Consumer Insights for Travel Agents

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In analyzing the travel preferences and intentions of our Active Explorer User Group, we found a large subset who either booked their last travel with a travel agent or who would choose a travel agent to make recommendations and plan itinerary. Here’s a sampling of what we learned. Of course, these insights are only a piece of the larger picture. We’re always available to talk about the possible implications for your business.

TRAVEL HABITS OF ACTIVE EXPLORERS These AEs are a traveling bunch. Half (50%) have taken 3+ trips in the past year and a third (34%) have taken 5+ trips in the past year. It’s a fairly evenly mix across age groups, but spikes at 25 to 34 and dips at 35 to 44. Nearly half (43%) have incomes from $100,000 to $149,999, while 40% have a college degree and another 34% have a post-graduate degree. The most popular activity, either at home or on vacation, is trying new restaurants. Ranking close behind are: wine/spirits/beer tasting, exploring city streets, attending concerts and visiting museums/ cultural sites. Most agreed that they like to try new activities on vacation they don’t get to do while at home. It’s really a big part of vacationing for them. This is different from wanting to pursue to the same activities they do at home.

THE MOST POPULAR ACTIVITY, EITHER AT HOME OR ON VACATION, IS TRYING NEW RESTAURANTS. Over half are fans of cruises while another third have not been on a cruise, but would like to try it. The biggest obstacles to travel are getting time off from work, cost and figuring out where to go. Most pay for their trip using a credit card and pay it off immediately, but about 1 in 4 earmark savings for travel.

The average trip duration is 5 to 7 days for nearly half of this segment. More than half (56%) prefer one trip of a longer duration over two trips of a shorter duration, all things being equal.

73% are planning their next trip right after they get back from one This suggests a perpetual planning and anticipating cycle of travel. Most plan their trips more than three months in advance, but less than six months. Overall, most prefer a mixed itinerary of planned and unplanned pursuits. They expressed it this way: “I like some things left open — a few nights so we can see where our plans take us, allowing for discovery and booking on the ground.”




Timing is everything. Make no mistake, Active Explorers have a clear picture of their ideal vacation, whatever it may be. In fact, they typically plan that ideal trip a few months in advance. And over a third plan their trip more between three and six months ahead. With booking windows this wide open, travel brands need to remain relevant throughout the consumer purchasing journey, constantly in the sights of Active Explorers in the thick of planning.


of AE’s plan their next trip right after their current one.

What’s more, 69% of AEs plan their next trip right after their current one. Here, the window of opportunity narrows, but it’s still important that brands reach consumers while they’re still coming off their travel high. It might be as simple as a free gift when they arrive home or an email blast with an exclusive offer and a survey. The statistics can only get you so far. The numbers tell us a lot about how Active Explorers interact with travel, from planning to purchase and execution. But they don’t explicitly tell brands and marketers how to leverage consumer behaviors. That’s where research, brand-building and targeted communications come in.

INSIGHTS FROM YOUR Data is great. Insights are better. Saying something that resonates BEST CUSTOMERS

with the Active Explorer will go miles toward inspiring them to hear more of what you have to say. Don’t over-invest in a campaign that

hasn’t been tested USER thoroughly — try multiple approaches. Always push INTRODUCING THE ACTIVE EXPLORER GROUP

JUNE 03, 2016

the envelope, don’t be afraid to say something surprising. And never miss a window of opportunity to make communications timely, nimble and impactful.

READY FOR MORE? Email Marc Williams at to request our Exploring New Horizons blogchure, a collection of our recent travel blogs.

Follow those rules, and you’ll find your brand’s window of opportunity larger than ever before.

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