Please a Must be 21 years of age or older
Have ! for beverage-lovers after
Tasting prices and business hours vary.

SeptOcktoberfestember17, 2022 | 12PM-4PM renfrewmuseum.org Franklin Fall Farm Fun Fest September 24, 2022 | 10AM-3PM Hollow Acres Dairy Farm 6969 Upper Strawsburg Rd Shippensburg, PA 17257 franklincountyfarmbureau.com Mercersburg Townfest September 24, 2022 mercersburgtownfest.com Market Day October 1, 2022 | 9AM-4PM mainstreetwaynesboro.org October 8, 2022 OctoberAppleFest15, 2022 | 9AM-4PM Corn Mazes & Pumpkin Patches R086577

Sep 17. Lancaster Printers Fair. Thaddeus Stevens College of Technol ogy, Kulakowsky Center for Letterpress & Book Arts, Lancaster. https://www. lancasterprintersfair.org/ Sep 17. Reedsville Apple Festival. Bender Park, Reedsville. www.facebook.com/ReedsvillePA717-250-8133, Sep 17. 38 Special With The Artimus Pyle Band. American Music Theatre, Lancaster. 800-648-4102, amtshows.com
SOUTHERN calendar of
KaHikingyakingCampingBikingFishing Trails and much more! R085833 Plan your fall getaway in the mountains of east-central Pennsylvania with Explore Schuylkill at www.schuylkill.org
Sep 17. West Reading Fall Fest. Events Occuring At, West Reading. 610-685-8854, visitwestreading.com
Sep 17-18. Fall Harvest Fair & Early American Craft Show. Alexander Schaeffer House, Schaefferstown. 717949-2244, www.hsimuseum.org/events/ Sep 17. Enchanted Fairy Festi val. Cousler Park, York. https://enchantedfairyfestival.com/717-600-9344, Sep 17. Heritage Fair. Camp Blue Diamond, Petersburg. 814-667-2355, campbluediamond.org
Sep 18-19. Hinklefest Chicken Festi val. Firemans Park, Jonestown. https:// www.facebook.com/Hinkelfest Sep 23-25. Rally at the Rock. Rock Run Recreation Park, Patton. 814-6746026, com/rally-at-the-rock/https://www.rockrunrecreation. Sep 23-25. Cassville Oktoberfest. Downtown At, Cassville. 814-448-2279
/ 32 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com
Sep 17 - 18. Harvest Craft Show. Leesport Farmers Market, Leesport. 610-926-1307, www.leesportmarket.com
Explore Schuylkill this fall, where your woodland escape and historic town adventures come together naturally.

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 33 / Sep 23-24. 2022 Fiber Artsfest. Johnson Hall, Huntingdon County Fair grounds, Huntingdon. https://www.fib erartsfest.org/ Sep 23. The Australian Pink Floyd Show. American Music Theatre, Lan caster. 1-800-648-4102, amtshows.com/ Sep 23 - 24. Renninger’s Kutztown Antiques & Collectors Extravaganza. Renninger’s, Kutztown. renningers.net Sep 24. PotatoFest. Throughout, Eb ensburg. 814-472-8780, http://ebens burgpa.com/potatofest/
& Fall
Rails To
fordcounty.org/https://railstotrailsofbed Tour a Real Anthracite Coal Mine and Take a Ride on an Old-Fashioned Steam Locomotive! 19 th & Oak Sts. • Ashland, PA 17921 • (570) 875 -3850 • www.pioneer tunnel.com Turn on South 20 th St. from Centre St. Follow to top of hill then tur n left on to Oak St.! Gift Shop • Playground • Picnic Area • Snack Bar • Nearby Attractions Open Daily 10:00am to 4:30pm Memorial Day thru Labor Da y Call for hours for April, SeptemberMay,andOctober Group Tours Available April - October R086681 Both tours are guided and last approximately 30-35 minutes each. R086002
Sep 24-25. Harvestfest At Delgrosso’s Park. Delgrosso’s Amusement Park, Tipton. mydelgrossopark.com Sep 24-25. National Alpaca Farm Days. Huntingdon , Huntingdon. 814634-2854, tainAlpacasfacebook.com/TerraceMoun Sep 24-29. Goose Day Celebration. Event In, & Juniata County. 717-2486713, https://jrvvisitors.com Sep 24. Harvest Hayride Event. H&BT Trails, Tatesville. 814-585-6948,

/ 34 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events
R086251 R086679 22 23
Sep 24-25. Napoleonic Grand Tac tique. Old Bedford Village, Bedford. 814-623-1156 Sep 24. Resurrection - A Journey Tribute. American Music Theatre, Lan caster. 1-800-6484102, amtshows.com/ Sep 25. Adamstown Antiques Ex travaganza. Renninger’s, Denver. 717336-2177, https://renningers.net Sep 29 - Oct 2. Okto’bear’fest Ex travabandza. Shy Bear Brewing, Lew istown. 717-242-2663, https://www.shy bearbrewing.com/ Sep 29. Michael W. Smith. American Music Theatre, Lancaster. 1-800-6484102, https://amtshows.com/ Sep 30 - Oct 1. Miss Morgan’s Antique & Artisan Show. Lebanon Expo Center, Lebanon. 484-256-7610, www.morgansmilkweedantiques.com/https://
Goose day celebrationGoose day celebration Sept. 24-29, 2022Sept. 24-29, 2022 festival of icefestival of ice ec. 1-2, 2022dec. 1-2, 2022 jrvvisitors.com
OCTOBER Oct 1-2; 8-9. Bedford Fall Foliage Festival. Bedford Historic District, Bedford. 814-624-3111, https://bed fordfallfoliagefestival.com/ Celebrate with us!

