2014 European Snowkite Contest

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Bonjour les snowkiteurs. Numéro #18 de «White Kite Sessions» dédié à l’événement «European Snowkite Contest» à Roccaraso, Alto Sangro stations, dans les Abruzzes en Italie. C’était du 29 février au 02 mars, et le format de compétition était une Race dont les critères de résultats sont calqués sur l’appli cation GPS KITETRACKER pour iPhone et Androïd. Une quinzaine de kiteurs de différentes nations invités par l’organisateur Niccolo de Simone, tous logés dans le même «Sport Village Hotel» à Castel di Sangro, ce qui est une formule super sympa et conviviale donnant vite l’allure d’une joyeuse colonie de vacances... Pas gâtés avec la météo, les kiteurs ont quand même pu disputer deux manches d’une compétition de très haut potentiel snowkite, tenant toutes ses promesses par rapport aux espoirs nourris à partir d’un tel format de course. Voici donc quelques pages pour illustrer cette semaine de rêve dans une région surprenante pour ses montagnes et son enneigement fabuleux. Merci pour votre lecture :-) Pascal Boulgakoff

Front-cover pic : Stefano GIGLI with the OZONE 5m Frenzy.

Kiters : Stefano Gigli & Jérôme GG Josserand. Monte Greco.

Hello snowkiting buddies. Issue #18 of «White Kite Sessions» fully dedicated to the super event «European Snowkite Contest» set last 29 jan to 02 feb in Roccaraso, Alto Sangro resorts, heart of the amazing Abruzzo mountains in the core center of Italy. About 15 european snowkiters invited by the God Father of this event, Niccolo de Simone, coming from all over Europe and selected as real good Race competitors. The scoring system is basicaly similar than the GPS KITETRACKER app. for iPhone and Androïd. Not super good weather but at least two real awsome days with very large areas explored, high speed snowkiting because of the strong South wind, difficult terrain with huge canyons to be crossed. All kiters showing a large smile when passing the arrival line after 1h30 racing. Well, here are some pages to explain what was going on actualy during this unforgettable week in a surprising country with impressive mountains covered by an incredible snowpack. Thank you for reading :-) Cheers, Pascal Boulgakoff

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Our friends can’t trust us when we are explaining where are the Abruzzo mountains, so famous place for winter sports. It seems so far in the southern Europe, nobody can believe we’ll meet such snowy mountains and large snowkiting areas. Along the further pages, you will discover an incredible country, endless ridges and snowfields. Going to Italy is always special, there are so many great details

to see around, we sometimes forget about snowkiting and only enjoy the landscapes, the amazing villages with all the houses set at the summit of the hills. Of course the food here is more than a tradition, it’s only my opinion but I a lot prefer italian meals than french ones. Well, here is Rivisondoli on the picture, this village is part of the ROCCARASO resort, coming as well with Castel di Sangro.

This picture is showing a part of the ROCCARASO resort. You right now can understand that we are driving on a road with large snowfields around so all good for snowkiting sessions if not possible to reach the top of the gondola we can see in the background. On our left, we can’t see it but

this is the very nice Valle Fredda, super snowkiting spot. But, for this event, we’ll have to go behind the ridge and take first the gondola here at Aremogna place. This is on the right side of Roccaraso, then in the middle comes Pizzalto, we can see the slope on the right, and at the last right place is Monte Pratelo.


Here is on the picture, less than a quarter of the complete snowkiting area in Roccaraso. We can see the small kiters down right and you easily imagine the sessions we can have on this spot. This is the more Northern place, right in front of Monte Pratello gondola from where the photo is made. On our left, the big ridge is ending to Monte Greco summit, the most famous and difficult place to reach with a kite. In the middle of

the valley, the terrain remains pretty flat with gentle hills and is going on long kilometers on our left as well. From the place I took this photo, Monte Pratello resort, there are long slopes going down to the valley in front of us, and these slopes are keeping very far on our left, to Pizzalto top resort, then to Aremogna gondola. All this impressive and endless terrain will be the place for the ÂŤEuropean Snowkite CompetitionÂť.

Look at the road crossing the image from right to left, it’s ending at the Monte Pratello chairlifts from where the image before was made at the top. This is the most northern part of Roccaraso resort. In the middle, the large valley is perfect for Plan B sessions when the weather is too much hard and the resort closed. We often had great afternoons here and you can see that at the end, it’s possible to go cruising with the kite and reach the top hills in front of us. On the right, behind the trees,

look at the mountain. It’s a really great spot depending of the wind direction and we always had in mind to go for it and give a try to a big session here until the summit. But, we always came for an event and that was not on the scheddule. Anyway, I show you this photo to let you know that in case of resort closed because of snow storm, this place, and as well, Valle Fredda, are two super snowkiting spots, so you are sure that in Roccaraso, you won’t stay stuck at the hotel. Cool Plan B spots are available for you guys anyway.

