2017-2018 Report on Philanthropy

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Thank You! 2017-2018 Volunteer Leadership

2017-2018 Volunteer Leadership

Whitefield Academy Board of Trustees

Whitefield Fund Leadership

Whitefield Parent Association Leadership

PackBackers Board of Directors

Jason Bilotti, Chair Chris Herschend, Vice Chair Terena Washington, Secretary Kevin T. Byrne, Treasurer Wallace D. Francis, Chaplain

Chairs: Heather and Chris Hood

Carrie Browne, President Tracy Ryan, President Elect Rebekah Kern, Vice President, Committees Lynn Sumlin, Vice President, Upper School Mary Soud, Vice President, Middle School Christy O’Connor, Co-Vice President, Lower School Jeanne Watson, Co-Vice President, Lower School Kesha Nettles, Recording Secretary Denise Marshall, Treasurer

John Charles, President Kevin Brogan, Vice President Will Eckerson, Treasurer Christine Knox & Stacy Courtnay, Concessions Ruth Ryder & Jaymie Lewis, Team Mom Coordinators Robin Carver, Membership/Administratio John Browne & Tim McLemore, Advertising/Programs – Sales Jeff Kendrick, Advertising/Programs – Production Addie Cochran, Yard Signs Veronica Golden & Rebekah Kern, AV Coordinators Bland DeShong, Spirit Coordinators Margaret Joiner, Special Projects Coordinator Paige Merkle, Season Recap Coordinator

W. Allen Bell John Browne Byron Johnson Peter D. Kantor Jr. John Keeble Joe Knight David Kwon Courtney LaVallee Leslie Pearce Harrison Powell Antony Sanacory Allen Thomas Allyson Watson

Whitefield Academy Alumni Board Kennard Backman ‘11 Megan Beard ‘00 MacKensie Garrett Brandt ‘07 Jarvis Bronner ‘04 Bo Chambliss ‘11 Aaron Childree ‘07 Emily Deeter Haisten ‘05 Ally Fishbeck ‘11 Everett Joiner ‘13 Lane Nichols ’07, Board President Anna Panu ‘11 Colton Parks ‘11 Olivia Powell ‘10 Valerie Uhlir ‘99


Grade Reps: Twelfth Grade Eleventh Grade Tenth Grade Ninth Grade Eighth Grade Seventh Grade Sixth Grade Fifth Grade Fourth Grade Third Grade Second Grade First Grade Kindergarten Pre-K4

Tammy and Bob Eaton Susan and Chris Cykoski Paige and Jay Overstreet Veronica and Scott Golden Anna and John Patton Stacey and Darr McKeown Beth and Josh Figaretti Cathy and Rich Hugues Sid Feagin LeeAnne Moorer Ashley and Drew Vonderahe Melissa and Trea Kimble Amie and Brian Schoenbaechler Tina and Doug Alexander

Whitefield Grandparent Association Steering Committee

Arts Alliance Board of Directors Joycelyn Bergeron Deepa Berry Becky Bracher Angie Fuller Erin Glover Margaret Hamilton Amanda Hill Chuck Hill Edith Krahel

Jenny Kwon Abe Okie Paige Overstreet Stacy Quiros Freda Redding Sara Richburg Susan Schmitt Nathan Stevens

Kathy Unverzagt, Lower School Patty Renfroe, Middle School Linda Causey, Upper School Rachel Barlowe, Alumni




Thank You! 2017-2018 Volunteer Leadership

2017-2018 Volunteer Leadership

Whitefield Academy Board of Trustees

Whitefield Fund Leadership

Whitefield Parent Association Leadership

PackBackers Board of Directors

Jason Bilotti, Chair Chris Herschend, Vice Chair Terena Washington, Secretary Kevin T. Byrne, Treasurer Wallace D. Francis, Chaplain

Chairs: Heather and Chris Hood

Carrie Browne, President Tracy Ryan, President Elect Rebekah Kern, Vice President, Committees Lynn Sumlin, Vice President, Upper School Mary Soud, Vice President, Middle School Christy O’Connor, Co-Vice President, Lower School Jeanne Watson, Co-Vice President, Lower School Kesha Nettles, Recording Secretary Denise Marshall, Treasurer

John Charles, President Kevin Brogan, Vice President Will Eckerson, Treasurer Christine Knox & Stacy Courtnay, Concessions Ruth Ryder & Jaymie Lewis, Team Mom Coordinators Robin Carver, Membership/Administratio John Browne & Tim McLemore, Advertising/Programs – Sales Jeff Kendrick, Advertising/Programs – Production Addie Cochran, Yard Signs Veronica Golden & Rebekah Kern, AV Coordinators Bland DeShong, Spirit Coordinators Margaret Joiner, Special Projects Coordinator Paige Merkle, Season Recap Coordinator

W. Allen Bell John Browne Byron Johnson Peter D. Kantor Jr. John Keeble Joe Knight David Kwon Courtney LaVallee Leslie Pearce Harrison Powell Antony Sanacory Allen Thomas Allyson Watson

Whitefield Academy Alumni Board Kennard Backman ‘11 Megan Beard ‘00 MacKensie Garrett Brandt ‘07 Jarvis Bronner ‘04 Bo Chambliss ‘11 Aaron Childree ‘07 Emily Deeter Haisten ‘05 Ally Fishbeck ‘11 Everett Joiner ‘13 Lane Nichols ’07, Board President Anna Panu ‘11 Colton Parks ‘11 Olivia Powell ‘10 Valerie Uhlir ‘99


Grade Reps: Twelfth Grade Eleventh Grade Tenth Grade Ninth Grade Eighth Grade Seventh Grade Sixth Grade Fifth Grade Fourth Grade Third Grade Second Grade First Grade Kindergarten Pre-K4

Tammy and Bob Eaton Susan and Chris Cykoski Paige and Jay Overstreet Veronica and Scott Golden Anna and John Patton Stacey and Darr McKeown Beth and Josh Figaretti Cathy and Rich Hugues Sid Feagin LeeAnne Moorer Ashley and Drew Vonderahe Melissa and Trea Kimble Amie and Brian Schoenbaechler Tina and Doug Alexander

