The Whitefield Academy Magazine- Winter 2020 "Let's Gather"

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Let’s Gather


BOARD OF TRUSTEES W. Allen Bell Jason Bilotti Chair

John Browne Kevin T. Byrne Treasurer

Wallace D. Francis Chaplain

Chris Herschend Vice Chair

Byron Johnson Peter D. Kantor Jr. John Keeble Joe Knight ‘07 David Kwon Courtney LaVallee Leslie Pearce Antony Sanacory Chris Scott Terena Washington Secretary

Allyson Watson


Kevin Bracher, Ph.D. MANAGING EDITOR


Erynn Mozier CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Paul Ward, Brent Rivers Photography, Legacy Studios, and Whitefield Academy teachers, parents, and students

The Magazine of Whitefield Academy is published semiannually by Whitefield Academy and is distributed without charge.

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ann Barnett, Tracy Blunier, Paige Brown, Allison Duncanson, Armonte Harvin, and Lauren Race ON THE COVER Allison Duncanson, Director of Spiritual Life/ Director of Diversity and 11th-grader Sky Johnson


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Winter 2020









Building a Place to Call Home

Our New Journey







Whitefield Student Designs New Library Space

Alumna Parent Opens His Heart and Home to Whitefield





Creating an Atmosphere for Gathering

Fine Arts Students Display Their Talents





Faculty and Staff Gather Wednesday Mornings

Gather Together as a Team


Whitefield Alumna Naomy Grand’Pierre’15 Prepares for 2020 Olympics


Letter from the Head of School a space that cultivates collaboration and growth. You will find out more about a team using their talents behind the scenes during some of our largest gatherings on campus to make each event one that we will always remember. You will learn about how our late-start Wednesday schedules allow faculty and staff members to join in prayer, fellowship, and teamwork. Further, you will gain a sneak peek into the home of an alumna parent who has purposefully created a space that allows people to connect.

Dear Whitefield Community, As we begin this new calendar year, memories of the recent holiday season are still with us. The theme of “gathering” emerges as I reflect on the joining of hands to pray and praise God for His provision while seated around Thanksgiving tables, the church and chapel services centered on the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christmas programs proclaiming the reason behind our joy and celebration, and the many other family and community traditions that bring people together. As we experience our mission unfolding throughout this school year, a similar notion of gathering is evident as we join in community to “bolster Christian families.” In these pages, you will read about how the renovation to Morris Hall library created


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

These articles, alongside many others, demonstrate the power of gathering together and pursuing like-minded goals. While reading through this publication, I was struck by the amazing community that exists at Whitefield, and the outstanding capabilities that arise when we come together in pursuit of a shared mission. I hope this magazine is as much of a blessing and encouragement to you as it has been to me! In service to Him,

Kevin Bracher, Ph.D Head of School

Whitefield Academy, a Christ-centered college preparatory school, exists to bolster Christian families in rearing young people who go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020


Morris Hall Library

Whitefield Student

DESIGNS NEW LIBRARY SPACE New Space Provides a Place for Students to Gather and Grow Together BY TRACY BLUNIER

Pictured Morris Hall librarian Tracy Blunier and senior Joshua Patrick are both very happy with the completed project. Joshua, along with his family, at the unveiling ceremony of the Morris Hall Library. His family is extremely proud of his work on this project.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020


The Morris Hall Library has undergone a series of changes, but none as significant as the redesign it experienced this past summer. In the past, the library was housed in a modular building. Faculty members who have been here for a number of years remember it as a dark and cloistered space. The furniture and bookshelves were dark, heavy, and did not allow for true collaboration. In the next phase, the library moved out of the mod and into the new Upper School building. This allowed for a larger space, but the same furniture was carried over from its original location. The space was here, but the functionality was not. Within the last two years, it became apparent that the library space could be better utilized. As conversations began on how to prepare the space for multiple

uses, an emerging trend surfaced. Words like collaboration, flexible, multi-use, and resource-oriented started to dominate each conversation. All of these words could be summarized with the use of one word, gather. The library had to be a place ideal for gathering. The process by which the library was transformed was methodical and intentional. Each phase of the project centered around gathering. What transpired was a space that utilized technology strategically, provided collaborative environments for groups of various sizes, ensured flexible use of furniture, and felt welcoming in all aspects. This transformed space is now a gathering space for many groups. Library redesign in the 21st century has chartered some new paths. Libraries of today must meet the changing needs of the population that they serve. To better understand those changing needs, the project needed the input of students.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020


Surveys and informal student talks were utilized. However, the biggest jumpstart to the project began with a simple conversation between Morris Hall librarian Tracy Blunier and Whitefield art teacher Rebecca Brown. This conversation resulted in the name of a student who was interested in architecture and design, and who had a passion for others ahead of self. From day one of the redesign, senior Joshua Patrick became the primary point of contact for the overall design scheme for the renovated space. He fully took on redesigning the library in addition to playing golf for the school and keeping up with his academics. According to Joshua, he welcomed the challenge.

“It was a chance to see if I really liked what I was doing,” he explained. “It also helped me to see that I enjoyed the process of drafting, revising, and drafting again.” Along the way, Joshua was fully supported by his family, who believe that real-life experience is often the best teacher. “There were a lot of clear learning moments along the way,” said Joshua. “I knew that putting all my ideas out there, whether they were used or not, was essential in dreaming about this space. I was also able to fully understand the design process, including cost parameters, so that I could be a good steward of the resources allocated.” Joshua also relied on Blunier throughout the redesign. The process took the two from wishful thinking, to pouring over furniture catalogs, and back again to the Whitefield Academy mission statement. What occurred was a design that would be fresh and new for years to come, but also versatile enough to meet the needs of a changing climate. To celebrate the renovation, a special formal unveiling was held for the Whitefield community at the end of the summer. In attendance were Joshua and his family. Attendees not only got to see the new space, but they also had the opportunity to talk with Joshua and learn more about his passion for design. Now months into the school year, at any given time one can find students studying, meeting for SAT test prep class, printing pages, taking STAR reading tests, playing chess, holding meetings, or looking for a book. “The library is now known as an enjoyable space that has lots of functionality for all the different groups that use it,” Joshua remarked. The renovation was made possible by funds raised through the 2019 auction. //


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

, explore, debate, learn, and grow gather






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Scie r o f k al


Kicking the Soccer Ball









gather in the quad


From the Louise Owens Theater, to the Athletic Center, WolfPack Stadium, WolfPack Den, Barnett Gathering Room, the David G. Jones Quadrangle, the Grand Amphitheater, and Lower School Student Activity Center, our spaces provide an opportunity for us to gather for prayer, worship, learning, connection, growth, collaboration, competition, performing, and more. In each of these spaces, if you are watching closely, you will notice the work of a team that’s intentionally trying to go unnoticed – Whitefield’s audio/visual team. This team is comprised of a small group of Upper School students who have learned the ins and outs of audio/visual work. Over the years, these students have taken the opportunity to learn how microphones work, how to run cables so that signals from microphones can reach a sound board, and how to confidently use a soundboard and mix sound from each microphone so that the audience can understand and enjoy the combination of sounds. They have learned how to decide where the lights in a theater should be placed to


achieve a specific lighting goal, place these lights, run cables to the lighting board, and use lighting programs to achieve a director’s goal. They have learned how to use presentation programs so that transitions go smoothly unnoticed, and how to format various forms of content so that it all fits together well for a presentation. Aside from competency at various audio/visual skills and programs, these students are also learning how to troubleshoot, think critically, and problem solve under the pressure of an audience watching. Senior Nick Ryder shared, “my biggest take away from this has been learning how to manage things on the fly and fix problems before anyone else realizes there is something wrong. Learning how to adapt is something I can do in my life outside of the A/V program, and that I’ve even applied in football games.” Senior Will Thomas began learning about audio/visual work as a seventh-grader, and he now serves as lead audio technician for Whitefield’s theater productions.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

“Setting up events can be hectic, with microphone checks and last-minute changes,” explained Will, “but it’s great to see it all come together in the end. It requires an incredible amount of collaboration, and I love working with my team.”

During any of Whitefield’s theater performances, you can find Will controlling more than 35 microphones of the actors and actresses on stage. Watching closely, you can see Will following their script so that each microphone comes on at the perfect moment and at the right volume, then turns off again so that the actors and actresses can communicate backstage without the audience knowing. Next to Will are his A/V teammates paying careful attention to the stage and to one another so that they can perfectly time the sound cues, scene changes from the projector, and

Maddie has run audio for a handful of churches around Atlanta.

Nick Ryder lighting changes. All of this takes place while the cast on the stage moves confidently through the show, knowing they can trust the team in the tech booth. This team of students is led by Whitefield Technical Director Zach Brown, who in training audio/visual students, intentionally steps back and allows the students to problem solve for themselves. “Making mistakes, understanding what happened, and being able to recover from mistakes is a uniquely valuable experience and a great way to learn,” Brown said. The students who have invested in the A/V program have also had the opportunity to put their skills to work outside of Whitefield. Senior Sophia Trovato serves as lead audio technician for a local community theater program, while her classmate, senior Maddie Knox, has run audio for a handful of churches around Atlanta. Brown intentionally seeks out opportunities for these students to become involved in their communities.

“Working in A/V is something that these students will be able to continue in even if they don’t choose it as a career. This skill set will allow them to contribute to the churches they’re involved in and provide them with more opportunities to find work while in college,” Brown shared. The next time you find yourself at a Whitefield chapel, theater production, concert, pep rally, or any other event with a microphone or PowerPoint presentation take a quick look around for the group of students who have gathered in the space behind the sound and lighting boards, referred to as “front of house” in the A/V world. They will be working hard to ensure that you have no reason to notice them, but you will. In fact, you’ll notice another one of the moments in which Whitefield students have gathered to use their passion for learning to bring glory to God. //

“My biggest take away has been learning how to manage things on the fly and fix problems before anyone else realizes there is something wrong.”

Will Thomas Will began learning about audio/visual work as a seventh grader, and he now serves as lead audio technician for Whitefield’s theater productions.

