2019-2020 Report on Philanthropy

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A LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Dear Whitefield Community, As you walk into my office, you will see Proverbs 16:3, “commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans,� on my wall. It serves as my reminder every day that in everything I do, God is with me. He is with you. He is with us. He is with Whitefield. Over the past school year, whether we were on campus or at home during the pandemic, it was evident that God was, is, and will be in control and His faithfulness will prevail, even in the most uncertain times. I want to express my deep gratitude for your continued support of our mission. Your investments in Whitefield during the 2019-2020 school year not only allowed us to pivot and provide necessary technology and training for our faculty during a pandemic, but also exemplified others ahead of self with your contributions to need-based aid during these unprecedented times. This giving is also affecting our current school year by allowing us to safely open school with enough classroom and play space across campus, as well as our ability to invest in a variety of ways to ensure cleaning protocols and technology access meet the current needs of operating in a pandemic. As you read the 2019-2020 Report on Philanthropy, my prayer is that you see how the generous giving of our community furthers each part of our mission statement, not only for this year, but for generations to come. On behalf of the Whitefield community, we continue to thank God for you! God bless,

Lauren C. Race Director of Development

The Whitefield Academy Magazine 48


$616,670 total raised for 2019-2020 Whitefield Fund



Donors (115 Leadership Giving Donors $1,997+)

parent participation in the 2019-2020 Whitefield Fund


raised for Special Interest Giving, supporting Lower School Playground Habitat for Humanity Build COVID -19 Emergency Financial Aid

$24 Million

Exceeded fundraising goal for the Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign


Thank you for giving! Whitefield Academy is grateful for the generosity of the following individuals and families during the 2019-2020 academic year. The following donor list is to acknowledge gifts made between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. The Development department has made every effort to ensure the information is correct. Please contact Director of Development Lauren Race (lrace@whitefieldacademy.com) if you have corrections for our records. Individuals Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Adams Mr. and Mrs. Frank Addicks Mr. and Mrs. Ademola O. Adewole Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agar Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ahmad Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ailstock Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander Dr. and Dr. George Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Alexander Ms. Rosemarie G. Allen Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ammons Mrs. Sandy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Erik Anhaus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Ansley Ms. Lolita Antoine Mr. and Mrs. Ejovi Aror Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Arrington Mr. and Mrs. Scott Auer Ms. Anne Averett Ms. Sonya Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Bagiatis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Bailey III Reverend and Mrs. Jamal Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ballew Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Bancroft Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks Mrs. Frances Banta Mr. and Mrs. Doug Barclay Ms. Heather Barnes Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Mr. William Barnett, Jr. Ms. Ann Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. and Mrs. John Bassett Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bassing Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bazemore Mr. Nicklaus J. Beard and Mrs. Megan Beard ‘00 Ms. Lori Beard Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Beaudin Mr. and Mrs. John Bechtel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Bell

Mr. and Mrs. William Benedict III Mr. Derrick Benford Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bentley Mr. and Mrs. Aleajandro Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Berry Ms. Maryellen Berry Ms. Joanna Berry Mr. Steve Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Damon Bivek Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Blee Mr. and Mrs. Max Blocker Mr. and Mrs. Josh Blunier Mr. and Mrs. James Boehm Prof. and Dr. Corbin Boekhaus Mrs. Jessica L. Bonnem Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bonner III Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boone Dr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boughner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bounds Mr. and Mrs. William Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boykin Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Ms. Holly Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Vince Brady Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Branicki Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brannon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brannon Ms. Bethany Brant Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brantley Ms. Debra L. Breault Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan Reverend and Mrs. Joshua Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. Matt Bronfman Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Brooks Mr. Courtney Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Brown Mrs. Jerquin Brown Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Brown Mr. and Mrs. Todd Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Browne Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bruno-Gaston Ms. Robyn Brunson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buero

