Whitehorse News - August 2017

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Whitehorse News

Whitehorse Mayor Councillor Denise Massoud (second from right) and representatives from Patterson Cheney Vermont and Crown Coaches are gearing up for Whitehorse Business Week.

3 Heritage Week


8 & 9 Business Week

11 Translated articles

14 Post Natal Exercise


General news


Your rates 2017/18

Contact us Whitehorse City Council Locked Bag 2, Nunawading DC VIC 3131 customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au Phone: 9262 6333 Fax: 9262 6490 NRS: 133 677 then quote 9262 6333 Customer service centres

August Council meetings

Whitehorse Civic Centre

Special Committee Meeting Monday 14 August at 8pm

379-397 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading (Weekdays 8.30am-5.30pm, cashier: weekdays 8.40am-5pm)

Ordinary Council Meeting Monday 21 August at 7pm

(Weekdays 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-12 noon)

These meetings are held in the Council Chamber at Whitehorse Civic Centre and they are open to the public, unless Council resolves to consider an item ‘in camera’ (confidentially).

Box Hill Town Hall

Acknowledgement of Country

Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre Canterbury Road, Forest Hill

1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill (Weekdays 9am-5pm)

Career opportunities Register your details at http://whitehorse.mercury.com.au to receive emailed job alerts about vacancies at Whitehorse City Council.

Sustainability The Whitehorse News is printed on PEFC and FSC certified paper using vegetable inks in a waterless printing process.

In the spirit of reconciliation, Whitehorse City Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional custodians of the land on which Whitehorse stands. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.

Read and share the Whitehorse News online at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ whitehorse-news.html

For an audio version phone 9262 6124

Translation services If you require interpreting Italian / Italiano Translation assistance to contact Council, services services Translation Se avete bisogno dell’assistenza di un phone the free Translating and

如果你聯絡市政府需要口譯幫助, Chinese (Traditional) /請致電免費的翻譯與傳譯服務,電 廣東話

話:131 450。告訴接線員你所說的 如果你聯絡市政府需要口譯幫助, 語言,然後要求接通 Whitehorse市 請致電免費的翻譯與傳譯服務,電 政府電話 (03) 9262 6333。 話:131 450。告訴接線員你所說的 Greek / Ελληνικά 語言,然後要求接通 Whitehorse市 Αν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια 政府電話 (03) 9262 6333διερμηνέα 。 για να επικοινωνήσετε με το Δήμο, Greek Ελληνικά καλέστε/ τη δωρεάν Υπηρεσία Μετάφρασης Διερμηνείας στο Αν χρειάζεστε και βοήθεια διερμηνέα 131να 450. Πείτε στον τηλεφωνητή για επικοινωνήσετε με το Δήμο,τη γλώσσα τη που μιλάτε Υπηρεσία και μετά ζητήστε καλέστε δωρεάν να συνδεθείτεκαι μεΔιερμηνείας το Δήμο τουστο Μετάφρασης Whitehorse στο (03)τηλεφωνητή 9262 6333. τη 131 450. Πείτε στον γλώσσα που μιλάτε και μετά ζητήστε να συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του Whitehorse στο (03) 9262 6333.

interprete per contattare il Comune, Italian / Italiano telefonate al Servizio gratuito di Traduzione e Interpretariato al numero Se avete bisogno dell’assistenza di un 131 450. Dite all’operatore quale lingua interprete per contattare il Comune, parlate e poi chiedetegratuito di mettervi telefonate al Servizio di in contatto con il Whitehorse City Council Traduzione e Interpretariato al numero al numero (03) 9262 6333. quale lingua 131 450. Dite all’operatore parlate e poi chiedete di mettervi in Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt contatto con il Whitehorse City Council alNếu numero 6333. quý vị(03) cần9262 hỗ trợ phiên dịch để liên lạc với Hội đồng, vui lòng gọi Dịch vụ Vietnamese Tiếng Việtsố 131 Biên Phiên dịch /miễn phí theo 450. Nói với nhân viên trực đàiliên Nếu quý vị cần hỗ trợ phiên tổng dịch để ngôn mà quývui vị lòng sử dụng và sau lạc vớingữ Hội đồng, gọi Dịch vụđó yêu cầu kếtdịch nối miễn với Hội Biên Phiên phíđồng theoThành số 131phố Whitehorse theo số (03) 9262 6333. 450. Nói với nhân viên trực tổng đài ngôn ngữ mà quý vị sử dụng và sau đó Hindi / हिन्दी yêu cầu kết nối với Hội đồng Thành phố Whitehorse 6333. यद् काउं हिलtheo िे िंपsố क्क (03) करने9262 के हलए आपको ्ुभाहिया ि​िायता की आवशयकता िै,

Hindi / हिन्दी तो हन:शुलक अनुवा् एवं ्ुभाहिया िेवा (Translating यद् काउं हिल िेand िंपInterpreting क्क करने के हलएService) आपको 131 450 पर फोन । अपने द्ारा ्ुको भाहिया ि​िायता की करें आवशयकता िै, बोले जाने वालदी काएवं नाम्ुभ ऑपरे टर िेको तो हन:शु लक भािा अनुवा् ाहिया वाबताएं और दफर उनिेand Whitehorse CityService) Council (Translating Interpreting (विाइटिॉि्क काउंकरें हिल) िे द्ारा बोले को 131 450 हिटदी पर फोन । अपने (03) वालदी 9262भािा 6333का परनाम कनेकऑपरे ट दकए का जाने टर जाने को बताएं हनवेदफर ्न करें । Whitehorse City Council और उनिे (विाइटिॉि्क हिटदी काउं हिल) िे (03) 9262 6333 पर कनेकट दकए जाने का हनवे्न करें ।

Instalments 1st instalment: Monday 2 October 2017 2nd instalment: Thursday 30 November 2017

Have rates increased this year?

3rd instalment: Wednesday 28 February 2018

The average rate rise is two per cent, in line with the rate cap set by the Minister for Local Government. With this rate rise, Whitehorse will continue to have one of the lowest levels of rates in metropolitan Melbourne.

4th instalment: Thursday 31 May 2018

It is important to note that the Fire Services Property Levy shown on the annual rates notice is collected by Council on behalf of the state government. The Fire Services Property Levy charged is set by the state government in the State Budget and is not subject to rate capping. Where do your rates go? Rates provide approximately 58 per cent of Council's total annual income. This income is used to fund more than 100 Council services, such as aged services, children and youth services, waste and recycling collections, as well as the maintenance of roads, footpaths, parks, gardens, street lighting, libraries, sportsgrounds, leisure centres and more. When do I need to pay? You can choose to pay your rates in a lump sum or in four instalments: Lump sum due: Thursday 15 February 2018

Whitehorse News online

To contact the Whitehorse News editor or subscribe to the online edition, email editor@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

you require require interpreting IfIf you interpreting Interpreting Service on 131 450. assistance to contact Council, assistance to contact Council, Tell the operator the language phone the free free Translating and phone the you speak andTranslating then ask toand be Interpreting Service on131 131450. 450. Interpreting Service on connected to Whitehorse City Tell the operator operator thelanguage language Tell the Council on (03) the 9262 6333. speak and and then then ask askto tobe be you speak Chinese (Traditional) connected to Whitehorse WhitehorseCity City connected to / 廣東話on Council on (03) (03) 9262 9262 6333. 6333. Council


ater this month, all Whitehorse ratepayers will receive their annual rates notice.

Can I receive my rates notice electronically? Yes. Council has two ways you can register to receive your rates notice electronically. 1. To receive your rates notice by email, visit https://whitehorse. ezybill.com.au to register your name, email address and assessment number from your latest rates notice. 2. View and pay your bills using your internet banking. For further information, visit bpay.com.au/bpayview What if I am experiencing financial hardship? If you think you may have difficulties in paying your rates this year, please contact Council’s Property and Rates Department on 9262 6292 to discuss alternative options. More information Property and Rates Department 9262 6292 customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au



hitehorse is full of buildings boasting stunning, historic features such as stained glass, wrought iron, tessellated tile verandas and original Federation paint colours. And each piece of history is worth preserving.

Enter Council’s popular Heritage Assistance Fund, returning this year to help maintain and preserve heritage properties for present and future generations to enjoy. Council understands that preserving heritage can be a difficult and sometimes expensive responsibility, so the annual Heritage Assistance Fund offers grants to property owners to help maintain and repair eligible properties. Applications for the 2018 fund open on Monday 7 August and close on Friday 8 September. Each grant can fund up to 100 per cent of the total project cost to a maximum of $2000. The fund provides financial support to individuals, community groups and organisations to assist them improve the condition of heritage buildings. The fund has assisted more than 240 property owners across the municipality with restoration projects such as re-roofing, re-stumping, masonry repairs, new guttering, painting, and timber repairs in window sills, veranda floors and facades.

More information and to apply www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ Heritage-Assistance-Fund.html For more information on preserving heritage buildings or to schedule an appointment with Council’s Heritage Adviser, phone Council’s Strategic Planning Unit on 9262 6303.

General news



Free and low cost events include:

Heritage Week 14-21 September

• an educational guided tour of the iconic Box Hill Town Hall including a ‘trial’ of the Mayor’s chair - a time honoured tradition, as the photo to the right, from 1960, attests!

Hands up if you remember the free-milk program at primary schools? Cuisinaire rods and blackboard dusters? When the school bell was something a teacher held in their hand and swung up and down? This year, Council has dedicated the theme of its annual Heritage Week to a celebration of the history of schools in Whitehorse and the undeniable value of education. Since the establishment of the first school in Whitehorse in the 1860s, formal education has played a key role in the strength and vitality of the municipality. From 14-21 September, Heritage Week will proudly celebrate how education is the cornerstone of all thriving communities. Everyone is invited to join us to acknowledge the importance of accessible, high quality education in today’s society. More information www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au 9262 6478

• a commemorative tour of the Mont Albert Primary School, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year

More in

www.w vic.gov.

• a fascinating tour of the Box Hill Cemetery focusing on illustrious educationalists

9262 64

• a unique exhibition in the All Nations Foyer at the Box Hill Town Hall, highlighting treasured school memorabilia and local school photographs and records • everyone’s favourite day out, the Schwerkolt Cottage Heritage Family Day, returns on Sunday 17 September with face painting, pony rides and old-fashioned sack races. Look out for the September edition of Whitehorse News for the full Heritage Week program.

Top: 'Mayor for a Day' event for students in the Council Chamber in 1960. Above: final students at Box Hill State School. Images courtesy Box Hill Historical Society Inc.


Award categories: •

Sportsperson of the Year


Junior Sportsperson of the Year (under the age of 18 as

o you know an outstanding sportsperson who deserves recognition? Nominations are now open for the Whitehorse Sports Awards, an annual event that acknowledges the hard work and dedication of local athletes, sporting clubs and their volunteers.

Be the BEST IN SHOW at the 2017 Spring Festival! It may be cold outside, but we are already thinking sunny, festive thoughts, with planning for Whitehorse City Council’s Spring Festival well underway, and community applications now open! Spring Festival is a great opportunity for local community groups and not-for-profit organisations to showcase their talents to many thousands of people. Groups can fundraise, increase membership numbers and raise awareness about the great services they provide the community.