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 35 / SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events SUNFLOWER FESTIVAL MBGOURDS.C OM FREE PICK Y OUR O WN SUNFLO WERS THIS F ALL Meadowbrooke Gourds SEPTEMBER 24 & 25 JUST OUTSIDE OF CARLISLE R086615

/ 36 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events
Oct 7-9. Broad Top Coal Miners Heritage Days. Broad Top Area Coal Miners Museum, Robertsdale. 814-9071788
Oct 1. Chocolate Town Book Festi val. Hershey Public Library, late-town-book-festival/https://www.hersheylibrary.org/chocoHershey. Oct 2. Apple Cider Festival. Prince Gallitzin State Park, Patton. 814-6741000 x105, http://www.dcnr.pa.gov
Oct 1 - Oct 30. Horrorween Haunted Warehouse at Bricktown Museum. Bricktown Museum, Mount Union. 814386-4385
Oct 6. The Price Is Right LIVE!. Ap pell Center For The Performing Arts - Strand Theatre, York. 717-846-1111, https://appellcenter.org/ Oct 7-8, 14-15, 21-22, 28-29. 39th Annual Ghosts & Goblins At Lincoln Caverns. Lincoln Caverns, Hunting don. 814-643-0268, lincolncaverns.com
Oct 1-2; Oct 7-8. Fall Foliage Festival. Events , Bedford. 814-623-1771
Oct 7. The Texas Tenors. American Music Theatre, Lancaster. 800-6484102, https://amtshows.com/ Oct 7-8. HarvestFest. Mifflin County Youth Park, Reedsville. https://www.visitbigvalley.com/814-641-1146, Oct 7-8. Fall Time On The Farm. Hospitality Spring Farms, Bedford. 814623-0642 Oct 7-8. Strasburg Heritage Soci ety’s Golden Anniversary Festival. Strasburg Heritage Society, Strasburg. 717-687-3534, https://strasburgheritag esociety.org Oct 8. Fall Spectacular At Rockhill Trolley Museum. Rockhill Trolley Mu seum, Rockhill Furnace. https://www. rockhilltrolley.com/ Oct 8. 46th Annual Hartslog Heritage Day. Hartslog Heritage Museum, Alexandria. 814-207-1410, facebook.com/hartslogdayhttps://www. Oct 8. Reeds Gap State Park Fall Fest. Reeds Gap State Park, Milroy. 717-667-3622, com/ReedsGapStateParkhttps://www.facebook. RONKS, PA 17572 717. 687. 8976

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 37 / SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events
Oct 15. Yorktoberfest. Bob Hoffman Field, York. www.yorktoberfest.com/ Oct 15-16, 23-24. Train & Trolley Pumpkin Festival At East Broad Top Railroad. East Broad Top Railroad, Rockhill . 814-447-3285, https://east broadtop.com/ Oct 15. Engelbert Humperdinck. American Music Theatre, Lancaster. 800-648-4102, https://amtshows.com/ Oct 15. Fall Market Fest. Leesport Farmers Market, Leesport. 610-9261307, http://www.leesportmarket.com/ Oct 15. Pumpkin Painting Party. Co lumbia Crossing River Trails Center, Co lumbia. 717-449-5607, trails-center/org/explore-2/columbia-crossing-river-https://susqnha. Oct 15-16. Pumpkinfest. Old Bed ford Village, Bedford. 814-623-1156
Oct 9. Pumpkin Palooza. Goggle Works Center for the Arts, Reading. 610-374-4600, https://goggleworks.org
Oct 13. Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives. American Music The atre, Lancaster. 800-648-4102, https:// amtshows.com
Oct 16. The Man In Black: A Tribute To Johnny Cash. American Music The atre, Lancaster. 800-648-4102, https:// amtshows.com/ Oct 20-30. Frankenstein. Lebanon Community Theatre, Stoevers Dam Park, Lebanon. 717-833-4528 Oct 22. Celebrating David Bowie. American Music Theatre, Lancaster. 800-648-4102, https://amtshows.com/ continued on pg 42 Award-winning, bestselling returns to the fictional Stoney Rid with a heartfelt story.
Available wherever books and ebooks are sold. R Ridge, PA M R086471 R086680

