Whitehorse News July 2021

Page 1

July 2021 Whitehorse News is changing We’re improving access to Council’s monthly news publication and we want your feedback. More on page 3

Capital works program Read about improvement works that have taken place throughout Whitehorse in the past year. Pages 8-9 •

Whitehorse 2022 Calendar

Working for Whitehorse

Have your say

Season 2021, Fresh Pt. 2

The theme for our calendar is Innovation and Creativity. Page 4

Landscape Specialist Kevin Smith is keeping Whitehorse beautiful. Page 5

Council has a new engagement platform. Page 5

Come and see our new line-up of theatre and music. Page 6


Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

Contact Whitehorse City Council

Mayor’s message

Whitehorse City Council, Locked Bag 2, Nunawading, VIC 3131 customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au Phone: 9262 6333 Fax: 9262 6490 NRS: 133 677 then quote 9262 6333 Follow Whitehorse City Council on Facebook Customer service centres

Acknowledgement of Country

Whitehorse Civic Centre

Whitehorse City Council acknowledges the Wurundjeri and all peoples of the Kulin Nation as the traditional custodians of the land. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre Box Hill Town Hall Council meetings Delegated Committee Meeting Monday 12 July, 7pm Ordinary Council Meeting Monday 19 July, 7pm These meetings will be held via remote technology, with no attendance in-person. Council meetings are live streamed at www.webcast. whitehorse.vic.gov.au Sustainability Whitehorse News is printed on paper manufactured at a PEFC Chinese // 中文 and FSC Certified Chinese 中文Paper Mill and Chinese Chinese // 中文 中文 is produced using soy based inks. 如需免费口译协助,请致电 如需免费口译协助,请致电 如需免费口译协助,请致电 如需免费口译协助,请致电 131 450。电话接通后,请说出 Whitehorse News online 131 450。电话接通后,请说出 131 131 450。电话接通后,请说出 450。电话接通后,请说出 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 Sign 市政府。 up to our e-version and read 市政府。 市政府。 市政府。

the Whitehorse News online at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ whitehorse-news Italian / Italiano Italian / Italiano Italian Italian // Italiano Italiano

Per assistenza di interpretariato Information correct Per assistenza di interpretariato Per assistenza di interpretariato Per assistenza di interpretariato chiama il 131 450. Indica lingua at time of printing: chiama il 131 450. Indica la la lingua chiama il 131 450. la lingua chiama ile131 450.diIndica Indica lamesso lingua che parli chiedi essere che parli e chiedi di essere messo Tuesday 29 June. che parli e chiedi di essere messo che parli e chiedi di essere messo in contatto in contatto con con ililil Whitehorse Whitehorse City City in in contatto contatto con con il Whitehorse Whitehorse City City Council. Council. Council. Council.

July 2021

Cr Andrew Munroe

I recently participated in the Australian Local Government Association annual conference. The event provides a unique opportunity for councils to engage directly with the federal government. It is our opportunity to tell our elected representatives PROPOSED STREET to BRIDGE what MAIN matters our community and to influence policy and decision making. Location: Main Street Blackburn Creek, Vic 3130

The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Working Together for our Communities’, recognising that many

communities around Australia have been heavily impacted by fires, storms, floods and the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 18 months. It is important that local governments gather together to share knowledge and different ways of serving our local communities. It was also an opportunity to look forward, at the important work all local governments have been doing to support our communities and how we will continue to lead a local recovery from COVID-19.

Translation services For free interpreting assistance, call 131 450. Mention the language Chinese 中文 you speak// and Chinese 中文ask to be connected Greek Greek // Ελληνικά Ελληνικά to Whitehorse City Council. 如需免费口译协助,请致电 Για βοήθεια 如需免费口译协助,请致电 Για δωρεάν δωρεάν βοήθεια με με Chinese // 中文 Greek // Ελληνικά Chinese 中文 Greek Ελληνικά 131 450。电话接通后,请说出 διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε 131 450。电话接通后,请说出 διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε στο στο 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 131 450. τη γλώσσα 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 131δωρεάν 450. Αναφέρετε Αναφέρετε τη γλώσσα 如需免费口译协助,请致电 Για βοήθεια με 如需免费口译协助,请致电 Για δωρεάν βοήθεια με 市政府。 που και 市政府。 που ομιλείτε ομιλείτετηλεφωνήστε και ζητήστε ζητήστε να να 131 διερμηνεία στο 131 450。电话接通后,请说出 450。电话接通后,请说出 διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε στο συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 131 450. Αναφέρετε τη γλώσσα 你说的语言,并要求转接白马 131 450. Αναφέρετε τη γλώσσα A structural assessment found Whitehorse. Whitehorse. 市政府。 που ομιλείτε ομιλείτε και και ζητήστε ζητήστε να να 市政府。 που that the current bridge, which συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του Italian / Italiano Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt Italian / Italiano Vietnamese Tiếng in Việt has /been place since at least Whitehorse. Whitehorse. 1945,thông is beyond maintenance Per assistenza di Để được dịch miễn Per assistenza di interpretariato interpretariato Để được hỗ hỗ trợ trợ/ thông dịch miễn Italian / Italiano Vietnamese Tiếng Việt Italian / Italiano Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt and needs to be replaced. chiama chiama ilil 131 131 450. 450. Indica Indica la la lingua lingua phí phí hãy hãy gọi gọi số số 131 131 450. 450. Hãy Hãy nói nói tên tên che parli di ngôn ngữ của quý vị yêu cầu che parli e e chiedi chiedi di essere essere messo messo ngôn ngữhỗ của quý vị và vàdịch yêumiễn cầu Per assistenza di Để được trợ thông Per assistenza diilinterpretariato interpretariato Để được hỗ trợ thông dịchThành miễn in contatto con Whitehorse City được kết nối với Hội đồng The new bridge will be similar in contatto con il Whitehorse City được kết nối với Hội đồng Thành chiama ilil 131 hãy gọi số 131 450. Hãy nói tên chiama 131 450. 450. Indica Indica la la lingua lingua phí phí hãy gọi số 131 450. Hãy nói tên to the Council. phố Whitehorse. incủafunction andcầu design Council. phố Whitehorse. che parli e chiedi di essere messo ngôn ngữ quý vị và yêu Greek / Ελληνικά che parli e chiedi di essere messo ngôn ngữ của quý vị và yêu cầu Greek / Ελληνικά Greek // Ελληνικά existing bridge, with two lanes in contatto con Greek Ελληνικά in contatto con ilil Whitehorse Whitehorse City City được được kết kết nối nối với với Hội Hội đồng đồng Thành Thành and a footpath on each side. Council. phố Για δωρεάν βοήθεια με Council. phố Whitehorse. Whitehorse. Για δωρεάν βοήθεια με Για δωρεάν βοήθεια με Για δωρεάν βοήθεια με διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε στο From July to December 2021, διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε στο διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε στο διερμηνεία τηλεφωνήστε στο 131 450. Αναφέρετε τη γλώσσα 131 450. Αναφέρετε τη γλώσσα Main Street will be closed to 131 450. τη 131 ομιλείτε 450. Αναφέρετε Αναφέρετε τη γλώσσα γλώσσα που και ζητήστε να που ομιλείτε και ζητήστε να vehicles and pedestrians and the που ομιλείτε και ζητήστε να που ομιλείτεμεκαι ζητήστε να συνδεθείτε το Δήμο του συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του local bus will be diverted while συνδεθείτε με το Δήμο του Whitehorse. Whitehorse. Whitehorse. works are underway. Whitehorse.