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Burkett Mr. and Dr. Bruce Burklin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bush Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Caffrey Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cain Ms. Sharrone L. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Callaway Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calloway Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Campbell Mrs. Sherry Campbell Ms. Colleen Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cannady Mr. and Mrs. Sean Carbonell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carmack Ms. Amanda Carman Mr. and Mrs. James Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Kells C. Carroll III Mr. and Mrs. Junius Cassady Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cella Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Chally Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss III Mr. Adam Chandler Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Chasteen Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Childree Ms. Jessica Christ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Clarson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Copland Mr. and Mrs. Flash Corliss Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Courtnay Mrs. Crystal Cox Ms. Veronica Cox Dr. and Mrs. Harold Cox Mr. and Mrs. Todd Craig Mr. and Mrs. George A. Crews Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crosland Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Crueger

Ms. Carol Culp Mr. and Mrs. Milton Curling Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Currin Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Cusumano Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cykoski Ms. Candace Daly Mr. and Mrs. Ajay Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Brit Darby Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darin Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. David Dr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Davidson Sr. Dr. and Dr. Leroy Davies-Venn Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis Ms. Wanda Davis Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Davis Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Davis Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Mr. and Mrs. John Decker Mr. and Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Demetrius Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy DeMyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David DeShong Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dest Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Dobo Mr. and Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doran Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William Dukes Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Duncanson Ms. Lisa Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Dunphy Mr. and Mrs. John Durden IV Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dyke Ms. Emily East Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Easton III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eaton Mr. and Mrs. William Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edgecomb Mrs. Caroline Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Blake Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Brian Edwards Mr. and Dr. Dwayne Ellis Mrs. Christine Ellis Mr. Charles Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr.

2019 - 2020 DONORS

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ellis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. English Mrs. Rebecca Erdelyan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erler Ms. Susan L. Errera Mr. and Mrs. Alan Fairgrieves Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faris Mr. and Mrs. Von E. Fassnacht Mr. John ‘05 and Mrs. Carter Fawcett ‘06 Mr. James Fay Mrs. Susan Fay Mr. Sidney R. Feagin Ms. Tricia G. Feagin Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Feather Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Feigl Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fiftal Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Flores Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foley Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Folk Mr. and Mrs. James Forstner Mr. Aaron and Mrs. Tillman H. Fossas ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Ms. Heather Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Scott French Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuller Mr. Samuel A. Fuller ‘17 Mr. and Mrs. James Funk Ms. Jennifer Gagne Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallacher Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garrett Mr. and Mrs. William Gaston Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Gehler Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gertz Mr. and Mrs. Zewdu Gessesse Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Glover Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Golden Mr. and Mrs. Jere Goldsmith V Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Terry Graham Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gramer Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Grand’Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Grant Ms. Davida Grant Mr. and Mrs. William Gray Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Greenwald Capt. and Mrs. Robert Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gresham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gressler Mr. and Mrs. Todd Grossweiler Mr. and Mrs. Slade Gulledge Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Haase Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hairston Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Haisten Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hall Mr. and Mrs. Cory W. Hallett Ms. Marcia Hall-Richards


Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Mr. and Mrs. John Hamler Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Eric Handler Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. and Mrs. Marion Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Judson Harper Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris IV Mr. and Mrs. Gavin B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harris Mr. and Mrs. James Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Gilder Hatchett Ms. Cathrerine Hawkins Ms. Janet G. Hawkins Mrs. Meredith Hawks Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hayslip Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hearn Ms. McCall Hedges Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Hedges Mr. and Mrs. James M. Heiskell III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hellier Mr. and Mrs. Juan Henao Mr. and Mrs. Hunter H. Henritze Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Herschend Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hicks Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Tynes Hildebrand Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. Winfred E. Hill Ms. Michelle Hines Dr. and Mrs. Parks Hitch Mr. Matt Hogan and Ms. Christie Dent Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Scott Holland Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Hollingsworth Mr. and Dr. Benjamin Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. Joel Holsinger Mr. Jesse Holthus Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Holton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hood Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Horner Mr. and Mrs. Harris B. Hosch ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Houser Mr. Remontia Howard Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howell Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Hufford Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hugues Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Olaitan Ijiwoye Mr. and Mrs. Cornel Irving