Whitefield Grandparent Association Steering Committee

Arts Alliance Board of Directors Joycelyn Bergeron Deepa Berry Becky Bracher Angie Fuller Erin Glover Margaret Hamilton Amanda Hill Chuck Hill Edith Krahel

Jenny Kwon Abe Okie Paige Overstreet Stacy Quiros Freda Redding Sara Richburg Susan Schmitt Nathan Stevens

Kathy Unverzagt, Lower School Patty Renfroe, Middle School Linda Causey, Upper School Rachel Barlowe, Alumni




Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign Donors We greatly appreciate the following donors for their gifts to the Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign. The Development Department has made every effort to ensure that the following information is accurate. Please contact Lauren Race, Director of Development, at lrace@whitefieldacademy.com if you have any questions. Donor List as of June 30, 2018. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ailstock Donna F. Alar Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Arnold Reverend and Mrs. Jamal Baker Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bassing The Bauer Family Mr. and Mrs. Nicklaus J. Beard Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Beaudin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker The Bell Family Joycelyn Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowling Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brantley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Brostrand Angie and Mark Brown John and Carrie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buero Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burke Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Kevin and Laurie Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Brody Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. Sean Carbonell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carmack Mr. and Mrs. James Carmichael

Chip and Martha Carroll Dan T. Cathy Mr. Donald (Bubba) M. Cathy Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Chick-Fil-A Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cofield Sr. Collection Event Furnishings Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Courtnay The Todd R. Craig Family Ms. Carol Culp Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis Mrs. John W. Dean Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. and Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dyke Jeanne and John East Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Fennel Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Mr. and Mrs. John FitzGerald Doug and Gretchen Folk Mr. and Mrs. James Funk Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallacher Bill and Nancy Gaston


Shannon and Eric Gerber Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Golden Jere and Mary Goldsmith Billy and Katherine Greer Todd and Kristy Grossweiler Mr. and Mrs. F. Rencher Gutteridge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Harris Mr. Charlie Harris Jim and Patty Hatcher Patrick and Kelly Healy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hellier Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Henritze Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Herschend The McCamish Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hogan Mr. Matt Hogan and Mrs. Christie Dent Mr. and Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter Holliday Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. Donald L. Houser and Mrs. Taeko Genka Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. J. Byron Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Komichel Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Dr. and Mrs. David G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Keith

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kellett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kendrick Barbara and Randy King Mr. and Mrs. David Kwon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee LtCol. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. LePage Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Longo Whit and Jean Ann Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Marks The Marshall Family Rich and Becky Matherne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCullough Craig and Stefanie Miller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mitchell Dan and Rebekka Moorer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moorer Munimae Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Paige and Jay Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parham Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Peachtree Tents and Events Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Mr. and Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Race Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reichart Charlie and Patty Renfroe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mrs. Marti Ryan Ms. Gloria J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Chris and Rachel Sadlack Mr. Antony Sanacory and Mrs. Kamla Alexander Mr. Ang Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shilling Dr. and Mrs. Sung Shim Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Shim Mr. and Mrs. Steve Simms Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. Brent Smith and Dr. Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stanfield Lynn and Dodge Sumlin Jeff and Rachael Terry

Linda and Allen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Dillen Mr. and Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. William Vickery Dr. and Mrs. Brant S. Vincent Mr. Tom Vonderahe Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward Laura and Gene Warren Ken and Terena Washington Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waskey Mr. and Mrs. Jason Watson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Wesley Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Youssef ‘03 Anne and Chad Zimmerman




Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign Donors We greatly appreciate the following donors for their gifts to the Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign. The Development Department has made every effort to ensure that the following information is accurate. Please contact Lauren Race, Director of Development, at lrace@whitefieldacademy.com if you have any questions. Donor List as of June 30, 2018. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ailstock Donna F. Alar Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Arnold Reverend and Mrs. Jamal Baker Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bassing The Bauer Family Mr. and Mrs. Nicklaus J. Beard Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Beaudin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker The Bell Family Joycelyn Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowling Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brantley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Brostrand Angie and Mark Brown John and Carrie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buero Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burke Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Kevin and Laurie Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Brody Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. Sean Carbonell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carmack Mr. and Mrs. James Carmichael

Chip and Martha Carroll Dan T. Cathy Mr. Donald (Bubba) M. Cathy Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Chick-Fil-A Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cofield Sr. Collection Event Furnishings Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Courtnay The Todd R. Craig Family Ms. Carol Culp Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis Mrs. John W. Dean Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. and Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dyke Jeanne and John East Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Fennel Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Mr. and Mrs. John FitzGerald Doug and Gretchen Folk Mr. and Mrs. James Funk Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallacher Bill and Nancy Gaston


Shannon and Eric Gerber Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Golden Jere and Mary Goldsmith Billy and Katherine Greer Todd and Kristy Grossweiler Mr. and Mrs. F. Rencher Gutteridge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Harris Mr. Charlie Harris Jim and Patty Hatcher Patrick and Kelly Healy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hellier Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Henritze Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Herschend The McCamish Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hogan Mr. Matt Hogan and Mrs. Christie Dent Mr. and Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter Holliday Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. Donald L. Houser and Mrs. Taeko Genka Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. J. Byron Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Komichel Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Dr. and Mrs. David G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Keith

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kellett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kendrick Barbara and Randy King Mr. and Mrs. David Kwon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee LtCol. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. LePage Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Longo Whit and Jean Ann Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Marks The Marshall Family Rich and Becky Matherne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCullough Craig and Stefanie Miller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mitchell Dan and Rebekka Moorer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moorer Munimae Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Paige and Jay Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parham Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Peachtree Tents and Events Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Mr. and Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Race Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reichart Charlie and Patty Renfroe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mrs. Marti Ryan Ms. Gloria J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Chris and Rachel Sadlack Mr. Antony Sanacory and Mrs. Kamla Alexander Mr. Ang Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shilling Dr. and Mrs. Sung Shim Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Shim Mr. and Mrs. Steve Simms Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. Brent Smith and Dr. Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stanfield Lynn and Dodge Sumlin Jeff and Rachael Terry

Linda and Allen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Dillen Mr. and Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. William Vickery Dr. and Mrs. Brant S. Vincent Mr. Tom Vonderahe Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward Laura and Gene Warren Ken and Terena Washington Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waskey Mr. and Mrs. Jason Watson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Wesley Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh Wickham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Youssef ‘03 Anne and Chad Zimmerman