Council is proposing to replace the bridge in Main Street over Blackburn Creek. A structural assessment has determined that the current bridge is beyond maintenance and needs to be replaced. The timing of the works is still be confirmed and is likely to be in the next 1-3 years. If you have any commentson the proposed design please contact Council’s Engineering Works Coordinator, Arthur Makris using the Council contacts of 9262 6333 or customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au.

Council is replacing the bridge at Main Street, Blackburn Contact: 9262 6333 customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Vietnamese // Tiếng Vietnamese Tiếng Việt Việt Vietnamese Vietnamese // Tiếng Tiếng Việt Việt Để được trợ dịch miễn Để được hỗ hỗ trợ thông thông dịch miễn Để hỗ thông dịch miễn Để được được hỗsốtrợ trợ thông dịch miễn phí hãy gọi 131 450. Hãy nói tên phí hãy gọi số 131 450. Hãy nói tên phí hãy gọi số 131 450. Hãy nói phí hãy gọicủa số quý 131 vị 450. Hãy cầu nói tên tên ngôn ngữ và yêu ngôn ngữ của quý vị và yêu cầu ngôn của quý vị và cầu ngôn ngữ ngữ củavới quý vị đồng và yêu yêuThành cầu được kết nối Hội được kết nối với Hội đồng Thành được kết được kết nối nối với với Hội Hội đồng đồng Thành Thành phố Whitehorse. phố Whitehorse. phố phố Whitehorse. Whitehorse.

Plan your trip ahead of time to avoid delay and check alternative routes. Changes: ■ Vehicle detours will be in place using the surrounding road network.

Some bus service changes will be necessary. Bus commuters will still be able to use Main Street stops. The two bus stops in Main Street between Heath Street and the Avenue will need to be closed. Pedestrians can detour through Furness Park or Kalang Path. Please note: Furness Park is a gravel path with some steep sections. Kalang Path is a gravel path with less steep sections than Furness Park. Pedestrians with mobility issues may need to use the concrete footpaths in Heath Street, Blackburn Road and The Avenue.

There will be ‘no stopping’ on the north side of Heath Street between Main Street and Blackburn Road. More information City Services – 9262 6333

July 2021

Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

Our community tells us that letterbox delivery of Whitehorse News is not very effective. • Unreliable delivery • Lots of paper waste • Seen as junk mail, not recognised as Council news We want to improve access to Whitehorse News


Tell us what you think – Whitehorse News survey 1. The aim is to make the paper edition of Whitehorse News more reliably available by displaying it outside supermarkets; and also to reduce paper waste. Do you support these objectives?



2. How could we make access to the digital edition easier for those who would like it?

We are planning to trial a new distribution method for our monthly Whitehorse News. We want to be sure that residents who want it can get a clean, dry copy easily and reliably. The trial We plan to stop letterboxing from November 2021 to March 2022 and will then review. ■ From October 2021, we will start distributing: ■ outside supermarkets in large display boxes ■ in libraries, Aqualinks, maternal child health centres, Neighbourhood Houses and other community centres ■ via our in-home care staff who provide services to older residents Our goal with this new distribution method is to: ■ maintain delivery to retirement villages ■ use large display boxes with clear signage so they are highly visible ■ make it easier to sign up for the digital edition for those who want to

3. How could we increase access to the paper edition for those who do not visit a supermarket, library or other civic outlets?

4. Do you have any other comments on the proposal to switch Whitehorse News from letterbox distribution to community displays?

Stay up to date - Follow our digital news options Receive news emailed monthly www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/subscribe Read the paper online www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ whitehorse-news Follow us on Facebook

Optional - Please provide your contact details if you want to hear about upcoming changes to Whitehorse News and to subscribe to receive the e-version. Name:

Phone number:

Email: Return this survey to one of our customer service centres at Box Hill, Forest Hill or Nunawading Civic Centre by Monday 26 July; or complete the digital version of the survey by scanning the QR code or visiting: https://yoursay. whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news-distribution


Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

July 2021

Working for Whitehorse Keeping it green If you enjoy the greenery and open spaces of Whitehorse, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen the handiwork of Kevin Smith. The landscape specialist has spent 30 years with Whitehorse Council, after quickly realising three months into a job that office life was not for him.

Calling for photos for our 2022 Whitehorse Calendar

“The rest is history,” he said. “There is never a day I wake up and hate coming in to work”. The bulk of Kevin’s job involves planting and landscaping, including installing park seats, picnic tables, drainage work and path upgrades – all things that the community uses. During the past 15 years, it is estimated that Kevin has planted about 500,000 plants and 12,000 trees with most of those indigenous to Whitehorse. Part of a crew of three that is based out of the nursery, the 51-year-old thrives being part of a team. “It’s like a family because we’ve been here for so long. We all help each other out. That’s what makes it – we just work well together.” Some of the big projects he has worked on include Aqualink Box Hill (three times), Surrey Dive and landscape development of SportLink. The 2009 job was a 10-week program completed in four weeks while combatting extreme heat for the centre’s opening on 7 February, 2009 – Black Saturday.

Our theme for our 2022 calendar is ‘Innovation and Creativity’. We’ve drawn on the Whitehorse 2040 Community Vision for this idea.

Landscaping projects at new sporting pavilions, upgraded playspaces, streetscape upgrades and construction for new parks also feature heavily. One recent rewarding project is Wattle Valley Road Reserve in Mitcham, a former house block which was transformed into a park linking two bushland areas and create an uninterrupted corridor for wildlife and people to use. More than 80 trees and 2000 plants indigenous to the area were planted. Kevin has loved his time with Whitehorse. “All through the years people have supported me and given me opportunities. I’ve been lucky enough to take them and end up where I am,” he said.

From Aqualink to Tokyo – local swimmers are headed to the Olympics Two high-performance athletes from Nunawading Swimming Club will be heading to the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games this month with their coach Wayne Lawes. Brendon Smith and Matt Temple qualified to compete at the Olympic trials in Adelaide in June. Brendon finished first in the men’s 400m individual medley in an Australian record time of 4:10.01 and second in the men’s 200m individual medley, achieving a personal best time of 1:58.82. Matt qualified to compete in the 100m freestyle and 100m and 200m butterfly events. He finished second in the freestyle and first in both butterfly events, where he achieved a new Australian record of 50.45 in the 100m butterfly. “It’s been a rollercoaster of preparation over the past 12 months and our athletes have stuck

together, been resilient and worked diligently to achieve their success,” said coach Wayne Lawes. The swimmers have spent many hours in the pool at Aqualink Nunawading; Brendon started swimming through Aqualink’s learn to swim program and has progressed through the club squads all the way to the national team. “We are incredibly proud of our athletes who delivered such an outstanding performance in the pool,” said Nicole Webster, Nunawading Swimming Club’s General Manager. “This could not be achieved without the wonderful people who support our swimming community.”

Our community contributed beautiful photos for our 2021 calendar. We are asking our residents to once again celebrate and capture creativity and innovation in Whitehorse by submitting new or old images. Your photos will go into the running to be part of our 2022 Whitehorse calendar. We will only be posting copies to subscribers this year, so please register your subscription below. Submissions will open on 9am Monday 12 July 2021 and close 5pm Sunday 29 August 2021. Entry details must include: ■ Name ■ Description of your entry ■ Where in Whitehorse was your photograph was taken Eligibility Photos must be taken within the City of Whitehorse, watermark free and the original work of the entrant. Permission must be sought for any people in the photo and if the photo was taken on private land. Photos must be landscape orientation and high resolution. Other general requirements To be eligible you must live, work or study in the City of Whitehorse. More information www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/calendar

July 2021

Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news


Have your say Whitehorse City Council has signed up to a new online engagement platform, EngagementHQ. Anyone registered as a user on the former OurSay platform is encouraged to register with Council’s new portal Your Say Whitehorse.