Reverend and Mrs. Daniel Iverson IV Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah Jackson Mr. Patrick F. Jackson ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Ransom James Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jenn Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jenniges Mr. and Mrs. James B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Komichel Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson Dr. and Dr. Gary Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Mr. Coleman Joiner Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones Reverend and Mrs. Thaddeus Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jones Dr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Jones, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David G. Jones Ms. Malaika Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Justice Mr. and Mrs. Harold Justice Ms. Mary Charles Kaish Mr. and Mrs. Il woo Kang Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Katz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kemether Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Kennerly Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kern Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Kesler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Killimett Mr. Paul Kim and Dr. Ellen Koo Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kimble Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Kimble Mr. and Mrs. William King Mr. and Mrs. George King III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott King Ms. Katie Kling Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Knight ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Knox Mrs. Caroline Kraehe Mr. and Mrs. Karol Krahel Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kramer Mrs. Kim Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kurkian Mr. and Mrs. Tong Kwon Mr. and Mrs. David Kwon Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ladd Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. and Mrs. John Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lay Mr. and Mrs. Perry LeBlanc

Lt. Col. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw Ms. Melinda Lee Mr. and Dr. Craig Lemasters Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Lenard Mr. Troy Lenczowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LePage Mr. and Mrs. Amisho Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lewis Mr. José C. Lezcano Mrs. Heather Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Eric K. Little Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Long Ms. Anne M. Long Ms. Anna E. Long ‘14 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Longo Mr. Gabriel and Mrs. Chelsea Loper ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Lopez Ms. Vicki Lotz Mr. and Dr. Kent Lows Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lula Mr. and Dr. Charles Lundquist Mr. and Mrs. Travis Luther Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lyster Mr. and Mrs. Tom Machnik Mr. and Mrs. Scott MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. David Mader Mr. and Mrs. Whitacre Mansfield Mr. and Mrs. Greg Margine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Marks Mr. and Mrs. John Marra III Ms. Lelia M. Marriott Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Marti Medina Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin Mr. and Dr. Marcus Martin Mr. and Mrs. Marty Martin Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin Mr. Jose Martinez Mr. and Mrs. James M. Marvel Ms. Erica Massaro-Hales Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matherne Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Dr. and Mrs. John McBride Mr. and Mrs. David McBride Mr. and Mrs. William McCarrick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCullough III Ms. Mary D. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Marlon McCurdy Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrol McDearman Dr. and Dr. Michael McDevitt Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKeeby Mr. Thomas McKenzie Dr. and Mrs. Darrick McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell McLemore Mr. Patrick McRae Ms. Elizabeth McRae Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Merkle Reverend. and Mrs. Aaron D. Messner

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Meyers Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Mr. and Mrs. Rex Milburn Mr. and Mrs. Craig Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miller Mr. and Mrs. Zane Miller Mr. and Mrs. Rory Miller Mrs. Jo Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moorer Ms. Lee Anne Moorer Mrs. Darice Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Mr. and Mrs. Roger Morris Mr. David Mudd Mr. Anthony Myers Mr. Quindell Myrick Mr. and Mrs. Shelley Nandkeolyar Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Nardi ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Neese Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nickles Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Nimey Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Nobles Mr. and Mrs. Mark Noel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nolan Mr. and Mrs. David Nour Mr. and Mrs. David Novak Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Babafemi Odelowo Dr. and Mrs. Adesoji Oderinde Mr. and Mrs. Steven Olson Mr. and Mrs. Kokayi Olushola Mr. and Mrs. Femi Oluyide Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Meara Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ormsby Mrs. Ann Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. John O. Overstreet III Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pagnotta Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pannell III Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Papantonis Mr. and Mrs. David Parker Mr. and Mrs. Raymie Parker Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Partlow Carson Partlow ‘29 Ms. Toni Paschall Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patrick III Mr. and Mrs. John M. Patton Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin D. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. James Peavy Mr. and Dr. Brad Peebles Mr. Jeff Peeples Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Ms. Sydney M. Perry ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Erik P. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. Anthony Phillips Mrs. Brandi Phillips Mr. Gregory Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James L. Phillips III Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Roger Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott PicKell Mr. and Dr. Gavin Pitchersky Mr. Mitchell Plumb Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Porter Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Powell Ms. Victoria Premo Mr. and Mrs. William Prevost Mrs. Elizabeth T. Price Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Quiros Mr. and Mrs. Eric Race Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius O. Redding Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Regan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reichart Mr. and Mrs. David Reichle Ms. Deborah Reichle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Dr. and Mrs. Guy Richard Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Richardson Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Richburg Ms. Elizabeth K. Rieves ‘16 Mr. and Mrs. Travis Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rivers Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Roberts Mrs. Kaci Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Robinson Ms. Ladeana Robinson Mrs. Jessica L. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Derek Rosenkoetter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rothwell Mr. and Mrs. Sean Rowe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Runager Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mr. Taylor Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sabella Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Sadlack Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sallee II Mr. and Mrs. Antony Sanacory Ms. Yissania Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scardino Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schlotman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schoenbaechler Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schultz

Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. James Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. and Mrs. David W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Dr. Annalee Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaheen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharitz Mr. and Mrs. Chad Sharp Madison A. Shaw ‘26 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Sung Shim Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Dell Sikes Mr. and Mrs. Steve Silva Mr. and Mrs. Ben Simms Mr. and Mrs. Philip Simon Mr. and Mrs. Sean Simons Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. and Dr. Brent Smith Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. Ryan A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sneed Mr. and Dr. Reginald Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Soud Jr. Mr. Kevin Spingler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Springfield Mrs. Jessica Starnes Ms. Beth Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stickney Mr. and Mrs. David Stith, Jr. Ms. Katherine Stout Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Stovall Ms. Chatty Stover Mr. and Mrs. Brant Suddath Mr. and Mrs. Hulett D. Sumlin Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Swift Mr. and Mrs. George Swilley Mr. and Mrs. Jon Swindall Ms. Jamie Taylor Mr. Terrance Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Taylor M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teachey Ms. Bileni Teklu Mr. and Mrs. George Terry III Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Grover Thomas Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thomas Mr. John S. Thomas Ms. Jacquanna Thompson Ms. Jeanne Thon Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thornton, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tidwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tidwell II Mr. and Mrs. Erik Tillman Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Tinch

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Torres Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troutman Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trovato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tsompanas Ms. Tiffany Turner Mr. Thomas Turner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Turner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Mr. and Mrs. Joe Uhl Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Unsicker Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valentine Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Vance Mr. and Mrs. Brent Vanderpool Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. William Vickery Mr. and Mrs. Matt Voelkel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vonderahe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Vreeland Mr. and Dr. Paul Wade Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Walker Ms. Rebeca Walker Mr. and Mrs. Kindu Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Waller Mrs. Danesha Ward Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warren Mr. and Dr. Kenneth Washington Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jason Watson Dr. and Mrs. David Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Watson Mr. Sean Watson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Watson Mr. Herman Watts Mrs. Elizabeth Weathington Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. and Mrs. James Wehner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weihe Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Weilacher Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Colie B. Whitaker IV Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh L. Wickham III Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wiggins Mr. Christopher Wiggins Mrs. Denise Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wight, Sr. Mr. James Wilkes Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams Mrs. Fredena Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wilson Mr. Paul Wilson

The Whitefield Academy Magazine 52

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wingate Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Winston Ms. Tracy R. Wold Mrs. Holly Wolfert Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Woods Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wray Mr. Stephen E. Wright ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Jun Yang Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yarbrough Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yates Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Young Dr. and Mrs. Brett W. Young Mr. and Dr. Daniel D. Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ziglar Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Zimmerman Mr. and Dr. Eric S. Zwygart Organization and Foundation Donors AIG Matching Grants Program Amazon Smile Atlanta PT Atlantic Capital Bank Bank of America Charitable Foundation Capital Group CharityVest Clearwater Paper Coca-Cola Enterprises Matching Gifts Delta Airline Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Fidelity Charitable Fund Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program Harold K. Cox D.P.M. & Associates, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts/JNJ Love Street Merck Matching Gifts Meredith Corporation Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. National Life Group North Avenue Presbyterian Church Once for All Trust Publix Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church SunTrust Bank The Benevity Community Impact Fund-YourCause The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Home Depot The National Christian Foundation The Sam and Labibie Azar


Family Foundation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Village Health Wells Fargo Foundation

In May 2008, the Georgia Legislature passed a bill allowing Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to benefit eligible, qualified students in need to attend private schools. Whitefield Academy has been blessed with over $1.5 million for financial aid over the last 11 years from this program. In 2019-2020, Whitefield received $318,400 from the program in support of financial aid. This program offers an opportunity for taxpayers to have a say in how their state tax dollars are used while providing a life-changing opportunity for qualified students to enroll and be a part of the Whitefield experience. We are beyond grateful to those families who, in addition to their annual support of the school, made the decision to redirect a portion of their state tax dollars to support one of the school’s ongoing and top priorities, financial aid.