Pennsylvania’s Colonial Peacemaker
Visiting the Homestead of Conrad Weiser
Conrad Weiser will be forever known as a peacemaker. His work as a diplomat and friend to the Native Americans living in Pennsylvania was crucial to keeping both groups safe from uprising and retaliation. When Weiser’s family immigrated to America from Württemberg, Germany, in 1710, he was a young boy. The family settled near Albany, New York, along with other German families. Having developed a friendly relationship with a nearby Mohawk tribe, Weiser’s father sent Conrad to live among them during the winter of 1712 to 1713. The reason isn’t apparent, but this experience would prove to be a watershed event in the young man’s life. Weiser’s time with the Native Americans was marked by hardship. According to his writings, he was cold and hungry most of the time. During his time with the Mohawks, Weiser learned the language, customs, and struggles the native people faced as Europeans encroached on their land. In 1720, Conrad Weiser married Anna Feg. Nine years later, Weiser, his wife, and their four children moved to the Tulpehocken Valley of Berks County, Pennsylvania. They settled on a 200-acre tract of land that was more fertile than their property in New York and where they were afforded a longer growing season. Weiser’s vocation as an interpreter and negotiator began in 1731 when a group of Iroquois on their way to Philadelphia stopped by his home-

By Wendy Royal
ings together. The two became close companions as they made many trips on foot. Weiser preferred to travel in fall; spring was too wet, summer was too hot, and winter was too cold, and snow and ice made the journey arduous. In early 1737, Weiser and Shikellamy set off with a small party for the Onondaga Council in New York to settle a dispute between the Six Nations and the Catawbas. If they couldn’t reach an agreement, it was sure that the war would catch settlers in the crossfire. Weiser didn’t want to make such a trip so early in the year, but negotiations were urgent. He set out in late February, and by April, Weiser’s body was exhausted and breaking down. He wrote that he “... stepped aside stead. Shikellamy, the spokesman for the Iroquois, asked Weiser to be a translator for them at a conference they were attending. Shikellamy had heard of Weiser’s ability to speak the Iroquois’ language, and he was looking for someone who spoke both languages. Weiser accepted the request, which would forever change relations between Native Americans and the Pennsylvania settlers. Together, Weiser, Shikellamy, and James Logan, provincial secretary of Pennsylvania and advisor to the William Penn family, replaced the commonwealth’s existing Native American policy with the one they drafted. Over the years, Weiser and Shikellamy traveled to many conferences and Native American council meet-

A few days later, the party arrived in Onondaga, where its efforts were rewarded as Weiser’s remarks led to the end of the Iroquois-Catawba con flict.
Conrad Weiser went on to other successful negotiations, including the 1744 Lancaster Treaty. He was instru mental in maintaining relative peace between the Native Americans and settlers in PA until the mid-18th century. After Shikellamy died in 1748, Weiser’s influence among the native groups began to diminish. As the French enlisted Native Americans in their fight with the Brit ish for control of North America, peace was put to the test. For the most part, the Iroquois in Pennsyl vania remained neutral in the French and Indian War; other groups were not. The Shawnee and Lenape, backed by the French, raid ed cabins in western PA and pushed
Weiser’s military ser vice didn’t last long, as he resigned his commission in 1758. Shortly thereafter, he was back negotiating peace.
offortstheresponsibleBattalionlieutenantWeisereastward.wasappointedcolonelofthe1stRegiment.Hewasforoverseeingconstructionofseveralusedtoholdgarrisonstroopsandfamiliesthat fled their homes.
and sat down under a tree to die, which I hoped would be hastened by the cold approaching night.” But Shi kellamy was able to persuade Weiser to continue their journey.
The Easton Treaty of 1758 helped to end most of the fighting in Pennsyl vania when the Lenape tribe made peace with the colonists. After all the turmoil and unrest, Weiser returned to the Tulpehocken Valley, where he spent the rest of his days tending to his family and farm. Even beyond his work with Native American relations, Weiser was an important man in the region, serv ing as a judge, prominent landown er, and farmer. Little is known of his death other than, while traveling to Fort Pitt, he became ill and returned home, where he died on July 13, The Weiser House is the oldest structure on the home stead. The furnishings in the southern room represent what many middle class German settlers would have had in their homes.

December 4: Christmas Open House – noon to 4 p.m When You Go: Address: 28 Weiser Lane, Womelsdorf, PA 19567 Website: stead.orgconradweiserhomewww.Phone: 610-5892934 Hours: The site is open Wednes days, Saturdays, and Sundays during the summer and at least one Sunday a month in the fall. It also hosts events throughout the year. The homestead is closed in January andForFebruary.information on itpaamericana.com.logdoandaccommodationsotherthingstointhearea,ontowww.vis 1760, at the age of 63. It is believed that he may have died from complica tions of a kidney stone. Weiser’s life is an example of how you can take a bad situation and use it for good. Spending that miserable winter with the Mohawks could have made him resentful, but instead, he devoted his life in service to them and the Today,settlers.theConrad Weiser Home stead and Memorial Park is adminis tered by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in partner ship with the Friends of the Conrad Weiser Homestead. You can tour sev eral points of interest on the property, including the Conrad Weiser House, Weiser’s gravesite, the Conrad Weiser Monument, the Shi kellamy Statue, and the visitor center. As you approach the homestead, you will drive through Memorial Park, which is great for picnicking, walking, or just enjoying the bucolic surround ings. A packed lunch is a great way to wrap up your visit. If you’re bringing kids, a picnic can provide a relaxing time to dis cuss the importance of Weiser’s work and how it can be applied to difficult situations in their lives. Among other monuments, a statue of Shikellamy stands on the grounds of the Conrad Weiser Homestead.
Upcoming Events
September 11: Living History Sunday – noon to 4 p.m. October 23: Living History Sunday –noon to 4 p.m. Fall Park Walk – 2 p.m.
November 19: Candlelight Tours, Living History, 18th-Century Music –5:30 to 8 p.m.