Mont Albert Pavilion

2021/2022 budget Council approved the 2021/2022 budget on 28 June 2021. The adopted budget includes a $78 million capital works program, $171 million operational budget to deliver a wide range of services to our community, and $6 million for new operational initiatives to progress Council’s Transformation agenda. Council received 27 submissions on the Proposed Budget 2021/2022.

What you told us: Key themes from budget submissions received included ■ Upgrades to facilities including Heatherdale Reserve, Mont Albert Reserve, Simpson Park and Springfield Park ■ Upgrade and improvements at Yarran Dheran ■ Active transport and advocacy for cycling infrastructure ■ Waste management ■ Equity in budget allocations ■ Open space and street trees

COVID vaccine Getting fully vaccinated against COVID-19 helps protect you and others from getting sick. At the time of printing, people aged 40 years and over are eligible to get a vaccine and those aged under 40 can speak to their GP about accessing the AstraZeneca vaccine. All Aboriginal people aged 16 and over are eligible. People who work in certain industries are also eligible, and certain high-risk industries may require employees to be vaccinated. To check your eligibility, find out where you can get vaccinated and book an appointment, visit www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/vaccine

The new platform offers a range of engagement tools including surveys, forums, polls and a mapping function, allowing you to share your ideas and provide feedback on issues and projects that matter to you. The platform also allows you to receive notification of new consultations by registering. To sign up to Your Say Whitehorse visit yoursay.whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Thank you to everyone who took the time to make a submission and those people who presented their submission to council. More information www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ adopted-budget

We want to hear from you – have your say today! Current consultations ■

Whitehorse News Distribution Trial Water Management Strategy

State and federal government messages are the most reliable sources of up-to-date vaccine information. This includes official websites, letters or government social media. Avoid taking vaccine information from other sources or people who are not doctors or nurses. If you have questions or concerns about COVID-19 vaccines, talk to your doctor or visit www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/ covid-19-vaccines This website has links to information in many languages, in case you want to share with a friend or relative who does not read English. More information www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/vaccine


Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

SEASON 2021 – FRESH - Part 2 Celebrate the arts with this wonderful line-up of theatre and music to bring joy to your life. During the Whitehorse Centre redevelopment our main season has moved to One Community, 184 Surrey Rd Blackburn.

July 2021

Box Hill Youth Outreach International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).




Wednesday 4 August 2pm & 8pm

Whitehorse Youth Services and various community organisations have been getting out and about to actively engage young people, understand their issues and provide information and services to the community.

Friday 9 July 8pm Saturday 10 July 2pm

Alice Springs. 2039. A fish falls from the sky – it still smells of the sea.

Recently, the Box Hill Youth Outreach Team hosted an event for IDAHOBIT day at the Box Hill Mall Activation Pod.

In 1964, legendary entertainer Judy Garland came to Australia and experienced the triumph and tragedy that epitomised her life. In Judy Australia 1964, you are taken on a journey that recreates one of the most controversial episodes in Australian entertainment history. Backed by a seven-piece showband, you will be spellbound by Garland’s most loved songs.

When the Rain Stops Falling is told through the interconnected stories of two families over four generations, between a prediction in London 1959 and its outcome in Australia 80 years later. It follows the journey of Gabriel Law and his attempt to solve the mystery of his father’s disappearance. This epic and powerful piece of magic realism asks the question; do we have the capacity to address the damage of the past in the future?

The event staff and volunteers from organisations across Whitehorse created a fun and friendly atmosphere to celebrate our LGBTIQA+ community and provide information on IDAHOBIT. Free for everyone to enjoy was music, a photo booth, temporary tattoos, rainbow ribbons, stickers, snacks, information about services and a fabulous 3D chalk artwork which was supplied by Family Access Network. More information www.idahobit.org.au

FUTURE SHOWS YOUNG MOZART Thursday 9 September 8pm EVERY BRILLIANT THING Friday 24 September 8pm Saturday 25 September 2pm CIRCA: WOLFGANG’S MAGICAL MUSICAL CIRCUS Thursday 30 September 11am WALLFLOWERING Friday 1 October 8pm Saturday 2 October 2pm FEVER! THE SONGS OF PEGGY LEE Saturday 6 November 2pm and 8pm

PETE THE SHEEP Tuesday 6 July 11am and 1pm Suitable for children 4-9 years Venue: Box Hill Town Hall This hilarious show explores the challenges and rewards of being an individual and will be a lasting tribute to honouring your own spirit and strength, whilst working with the flock. Pete the Sheep is a lively and mischievous award-winning musical for young audiences and their adults.

To buy tickets and subscriptions, call 9262 6555 or visit www.whitehorsecentre.com.au

Mission Australia 2021 Youth Survey Whitehorse City Council values the ideas and feedback of young people in our community. This is why we are once again participating in the Mission Australia 2021 Youth Survey. This is Australia’s largest online youth survey, providing a platform for young people to speak up about the issues that really concern them. Your input plays a valuable role in shaping Whitehorse into a better community for young people now and in the future. If you are aged 15-19, you can complete the survey online at www.missionaustralia.com.au/youthsurvey. Make sure you enter the code 77720 so that your responses can be collated with those of other Whitehorse residents. The survey is open until 9 August 2021.

July 2021

Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news


Active and Safe School Program The Whitehorse Active and Safe School Program is now in its fourth year. This year, Council is working with St John’s Primary School in Mitcham to create a safer environment for students getting to school. The program aims to reduce car reliance and increase the number of students walking and riding to school, boost road safety knowledge and address infrastructure improvements around the school neighbourhood. St John’s staff and students have already started working on their goals for the program. Council has facilitated two workshops with the Student Future Leaders team to discuss the benefits of active travel, problems with getting to school safely and road safety education. Some ideas that the

students thought could help improve road safety include: ■ designing a feature wall with positive messages on walking and cycling and road safety message ■ creating a map with routes to school ■ designing posters that include the Stop Look Listen Think road safety message ■ holding a presentation at assembly ■ going to classes and teaching students the road safety messages ■ creating a video Council is looking to implement these ideas as well as traffic infrastructure treatments such as: ■ footpath stickers designed by students to help with safe road crossings

Be a better biker

Council is responding to community feedback on the new on-demand lighting at Mont Albert Reserve.

However, it is important that we are sharing roads and paths safely with people who are walking, riding or driving to avoid accidents and serious injuries.

When you are on the road, bike riders must give way to pedestrians: ■ at pedestrian crossings: approach crossings at a speed that lets you stop safely ■ at stop signs or lines, including pedestrians and other bike riders crossing in front of you ■ at intersections ■ when entering or leaving a driveway On a shared user path, bike riders must give way to pedestrians and stay to the left. Slow down and call out or ring your bell to let them know you are there. Only bike riders under the age of 13 can ride on footpaths, with the exception of those accompanying a child under 13 or someone with a disability. Bike riders must always give way to pedestrians on footpaths.

creating a map with routes to school that everyone can use to travel together ‘Kiss & Go’ signage to help manage any traffic congestion outside the school as well as other signage to help with decreasing speed.

Mont Albert Reserve Lighting Community Feedback

Bike riding is a great way to stay active and see the beautiful sights around our municipality.

