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More than 25 years ago, Whitefield was founded on prayer and generous giving. Philanthropy continues to be a critical component that allows our mission to come to life through every aspect of the school – from the classroom to the athletic fields to the performing arts to small groups that gather on and off campus. Whitefield continues to make an impact beyond graduation as alumni go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus. Whitefield Academy could not exist without the support and prayer of the Whitefield family – from our alumni to current families, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends. We thank God for you!
I invite you to learn more about how you and your family can make an impact at Whitefield with this “Guide to Giving.” With so many ways to engage, we hope this overview of Whitefield’s giving opportunities will help you plan and determine the most meaningful way for you and your family to get involved.
Inside, you will find information about Whitefield’s annual giving priority, the Whitefield Fund, which we ask every family to support. In addition, you’ll find more information on independent school fundraising and how generous giving is changing lives for both the giver and the recipient. Investing in Whitefield is investing in furthering God’s kingdom and supporting the next generation of Christian leaders. We invite you to join others in supporting, partnering, and serving together in seeing “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
Every family is a critical part of the Whitefield community and each play a role in sustaining and growing our culture of community and continuing the foundation on which Whitefield was established – prayer and financial generosity.
Philanthropy at work is evident by Whitefield’s ability to provide professional development for faculty and staff, financial aid assistance, construction of expanded and new athletic facilities, as well as permanent academic buildings. We pray that you will identify ways to give that are meaningful to you. We invite you to reach out to the Development Department at 678-305-1378 with questions or for more information.
Thank you for investing in the Whitefield community.
God bless,
Lauren C. Race, Director of Development lrace@whitefieldacademy.com • 678-305-3042“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24
Philanthropy plays an important role in all independent schools. Whitefield Academy is no exception. Whitefield was founded on prayer and generous giving more than 25 years ago. It continues to be a critical component to the mission and ensures Whitefield is able to provide a Christ-centered educational experience that bolsters Christian families.
Whitefield Fund (annual fund)
Capital Campaigns
Supports items and programs that enhance student experience
Funds new buildings and renovations not covered in operating budget
Student programs, 10% invested in financial aid endowment each year and supports faculty and coach wish-list items
Brick-and-mortar projects
A checking account
Putting an addition on the home you already own
Takes the pressure off the operating budget and tuition
Faculty development, enrichment programs, and financial aid
An investment account that produces dividends or interest
Legacy Society (planned gifts)
Georgia GOAL
Once in a lifetime
Helps ensure Whitefield Academy’s financial future
Allows Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to Whitefield for financial aid
Endowment or donor’s choice
Financial aid for qualifying families
Retirement plan
Tax credit
Tuition and Fees: 92.4%
Whitefield Fund: 4.6%
Georgia GOAL: 1.5%
Other: 1.4%
Salaries and Benefits: 55.8%
Financial Aid: 14%
Facilities and Maintenence: 13.9%
General and Administrative: 9.2%
School Programs: 1.1%
The Whitefield Fund is Whitefield Academy’s most important giving priority. This annual fund provides support to every area of the school and is critical in ensuring our school continues to grow and thrive. The Whitefield Fund allows us to continue growing while staying true to the vision the founders had for Whitefield. Please help us keep our family strong with your support for the Whitefield Fund.
Support of the Whitefield Fund demonstrates the commitment to the school’s mission; we encourage each family to give at whatever amount you feel God is calling you. The only gift too small is no gift at all.
“Ourfamilyprioritizesgivingtothe Whitefield Fund because it is vital to the enhancement of the overall educational experienceofourchildren.Inthesame wayWhitefieldAcademyexiststobolster Christianfamilies,theWhitefieldFund existstobolstereachandeverydimension of what Whitefield offers its students.”
EVERY Gift. EVERY Family. EVERY Year.
• Whitefield Fund gift is 100% tax-deductible.
• Whitefield Fund donors may choose to direct their annual giving donation to a specific area of the school’s operations that they find most meaningful: athletics, faculty enrichment, fine arts, student life, technology, spiritual growth, or an area of greatest need.
• All families are asked to support the Whitefield Fund and will receive a request for support each fall during a six-week campaign. All payments are due by May 31 the following year.
Every gift is important, no matter what amount. We do have opportunities for Whitefield Fund Leadership Giving donors to connect at an annual Whitefield Fund Appreciation event and a Spring Coffee and Conversation event to celebrate the exceptional generosity of these individuals. Leadership Giving levels are:
• Head of School Circle ($10,000+)
• Trustee Circle ($9,999-$5,000)
• 1997 Society ($4,999-$1,997)
Whitefield Academy continues to hold fast to its founding vision and core values of academic excellence, covenantal education, enrollment reflecting the racial, ethnic, and economic diversity within the body of Christ, effective servant leadership, faithful stewardship, and modeling excellent Christian education. Whitefield’s strategic plan aims to serve a 1,200 student body that is large enough for each student to participate in a variety of programs, but small enough that each student is known and is recognized for their God-given gifts and talents. In 2015, The Whitefield Academy Board of Trustees approved a master plan that would meet the facility needs of a 1,200 student body.