$318,400 total recieved in 2019.

Georgia GOAL Donors Mr. and Mrs. Erik

Anhaus Dr. and Mrs. Paul Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Bancroft Ms. Barbara Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Billy Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowling Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. and Mrs. Andy Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Kells Carroll, III Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chambliss Mr. and Mrs. Greg Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crews Ms. Carol Culp Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Davis Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. and Mrs. Al Dorminey

Mr. and Mrs. Will Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. Herb Edgecomb Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. Dwayne and Dr. Annisha Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Todd Evans Mr. and Mrs. Von Fassnacht Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Feather Mr. and Mrs. Josh Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fikse Mr. and Mrs. Doug Folk Mr. and Mrs. Jim Funk Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallacher Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gerber Ms. Debra Glidden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goudiss Mr. and Mrs. F.R. Gutteridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Eric Handler

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Handler Mr. Aaron and Dr. Towanda Harris Mr. and Mrs. Chad Harris Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Harris Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hellier Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hensley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Tynes Hildebrand Mr. Thomas Hill Ms. Michelle Hines Mr. Ben and Dr. Lori Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hood Mr. and Mrs. Rich Hugues Mr. and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. David Jenn Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Russ Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Justice

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keith Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kemether Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kennerly Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kern Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kesler Mr. and Mrs. Chip King Mr. and Mrs. Randy King Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Landers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Mr. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. and Mrs. Warren LeCroy Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Lenard Dr. and Mrs. Darr McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Mitch McLemore Reverend and Mrs. Aaron Messner

Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Mr. and Mrs. Craig Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tim Miltner Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Nandkeolyar Mr. and Mrs. Russ Neese Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Robert O’Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Jay Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pannell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paparelli Mr. and Mrs. Raymie Parker Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Mr. and Mrs. Dan Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Trey Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Larry Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reichart Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Ms. Susan Richards Dr. Matt Richburg Mr. and Mrs. Travis Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rivers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Christina Rodriguez/ Sage Dining Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Greg Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Chris Scott Mrs. Mary Sharitz Mr. and Mrs. Chad Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sneed Mr. and Mrs. James Snoddy

The Whitefield Academy Magazine 54

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Springfield Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stickney Mr. and Mrs. Brant Suddath Mr. and Mrs. Dodge Sumlin Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Steve Thomas Mr. and Mrs. George Turner

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Matt Vickery Mr. and Mrs. Drew Vonderahe Mr. Paul and Dr. Kathryn Wade Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ward Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. and Mrs. Whit Yates Dr. and Mrs. Brett Young

Mr. Eric and Dr. Christy Zwygart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman

Put your tax dollars to work for

Redirect a portion of your Georgia income taxes to help provide financial aid for qualified Whitefield students and receive a 100% state tax credit through the Georgia GOAL program. Apply now for the 2021 tax year at georgiascholarship.org. 55

THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERS! All volunteers for WPA, Arts Alliance, PackBackers, Alumni Board, WF Grade Rep, and Grandparent Association. 2019-2020 Whitefield Parent Association Board Diane Wickham President Stephanie Yates President – Elect Erin Glover Vice President, Committees Renee Schwarzkopf Vice President, Upper School Sonja Cassady Vice President, Middle School Jessica Hayslip & Lindsey Uhl Co-Vice President, Lower School Heidi Shaw Recording Secreatary Will Eckerson Treasurer 2019-2020 Arts Alliance Board of Directors Nathan Stevens Leadership Rep. Joycelyn Bergeron Parent Volunteer Karen Bonner Theatre Chair Lisanne McDearman Music/Event Planning Chair Jolyn Wehner Band Angie Fuller Orchestra Amy Nickels US Visual Arts Chair Melanie King US Visual Art Sara Richburg US Gallery Director Stacy Quiroz Fine Arts Director 2019-2020 PackBackers Board Kevin Brogan President Will Eckerson Treasurer

