Every Gift. Every Family. Every Year. Makes a Difference!
wenty-five years ago, a small group of parents and strong prayer warriors came together with the single purpose of establishing a true Christ-centered school in the Atlanta area, whose mission was to provide a rigorous academic environment with a Biblical worldview and an unwavering belief in Jesus Christ.
A school where students would be immersed in the word of God, challenged academically and spiritually, and be prepared for life with a foundation grounded in Christ. This was the beginning of Whitefield Academy. This was the beginning of our FAMILY. Bathed in prayer, faith, and complete trust in God’s sovereignty, Whitefield began with fewer than 100 students in grades 6-12. Over the past 25 years, the Whitefield FAMILY has grown to the school we know today, serving more than 880 students from PreK – 12th grade from nearly 600 families on a campus of more than 100 acres.
Never swaying from its original mission, the faculty and administration at Whitefield work daily to strengthen our FAMILY by leading and teaching students to be successful in life now and beyond graduation. As our FAMILY continues to grow, our bond and unity in Christ gets stronger each year. We are grateful for those who have come before us and laid the groundwork for the Whitefield Academy we enjoy today. More important, we thank God for leading the way and providing for Whitefield. Our goal is to continue the legacy, build on this foundation, and strengthen our FAMILY one day at a time.
for being an integral part of the Whitefield FAMILY. The Whitefield Fund allows us to continue growing while staying true to the vision our founders had for Whitefield 25 years ago. Please help us keep our FAMILY strong with your support of the Whitefield Fund today. “In the family, life is brought not only to our doorstep, but into our kitchens, bedrooms, and dens. In the family, life is happening all around us, and it begs to be questioned, evaluated, interpreted, and discussed. There is no more consistent, pregnant, dynamic forum for instruction about life than the family, because that is exactly what God designed the family to be, a learning community.” Paul David Tripp
“Our community is so supportive of the Whitefield Fund and that shows with the 92-94% parent participation we’ve had for the past 3 years. EVERY GIFT makes this percentage possible and shows the excitement and love our families have for Whitefield.” Mechelle and Reggie Thomas
every family
every gift “Participation in the Whitefield Fund is so important, especially when we are asking foundations to support the larger projects on campus. When EVERY FAMILY gives, it is an indication to outside groups that Whitefield is a good investment with strong internal support.” Lisa and Andrew Walker
“Since Whitefield’s inception 25 years ago, we have given in some way EVERY YEAR. We enjoy seeing our financial support at work in the lives of young people and think it is very important to continue investing in God’s kingdom through the Whitefield Fund.” Stacy and Paul Quiros
every year
makes a difference
f a m i l y Help us get to 100% participation with your generous support today! Please go to
to give or pledge your tax-deductible gift. You may also complete the enclosed card and mail in the envelope provided.
Please contact Paige Perdue, Associate Director of Development, at
pperdue@whitefieldacademy.com with questions or for more information.
“The Whitefield Fund MAKES A DIFFERENCE each year by allowing us to
create new opportunities and expand current programs for our students and faculty.We are grateful to our Whitefield family for the support and energy they give to the Whitefield Fund that truly embodies our mission of others ahead of self.” Dr. Kevin Bracher, Head of School
Whitefield Academy, a Christ-centered college preparatory school, exists to bolster Christian families in rearing young people who go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self and for the living and active Jesus.