During the event, all the kiters had the accomodation together here at the Sport Village Hotel in Castel di Sangro, close to Roccaraso resort. This is the best idea, as spending one week with all the friends for dinner, chilling around, speaking about sessions, that makes unforgettable moments. We can give a hand to repair some kite after the sessions. We have time to organize further projects about snowkiting. It’s perfect for spending relax moments at the bar. This hotel is super cool with high-speed wi-fi, so we can work efficiently for spreading out all the infos live about the event every evening. That was handy as well for the endless discussions about the competition and how to sort out the final results...



The «European Snowkite Contest» is mainly about a race. The special idea is to let the kiters free about their own route from the same starting point for everybody, and then the final results will be set after checking out the GPS track of each competitor. The GPS partner is the KITRACKER appli for iPhone and Android, so normaly every snowkiter can use it already. This kind of project couldn’t be set anywhere as a large or endless terrain is required for it. But, here in Roccaraso, it’s possible, as the mountains are unbelievable and no boundaries can stop the kiters if they’ve got enough skills for exploring.

OK, on the page before, the idea has been explained and everybody was super excited about the project. Especialy me, as I know really well the terrain and some places are very difficult to reach. Well, look at the Kitracker screen on the left. We can see the scores we are used to. I mean, total distance, total climb up, speed max, altitude max, rate of climb. These points should count for the result. And there was a real good thing, the big boss organizing the event : Niccolo de Simone, decided to add one point more, which is the perimeter. Good idea, as we know that it’s possible to make the highest score while keeping on the same small best place and go up and down fast all the session. Niccolo wanted to avoid it and give more points for exploring the endless spot. It was even decided to calculate the perimeter with a coefficient. The day after, first heat, here is what was decided : -Same starting point for everybody. We have to be back here as well, to be sure that nobody is lost in the mountains. Heat will spend 4 h kiting. Go when you want once the start time is done. If the Kitracker file is longer than 4h, only the first 4h will count. When we arrived on the spot, the wind was super strong, the bad weather was due for 2 PM, Niccolo said to everybody : 2h heat. But when warming up, in the wind, I heard 1h30... I came to Niccolo and asked if it’s now 1h30 heat, and he said yes... Well, we had the first heat and everybody was happy about the super large area available, all tried to go as far as possible. Some came back after 1h30, no worries, only 1h30 will count. We immediately compared the tracks on the iPhones and understood who is the winner, then 2nd, etc... Especialy as we saw each other kiting, their speed, their area, their track, so everything was clear in our minds. We went back to the

hotel with very bad weather coming strong. After dinner, the results came out, and that was incredibly surprising. Some kiters with more than 2xless distance, speed max, total climb, came a lot better in the ranking than the leaders. The discussion was hot, French guys speaking as loudly as the Italians. The problem came from the coeff x25 for the perimeter. We saw as well that the speed max and altitude max don’t count... Why ? Because it’s too much dangerous... Well, after three hours discussion, the coeff was reduced for the perimeter and everything went approximately correct for the result. But Niccolo didn’t appreciate the way of the discussions. On the second heat two days after, it was decided to set some forbidden areas due to the avalanche risks. The other points kept same. No altitude max, no speed max. The conditions were super strong once again, wind about 30-40 knots. Would be too long to explain everything but one is important, the leader was going straight though the forbidden area. All followers thought that may be the rules have changed again and went as well the same way. After 1h30 heat, we went back to the hotel with super strong snowshower. Niccolo didn’t want any discussion like after the first heat. He waited three days after we left from Roccaraso to share the results on Facebook. No disqualification for crossing the forbidden area. Only a penalty. Penalty as well now for arriving late... Well, so many points decided AFTER the heats. Luckily all the kiters totaly happy about the event and the sessions. So nice to see it. As for sure the final result is definitely not the most important thing in the life. It was a so friendly and cool «invitational» week. Roccaraso offering such amazing snowkiting spot. This new concept of Race needs some adjustments to be found. That is what we were here for. You can be sure that next issue #2015 will be straight and perfect.

Of course, when looking at the Monte Greco ridge, we understand that a competition can’t let the kiters going on these slopes after two days of snowstorm with strong wind blowing from behind the summits. So, all this part, and as well on the right side, was forbidden during the 2nd heat. Not only the slopes but as well a part of the flat area at the bottom. Very good point.