Sophia Trovato Sophia serves as lead audio technician for a local community theater program.


Maddie Knox

Faculty and Staff BY ANN BARNETT For families and students, Wednesday mornings may mean jogging a few laps around the track at Mileage Club, munching on some chicken minis, or simply enjoying an extra hour of sleep. But for Whitefield faculty and staff, the later start to the school day offers an essential opportunity to gather for prayer, fellowship, and collaboration.

gather 16

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

Each Wednesday from 7:40-8:45 a.m., staff gather as one, unified group, as division-specific faculties, or in departments based on subject or grade-level. Various administrators, including Head of School Dr. Kevin Bracher, Director of Spiritual Life Allison Duncanson, division principals, and members of the Instructional Leadership Team lead these gatherings with a goal of celebrating, strengthening, and equipping their staff. As Upper School Principal Jennifer Woods explains these meetings are about “becoming a learning community. We each come from our respective spheres to reflect, discuss, plan, challenge, and dream together.” Whether brainstorming ways to enhance student feedback or discussing the importance of “think time” after posing a question, when teachers prioritize


Faculty and Staff gather Wednesday mornings

FOR PRAYER, FELLOWSHIP, AND COLLABORATION collaborating together, they ensure alignment not just of academic content, but also alignment of skill development and classroom environment, providing a more cohesive experience for Whitefield students. Kindergarten teacher Kerri Bounds explains that “cross-grade level curriculum discussions allow for checks and balances in teaching skills that spiral up.” This collaboration produces a palpable energy, emboldening teachers to try something new. History department chair Kyle Hughes makes it a goal that history teachers leave meetings “really passionate, really excited about practical teaching methods,” and often these gatherings breed more gatherings. Inspired by what they have learned in specific meetings, teachers then branch out and gather spontaneously before school or over lunch to share ideas about relevant classroom topics. These organic get-togethers live out Proverbs 27:17, which says “iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Furthermore, these times of gathering allow non-teaching staff and faculty to come together and benefit from one

another’s unique perspectives. Lower School Principal Maryellen Berry recognizes that “we need this time because there are so many student touchpoints on a daily basis.” College counselors gain insight into how the classroom experience is preparing students for college. The academic enrichment center provides tools and strategies for engaging diverse learners, and division counselors offer wisdom about whole-child health. Opportunities to unify as one staff allow Whitefield to continue to prioritize the well-rounded education of students. No matter what group is gathering, each Wednesday morning meeting begins in prayer. One special highlight of monthly all-staff meetings is breaking into smaller prayer groups that includes members of each division of the school. When teachers, administrators, coaches, and staff come together, they learn to care for one another as the body of Christ and affirm that God is sovereign in all areas of Whitefield. Berry’s prayer group includes a Lower, Middle, and Upper School teacher as well as a school nurse and members of the commu-

nications and facilities teams. She marvels that “because my group has a member of every division, we can bathe the entire campus in prayer.” Carving out time to pray together as a staff enriches everyone’s spiritual growth. Fourth-grade teacher Susan Underwood calls these meetings “particularly special in fostering a sense of community. We are able to share intimate prayer requests in a safe environment and pray for one another.” Whitefield faculty and staff members are grateful to work at a place where they can not only pour out the love of Christ to students, but also be poured into by fellow believers. Encouraged and uplifted by the prayers of their friends, faculty and staff rejoice in marriages and births, grieve sickness and death, and soak in the truth given in love by their colleagues. Together with their colleagues, Whitefield faculty and staff praise God for the work He has done, is doing, and will do through Whitefield Academy, specifically on those sleepy, but sacred, Wednesday mornings. //

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


Becky Matherne, Becky Bracher, and Dr. Kevin Bracher



“Whitefield is showing tremendous leadership in the education community by changing the Camacho family’s life in a powerful way through shelter, security, and a home.” — Jessica Gill


Over the course of nine weeks, Whitefield Academy alumni and their families, in addition to current students and families, came together around a core component of our mission: a passion for others ahead of self. Thanks to the generous donations from alumni families, Whitefield had the privilege of collaborating with Northwest Metro Atlanta Habitat for Humanity to build a safe, affordable, and beautiful home a few miles away from campus for Nelson and Yaitza Camacho and their three children. “Whitefield is showing tremendous leadership in the education community by changing the Camacho family’s life in a powerful way through shelter, security, and a home. They are putting their faith and values into action to truly love their neighbors,” said Jessica Gill, CEO of Northwest Metro Atlanta Habitat. For Nelson and Yaitza, who have been married 17 years, having a place they can call home for themselves and their family is critical to the care of their children–Nelson, 15, in ninth-grade, Yaniel, 11, in sixth-grade, and Fatima, three, in PreK. Both Nelson and Fatima

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

were born with spina bifida and use wheelchairs. The home is a wheelchair accessible, ADA medical house, making it easier for the children to be mobile within their own space. Becky Matherne, parent of alumni John (‘18) and Robert (‘19) Matherne, dedicated a lot of her heart, time, and leadership to this project. Matherne coordinated the collaboration of volunteers who met for construction on Saturdays throughout the months of August to October and served in many ways ranging from placing exterior framing and insulation to landscaping and painting. “As Christians, we aspire to be the ‘hands and feet’ of Jesus,” Matherne said. “That’s what Habitat does every day. Amazing Habitat volunteer teams share their skills and talents to build homes for those who need a hand up, not a hand out. It has been an honor to partner with them to build a home for the Camacho family.” A special gathering was held in November to celebrate the completion of the home and dedicate it to the family. //


Nelson and Yaitza Camacho

“I pray that the Camacho family will thrive in their new home and that all who have been involved will understand their impact and continue to serve in a big way.” — Becky Matherne

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


For many Whitefield Academy parents, when they select Whitefield as the school for their children, they gain much more than just a place for their children to learn and grow. They also gain a community where families grow together in rearing young people who go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus. Many of these relationships continue for families beyond the school day and after graduation.

Alumna parent opens his


For John and Kate Larimer, parents of Whitefield alumna Quinn Larimer ’15, the first time they ever shared their personal relationship with Jesus Christ was on the application for their daughter’s admission. It was a major step in their faith journeys. “The community at Whitefield was as impacting for Kate and me as it was for Quinn,” stated Larimer. And to this day, gathering with other fathers from the Class of 2015 is not only a great way to stay connected, but also a time for the group to come together in prayer for their children. “Getting together with the dads of 2015 is nothing new,” Larimer explained. “We would meet two or three times a year when our children were students at Whitefield.” While the meetings are no longer scheduled there focus still remains the same—a time to gather together in fellowship. Like the schedule, the location of these meetings has also changed over the years. In October, when the group of alumni dads joined together, they were hosted by Larimer in a special space he has created on the same property where his house is located for gatherings just as these. It started out as just a garage until he had another vision of how the space could be used for purposes larger than himself, Larimer shared.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

He originally came up with the idea of using the space for men’s Bible study. Shortly after this, he decided to share this vision with some of his closest friends, who are in ministry, and opened the space up to them for events that they were interested in having at the building. To top the space off, and fully complete Larimer’s vision, he added a lounge, porch, and fireplace above the garage to allow these events to have a more social atmosphere. “I don’t want to send the wrong message, this is not a business,” Larimer said. “It is merely a place for my friends who are in ministry and have a bigger purpose than themselves.” Larimer is very passionate about gathering people together to share their love for the Lord and each other, while doing God’s will. He has opened the space up so much now that a few local churches and pastors are able to reserve it when they need to do so. The building can accommodate up to 50 people, but most events average between 10 to 30 people in attendance. Most recent, Larimer has been working with leadership from Whitefield to possibly use the space to hold board retreats and leadership retreats. He hopes the space will continue to be used to do the will of God by exercising faith, while working with others to spread the word and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. //

Pictured Above

John Larimer with his daughter Quinn ’15 (left), and with his wife Kate (right).

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020



“The community at Whitefield was as impacting for Kate and me as it was for Quinn.”





The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020



Visual Arts senior Kat Kelly

Beyond the full calendar of shows and events, Whitefield artists are unearthing their God-given talents and passions, learning servant leadership, and connecting with a larger body of artists. When senior Kat Kelly stepped into Art 1 as a freshman, she was most looking forward to art as a break from her rigorous schedule of academic classes. Unsure of her level of interest in visual arts, Kat confesses that she thought, “anyone who wanted to continue art in the future would have to be a skilled painter, which I was not.” At the suggestion of Upper School art teacher Rebecca Brown, Kat challenged her presupposition about painting and tried photography.

“Without Mrs. Brown, I would have never found my talent for photography,” said Kat. “Mrs. Brown was able to discover my skill with the camera and editing apps. Without her, I would have never considered taking AP photography, competing in Scholastic Art competitions and other local art competitions, or winning second place in photography overall in the Whitefield Art Show.” From visual art exhibits covering every wall of the Upper School to jazzy tunes filling the amphitheater to packed houses for every theater performance, students share their abilities through a busy schedule of fine arts events. As Whitefield teachers guide students, these artists are busy not only developing their artistic gifts, but also their leadership skills.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


When the WolfPack Marching Band takes the field under the Friday night lights, navy and gold uniforms stride across the field in calculated arrangements, but sometimes overlooked is the glimmery, white uniform facing away from the crowd. As Drum Major, junior Karalese Wehner faces her peers as she conducts the 2019 “Love in Motion” halftime show. Participating in the marching band has challenged and refined Karalese’s understanding of leadership. “Going from drum captain last year to drum major this year was a major shift, but allowed me to grow as a leader,” she said. “It took me a while to get into the rhythm of conducting and leading the band during shows, but leading this year taught me the importance of forming relationships and serving alongside the band members.”

After dazzling in Whitefield’s fall 2018 production of Newsies, senior Walker Smith and junior Anna Ayalew were eager to gain more performing experience. In return for their enthusiasm, they gained meaningful relationships with students from across Cobb County. “The Theatre Project plugged me into a large and wonderful community of performing artists that I didn’t even know existed,” said Walker, who is in the process of applying to college theater programs to further his passion for performing arts.