How bike riders can safely share roads and paths with people walking

Installed in early May, these lights can be activated by a push button on the pavilion and operate on a 30 minute cycle. Whether you’re getting some exercise, playing with the kids or enjoying the fresh air, you can now feel extra safe in this well-lit environment. How bike riders can safely share the road with drivers Road rules for bike riders and drivers are the same, except for some differences and additional rules for bike riders. Use hand signals when required to let others know that you are going to change directions. Obey the road rules and stop at red lights and stop signs. When approaching an intersection, stay behind vehicles already indicating and turning left. Bike riders are required to use on-road bike lines where they are provided unless it is impracticable to do so. More information www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safetyand-road-rules/cyclist-safety/ sharing-the-road

Based on your feedback, the lights will now be available from 5pm-8.30pm on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays until September 2021. Resident Marjie Johnson has been making the most of this new installation with her family. She posted this on Facebook:

Cootamundra Ward

Zetland Rd, Mont Albert

Blackburn Station Village

Recently completed, the works in Zetland Road have included the removal and reconstruction of the bluestone kerb and channel, stormwater drainage improvements, removal and replacement of the vehicle crossings, repair and resurfacing of the asphalt pavement and associated reinstatement works. The project was prioritised as the road was reaching end of useful life and previously required increased maintenance to maintain service levels.

Improvements at Blackburn Station Village include replacement of footpaths with exposed aggregate concrete, new hexagonal concrete seats, drainage upgrades to reduce water on footpaths, updated landscaping and safety improvements to the bus stop.

Elgar Park Pavilion

Primula Park

Elgar Ward

Improvements include site preparation, drainage, mulch and installation of new play equipment.

Saxton Road

Eley Ward Edinburgh Patch Edinburgh Patch has been re-concreted and a reversible basketball/netball ring has been installed, allowing usage for both sports. Mirrabooka Oval This project falls under Council’s Sportsfield Ground Renewal Program. Works included a complete rebuild of the southern oval with drainage, irrigation and renewal of the playing surface. The new turf will improve the grounds’ capacity to withstand drought and wear and tear. This makes it ideal for cricket and soccer which are both played at the oval.

This project involved renewal of the road and associated elements, covering a total length of 315m. The works include removal and reconstruction of the concrete kerb and channel, stormwater drainage improvements, removal and replacement of vehicle crossings, repair and resurfacing of the asphalt pavement and associated reinstatement works. Elgar Park South The completion of Elgar Park South Pavilion has been a highlight of this year’s program. The redevelopment features a range of amenities, including a large angular multipurpose room with views of adjoining ovals, four large change rooms, a kitchen, club and community storage space and public accessible toilets. Sustainability has been a focus of these improvements with installation of PV solar panels and an underground stormwater tank plumbed to bathrooms.

Kingsley Ward Drewett St, Surrey Hills The bluestone kerb on Drewett St was renewed earlier in the financial year as part of Council’s ongoing investment in maintaining kerb and channel across the municipality. Gawler Chain New concrete has been laid and a reversible basketball/netball ring has been installed, allowing usage for both sports.


A large part of our focused on the i Council-owned and This is called the cap

The capital works program is made plant and equipment-related project design, renewal, upgrade, expansion of a variety of assets. Here are some have occurred throughout the munic

Lake Ward Blackburn Lake Visitor Centre Upgrades to the external features of the visitor centre include a partial roof renewal for the existing building, new verandas and upgraded decking for comfortable seating areas. There will be greater accessibility with exposed aggregate concrete laid throughout the courtyard space and installation of handrails. Landscape rocks, natural and formal seating and planting were implemented for aesthetic appeal. The changes have allowed for community and school groups to make better use of the Visitor Centre.

Mahoneys Ward Aqualink Nunawading Completed earlier in the financial year, this project was fast tracked to be undertaken while the centre was closed during COVID-19 restrictions. The new filter system services the 50m pool and is a crucial element to pool function and quality. All piping for the filter system is encased in concrete. 1st Forest Hill Scout Hall This hall, among many other Scout and Guide Halls this year, has undergone building improvements including structure remediation works, replacing damaged floorboards, removal of asbestos linings, and new steps at the entrance and rear.

Heatherdale Reserve

Simpson Ward Heatherdale Reserve Works included the planting of Indigenous trees and vegetation, as well as a surface upgrade to the BMX Pump Track and Mountain Bike Skills Loop.

l works

r annual budget is improvement of d managed assets. pital works program.

Sparks Ward

Morack Golf course park

Wembley Park The works include removal of the existing pole lighting and installation of new four pole lighting. These lights feature a 200 LUX LED system which will provide the most cost-effective, durable and high-quality lighting system.

up of infrastructure, property, ts. These projects are focused on n or new acquisition/construction e of the improvement works that cipality over the past financial year.

Cambridge/Thurston St, Box Hill Intersection Improving road safety is a priority for all road infrastructure projects. At this intersection, there was limited visibility which caused conflict between road users and pedestrians. The solution was to add a pedestrian crossing and raised platform, improving pedestrian safety and increasing awareness between cyclists and vehicles. Surrey Park Works at the Surrey Park retaining wall were recently completed as part of Council’s retaining walls renewal program.

Minor works Other minor projects in Simpson Ward include an upgrade to the streetscape vegetation at the Canterbury Rd/Boronia Rd intersection, a furniture upgrade at Vermont Reserve and Indigenous planting at Campbell’s Croft.

The new wall has 40m³ of concrete crib wall to stabilise the structure. This wall has been reinforced through excavation to create an agricultural-style drain layered with light soil and castella topping that aids drainage and maintains the structure. The height of the fence was extended for safety.

Terrara Ward Winswood Place Works included site preparation, drainage, mulch and installation of a variety of play equipment.

Morack Golf Course

Wattle Ward

Works to improve the golf course have included the resurfacing of several paths and tees and the installation of a shelter on course near the 6th tee.

Gardiners Creek

Terrara Park Pavilion This new pavilion includes a striking angular footprint with views to the unique field layouts, covered spectator viewing areas, a multipurpose space, 12 change rooms with amenities that convert to six larger spaces, increased storage space and public accessible toilets. Sustainable elements include rainwater collection tanks and PV solar panels. Female friendly amenities were considered in the design of change rooms and inclusion of a second referee change room.

Council has installed a variety of park furniture this financial year. This includes 70 park seats, 16 drinking fountains and seven picnic tables. Many of these were installed along Gardiners Creek between Station Street and Deakin University. Sinnot Street Reserve The renewed bridge is near completion at Sinnot Street Reserve. The bridge is 30m long and connects the reserve to Gardiners Trail.

Walker Ward Walker Park Training Nets The cricket nets at Walker Park were upgraded as part of Council’s Sportsfield Training Net Renewal Program. Works included demolishing the existing three cricket bays and nets and re-constructing four new bays. Surrounding landscaping works have also been completed.

Lundgren Chain Council installed 28 solar lights across various sites over the financial year. 11 of these were installed along Lundgren Chain along the walkway between Station Street and Finch Street.


The views expressed are those of individual Councillors and do not necessarily reflect Council policy or the views of Council as a whole. Cootamundra Ward

Eley Ward

Elgar Ward

Andrew Munroe – Mayor 0429 138 140 andrew.munroe@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Trudy Skilbeck 0435 188 822 trudy.skilbeck@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Blair Barker 0459 857 280 blair.barker@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Lake Ward

Mahoneys Ward

Denise Massoud 0409 230 499 denise.massoud@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Mark Lane 0435 387 526 mark.lane@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Whitehorse City Council is divided into 11 single-councillor wards. Our Councillors have been elected to serve until October 2024. By Cr Andrew Munroe

By Cr Trudy Skilbeck

By Cr Blair Barker

The ability of your Councillors to get out and about in the community of recent times has been somewhat constrained due to COVID.