Thank You! 2017-2018 Whitefield Fund Donors We greatly appreciate the following donors for their gifts to the Whitefield Fund. The Development Department has made every effort to ensure that the following information is accurate. Please contact Lauren Race, Director of Development, at lrace@whitefieldacademy.com if you have any questions. Donor List as of June 30, 2018. Anonymous Larry and Kathy Accardi Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agar Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ailstock Donna F. Alar Drs. George Karlene Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Milton Curling Mr. and Mrs. Erik Anhaus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Ansley Ms. Danielle J. Ansley ‘08 Ms. Juanita Arnolie Mr. and Mrs. Ejovi Aror Mr. and Mrs. Bill Backus Mr. Matthew Bacorn Mr. Chris Baldwin Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Ball Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Barber Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Ms. Ann Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barr Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bassing The Bauer Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bayne Mr. Nicklaus and Mrs. Megan Beard ‘00 Ms. Lori Beard Mr. and Mrs. John Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Bell Derrick Benford Mr. Christopher J. Beoddy and Mrs. Anna C. Veenendaal Mr. and Mrs. Aleajandro Bergeron Steve Berry and Kathy Murray Ms. Joanna Berry Ms. Maryellen Berry Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr.Thomas Blackwood Tracy Blunier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boehm Prof. and Dr. Corbin Boekhaus Ms. Jessica L. Bonnem Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bonner III Dr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowyer Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brannon

Bethany Brant Ms. Debra L. Breault Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Bronner ‘04 Ms. Courtney Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Brostrand Mr. and Mrs. Walter Browder Mr. and Mrs. Todd Brown Angie and Mark Brown Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Brown John and Carrie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buero Mr. Milton Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Byrd Kevin and Laurie Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cain Sharrone Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Callan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Callaway Ms. Colleen D. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carmack Ms. Amanda Carman Mr. and Mrs. James Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. Elyea Carswell Ms. Rebecca E. Carswell ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carver Mr. and Mrs. Junius Cassady Jr. Ms. Celeste Castle Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Causey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cella Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Chally Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss III Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss IV ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chandler Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Childree Mr. E. Aaron Childree ‘07 Ms. Jessica Christ Mr. and Mrs. C. Todd Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cofield Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Coppedge Mr. and Mrs. Flash Corliss Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Corliss Jack and Marilyn Courtnay Ms. Veronica Cox Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Crabb The Todd R. Craig Family


Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crisp Mr. and Mrs. Brett Crompton Mr. Kenneth Crompton Ms. Angela Crosby Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. Milton Curling Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cykoski Ms. Candace Daly Mr. and Mrs. Matthew David Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Davis Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Davis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. James DeGier Mr. and Mrs. David DeShong Mr. and Mrs. Rip Detamore Mrs. Camille Dickens Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Scott and Christy Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doran Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dourron Dr. and Mrs. Hector Dourron Mrs. Marlys Dowman Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Duncanson Lisa Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John Durden, IV Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dyke Ms. Emily East Robert and Tamara Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eaton Mr. and Mrs. William Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William C. English Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erler Ms. Susan L. Errera Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fairgrieves Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faris Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Will W. Fawcett Mr. Sidney R. Feagin Ms. Tricia Feagin Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Feigl Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Fennel Christy and Jason Fiftal Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Ms. Jenny-Lynn Filip Ms. Merriel A. Fishbeck ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher

Mr. Peter Fleming III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Folk Ms. Kimberly Ford Mr. James and Mrs. Jennifer Forstner Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Tillman Fossas ‘11 Ms. Heather Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Scott French Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Fugate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuller Mr. and Mrs. James Funk Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Gaddis Mrs. Martha Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallacher Bill and Nancy Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gehler Shannon and Eric Gerber Mr. Zewdu Gessesse and Mrs. Aster M. Gezawe Mr. and Mrs. David Gillham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Glover Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Golden Mr. and Mrs. Jere Goldsmith V Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gossett Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Grand’Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Grant Davida Grant Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gresham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gressler Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Griffin, III Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Griffin Todd and Kristy Grossweiler Mr. and Mrs. Slade Gulledge Mr. and Mrs. David Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. F. Rencher Gutteridge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Haase Mr. and Mrs. Cory W. Hallett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Ms. Jill Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Hampel Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris IV Mr. Charlie Harris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hart Mr. and Mrs. James Hatcher Ms. Elizabeth L. Hattaway Ms. Janet G. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Marion R. Hayslip Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hearn Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heiskell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Heiskell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hellier The Henao Family Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Henritze Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henson

Col. and Mrs. William C. Hepler, II Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hepner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Herschend Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. William Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Tynes Hildebrand Ms. Lindsay Hines Mr. Matt Hogan and Mrs. Christie Dent Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Scott Holland Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Horner Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Houk, Sr Mr. Donald L. Houser and Mrs. Taeko Genka Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Houser Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Howard Mr. Remontia Howard Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hugues Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Janico Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jenn Mr. and Mrs. John Jenniges Ms. Jeannie L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Johnson Drs. Gary and Angela Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Byron Johnson Ms. Harriet Johnson Dr. A. Emerson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Neil Joiner Coleman Joiner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Dr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Justice Mr. and Mrs. Harold Justice Ms. Mary Charles Kaish Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. Peter Kantor Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keith Mrs. Donna Keith Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Keith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kelley Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly Chris and Rebekah Kern Thomas and Lindsey Kesler Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kimble Mr. and Mrs. Scott King Barbara and Randy King

Mr. and Mrs. George King III Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Kinkel Kesha Kline and Maurice Grandison Mr. and Mrs. W. David Knight Neil and Christine Knox Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koenig Mrs. Kim Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Tong Kwon Mr. and Mrs. David Kwon Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Langley Mr. and Mrs. John Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Ms. Elyse Lawson Perry and Cheryl LeBlanc LtCol. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jae Lee Ms. Melinda Lee Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Lenard Mr. Troy Lenczowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LePage Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Logan Lewis Mr. José C. Lezcano Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Little Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Llewellyn Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Long Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lula Travis and Alyssa Luther Mr. and Mrs. William MacPhail Miss Sarah C. MacPhail ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. David Mader Whit and Jean Ann Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Greg Margine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Marks Mr. and Mrs. John Marks Mr. and Mrs. John Marra III Ms. L. Michelle Marriott Ms. Kayla Marsh The Marshall Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Martin Mr. Marcus Martin and Dr. Michelle Martin Rich and Becky Matherne Mr. and Mrs. David McBride Ms. Michelle Durrett Mr. and Mrs. William McCarrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. John McCloskey Ms. Elizabeth McConnell Ms. Mary D. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCullough Mr. and Mrs. David McCune Mr. and Mrs. Marlon McCurdy Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Steve McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Rick McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McLemore Mr. and Mrs. Theo McNair, Jr.