With intentional leaders, like Karalese, Whitefield students develop an authentic and contagious camaraderie that often overflows into the larger community.

Anna added that “getting to know the cast is the most rewarding part of participating with a community theater program,” and she appreciates the strength of her extended support system.

To continue developing their musical theater techniques, many Middle and Upper School thespians performed in The Theatre Project’s spring production of Mamma Mia. The Theatre Project is a Cobb County government community theatre program with an emphasis on education.

The nurturing of talents through the fine arts program at Whitefield enables on-campus gathering that pours out into service and community engagement. //


Hard work pays off for Marching Band members Everett Sinclair, Scott Hellier, Karalese Wehner, Dimitri Tsompanas, and Devin Wade. Performing Artists junior Anna Ayalew, senior Walker Smith


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

WORK HARD PLAY HARD. HONOR HIM. Recent graduate, Emilie Grand’Pierre ’19 shows commitment through hard work and dedication in and out of the pool.


TOGETHER AS A TEAM Two student-athletes share how being a part of a sports team at Whitefield has impacted their life.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020

My coaches always push me to work hard not just in athletics but in academics as well, and they have definitely helped shape me into the person I am today.


What are some of your fondest team memories?

What sports do you participate in at Whitefield Academy?

Finishing runner up at state. Winning region three years in a row. The end of season cross-country parties and the bowling party after the time trial.


Since starting high school, I have run track and cross-country and swam every year.

How long have you been a part of Whitefield Academy’s sports program? I have been a part of the sports program as soon as I came to Whitefield in sixth-grade.



What does it mean to you to be part of a sports team at Whitefield Academy? To me, being part of a sports team at Whitefield is like being part of a family. Your coaches are like your parents, encouraging, teaching, and pushing you to be the best you can be, and your teammates are like your siblings, those who face the trials and persevere alongside you. Your team becomes your family, and the bonds you form with your coaches and teammates are some of the strongest you will ever have. I’m very thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of several of the sports teams at Whitefield.

Devin Wade What was the first sport you played at Whitefield? The first sport I ever played at Whitefield was football, which comes as a shock to most people. From sixth-grade to eighth-grade, I played football in the fall, and the only reason I ran a season of cross-country in seventh-grade was because I fractured my wrist playing football and was out for the rest of the season.

How has the school’s coaching staff impacted you throughout your time playing sports? As an athlete, you have a special relationship with your coach, and to me, it is one of the strongest bonds you form in life. I have a special place in my heart for my coaches from all the sports I’ve played, from Coach Livingston in Middle School football to Coach Barnett and Coach Mudd, my current cross-country coaches. I have so much respect for all that they’ve taught me over the course of my sports career at Whitefield.

Have you faced any obstacles while playing sports? If so, can you explain how your coaches or team gathered around you and supported you through this difficult time?

Over the years, I have experienced several minor injuries such as tendonitis in my ankle, but no matter what it was, my coaches encouraged me to persevere and not try and run through it, which would have only made it worse. My friends also helped encourage me to stay positive and trust in God’s plan for me.

What are you looking forward to most as a senior athlete this year? I’m looking forward to ending my Upper School athletic career strong. I hope to break some of the track school records, and I look forward to passing our team traditions down to the underclassmen so that they can carry them on in the coming years. //

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


Grayson Nour

How has the school’s coaching staff impacted you throughout your time playing sports?

Currently, I play on the varsity girls soccer team.

I have played sports for most of my life, the community that the coaches built and do build on the Whitefield teams every year is one of the reasons I look forward to and continue to participate in school sports. My coaches check in on me, on and off the field—how my school days are, how my ski trip was, if I had been in the weight room. The coaching staff at Whitefield genuinely cares for me not only as a player on their roster but as a person.

How long have you been a part of Whitefield Academy’s sports program?

What are some of your fondest team memories?

I have been a part of the sports program ever since I came to Whitefield, almost seven years ago when I was entering sixth-grade.

Some of my favorite team memories have been winning the games where we were definitely the underdog. My sophomore year, we were playing one of our biggest rivals and we were tied with one minute to go. Then, one senior, who I thought the world of, scored the winning goal with seven seconds left. Seven! I will never forget hearing the buzzer and jumping into my teammates’ arms.


GRAYSON NOUR Girls Soccer What sports do you participate in at Whitefield Academy?

What was the first sport you played at Whitefield? The first sport I played was soccer. I had played soccer since I was two-years-old for a club team and being that I was entering a new school at the very intimidating age of a sixth-grader, I went with what I knew, and that was soccer.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


gather as a team What does it mean to you to be a part of a sports team at Whitefield Academy?

To be a part of the varsity girls soccer team means being a part of a family. Before games, we blast the music to the highest level, laugh at each other’s dance moves, and just have a good time with one another, completely forgetting that we are in different grades or the tough day that we had at school. We all come together as a family, playing not for ourselves, but for each other.

Have you faced any obstacles while playing sports? If so, can you explain how your coaches or team gathered around you and supported you through this difficult time? My sophomore year I tore my ACL, one of the toughest injuries out there for an athlete. I was terrified because I didn’t know what life was going to be like without one of the things that I loved for nine months. But then I realized that my coaches and my team were 100 percent behind me. Let me tell you, that is one of the best feelings in the world—knowing that there is a team behind you, cheering you on every single step of the way. My junior year, my nickname on the team was “Comeback Kid,” and my coaches

and my team were all a part of that comeback process. I can confidently say that without the support of my coaches and my team, I would not be back on the field, doing what I love. They got me, they pushed me to where I am today, even if that means in the dreaded weight room.

What are you looking forward to most as a senior athlete this year? One of the main ideas that the varsity girls soccer team focuses on is making the team feel like a family. Ever since my freshman year on the team, the senior class has always had an impact on me, making me a part of this family. I looked up to them, hoping to someday be like them, to lead other people on and off the field as their peer, friend, teammate, and sister on the varsity girls soccer family. I dreamed of the day my senior year would come and I would get to be one of those girls. Now, all of a sudden, I am a senior. I am one of those girls. As a senior this year, I am most looking forward to seeing what I can do in those shoes, leading my team to not only be solid players but solid people as well. I want the world for these girls, and I can’t wait to lead these girls into yet another amazing season with some major Lady Pack Pride. //

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


Our New

JOURNE Y Life as a new Whitefield Academy parent BY LAUREN RACE We talked. We prayed. We visited campus. We shared words of encouragement. We bought the new uniform. We figured out the new schedule. We did all the “things” we thought we needed to do before we started the next big chapter in our family’s life. The “School Years” chapter. Our oldest, Liam, was starting kindergarten. After finally mastering the daycare drop-off routine, we were about to embark on “real carpool’ and all that “big kid school” would warrant. My mama heart was excited for this next step but also had a hint of anxiety and questions and what ifs. Fortunately, with the Whitefield community, the anxiety, the questions, and the what ifs were always greeted with an opportunity to gather and connect with another Whitefield family—both new families and veteran families. Not only has Whitefield brought new friends into Liam’s life, but Whitefield has introduced us to new friends who we look forward to sharing memories with for years to come. Some have been a part of Whitefield for years, some are new families like us. We are beyond grateful for the opportunities Whitefield has given us to gather. Gathering as the class of 2032. Gathering as Whitefield parents. Gathering as moms. Gathering as dads. Gathering as an entire family.

These are just a few ways we have gathered with other Whitefield families: Admission Process—Campus tours gave us an opportunity to meet and gather with other prospective families, as well as meet parent ambassadors who have been a part of Whitefield for years and could provide insight into their experiences. New Student Social/Playdate—Late in the summer, Liam was invited to the park to meet with the other new kindergarten boys. He loved knowing a few other faces on his first day of school. Having new students meet other new students and/or current Whitefield students makes the first day of school that much more fun! Back-to-School Picnic—The fun-filled evening gave us an opportunity as a family to gather with the broader Whitefield community and meet the teachers before school started. New Parent Coffees—Hosted by Head of School Dr. Kevin Bracher and the development office, these smaller gatherings for new parents allow families to dig a little deeper into the school’s operation. Parent Class Socials—A great excuse for a date night and to meet other parents in the same grade as Liam. Men’s Fraternity—A chance for my husband Eric to meet other Whitefield dads and build relationships while studying topics that focus on how to become better men, fathers, and husbands. Mondays with Moms—A chance for me to meet with other Whitefield moms, study scripture and encourage each other - mom to mom.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


Kindergarten Prayer Circle—A morning dedicated to gathering together with other kindergarten parents to be intentional about praying over and for our children and teachers for this school year and beyond. Friday Night Lights—Cheering on the WolfPack with the rest of Whitefield is a great experience to witness the school spirit that exists from PreK to 12th-grade!

When people ask “why” Whitefield? I tell them it is about the community that has been created and cultivated because of like-minded individuals who gather together with the purpose of glorifying God.

When people ask “why” Whitefield? I tell them it is about the community that has been created and cultivated because of like-minded individuals who gather together with the purpose of glorifying God. We look forward to many more years to gather as a Whitefield community!

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


2019-2020 School Verse

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. — Ephesians 4:15

Alumni Notes

2019-2020 Whitefield Academy Alumni Board Megan Beard ’00 Vice President

Harris Hosch ’09

Laura Evens ’02

Bo Chambliss ’11

Stephen Wright ’05

Avery Fiveash ’13

MacKensie Brandt ’07 President

Everett Joiner ’13

Lane Nichols ’07 Aaron Childree ’07

Olivia Powell ’10

Cara Grace Hildebrand ’14 William Bell ’15





The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

For 22-year-old Naomy Grand’Pierre ’15 swimming competitively has been her passion since she was a young girl. Grand’Pierre’s passion led to her winning Haiti’s first gold medal in the Central American and Caribbean Countries Championship in Aruba last year and now leads her to preparing for the 2020 Olympics that will be held in Tokyo, Japan.