Adapting thinking in governance everywhere.

“I get knocked(locked) down but I’ll get up (out) again. You’re not ever going to keep me down.”

Hopefully, with vaccine rollout gathering pace, we can get to less restrictions. At time of writing I have had my first AstraZeneca dose and will soon have my second. If you are a resident or business experiencing difficulty at this time please contact me or Council to see what support may be available. AdventCare unit opening Recently I was pleased to join with local MP and Housing Minister, the Hon. Michael Sukkar and Cr Denise Massoud at the opening of AdventCare’s new residential units that provided supported accommodation. AdventCare provides for retirement living through to Residential Care that includes personal, respite, dementia and palliative care. Having the wide range of accommodation and care options means residents can transition with a minimum of dislocation.

Main Street Bridge closure Built in the 1940s, the Main Street Bridge in Blackburn needs to be replaced as it is at the end of its useful life. This work will take up to five months to complete and is planned to start in July (subject to utilities that have services running through the bridge) and will see the bridge close to all traffic for the duration. For more information, please contact City Services on 9262 6333. Image: Cr Massoud, Cr Munroe, David Reece CEO of AdventCare, Hon. Michael Sukkar and Pastor Graeme Christian - President of Seventh-day Adventist

The National Simultaneous Story time in May took us out of this world. I had the delight of reading for Whitehorse’s contribution to the collective voicing of Philip Bunting’s Give Me Some Space! It was a wonderful interplanetary adventure, and kudos to the Whitehorse Manningham Library staff for making it happen seamlessly for a large online audience. Putting on that astronaut suit made me think about governance in harsh spaces. The intended manned missions to Mars coming in the 2030s started their governance thinking last decade. This recognised that working out how to make good decisions, in extreme, hostile, environments without real time help from Earth, needed a lot of preparation. This isn’t mostly about technology. It requires a lot of repeated conversation about how to practise adapting and keeping everyone calm and able to make best available choices. Governance institutes around the world are thinking about what Mars will mean for us, not just the space agencies and commercial interests. Local government thinking benefits from the widest possible lens we can give it. Despite COVID-driven disruption, we have far less challenges than Mars will present. Yet we still need calm and pathways for good, sustainable, choices. When I am engaging in Eley and across Whitehorse – in traffic management advocacy, playground renewal, planning and permits, wellbeing initiative possibilities and budget approval, to name a few from June – I am figuratively that astronaut striving to stay in pragmatic, adaptive and big picture thinking. Contact and feedback is always appreciated!

Chumbawamba’s song ‘Tubthumping’ from 1997 feels a lot like the collective mood in Melbourne right now (Mid June, lockdown #4). It is an upbeat, hopeful and absurdly repetitive song. On 30 May I had my first Pfizer vaccination and local friend Madelyn perfectly captured the emotion I felt when she reported her vaccination: “feeling surprisingly emotional... feels good to fight back and give COVID a kick in the pants for a change.” Council’s recent efforts have been focused on core requirements such as budget considerations, yet we have continued to drive forward strategic transformation, continuous improvement and advocacy projects. The major state projects that have highly transformative and destructive potential continue to attract considerable effort. The North East Link: we still await detailed designs to discuss with the community. The suburban rail loop: consultations continue. Sadly, many homeowners in Box Hill have been advised that their properties may be acquired to build the project and have been unfairly left in limbo and unable to move on with their lives by the State Government. Thank you to all for enduring these circumstances. I appreciate how much effort has been invested by community to keep going and support one another. I also deeply appreciate the efforts of Council staff that dealt with often confusing directions as they opened and closed and opened our facilities, kept our services going and public spaces looking great.

The views expressed are those of individual Councillors and do not necessarily reflect Council policy or the views of Council as a whole. Kingsley Ward

Walker Ward

Simpson Ward

Cr Amanda McNeill 0435 158 360 amanda.mcneill@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Ben Stennett 0448 375 937 ben.stennett@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Prue Cutts 0409 867 540 prue.cutts@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Sparks Ward

Wattle Ward

Terrara Ward

Cr Tina Liu 0418 121 357 tina.liu@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Andrew Davenport 0407 652 145 andrew.davenport@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Cr Raylene Carr – Deputy Mayor 0400 886 889 raylene.carr@whitehorse.vic.gov.au

By Cr Amanda McNeill

By Cr Ben Stennett

By Cr Prue Cutts

As Victoria emerges from Lockdown #4, Whitehorse residents have shown their resilience again.

Council adopted the 2021/2022 Annual Budget in June.

Delivering in Simpson Ward

We support our villages in Mont Albert and Surrey Hills. Great to see people back enjoying the MASH sausage sizzle and walking in Whitehorse’s wonderful parks. The storm from early June brought down trees and power lines across the outer east. Fortunately, Whitehorse was not too badly affected. If you need assistance call Council Customer Service on (03) 9262 6333. I know some people are struggling emotionally. Carrington Health (now Health Ability) has available an after-hours Mental Health Nurse, free of charge. It operates every day so please call 1300 003 509 if you need support. They are opposite Box Hill Hospital and offer telehealth and face to face appointments. The Surrey Hills and Mont Albert LXRP project scope of works and detailed design plan is out for community comment. You can register, and have your say on the project through the Engage Victoria Website. www.engage.vic.gov.au/lxrp-surrey-hillsand-mont-albert Council is keen to hear from residents as well. Our officers will continue to meet with the LXRP work through the design and advocate for our community. Clearly some key aspects of this project still need work and as your Ward Councillor I welcome your input. Please contact me on the details above. I’m hopeful that we can continue to return to a COVID-normal and enjoy more in-person activities.

It includes, among other things, funding to continue the strategic review of the Nunwading Megamile West and Mitcham Structure Plan, and upgrades of Enterprise Way in Mitcham and the Nunawading Shopping Centre on Springvale Road Nunawading.


I am delighted to announce that Simpson Ward has major projects funded in the 2021/2022 capital works program: Heatherdale Reserve pavilion redevelopment

New mural at Britannia Mall If you’ve visited the mall recently you can’t have missed the big new art mural! The installation is part of the Activate Whitehorse initiative. Thanks to Blender Studios for their amazing work. The mural has a clear antigraffiti coat, which will make it easy to clean off graffiti without damaging the artwork, though experience has shown a lower incidence of graffiti on these types of installations. Capital works update Work is progressing on the upgrade of Britannia Mall Mitcham, as well as installation of a new basketball half-court at Halliday Park Mitcham. Works on the double-storey car park behind Nunawading Police Station are also progressing well, which will provide additional parking to the new Whitehorse Performing Arts Centre, the Civic Centre, library and facilities at Walker Park.

Image: Artist’s impression looking north east

This will become a live project on 1 July, with construction to start in late 2021. The new build will replace the existing pavilion which has served the community well for half a century but which has now, with its one female toilet and undersized rooms, become Council’s top priority pavilion, out of 30 across the municipality, for upgrade. Vermont Village streetscape upgrade A $700,000 upgrade to the streetscape between Beaumont Street and Nurlendi Road will be the second stage of this project. Features will include new footpath, street furniture, upgraded garden beds, new shade trees, new parking line markings and a new kerb, ramp and traffic island at the Beaufort Street intersection. Forster Street drop-off/pick-up indentation area at Heatherdale station

Council’s Easy-Ride Routes

Since the Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA) moved on after completing the Heatherdale station project in 2017, the issue of re-instating the indentation to improve safety for both pedestrians and cars was unresolved.