Mr. Patrick McRae Ms. Elizabeth McRae Pastor and Mrs. Aaron D. Messner Craig and Stefanie Miller Julie, Tim, and TJ Miller Mrs. Jo Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Moore Dan and Rebekka Moorer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moorer Ms. Lee Anne Moorer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Moss Mr. and Mrs. Lou Nardi Sr. Russ and Shannon Neese Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Nichols II ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nickles Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Nimey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nix Mr. and Mrs. David Nour Mr. and Mrs. David Novak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Babafemi Odelowo Dr. and Mrs. Adesoji Oderinde Keely Naughton Ogburn ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Femi Oluyide Mr. and Mrs. Steven O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostholthoff Paige and Jay Overstreet Mr. and Ms. John K. Palin Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pannell III Ms. Anna Panu ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Raymie Parker Mr. D. Colton Parks ‘07 Ms. Caroline Pattillo ‘05 Anna and John Patton Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. and Mrs. James Peavy Jeff Peeples Mr. and Mrs. Tom K. Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Petersen Erik and Kara Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Phillips III Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Powell Ms. Olivia J. Powell ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. William Prevost Mr. and Mrs. John Pridgeon Mr. and Mrs. Don Purcell Dr. and Mrs. Charles Qualls Dr. and Mrs. Charles Qualls The Quillin Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Quiros Mr. Conrad Paul Miller Quiros ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Race Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius O. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Regan

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reichart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renfroe Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Reviello Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Richburg Mr. and Mrs. Leon Riles Mr. and Mrs. Travis Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rivers Mr. Gregory B. Crueger and Ms. Kimberly Robidoux Dr. and Mrs. James Robinson Ms. Marie Robiou Mr. and Mrs. Michael Runager Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Sadlack Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sallee II Mr. Donald B. Sallee Mr. Antony Sanacory and Mrs. Kamla Alexander Rodney and Linda Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Santarsiero Mike and Angela Santone Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schoenbaechler Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. John Sengson Mr. and Mrs. Chad Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Steve Silva Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simms Mr. and Mrs. Hal Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair Sarah Skepple Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. Ryan A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Mr. Brent Smith and Dr. Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith Mr. James T. Snoddy Mr. Reginald Snyder and Dr. Tamela Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Soud Jr. Brenda Speight Mr. and Mrs. Brian Spellissy Kevin Spingler Ms. Sundra L. Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Stewart Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stickney Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stith Anne and Jerry Stovall Mr. and Dr. David Streever

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland Lynn and Dodge Sumlin Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swift Mr. and Mrs. George Swilley Reverend and Mrs. Christopher Talley Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Teegarden Jeff and Rachael Terry Mr. John S. Thomas Linda and Allen Thomas William Michael Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Ms. Jeanne Thon Mr. and Mrs. David Thornton Erik and Mary Beth Tillman Mr. David Todd Drs. Crisanto and Anaceli Torres Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trovato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tsompanas Dr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Tuck Pastor and Mrs. Joseph Tvaroch III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Mrs. Valerie Uhlir ‘99 Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Unsicker Mr. and Mrs. John Unverzagt Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Dillen Mr. and Mrs. Brent Vanderpool Sr. Drs. Thomas Varughese and Juliet Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. William Verner Mr. and Mrs. William Vickery Dr. and Mrs. Brant S. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Matt Voelkel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vonderahe Mr. Tom Vonderahe Mr. Paul Wade and Dr. Kathryn Wade Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker Mrs. Sunny Walker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Waller Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward Ken and Terena Washington Ms. Chrissy Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Lance Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson, Jr. Cindy Watson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Watson Ms. Donna Watson Dr. and Mrs. David Watson Ms. Elizabeth Weathington Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. and Mrs. James Wehner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weihe Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Wesley Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. Kevin T. Whitney ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh Wickham Mrs. Joan Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wiggins Ms. Denise Wiggins Mr. Gary Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Hank Windhorst Renee and Spencer Wingate Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Woods Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wozniak Brian and Allison Wray Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yates Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Young Danny and Jennifer Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. Eric S. Zwygart and Dr. Christy A. Zwygart

ORGANIZATIONS & COMPANIES Amazon Smile AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Atlantic Capital Bank Bank of America Charitable Foundation Barkawi Management Consultants, LP CLC Foundation Coca-Cola Enterprises Matching Gifts Deloitte Delta Airline Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Fidelity Charitable Fund Gay Construction Company Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program Greystone and Co Inc Julia Porter Scurry Family Foundation Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Matching Gift Program Merck Matching Gifts Meredith Corporation Foundation Mondelez International Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Network For Good Southstar Energy Services LLC State Farm Companies Foundation SunTrust Bank The Benevity Community Impact Fund -YourCause The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Community Foundation For Greater Atlanta The Gordy Foundation The Home Depot The National Christian Foundation The University Financing Foundation, Inc U.S. Charitable Gift Trust UBS Donor-National Philanthropic Trust Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Voya Financial Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Workday, Inc.