Christine Knox and Stacy Courtnay Concessions Wendy Nour and Kathy Nickles Team Mom Coordinators Toni LePage Advertising Veronica Golden and Rebekah Kern AV Coordinator Smith Swilley Fall Sports Coordinator Erik Peterson and Chris Scott Spring Sports Coordinators Bland Deshong Spirit Coordinator Ruth Ryder Special Projects Coordinator Tracy Ryan WolfPack Den Coordinator 2019-2020 Alumni Board Megan (LeCraw) Beard (’00) Vice President Lane Nichols (‘07) MacKensie (Garrett) Brandt (‘07)-President Aaron Childree (‘07) Harris Hosch (‘09) Olivia Powell (‘10) Bo Chambliss (‘11) Everett Joiner (‘13) William Bell (‘15) Avery Fiveash (‘13) Stephen Wright (‘05) Laura Evans (‘02) Secretary Cara Grace Hildebrand (‘14) 2019-2020 Whitefield Fund Grade Reps Paige and Jay Overstreet, Chairs Rebecca and Zane Miller, PreK Lucy and David

McBride, K Maggie and Vince Brady, 1st Ruth and Casey Clark, 2nd Sally and Alan Hearn, 3rd Ashley and Jim Kelly 4th Julie and Tom Branicki, 5th Stacy and Taylor Courtnay, 6th Jan and Todd Wozniak, 7th Candice and Greg Comstock, 8th Lisa and Andrew Walker, 9th Cheryl and Perry

LeBlanc, 10th Matt Hogan and Christie Dent, 11th Mari and Brent Smith, 12th 2019-2020 Whitefield Grandparent Association Steering Committee Kathy Unverzagt Jo Miller Patty Renfroe Alison LeCraw Marsha Moorer Susan Williams Rachel Barlow


The Whitefield Academy Magazine 58

Capital Campaign Report In 2014, Whitefield Academy started conversations around the 20/20 Vision, now known as the Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign. To date, this is the largest capital campaign in school history. Projects funded by the campaign have transformed the campus life and the student experience. We are grateful for the gifts that made this possible. In January 2020, Whitefield Academy officially exceeded the $24,000,000 goal. We are grateful for the generosity of current and past families, as well as grandparents, faculty, alumni, current students, and friends of the school. Our generous Whitefield family believes in planting a tree under whose shade they do not expect to sit. Thank you! Here is a look at the projects and impact made possible with these gifts:

The WolfPack Den Dining expansion added to the Athletic Center. “The WolfPack Den was built to meet the needs of additional dining space for our Middle and Upper School students. However, it has also provided a unique and beautiful space for other gatherings such as Mondays with Moms, Stoneworks, and the Homecoming tailgate.� -Kevin Bracher, Head of School


Tennis Court Complex Six additional tennis courts added to complex. “The addition of the beautiful tennis complex has made Whitefield Academy the most desired place to play and host tennis in both our region and in the Metro 10. We have been blessed to host the Metro 10 tournament for the past four years due to our amazing facility.� -Danny Ryan, Athletic Director

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Acquisition of land to expand campus footprint to 100+ acres

Land acquired on Buckner Road just before the main entrance to Whitefield provides overflow parking for on-campus events. The existing structure located on the property was renovated into an indoor softball/ baseball batting facility.

Additional practice fields One and a half playing fields were added next to the new Pebblebrook entrance. Fields have been used for football in the fall and will be used for soccer and lacrosse in the spring. “The addition of the new practice fields has enhanced our ability to more safely and efficiently run practices this fall. It will be a game - changer when we have twenty teams practicing outdoors in the spring. Coaches can be more effective in their training with this additional space, and our students will benefit directly from the new fields.” -Danny Ryan, Athletic Director

