Called Up A Strategic Plan For Whitefield2022-2027Academy

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Whitefield Academy is a Christ-centered college preparatory school that has been bolstering Christian families since 1997. As a result, many young people have developed into scholars with a passion for learning, caring members of their communities with a passion for others ahead of themselves, and people who glorify God as they fulfill their God-given purposes with a passion for the living and active Jesus. Having graduated more than 1,000 alumni who have experienced this mission, Whitefield has developed a track record of success with a strong reputation of excellence in education for Christian families in northwest Atlanta.
to our
As we finish celebrating our 25th anniversary, we sense a moment for Whitefield Academy of being “called up” to move forward boldly and deliberately to deliver on our mission at the next level of excellence. This five-year strategic plan calls for investment in the people (students, faculty, staff, and coaches) who are vital in our mission with a focus on the following three goals: Deepen fortransformationalChrist-centeredlearningeachstudent Christ-centered families community level mission
2 Welcome

o Provide faculty instructional coaches at each division level to support the onboarding of new faculty and professional development for all faculty
o Compensate faculty even more competitively based on high performance and impact on others
o Implement the Faculty Fellows Program for the recruitment and training of young talent
• Invest heavily in our people to become the employer of choice for talented Christ-centered faculty.
o Supplement a culture of teaching excellence with exceptional opportunities for professional development and growth.
o Double the budget for compensating faculty members who go above and beyond to impact students outside of the school day through athletics and other activities
Deepen Christ-centered transformational learning for each student

o Provide a 5th/6th grade model that provides structure and offerings geared specifically to the needs of students in these years of transition
o Separate the combined schedules for Middle School and Upper School to tailor daily schedules to the different levels of development and maturity
The Campaign for Whitefield Academy
o Allot more time in specials classes in Lower School where time is limiting deep exploration in all curricular areas
Deepen and extend holistic development of students in Middle School and Upper School expanding grade chair and dean positions to support students and families
• Adjust our use of time and resources to be even more strategic to maximize the academic potential of each student, provide greater opportunities to explore unique strengths and interest, and allow time for the holistic development of young leaders who live in a manner that promotes loving Christ with their whole heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Full-time teacher and associate teacher in every Lower School classroom
o Review comprehensive incorporation of “biblical through-lines” to ensure faith integration and Christian worldview development throughout all levels
• Upgrade the curriculum to become the exemplar model of Christ-centered academic excellence.
o Student learning specialists at each division level
o Increased opportunities and time for faculty to work collaboratively to ensure all learning activities are intentionally designed and contiually evaluated for effectiveness based on curricular objectives and progression of student development
Add faculty to maintain low student-teacher ratios and provide students more support and opportunity for interaction and personalized instruction. Children are known at Whitefield, and we want to serve families by maximizing the academic achievement for each child.
o Increase support for coordination of faith and biblical integration throughout all curriculum and activities
o Vastly improved dining experience for students and faculty in Middle School and Upper School o Central “front door” space and facilities to welcome, gather, learn, and fellowship
o Improved and centrally-located innovation lab, research, library, and academic support facilities to further the passion for learning in students
o Review key curricular areas for effectiveness and excellence to include higher level thinking, STEAM, diversity of ideas within a Christ-centered context, and executive functioning skills essential to learning and life in college and beyond
• Enhance our space through the construction of a Learning Commons and expansion of athletic facilities to further nurture the individual passions of our students.

o New baseball/softball complex with improved accessibility, drainage, and game day experience for all o Expansion of practice fields, weight room, and sports training facilities

“Whitefield has created an opportunity for my individual growth by encouraging academic excellence, promoting good stewardship through serving, and preparing me to make a positive impact in the -Whitefieldworld.”sophomore

• Attain growth without any change to admission standards but through effective execution of this strategic plan to make Whitefield the most desired school in northwest Atlanta for Christian families seeking academic excellence that is unapologetically Christ-centered.
Strengthen our programs by welcoming more Christ-centered families committed to our mission
• As we more effectively and actively share our commitment to Christ-centered education, high standards and academic excellence, we expect to fill sections of classes and programs

• Actively broaden our base of volunteers and leadership to support our goal.
Commit to pursue the resources needed to fulfill our mission today - and for generations to come
• Fund competitive compensation for faculty and staff to retain and recruit people who move us to the next level of mission delivery.
• Raise capital for needed facilities and expansion.
• Commit 10% of annual giving to build an endowment to supplement need-based financial aid for families.
“Whitefield finds students where they are and ignites in them a deep intellectual curiosity and thirst for knowedge through hands-on learning, trial and error, and practical, real-world instruction. The teachers are not only extremely talented, they also exemplify and model the love, humility, and patience of Christ.” - Whitefield Parent
• Fund operational improvements (e.g., safety enhancements, technology upgrades, etc.) to ensure good stewardship of existing campus grounds and facilities.

“I was incredibly thankful for my time at Whitefield – for the rigorous academic courses teaching me time management and critical thinking, the investment the teachers made in my growth, and the lasting friendships that I made. I walked away from Whitefield strong in my faith and confident in my personality, which has allowed me to build strong relationships with people from entirely different backgrounds.”
- Whitefield alumna

Whitefield Academy, a Christ-centered college preparatory school, exists to bolster Christian families in rearing young people who go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.
A Christ-C entere d Colleg e Prep arator y S chooly Sc hool 1 Whitefield Drive SE • Smyrna, GA 30126 • 678.305.3000 •