As part of Council’s Cycling Strategy, six “Easy Ride Routes” have been identified which are being marked with “sharrows” – painted markings on the road to indicate the road is shared with cyclists and to provide direction for cyclists. There are several east-west and northsouth routes which are designed to encourage cycling across the municipality (and beyond).

All these projects are expected to be completed in this next financial year. Thank you to all involved in the sustained advocacy for both the Heatherdale Reserve pavilion and the Forster Street projects as these have involved many obstacles along the way. It has been an absolute pleasure to work hard for you and with you!


Springvale Rd


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Terrara Rd

Blackburn Rd

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Surrey Rd

Station St

Riversdale Rd

Middleborough Rd

Canterbury Rd Station St


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Whitehorse Rd


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m Mitcha

Bellbird Dell (shared with Simpson Ward) Tyrol Park Hanover Reserve Livingstone Park Dandenong Creek Trail and Lookout Tower Bushy Park Wetlands Morack Public Golf Course



Parks and prominent sporting reserves: ■ East Burwood Reserve ■ Terrara Park ■ Billabong Park


July 2021

R urn ckb Bla

Suburbs: ■ Vermont South ■ Burwood East (shared with Eley and Mahoney’s Wards) ■ Prominent shopping districts: ■ Vermont South shopping centre

ore Belm

Elgar Rd

Spotlight on Terrara Ward with Cr Raylene Carr

Middleborough Rd

Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

Elgar Rd



ro n



Terrara Burwood Hwy

Burwood Hwy

“Terrara Ward has wonderful, friendly residents and presents a communal atmosphere. A diverse range of sporting codes are played including football, cricket, soccer, tennis, baseball, netball, basketball, futsal, dodgeball, athletics, table tennis, cycling, lawn bowls and golf. Within the borders of Terrara, you will find the Vermont Private Hospital, Vermont South Learning Centre, Library, Sportlink, Nunawading Basketball Centre, the Bill Sewart Athletics Track and even a cycling velodrome. We have the Forest Hill Police Station, five primary schools, one college and 25 play spaces. I love living in Terrara Ward and could not imagine a better place to live, work and play.” – Cr Raylene Carr

Peter Wegner Archibald Prize Winner Council would like to extend its congratulations to Peter Wegner, the winner of the 2021 Archibald Prize. Peter has a print in the Whitehorse Art Collection at Artspace and has been associated with Whitehorse since the early 1990s. He has taught a number of workshops at Box Hill Community Centre, including portraiture workshops. His winning artwork was an endearing portrait of 101 year old artist Guy Warren.

Whitehorse City Council signs on to VECO Whitehorse is one of 46 Victorian Councils to sign on to the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO), the largest ever emissions reduction project by local government in Australia. VECO, led by Darebin City Council in Melbourne’s north, will provide 45 per cent of all Victorian Councils’ electricity requirements with 100 per cent renewables, reducing greenhouse emissions by 260,000 tonnes of C02-e every year. Provided by Red Energy which is owned by Snowy Hydro, the 240GWh of clean power is equivalent to powering 48,000 homes with renewables or removing the emissions from 90,000 cars every year. Initiated by and facilitated with the Victorian Greenhouse Alliances,

VECO recognises the benefits of renewable energy for the environment and the economy both locally and regionally. This project will allow Council to source clean renewable energy generated from Victorian wind farms. Cr Trudy Skilbeck said this energy will power six Council and community buildings with 100 per cent renewables commencing 1 July 2021 over a period of 9.5 years. “VECO is expected to reduce Council’s greenhouse gas emissions by 22 per cent from 2019/20 levels, and supports Council’s continued efforts to reduce its impact on climate change. We could not achieve this outcome in Whitehorse without this collective action,” Cr Skilbeck said. More information www.veco.org.au

Council sites to be powered by renewable energy: ■ Box Hill Town Hall ■ Nunawading Community Hub ■ Sportlink ■ Aqualink Box Hill ■ Whitehorse Civic Centre ■ Operations Centre

July 2021

Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news


Business grants 68 local businesses have been successful in receiving a grant through the second round of the Whitehorse Recovery Grants Package-Business.

This grant will allow them to continue their important work by funding research and development of 100 percent recycled plastic filament for 3D printers, which will allow people to recycle their prints.

These grants assist local businesses in overcoming the hardships of COVID-19. Across two rounds, Council has supported 349 businesses through this program.

Sheesh Homemade, a boutique specialising in tailored skirts made from vintage fabrics, received a grant through the Support Stream. Founder Suzie Lambert is highly appreciative of the program, which has helped her develop a strong visual marketing approach for her business.

The grants had two streams – Innovation and Support. Innovation grants could be used for substantial innovative projects while Support Grants could be used to assist businesses on the road to recovery from COVID-19. Precious Plastic Melbourne received a grant through the Innovation Stream. Precious Plastic Melbourne has been helping local organisations produce functional products using recycled materials since 2018. Founders Piers and Kayla Mossuto were inspired to help Australians reduce their environmental impact after the success of their business Crema Joe, the first reusable coffee pod brand in Australia.

Whitehorse Councillor Tina Liu congratulated all successful recipients. “It is so important that Council supports our small and medium size business through this pandemic as they are the backbone of our community. If you have an idea that needs some funding, I encourage you to submit an application in the upcoming grant round,” Cr Liu said. Sign up to the Down to Business newsletter and follow Whitehorse Business on Facebook for future funding announcements.

The company is focused on finding ways to recycle traditionally hard to recycle plastics.

More information www.wbiz.com.au

Grant recipients Piers and Kayla

How to support your local precinct Coming out of lockdown, there has never been a better time to support local businesses. Whitehorse is home to countless small businesses – anything you need, you can find without our municipality. There a number of different ways to locate the business or service you need in your area. X marks the spot Council’s Whitehorse Supporting Local Map showcases the wide variety of businesses located throughout the municipality. Everything from restaurants and cafes, retail, grocers, beauty, children’s services and more are listed on this detailed map.

Advocating for Whitehorse

If you own a business that is already listed on Google maps, you can submit relevant information about to be featured on the map using the online form available at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ whitehorse-open-business

Council is actively engaged with Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP), advocating for the interests of our community and local economy.

Under construction Council continues to plan and undertake retail precinct safety and streetscape upgrades to ensure our local businesses can thrive. We encourage residents to visit precincts undergoing improvement works. Signage and promotions will be displayed in shopping centres where capital works are occurring. “Places like Britannia Mall that are undergoing significant

upgrades have incredible businesses that value your support,” said Cr Stennett. “Visiting precincts that are under construction allows you to witness the incredible work Council is doing in real time.” You can check for updated business hours or changed arrangements for businesses within these precincts on the Whitehorse Supporting Local map.

LXRP are currently seeking feedback on updated designs for the new premium station and surrounding precinct. LXRP says these designs respond to feedback received on the initial concept designs earlier this year. To have your say, visit https://engage.vic.gov.au/lxrpsurrey-hills-and-mont-albert More information www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/lxrp


Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

Caring for the Community Learning lessons in friendship For over five years, the Box Hill Senior Citizens Club and Melbourne Chinese Christian University of the Third Age (U3A) have worked in partnership to host English language and cultural exchange sessions. The classes take place on Tuesdays and are run by volunteers from each group. Benjamin Chan, a volunteer from the U3A, worked as a teacher in Hong Kong before coming to Melbourne in 1998. “When I retired, I wanted to keep doing work that helped others, particularly migrants who need assistance adjusting to life in Australia,” said Benjamin. Both groups meet at Council’s Box Hill Senior Citizens Centre. They realised that by coming together and sharing resources, they could help Chinese residents brush up on their English skills, learn about their local community and make new friends.