Thank You! 2017-2018 Whitefield Fund Donors We greatly appreciate the following donors for their gifts to the Whitefield Fund. The Development Department has made every effort to ensure that the following information is accurate. Please contact Lauren Race, Director of Development, at lrace@whitefieldacademy.com if you have any questions. Donor List as of June 30, 2018. Anonymous Larry and Kathy Accardi Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agar Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ailstock Donna F. Alar Drs. George Karlene Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Milton Curling Mr. and Mrs. Erik Anhaus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Ansley Ms. Danielle J. Ansley ‘08 Ms. Juanita Arnolie Mr. and Mrs. Ejovi Aror Mr. and Mrs. Bill Backus Mr. Matthew Bacorn Mr. Chris Baldwin Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Ball Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z. Barber Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Ms. Ann Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barr Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bassing The Bauer Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bayne Mr. Nicklaus and Mrs. Megan Beard ‘00 Ms. Lori Beard Mr. and Mrs. John Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Bell Derrick Benford Mr. Christopher J. Beoddy and Mrs. Anna C. Veenendaal Mr. and Mrs. Aleajandro Bergeron Steve Berry and Kathy Murray Ms. Joanna Berry Ms. Maryellen Berry Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr.Thomas Blackwood Tracy Blunier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boehm Prof. and Dr. Corbin Boekhaus Ms. Jessica L. Bonnem Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bonner III Dr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowyer Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boyd Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brannon

Bethany Brant Ms. Debra L. Breault Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Bronner ‘04 Ms. Courtney Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Brostrand Mr. and Mrs. Walter Browder Mr. and Mrs. Todd Brown Angie and Mark Brown Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Brown John and Carrie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buero Mr. Milton Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Byrd Kevin and Laurie Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cain Sharrone Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Callan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Callaway Ms. Colleen D. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carmack Ms. Amanda Carman Mr. and Mrs. James Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. Elyea Carswell Ms. Rebecca E. Carswell ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carver Mr. and Mrs. Junius Cassady Jr. Ms. Celeste Castle Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Causey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cella Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Chally Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss III Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss IV ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chandler Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Childree Mr. E. Aaron Childree ‘07 Ms. Jessica Christ Mr. and Mrs. C. Todd Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cofield Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Coppedge Mr. and Mrs. Flash Corliss Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Corliss Jack and Marilyn Courtnay Ms. Veronica Cox Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Crabb The Todd R. Craig Family


Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crisp Mr. and Mrs. Brett Crompton Mr. Kenneth Crompton Ms. Angela Crosby Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. Milton Curling Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cykoski Ms. Candace Daly Mr. and Mrs. Matthew David Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Davis Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Davis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. James DeGier Mr. and Mrs. David DeShong Mr. and Mrs. Rip Detamore Mrs. Camille Dickens Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Scott and Christy Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doran Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dourron Dr. and Mrs. Hector Dourron Mrs. Marlys Dowman Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Duncanson Lisa Dunn Mr. and Mrs. John Durden, IV Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dyke Ms. Emily East Robert and Tamara Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eaton Mr. and Mrs. William Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William C. English Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erler Ms. Susan L. Errera Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fairgrieves Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faris Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrar Mr. and Mrs. Will W. Fawcett Mr. Sidney R. Feagin Ms. Tricia Feagin Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Feigl Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Fennel Christy and Jason Fiftal Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Ms. Jenny-Lynn Filip Ms. Merriel A. Fishbeck ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher

Mr. Peter Fleming III Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Folk Ms. Kimberly Ford Mr. James and Mrs. Jennifer Forstner Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Tillman Fossas ‘11 Ms. Heather Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Scott French Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Fugate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuller Mr. and Mrs. James Funk Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Gaddis Mrs. Martha Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallacher Bill and Nancy Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gehler Shannon and Eric Gerber Mr. Zewdu Gessesse and Mrs. Aster M. Gezawe Mr. and Mrs. David Gillham Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Glover Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Golden Mr. and Mrs. Jere Goldsmith V Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gossett Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Grand’Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Grant Davida Grant Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gray Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gresham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gressler Mr. and Mrs. Malvern Griffin, III Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Griffin Todd and Kristy Grossweiler Mr. and Mrs. Slade Gulledge Mr. and Mrs. David Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. F. Rencher Gutteridge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Haase Mr. and Mrs. Cory W. Hallett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Ms. Jill Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Hampel Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris IV Mr. Charlie Harris Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hart Mr. and Mrs. James Hatcher Ms. Elizabeth L. Hattaway Ms. Janet G. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Marion R. Hayslip Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hearn Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heiskell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Heiskell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hellier The Henao Family Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Henritze Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henson

Col. and Mrs. William C. Hepler, II Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hepner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Herschend Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. William Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Tynes Hildebrand Ms. Lindsay Hines Mr. Matt Hogan and Mrs. Christie Dent Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Scott Holland Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Horner Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Houk, Sr Mr. Donald L. Houser and Mrs. Taeko Genka Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Houser Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Howard Mr. Remontia Howard Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hugues Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Janico Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jenn Mr. and Mrs. John Jenniges Ms. Jeannie L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Johnson Drs. Gary and Angela Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Byron Johnson Ms. Harriet Johnson Dr. A. Emerson Johnson, III Mr. and Mrs. Neil Joiner Coleman Joiner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Dr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Justice Mr. and Mrs. Harold Justice Ms. Mary Charles Kaish Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. Peter Kantor Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keith Mrs. Donna Keith Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Keith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kelley Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly Chris and Rebekah Kern Thomas and Lindsey Kesler Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kimble Mr. and Mrs. Scott King Barbara and Randy King

Mr. and Mrs. George King III Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Kinkel Kesha Kline and Maurice Grandison Mr. and Mrs. W. David Knight Neil and Christine Knox Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koenig Mrs. Kim Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Tong Kwon Mr. and Mrs. David Kwon Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Langley Mr. and Mrs. John Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Ms. Elyse Lawson Perry and Cheryl LeBlanc LtCol. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jae Lee Ms. Melinda Lee Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Lenard Mr. Troy Lenczowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LePage Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Logan Lewis Mr. José C. Lezcano Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Little Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Llewellyn Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Long Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lula Travis and Alyssa Luther Mr. and Mrs. William MacPhail Miss Sarah C. MacPhail ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. David Mader Whit and Jean Ann Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Greg Margine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Marks Mr. and Mrs. John Marks Mr. and Mrs. John Marra III Ms. L. Michelle Marriott Ms. Kayla Marsh The Marshall Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Martin Mr. Marcus Martin and Dr. Michelle Martin Rich and Becky Matherne Mr. and Mrs. David McBride Ms. Michelle Durrett Mr. and Mrs. William McCarrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. John McCloskey Ms. Elizabeth McConnell Ms. Mary D. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCullough Mr. and Mrs. David McCune Mr. and Mrs. Marlon McCurdy Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Steve McDonald Dr. and Mrs. Rick McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McLemore Mr. and Mrs. Theo McNair, Jr.