The master plan below illustrates what has been built to date and what is planned for the future. These projects transform the way in which students experience a Christ-centered education. Whitefield plans and implements capital campaign initiatives to raise funds for brick-and-mortar projects to complete the master plan.
The campus exists today because of the generous giving of those before and the legacy of their giving continues to impact generations of the WolfPack. Capital campaign gifts are typically paid over a multi-year pledge period and are separate from annual giving.
Capital Campaign History:
Nehemiah Campaign (1996-2000) – Raised nearly $19 million to purchase and establish Whitefield’s current campus and build the first academic building, Founders Hall, as well as the Athletic Center.
Moving Forward in Faith (2004-2007) – Raised $7 million to build the Lower School Student Activity Center, concessions facilities for WolfPack Stadium, renovation of the Academic Enrichment Center (AEC), the Grand Amphitheater, and the Whitmire Pavillion.
Building for the Future (2009-2012) - Raised $13 million to build Morris Hall and install a turf field in WolfPack Stadium.
Leaving a Legacy (2014-2020) - Raised $24 million to build Brostrand Hall, WolfPack Den, six additional tennis courts, and land acquisition.
Whitefield is grateful for all supporters. Meet the Reichart family - parents Jessica and Chris, with their children Matteson (‘30), Caleb (‘33), and Jacob (‘35).
Everything we have is a stewardship: our home, our children, our time, our energy, and our resources. We love because He first loved us, so I have the wonderful responsibility to look for ways to use these for the benefit of those around me. I can shepherd my children well and point them to Jesus. I can use my time and energy to check in with friends and serve others. I can give where the Lord directs. Whitefield has been such a gift to our family, a place full of love and faith that protects and leads our children well. It feels like dropping Matteson, Caleb, and Jacob off with family every morning! We are grateful for the opportunity to take part in how our school is growing.
For me, it’s a lens to view what we have, and what my goal is in life. Jesus set the best example of this: He gave up nothing short of His life for those He loved. How much less is it for me to give up resources? Through nonprofit work and mission trips, I have seen firsthand, over and over, where donations meet needs. There’s nothing like watching the body of Christ love one another. Whitefield is a place where children are loved, nurtured, and strengthened in their faith. What a gift to the world! If I can play any role in the education and faith of the next generation, it is a gift to me.
I’m still learning how best to do this. We definitely let our children see some of what we do, and the joy we get from it! We also like to give donations to each other as gifts. For example, we will give chickens or sheep to families in developing nations through Compassion International as Christmas gifts to our children. We talk about how kindness to each other is a tangible gift for Jesus, and we read His words about “the least of these.” We pack bags with snacks and socks, and keep them in the car to give to the homeless (a practice I learned from my mother). I try to make giving as natural a part of our days as I can, so that it feels like a part of our family culture. And, we chose a school where Christ is first and foremost!
It begins with Jesus. His love flows from our faith into our family, and then out into the world. As a mom I try to lead our family culture to include giving, compassion, and empathy, not as a sacrifice, but as something we truly enjoy! What a gift to have a Redeemer who gave up His life for us! With joy, I can do my best to lead my family to follow His example.
The Whitefield Academy Auction has become the largest parent/grandparentonly, school-wide event. The auction is hosted every other year and gives the school an opportunity to celebrate and raise money. In 2022, the auction raised money to support faculty professional development and established an endowment to support increasing stipends for faculty and coaches who go above and beyond. Families can participate by sponsoring the event, buying individual tickets, donating auction items as well as serving in a volunteer capacity for the event.
Endowment giving offers an opportunity to create a lasting legacy. Endowment gifts are not spent; they are invested in perpetuity, with the income providing annual funding support for Whitefield’s top priorities. It ensures Whitefield Academy is able to sustain its vision and offers flexibility during challenging economic times.
Endowment funds provide a source of ongoing support for Whitefield Academy’s operations, including financial aid, faculty salaries, professional development, facility maintenance, and other general expenses. Whitefield Academy’s current endowment is $1.5 million. Endowment funds are, in a very tangible way, a gift from those who have loved Whitefield Academy to the generations of students who will experience Whitefield for years to come. Please contact Lauren Race, Director of Development, if you are interested in giving to the endowment or setting up an endowment fund.