Nov 5-6. Open Farm Days. Terrace Mountain Alpacas , Huntingdon. 814643-2854, TerrraceMountainAlpacas/https://www.facebook.com/ Nov 5. Wine & Spirits Walk. Bedford. 814-623-0048
Nov 18. Hometown Christmas Pa rade & Light-up Night. Downtown, Johnstown. http://www.discoverjohn stown.org/ Nov 19. Black Violin. Appell Center For The Performing Arts - Strand The atre, York. 717-846-1111, https://appell center.org/ Nov 25. Crush The Calories Black Fri day Hike. Shank’s Mare, Wrightsville. 717-252-1616, www.shanksmare.com/ Nov 26. Candlelight Open House. Ephrata Cloister, Ephrata. 717-7336600, https://www.ephratacloister.org
/ 42 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com
Nov 26. West Reading Small Busi ness Saturday. Downtown At, West Reading. https://visitpaamericana.com/ Nov 26. Christmas In The Park. Blos som Park, Richfield. 717-694-3815, http://www.xmasinthepark.com
Nov 26 - 27. Christmas Craft Show. Leesport Farmers Market, Leesport. 610-926-1307, https://www.leesport market.com/ Nov 26. West Reading Small Busi ness Saturday. Events Occuring At, West Reading. visitwestreading.com
Oct 29. Invincible: A Glorious Tribute To Michael Jackson. Appell Center For The Performing Arts - Strand The atre, York. 717-846-1111, https://appell center.org/ Oct 30. Dia De Muertos (Day Of The Dead). Mount Bethel Cemetery, Co lumbia. https://mtbethelcemetery.org/
SOUTHERN REGION calendar of events
Oct 23, 30. God’s Acre Cemetery Tour. Ephrata Cloister, Ephrata. 717733-6600, www.ephratacloister.org
Oct 22. Berks History Road Ramble. Berks History Center, Reading. 610-3754375, event/fall-2022-road-ramble/https://www.berkshistory.org/
Nov 11-13. Holiday Open House In Downtown Bedford. Event, calendar/https://www.visitbedfordcounty.com/Bedford.
Oct 27-30. ReadingFilmFEST. Gog gleworks Center for the Arts , Reading. https://readingfilmfest.com/ Oct 28. Tracy Morgan. Appell Center For The Performing Arts - Strand The atre, York. 717-846-1111, https://ap pellcenter.org/ Oct 28-30, Nov 4-6. Slapshot Cup Hockey Tournament. 1st Summit Are na, Johnstown. 814-243-5765, http:// www.slapshotcup.com
Nov 17. Art Walk Huntingdon. His toric Downtown Huntingdon, Hunting don. WalkHdon/https://www.facebook.com/Art
Please consult event website before attending to confirm that event has not been canceled or postponed. Sep. 15-17 6th Annual Coatesville Vintage Grand Prix Downtown coatesvillegrandprix.comCoatesville Sep. Bucks11County Classic Downtown buckscountyclassic.comDoylestown
Photo Jason Ritterstein

/ 44 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com EASTERN REGION calendar of events
Sep 3-5. Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show and Country Fair. Ludwig’s Cor ner Horse Show Grounds, Glenmoore. 610-458-3344, ludwigshorseshow.com/ Sep 9-11. Chester County Balloon Festival 2022. Willowdale Steeple chase Grounds, Kennett Square. www. ccballoonfest.com
Sep 9-11. Annual Radnor Hunt Con cours d’Elegance. Radner Hunt Club, Malvern. https://radnorconcours.org Sep 10-11. Kennett Square Mush room Festival. Downtown, Kennett Square. 610-925-3373, https://www. mushroomfestival.org/ Sep 10-11. Doylestown Arts Festival. Downtown Doylestown, Doylestown. 215-340-9988, https://dtownartsfestival. com/ Sep 10. Irish American Festival. Courthouse Square, com/irishfestival.html#/https://www.poconoirishamericanclub.Stroudsburg. Sep 10-11. Battle at Chadds Ford. Chadds Ford Historical Society, Chadds Ford. 610-388-7376, grams/battle-at-chadds-ford/chaddsfordhistory.org/events-prohttp://www. Sep 10. 33rd Annual Uptown Northampton Street Fair. Events On, Northampton. NCC-838432/detailsNorthampton%20Street%20Fair%20valleychamber.org/events/Uptownhttps://web.lehigh Sep 11. Bucks County Classic. Down town Doylestown, Doylestown. 484794-0767, buckscountyclassic.com/
Through Oct 30. Longwood Gardens Presents Light: Installations By Bruce Munro. Longwood Gardens, Kennet Square. light-installations-bruce-munrohttps://longwoodgardens.org/
Through Sep 30. Lehigh Gorge Sce nic Train Excursions. Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway, Jim Thorpe. 570-3258485, https://www.lgsry.com/
Sep 2. Downtown Oxford 8th Annual Car Show. Downtown Oxford, Oxford. Sep 3. StroudFest. Sherman Theater, Stroudsburg. 570-420-2808, fest-2022/shermantheater.com/event/stroudhttps://