Council appreciates that many people are involved in the life of a sporting club, so the prestigious awards also acknowledge excellence in club management and the behind-the-scenes efforts of club volunteers. Awards are given to sportspeople who achieve remarkable results in their sports as well as putting something positive back into the sport.

at 1 January 2017)

Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability

Volunteer of the Year

Sports Club of the Year

Team of the Year

Coach of the Year (Whitehorse-based clubs)

School of the Year

To be eligible for an award, nominees must live in, attend school or be a member of a sporting club within the City of Whitehorse. Nominations should be based on achievements between September 2016 and August 2017. Nominations close Thursday 31 August 2017 and the awards presentation will be held on Wednesday 25 October 2017.

If you are a local performer, community group, social group or service organisation and would like to be part of Spring Festival, register your interest by Friday 18 August. Event Details Sunday 15 October 2017 from 10am to 4pm on the lawns of the Whitehorse Civic Centre.

Nominate now www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ Whitehorse-Sports-Awards.html

Rainbow flags and bunting will set the scene for a village fair-inspired festival featuring woodchop demonstrations, a dog show, crazy vegetable competition and hat parade. All stalls, performers and guests are invited to have some fun and embrace the theme.

More information and hard-copy nomination forms

More information and expression of interest forms 9262 6429 www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au.html festivals@whitehorse.vic.gov.au


9262 6371 2016 Sports Award winners

sports.awards @whitehorse.vic.gov.au


Sustainability news


Winners The winners of the Whitehorse Sustainability Awards 2017 were announced at a special awards night recently to reward and recognise community members for their efforts in leading and promoting sustainable living. More than $3000 worth of prizes were handed out to sustainable pre-schools, schools, residents and local businesses to help them to continue their sustainability initiatives.

Award Winners Young Sustainable Champion Award and Mayor’s Choice Award - Thanushi Peiris Year 12 student Thanushi Peiris has been selected as the first ever Australian girl to participate in the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology science research program in the US, open to just 80 of the world’s most accomplished high school students. She hopes to focus on solar energy. Thanushi has also been involved in environmental activities at a local level with regular working bees and water testing at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, and with her school’s green team.

Sustainable Household Award - Cath Lyons Cath Lyons established ‘Tiny Trowel’ which helps large not-for-profit food relief organisations grow their own

food for their soup kitchens and food banks. Cath also effectively uses social media to run regular campaigns to call upon gardeners to give excess produce to those in need.

low income members to improve their quality of life, health and financial stability. This includes providing members and their families with assistance in job skills training and school-related costs, and helping them cover the costs of unexpected medical expenses.

Sustainable Household Award – Highly Commended: Louisa Dent-Pearce Sustainable Household Award – Highly Commended: Giuliano Marcon

Dual winner - Education Award - Rangeview Primary School

Bountiful Rangeview Primary School’s innovative, large scale kitchen garden program has been running for over four years. The garden allows practical, hands-on learning opportunities in sustainability, science and cooking. The program has an impressive output, with students having sold over $700 worth of produce to further fund the program.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone that was nominated.

Dual winner - Education Award - Barriburn Pre-school

Business Award for Community Contribution – Highly Commended: Blackburn South Community Bank

The second winner of the 2017 Education Award goes to Barriburn Pre-school, who give an invaluable grounding in sustainable practices to their young students. This includes the students collecting food scraps to compost, the students designing, maintaining and harvesting their veggie patch, as well as energy saving actions.

Business Award for Community Contribution - Eastern Suburbs Rental Housing Co-operative

Kitchen Garden Award - Yvonne Egerton’s ‘Bailey’s Garden’

Eastern Suburbs Rental Housing Co-operative provides safe, secure, affordable and environmentally sustainable long-term housing, with 39 community housing rental properties for low income people, including those with disabilities. The tenant-managed co-operative works towards creating opportunities for

Bailey’s Garden covers most of Yvonne Egerton’s front and back yard, and includes over 30 different types of edible plants. The produce from this waterwise garden is used for making creative dishes such as moussaka, zucchini slice and Thai curries, as well as for making chutneys, relishes and for sharing with the neighbours. Kitchen Garden Award – Highly Commended: Old Orchard Primary School

Sustainability news


Council calls on State Government for fair share of Landfill Levy T

he Municipal and Industrial Landfill Levy was introduced by the state government in 2002 to help fund waste-related measures, such as rehabilitating closed landfills, education programs and recycling centres.

and the resourcing of the bodies responsible for waste planning and management in Victoria,” Cr Massoud said.

Council collects the landfill levy through its rates on behalf of the state government. Whitehorse City Council has directly paid the Victorian Government more than $29 million in landfill levies since 2002 and in the same period has received just $522,972 in grants from the levy fund.

"Instead of being returned to the community for wasterelated measures, the 2017/18 Victorian Government Budget has allocated levy funds to Parks Victoria for a range of nonwaste-related purposes, including the redevelopment of the Parks Victoria website. “This Parks Victoria funding does not meet the purpose or intent of the allocation of levy funds and Council calls on the Victorian Government not to use these funds for these purposes. “Council needs funding for projects such as the rehabilitation of closed landfills and upgrading recycling facilities at its Whitehorse Recycling and Waste Centre. We believe that these are more appropriate uses for the landfill levy funds.”

Whitehorse Mayor Councillor Denise Massoud said that in May this year, Council resolved to write to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change asking that funding generated through the levy collection be reserved for its original intended purposes. “The levy was specifically intended to provide funding assistance to establish waste management infrastructure, support programs for the waste industry, education programs

More information www.mav.asn.au/mediacentre/campaigns/ Pages/state-landfill-levies.aspx



air trade fashion was on trend in June, as Council celebrated Fair Trade Fortnight. Events included a storytime session with comedian Sammy J, a screening of the documentary The True Cost with a talk by Amy Botta from Fairtrade Australia NZ and the Fair Trade Fortnight Ethical Fashion Show. Participants learned how our fashion choices can make a powerful difference in the lives of workers in developing nations. Council also launched a new booklet with information about Fair Trade fashion suppliers. Visit www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ Fairtrade.html to download a copy.

Ethical Fashion Show Students from Box Hill Institute showed off their sustainably designed, ethical garments alongside ethical clothing from fashion brands A.BCH, Etiko, Bhumi Organic Cotton, Theo the Label and others.

Nature Play - Bush Treasures Tuesday 15 August, 10am-10.45am

Pre-schoolers will create their own treasure bag to take along on an exploration of the bush. Discover some of nature’s treasures to collect along the way.


Discover the top ten indigenous bush foods in Whitehorse.

This event will go ahead even if it's raining, so please dress in waterproof gear and sturdy shoes so we can still go on an exploration.

At this talk you’ll learn how to grow and use a range of herbs, as well as smell and taste them and learn from someone who has grown and promoted bush herbs in urban gardens for many years.

The event will be cancelled in extreme weather conditions.

Take home a free native plant for your garden.

Where: Meet at the Yarran Dheran Visitor Centre for registration. (North end of Ashburton Drive, Mitcham). Yarran Dheran Nature Reserve, Ashburton Drive, Mitcham Bookings: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ sustainability-events.html

Presenter: Karen Sutherland heads Edible Eden Design, where she designs and installs permaculture gardens and specialises in bush food gardens for schools and groups. More information and bookings www.culinarybushfoodsofwhitehorse.eventbrite.com.au

More information lisa.moloney@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Fair Trade Film Competition Congratulations to the winners of the Fair Trade Film Competition, who were announced at the Whitehorse Sustainability Awards. Under 12 and People’s Choice Awards Aaron Tan for his film Contrived. Over 18 Award Taysha McFarland and Tristan Braines for their film Shop Your Values. Visit http://bit.ly/2kOKWbJ to watch all the entries. More information

Karen Sutherland



Family and health


Be safe around schools



arents, carers and grandparents are once again being reminded to be safe on the roads when dropping off and picking up students from school. Here are some tips for improving road safety around our schools:

Do not call out to children from across the road as they may run to you without checking for oncoming traffic

Stick to the 40km/h speed limit in a school zone

Slow down near the school crossing and observe the directions of the school crossing supervisor

Ask your children to get out of the car on the kerb side of the road to be away from passing traffic

Model safe and considerate behaviour for your child – they learn from you

Park safely even if it means walking further to school – why not park up the street and walk your children to the school gate? It’s a simple way to get active!

Never double park

Do not stop your car in designated ‘no stopping’ areas, even for a short time


hitehorse Manningham Libraries will be celebrating Children’s Book Week with a Family Fun Day this August. Join us at Vermont South Library on Saturday 26 August from 11am as we celebrate books, authors and illustrators galore! Our other libraries will also be holding all the regular tiny tots and preschool storytimes, lego clubs and other events with a Children's Book Week twist! Saturday 26 August at Vermont South Library:

Don’t break safety rules just because you’re late

11am Family storytime. Stories, songs and simple craft. All welcome. No bookings required.

Don’t encourage your child to run out of the car even if they are running late for the school bell – a ‘drop-anddash’ drop-off is an accident waiting to happen.

2pm Meerkat Productions presents a special live performance. Using music and puppetry, they will bring to life the children’s book Gary by Leila Rudge. For five to 10 year olds. Bookings essential.

Avoid dangerous manoeuvres such as U-turns and threepoint turns near schools

18-26 August

More information 9262 6394

1pm-4pm Lego free play and giant games including Jenga, Connect 4 and Chess. All ages. No bookings required. More information wml.vic.gov.au

Five-year-old Chloe reaches reading milestone Whitehorse Manningham Libraries recently awarded the first major milestone certificate in the 1000 Books Before School program. Five-year-old Chloe Tse reached the milestone by listening to and reading over 1000 books in just eight months. Chloe and her family are regular visitors to Vermont South Library, borrowing many books each week and also coming to Pre School Storytime. 1000 Books Before School is an early literacy program which helps children discover the joy of books and reading while they build essential skills that help when it comes time to learn to read. More information Laura Thomas safely drops her daughters Ellen and Sophie at St Francis Xavier Primary School.

www.wml.vic.gov.au/ 1000_Books_Before_School

September Parenting Information Forum



oes anxiety really affect children? The truth is, anxiety can strike at any age but for children, experiencing stress and anxiety can be particularly difficult.

Among the many management strategies for anxiety lies mindfulness. Presenters Lisa and Michelle from Anxiety Recovery Centre of Victoria (ARCVic) will discuss the nature of anxiety and how the teaching and practice of mindfulness can help children to manage their worries and fears. ARCVic will demystify and simplify the concept of mindfulness and show how it can be a life-long tool to draw upon.

Date: Wednesday 13 September Times: 7.30pm-9.30pm (please arrive at 7pm for registration including tea and coffee) Venue: Waratah Room, Whitehorse Centre, 379 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading (rear of the Nunawading Library) Bookings: Registration is essential. Book online at www.whitehorse. vic.gov.au/ParentingInformation-ForumProgram.html Cost: $2 gold coin donation payable on the night.