Mr. Patrick McRae Ms. Elizabeth McRae Pastor and Mrs. Aaron D. Messner Craig and Stefanie Miller Julie, Tim, and TJ Miller Mrs. Jo Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Moore Dan and Rebekka Moorer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moorer Ms. Lee Anne Moorer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Moss Mr. and Mrs. Lou Nardi Sr. Russ and Shannon Neese Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Nichols II ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nickles Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Nimey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Nix Mr. and Mrs. David Nour Mr. and Mrs. David Novak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Babafemi Odelowo Dr. and Mrs. Adesoji Oderinde Keely Naughton Ogburn ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Femi Oluyide Mr. and Mrs. Steven O’Neal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostholthoff Paige and Jay Overstreet Mr. and Ms. John K. Palin Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pannell III Ms. Anna Panu ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Raymie Parker Mr. D. Colton Parks ‘07 Ms. Caroline Pattillo ‘05 Anna and John Patton Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. and Mrs. James Peavy Jeff Peeples Mr. and Mrs. Tom K. Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Petersen Erik and Kara Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Phillips III Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Powell Ms. Olivia J. Powell ‘10 Mr. and Mrs. William Prevost Mr. and Mrs. John Pridgeon Mr. and Mrs. Don Purcell Dr. and Mrs. Charles Qualls Dr. and Mrs. Charles Qualls The Quillin Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Quiros Mr. Conrad Paul Miller Quiros ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Race Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ray Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius O. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Regan

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reichart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renfroe Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Reviello Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Richburg Mr. and Mrs. Leon Riles Mr. and Mrs. Travis Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rivers Mr. Gregory B. Crueger and Ms. Kimberly Robidoux Dr. and Mrs. James Robinson Ms. Marie Robiou Mr. and Mrs. Michael Runager Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Sadlack Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sallee II Mr. Donald B. Sallee Mr. Antony Sanacory and Mrs. Kamla Alexander Rodney and Linda Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Santarsiero Mike and Angela Santone Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schoenbaechler Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. John Sengson Mr. and Mrs. Chad Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Steve Silva Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simms Mr. and Mrs. Hal Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair Sarah Skepple Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. Ryan A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Mr. Brent Smith and Dr. Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith Mr. James T. Snoddy Mr. Reginald Snyder and Dr. Tamela Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Soud Jr. Brenda Speight Mr. and Mrs. Brian Spellissy Kevin Spingler Ms. Sundra L. Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Stewart Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stickney Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stith Anne and Jerry Stovall Mr. and Dr. David Streever

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland Lynn and Dodge Sumlin Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swift Mr. and Mrs. George Swilley Reverend and Mrs. Christopher Talley Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. Teegarden Jeff and Rachael Terry Mr. John S. Thomas Linda and Allen Thomas William Michael Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Ms. Jeanne Thon Mr. and Mrs. David Thornton Erik and Mary Beth Tillman Mr. David Todd Drs. Crisanto and Anaceli Torres Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trovato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tsompanas Dr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Tuck Pastor and Mrs. Joseph Tvaroch III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Mrs. Valerie Uhlir ‘99 Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Unsicker Mr. and Mrs. John Unverzagt Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Dillen Mr. and Mrs. Brent Vanderpool Sr. Drs. Thomas Varughese and Juliet Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. William Verner Mr. and Mrs. William Vickery Dr. and Mrs. Brant S. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Matt Voelkel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vonderahe Mr. Tom Vonderahe Mr. Paul Wade and Dr. Kathryn Wade Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker Mrs. Sunny Walker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Waller Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward Ken and Terena Washington Ms. Chrissy Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Lance Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson, Jr. Cindy Watson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Watson Ms. Donna Watson Dr. and Mrs. David Watson Ms. Elizabeth Weathington Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. and Mrs. James Wehner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weihe Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Wesley Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. Kevin T. Whitney ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh Wickham Mrs. Joan Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wiggins Ms. Denise Wiggins Mr. Gary Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams Mr. and Mrs. Hank Windhorst Renee and Spencer Wingate Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Woods Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wozniak Brian and Allison Wray Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yates Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Young Danny and Jennifer Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. Eric S. Zwygart and Dr. Christy A. Zwygart

ORGANIZATIONS & COMPANIES Amazon Smile AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Atlantic Capital Bank Bank of America Charitable Foundation Barkawi Management Consultants, LP CLC Foundation Coca-Cola Enterprises Matching Gifts Deloitte Delta Airline Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Fidelity Charitable Fund Gay Construction Company Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program Greystone and Co Inc Julia Porter Scurry Family Foundation Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Matching Gift Program Merck Matching Gifts Meredith Corporation Foundation Mondelez International Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Network For Good Southstar Energy Services LLC State Farm Companies Foundation SunTrust Bank The Benevity Community Impact Fund -YourCause The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Community Foundation For Greater Atlanta The Gordy Foundation The Home Depot The National Christian Foundation The University Financing Foundation, Inc U.S. Charitable Gift Trust UBS Donor-National Philanthropic Trust Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Voya Financial Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Workday, Inc.




Impact of Philanthropy

and hearing a teacher tell a student or fellow faculty member “I will be praying for you” sets Whitefield apart from any other school I attended.


Our teachers at Whitefield would also encourage us to have uncomfortable conversations with different people. I do not only mean about race, but we talked about theological debates (predestination, creation vs big bang, etc). In the midst of these debates, I found that my classmates and I sometimes were very stereotypical of things. I learned that there are going to be times in life where you will have to step out of your comfort zone to truly understand and grow.

Stephen Wright (’05) returns to Whitefield as Faculty Intern and Coach by Robyn Brunson

Third, I would have to say the bonfire Thursday night of homecoming week. This was my first bonfire experience, and it was fun. It was down on the lower field behind the softball field. Parents brought in tons and tons of wood. The bonfire event started around 7 with the lighting of the bonfire at 8:30. There were tons of games and food and just bonding among the student body. Sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows, singing songs, and just looking up at the sky and enjoying God’s beautiful creation is something I will never forget. All three of these events were made better by time spent together as students, teachers, and staff. A time to build bonds and relationships is what I truly believe is the foundation of what makes Whitefield uncommon and a remarkable community. 2) How did attending Whitefield vs. your previous school impact your life? 1) What are some of your most memorable experiences at Whitefield? I could possibly give you 20 memorable moments, but I will give you my top three. First, would be going to Sharp Top my senior year. Sharp Top was an annual schoolwide trip that Whitefield would take at the beginning of the year. The seniors would leave a day or two before everyone else to get used to the camp. But we were really there to learn how to serve. For two and a half days, the seniors would serve the other Whitefield students. We would cook food, serve, and clean. It taught me in order to lead, I must first serve. Second would be homecoming my junior year. Again, this was a schoolwide event. It was the typical dress up days… country, decade day, tacky day, super hero day, and blue and gold day. What I loved most was the pep rally. We decorated the gym by blacking out the windows and giving all the students glow sticks and necklaces and we had a fog machine for the athletes to run through. Each athlete had personal music and a short reading about them. The student body really got into it. The games we had during the pep rally were amazing. It was a really fun time.