Grand’Pierre is grateful to the Whitefield community for supporting her while she was a student and throughout the past few years. She remembers the send-off party that a group of Whitefield moms hosted for her during her preparation for the 2016 Olympic games. During that time there was minimal news about her qualifying and training for the 2016 games. Grand’Pierre first started competitive swimming at the age of 10. Her introduction to swimming resulted from a family tragedy. Her mother had two cousins lose their lives in a drowning accident, and she herself also had a childhood incident where she struggled in a pool. All of these events led to Grand’Pierre being introduced to the world of competitive swimming. “My mother did not want her children to suffer the same fate as her cousins,” Grand’Pierre explained. It was at this life-changing moment that she and her four siblings started swimming lessons and swimming practice. Grand’Pierre and all of her siblings currently swim competitively. Her brother and sister also swim for Haiti. Combined the family has a total of six international medals for Haiti swimming.

Fast forward to October 2019 and Grand’Pierre has completed week four of her 45-week training period for the 2020 Olympics. Training consists of full-time swimming and weight lifting, while cross-training with boxing, yoga, and dance for more body control, with each week intensifying as the weeks go by. The first three weeks focused mainly on technique. and when asked how training has been going so far, she responded, “swimming is super mental, so it’s all about evolving your mindset to where you want to be.” Grand’Pierre will be competing in the women’s breaststroke and freestyle heats from July 24, 2020 to August 2, 2020. Grand’Pierre is not only looking forward to competing in next summer’s Olympic games, she is excited about giving back to Whitefield in the future. //

As a child, Grand’Pierre had an achievement wall where she displayed her medals from her competitions. She arranged them in order from first place to 10th place. She quickly filled up the 10th place section, and used that as motivation to complete placements first through ninth. She now has the wall completely filled with medals. While competing internationally, Grand’Pierre was a full-time college student juggling academics, regular swim team practice, training for international swimming competitions, while still trying to manage a social life. Reflecting back, she explained, “college was a very difficult period in my life. I had to make a lot of major adjustments.” She credits this point of her life because it led to where she is today—a college graduate, world traveler, and soon to be two-time Olympian. Even while attending Whitefield, it was clear that Grand’Pierre was destined to shine as a competitive swimmer. Her classmates for their Senior Superlatives voted her “Most likely to go to the Olympic games” and her name is still on record boards on campus. Not only did her years at Whitefield allow her to develop as a swimmer, it also allowed her to explore multiple other sports and interests such as soccer, track, cross-country, and photography.

Support Naomy on her journey to the 2020 Olympics If you would like to help Naomy and her team qualify a relay team for next summer’s Olympic games, please visit as well as follow @natationhaiti on all social media platforms to learn more.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020



WHAT HAVE THESE GRADS BEEN UP TO? KAREEM KHOURY ’01 received a bachelor’s degree in Public Policy Studies from Duke University and a master’s degree in Criminal Justice from Georgia State University. He is an 11-year veteran of the Atlanta Police Department and currently works as an Investigator in the Criminal Intelligence/ Gang Unit. He married his wife, Celeste, in 2018, and they have two lovely daughters.



Was featured in a UVA Today article on how his ambition inside and outside the classroom has resulted in incredible opportunities.

was selected to serve on the Junior Board of Directors for 21st Century Leaders as the alumni relations co-chair. 21st Century Leaders is a non-profit organization committed to developing fundamental leadership and business skills in Georgia high school students. She was also selected for the Alumni Spotlight.


CAROLINE (EDWARDS) CALDARELLA ’08 met her husband, John, in the police academy and they both are Capitol Police Officers in Washington DC.

just completed an athletic training residency at Palmetto Health-USC Orthopedics in Columbia, South Carolina. He accepted a job at Piedmont Athens Regional Orthopedics Sports Medicine as an athletic trainer working in both the clinic and the operating room with the University of Georgia team sports medicine orthopedic surgeons.

DR. SOPHIE (LEE) PARK ’12 recently graduated from NYU School of Dentistry and married Dr. Jae Park on August 24 in Annandale, Virginia. Sophie’s husband serves in the United States Navy, and the couple will soon be deployed to Japan.

MCKAY MARTIN ’07 graduated from Kennesaw State University with a master’s degree in Early Childhood Education with a certificate in Special Education.

WARREN BROWN ’08 moved to Los Angeles a few years ago to start a custom furniture business. Rebecca Brown was his art teacher at Whitefield and inspired this hidden talent in him. Check out his website:


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

ANNA MOORE ’13 is working at Home Depot Corporate in Smyrna.

JENNIE CHAMBLISS ’13 will receive a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Georgia State University.

CAITLIN HESSE ’13 will receive her doctorate in Physical Therapy from Emory University in May.

MARY CLAIRE MCCLELLAN ’13 is working in sales for Medtronic’s Gastrointestinal & Hepatolgy division.

ALICE FUGATE ’14 lives in NYC and works for Trident Media–assistant to literary agent.


HALLEY “ANNIE” SICKLING ’14 graduated from Oglethorpe University in 2018 with a major in Communications and Business Administration. She played for the Oglethorpe tennis team all four years. In 2019, she earned a master’s degree from Elon University in Business Management and Corporate Communications. She currently is working as an account coordinator in Atlanta.

WHITNEY MERKLE ’15 graduated from Furman University with a B.A. in Mathematics and is now pursuing a M.A.T. in Middle and Secondary Mathematics. She married Whitefield alum Bailey Combs in December 2019.


is working for Tom James Company in Atlanta as a professional clothier.

are engaged. The Whitefield lifers will be married in May 2020 following Natalie’s early graduation from Wheaton College. They will move to Norman, Oklahoma where William is working on his Industrial and Systems Engineering degree at the University of Oklahoma.

SYDNEY BURKE ’15 is working on her master’s in Public Health at Emory University.

COLE BARBER ’15 graduated from Southern Methodist University in May of 2019 with a BS in Accounting and will complete his MSA in May of 2020. He has accepted a job with BDO in Dallas, TX beginning in September.

JUSTIN SAMPLES ’15 graduated magna cum laude with a B.S. in Physics from Morehouse College as a Robert F. Smith Scholar in 2019. He played four years of varsity tennis while he was there, earning all-conference honors every year. He also studied engineering abroad in Madrid for a semester during that time. He is currently conducting research and taking graduate courses at Columbia University in New York City for his doctorate in Materials in Science and Engineering.


MARGARET REED ’15 is engaged to Hunter Matthews and they are planning a summer 2020 wedding.


MICHAEL HEBERT ’15 is a sports writer with the Times Daily newspaper in Florence, Alabama, where he covers athletics for the University of North Alabama

Let us know your exciting news!


currently serves as a Parent Ambassador for the Office of Parent & Family Programs at the University of Alabama. Her job involves working hand in hand with families from the recruitment/application process through summer orientation.

was awarded ELI (Engineering Learning Initiatives) Research Award from Cornell Engineering her freshman year for her work over the summer in the Yang Lab.

Contact Lindsey McClellan, Alumni and Special Events Manager HAVE AN ADDRESS CHANGE?

Contact Blake Edwards, Donor Relations and Research Manager

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020




Valerie (Fletcher) Uhlir ’99


Katherine (McClellan)

Chase Carroll ’09

and her husband, Kurt, welcomed Cade ’08 Judah James on July 7, 2019. and her husband, Frank, welcomed Steven Edward on May 15, 2019.

and his wife, Rachel, welcomed daughter, Charlie Ann, on June 18, 2019.

Katelyn (Perry) Vines ’09

Aaron McLeod ’09

Chris Saul ’11

and her husband, Stevie, welcomed daughter, Arden Elodie, on August 19, 2019.

and his wife, Cierra, welcomed River Autumn on June 27, 2019.

and his wife, Abby, welcomed Cecilia Thérèse on July 23, 2019.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020



Everett Pollard ’14

Aaron McLeod ’09

married Megan Kammer on August 2, 2019.

married Cierra Andrews on September 30, 2018.

Savannah (Ballew) Whitney ’13 married Brian Whitney ’11

Caroline (Edwards) Caldarella ’08

Brittany (Pritchett) Childs ’13

married John Caldarella on August 10, 2019.

married Hunter Childs on June 1, 2019.

Rebecca (Kerman) Owens ’12 married Matt Owens ’12

Dr. Sophie (Lee) Park ’12

on August 10, 2019. Bridesmaids included Hanna Grace Miller ’15, Catherine Hamilton ’13, Alli McLemore ’13, Mary Beth Snyder ’13, and Mary Claire McClellan ’13. Groomsmen included David Ballew ’15, Bailey Combs ’15, Kevin Whitney ’11, Neil Ratigan ’11, Bo Chambliss ‘11, and Beau Harrison ’11.

Alex Miltner ’11 married KayDee Sullivan on October 26, 2019.

married Jae Park on August 24, 2019.

on May 11, 2019.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020



Annual Alumni Homecoming BBQ


The Alumni Association hosted the 22nd Annual Homecoming BBQ in the WolfPack Den on October 25. More than 130 alumni, families, and faculty members attended the gathering. This was the first time the WolfPack Den had been used for this event. We are looking forward to hosting many other alumni celebrations in this new space.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020





Message from the Director of Development Dear Whitefield Community, Over the last year, we have been praising God for you, for a community that comes together selflessly to bring our mission to life. You have shown up and participated so constantly, making this community stronger with every step. Thank you, Whitefield parents, grandparents, alumni, parents of alumni, community members, and faculty and staff members, for how you have enabled us to strengthen our ability to bolster Whitefield families in preparing students for college and life with a passion for learning, others ahead of self, and the living and active Jesus!