Other Information: For more information, or to request additional access support including interpreting, contact Council’s Parenting Resource Officer on 9262 6175 or parentresource@whitehorse.vic.gov.au Please note we are unable to accommodate children in this forum.


or some time, Council has been using a free app to communicate all the latest news on local family events, programs, immunisation sessions, forums, maternal and child health updates and information on parenting youth. The app was previously called Tiqbiz, but has been rebranded FlexiBuzz. If you were a previous Tiqbiz user, you should now see the FlexiBuzz logo when you open the app or website. If you can still see the Tiqbiz logo you will need to update the app through your app store. Until you have done this you will not receive the latest information from Council. For new users, search for FlexiBuzz in your app store. Once you register, search for Whitehorse City Council and then select the topics that interest you.

Young people



Meningococcal. Know the facts. Get your teenager vaccinated. W hitehorse City Council is working with the Victorian State Government on the rollout of a Meningococcal vaccination program.

The vaccine containing meningococcal strains of A, C, W, and Y is being offered to all year 10, 11 and 12 students. Meningococcal disease is an infection caused by bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis (also known as meningococcal bacteria). Although meningococcal disease is uncommon, it is very serious. In recent years the meningococcal W strain has increased across Australia. Councillor Prue Cutts said that about 10 per cent of the population carries meningococcal bacteria in their throat without becoming unwell "Because the bacteria lives in the throat, it can be spread through sharing drinks or kissing, which makes babies, young children and teenagers particularly high risk," said Cr Cutts. Invasive meningococcal disease occurs when these bacteria, which usually live in the throat, enter the blood stream to cause septicaemia (infection in the blood) or meningitis, (inflammation of the membrane covering of the brain). Occasionally, severe infection can also occur in the joints, throat, lungs or intestines. School vaccination program Council asks that parents of all eligible children complete and return the consent forms that were distributed in term 2 regardless of their decision to vaccinate or not. Other 15 to 19 year olds not currently enrolled in school can attend one of Council’s immunisation sessions (see below for dates and times). Alternatively the vaccination may also be available at your GP. More information www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/Immunisation.html

Councillor Prue Cutts (middle) looks on as her son is vaccinated against Meningococcal disease

AUGUST IMMUNISATIONS Council provides free vaccinations against infectious diseases for children from birth to 16 years-ofage and a limited range of vaccines for eligible adults. Appointments are not required. If your child has been vaccinated overseas you will need to give Council a copy of the vaccination records before attending. More information 9262 6197 www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ Immunisation.html

Whitehorse Civic Centre (Willis Room), 379 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading • 1, 18 and 23 August – 9.15am-10.45am • 10 August – 6pm-7.30pm Box Hill South Family Centre 1228A Riversdale Road (Rotary Court), Box Hill South • 2 and 24 August – 9.15am-10.45am • 17 August – 6pm-7.30pm Burgess Family Centre 15 Barwon Street, Box Hill North • 16 August – 9.15am-10.45am • 22 August – 6pm-7.30pm Vermont South Community House Karobran Drive, Vermont South • 8 August – 9.15am-10.45am

No Jab No Pay As a result of the No Jab No Pay legislation, all children under the age of 10 may obtain free catch-up vaccinations under the National Immunisation Program regardless of their Medicare status. Children 10-19 years are eligible for free missed childhood vaccines (not those missed at school) until 31 December 2017. For all enquiries about the No Jab No Pay legislation, please call 13 61 50.



ongratulations to Vanessa Ponza, our young person of the month for August.

Vanessa is extremely active in her school community, where she has excelled in sport (hockey), academics, community service and even the arts. Vanessa’s teachers commend her for displaying leadership, tolerance and resilience in all activities she commits herself to. Vanessa embraces the opportunities her local community offers, particularly at Koonung Secondary College, where she is involved in a variety of extracurricular programs. Her volunteering work has shown the wider school community the importance of giving back. Vanessa is well respected by her peers and an exemplary role model to younger students. Vanessa also assists her family in caring for her brother who has Cerebral Palsy. She is involved with the organisation Carers Victoria Siblings, and has also walked the 5km race in the Melbourne Marathon with her brother to raise money for the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre. Vanessa’s teachers say she puts her heart and soul into all the roles that she undertakes. Congratulations Vanessa! Do you know an outstanding young person? Nominate them for Council’s Young Person of the Month Award. Monthly winners receive a JB Hi-Fi voucher in recognition of their achievements and will feature in the Whitehorse News. For a nomination form, phone 9262 6333 or visit www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ Young-Person-Award.html





Harnessing Your Passion for Powerful Market Ailsa Page, consultant, speaker and founder of AP Marketing Works Business Lunch When: Monday 14 August, 12pm-2pm Where: Clarion on Canterbury, 326 Canterbury Road, Forest Hill Cost: $55

All businesses need to do marketing. However, it can be challenging working out which marketing activities will give you the greatest return on your investment. With so many options and limited resources, businesses need an advantage and it all lies in passion.

Be inspired by business leaders, learn new skills to grow your business, and network with other business owners at Whitehorse’s 17th annual Business Week.

Business specialist Ailsa Page will discuss how to your passion and share powerful ma tips for your business.

Topics for Business Week 2017 include marketing, finance and economics, women in business, customer engagement and steps to resilience. Once again, one of the highlights is the Women in Business Expo and Luncheon, which will feature the inspirational and talented Nicole Livingstone OAM. Be inspired by Nicole as she shares insights into how she juggles her many commitments. Other highlights include Bernard Salt, business forecaster, business adviser and social commentator, who will be the keynote speaker at the Economic and Investment Breakfast, and Friday’s sponsor lunch with author and high performance coach Mark McKeon. Mark will share insights into why stress is not as much a problem as a lack of recovery. With more than 800 business people expected to attend, Whitehorse Business Week is a fantastic networking opportunity, and a must-attend event for any business owner or representative.

To make a booking or for more information, phone 9262 6333 or visit www.wbiz.com.au Whitehorse Business Week is part of the Small Business Festival Victoria.

Crowning Achievement as Crown Coaches Celebrates 50 years in Business This year marks a major milestone for local family-owned bus business Crown Coaches. After humble beginnings in 1967, Crown Coaches is celebrating its 50th Anniversary. Crown Coaches is currently based in Nunawading and the majority of their 50 years in business they have operated from Whitehorse. In 2015, Crown Coaches was recognised as a leading local business at the Whitehorse Excellence in Business Awards, being named winner of the Saward Dawson Overall Business Award and the City of Whitehorse Award for Excellence for a large business. The company employs 250 staff, 67 of whom live within Whitehorse. Crown Coaches also plays an integral role for many local schools, servicing the morning and afternoon student school runs. Whitehorse Business Week celebrates the contribution that local businesses such as Crown Coaches make to the economy and wider business community.

Above: Andy Boylan from Patterson Cheney Vermont with Whitehorse Mayor Councillor Denise Massoud. Thank you to Patterson Cheney Vermont for providing the Business Week car.

Warning: Ailsa’s e is likely to be




Women in Business Luncheon Nicole Livingstone OAM, Olympic swimmer and media commentator Business Expo and Lunch When: Wednesday 16 August Expo from 11am-12 noon, business lunch from 12 noon-2pm. Where: One Community, 184 Surrey Road, Blackburn Cost: $65

Celebrate the diversity of female business leaders in Whitehorse at this year’s Women in Business Expo and Luncheon, and hear from the very talented and inspirational keynote speaker Nicole Livingstone OAM. Nicole will share insights into how she juggles her many commitments: as a mother of three, sports commentator and host of many big name shows including Wide World of Sports and The Project. In addition, she is on the board of Swimming Australia and the Australian Olympic Committee, Deputy Chair of VicHealth, and patron of Ovarian Cancer Australia, an organisation she co-founded.

o harness arketing

enthusiasm infectious!

OUR SPONSORS Steps to Resilience: Stress is not the problem; the problem is lack of recovery

premium Sponsors

Mark McKeon, author and high performance coach Sponsor Lunch When: Friday 18 August, 12 noon-2pm Where: Box Hill Golf Club, 202 Station Street, Box Hill Cost: $55

Peak Performance Coach and Collingwood Hall of Fame Member, Mark McKeon, will deliver a keynote presentation focusing on: • four steps to true resilience • why ’stress is not the problem’ • how we can all avoid the dangers of adrenal fatigue and achieve truly sustainable peak performance

Economic and Investment Breakfast Presented in partnership with Deakin University Bernard Salt, writer, speaker, business adviser and social commentator Business Breakfast When: Thursday 17 August, 7.30am-9am Where: The Point, Deakin University, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood Cost: $55

Bernard Salt is an in-demand, experienced and highly-captivating speaker, with over 25 years’ experience in providing demographic analysis and social commentary. He is a futurist who uses high-altitude demographic data to interpret how society and business might evolve, delivering very insightful observations. Renowned for delivering his presentations in an energetic and humorous manner, this Economic and Investment Breakfast is sure to be highly entertaining and a must-attend for anyone involved in business.

Winning the Inner-Game of Customer Engagement Les Price, transformational speaker, author and coach and Judy O’Connell, Victorian Small Business Commissioner Business Dinner When: Thursday 17 August, 6pm-8pm Where: Box Hill Golf Club, 202 Station Street, Box Hill Cost: $55

In a world of increasing competition, distraction and noise, it can be hard to keep your customers engaged and coming back for more. In this presentation, you’ll discover valuable insights and tips for captivating the hearts and minds of your customers. Judy will present on the role of the Victorian Small Business Commissioner and the services available to support your business.


China Ready Check List Peter Stephen, Finance Executive Business Seminar When: Thursday 24 August, 12.30pm-2pm Where: Matsudo Room, Box Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill Cost: $33 + booking fee

Before leaping into the Chinese market, companies should be ready to face an array of planning and operational business challenges. Australia China Business Council (ACBC) Victoria is running a series of briefings to assist small to medium enterprises understand the complexities of doing business with Chinese companies. Keynote speaker Peter Stephens has extensive commercial experience within the Asian Pacific Region, particularly in China, and will cover topics including: • why do you want to go to China? • what to look out for • where you can get help.

Support Sponsors



Smoking off the menu with new reforms S

General news

tate government legislation covering smoking in outdoor dining areas takes effect throughout Victoria from 1 August.

The legislation means smoking is now banned in all outdoor dining areas at restaurants, cafes and other hospitality venues, including footpaths and courtyards. Councillor Raylene Carr said that the reforms would make dining in outdoor areas a healthier and more pleasant experience for everyone. "Passive smoke exposure is a serious health issue and an experience that often ruins the dining experience of non-smokers," said Cr Carr. "With this new legislation we can all enjoy Whitehorse's many wonderful cafés and restaurants without being exposed to second-hand smoke." The legislation, outlined in the Tobacco Amendment Act 2016, states that smoking is banned at: •

premises such as restaurants, cafés, take-away shops and licenced premises, including courtyard dining areas and footpath dining

within 10 metres of a food vendor at organised outdoor events

any outdoor drinking area that is within four metres of an outdoor dining area, unless separated by a (minimum) 2.1 metre high wall or a four metre buffer zone between an outdoor dining and drinking area.