Coming to Whitefield allowed me to experience things that I would not have had the opportunity to do or see being at my previous public school. One major impact on my life from Whitefield is service. Performing community service each and every year was something that I would have never done in public school, but it taught me to put others before myself. One service project was going over to tutor and mentor kids from Atlanta Youth Academy. They were always overjoyed when they saw the Whitefield busses pull up. The smiles on the kids’ faces is an experience I will always remember. Something that goes along with this service is my faith. Growing up attending church was good, but being able to be consistently surrounded by people who not only believed in what you believed, but would encourage you to ask the hard questions and think about life not just from an intellectual perspective, but a spiritual one was a wonderful experience. It is a special thing to be able to sit down with a teacher and speak openly about your faith. My teachers would encourage us to do so all the time. I also thought it was really amazing that our teachers would not just encourage us, but they would encourage each other. There were times you would turn the corner and you would see three or four teachers huddled together in a classroom praying with each other. Walking down the hallway

Having conversations about how to trust God in the midst of pain and sorrow; having conversations about how God can let bad things happen to good people; and, even more so, why do good things happen to bad people? Being able to talk about these things with teachers as soon as the questions come up and not having to wait for Sunday school or Wednesday night service really helped shape, mold and grow my faith. 3) Whitefield is committed to providing financial assistance to families. How did you and your family benefit from this assistance? The benefit is that not only was I able to attend Whitefield, but my sister was able to attend Whitefield. Both of us being in public school and our parents’ hearts for us to have better led us to Whitefield. Thanks to many people having a willingness to give, my sister and I received an outstanding education, life-changing experiences, and our hearts have been changed to put others before ourselves.

Whether it was coming in early for student government meetings, staying late for practice or even playing in “The Bean” with jazz band, Whitefield made me feel like it was a home away from home. 4) If you could share a message with past as well as current and potential donors, what would you say to them? First of all, I would say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your giving changed my life. I know that it is easy to “leave it” for someone else to do, but if everyone had that mentality, then no one would receive anything. Your donation is more than just a check. It is a new direction in life, and it is an eye-opener to a vast amount of opportunities. It is a chance to help someone make a good life better and a better life great. 5) What inspired you to return to Whitefield as a faculty member and coach?

“I would say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your giving changed my life. Your donation is more than just a check. It is a new direction in life.”

We were able to participate in a number of things ranging from sports to band (concert, marching and jazz), drama, student government, mentoring, and even prom committee. Having the ability to do all of these things at one location was important, because my parents didn’t have to worry about how we were going to get to practices and back home. With both my parents working, neither one of them had to leave work early because of my extracurricular activities. Knowing that the school had everything I needed as far as transportation and a place to actually practice sounds basic, but it was huge for my family. When I think back to my time at Whitefield, I feel a sense of happiness, knowing how blessed I was to attend this school.

I returned to Whitefield because I wanted to give back the best way I know how. I wanted to give back to Whitefield one of the ways Whitefield taught us and that’s through service. While I was attending Whitefield as a student, the faculty were more than teachers to me. They were second moms and dads. They invested in me just as much as my parents. They taught me more than academics, they taught me life lessons.

They pushed me to be the best me that I can be. They did not want me to be anyone other than whom God created. But they would never let me settle. When the opportunity came up for me to be in a position to do the same, I did not hesitate. I consider it an honor and most definitely a privilege to be able to come back to WA and pass on the knowledge, wisdom, and love of Christ to the current student body. 6) How has your school year been so far? What are some of your most memorable moments so far? The school year has been a blast so far! I have really enjoyed coming back and seeing how much the school has grown and changed. Being able to build relationships with the students, not just athletes, but everyone has been great. As of right now, my most memorable moment would be the first all school chapel. It was my first time experiencing the seniors walking in the kindergarten class. I think that is an amazing tradition.




Impact of Philanthropy

and hearing a teacher tell a student or fellow faculty member “I will be praying for you” sets Whitefield apart from any other school I attended.


Our teachers at Whitefield would also encourage us to have uncomfortable conversations with different people. I do not only mean about race, but we talked about theological debates (predestination, creation vs big bang, etc). In the midst of these debates, I found that my classmates and I sometimes were very stereotypical of things. I learned that there are going to be times in life where you will have to step out of your comfort zone to truly understand and grow.

Stephen Wright (’05) returns to Whitefield as Faculty Intern and Coach by Robyn Brunson

Third, I would have to say the bonfire Thursday night of homecoming week. This was my first bonfire experience, and it was fun. It was down on the lower field behind the softball field. Parents brought in tons and tons of wood. The bonfire event started around 7 with the lighting of the bonfire at 8:30. There were tons of games and food and just bonding among the student body. Sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows, singing songs, and just looking up at the sky and enjoying God’s beautiful creation is something I will never forget. All three of these events were made better by time spent together as students, teachers, and staff. A time to build bonds and relationships is what I truly believe is the foundation of what makes Whitefield uncommon and a remarkable community. 2) How did attending Whitefield vs. your previous school impact your life? 1) What are some of your most memorable experiences at Whitefield? I could possibly give you 20 memorable moments, but I will give you my top three. First, would be going to Sharp Top my senior year. Sharp Top was an annual schoolwide trip that Whitefield would take at the beginning of the year. The seniors would leave a day or two before everyone else to get used to the camp. But we were really there to learn how to serve. For two and a half days, the seniors would serve the other Whitefield students. We would cook food, serve, and clean. It taught me in order to lead, I must first serve. Second would be homecoming my junior year. Again, this was a schoolwide event. It was the typical dress up days… country, decade day, tacky day, super hero day, and blue and gold day. What I loved most was the pep rally. We decorated the gym by blacking out the windows and giving all the students glow sticks and necklaces and we had a fog machine for the athletes to run through. Each athlete had personal music and a short reading about them. The student body really got into it. The games we had during the pep rally were amazing. It was a really fun time.