Kevin Crawford is professional photographer, and owner of Kevin Crawford Imagery, LLC based in Bucks County. “ I am very thankful for Fonthill and Mercer Museum in Doylestown, Bucks County PA. I feel so lucky to have not one, but two real castles just a few minutes away from home built by Henry Mercer in the very early 1900s. To me, they are the crown jewel of Bucks County, and I never pass up an op portunity to photograph these castles throughout the changing seasons every year. An absolute must-visit destination in Southeastern Pennsylvania!”
Follow Kevin on Instagram @youbetkev and on Facebook @ Kevin Crawford Imagery, LLC www.KevinCrawfordImagery.com

Sep 18, Oct 16. Kennett Underground Railroad Tour. Kennett Underground Railroad Center, Kennett Square. kennet tundergroundrr.org/bus-tours
/ 46 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com EASTERN REGION calendar of events
MINE TOURS WEDNESDAY THROUGH SUNDAY MAY THROUGH OCTOBER FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAY APRIL AND NOVEMBER Museum Opens 10am & Closes at 4pm • First Tour 11am • Last Tour 3pm World’s oldest continuously operated deep Anthracite coal mine. Check for schedule and event info. no9minemuseum.wixsite.com/museum570-645-70749DockStreet,Lansford,PA18232No.9CoalMineandMuseum“Award Winning”
Sep 14-18. Plantation Fields Interna tional Horse Trials. Plantation Field, Coatesville. plantationfield.com Sep 14-18. Devon Fall Classic Horse Show. Devon Horse Show Grounds, Devon. 610-964-0550, http://www. devonhorseshow.net/fall-classic Sep 15-17. 6th Annual Coatesville Vintage Grand Prix. Streets, Coates ville. https://coatesvillegrandprix.com/ Sep 16-18. Rittenhouse Square Fine Art Show. Rittenhouse Square, Phila delphia. rittenhousesquareart.com/ Sep 16 - Oct 29. Halloween Haunt. Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom, Al lentown. https://www.dorneypark.com/ events/haunt Sep 18. Berks Fiddle Fest. Bear Creek Mountain Resort & Conference Center , Macungie. 866-754-2822 , berks-fiddle-fest/bcmountainresort.com/play/events/https://www.
Sep 18. Chester County Restaurant Festival. Throughout, West www.downtownwestchester.com/Chester.
Sep 23 - Oct 28. Hawley Pocono Foli age Express. The Stourbridge Line, Haw ley Station, Hawley. thestourbridgeline.net Sep 24-25. Brandywine 2022. Thorn bury Farm, West Chester. www.brandy winevalley.com/event Sep 24. Paoli Blues Fest 2022. Paoli Presbyterian Church, Paoli. https://pao libluesfest.com/ Sep 25. Downingtown Fall Fest. Downtown, Downingtown. https:// downingtownfallfest.com/ Sep 30 - Oct 2. Unionville Community Fair. Fair Grounds, Kennett Square. https://www.ucfair.org/ Sep 30 - Oct 2; Oct 7-9. Oktoberfest At SteelStacks. ArtQuest Center At SteelStacks, Bethlehem. Oct 1. Beats and Brews. Binky Lee Preserve, Chester Springs. lands.org/event/beatsandbrews-2022/https://nat R086670
Sep 21 - Oct 30. Pocono Foliage Ex press. The Stourbridge Line, Hones dale Station, Honesdale. thestourbridgeline.net/tickets.html570-470-2697, Sep 23 - Nov 12. Halloween Nights at Eastern State Penitentiary. East ern State Penitentiary Historic Site, Phil adelphia. easternstate.org/halloween

Follow @brittaroundtown on Instagram and visit her website and blog at brittaroundtown.com
Brittany loves the view from Irving Cliff (pictured) in Honesdale, Wayne County.
Brittany Brown, president of Britt Around Town, has been awarded the 2022 Visit Bucks County Travel and Tourism Week award and has been given the title of 2021 Bucks Happening List’s Best of Bucks County: Social Media Personality. She prides herself in posting about firsthand experiences and providing recommendations to her followers just as she would to her closest family and friends.
Britt Around Town pays homage to historic sites and attractions, entertainment venues, restau rants, and treasured natural resources. She has created the blog and Instagram feed out of her love of travel, photography, and community and has a dream to one day visit and bring light to small towns across the United States.