These measures are now in place to protect the community from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and to ensure smoking is not considered a normal behaviour, which is particularly important when discouraging children from taking up smoking. For more information on the new legislation and guides for businesses and event organisers, visit www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform



esults from the Whitehorse 2017 Community Satisfaction Survey are in, and Council is pleased to announce that community members have highly rated many important Council services.

Residents were asked to rate how important they considered Council services, with waste management, elderly support services, making decisions in the interest of the community, and sealed local roads considered the most important services.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning coordinated the annual survey on behalf of 68 participating councils.

The survey also identified areas for improvement, which will be taken into account in Council’s future planning.

Results reveal that Council’s performance on core measures has been consistent with or better than the 2016 survey results. This year's survey found arts centres, libraries, waste management, maintenance of public spaces, environmental sustainability and family support services were the areas the community was most satisfied with. The survey was conducted as a voluntary telephone interview, with 400 local residents and ratepayers over the age of 18 selected randomly. Council received strong positive ratings on the core measures of sealed local roads, customer service and overall performance.

These areas included planning and building permits, consultation and engagement (including making community decisions) and keeping the community informed. Whitehorse City Council views the survey as a useful resource in gauging community feedback on Council services and performance. To view the results, visit: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ Residents-Survey.html More information www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au/ our-programs/council-communitysatisfaction-survey

Councillor Raylene Carr (centre) and Council Environmental Health Officer Lien Tam (left) explain the new legislation to Kevin Ke from Faducci Café.



ongratulations to Max & Leo's Foodstore Cafe in Blackburn, our 5-Star Food Safety Focus for August.

Max & Leo's serves a delicious menu of breakfast, lunch, drinks and coffee, while maintaining exceptional standards of food safety and hygiene. Max & Leo's will now go into the running for Council's Food Premises of the Year award. 5 Star Safety information now online Find out which local food businesses have a 5-star rating by visiting Council’s new e-portal at ehealth.whitehorse.vic.gov.au More information 9262 6197

Spotlight on... Max & Leo's Foodstore Cafe Business type: Café Location: 5 Salisbury Avenue, Blackburn Trading hours: Mon-Fri 7am-4pm, Sat 8am-2.00pm, Sun closed Phone: 9877 4991

Translated articles

XXXX 2014 AUGUST 2017

Monthly update TMonthly update

每月最新資訊 Riforma sul tabacco

o improve communications with our non-English speaking community, we will translate one article in the Whitehorse o improve communications with our community members who News every month. speak languages other than English, each month we translate This articlefrom coversthe the Whitehorse Chinese keymonth’s highlights News into five languages.


New Year festival, Whitehorse Centre This month we the new performances andcover the upgraded legislation on smoking in outdoor areas. playground at East Burwood Reserve. The articlehas hasbeen beentranslated The information translated into Greek, Chinese, Greek, into Chinese, Hindi, Italian and Hindi, Italian and Vietnamese – theVietnamese top five languages –other the top fiveEnglish languages other than spoken in the than English spoken in the Whitehorse community. Whitehorse community. Please Please let your friends and family know let your friends and family know about these translated articles. about these translated articles.



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और अनधक जबानकबारी कषे नलए, www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform CONTACT COUNCIL 聯絡市政府 ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΗΣΤΕ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ΔΗΜΟ दषेखें। 如果你聯絡市政府需要口 譯幫助,請致電免費的翻 譯與傳譯服務,電話: 131 450。告訴接線員你所 說的語言,然後要求接通 Whitehorse市政府電話 (03) 9262 6333。

然后在3月29日星期天和我們一起參 月市政府將在環球圣節上舉 加可持續美食佳釀博覽會,時間為上 辦多元文化社區慶祝活動, a legislazione Riforma sul tabaccostatale sul fumo nelle aree all'aperto in cui si 午10點至下午4點,地點在博士上市 時間為3月15日星期天中午12點 mangia entra in vigore il 1° agosto 2017. 政廳,地址:1022 Whitehorse Road, 至下午5點,地點在納納瓦丁市 a legislazione statale suldifumo nelle aree all'aperto inasporto cui si e nei La legislazione prevede il divieto fumo nei ristoranti, bar, locali per Box Hill。博覽會上有烹飪表演、比 政中心草坪上,地址:379-397 Riforma sul tabacco mangia entra in vigore il 1° agosto 2017. locali autorizzati a servire alcolici che hanno 賽、品嘗和購買可持續美食佳釀及其 un’area ristorazione all’aperto o su Whitehorse Road, Nunawading。歡 marciapiede. Il fumo è vietato in aree in cui si può berebar, all'aperto e che si trovano a La legislazione prevede il divieto di fumo nei他產品,還有兒童活動及其他活動。 ristoranti, locali per 迎大家來欣賞精彩的世界音樂舞蹈 a legislazione statale sul fumo nelle all'aperto inasporto cui si e nei 4 metri da una zona di ristorazione all'aperto, a aree meno che questaall’aperto non sia separata locali autorizzati a servire alcolici che hanno un’area ristorazione o su 表演,屆時有美食、社區攤位、免 mangia in vigore il 1° agosto 2017.divisione di 4 metri. Il fumo 3月份可開始遞交社區撥款申請。如果 da una pareteentra minimo 2,1 metri o da marciapiede. Il di fumo è vietato in aree in una cui sizona può di bere all'aperto e che si trovano a 費畫臉譜、乘坐游戲、蹦蹦城堡、 您屬于一個為白馬市社區服務的非盈 è4 anche vietato entro 10 metri da un venditore di alimenti presso metri da una prevede zona di ristorazione all'aperto, aambulante meno che nonasporto sia separata La legislazione il divieto di fumo nei ristoranti, bar,questa locali per e nei 文化游戲,還有小尼克、探險者朵 利組織,您也許有資格申領撥款。聯 manifestazioni all’aperto. da una parete di aminimo metri o da una un’area zona di ristorazione divisione di 4all’aperto metri. Il fumo locali autorizzati servire 2,1 alcolici che hanno o su 拉、蒂亞戈加油中的人物出場! 絡市政府了解詳情。 è anche vietato entro 10 metri da un venditore ambulante di alimenti presso


Queste misure sono ora invisita atto ilper proteggere la comunità dagli effetti nocivi del Per ulteriori informazioni, sito fumo passivo e per assicurare che il fumo non sia considerato un comportamento www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform मासिक अपडेट 煙草改革 normale.

