Whitefield Fund (annual fund)
WHEN key dates to remember
This campaign takes place annually and everyone in the Whitefield community is invited to participate throughout the year.
purpose and impact
The Whitefield Fund is the number one giving priority because it enhances the student experience across all areas of our school. Each year, it funds student programs and faculty/ coach wish list items. Ten percent is invested back into a financial aid endowment.
HOW ways to get involved
Participate with a gift that is right for you and your family. Give by cash, check, credit card, or stock.
Contact us if you would like to volunteer to help with the Whitefield Fund.
Capital Campaigns (currently Called Up campaign)
Gifts for capital projects are dependent upon current needs and strategic priorities.
Gifts are typically given over a 3-5 year time period.
Endowments Endowment gifts are accepted year round.
Planned Giving Planned gifts are accepted year round.
Capital campaigns fund new buildings and renovations on campus to ensure Whitefield has the facilities needed for excellence in mission-delivery.
Endowments ensure the long-term support of faculty development, enrichment programs and financial aid.
Planned gifts ensure Whitefield’s financial future for generations to come.
Planned gifts are recognized through membership in the Whitefield Legacy Society.
Contact the Development team to learn about current and upcoming priorities.
Georgia GOAL
Annually; must receive approval and contribute within the communicated timeline.
Georgia GOAL allows Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to Whitefield specifically for financial aid. This strengthens Whitefield’s financial aid budget each year.
Contact the Development team to explore a gift that is meaningful to you and transformational to our school.
Include Whitefield as a beneficiary in wills, bequests, and life insurance policies.
Learn more: whitefieldlegacy.com
Find more information and apply for a GOAL tax credit at goalscholarship.org