Oct 8. PEEC’s 12th Annual Harvest Festival and 50th Anniversary Celebration. Po cono Environmental Education Center, Ding mans Ferry. www.peec.org/programs/events
Oct 20-22. The Great Pumpkin Carve of Chadds Ford 2022. Chadds Ford Historical Society, Chadds Ford. www. chaddsfordhistory.org
Oct 1. Kennett Brewfest 2022. Gen esis Building, Kennett Square. https:// kennettbrewfest.com/ Oct 1. Warwick Fall Festival. Warwick County Park, Pottstown. fall-festival/brandywinevalley.com/event/warwick-https://www. Oct 1 - Nov 13. Longwood Gardens’ Chrysanthemum Festival. Kennett Square. www.longwoodgardens.org
Oct 28-29. Spooky Days on the Farm. Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, Stroudsburg. quietvalley.org
Oct 29. South Street Headhouse District PumpkinFest. Headhouse Plaza, Philadelphia. https://southstreet.com/ Oct 29-30. Head of the Schuylkill Regatta. Downtown, Philadelphia. https://hosr.org/ Oct 29. Milford’s Annual Fall Festival. Downtown, Milford. https://mil fordpa.us/event/ Oct 29. American Helicopter Museum Presents, Haunted Helicopters. American Helicopter Museum, West Chester. americanhelicopter.museum
Oct 31. Hawley Borough Halloween Parade. Hawley. 570-226-9545 Nov 6. Good Food Fest. Kimberton Fire Company Fairgrounds, Phoenix ville. www.goodfarmsgoodfood.com/ Nov 6. The 88th Running of the Pennsylvania Hunt Cup. Pennsylvania Hunt Club, Kennett Square. pahuntcup.org Nov 11-13. Historic Yellow Springs Fine Arts and Craft Show 2022. His toric Yellow Springs, Chester Springs. 610-827-7414, www.yellowsprings.org Nov 25-26. Winter Wonderland. Downtown, Honesdale. wonderland-shop-small-saturday/visithonesdalepa.com/event/winter-570-253-5492,
Oct 1. Pickle Me Poconos. Events On, East Stroudsburg. greaterpoconochamber.com/events/https://business.
Oct 8-9. Quiet Valley Harvest Festival. Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, Stroudsburg. 570-992-6161, etvalley.org/harvest-festival/https://qui Oct 8-9. Harvest and Heritage Days. Downtown Honesdale, Honesdale. 570-253-5492, com/events/2022-10/https://visithonesdalepa. Oct 9. West Chester Annual Chili Cook-Off 2022. Throughout, West Chester. https://westchesterchilicoo koff.com/ Oct 15-16. OctoberFeast at Ped dler’s Village. Peddler’s Village, New Hope. event/octoberfeast/https://peddlersvillage.com/ Oct 16. Country Jam Music Festival. Bear Creek Mountain Resort & Confer ence Center , Macungie. www.bcmountainresort.com/play/events866-754-2822,
/ 48 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com EASTERN REGION calendar of events
Please consult event website before attending to confirm that event has not been canceled or postponed. Oct. 15-16 PittsburghPumpkinsMonsterFestival The Stacks at 3 monsterpumpkins.comCrossings,Pittsburgh Sep. 10 50s Fest and Car Cruise Downtown Waynesburg scan websitefor

Sep 2-4. Back To The 50’s Weekend. Cascade Park, New Castle. 724-3332913, tothe50sWeekendInchttps://www.facebook.com/Back Sep 2-5. 29th Annual Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Labor Day Festival. Westmoreland Fairgrounds, Greens burg. 724-863-4577, www.familyfesti vals.com/ Sep 2. Taps On Tracks. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-676-1733, www.octrr.org/ Sep 3-4. German Heritage Festival. Saint Nick’s Grove, Erie. http://www.dank-erie.org/814-456-9599, Sep 3-25, Oct 5-16. Train Rides. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-676-1733, https://www.octrr.org/ Sep 3. Guided Tour Of Petroleum Centre. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-6761733, https://www.octrr.org/ Sep 3-4. German Heritage Festival. Saint Nick’s Grove, Erie. http://www.dank-erie.org/814-456-9599, Sep 4-10. Ox Hill Community Fair. Ox Hill Community Fairgrounds, Home. https://oxhillfair.com/index.html Sep 5-10. Waterford Community Fair. Waterford Community Fairgrounds, Waterford. 814-796-4496, https://www. waterfordfair.org/ Sep 8-10. Northern Appalachian Folk Festival. Event Along, Indiana. https:// www.naffinc.org/ Sep 9. Saltsburg Car Cruise. Canal Park, Saltsburg. 724-639-3728, www.facebook.com/visitsaltsburghttps:// Sep 9-11. Corks & Kegs. Hollywood Casino at the Meadows, http://www.corksandkegsfestival.com/Washington. Sep 9-10. Edinboro Highland Games & Scottish Festival. Edinboro Univer sity Campus, Edinboro. events/highland-games/index.phpedinboro.edu/ Sep 10-11. Smicksburg Antique Tractor, Machinery & Truck Show. Day ton Fairgrounds, Dayton. smicksburgtractorclub.webs.com/814-257-9880,
/ 50 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com
R08457 4
ONGOING Aug 28 - Sep 3. Indiana County Fair. Indiana County Fairgrounds, Indiana. 724-479-8282, indianacountyfair.com
Your entire family will enjoy a 3-hour round-trip “through the valley that changed the world.” Only operating Railway Post Office car in the USA. Ride in Coach or First Class. During your ride, be sure to visit our open air Gondola car for a great view of Oil Creek State Park! Check out our website or visit us on Facebook for schedule.us on www.octrr.org • 814.676.1733 409 S Perry St, Titusville PA 16354

Check out Tom’s outdoor photography on Instagram @wvubush
Tom Bush IV is a photographer with one of Pennsylvania’s most stunning state parks practically in his backyard.
If you follow Tom on Instagram you know that he loves Ohiopyle State Park in southwestern Penn sylvania. It’s where he takes amazing shots like this one of the natural waterslides at Meadow Run. That’s right, you can actually slide down parts Meadow Run.