πό την 1 Αυγούστου 2017 θα ισχύειTΚαι νομοθεσία που 29 καλύπτει το την Κυριακή Μαρτίου υτό το μήνα ο Δήμος γιορτάζει Μεταρρύθμιση καπνίσματος κάπνισμα σε υπαίθριους σε όλη την συναντήσετε μας στοΠολιτεία. Sustainable Food την πολυπολιτισμική σας χώρους εστίασης and Wine Fairπου απόκαφετέριες, τις 10πμ το μέχρι πό τηνστο 1η Αυγούστου 2017 νομοθεσία καλύπτει κοινότητα Global την θατοισχύει Η νομοθεσία σημαίνει ότι Fiesta απαγορεύεται κάπνισμα σε εστιατόρια, Μεταρρύθμιση καπνίσματος κάπνισμα σε υπαίθριους χώρους σε όλη την ποτών, Πολιτεία. τις 4μμαλκοολούχων στο Δημαρχείο τουακόμη Box Hill, Κυριακή 15 Μαρτίου από τις 12 καταστήματα take-away και χώρους μετο άδειαεστίασης πώλησης 1022ΤοWhitehorse Road, Box σε Hill. Το μεσημέρι μέχρι τις 5μμ στους κήπους και σε χώρους εστίασης σε αυλές και σε πεζοδρόμια. κάπνισμα απαγορεύεται Η νομοθεσία σημαίνει ότι απαγορεύεται το κάπνισμα σε εστιατόρια, καφετέριες, πό την περιοχή 1ηCivic Αυγούστου 2017 θα ισχύειπανηγύρι νομοθεσία που καλύπτει το θα βρίσκεται παρουσιάσει επίδειξη μια υπαίθρια κατανάλωσης αλκοολούχων ποτών που σε απόσταση Nunawading Centre, 379-397 καταστήματα take-away και χώρους με άδεια πώλησης αλκοολούχων ποτών, ακόμη κάπνισμα σε υπαίθριους χώρους εστίασης σε από όλη την Πολιτεία. μαγειρικής, διαγωνισμούς, βιώσιμο 4καιμέτρων από Road, υπαίθριο χώρο εστίασης, εάν χωρίζεται τοίχο ύψους 2,1 Whitehorse Nunawading. σε χώρους εστίασης σε αυλές και σε εκτός πεζοδρόμια. Το κάπνισμα απαγορεύεται σε μέτρων ή υψηλότερο ή ενδιάμεση ζώνη 4 μέτρων. Το κάπνισμα απαγορεύεται επίσης σε φαγητό, κρασί και προϊόντα για δοκιμή Ελάτε και απολαύστε μιανομοθεσία υπαίθρια περιοχή αλκοολούχων ποτών που βρίσκεται σε απόσταση Η σημαίνεικατανάλωσης ότισυναρπαστικές απαγορεύεται το κάπνισμα σε εστιατόρια, καφετέριες, απόσταση 10 μέτρων από πάγκο πωλητή τροφίμων σε οργανωμένες υπαίθριες δημόσιες και αγορά, δραστηριότητες παιδιών και παραστάσεις παγκόσμιας μουσικής 4 μέτρων από take-away υπαίθριο χώρο εστίασης, εκτός πώλησης εάν χωρίζεται από τοίχοποτών, ύψους ακόμη 2,1 καταστήματα και χώρους με άδεια αλκοολούχων εκδηλώσεις. άλλα. μέτρων ή υψηλότερο ή κουζίνα, ενδιάμεση ζώνη 4 μέτρων. ΤοΤο κάπνισμα απαγορεύεται επίσης και σε χώρους εστίασης σε αυλές και σε πεζοδρόμια. κάπνισμα απαγορεύεται σε σε και χορού, γευστική απόσταση 10 μέτρων απόδωρεάν πάγκο πωλητή σε οργανωμένες υπαίθριες δημόσιες Αυτά τα μέτρα εφαρμόζονται τώρα για νατροφίμων προστατεύσουν την κοινότητα από τις μια υπαίθρια περιοχή κατανάλωσης αλκοολούχων ποτών που βρίσκεται σε απόσταση κοινοτικά περίπτερα, βαφή Επίσης οι αιτήσεις για κοινοτικές βλαβερές συνέπειες τουκάστρο παθητικού και να διασφαλίσουν ότι το κάπνισμα 4εκδηλώσεις. μέτρων από υπαίθριο χώρο εστίασης, εκτός εάν χωρίζεται από θα τοίχο ύψους 2,1 προσώπων, βόλτες, γιακαπνίσματος Επιχορηγήσεις ανοίξουν τον Μάρτιο. δεν θεωρείται κανονική συμπεριφορά. μέτρων ή υψηλότερο ή ενδιάμεση ζώνη 4 μέτρων. Το κάπνισμα απαγορεύεται επίσης σε άλματα, πολιτισμικά παιχνίδια καινα προστατεύσουν Αυτά τα μέτρα εφαρμόζονται τώρα για την κοινότητα από τις Αν είστε με ομάδα μη κερδοσκοπικού απόσταση 10 μέτρων από πάγκο πωλητή τροφίμων υπαίθριες δημόσιες βλαβερές συνέπειες του παθητικού καπνίσματος καισε ναοργανωμένες διασφαλίσουν ότι τουπηρεσίες κάπνισμα Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες το χαρακτήρα ειδική παρουσίαση από τονεπισκεφθείτε Nick που παρέχει εκδηλώσεις. δεν θεωρείται κανονική συμπεριφορά. www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform Jr.s Dora τον Εξερευνητή και τον Go στην Κοινότητα του Whitehorse Αυτά ταGo! μέτρα εφαρμόζονται για να προστατεύσουν κοινότηταεπιχορήγηση. από τις Diego δικαιούστε Για περισσότερες πληροφορίεςτώρα επισκεφθείτε το μπορεί νατην βλαβερές συνέπειες του παθητικού καπνίσματοςΕπικοινωνήστε και να διασφαλίσουν ότιΔήμο το κάπνισμα www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform με τον για तम्बाकू संशोधन δεν θεωρείται κανονική συμπεριφορά. AGGIORNAMENTO MENSILE περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε το तम्बाकूनसं्बाहरी शोधन क्षेत्रों जहबाँ भोजन कबा सषेवन ककयबा जबातबा है, वहबाँ धूम्रपबान सषे सम्न्धत www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform Poi domenica 29 marzo unitevi a uesto mese il Comune रबाजय-व्बापी कबानून 1 अगसत 2017 सषे लबागू होगबा। noi alla Fiera del cibo e del vino celebra la nostra comunità न ्बाहरी क्षेत्रों जहबाँ भोजन कबा सषेवन ककयबा जबातबा है, वहबाँ धूम्रपबान सषे सम्न्धत sostenibili dalle alle 16 नजनमें presso multiculturale in occasione della इस कबानू न कबा अर्थ यह है कक रषे स ्ोरषे ् ्, कै फ़षे , ्षे क -अवषे शॉपस और लबाइसें सशु10 दबा पररसररों, पबांगlaण तम्बाकू संशोधन रबाजय-व्बापी कबानून 1 अगसत 2017 सषे लबागूBox होगबा। Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Global Fiesta domenica 15 marzo कषे डबाइननंग क्षेत् और फु ्पॉर डबाइननंग शबानमल हैं, वहबाँ धूम्रपबान वरज्थत है। धूम्रपबान ककसी ऐसषे ्बाहरी Road, Hill. घषे la नजनमें fiera ci गण dalle 17 prato del Centro न्रंककंकबानू गन12 क्षेन्बाहरी त्alle में अर्थ वरज्थ तsul ्बाहरी क्षे त् कषेऔर 4Box रदषे बामेंपररसररों, हैसषे, ्शतते कक 2.1पबां इस कबा यह हैजो कककक रषे सककसी ्ोरषे ्​्, कैसषे फ़षेव ,न ्षेडबाइननं कककयबा -अवषेग शॉपस लबाइसें शुDurante क्षेत् रोंहैजहबाँ भोजन कबा जबातबा है ,मी्र वहबाँ कषेधूसम्र पबान सम्न्धत saranno dimostrazioni di cucina, gare, civico Nunawading (Nunawading मी्र यबाdiगइससषे अरवबा 4 मी्र पनतरोधक त् कषेत द्बारबा अलग ककयबा हो। कषे डबाइननं क्षेत् अनधक और कबानू फु की ्पॉर ग शबानमल हैं वहबाँ धूहोगबा। म्रपबान क्षे वरज्थ है। धूम्र पबान न ककसी ऐसषेगयबा ्बाहरी रबाजय-व्बापी नदीवबार 1डबाइननं अगसत 2017 सषे, कषेलबागू cibi, vino e prodotti sostenibili da Civic Whitehorse धूम्रककंपबान सबाव्थ जननक्बाहरी क्षेत्रों डबाइननं में भोजन दुकबान घषेरषे2.1 में भी न्रं गCentre), क्षेसुत्व्मेंवनसरत वरज्थ379-397 त्बाहरी है जो कक ककसी ग क्षेनवक्षे त् कषेतबा4की मी्र कषे घषेकषेरषे 10 में हैमी्र , ्शततेकषे कक assaggiare e comprare, attività per Road, Nunawading. Venite इस कबानू न कबा अर्थ यह है कक रषे स ्​्,a कै4फ़षे ,मी्र ्षेक-अवषे शॉपस औरक्षेलबाइसें सशुदअलग बा पररसररों, नजनमें गण वरज्थत यबा है। इससषे अनधक की दीवबार्ोरषे मी्र अरवबा कषे पनतरोधक त् कषे द्बारबा न ककयबा गयबापबांहो। bambini e altro. godervi spettacoli emozionanti कषे डबाइननं ग क्षे त् और फु ्पॉर डबाइननं ग शबानमल हैं , वहबाँ धू म्र पबान वरज्थ त है । धू म्र पबान ककसी ऐसषे ्बाहरी धू पबान सुव् ्बाहरी लबागू सबाव्थजककयबा ननक गयबा क्षेत्रों हैमेंतबाकक भोजनपरोक् नवक्षे तबा कषे 10 मी्र कषेग)घषेकषेरषे में भी इनम्रmusica उपबायरों कोवनसरत अ् इसनलए धूम्रकी पबानदुक (सषेबानकेंड-हैं ड समोककं di balli न्रं ककंतगहैक्षे। त् मेंe वरज्थ त हैetnici, जो कक cucina ककसी ्बाहरी डबाइननंग Da क्षेत् marzo कषे 4 मी्र कषे घषेरषे में है,anche ्शतते ककpresentare 2.1 si possono वरज्थ नुकसबानदबायक पभबावरों समुदबाय की सुरक्बा की जबा सकषे और यह सुनननचित ककयबा जबा सकषे कक धूम्रपबान appetitosa, standसषेकीcomunitari, le domande Contributi मी्र यबा इससषे अनधक दीवबार अरवबा 4 मी्र कषे पनतरोधक क्षेत् कषे per द्बारबाi अलग न ककयबा गयबा हो। को सबामबा्य व्वहबार नहीं मबानबा । है तबाकक परोक् इन उपबायरों को अ् इसनलए लबागूजबातबा ककयबाहैगयबा धूम्रपबान (सषेकेंड-हैं ड समोककं ग) कषे gruppo pittura viso gratuita, धूम्रपबान सुdel व्वनसरत ्बाहरी सबाव्थजcorse, ननक क्षेत्un रों में भोजनcomunitari. नवक्षे तबा की दुकSe बान fate कषे 10 parte मी्र कषेdiघषेun रषे में भी नु क सबानदबायक पभबावरों सषे समु द बाय की सु र क्बा की जबा सकषे और यह सु न ननचित ककयबा जबा सकषे कक धूम्रपबान castello gonfiabile, giochi culturali no-profit che fornisce servizi alla और त अनधक वरज्थ है। जबानकबारी कषे नलए, www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform सबामबा्य व्वहबार नहीं मबानबा जबातबा है । eको la partecipazione straordinaria di Comunità di Whitehorse potete avere दषेखें। इन उपबायरों को अ् इसनलए लबागूDiego ककयबा गयबा हैdiतबाकक परोक् धूम्रपबान (सषेकेंड-हैंड समोककं ग) कषे Dora the Explorer e Go Go diritto a un contributo. Contattate il और अनधक जबानकबारी कषे नलए, www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform नुकसबानदबायक पभबावरों सषे समुदबाय की सुरक्बा की जबा सकषेComune और यह सुper नननचित ककयबा जबाinformazioni. सकषे कक धूम्रपबान Nick Jr! maggiori दषेखें। को सबामबा्य व्वहबार नहीं मबानबा जबातबा है।

If you require interpreting assistance to contact Council, phone the free Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. Tell the operator the language you speak and then ask to be connected to Whitehorse City Council on (03) 9262 6333.

Queste misureIl sono in attoinper proteggere la comunità dagli effetti nocivi del a marciapiede. fumoora è vietato aree in cui si può bere all'aperto e che si trovano manifestazioni fumo per assicurare che il all'aperto, fumo non asiameno considerato un comportamento 4 metripassivo da unae all’aperto. zona di ristorazione che questa non sia separata normale. da una parete minimo metri da una zona di divisione di 4effetti metri.nocivi Il fumo Queste misure di sono ora in2,1 atto per oproteggere la comunità dagli del èfumo anche vietato entro 10 metri da un venditore ambulante di alimenti presso passivoinformazioni, e per assicurare il fumo non sia considerato un comportamento Per ulteriori visitache il sito manifestazioni all’aperto. normale. www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform

Μεταρρύθμιση καπνίσματος ΜΗΝΙΑΙΑ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ


1 11

Αν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια διερμηνέα για να επικοινωνήσετε με το Δήμο, καλέστε τη δωρεάν Υπηρεσία Μετάφρασης και Διερμηνείας στο 131 450. Πείτε στον τηλεφωνητή τη γλώσσα που μιλάτε και μετά ζητήστε να συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του Whitehorse στο (03) 9262 6333.


Per ulteriori informazioni, visita il sito 州2017年8月1日起將實施戶外用餐區禁煙令 दफर रसववार 29 मार्क को हमारे िाथि Box ि महीने काउं सिल Nunawading 煙草改革 www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Road, Civic Centre lawns, 379-397 Box Hill पर िुबह 10 बजे िे लेकर शाम Whitehorse Road, Nunawading पर 州2017年8月1日起將實施戶外用餐區禁煙令 該法例意指禁煙范圍將覆蓋餐館、 咖啡廳、外賣店和持牌經營場地, 4 बजे तक रलने वाले िुससथिर खाद्य-पिाथि्क 煙草改革 रसववार 15 मार्क को िोपहर 12 बजे िे 包括庭院用餐區和行人道餐飲區。除非中間由超過2.1米高的牆壁或4米 एवं वाइन मेले (िसटेनेबल फू ड एंड वाइन लेकर शाम 5 बजे तक गलोबल फीएसट पर 緩衝區隔開,所有在室外用餐區4 該法例意指禁煙范圍將覆蓋餐館、 咖啡廳、外賣店和持牌經營場地, 州2017年8月1日起將實施戶外用餐區禁煙令 फे यर) में भाग लें। इि मेले में खाना पकाने की हमारे बहु-िां सककृ सतक िमुिाय का िमारोह 米內的露天喝酒區均禁止吸煙。另外 在各種安排戶外公共活動場所距離食品供應商攤位10米範圍內也都禁止 包括庭院用餐區和行人道餐飲區。除非中間由超過2.1米高的牆壁或4米 प्रिश्कसनयाँ, प्रसतयोसगताएँ, नमूने के तौर पर मना रही है। ककृ पया पधारें और सवश्व िंगीत 吸煙。 緩衝區隔開,所有在室外用餐區4 米內的露天喝酒區均禁止吸煙。另外 एवं नकृतय के रोरक प्रिश्कनों, मुह ँ में पानी लाने खाने के सलए िुससथिर खाद्य-पिाथि्क, वाइन और 該法例意指禁煙范圍將覆蓋餐館、 咖啡廳、外賣店和持牌經營場地, 在各種安排戶外公共活動場所距離食品供應商攤位10米範圍內也都禁止 उतपाि, बच्ों की गसतसवसधयाँ तथिा और भी वाले व्ंजनों, िामुिासयक सटालों, सन:शुलक 這些措施現已實施,以防護社區免受二手煙的禍害,並確保吸煙不可視 包括庭院用餐區和行人道餐飲區。除非中間由超過2.1米高的牆壁或4米 吸煙。 फे作正常行為。 ि पेंटटंग, झूलों, जम्पंग कॉिल, िांसककृ सतक कई काय्ककलाप शासमल होंगे।