Get digitally connected with help from our libraries Whether you’re surfing the web, figuring out how to make a Zoom call or filling out online forms, it’s important to keep your tech skills up to date. Council’s libraries offer a range of services and support to help our community get digitally connected. Programs and classes Whitehorse Manningham Libraries (WML) host classes that will help keep your tech skills up to date. These include: ■ Internet classes in English and Chinese ■ Using iPads and Tablets ■ Using library eResources To sign up and find out more, visit www. wml.vic.gov.au/Services/Events-Programs

“The focus is on making conversation, which I think is the best way to learn,” she said.

“It’s relevant, enjoyable, carefree learning through social interaction,” said Benjamin. “The students will pick topics of discussion. We might talk about what’s happening in Box Hill, their grandkids, cooking or gardening.” “We use everyday situations,” said Rosemary, who has helped run excursions to local cafés and markets so that students can put their skills in practice. The knowledge shared in these classes goes far beyond spelling and pronunciation. “Students often tell us how much they learn from one another, coming from different professions and experiences over a long lifespan,” said Benjamin. “Learning about each other’s backgrounds is very important,” said Rosemary. “A lot of our students went through difficult times growing up, and here they’ve felt comfortable talking about it.” “It’s great to feel as though you have contributed to something that has helped others.”

Online support The WML YouTube Channel has video tutorials on how to use a range of online services such as Facebook, Ancestry.com and more. Click on the ‘Playlist’ tab and explore the e-Learning playlist to find the resource you need. How to: Go to www.youtube.com and search Whitehorse Manningham Libraries In-person support and resources Our friendly library staff are there to assist you with any of your tech queries. You can request a one-on-one help session with a librarian by emailing web@wml.vic.gov.au. You can also call one of our library branches: ■ Blackburn Library 9896 8400 ■ Box Hill Library 9896 4300 ■ Nunawading Library 9872 8600 ■ Vermont South Library 9872 8650 All library branches offer free Wi-Fi access and computer use. Printing, copying and scanning services are also available for a small fee.

Rosemary Lock, the Secretary and Vice President of the Box Hill Seniors Club also volunteers at the classes and loves the relaxed, collaborative learning environment they have created.

The classes have no set curriculum – students learn through sharing experiences and interests.

July 2021

More information www.wml.vic.gov.au

Celebrate National Tree Day The community is invited to take part in a planting day at Gardiner’s Creek. When: Sunday 1 August, 10am-1pm. Council will provide all plants and tools. The event will finish with a well-deserved barbeque. Where: Gardiner’s Creek Trail, Burwood (near Fletcher Parade bridge across creek). Parking available in Fletcher Parade or Bennetswood Reserve. Registrations essential: https://treeday. planetark.org/site/10025017

Gardiner’s Creek is a significant waterway in Whitehorse and the wider Eastern region. Approximately 3,000 plants will be added to the local flora. This is a great opportunity to participate in a community event and improve a local park enjoyed by so many.

This year’s event is supported by EcoSave who will be providing 1,250 plants. Each plant represents the equivalent of one tonne of carbon dioxide that will be avoided annually through Council’s Energy Performance Contract Project. Register for tree planting https://treeday.planetark.org/ site/10025017

July 2021

Subscribe to the e-version at www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/whitehorse-news

WHITEHORSE CALENDAR Parent Information Forum

Whitehorse Performing Arts

Reach Out and Connect: The Suicide Conversation for Parents and Carers Presented by: Sarah Matta (Allied Health Clinician) and Narissa Doumani (Community Rehabilitation Support Worker) from LifeConnect – Neami National Hosted by: Whitehorse Youth Connexions

Young people are at an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Learn how to play a part in community suicide prevention and support the wellbeing of the young people in your family. When: Tuesday 20 July, 7pm-8.30pm Cost: Free online via Zoom Bookings essential: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/events/ reach-out-and-connect-suicideconversation-parents-and-carers

Kings of the High Cs In this brand new production dedicated to the ‘Big 3’ – Pavarotti, Domingo and Carreras – the outstanding Roy Best and Alison Jones perform the classic hits that made them the most successful tenors ever. Enjoy performances of O Sole Mio and Nessun Dorma, through to Broadway hits such as Be My Love, Strangers In Paradise, Some Enchanted Evening and many more. When: Wednesday 21 July, 11am Cost: Tickets $20 Group (10+) $18. Morning tea served from 10am Where: Stairway, 171 Rooks Rd, Vermont Bookings essential: www.whitehorsecentre.com.au


Parenting Anxious Children Presenter: Michelle Graeber – Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria

This session will provide parents and carers an understanding of: the role of anxiety and normal childhood development and provide information of where to go for further help, support and information. When: Tuesday 24 August, 7pm-8.30pm Cost: Free online via Zoom Bookings essential: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/events/ parenting-anxious-children-2021

Whitehorse performing arts has a double pass to Kings of the High Cs on Wednesday 21 July at 11am to give away this month. The first person to call the Box Office on 9262 6555 at 10am on Wednesday 14 July will win. Schwerkolt Cottage ‘The Suburban Dream’ – Museum Exhibition When: 3 July – 28 November Cost: Free Where: Schwerkolt Cottage and Museum, Deep Creek Road, Mitcham

The 1950s is a popular time when The Suburban Dream was a reality in the City of Whitehorse. In a visit to our newly updated Museum, you will see 1950s wedding dresses, clothes and domestic items that were a part of that dream.

Plastic Free July DIY Body Scrub and Natural Deodorant When: Wednesday 21 July, 7-8pm, online webinar Bookings essential: www.eventbrite.com. au/e/smarter-living-diy-body-scruband-natural-deodorant-workshoptickets-151598305613

Lily is a natural and DIY beauty coach who runs Mademoiselle Organic in Melbourne. During this online class, you’ll make a deodorant and a body scrub using ingredients that are easy to find in your kitchen.

15 Pruning keeps trees clear of power lines Council manages tree pruning on public land to ensure a safe distances between trees and power lines. Pruning will occur in Blackburn and Nunawading during July. Pruning is done in accordance with the Electric Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2020 and also with Council’s Electric Line Clearance Management Plan. More information: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ naturestrips

More information on Plastic Free July: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/events/ plastic-free-july

Kids Immunisations Council provides free vaccinations against infectious diseases for children aged from six weeks to 19 years old, as well as a limited range of vaccines for eligible adults in accordance with the National Immunisation Program Schedule. Council has a booking system for the Public Immunisation Program. To make a booking, please phone 9262 6197. Those without a booking will not be vaccinated. More: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au

Scan the QR code for the immunisation schedule:

NAIDOC Week July 4-11 is NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each year to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This year, the theme for NAIDOC Week is ‘Heal Country’. Country is inherent to the identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. It is more than just a place; it encompasses family, kin, law, lore, ceremony, traditions and languages. Healing country means embracing First Nation’s cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of Australia’s national heritage. It means ensuring that the culture and values of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are respected equally to those of all Australians.