We thank God for you, and we pray that the fruits of your investments here are increasingly evident for years to come. In this Report on Philanthropy, we want to acknowledge those who have dedicated their resources and show how we transform the lives of our students. From our annual Whitefield Fund campaign to our biennial auction and Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign, your generosity is met with incredible gratitude. Whitefield Academy’s Board of Trustees and administration remain committed to leading the school with our mission. We know that Whitefield’s impact goes beyond the student experience, but continues to bless the lives of entire families and we are thankful that each of you play a part in this. God Bless,

Lauren Race Director of Development

The 2018-2019 Whitefield Academy’s Report on Philanthropy is published by the Development Department to acknowledge gifts made between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Every effort has been made to include all contributors to Whitefield Academy and to verify the correct listing of donors. If your name has been omitted or is listed incorrectly, we sincerely apologize and would appreciate notification. Please contact Blake Edwards in the Development Office at 678-305-3025 or e-mail at Whitefield Academy is grateful for the generosity and loyal support of its donors.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

The Whitefield Fund supports the school’s annual operating budget each year. These funds supplement the annual cost of running the school that is critical in giving our students and families the best possible school experience while nurturing interests, strengthening talents and skills, fostering relationships, and pursuing our mission to bolster Christian families. Faculty development, technology, arts, and athletics are just a few of the budgeted areas that make Whitefield what it is today. Tuition and fees cover a portion of Whitefield Academy’s annual operating needs. Philanthropic giving helps to cover the rest that is needed to ensure Whitefield delivers an excellent education and experience for our students and families. The 2018-2019 campaign, chaired by Stephanie and Whit Yates alongside 30 parent volunteers who served as grade reps, was a success! It was a record-breaking year for parent participation with 94% participation. They helped

2018-2019 Grade Reps Campaign Chairs – Stephanie & Whit Yates PreK – Lucy & David McBride Kindergarten – Maggie & Vince Brady First Grade – Ruth & Casey Clark Second Grade – Sally & Alan Hearn Third Grade – Ashley & Jim Kelly Fourth Grade – Julie & Tom Branicki Fifth Grade – Stacy & Taylor Courtnay Sixth Grade – Jan & Todd Wozniak Seventh Grade – Candice & Greg Comstock Eighth Grade – Lisa & Andrew Walker Ninth Grade – Cheryl & Perry LeBlanc 10th Grade – Christie Dent & Matt Hogan 11th Grade – Mari & Brent Smith 12th Grade – Susan & Chris Cykoski

raise $585,000 for the Whitefield Fund.




2018-2019 Parent Participation by Grade PreK – 100% Kindergarten – 100% First Grade – 100% Second Grade – 100% Third Grade – 100% Fourth Grade – 100% Fifth Grade – 94%

Sixth Grade – 94% Seventh Grade – 91% Eighth Grade – 100% Ninth Grade – 89% 10th Grade – 89% 11th Grade – 94% 12th Grade – 100%

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


2018-2019 Whitefield Fund Campaign Donors

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Ms. Janet Abercrombie Mr. & Mrs. Frank Addicks Mr. & Mrs. Ademola O. Adewole In Honor of Oyinkanso Adewole

Mrs. Grace H. Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Mark Agar Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ahmad Mr. & Mrs. Mason Ailstock Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ailstock Mr. & Mrs. Babajide Akintokun Mr. John P. Alar ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Alexander Mr. & Mrs. William Alexander Mr. & Mrs. David B. Ammons Mr. & Mrs. Milton Curling Mr. & Mrs. Erik Anhaus Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Ansley Ms. Lolita Antoine In Honor of Reverend Ennis & Yvonne Antoine

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Ejovi Aror Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Arrington Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Arthur Mr. James B. Atkins ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Auer Ms. Sonya Ayers Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bacon Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bagiatis Mr. & Mrs. Hillard Bailey III Rev. & Mrs. Jamal Baker Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baldwin Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick Ball, Jr. In Memory of Mrs. Susie Wade

Mr. & Mrs. Josiah Bancroft Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Banks Ms. Wendy T. Banks ‘03 Ms. Fran Banta Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barnes Ms. Ann Barnett Ms. Wendy W. Barnhart Mr. & Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. & Mrs. Adam Bassing Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Bazemore


Mr. Nicklaus J. Beard & Mrs. Megan Beard ‘00 Ms. Lori Beard Mr. & Mrs. Christian M. Beaudin Mr. & Mrs. John Bechtel In Honor of Jean R. Bechtel

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Becker Mr. & Mrs. W. Allen Bell Mr. & Mrs. William Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Beoddy Mr. & Mrs. Aleajandro Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Sameer Berry Mr. Steve Berry In Memory of Margaret Berry

Ms. Joanna Berry In Honor of Sarah & Maryellen Berry

Ms. Maryellen Berry Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bilotti Ms. April Bivens Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. Max Blocker Mr. & Mrs. Josh Blunier Mr. & Mrs. James Boehm Prof. & Dr. Corbin Boekhaus Mr. & Mrs. Ryan A. Boggs ‘08 Mrs. Jessica L. Bonnem Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bonner III Mr. & Mrs. Sam Boone Dr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Boswell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bounds Mr. & Mrs. William Bowling Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowyer Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Boyd Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. & Mrs. Vince Brady Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Branicki Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Brannon Ms. Bethany Brant Mr. & Mrs. Adam Brantley Ms. Debra L. Breault Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Brooks Mr. Courtney Brooks Mr. & Mrs. C. B. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Brown Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brown Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Brown Ms. Joyce W. Brown Ms. Megan Brown Mr. & Mrs. John Browne Ms. Robyn Brunson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Buero Mr. Milton Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Burkett Mr. & Dr. Bruce Burklin Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Cahill In Honor of Margaret Cahill In Honor of Mary Frances Cahill

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cain Mr. & Mrs. Stevens T. Caldwell, Jr. Ms. Sharrone L. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Callaway Mr. & Mrs. Michael Calloway Mr. & Mrs. Grover Thomas Mr. Jaime Camarena Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Campbell In Honor of Andrew Campbell In Honor of Henry Campbell In Honor of Jack Campbell

Mr. Patrick Campbell Ms. Colleen Campbell In Honor of Lauren O’Reilly

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cannady In Honor of Carole Spillers

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Carbonell Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Carmack Ms. Amanda Carman Mr. & Mrs. James Carmichael Mr. & Mrs. Kells C. Carroll III In Memory of Reggie Bradford

Mr. & Mrs. Junius Cassady Jr. Ms. Celeste Castle Mr. & Mrs. Hartley Causey Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cella Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Chally Mr. & Mrs. Donovan A. Chambers

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss III Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Chambliss IV ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chandler In Honor of David & Vesta Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Chapski Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Childree Mr. E. Aaron Childree ‘07 Ms. Jessica Christ Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cicola Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Clark In Honor of Harper Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Clarson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Ferrell Coppedge Mr. & Mrs. Flash Corliss Mr. & Mrs. Jack Courtnay Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Courtnay Mrs. Crystal Cox Ms. Veronica Cox Mr. & Mrs. Scott Craig Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Todd Craig Mr. & Mrs. George A. Crews Mr. & Mrs. Brett Crompton Mr. Kenneth Crompton Ms. Caroline Cronk Mr. & Mrs. John E. Crosland Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Crueger Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Curley Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Currin Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Cusumano Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cykoski Ms. Candace Daly Mr. & Mrs. Brit Darby Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Darin Mr. & Mrs. Guy M. David Dr. & Dr. Leroy Davies-Venn Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Davis Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Davis Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Davis Ms. Wanda Davis Mr. & Mrs. John Decker Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Dent In Honor of Matthew Hogan

Ms. Cynthia Dent In Honor of Matthew Hogan

Mr. & Mrs. David DeShong Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Dew Mr. & Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. & Mrs. William Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Dobo Mr. & Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Doran In Honor of Christian & Bennett Doran

Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Curtis D. Douglas Dr. & Mrs. Hector Dourron Mrs. Marlys P. Dowman Mr. & Mrs. William Dukes Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Duncanson Ms. Lisa Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Dunphy Mr. & Mrs. John Durden IV Ms. Michelle Durrett Mr. & Mrs. Merritt Dyke Ms. Emily East Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eaton Mr. & Mrs. William Eckerson Mr. & Mrs. Brian Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ellenburg Mr. & Dr. Dwayne Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ellis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. English Mr. & Mrs. Mark Erler Ms. Susan L. Errera In Memory of DeAnna Baldwin

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Evans Mr. & Mrs. Preston T. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fairgrieves Mr. & Mrs. Michael Faris Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Von E. Fassnacht Mrs. Carter ‘06 & Mr. Will Fawcett ‘05 Mr. James Fay

In Honor of Cordie Swift

Mrs. Caroline Fleming In Honor of Alfred & Margot Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Folk In Honor of Crawford Folk, Class of 2019

Mr. & Mrs. James Forstner Mr. Aaron & Mrs. Elizabeth Fossas ‘11 Ms. Heather Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Lucius French III In Honor of Lucius French, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Scott French Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fry Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fuller In Honor of Sam Fuller, Class of 2017

Mr. & Mrs. James Funk Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Gaddis In Honor of Michelle Durrett

Mr. Kyle Gagne Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gallacher Mr. & Mrs. Earl Garrett Mr. & Mrs. William Gaston Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Lance Gehler Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gertz Mr. & Mrs. Zewdu Gessesse Ms. Gerry A. Gillette Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Glover Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Glover Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Golden Mr. & Mrs. Jere Goldsmith V Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Terry Graham Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gramer Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Grandison Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Grand’Pierre Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Grant Ms. Davida Grant Mr. & Mrs. William Gray Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Greenwald

Capt. & Mrs. Robert Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gressler In Honor of Henry W. Russell, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Grossweiler Mr. Grant & Mrs. Avery E. Guldenschuh ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Slade Gulledge Ms. Odessa Gunn Mr. & Mrs. David Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Haase In Honor of Finleigh Haase In Honor of Olivia Haase

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hairston In Honor of Reuben Clarson

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hall Mr. & Mrs. Cory W. Hallett Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. John G. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Mr. & Mrs. John Hamler Mr. & Mrs. Eric Handler Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. & Mrs. Marion Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Harrington Mr. & Dr. Aaron Harris Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harris IV Mr. & Mrs. Gavin B. Harris In Honor of Claire Harris

Mr. & Mrs. James Hatcher Ms. Elizabeth L. Hattaway Ms. Janet G. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Marion R. Hayslip Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Healy Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hearn Mr. & Mrs. James M. Heiskell III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hellier Mr. William S. Hellier ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Juan Henao Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Hunter H. Henritze In Honor of Kate Henritze In Honor of Mathes Henritze

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Henson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hepner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Herschend Ms. Victoria J. Hester ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hicks Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hightower Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. & Mrs. James Hogan In Honor of Matthew Hogan

Mr. Matt Hogan & Ms. Christie Dent

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hogan Ms. Maria Hogan In Honor of Matthew Hogan