/ 52 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com WESTERN REGION calendar of events
Sep 10. 50s Fest and Car Cruise. Downtown Waynesburg, Waynesburg. 724-627-5555, event/50s-fest-car-cruise/https://visitgreene.org/ Sep 10-11. Flashlight Drags. Greene County Airport, Waynesburg. 412-9738608, http://www.flashlightdrags.com/ Sep 10; 24. Murder Mystery Din ner: Maui Mayhem, “Hula Survive The Poi-fect Murder?” Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-676-1733, https://www. octrr.org/ Sep 11. 25th Annual Hoodlebug Fes tival. Homer City Fire Hall, Homer City. 724-479-9759, PA-120419191380894com/Hoodlebug-Festival-Homer-City-https://www.facebook. Sep 11. Hoodlebug 5K Run & Fun Walk - Indiana Road Runners Club. Floodway Park, Homer City. 412-2896299 , com/hoodlebug-5khttps://www.indianaroadrunners.
Sep 12-17. Green Township Commu nity Fair - Cookport. Cookport Fair grounds, Commodore. 724-254-1445 , https://www.cookportfair.com/ Sep 13-17. Albion Area Fair. Albion Fairgrounds, Albion. 814-756-3911, https://albionfair.com/ Sep 14-17. Erie’s 31st Annual Wild Rib Cook Off & Music Festival. Events Downtown, Erie. 814-899-5177, https://erieribfest.com/ Sep 15. Oct 20. Third Thursday In Downtown Indiana. IRMC Park, Indi ana. 724-463-6110, townindiana.org/homehttps://www.down
Sep 16-18. Erie Irish Festival. Saint Patrick’s Church, Erie. 814-454-8085, x1, http://erieirishfestival.com/new/ Sep 16-18. Big Dave Vet Homecom ing. High Point Raceway, Mt. Morris. 304-284-0084, com/event/dc-vet-homecominghttps://highpointmx. R086594

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 53 / WESTERN REGION calendar of events
Sep 23-25. North East Wine Fest. Gibson Park, North East. 814-725-4262, https://nechamber.org/ Sep 23-24. Race Of Champions Weekend. Lake Erie Speedway, North East. www.rocmodifiedseries.com/ Sep 25. Fall Gathering At Dillweed Bed & Breakfast. Dillweed Bed & Breakfast, Dilltown. dillweedinc.com/ Sep 30; Oct 1; Oct 7-8; 14-16; 21-23; 28-30. Scary Harry’s Haunted Trail. Homer City. /www.scaryharrys.com/
R086 2 23 R 0 32 8623 86 R0 086 62 Antiques & CollectiblesShow & Sale Sponsored by: National Duncan Glass Society Chapter 1 November 5-6 • 10AM-4PM at the Washington County Fair 2151 N. Main St., Washington, PA 15301 724-225-9950 www.duncan-miller.org/events Featuring a stunning collection of frglasswhandmadearedatingom1865to1955 100 Ridge Ave., Washington, PA 15301 724.225.9950 | duncan-miller.org THE NATIONAL Duncan Miller Glass Museum & GIFT SHOP (Reduced rates for children, teens, & groups of 10 or more) Open Thursday-Sunday (except holidays) April thru December 11am-4pm By appointment year round Admission: $1000 R086231
Sep 17-18. From Hive To Honey Fes tival. Asbury Woods Nature Center, Erie. https://www.asburywoods.org/ Sep 17-18. EQT Washington & Greene Counties’ Covered Bridge Festival. Ten Festival Locations, Washing ton and Greene Counties. toncountypa.com/covered-bridge-festivalvisitwashing Sep 17-18. White Covered Bridge Festival. White Covered Bridge, Waynesburg. 724-627-8687, org/event/white-covered-bridge-festivalvisitgreene. Sep 17-18. Carmichaels Covered Bridge Festival. Greene Academy of Art, Carmichaels. 724-255-5229, event/carmichaels-covered-bridge-festivalvisitgreene.org/ Sep 17. Lucas Oil Mega Pull. Greene County Fairgrounds, Waynesburg. 724627-9160, greenecountyfair.org/mega-pull
Sep 17. Murder Mystery Dinner: Money Mayhem ‘You Bet Your Life!’. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-676-1733, https://www.octrr.org/ Sep 23-25. Clymer Days Festival. Sher man Street Park, Clymer. 724-541-6849
Sep 16. Wine Tasting Train Ride. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-676-1733, https://www.octrr.org/ Sep 17-18. Tractor Show & Car Cruise - Brush Valley Antique Iron & Power Club. Brush Valley Park, Brush Valley. 724-388-3186 Sep 17-18. Smicksburg Apple Week end. Throughout Smicksburg. 814257-8696, https://www.smicksburg.net