Brostrand Hall, new permanent Lower School building Brostrand Hall is a 40,000-square-foot building that features 19 classrooms, a new dining facility with a full commercial kitchen, administrative offices, and expanded utilization of open-air and covered outdoor play areas. “It has been a blessing and joy to be closer to the other divisions. It has allowed us to partner in ways that were not possible in the past. We have a senior who will be helping with kindergarten twice a week in the mornings – to fulfill her interest in young people and to meet a need in the classrooms. We also have a cadre of Upper School students who are working in Cub Care, our after-school program, serving Lower School students. The Upper School students play with them, organize games for them, as well as serve as friends and mentors. The new building provides an easy way for the students to be involved after school. As it relates to faculty, Brostrand Hall has already created additional dialogue between faculty members around curriculum due to multiple grades now being able to meet in the same space. In the same way, student work displayed in the hallways shows the love of learning that is happening inside of classrooms.” -Maryellen Berry, Lower School Principal


A campaign for the new Lower School playgrounds: The Blue and Gold play spaces, located on the north and east side of Brostrand Hall, were built with a pour-in-place rubber groundcover and were designed so students can be active, imaginative, adventurous, collaborative, and creative!

Scan the QR code below to see more photos of Brostrand Hall.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine 62

Leaving a Legacy Campaign Donors Anonymous The J. Bulow Campbell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Agar Mr. and Mrs. Mason Ailstock Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ailstock Mr. Paul J. Alar Ms. Donna F. Alar Mr. and Mrs. Erik Anhaus Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Ansley Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Scott Auer Reverend and Mrs. Jamal Baker Dr. Fredrick Ball, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Banks Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bassing The Bauer Family Mr. Nicklaus J. Beard and Mrs. Megan Beard ‘00 Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Beaudin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Becker The McCamish Foundation Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Bell Mr. James F. Bell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aleajandro Bergeron Mr. and Mrs. Sameer Berry Ms. Joanna Berry Ms. Maryellen Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. James Boehm Prof. and Dr. Corbin Boekhaus Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boone Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boughner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bounds Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Boyd


Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. John R. Bracher ‘22 Mr. Stephen C. Bracher ‘14 Ms. Anna E. Bracher ‘20 Ms. Kathryn L. Bracher ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Bradford Vince and Maggie Brady Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brannon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Brostrand Mark and Angie Brown John and Carrie Browne Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burke Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Kevin and Laurie Byrne Mrs. Linda Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Brody Cantrell Mr. and Mrs. Sean Carbonell Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Carmack Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Carroll III Mr. Dan T. Cathy Mr. Donald (Bubba) M. Cathy Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark wMr. and Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Clarson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cofield Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Marcus A. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Courtnay The Todd R. Craig Family Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crosland Ms. Carol Culp

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cykoski Ms. Candace Daly Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Davis Mrs. Marsha Dean Mr. and Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. and Mrs. David DeShong Mr. and Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. and Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William Dukes Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Duncanson Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dyke Mr. and Mrs. John East Mr. and Mrs. William Eckerson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. and Dr. Dwayne Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. Charles Ellis Mrs. Christine Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William C. English Mr. and Mrs. Mark Erler Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Michael Faris Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Farrar The Fassnachts Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Feather Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Fennel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Fennel Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fisher Mr. and Mrs. John FitzGerald Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Folk Ms. Heather Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Scott French Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fugate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. James Funk Allison-Smith Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William Gaston Sr. Shannon and Eric Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gertz Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Golden Mr. and Mrs. Jere Gold smith V Mr. Jere W. Goldsmith VI ‘18 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gramer Mr. and Mrs. Billy Greer IV Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gresham Todd and Kristy Gross weiler Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Gutteridge Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. and Mrs. Cory W. Hallett Alan and Morgan Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris IV Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Harris Mr. Charlie Harris Mr. and Mrs. James Hatcher Ms. Janet G. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hayslip Jr. Patrick and Kelly Healy Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hellier Mr. and Mrs. Hunter H. Henritze Ms. Sophia Henritze ‘29 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Henson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Herschend Mr. Peter Herschend Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hicks Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hightower Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. Winfred E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hogan

Mr. Matt Hogan and Ms. Christie Dent Mr. and Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. William Holliday Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Holsinger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Houser Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Hufford Mr.and Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. and Mrs. John Jenniges Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Byron Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Dr. and Mrs. David G. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daryl C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones Ms. Mary Charles Kaish Mr. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Keeble Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kellett Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kendrick Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Kennerly Christopher and Rebekah Kern Thomas and Lindsey Kesler Mr. Paul Kim and Dr. Ellen Koo Barbara and Randy King Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Knight ‘07 Mr. and Mrs. W. David Knight Mr. and Mrs. David Kwon Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Landry Mr. and Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Langley Mr. and Mrs. John Larimer Mr. and Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Lt. Col. and Mrs. Chris LeCraw

Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. LeCraw, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LePage Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Longo Ava D. Luther ‘30 Mr. and Mrs. William MacPhail Mr. and Mrs. Greg Margine Mr. Stephen H. Marks The Marshall Family Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Martin Rich and Becky Matherne Mr. and Mrs. Steve May Mr. and Mrs. David McBride Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Laurence McCullough III Ms. Mary D. McCullough Dr. and Mrs. Rick McKeown Mr. and Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McLemore Craig and Stefani Miller Zane and Rebecca Miller Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Miltner Dan and Rebekka Moorer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Moorer Mr. and Mrs. John Morris Mr. and Mrs. Brent J. Moseley Russ and Shannon Neese Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Mr. and Mrs. David Nour Paige and Jay Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Owens Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pannell III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paparelli Mr. and Mrs. Ben Parham Ms. Sarah Pass Anna and John Patton Mr. and Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Dave Perry Erik and Kara Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Phillips III Sally and Jim Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Porter Mr. and Mrs. Bob Port wood Mr. and Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Eric Race Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reagan Caleb Reichart ‘33 Matteson Reichart ‘30 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Reichart Mr. and Mrs. David Reichle Ms. Deborah Reichle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renfroe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhudy Dr. and Mrs. Guy Richard Mr. and Mrs. Travis Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Roberts Meg and Mike Ruen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Runager Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mrs. Marti Ryan Ms. Gloria J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. and Mrs. John Saad Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Sadlack Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sallee II Mr. and Mrs. Antony Sanacory Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Santarsiero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scardino Mr. Ang Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Schuster Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwartz Renee and Jim Schwarzkopf Mr. and Mrs. David W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. and Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shilling Dr. and Mrs. Sung Shim Mrs. Jane Shim Mr. and Mrs. Ben

Simms Mr. and Mrs. Steve Simms Emily and Sean Simons Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. and Dr. Brent Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sneed Mr. James T. Snoddy Mike and Natalie Springfield Mr. and Mrs. Brant Suddath Lynn and Dodge Sumlin Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. George Swilley Mr. George Terry III Linda and Allen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tidwell Mr. David Todd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Upchurch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Valentine Mr. and Mrs. William Vickery Dr. Brant S. Vincent Mr. Tom Vonderahe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Vreeland Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward Laura and Gene Warren Mr. and Dr. Kenneth Washington Mr. and Mrs. Jack Waskey Mr. and Mrs. Jason Watson Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. Sean Watson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weihe Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wesley Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. and Mrs. Fitzhugh L. Wickham III Mr. and Mrs. James S. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Gary Williams

Mrs. Elizabeth Wislar Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Woods Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Yates wwDanny and Jennifer Young Dr. and Mrs. Brett W. Young Eliza C. Young ‘29 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young Mr. and Mrs. Roger Young Mr. Jonathan Youssef ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ziglar Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Zimmerman AIG Matching Grants Program AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Atlanta PT Bank of America Charitable Foundation Barkawi Management Consultants, LP CharityVest Chick-Fil-A Foundation Coca-Cola Enterprises Matching Gifts Collection Event Furnishings Community Foundation of the Ozarks Conklin Metal Industries Delta Airline Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Englishman’s Fine Furnishings Evergreen Construction Fidelity Charitable Fund Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program HFM Foundation Inc and MPM Foundation Inc Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts/JNJ Meredith Corporation Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Munimae Foundation, Inc. Pattillo Management Inc Peachtree Tents and Events Poultry Plus Inc.

Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Samuel B Kellett, Sr. Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Smither Family Foundation TR SunTrust Trusteed Foundations: the Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund and the Thomas Guy Woolford Charitable Trust The Benevity Community Impact Fund-YourCause The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Community Foundation For Greater Atlanta The Gordy Foundation The Home Depot The National Christian Foundation The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving The University Financing Foundation, Inc Turner Broadcasting System, Inc U.S. Charitable Gift Trust U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation

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