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Holbrook Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holland Mr. & Dr. Benjamin Holsinger Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Holton Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hopkins Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Horner Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Houk, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Houser

2018-19 RAISED


In Honor of Hana Houser

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Howard Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hugues Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Miles Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Cornel Irving In Honor of Dale Tate

Mr. & Mrs. Zachariah Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Eddie James Mr. & Mrs. Ransom James Mr. & Mrs. David M. Jenn Mr. & Mrs. Eric Jenniges

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kennedy Ms. Lenell Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. Brian D. Kennerly Ms. Deanie Kepner In Honor of Matthew Hogan

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Kesler Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kimble Mr. & Mrs. George King III Mr. & Mrs. Scott King Mr. & Mrs. William King In Honor of Maddie King In Honor of Will King

In Honor of R&T Hamrick & E&C Sturm

Mr. & Mrs. Dirk Kinkel

Dr. & Dr. Gary Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Knox Mr. & Mrs. Karol Krahel Mrs. Kim Krebs Mr. & Mrs. David Kwon Mr. & Mrs. Tong Kwon

In Honor of John & Thelma Marks

Mr. & Mrs. George Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Komichel Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone Johnson Ms. Jeannie L. Johnson Mr. Coleman Joiner Mr. William E. Joiner ‘13 Dr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jones Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jones Rev. & Mrs. Thaddeus Jones Ms. Donna Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Justice In Honor of the Justice Grandkids

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Justice Ms. Mary Charles Kaish Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Keeble Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Keith Dr. & Mrs. Isaac Kelly Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kendrick

In Honor of Alyssa Romero

In Honor of Sophia Kwon

Mr. & Mrs. Carl Llewellyn Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Long In Memory of Michael McGaughey

Ms. Anne M. Long Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Longo Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lowe Mr. & Dr. Kent Lows Mr. & Mrs. John M. Lula Mr. & Dr. Charles Lundquist Mr. & Mrs. Travis Luther Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lyster Mr. & Mrs. Tom Machnik Mr. & Mrs. David Mader Mr. & Mrs. Whitacre Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Greg Margine Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Marks Mr. & Mrs. John Marra III Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Marrero Ms. Lelia M. Marriott Mr. & Mrs. Edward Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Marshall Mr. & Dr. Marcus Martin Mr. & Mrs. Charles Martin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Martin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Martin Mr. & Mrs. James M. Marvel Ms. Erica Massaro-Hales Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matherne Mr. & Mrs. Steve May Dr. & Mrs. John McBride

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Ladd Mrs. Lindsay K. Lammert Mr. & Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. & Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Mr. & Mrs. Matt Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lay Mr. & Mrs. Perry LeBlanc Lt. Col. & Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. LeCraw, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris B. LeCraw Jr. ‘05 In Honor of Caleb, Meg, & Archer McBride Mr. Wookjae Lee In Honor of Edward Lee Mr. & Mrs. David McBride Ms. Melinda Lee Mr. & Mrs. William McCarrick Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Lenard Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. Troy Lenczowski Ms. Elizabeth McConnell Ms. Stephanie Lenczowski Mr. & Mrs. Laurence McCullough III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LePage Ms. Mary D. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Neal Levy Mr. & Mrs. David McCune Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Marlon McCurdy Sr. Mr. José C. Lezcano Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Eric K. Little Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ben McKeeby

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

Mr. Sidney R. Feagin Ms. Tricia G. Feagin Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Feather Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Feigl Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Fennel Mr. & Mrs. Jason Fiftal Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Ms. Jenny-Lynn Filip Ms. Merriel A. Fishbeck ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Flannery, Esq. Mr. Peter Fleming III

2018-2019 Whitefield Fund Campaign Donors Mr. Thomas McKenzie Dr. & Mrs. Rick McKeown Mr. & Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell McLemore Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLemore Ms. Elizabeth McRae Rev. & Mrs. Aaron D. Messner Mr. & Mrs. Craig Miller Mr. & Mrs. Rory Miller Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Miller Mr. & Mrs. William Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Zane Miller Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mills Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mitchell Ms. Dinah Moog Mr. & Mrs. Lecrae Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moorer Ms. Lee Anne Moorer Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Morgan In Memory of Wallace Morgan

Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Roger Morris Mr. & Mrs. Douglass Moss Mr. David Mudd Mr. Quindell Myrick Mr. & Mrs. Shelley Nandkeolyar Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Nardi ‘08 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Neese Mr. & Mrs. David Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Nichols II ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nickles Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Nimey Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Nobles Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nolan Mr. & Mrs. James Norris Mr. & Mrs. David Nour Mr. & Mrs. David Novak Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Babafemi Odelowo Dr. & Mrs. Adesoji Oderinde In Honor of Engr. David & Rosaline Awoniyi

Mr. & Mrs. Abraham S. Okie Mr. & Mrs. Steven Olson Mr. & Mrs. Femi Oluyide In Honor of Matthew Oluyide

Mr. & Mrs. Steven O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ormsby


Mr. & Mrs. John O. Overstreet III Mr. & Mrs. John K. Palin Mr. & Mrs. Jackie D. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pannell III Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Papantonis Mr. & Mrs. Raymie Parker Mr. D. Colton Parks ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Corwin Partlow Ms. Sarah Pass Mr. & Mrs. Paul Patrick III Mr. & Mrs. John M. Patton Sr. Ms. Julia N. Patton ‘17 Mr. & Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin D. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. James Peavy Mr. & Dr. Brad Peebles Mr. Jeff Peeples Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Perdue Mr. & Mrs. Lee Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Dave Perry Ms. Sydney M. Perry ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Erik Peterson Dr. & Mrs. Gregory Petro Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Phillips

Ms. Deborah Reichle Mr. & Mrs. Charles Renfroe Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Reviello Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhudy Dr. & Mrs. Guy Richard Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Richburg Mr. & Mrs. Leon Riles Mr. & Mrs. Travis Rinehart Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Rios Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Roberts Ms. Ladeana Robinson

Mr. John P. Sengson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaheen Mr. & Mrs. Chad Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shaw Dr. & Mrs. Chris Shim Mr. & Mrs. Steve Silva Mr. & Mrs. Ben Simms Mr. & Mrs. Sean Simons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. & Dr. Brent Smith Mr. & Mrs. Adam Smith Mr. & Mrs. Aldin Smith In Honor of Linda Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smith Ms. Marie Robiou Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mrs. Jessica L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Derek Rosenkoetter Mr. Ryan A. Smith In Honor of Charles Dollar Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sneed Mr. & Mrs. Sean Rowe, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Brad Snellings In Honor of Barbara Hickey Mr. & Dr. Reginald Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Soud Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruen Mr. Kevin Spingler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Runager Mr. & Mrs. Michael Springfield Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ryan Ms. Sundra L. Stafford Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Stanfield Mr. & Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Stevens Mr. Taylor Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Stewart In Honor of Caleb, Asher, & Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Stewart Alden Ryan In Honor of John Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Alex Stickney In Honor of the Shawn & Mr. & Mrs. James L. Phillips III Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stith Tracy Ryan Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. David Stith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. Gregory Phillips Ms. Katherine Stout Mr. & Mrs. John Saad Mr. & Mrs. Scott PicKell Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Stovall Ms. Heather Sabb Mr. & Dr. Gavin Pitchersky Mr. & Mrs. Robert Strickland Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Sadlack Mr. Mitchell Plumb Mr. & Mrs. Brant Suddath Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sallee II Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Porter Mr. & Mrs. Dodge Sumlin Mr. & Mrs. Antony Sanacory Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Portwood Mr. & Mrs. David B. Sutherland Ms. Yissania Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Julian Swann Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Swift Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Sanders Ms. Olivia J. Powell ‘10 Mr. & Mrs. Smith Swilley Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Santarsiero Ms. Victoria Premo Mr. & Mrs. Jon Swindall In Honor of Isabella Vickery In Honor of Finleigh Haase Rev. & Mrs. Christopher Talley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Santone In Honor of Olivia Haase Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Taylor M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Sass Mr. & Mrs. William Prevost Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scardino Mrs. Elizabeth T. Price Mr. & Mrs. Charles Teachey Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. John Pridgeon Ms. Bileni Teklu Mr. & Mrs. Brian Schoenbaechler Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Purcell Mr. & Mrs. George Terry III Mr. & Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Quillin Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Quiros Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Schuster Mr. Conrad P. M. Quiros ‘09 Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Eric Race Mr. John S. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius O. Redding Mr. & Mrs. James Schwarzkopf Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Regan Ms. Jeanne Thon Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reichart Mr. & Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Thornton, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Segars Mr. & Mrs. David Reichle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tidwell

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Tillman Mr. & Mrs. Antoine Tinch Mr. David Todd Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Torres Mr. & Mrs. Charles Troutman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Trovato In Honor of Sally Trovato

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Tsompanas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Turner Ms. Tiffany Turner In Honor of Adlai Grace Turner Smith In Honor of Christian Smith II

Pastor & Mrs. Joseph Tvaroch III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Unsicker Mr. & Mrs. John Unverzagt Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Upchurch In Honor of A.J. Upchurch, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Valentine Mr. & Mrs. Brent Vanderpool Sr. Dr. & Dr. Thomas Varughese Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. William Vickery Mr. & Mrs. Matt Voelkel Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Vonderahe Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Vreeland Mr. & Dr. Paul Wade Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Kindu Walker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walker Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Waller Ms. Kathleen Walton Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Ward Mr. & Dr. Kenneth Washington Ms. Christina Watkins Dr. & Mrs. David Watson Mr. & Mrs. Jason Watson Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Vernon D. Watson Mr. Sean Watson Ms. Donna Watson Mrs. Elizabeth Weathington Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. & Mrs. James Wehner Mr. & Mrs. Steve Weihe Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Weilacher Mr. & Mrs. Lance Weller Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. & Mrs. Colie B. Whitaker IV Mr. & Mrs. Fitzhugh L. Wickham III Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wiggins

In Honor of Ethan

Christopher Wiggins Mr. James Wilkes Mr. & Mrs. James S. Wilkins In Honor of Anita Wilkins

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Williams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Williams Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Wingate Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Winston Ms. Tracy R. Wold