Coming to Whitefield allowed me to experience things that I would not have had the opportunity to do or see being at my previous public school. One major impact on my life from Whitefield is service. Performing community service each and every year was something that I would have never done in public school, but it taught me to put others before myself. One service project was going over to tutor and mentor kids from Atlanta Youth Academy. They were always overjoyed when they saw the Whitefield busses pull up. The smiles on the kids’ faces is an experience I will always remember. Something that goes along with this service is my faith. Growing up attending church was good, but being able to be consistently surrounded by people who not only believed in what you believed, but would encourage you to ask the hard questions and think about life not just from an intellectual perspective, but a spiritual one was a wonderful experience. It is a special thing to be able to sit down with a teacher and speak openly about your faith. My teachers would encourage us to do so all the time. I also thought it was really amazing that our teachers would not just encourage us, but they would encourage each other. There were times you would turn the corner and you would see three or four teachers huddled together in a classroom praying with each other. Walking down the hallway

Having conversations about how to trust God in the midst of pain and sorrow; having conversations about how God can let bad things happen to good people; and, even more so, why do good things happen to bad people? Being able to talk about these things with teachers as soon as the questions come up and not having to wait for Sunday school or Wednesday night service really helped shape, mold and grow my faith. 3) Whitefield is committed to providing financial assistance to families. How did you and your family benefit from this assistance? The benefit is that not only was I able to attend Whitefield, but my sister was able to attend Whitefield. Both of us being in public school and our parents’ hearts for us to have better led us to Whitefield. Thanks to many people having a willingness to give, my sister and I received an outstanding education, life-changing experiences, and our hearts have been changed to put others before ourselves.

Whether it was coming in early for student government meetings, staying late for practice or even playing in “The Bean” with jazz band, Whitefield made me feel like it was a home away from home. 4) If you could share a message with past as well as current and potential donors, what would you say to them? First of all, I would say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your giving changed my life. I know that it is easy to “leave it” for someone else to do, but if everyone had that mentality, then no one would receive anything. Your donation is more than just a check. It is a new direction in life, and it is an eye-opener to a vast amount of opportunities. It is a chance to help someone make a good life better and a better life great. 5) What inspired you to return to Whitefield as a faculty member and coach?

“I would say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your giving changed my life. Your donation is more than just a check. It is a new direction in life.”

We were able to participate in a number of things ranging from sports to band (concert, marching and jazz), drama, student government, mentoring, and even prom committee. Having the ability to do all of these things at one location was important, because my parents didn’t have to worry about how we were going to get to practices and back home. With both my parents working, neither one of them had to leave work early because of my extracurricular activities. Knowing that the school had everything I needed as far as transportation and a place to actually practice sounds basic, but it was huge for my family. When I think back to my time at Whitefield, I feel a sense of happiness, knowing how blessed I was to attend this school.

I returned to Whitefield because I wanted to give back the best way I know how. I wanted to give back to Whitefield one of the ways Whitefield taught us and that’s through service. While I was attending Whitefield as a student, the faculty were more than teachers to me. They were second moms and dads. They invested in me just as much as my parents. They taught me more than academics, they taught me life lessons.

They pushed me to be the best me that I can be. They did not want me to be anyone other than whom God created. But they would never let me settle. When the opportunity came up for me to be in a position to do the same, I did not hesitate. I consider it an honor and most definitely a privilege to be able to come back to WA and pass on the knowledge, wisdom, and love of Christ to the current student body. 6) How has your school year been so far? What are some of your most memorable moments so far? The school year has been a blast so far! I have really enjoyed coming back and seeing how much the school has grown and changed. Being able to build relationships with the students, not just athletes, but everyone has been great. As of right now, my most memorable moment would be the first all school chapel. It was my first time experiencing the seniors walking in the kindergarten class. I think that is an amazing tradition.



2017-2018 Operating Budget Overview REVENUES TOTAL: $17,190,000


The Whitefield Fund supports events and areas such as Grandparents’ Day, I Love to Read Week, the back-to-school picnics, Great Day of Service, locker room upgrades, and technology. Thank you for your generosity and support of the 2017-2018 Whitefield Fund!

Grandparents’ Day

Tuition $14.7 million Fees $820,000 Contributions $920,000 Investment Income $120,000 Auxiliary $630,000

EXPENSES TOTAL: $16,540,000

I Love to Read Week

Comp/Benefits $9.2 million Contracted Services $740,000 Academic/Acad Supp $850,000 Athletics $620,000 Administration $930,000 General $1.3 million Utilities $500,000 Deprec $1.1 million Auxiliary $1.3 million Numbers reflect official audit for the 2017-2018 FY. 30 | THE WHITEFIELD ACADEMY MAGAZINE • WINTER 2019




Back-To-School Picnics

Smartboards/Chromebook Carts

Great Day of Service

New Locker Room




2017-2018 Operating Budget Overview REVENUES TOTAL: $17,190,000


The Whitefield Fund supports events and areas such as Grandparents’ Day, I Love to Read Week, the back-to-school picnics, Great Day of Service, locker room upgrades, and technology. Thank you for your generosity and support of the 2017-2018 Whitefield Fund!

Grandparents’ Day

Tuition $14.7 million Fees $820,000 Contributions $920,000 Investment Income $120,000 Auxiliary $630,000

EXPENSES TOTAL: $16,540,000

I Love to Read Week

Comp/Benefits $9.2 million Contracted Services $740,000 Academic/Acad Supp $850,000 Athletics $620,000 Administration $930,000 General $1.3 million Utilities $500,000 Deprec $1.1 million Auxiliary $1.3 million Numbers reflect official audit for the 2017-2018 FY. 30 | THE WHITEFIELD ACADEMY MAGAZINE • WINTER 2019




Back-To-School Picnics

Smartboards/Chromebook Carts

Great Day of Service

New Locker Room



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