維 維

緩衝區隔開,所有在室外用餐區4 米內的露天喝酒區均禁止吸煙。另外 खे這些措施現已實施,以防護社區免受二手煙的禍害,並確保吸煙不可視 लों और सनक जूसनयि्क डोरा दि एकिपलोरर िामुिासयक अनुिान आवेिन (क्युसनटी गांट 詳情請瀏覽www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform 在各種安排戶外公共活動場所距離食品供應商攤位10米範圍內也都禁止 और गो सडएगो गो की सवशेि उपससथिसत का एपलीके शन) भी मार्क में खुलेंगे। यदि आप 作正常行為。 吸煙。 आननि लें! दकिी लाभ-सनरपेक्ष िमूह का भाग हैं जो 詳情請瀏覽www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform 這些措施現已實施,以防護社區免受二手煙的禍害,並確保吸煙不可視 वहाइटहॉि क्युसनटी को िेवाएँ प्रिान करता 作正常行為。 है तो ऐिा हो िकता है दक आप गांट के पात्र हों। और असधक सववरण के सलए काउं सिल िे 詳情請瀏覽www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform

Cải cách thuốc hút CẬP NHẬT HẰNG THÁNG

िंपक्क करें ।


tiểu Cảiuật cáchtoàn thuốc hútbang về hút thuốc tại các khu vực ngoài trời nơi có thực Sau đó đến ngày2017. Chủ Nhật 29 tháng Ba hãy háng này Hộiđầu đồng phốtừsẽngày 1 tháng khách bắt cóThành hiệu lực 8 năm tham gia cùng chúng tôi tại Hội chợ Thức chào mừng cácbang cộng đồng đathuốc văn tại các khu vực ngoài trời uật toàn tiểu về hút nơi có thực ăn vàhàng, Rượuquán Trường tồn từ 10 giờbán sáng đến Theo luật này, khách hàng bị cấm hút thuốc tại nhà cà phê, cửa tiệm hóa của chúng ta tại Lễ hội Global Fiesta Cải cách thuốc hút khách bắt đầu có hiệu lực từ ngày 1 tháng 8 năm 2017. 4 giờ chiều tại Tòa Thị chính Box Hill, thức ăn liền (take-away) và các cơ sở có giấy phép, bao gồm khu ăn uống sân vườn và1022 vào ngày Chủ nhật 15 Tháng Ba từ 12 Whitehorse Road,bia Boxrượu Hill.ngoài Hội chợ sẽ có nơi ănluật uống lối bộ hành. Hút thuốc bị cấm tại khu vựcquán uống Theo này,trên khách hàng bị sân cấm hútTrung thuốc tại nhà hàng, cà phê, cửa tiệmtrời bánnằm giờ trưa đến 5 giờ chiều tại cỏ uật toàn tiểu bang về hút thuốc tại các khu vực ngoài trời nơi có thực những đặc điểm như trình diễn nấu nướng, gần khu vực(take-away) ăn uống ngoài trờicơ trong vòng mét trừ được ngăn bởi bức thứcSinh ăn liền và các sở có giấy4phép, baokhigồm khu ăn uống sântường vườn cao và tâm hoạt Nunawading 379-397 các cuộc tranh tài, thức ăn, rượutính và từ các sản bắt đầuđệm có rộng hiệusố từHút ngày 1 tháng năm 2017. 2,1 khách mét hoặc vùng 4lực mét. thuốc cũng bị8vực cấm trong vòng 10ngoài mét nơi ăn uống trên lối bộ hành. Hút thuốc bị cấmphẩm tại khu uống bia rượu trời nằm được nuôi trồng theo cách bảo vệ Whitehorse Road, Nunawading. Hãy đếncộng tổ chức ngoài trời. gian hàng bán thức ăn tại các lễ hội công gần uốnghàng ngoàibịtrời trong mét khi được ngăn bởicửa bức tường caomua, Theokhu luậtvực này,ănkhách cấm hút vòng thuốc4tại nhàtrừ hàng, quán cà phê, tiệm bán môi trường để mọi người nếm thử và chung vui và thưởng thức các màn trình 2,1 hoặc vùngnày đệm rộng mét. Hút thuốc cũng bị gồm cấm trong vòng 10sân mét tính từ Những pháp giờ đây đểcác bảobao vệ dân khỏi bị tác hại vì và hít thứcmét ănbiện liền (take-away) và các4được cơ sởáp códụng giấy phép, khu uống sinh hoạtchúng cho ăn thiếu nhi và vườn nhiều thứ diễn sôi động âm nhạc vàcác khiêu vũ thế gian hàng bán thức ăn tại lễrằng hội công cộng tổ ngoài trời. phảiăn khói thuốc vàlốiđể đảm hútbị thuốc không được xem là bình thường. nơi uống trên bộbảo hành. Hút thuốc cấmkhác tại chức khu vực uống bia rượu ngoài trời nằm nữa. giới, các thức ănuống hấp ngoài dẫn, các gian hàng 4 mét trừ khi được ngăn bởi bức tường cao gần khu vực ăn trờiđược trong Những biện pháp này giờ ápvòng dụng đểChương bảo vệ dân khỏi bịCộng tác hại vì hít Muốn biết thêm thông tin,đây truy cập trìnhchúng Cấp khoản đồng cũng cộng đồng, vẽvùng mặt đệm miễnrộng phí,4các trò chơi, 2,1 mét cũng bịđược cấm trong 10 mét tính từ phải khóihoặc thuốc và để bảo đảm mét. rằng Hút hút thuốc thuốc nhận khôngđơn làvòng bình thường. www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform xinxem trong Tháng Ba. Nếu quý vị là lâu đài hơibán để nhảy nhót, cáclễtrò văn gian hàng thức ăn tại các hộichơi công cộng tổ chức ngoài trời. Muốn biết thêmhiện thông tin, truy cậpDora the một nhóm bất vụ lợi cung cấp các dịch vụ hóa và sự xuất đặc biệt của đồng Whitehorse, Những biện pháp này giờ đây được áp dụng đểcho bảoCộng vệ dân chúng khỏi bị tácquý hạivịvìcó hítthể www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform Explorer Nick Gođảm Diego Go! điềuđược kiện xem để nhận cấpthường. khoản. Xin liên phải khóicủa thuốc vàJr. đểvà bảo rằng hút thuốc đủ không là bình lạc với Hội đồng Thành phố để biết thêm Muốn biết thêm thông tin, truy cập chi tiết. www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/tobacco-reform

काउं सिल िे िंपक्क करें

Per contattare il Comune


यदि काउं सिल िे िंपक्क करने के सलए आपको िुभासिया िहायता की आवशयकता है, तो सन:शुलक अनुवाि एवं िुभासिया िेवा (Translating and Interpreting Service) को 131 450 पर फोन करें । अपने द्ारा बोले जाने वाली भािा का नाम ऑपरे टर को बताएं और दफर उनिे Whitehorse City Council (वहाइटहॉि्क सिटी काउं सिल) िे (03) 9262 6333 पर कनेकट दकए

Se avete bisogno dell’assistenza di un interprete per contattare il Comune, telefonate al Servizio gratuito di Traduzione e Interpretariato al numero 131 450. Dite all’operatore quale lingua parlate e poi chiedete di mettervi in contatto con il Whitehorse City Council al numero (03) 9262 6333.

Nếu quý vị cần thông dịch viên giúp đỡ để liên lạc với Hội đồng Thành phố, xin gọi điện thoại cho Dịch vụ Thông Phiên Dịch miễn phí qua số 131 450. Nói cho nhân viên trực tổng đài biết ngôn ngữ quý vị sử dụng và nhờ họ nối đường dây với Hội đồng Thành phố Whitehorse qua số (03) 9262 6333.

जाने का सनवेिन करें ।


Ward news


These pages aim to provide you with an insight into projects and activities that your Ward Councillors are involved in. CENTRAL WARD Cr Andrew Munroe 0429 138 140 andrew.munroe@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Denise Massoud (Mayor) 0409 230 499 denise.massoud@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

By Cr Denise Massoud This month I am concentrating on an issue close to many residents’ hearts – TREES. On 3 June, the Blackburn and District Tree Preservation Society Inc (B&DTPS) celebrated ‘50 Years Plus’ and launched their publication Fighting for the Trees (see image to the right). A large crowd packed into Blackburn Lake Visitors’ Centre and filled the courtyard area. They shared knowledge and listened to stories of their history, memories of their

achievements and conversations about the recent efforts in advocating passionately for trees in the municipality. The group formed in 1959 with the vision that “community action, political lobbying and perseverance could, and would, preserve and enhance the local and wider environment for the benefit of all” (excerpt from the Introduction of Fighting for the Trees). The impact of this committed and knowledgeable group of volunteers upon our community is vast and may not often be fully recognized by others, but without this vision and immense efforts since 1959, our treed environment, precious parklands and native flora and fauna could have been destroyed. I acknowledge David Berry, the editor and current Chairman of B&DTPS, for his leadership and endeavour to bring together all the pieces needed to create this wonderful publication. It is not only about trees but also highlights many of our volunteers over the years and confirms

the amazing community we are all part of. The book is fascinating to read with many images. It is appropriate to look to current times and recent activities of B&DTPS, who have been working to advocate and provide advice for many re-vegetation projects including plantings along our railway corridor and in parks. They also support residents who have been negatively affected by indiscriminate ‘moonscaping’ of much loved local vegetation. They also provide volunteer support for the Gardens for Wildlife program, which is offered through Council. Council has recently submitted a request to the Planning Minister, Hon Richard Wynne, to apply an overlay across all residential areas to protect trees so that we can prevent indiscriminate moonscaping. We hope our request for this addition to our Planning Scheme is supported. Right: the new publication from the Blackburn and District Tree Preservation Society.