Mr. & Mrs. Randolph P. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Woods Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wozniak Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wray Mr. Stephen E. Wright ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Jun Yang Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Yates Dr. & Mrs. Brett W. Young Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Young Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Young Mr. & Mrs. Roger Young Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Ziglar Mr. & Dr. Eric S. Zwygart //

PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

Mrs. Denise Wiggins

Auction 2019 A tradition that continues to grow is the Whitefield Auction! The evening serves as an opportunity for our community to gather, fellowship, and support the school financially. The event was co-chaired by Stacy Courtnay and Connie Sinclair. The Going Places 2019 Auction raised $374,041 (net), which helped fund the renovation of the Morris Hall Library and a

2018-2019 Whitefield Fund Organization & Foundation Donors Aaron’s Inc. Allianz Amazon Smile Assurant Foundation Atlantic Capital Bank Bank of America Charitable Foundation Capital Group Delta Airline Foundation–Matching Gifts to Education Goldman Sachs & Co.–Matching Gifts Program Greystone & Co Inc Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals–Matching Gift Program Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC–Merck Matching Gifts Meredith Corporation Foundation Northrop Grumman Pediatric Foundation of Georgia Progressive Insurance Companies Robert Half Sage US The Coca-Cola Foundation–Matching Gifts Program The Home Depot The Sam & Labibie Azar Family Foundation In Honor of Marley Sanacory

The University Financing Foundation, Inc Turner Broadcasting System, Inc In Honor of Anita Wilkins

Verizon Foundation Voya Financial Wells Fargo Foundation In Honor of Alyssa Romero

Workday, Inc. //

portion of Brostrand Hall as a part of the Leaving a Legacy Campaign! More than 50 parent volunteers spent hours planning for the largest auction in school history and 500 Whitefield parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends attended.

2019 Patron Sponsors Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. & Mrs. Scott Golden Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Dan Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. & Mrs. Chris Glover Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Uhl Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Robbie Thompson Mrs. Kamla Alexander & Mr. Antony Sanacory Mr. & Mrs. Dane Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Louie Gramer Mr. & Mrs. Chad Sharp Kern Party - WolfPack Fans! Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Vickery Charlie & Patty Renfroe Mr. & Mrs. Tom Perdue Dr. & Mrs. David Jones //


$374,041 NET

2019 Corporate Sponsors Allison Smith Company Chick-fil-A Commercial Signs Stone Mountain Park 101 Concepts Gleeds Frazier & Deeter SunTrust The Varsity Cooper Collins Carusi Sterling Seacrest Partners Peachtree Tents and Events Protiviti Parton Properties Fire Systems //

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


Whitefield Grandparent Association The Whitefield Grandparent Association exists to acknowledge the presence and value of grandparents on campus, to encourage participation in school-wide events, to promote fellowship among grandparents, and to bolster knowledge of Whitefield Academy and its mission statement. All grandparents of current students and alumni are automatically a part of the Whitefield Grandparent Association! During the 2018-2019 school year, Whitefield Academy hosted more than 500 grandparents on campus during the Lower School Grandparent Day, dedicated Lunch and Learn sessions, and the Middle School/Upper School Grandparent Valentine Breakfast!

Steering Committee Jo Miller & Kathy Unverzagt, Lower School Alison LeCraw, Marsha Moorer, & Patty Renfroe, Middle School Linda Causey, Upper School Rachel Barlow, Alumni

More than 500 grandparents visited Whitefield Academy in the 2018-2019 school year.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020

PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

Georgia Goal Tax Credit In May 2008, the Georgia Legislature passed a bill allowing Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to benefit eligible, qualified students in need to attend private schools. Whitefield Academy has been blessed with $1,509,772 for financial aid over the last 10 years from this program. In 2018-2019, Whitefield received $317,400 from the program in support of financial aid. This program offers an opportunity for taxpayers to have a say in how their tax dollars are used while providing a life-changing opportunity

for qualified students to enroll and be a part of the Whitefield experience. We are beyond grateful to those families who, in addition to their annual support of the school, made the decision to redirect a portion of their state tax dollars in 2019 to support one of the school’s ongoing 2018-19 and top priorities, RECEIVED financial aid.

2018-2019 Georgia Goal Tax Credit Participants Erik & Tania Anhaus Paul & Millie Atkinson Josiah & Liz Bancroft Barbara Barnett Greg & Stacy Bauer Billy & Shandon Benedict Jason & Haley Bilotti Brian & Sharon Bowling Kevin & Becky Bracher Andy & Lisa Burnett Kevin & Laurie Byrne Kells & Liz Carroll Sam & Elizabeth Chambliss Andrew & Corrie Crews Carol Culp Gerald & Cheryl Davis Dave & Nancy Dinschel Al & Betsy Dorminey Will & Bridgette Eckerson Herb & Marybeth Edgecomb Jonathan & Lyndi Edwards Dwayne & Annisha Ellis Preston & Michele Evans Von & Christy Fassnacht Nathan & Robyn Feather Josh & Beth Figaretti Mark & Sally Fikse

Doug & Gretchen Folk Jim & Marla Funk Mark & Carrie Gallacher Bill & Nancy Gaston Eric & Shannon Gerber Debra Glidden Robert & Sarah Goudiss Frank & Shawn Gutteridge Joe & Margaret Hamilton Eric & Jamie Handler Gary & Cindy Handler Aaron & Towanda Harris Chad & Carrie Harris Kyle & Whitney Harris Stephen & Jean Harrison Steve & Ellen Hellier Steve & Kathryn Hensley Bill & Tonya Hightower Tynes & Trish Hildebrand Thomas Hill Michelle Hines Ben & Lori Holsinger Chris & Heather Hood Rich & Cathy Hugues Cory & Christa Hurley David & Lisa Jenn Don & Sharon Johnson

Russ & Michelle Jones Kyle & Susan Justice Fred & Judith Keith Joe & Valerie Keith Mike & Kate Kemether Brian & Holle Kennerly Chris & Rebekah Kern Thomas & Lindsey Kesler Chip & Melanie King Randy & Barb King Jerry & Anne Landers Michael & Jill Langela Matthew & Courtney LaVallee Chris & Jan LeCraw Warren & MaryJane LeCroy Kyle & Courtney Lenard Darr & Stacey McKeown Danny & Christy McKinney Mitch & Cheri McLemore Aaron & Nancy Jo Messner John & Erin Michael Craig & Stefanie Miller Tim & Libby Miltner Shelley & Laurel Nandkeolyar Russ & Shannon Neese David & Marie Nelson Leon & Janet O’Kelley


Jay & Paige Overstreet Don & Leanne Palmer Charles & Kate Pannell Charlie & Kathy Paparelli Raymie & Diane Parker Brent & Beth Paxton Dave & Rainey Perry Dan & Jill Peterson Eric & Kara Peterson Trey & Jennifer Phillips Larry & Elizabeth Powell Chris & Jessica Reichart Scott & Lisa Rhudy Susan Richards Matt & Sara Richburg Travis & Angel Rinehart Brent & Elle Rivers Christina Rodriguez Joe & Ruth Ryder John & Susanne Saad Tony & Sue Sanders Sean & Krista Schulte Greg & Margaret Schultz Chris & Amber Scott Mary Sharitz Chad & Sara Sharp

Michael & Connie Sinclair Craig & Elizabeth Smith Patrick & Jordan Sneed James & Suzanne Snoddy Mike & Natalie Springfield Jason & Natalie Stanfield Alex & Karen Stickney Brant & Holly Suddath Dodge & Lynn Sumlin John & Trish Thomas Steve & Andrea Thomas George & Andrea Turner Jeff & Cindy Upchurch Matt & Alyssa Vickery Drew & Ashley Vonderahe Paul & Kathryn Wade Alex & Andrea Ward Gordon & Molly Wotton Whit & Stephanie Yates Brett & Jill Young Charles & Anne Zimmerman Eric & Christy Zwygart //

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign Whitefield Academy has been blessed with the generosity of current families, alumni families, current grandparents, grandparents of alumni, local foundations, and friends to raise $23,500,000 towards the $24 million goal of the Leaving a Legacy Campaign. This capital campaign has already provided new tennis courts, The WolfPack Den (a dining expansion that serves Middle and Upper School students, as well as serves as an additional meeting space), and 1.3 acres of land. The final project is a new permanent Lower School, Brostrand Hall, and a full-size practice field. We are grateful for the support of this capital campaign that will ensure our youngest Whitefield students have a permanent building on campus.


The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020



PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

2018-2019 Leaving a Legacy Campaign Donors

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Mr. & Mrs. Mark Agar Mr. & Mrs. Mason Ailstock Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ailstock Ms. Donna F. Alar Mr. & Mrs. Erik Anhaus Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Ansley Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Scott Auer Rev. & Mrs. Jamal Baker Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick Ball, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Banks Mr. & Mrs. David Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Ken Barr Mr. & Mrs. Adam Bassing Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bauer Mr. Nicklaus J. Beard & Mrs. Megan Beard ‘00 Mr. & Mrs. Christian M. Beaudin Mr. & Mrs. Michael Becker Mr. & Mrs. James F. Bell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Allen Bell Mr. & Mrs. Sameer Berry Ms. Maryellen Berry Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bilotti Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. James Boehm Prof. & Dr. Corbin Boekhaus Mr. & Mrs. Sam Boone Mr. & Mrs. Henry Boughner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bounds Mr. & Mrs. William Bowling Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Boyd Miss Anna E. Bracher 2020 Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Bracher Mr. John R. Bracher 2022 Mr. Stephen C. Bracher ‘14 Ms. Kathryn L. Bracher ‘15 Mr. & Mrs. Vince Brady Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Brannon Mr. & Mrs. Adam Brantley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brogan Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Brostrand Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John Browne Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Buero

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Burke Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Butler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Byrne Mrs. Linda Cahill Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Sean Carbonell Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Carmack Mr. & Mrs. James Carmichael Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Carroll III Mr. Dan T. Cathy Mr. Donald (Bubba) M. Cathy Mr. & Mrs. John Charles Mr. & Mrs. C. T. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Clark Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Clark Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Clarson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle L. Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cofield Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Marcus A. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Courtnay Mr. & Mrs. Todd Craig Mr. & Mrs. John E. Crosland Ms. Carol Culp Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cykoski Ms. Candace Daly Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Davis Mrs. Marsha Dean Mr. & Mrs. David A. Deeter Mr. & Mrs. David DeShong Mr. & Mrs. David Dinschel Mr. & Mrs. Jose Docabo Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Douglas Mr. & Mrs. William Dukes Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Duncanson In Memory of Coach Friday