Thay Cầu

Αντικατάσταση Γέφυρας

Sostituzione del ponte

市议会计划更换位于 Main Street, Blackburn 的桥 梁。Main Street 将在 2021 年7 月至 12 月期间关闭,机动车及行 人不得通行,公共汽车将会改道。 为避免延误,请提前计划好出行 及查找替代路线。

Hội đồng thành phố sẽ thay cây cầu tại đường Main Street, Blackburn. Từ Tháng Bảy đến Tháng Mười Hai 2021, đường Main Street sẽ đóng đối với xe cộ và người đi bộ và các chuyến xe buýt sẽ được chuyển hướng khác. Hãy lập kế hoạch sớm cho chuyến đi của quý vị để tránh bị trì hoãn và kiểm tra những tuyến đường khác.

Ο Δήμος θα αντικαταστήσει τη γέφυρα στην Main Street, Blackburn.

Il Consiglio comunale sta sostituendo il ponte di Main Street, a Blackburn. Da luglio a dicembre 2021, Main Street sarà chiusa al traffico dei veicoli e dei pedoni e gli autobus seguiranno percorsi alternativi. Programmate i vostri spostamenti in anticipo per evitare ritardi e cercate percorsi alternativi.

Xem thêm tại: www.whitehorse.vic. gov.au/main-street-bridge

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: www. whitehorse.vic.gov.au/main-street-bridge

Ulteriori informazioni: www. whitehorse.vic.gov.au/main-street-bridge

Vận động viên bơi lội Olympics

Κολυμβητές Ολυμπιακών αγώνων

Nuotatori olimpici

Hai vận động viên từ Nunawading Swimming Club (Câu lạc bộ Bơi lội Nunawading) sẽ dự Thế vận hội Olympics Games 2021 tại Tokyo trong tháng này cùng với huấn luyện viên Wayne Lawes.

Δύο αθλητές από το Nunawading Swimming Club (Σύλλογο Κολύμβησης Nunawading) θα πάνε στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες 2021 του Τόκυο αυτό το μήνα με τον προπονητή τους Wayne Lawes.

详情请浏览网站:: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ main-street-bridge 奥运游泳选手 两名来自 Nunawading Swimming Club (Nunawading 游泳俱乐部) 的运动员将在本月与他们的教 练——Wayne Lawes 一起参加 2021 年东京奥运会。 Brendon Smith 和 Matt Temple 在 6 月的阿德莱德奥运 选拔赛上获得参赛资格。Smith 将参加男子 200 米及 400 米个 人混合泳比赛,而 Temple 将参 加 100 米自由泳、100 米及 200 米蝶泳的赛事。 市议会祝他们在奥运会旗开得胜。 Whitehorse 2022年日历 市议会诚邀各位居民提交切合 2022 年日历主题(即创新与创造 力)的照片,共同为 Whitehorse 庆祝。 我们将从你们提交的照片中精选 一部分用于制作 2022 年日历,并 于今年年底邮寄给 Whitehorse 的居民。 照片开放提交时间为 2021 年 7 月 12 日星期一上午 9 时至 8 月 29 日星期天下午 5 时。 如需了解有关照片提交及资格详 情,并登记以邮寄方式接收 2022 年日历,请点击以下链接。 详情请浏览网站:: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/ calendar

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Brendon Smith và Matt Temple đã đạt điều kiện để thi đấu tại kỳ Thế vận hội thử tại Adelaide trong Tháng Sáu. Smith sẽ thi đấu ở nội dung cá nhân nam hỗn hợp 200m và 400m và Temple sẽ thi đấu 100m bơi tự do và 100m và 200m bơi bướm. Hội đồng thành phố chúc họ may mắn tại kỳ thế vận hội.

Lịch 2022 của Whitehorse Hội đồng thành phố sẽ kêu gọi cư dân tôn vinh Whitehorse bằng cách nộp những hình ảnh phù hợp với chủ đề cho lịch năm 2022. Đổi mới và Sáng tạo. Những hình ảnh của quý vị sẽ được dự thi để trở thành một phần trong lịch 2022 của chúng ta, lịch sẽ được gửi cho cư dân Whitehorse vào cuối năm nay. Việc nộp ảnh sẽ được mở vào 9g sáng Thứ Hai 12 Tháng Bảy 2021 và đóng vào lúc 5g chiều ngày Chủ Nhật 29 Tháng Tám 2021. Hãy thăm đường dẫn bên dưới để tham dự và những chi tiết đạt yêu cầu và để đăng ký nhận lịch 2022 gửi cho quý vị. Xem thêm tại: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/calendar

Από τον Ιούλιο έως το Δεκέμβριο του 2021 η Main Street θα παραμείνει κλειστή για όλα τα οχήματα και τους πεζούς και η διαδρομή των λεωφορείων θα αλλαχθεί. Σχεδιάστε το ταξίδι σας από πριν προκειμένου να αποφύγετε καθυστερήσεις και ελέγξτε τις εναλλακτικές διαδρομές.

Ο Brendon Smith και ο Matt Temple κατόρθωσαν να εξασφαλίσουν μία θέση στους προκριματικά παιχνίδια για τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες στο Adelaide τον Ιούνιο. Ο Smith θα αγωνιστεί στα 200 μέτρα ανδρών και στα 400 μέτρα μικτά και ο Temple θα αγωνιστεί στα 100 μέτρα ελεύθερου στυλ και στα 100 και 200 μέτρα πεταλούδας. Ο Δήμος τους εύχεται καλή επιτυχία στα παιχνίδια.

Ημερολόγιο Whitehorse 2022 Ο Δήμους ζητά από τους κατοίκους να βοηθήσουν τον εορτασμό του Whitehorse καταβάλλοντας φωτογραφίες που ταιριάζουν με το θέμα του ημερολογίου του 2022, Καινοτομία και Δημιουργικότητα. Οι φωτογραφίες σας θα λάβουν μέρος στο διαγωνισμό για να συμπεριληφθούν στο ημερολόγιο του 2022 το οποίο θα ταχυδρομηθεί σε όλους τους κατοίκους του Whitehorse στο τέλος αυτής της χρονιάς. Οι υποβολές θα γίνονται δεκτές από τις 9πμ τη Δευτέρα 12 Ιουλίου έως και τις 5μμ την Κυριακή 29 Αυγούστου 2021. Επισκεφθείτε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για υποβολή και λεπτομέρειες για το ποιος δικαιούται να συμμετέχει καθώς και για να εγγραφείτε για να λάβετε το ημερολόγιο του 2022 ταχυδρομικώς. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/calendar

Questo mese, due atleti del Nunawading Swimming Club (Club di nuoto di Nunawading) andranno alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2021 insieme al loro allenatore Wayne Lawes. Brendon Smith e Matt Temple si sono qualificati alle selezioni olimpiche di Adelaide nel mese di giugno. Smith parteciperà alla gara dei 200 e 400 metri misti individuali maschili, mentre Temple gareggerà nei 100 metri stile libero e nei 100 e 200 metri farfalla. Il Consiglio comunale augura loro buona fortuna ai giochi.

Calendario di Whitehorse 2022 Il Consiglio comunale invita i residenti a celebrare Whitehorse facendo pervenire foto che siano adatte al tema del calendario 2022, cioè Innovazione e creatività. Le vostre foto verranno selezionate per essere utilizzate nel calendario del 2022 che verrà spedito ai residenti di Whitehorse alla fine di quest’anno. Potrete far pervenire le vostre foto a partire da lunedì 12 luglio 2021 alle ore 9:00 fino alle ore 17:00 di domenica 29 agosto 2021. Visitate il link in basso per informazioni sui criteri di idoneità e per registrarvi così da ricevere il calendario del 2022. Ulteriori informazioni: www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/calendar

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