ELGAR WARD Cr Tina Liu 0418 121 357 tina.liu@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Blair Barker 0459 857 280 blair.barker@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

By Cr Tina Liu Eastern Region Group Workshop Whitehorse City Council recently hosted the first Eastern Region Group workshop, which was attended by the councillors and CEOs from the City of Whitehorse and neighbouring municipalities. The main aim of the session was to look at how councils in Melbourne’s east can work together to better advocate on behalf of their communities and strengthen their collective effort on strategic and regional

priorities, whilst also preserving autonomy. It was a productive session and I look forward to further exploring ways to drive better outcomes and social and economic benefit for the eastern region. Business Week Council will be running a series of events during Business Week (14-18 August). Some of the guest speakers include Olympic swimmer and commentator Nicole Livingstone OAM (Women in Business lunch and forum) and business adviser and economic forecaster Bernard Salt (Economic and Investment Breakfast). Business Week is definitely worth looking into if you are business owner and/or have an interest in commerce. For more information visit www.wbiz.com.au Event Highlights I had the pleasure of attending the Rotary Club of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills Changeover Dinner. I congratulate immediate Past President Rob Teese and his team on their

accomplishments in 2016-2017 and wish new President Jan Cook and office bearers a successful term ahead. The Box Hill Chinese Senior Citizens Club held an event to celebrate the group’s 30th anniversary, which I also attended. Over the past few decades, the club has been providing services for the local elderly Australian-Chinese community – congratulations to the group for reaching this wonderful milestone! Eley Park Sharks Football Club had its annual Ladies Day in July at Whitehorse Reserve in Box Hill (Sharks’ home ground). The event also celebrated the 125th year of the VAFA competition. It was a great turnout and we were also fortunate to have lovely weather. Well done to the Sharks for the win on the day! Right: Cr Liu with President of the Eley Park Sharks Football Club Travis Houlden at the club's annual Ladies Day at Whitehorse Reserve in Box Hill.

MORACK WARD Cr Bill Bennett 0409 195 530 bill.bennett@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Raylene Carr 0400 886 889 raylene.carr@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

By Cr Bill Bennett Public Transport I think we would all agree that better public transport is needed in our part of the world; not just for commuting, but for our everyday needs. One of my responsibilities is to represent Council at the Eastern Transport Coalition, which represents Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, and advocates for a better deal on public transport. You may have read of the efforts to prioritise improvements to the Box Hill Transport Interchange? Other initiatives include

the extension of the tram line from Vermont South Shopping Centre to Knox City and a bike path on the south side of Burwood Highway linking Morack Road to the Eastlink Trail over the Dandenong Creek. The pathway along the Melbourne Water Pipetrack will continue to progress, eventually linking with the Box Hill to Ringwood shared user path.

community members to read the report in the 26 June Council minutes and make a submission.

Visit www.etc.org.au for more information.

The City of Whitehorse was one of only three Melbourne Metropolitan councils selected for the Neighbourhood Project trial. The initiative is to encourage community involvement in worthwhile endeavours, such as local groups showcasing the use of wicking beds to grow plants at Box Hill Mall. Two of these beds are now at the Vermont South Community House and will be of enormous benefit to the Horticulture and Hospitality Groups that meet there on a regular basis.

Forest Ridge Draft Development Plan Better known as the former ATV-0 television studios, the Forest Hill complex is still used for the production of Network 10 programs, including Neighbours. The Draft Development Plan proposes to develop the land for a mix of housing, open spaces, new roads and pathways. The Councilproposed heritage overlay on part of the site was subsequently reduced by the Minister of Planning. A number of concerns have been raised by Council Planning Officers in their report to Council. I would encourage

Visit www.whitehorse.vic.gov. au/Agendas-Minutes.html to download the minutes. The Neighbourhood Project

Until next time, Bill

Above: Cr Bennett (left) with members of the Hospitality Course at Vermont South Community House.

Ward news



The views expressed are those of individual Councillors and do not necessarily reflect Council policy or the views of Council as a whole. RIVERSDALE WARD Cr Sharon Ellis 0419 397 194 sharon.ellis@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Andrew Davenport 0407 652 145 andrew.davenport@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

By Cr Andrew Davenport Shake Off Winter and Win Shake Off Winter and Win members’ promotion has returned to Aqualink Box Hill and Nunawading for 2017. The promotion encourages members to attend one of the venues on 20 occasions between 1 July and 31 August 2017. Further, during the period, there are a number of events members can participate in. If you are a member of Aqualink I encourage you to participate in these events.

National Tree Day I attended National Tree Day on Sunday 30 July and participated in planting trees on Council land at Junction Road Reserve. At the end of the event there was a free barbecue! I have attended a number of these events, and note that prior sites which were targeted on previous National Tree Day events continue to receive benefit, and a number of trees have become well established. Deakin Bridge In previous editions of the Whitehorse News, I have given an update on the status of construction of the bridge on Gardiner’s Creek, between the two parts of Deakin University sites. The bridge is scheduled to be completed early August and will be known as Morgan's Walk, named after Dr David Morgan AO, former Chancellor of Deakin University. Morgan’s Walk incorporates the new Burwood Link, and will improve accessibility, safety and convenience across the Gardiner’s Creek

Reserve, interconnecting the Burwood Highway and Elgar Road sides of campus. Morgan’s Walk is scheduled to open early August 2017. Australian International Multicultural Festival – Global Chinese Music World Cup On 21 July, I attended the opening of a piano competition, which was held as part of the Global Chinese Music World Cup. It was pleasing to see the talent of musicians participating at the event, and I wish the winners success in their future endeavours in life.

Right: Cr Davenport is 'shaking off winter' at Aqualink

SPRINGFIELD WARD Cr Ben Stennett 0448 375 937 ben.stennett@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Prue Cutts 0409 867 540 prue.cutts@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

By Cr Ben Stennett Tree Planting Day in Whitehorse Sunday 30 July was National Tree Day and this year Council chose Junction Road Parklands as the location to plant thousands of trees. Every year many people from the community join together and help plant trees in our local parks on this day. Junction Road is particularly special to me because this was land that the community lobbied to keep in public hands, and not be sold off for housing development.

Whitehorse Manningham Libraries presents Our Community Stories, a project to keep community stories alive by encouraging the community to explore and connect with their history and heritage. The first series celebrates the lives of eight remarkable women of Whitehorse and Manningham through a collection of art cards designed by local artist Edwina Marion, currently an Artist in Residence at Box Hill Community Art Centre. Read more of the women's stories online at www.wml.vic.gov.au

I often see people enjoying this valuable green open space that Council is committed to preserving in partnership with other levels of government.

Damien and Rita Panlock, representatives from Brodie's Law, and Charlie Bezzina, retired Detective Senior Sergeant of Police. Those on the panel had time to present some information and then answer questions from the audience.

Heatherdale Community Action Group (HCAG) Forum With the Mayor and my fellow Councillor Prue Cutts, I attended a forum at the Heatherdale Bowls Club in July. This was a forum for an important discussion on violence in our local area. Those attending were welcome to ask questions or share information. The purpose of this event was to present concerns and suggestions to Government representatives, which will result in a better and more positive education of all people in our society.

I congratulate HCAG for organising a forum on such an important topic. Right: Cr Stennett participated in National Tree Day at Junction Road Parklands

It included an expert panel for the evening including Noelene Greene, Maroondah City Council, Eastern Community Legal Centre,

rse, adventurer Janet Muir Gaff | Nu pitals between stints She worked in auxiliary hos f white lies, Janet Muir Gaf With the help of two little Army at ian tral Aus the with se nur volunteered as a li campaign. the height of the Gallipo her age and declared She shaved six years from was considered too old she 56 at — herself a widow ed to be married. pos sup not e and volunteers wer tland in 1860, Janet was Born in Victorian-era Sco pendence. When her inde and it spir a woman of — and left her with a a eric Am to husband sailed uilt her life and became reb she — e young son to rais a nurse. Australia, along with her She eventually moved to led in Blackburn. sett and ily, supportive fam as a volunteer transport Janet spent World War I rines”. She cared for sick ma sub the ging nurse “dod pital ships and sailed hos in iers sold and injured ia three times. tral Aus and land between Eng

cialising in amputations on the ocean — one spe ther in shellshock. ano and s, and artificial limb Janet attended a As a result of her service, — part of a small tle Cas r dso Win at reception nded men. She wou of sea a in en group of wom r, Queen Mary. the mo her and ry Ma met Princess so brave, but I said, ‘Our “[The princess] thought it to us to do it also’,” up it’s so it, g doin boys are er. sist her to Janet wrote

part of her remarkable World War I was just one travel throughout her to ed tinu con et Jan story. s in Africa, went to the Fall oria Vict ted visi life. She Amazon in Brazil. the up ed sail and t Middle Eas woman recognised on Janet Muir Gaff is the only rds and is buried in boa our hon I r Wa rld local Wo ry. ete cem Box Hill 1860 – 1940

local stories at Whitehorse lore your own and other . Keeping stories alive. Exp u or drop into any branch Visit www.wml.vic.gov.a Manningham Libraries. rion Illustrated by Edwina Ma


Recreation news


Inclusive Birthday Parties at Aqualink


hildren’s birthday parties are a time of fun, laughter and celebration. However birthday parties for some children can be a source of stress and anxiety.

This is particularly true for some children with disability, as the environment may be new, loud and busy with lots of new people. Aqualink aims to ensure that an inclusive environment and activities are provided so that all children can join in the party and water-based activities. Knowing what will happen can alleviate stress and anxiety. A set of social stories has been developed to build the child’s understanding of what will happen at an Aqualink party, the games that may be played and the equipment that may be used. Aqualink staff members understand that needs of children vary significantly due to age, abilities and interests. Staff will work with families to tailor the party to meet the needs of all children attending. The social stories can be downloaded from the Aqualink website www.aqualink.com.au

Social stories now available Social stories are short descriptions of real life situations to help children with disabilities understand what they may experience during an Aqualink party. These resources include photos and explanations about games, activities and familiarisation with the structure of the party. Visit www.aqualink.com.au to download the social stories.

Families booking a party can also arrange a tour of the facility prior to the party.



qualink’s Post Natal Health and Happiness Program is a place where new mums can transition back into exercise with their babies close beside them, where instructors know that babies are a priority, where there is no judgement, and where you can do your exercise and care for your child at the same time. The program focuses on strengthening the core muscles and pelvic floor, stretching, learning to lift safely, as well as relaxation techniques. Some exercises are performed with the babies, while others are done on your own with your baby on a yoga mat within arm’s reach, or in their pram. The classes focus on strengthening and relaxation, but most participants report that bonding and connection with bubs are also extraordinary rewards. The best thing about the program “is being able to have my baby with me and feeling comfortable attending to my baby if needed," said one participant.

More information and party bookings Aqualink Nunawading 9878 4576 Aqualink Box Hill 9898 2099 www.aqualink.com.au



f the thought of exercising in winter is enough to make you curl under the doona until spring, we have some good news for you.

Futsal Super 5’s women’s competition runs at Sportlink on Monday evenings Warm, dry, super fun and welcoming, the competition is the perfect opportunity for women to get involved in sport. Futsal is the official FIFA and UEFA version of indoor soccer. The game uses a special low bounce ball, which encourages players to develop skills instead of using the ball’s bounce to propel it. Women’s team Swolesquad (pictured right) has been playing at Sportlink for the past three years, and have come in the top four every season they have played. The team told us that they would love to see new entrants in the Monday evening competition with all levels of experience welcome.

and dedication shown by Futsal Super 5’s who organise the program is excellent and overall we enjoy playing at Sportlink! What do you enjoy most about playing in the women’s league on a weekly basis? Having another night for women locally here in Whitehorse and having a friendly competition.