Mr. & Mrs. Merritt Dyke Mr. & Mrs. William Eckerson Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Edwards Mr. & Dr. Dwayne Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ellis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. English

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Erler Mr. & Mrs. Preston T. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Michael Faris Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Von E. Fassnacht Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Feather Mr. & Mrs. Delmer Fennel Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Fennel Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Figaretti Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Fikse Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fisher Mr. & Mrs. John FitzGerald Ms. Heather Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Scott French Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Fugate Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fuller Mr. & Mrs. James Funk Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gallacher Mr. & Mrs. William Gaston Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gertz Mr. & Mrs. C. Scott Golden Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Gramer Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Todd Grossweiler Mr. & Mrs. F. Rencher Gutteridge Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Haase Mr. & Mrs. Cory W. Hallett Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hamilton III Ms. Lynn Handley Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harris IV Mr. & Mrs. Sylvan Harris Mr. Charlie Harris Ms. Janet G. Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Marion R. Hayslip Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hearn Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hellier Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Henritze Mr. & Mrs. Hunter H. Henritze Miss Sophia Henritze 2029 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Henson

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Herschend Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hicks Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. William A. Hightower Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. Winfred E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Erik Holbrook Mr. & Mrs. William Holliday Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Holsinger Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hood Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Houser Mr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Hufford Mr. & Mrs. Cory Hurley Mr. & Mrs. John Jenniges Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johnson Mr. & Mrs. George Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Komichel Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Joiner Dr. & Mrs. David G. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jones Ms. Mary Charles Kaish Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Kantor Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Keeble Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Keith Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey E. Kendrick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Kesler Mr. & Dr. Paul Kim Mr. & Mrs. George King III Mr. & Mrs. William King Mr. & Mrs. David Knight Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Knight ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. David Kwon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Langella Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Langley Mr. & Mrs. John Larimer Mr. & Mrs. Matthew LaVallee Lt. Col. & Mrs. Chris LeCraw Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. LeCraw, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LePage Mr. & Mrs. Alex Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Longo Miss Ava D. Luther 2030 Mr. & Mrs. Whitacre Mansfield Mr. & Mrs. Greg Margine Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matherne Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Steve May Mr. & Mrs. David McBride Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan McClellan Mr. & Mrs. Laurence McCullough III Ms. Mary D. McCullough Dr. & Mrs. Rick McKeown Mr. & Mrs. Danny McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McLemore Mr. & Mrs. Craig Miller Mr. & Mrs. Zane Miller Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Miltner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Moorer Mr. & Mrs. William D. Moorer Mr. & Mrs. John Morris Mr. & Mrs. Brent J. Moseley Mr. & Mrs. Russell Neese Mr. & Mrs. David Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Nichols II ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Nickels Mr. & Mrs. David Nour Mr. & Mrs. Babafemi Odelowo Mr. & Mrs. John O. Overstreet III Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Owens Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pannell III Mr. & Mrs. Charles Paparelli Mr. & Mrs. Ben Parham Ms. Sarah Pass Mr. & Mrs. Brent Paxton Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin D. Pearce Mr. & Mrs. Lee Perkins

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020


2018-2019 Leaving a Legacy Campaign Donors Mr. & Mrs. Dave Perry Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Dane Peterson Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Erik Peterson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Phillips III Mr. & Mrs. James Phillips, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Porter Mr. & Mrs. Bob Portwood Mr. & Mrs. Harrison A. Powell ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Eric Race Miss Matteson Reichart 2030 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Reichart Mr. & Mrs. David Reichle In Honor of Our Grandson, Reilly Cullen

Ms. Deborah Reichle Mr. & Mrs. Charles Renfroe Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rhudy Dr. & Mrs. Guy Richard Mr. & Mrs. Travis Rinehart

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Runager Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Shawn B. Ryan Mrs. Marti Ryan Ms. Gloria J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ryder Mr. & Mrs. John Saad Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sallee II Mr. & Mrs. Antony Sanacory Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Santarsiero In Honor of Isabella Vickery

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scardino Mr. Ang Schramm Mr. & Mrs. Sean Schulte Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. James Schwarzkopf Mr. & Mrs. David W. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. & Mrs. Steven Scott, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sharp

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Shilling Dr. & Mrs. Chris Shim Mrs. Jane Shim In Memory of Johnny Shim

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Simms Mr. & Mrs. Steve Simms Mr. & Mrs. Sean Simons Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sinclair Mr. & Dr. Brent Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sneed Mr. James T. Snoddy Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Soud Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Springfield Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Stanfield Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Stovall Mr. & Mrs. Brant Suddath Mr. & Mrs. Dodge Sumlin Mr. & Mrs. David B. Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Smith Swilley Mr. & Mrs. George Terry III Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tidwell Mr. David Todd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Uhl Ms. Laura S. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Upchurch Mr. & Mrs. Paul Valentine Mr. & Mrs. Bob Van Dillen Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. William Vickery Dr. & Mrs. Brant S. Vincent Mr. Tom Vonderahe Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Jim L. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Ward Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Warren Mr. & Dr. Kenneth Washington Mr. & Mrs. Jack Waskey Mr. & Mrs. Jason Watson Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Watson Mr. Sean Watson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Webb Mr. & Mrs. Steve Weihe Mr. & Mrs. James A. Wesley

2018-2019 Leaving a Legacy Organization & Foundation Donors Anonymous AIG Matching Grants Program AT&T United Way/Employee Giving Campaign Bank of America Charitable Foundation Barkawi Management Consultants, LP Chick-Fil-A Foundation Coca-Cola Enterprises Matching Gifts Collection Event Furnishings Community Foundation of the Ozarks Delta Airline Foundation–Matching Gifts to Education Englishman’s Fine Furnishings Fidelity Charitable Fund Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Program HFM Foundation Inc & MPM Foundation Inc Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts/JNJ Lettie Pate Evans Foundation Meredith Corporation Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Peachtree Tents & Events Samuel B Kellett, Sr. Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Smither Family Foundation TR


SunTrust Trusteed Foundations: The Florence C. & Harry L. English Memorial Fund & The Thomas Guy Woolford Charitable Trust The Benevity Community Impact Fund-YourCause The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Community Foundation For Greater Atlanta The Gordy Foundation The Home Depot The National Christian Foundation The O. Wayne Rollins Foundation The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation, Inc. The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving The University Financing Foundation, Inc. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. U.S. Charitable Gift Trust U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Verizon Foundation Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation //

The Whitefield Academy Magazine · Winter 2020

Mr. Douglas Weston Mr. & Mrs. Fitzhugh L. Wickham III Mr. & Mrs. James S. Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Gary Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Williams Mrs. Elizabeth Wislar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wotton Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wozniak Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Yates Dr. & Mrs. Brett W. Young Miss Eliza C. Young 2029 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard Young Mr. & Mrs. Roger Young Mr. Jonathan Youssef ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Ziglar //

PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

BROSTRAND HALL PROGRESS We are making great progress with Brostrand Hall and are grateful for the support from the capital campaign. Before you know it, Whitefield Lower School students will fill the halls of this beautiful new building.

The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020


2018-2019 Whitefield Parent Association Leaders

Thank you to all of our parent volunteers!

Tracy Ryan, President Diane Wickham, President-Elect Rebekah Kern, Vice President, Committees Renee Schwarzkopf, Vice President, Upper School Mary Soud, Vice President, Middle School Christy O’Connor & Lindsey Uhl, Co-Vice Presidents, Lower School Kesha Nettles, Recording Secretary Will Eckerson, Treasurer

2018-2019 Arts Alliance Board of Directors Joycelyn Bergeron Deepa Berry Margaret Hamilton Jenny Kwon Freda Redding Abe Okie Stacy Quiros Nathan Stevens


The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020

2018-2019 Whitefield PackBackers Board of Directors Kevin Brogan, President David Nour, Vice President Will Eckerson, Treasurer Stacy Courtnay & Christine Knox, Concessions Angela Bacon & Suna Kantor, Team Mom Coordinators Christie Brogan, Secretary Addie Cochran, Yard Signs Tim McLemore & Jeff Kendrick, Advertising Veronica Golden & Rebekah Kern, AV Coordinators Tom Bradford & Smith Swilley, Fall Sports Coordinators Erik Peterson, Spring Sports Coordinator Bland Deshong & Laurence L. McCullough, Spirit Coordinators Ruth Ryder, Special Projects Coordinator Paige Merkle, Season Recap Coordinator

PH I L A N T H R O PY R EP O R T 2018-2019

Planned Giving The Whitefield Academy Legacy Society has been created to honor families who have included Whitefield Academy in their wills or through other estate plans. These planned gifts are used to create a permanent endowment to be used to benefit future generations of families at Whitefield. There are many other planned giving options available that allow an individual to benefit from current income, capital gains, and estate tax laws. These charitable choices can benefit you, your family, and ministries like Whitefield Academy, leaving a legacy for generations to come. These gifts can be done through a will, your IRA, and through a number of special charitable trusts.

Please consider joining the Whitefield Academy Legacy Society If you have included Whitefield in your estate planning, please let us know. Your membership demonstrates your commitment to the mission of Whitefield Academy—a mission to prepare students who will go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.

To learn more, please contact Lauren Race, director of development, at or 678-305-3042.

We are grateful to those who have made this decision that will benefit future generations.! Whitefield Academy Legacy Society Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

W. Allen Bell David G. Jones David Knight Charles Renfroe

The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020


gathering before the last beam is placed. 58

The Whitefield Academy Magazine ¡ Winter 2020

ENDNOTE The last steel beam set on the Brostrand Hall construction site in October was covered in prayers and messages from Whitefield’s administration, faculty, staff, and parents who signed the beam days prior to it being installed.

A Christ-Centered Preparatory School


Funds raised as part of the Leaving a Legacy Capital Campaign are benefiting our community in many ways, including the creation of a new tennis complex for our students and families to enjoy.

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