Oct 8-9. Great Lakes Beach Glass & Coastal Festival. Bayfront Conven tion Center, Erie. 814-836-1827, https:// www.relishinc.com/ Oct 12-16; 19-23; 26-30. Zoo Boo 2022. Erie Zoo, Erie. 814-864-4091, https://www.eriezoo.org/ Oct 13-15. Scary Creature Feature. Asbury Woods Nature Center, Erie. 814-835-5356, www.asburywoods.org Oct 15-16. Indiana County Potter’s Tour. Indiana County. 724-541-3205 , http://www.potterstour.com/ Oct 21-22. Pumpkin Patch Trolley. Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, Wash ington. https://pa-trolley.org/ Oct 21-23 & 29-30. Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Christmas Festival. Wash ington County Fairgrounds, Washing ton. http://www.familyfestivals.com Oct 22. Meadowcroft’s Taffy Pull & Fall Celebration. Meadowcroft Rock shelter, Avella. rycenter.org/meadowcroft/https://www.heinzhisto
Oct 1-2. Hickory Apple Festival. Hickory. hickoryapplefest.com
Oct 7-9. Houston Pumpkin Festival . American Legion Post #902, www.houstonpumpkinfestival.net/Houston. Oct 8. Oktoberfest In Downtown In diana. Event In, Indiana. https://www.downtownindiana.org/724-463-6110,
Oct 1-2. 32nd Annual Smicksburg Fall Festival. Smicksburg. 814-2578696, https://www.smicksburg.net/ Oct 1-2. FIM North America Continen tal Championship. High Point Raceway, Mt. Morris. highpointmx.com/event Oct 5-8. Eerie Horror Fest. Warner Theater, Erie. 814-580-6608, http:// www.eeriehorrorfest.com/ Oct 7-10. Classic Dog Show. Lawrence County Fairgrounds, New Castle. rencecounty.com/events/classic-dog-showvisitlaw
Oct 22. Greene County Mystery Road Rally. Greene County United Way, Waynesburg. 724-852-1009, county-mystery-road-rally.htmlgreenecountyunitedway.org/greene-www. Oct 29-30. Trick Or Trolley. Penn sylvania Trolley Museum, Washington. https://pa-trolley.org/ R086578 Buckle up, roll down the windows, and escape to Beaver County, PA. Stay, dine, and experience unique attractions, transfor med spaces, and picture perfect outdoor adventures. of Pittsburgh,of PA!
Oct 8-9. Harvest Festival. Greene County Historical Society Museum, Waynesburg. 724-627-3204, https:// www.facebook.com/gchsofpa
Just 30 minutes northwestJust 30 minutes northwest
/ 54 / 2022 W&W fall / whereandwhen.com

whereandwhen.com / 2022 W&W fall / 55 / WESTERN REGION calendar of events
Oct 30. Halloween Train. Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad, Perry Street Station, Titusville. 814-676-1733, www.octrr.org/
Nov 4. Wine Walk In Downtown Indi ana. Downtown Indiana. Nove 4-6; 11-13. Harvest Celebration Weekends. Erie. https://www.la keeriewinecountry.org/ Nov 4-6; 11-13. Lake Erie Wine Country Harvest Celebration Week ends. Wineries On 50 Mile Stretch, Harborcreek. https://www.lakeeriew inecountry.org/ Nov 4-6. Christmas In The Village Craft Festival. Downtown, Burgett stown. christmasinthevillagepahttps://www.facebook.com/ Nov 5-6; 12-13. Smicksburg Old Fashioned Country Christmas Open House. Smicksburg. https://www.smicksburg.net/814-257-8696, Nov 6. Indiana First Bank Veteran’s Marathon, Half Marathon & Mara thon Relay. Saylor Park, Black Lick. 724-599-5929, https://www.indian aroadrunners.com/ Nov 8. Pancake & Sausage Day, United Way Of Indiana County, Indiana. 724-4630277, www.uwindianacounty.org/ Nov 12. Fall Vendor and Craft Show. EQT REC Center, Waynesburg. 724627-2739, craft-show/events-and-rentals/fall-vendor-and-https://eqtreccenter.org/
Nov 18. Lucy Donnelly Light-Up Night & Christmas Parade. Indiana. 724-463-6110, https://www.downtown indiana.org/ Nov 19-20; Nov 26. First Commonwealth Bank, “It’s A Wonderful Life” Holiday Celebration. Indiana. 724-4636110, www.downtownindiana.org Nov 19-20. Christmas Open House At Dillweed B&B. Dillweed Bed & Breakfast, Dilltown. https://www.dillweedinc.com/814-446-6465, Nov 24. YMCA Turkey Trot At Mytry sak Family Tree Farm. Mystrysak Fam ily Tree Farm, Indiana. 724-463-9622, https://icymca.org/ Nov 25-27. Family Fun Weekend At Mytrysak Family Tree Farm. Mystry sak Family Tree Farm, Indiana. 724-4630570, https://mytrysakfamilytrees.com/ Nov 25. Light Up Night. Clymer. 724254-9884 HOW WILL YOU EXPERIENCE ARMSTRONG COUNTY? Visit armstrongcounty.com to plan your autumn getaway to the heart of Western Pennsylvania. r