Sportlink and competition organisers Futsal Super 5’s are currently looking for new teams or individual players (Futsal Super 5's can help you find a team). If you are interested, please visit www.super5s.org or call 0433 000 444. More information Sportlink, 2 Hanover Road, Vermont South 9847 7111 sportlink.enquiries@whitehorse. vic.gov.au

A coffee afterwards in the café is a chance to enjoy some social interaction and a great way to finish off the session. This unique program was nominated at the Aquatic and Recreation of Victoria Awards night in 2016. Since it began in 2014, every program has been fully booked. Next dates: The next post natal program starts on Wednesday 23 August at Aqualink Nunawading and Thursday 24 August at Aqualink Box Hill.

We asked them what they loved most about playing Futsal at Sportlink: What do you think of program? The Monday evening program is great as it is a night dedicated to women’s sport. There is a good vibe within the centre, but it would be nice to see some more competition with new entrants and experience. The communication

As well as the health and fitness benefits, the program encourages new mums to get out of the house, resume gentle exercise, boost their feel-good endorphins and meet new friends.

More information or to book Aqualink Nunawading 9878 4576 Women's Futsal team Swolesquad plays in the Futsal Super 5's program at Sportlink on Monday nights.

Aqualink Box Hill 9843 2900 www.aqualink.com.au

Arts and culture


Coming up at the Whitehorse Centre Local theatre and music lovers are in for a treat this September with two world class shows coming to the Whitehorse Centre stage as part of Season 2017. Bakersfield Mist

Mirusia - From The Heart

Friday 1 September, 8pm (post show Q&A) Saturday 2 September, 2pm and 8pm Full $48, Conc $45, Under 25 $25

Friday 15 September, 8pm 
 Saturday 16 September, 8pm Full $68, Conc $65

We welcome to the stage Australian acting legends John Wood and Julie Nhill in an hilarious exploration of art and life. Brown Maude, an unemployed bartender, has bought a painting for a few bucks from an op shop. Despite almost trashing it, she now thinks it’s a Jackson Pollock and worth millions. In fact she’s certain it is. But when world-class art expert, Lionel Percy, flies over from New York to authenticate the painting, he really has no idea what he’s about to discover. Based on a true story, Bakersfield Mist is a cracking comedy!

Australian soprano Mirusia will present her new concert From The Heart. Let André Rieu's ‘Angel of Australia’ touch your heart with her songs about the heart – be it those full of love, those still looking for love or hearts broken by love. Mirusia will delight her audiences with her charming personality and beautiful soprano voice when she presents songs including Botany Bay, Colours of the Wind, Dvorak’s Song to the Moon and Chopin’s In mir klingt ein Lied. This promises to be a truly magical evening.

For tickets, visit www.whitehorsecentre.com.au



dwina Marion is an illustrator and artist based in Melbourne, working in many mediums including watercolour, oil, pen and textiles.

Her work has been displayed in galleries in New York, Los Angeles and Melbourne, as well as being sold at local markets. Edwina also recently illustrated a children’s book, My Backyard Circus. Edwina explores the themes of animals, flowers, comedy, social justice and women’s rights. Box Hill Community Arts Centre Project

Friday 8pm: Opening, exhibition and sales Saturday 10am to 5pm: Exhibition and sales Sunday 10am to 4pm: Exhibition and sales Where: Box Hill Town Hall, Whitehorse Road, Box Hill Purchase an original masterpiece, watch artists at work and enjoy a tour.

iving back. Making friends. Strengthening the community. Learning new skills. These are just some of the reasons people give for why they volunteer. In our monthly profiles, learn more about some of our local volunteers and the rewarding work they do. Name: Kitty Ng Suburb: Box Hill Volunteer role: Secretary of Box Hill Chinese Senior Citizen’s Club What does your volunteering involve? Connecting, coordinating, administrating and organising. My top priority is to maintain a fair, happy and harmonious atmosphere. What made you interested in volunteering? The sudden death of my father (bread winner of my family) when I was 13 years old made me realise the importance of unconditional help from others. Without that help I would have lost my chance of schooling. I always feel that I am extremely fortunate to receive all sorts of help. Whenever I can and no matter how small it is, it is my turn to give, which is even more fortunate. I started visiting refugee camps, children orthopaedic hospital etc as a high school student. Then went on to became a volunteer teacher in First Aid and Home Nursing after graduation. I continued volunteering in schools, hospitals and now communities when my family migrated to Australia 29 years ago. Towards the end of 2015, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. During my treatments, I received loads of well-wishes and prayers. How lucky I am to be loved by my family, friends and communities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all.

What would you say to people who are thinking about volunteering? Start volunteering now, and don’t wait. No matter how big or small, you will always make a difference in other people’s life.

bhcac.com.au www.facebook.com/themarioncollective

When: 25 to 27 August


I always feel happy and encouraged whenever I can offer my hands to those in need.

More information

Box Hill Art Group Inc., in conjunction with the Whitehorse Arts Association, presents their 65th Art Exhibition and Sale.


What do you get out of your volunteering?

"During my residency I plan to further explore the themes of femininity, nature and beauty, along with the connections that are made between them. I will be exploring a range of mediums but working primarily in watercolours, pencil and textiles as well as working on larger scale portraiture. I want to explore why we find nature beautiful, and why we connect nature with femininity and beauty. I want to explore femininity in relation to how we construct the female gender and why we connect certain ideas or images to this construct, and how fashion plays a role."



2017 Whitehorse Seniors Festival Various fun and free (or low cost) events are coming up in late September and throughout October as part of Whitehorse Seniors Festival. Every year, Council and local community organisations host a range of events to celebrate the important contribution older people make to the community. The full program of events will be available from 28 August. Visit www.whitehorse.vic. gov.au/Seniors-Festival.html or request a booklet by calling 9262 6443.


What's on


Box Hill Community Arts Centre EXHIBITIONS

Couples’ Pottery

Artist in Residence Exhibition – YingHong Li

Bookings Need a new idea for date Essential night? Bring along your special someone and learn to throw pottery on the wheel in this fun and relaxed two-week course.

8 – 20 August Opening: Thursday 10 August, 6pm Painter and ceramicist YingHong Li will present a series of works created during her residency at Box Hill Community Arts Centre. Margaret Cotter – Floral Serendipity 22 August – 3 September Opening: Friday 25 August, 6pm

Whitehorse Centre Mount Waverley Secondary College presents Legally Blonde

Whitehorse Showtime presents Sands of Time

3 – 5 August Contact the Box Office for details. Full $25, Conc $20

18 – 26 August Contact the Box Office for details Full $28, Conc $20

Pottery Skill Building: Handle Intervention

Elle Woods sets out to go to Harvard Law. Along the way, Elle proves that being true to yourself never goes out of style.

In this hands-on workshop, be guided through different techniques of making and attaching handles to your cups and mugs.

The City of Whitehorse Band presents Showcase 61 - An Afternoon of Memories

Trek through the Sands of Time, marvelling at the adventures that await. A theatrical experience presented by the Scouts and Guides of the Mount Dandenong Region.

Fridays 11 – 18 August, 7pm-9.30pm Cost: $130 / 2 weeks

The beautiful floral photography of Margaret Cotter is a visual feast, bringing feelings of happiness and prompting special memories.

Sunday 20 August, 2pm-4pm Cost: $66 / 1 day

Sunday 6 August, 2pm Full $20, Group (10+) $15

Introduction to 3D Printing

COURSES – CHILDREN Kindy Creations (3–5 yrs)

Learn how to use 3D computer-aided design software, design your own object and bring it to life using a 3D printer.

Enjoy a concert of music from film, stage, the Big Band era and of course, brass band compositions.

Kinder-aged children can explore their creativity while making fun clay and craft creations with their carers.

Thursday 24 August, 7pm-9pm Cost: $48 / 1 day

Robert Stolz Viennese Music Society presents A Viennese Morning


Artisan Cheese Making Learn how to make fetta and camembert in your own home kitchen! Class includes recipes and samples of cheese to take home.

Monoprinting Come along and discover the art of monoprinting, a painterly method of printmaking. Sunday 27 August, 10am-2.30pm Cost: $80 / 1 day


Sunday 6 August, 10am–4pm Cost: $99 / 1 day

Life Drawing Discover the basics of drawing the human figure including proportions, anatomy, perspective, foreshortening and more. Mondays 7 – 21 August, 1pm-3pm Cost: $112.50 / 3 weeks

Scott Irwin, Derek Metzger and Ian Stenlake are tuxedo-clad crooners bringing back the classic Vegas-like lounge show.

Take a stroll through the majestic Viennese alleyways to the music of the famous Austrian composer Robert Stolz.

Chinese Brush Painting

Fridays 4 – 11 August, 11am-2pm Cost: $128 / 2 weeks

Wednesday 30 August, 11am Morning tea commences at 10am Full $18, Group (10+) $16

Tuesday 8 August, 11am Full $22, Conc $20 Morning tea commences at 10am.

Fridays 4 August - 8 September, 9.30am-10.30am Cost: $99 / 6 weeks

Discover brush strokes and techniques using water, ink and colours on Xuan paper.

Whitehorse Centre presents Kings of Croon

470 Station Street, Box Hill Phone: 9895 8888 www.bhcac.com.au

The Whitehorse Centre has a double pass to Kings of Croon on Wednesday 30 August at 11am to give away this month. The first person to call the Box Office on 9262 6555 at 10am on Wednesday 9 August 2018 will win.

Rear of 397 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading Phone: Box Office 9262 6555 www.whitehorsecentre.com.au

Visit www.bhcac.com.au to view our full range of courses

LIBRARY EVENTS Located at Box Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill

The Rennie Ellis Show

Chinese Family History Research

My Emma

Wednesday 2 August, 2pm Nunawading Library

Thursday 24 August, 10.30am Vermont South Library

Beginning Victorian Family History Research

Meerkat Productions Live Performance

A travelling exhibition presented by the Rennie Ellis Photographic Archive and Monash Gallery of Art

Friday 4 August, 1.30pm Blackburn Library

3 August – 7 October

William McInnes and his Desert Island Reads

The photographer Rennie Ellis (1940–2003) was a key figure in Australian visual culture, best remembered for his effervescent observations of Australian life during the 1970s and 1980s.

Tuesday 8 August, 7pm Nunawading Library

The Rennie Ellis Show highlights some of the defining characters of Australian life during this period, including politicians, punk rockers, spiritual leaders and advocates of the sexual revolution. Right: Rennie Ellis, Richmond fans, Grand Final, MCG (detail) 1974. Courtesy Rennie Ellis Photographic Archive and Mossgreen Gallery.

Saturday 26 August, 2pm Vermont South Library Minecraft Club Box Hill Wednesday 30 August, 4pm Box Hill Library

Bookings are essential for events listed this month. For a full listing of events and to book, visit wml.spydus.com/events Blackburn Library, Blackburn Road Ph: 9896 8400

Box Hill Library, 1040 Whitehorse Road Ph: 9896 4300

Nunawading Library, 379 Whitehorse Road Ph: 9872 8600

Vermont South Library, Pavey Place Ph: 9872 8650

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