The Whitefield Academy Legacy Society celebrates and honors families who have included Whitefield Academy in their wills or through other estate plans.
There are many other planned giving options available that allow an individual to benefit from current income, capital gains, and estate tax laws. These charitable choices can benefit you, your family, and the mission of Whitefield Academy, leaving a legacy for generations to come. These gifts can be done through a will, your IRA, and through a number of special charitable trusts. Often the most impactful and significant of a donor’s lifetime, planned gifts do not affect current cash flow and many provide tax-favorable benefits, even income, to the donor and beneficiaries.
Join the Legacy Society by contacting Paige Perdue, Associate Director of Development. It is not necessary to share the expected gift value. Unless specifically designated, planned gifts received by the school support the general endowment fund. If you have included Whitefield in your estate planning, please let us know. Your membership in the Legacy Society demonstrates your commitment to the mission of Whitefield Academy - a mission to raise men and women who will go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.
Your everyday purchases can benefit Whitefield Academy when you participate in one or all of these programs!
One-half percent of your purchase comes back to Whitefield at no cost to you. Log in to your existing Amazon account via smile.amazon.com and search for Whitefield Academy Inc.
Awards are based on the cumulative spending of each school’s participants. Help us boost our Publix Partners donations – register at publix.com and select Whitefield Academy. At checkout, enter your phone number on the keypad. It’s really that easy! Proceeds from Publix Partners benefits our missions trips!
Download the Box Tops for Education app and scan your receipt for eligible purchases. Whitefield Academy will receive 10 cents per purchase!
Link your Kroger card to Whitefield Academy and each time you swipe and shop, a donation will be made to Whitefield through their Community Rewards program. Visit Kroger. com/community-rewards for more information and to register.
Diversity has been a top priority for Whitefield from the founding of the school. One way to ensure Whitefield has socio-economic diversity is offering financial aid to mission fit and qualifying families who need help covering the cost of tuition. Whitefield Academy partners with the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program, which was created through the State of Georgia’s education expense tax credit program. This program allows taxpayers, including S-corporations, C-corporations, LLCs, partnerships, and trusts, to redirect a portion of their state liability to Whitefield Academy for financial aid purposes. Georgia GOAL funds are available to qualifying students who enter kindergarten or who matriculate from public or homeschool programs in any grade. For more information on how to participate in Georgia GOAL, visit goalscholarship.org.
Scan the QR code to learn more about Georgia GOAL!
More than $2 MILLION
awarded in financial aid to Whitefield through Georgia GOAL
Total scholarships given
The Whitefield Academy Alumni Association strives to continue the relationship between alumni and the larger Whitefield community in meaningful ways. The alumni network provides a valuable resource for Whitefield Academy and its current and past students. Since the first graduating class in 1998, Whitefield graduates are making a difference across the globe. Alumni continue to give back to Whitefield in various ways throughout the year – from speaking to students about careers to coaching on the field – we are blessed with a network of more than 1,200 alumni! Our Alumni Association Board plays an important role in the strategic direction and activity of the Association. Involvement as an alumnus is an important part in enriching the student experience for all students, even after graduation.
“I give to Whitefield in deep gratitude for the incredible community I was able to build in my time at the school. From the friends that I still call on a daily basis, to the teachers who shaped my life at a difficult time, to the silly memories I have from marching band and senior pranks—I am forever grateful for the family Whitefield created for me.”
- MacKensie (Garrett) Brandt ‘07
The Whitefield Grandparent Association exists to acknowledge the presence and value of grandparents on campus, to encourage participation in school-wide events, to promote fellowship among grandparents, and to bolster knowledge of Whitefield Academy and its mission statement. All grandparents of current students are automatically a part of the Whitefield Grandparent Association! Please contact Paige Perdue, Associate Director of Development at pperdue@whitefieldacademy.com, to confirm Whitefield has updated contact information for your Whitefield grandparent.
“We are thrilled to be part of the Whitefield Grandparent Association. Living in another state, we are not able to visit campus as often as we’d like but WGA keeps us updated regularly on school activities and makes us feel like an important part of the Whitefield community. We are blessed to be included and feel welcomed through the Whitefield Grandparent Association.”
- Peggy and Frank Addicks, Grandparents of an 11th grader
Lauren Race Director of Development Major Gifts, Capital Giving
Paige Perdue Associate Director of Development
Major Gifts, Planned Giving
Whitefield Grandparent Association, Georgia GOAL
Jan White Annual Giving and Special Events Manager
Lindsey McClellan
Alumni Relations Manager
Tamieka Baker
Advancement Coordinator