We’ve been invite d by Niccolo de Simone for a full w eek in the resort ROCCARASO, an incredibly open wide spot and won derful landscapes as well. We’ve been hosted like kings : with restaurant, ac comodation, 5 days skipass, all of fered, this is really nice from the orga nisation. I definitely don’t ha ve any competition spirit so I’ve be en happy by the GPS contest which is closer to the freeride sessions at mosphere than the real hard and stress ed normal competitions. We can crui se along the spot, going to discover the hidden areas, and at the end we’ re scoring points without thinking ab out the contest. Niccolo wanted to promote the freeride and creativity so was giving more coefficient to the perimeter. I think this idea has to be preserved definitely. I should end 2nd with this version. Let’s forg et the «total ascent » score which push the kiters to go uphill and downhill a lot of time for nothing but this sc ore, instead to go further ahead for lo nger discovery. My last word : TH ANK you very much Niccolo, can’ t wait for next issue # 2015 !!!

I am very happy to have participated in the contest Roccaraso and also spend a few days with the great riders of snowkiting. I really liked the new format Kitetraker Race, but the app needs to be more established. In the first session I was doing well, but during the race I decided to change kite, taking a 7m instead of a 4m. Then, my friend Marco had a problem on a ride, and so I waited until it was taken off, inevitably losing time for the race. That was the first contest with this kind of GPS ranking and I think it needs to improve the evaluation of scoring points and supplementing them with other fields (average speed, average ascent, altitude max, etc.) Wonderful event!!

FLY FISH is actual y Reinhold GEHRER from Aus tria. Very good freestyler bu t also super found of long distan ce snowkiting. Here are some wor ds from him about the week we had together in Roccaraso : «I have been pleasa ntly surprised by the stunni ng backdrop of the kitespots. Sin ce it is not on the first day wor ked my GPS, my race could not be counted also, so I ended up first on the last space. On the second day, the race went quite well for me, but I had misjudged the distance to the starting poin t and thus also came too late in the goal and got it pinalties. My Conclusion for this compe tition, it was a good moment, w ith very good riders and a good or ganization for which I would like to thank you once again. I’ m looking forward to next ye ar.»

«For me this race format was the most challenging of all races I have done. There is no standard root to hold on but it is all about what you have experience and your skills on the snow. This combination will bring you were you can go, it is a race but you are free to chose your track and that’s the way I love it ! Discovering the area and taking best lines was the ultimate key. The trick was to estimate where the wind was and what the best and safest way to go. Sometimes you could see what other riders were doing and where to go or not go, but snowkiting in areas like this is special and can be very challenging, when you arrive at a mountain peak and there are 35+ knots of wind gusts coming by, then you go into the valley and you only have just enough wind to keep you moving. It was an amazing experience, it definitely made me a better rider !!!»

On the second day, the resort was closed, 30-40 knots South wind, so we used snowmobiles to reach the snowkiting spot. Many thanks to the organisation for this help. Top right, at the Lago Davoli ristorante, so good. Top left, the 2014 ÂŤEuropean Snowkite ContestÂť happy kiters.


Well, we shall never thank enough Niccolo for this so cool week here in Roccaraso. That’s not his first time organizing a snowkiting event here, we went already in 2009 for the «Chasta Days» and last winter for the Aeros week. But now, this is a real great competition, European level, and so big organisation, so Nicco is helped by Iko Speziali and Tomaso Caldini, they are a real cool team. Niccolo set as well a Snowkiting School in Roccaraso so click the link from the logo to reach the webpage and book your courses week in the mythical spot Abruzzo. Well, here are some words from Niccolo after the event : «-Dear riders, it was a great battle and you have been phenomenal all without exception. Now we can finally communicate the classification. I state that we were rigid in assigning penalties for delays larger than 15 minutes, but especially for the steps in forbidden areas. We believe that you will feel right. We have therefore decided to reduce the importance of the variations in height, giving more value to the perimeter. Many athletes have, due to various problems, reached the point of arrival not in time and are passed on restricted areas . We were forced to give the penalty even when there have been cases of force majeure. For the next year, thanks to your contribution, we have a system of measurements more accurate now.» No worries Niccolo, we were proud to participate and help to build the best event as possible.

At the «Sport Village Hotel» we had a traditional dinner with everybody wearing old Abruzzo famous clothes. So Wareck wanted as well to show his traditional famous hoody from Snowkitemasters :-)

MENU : Cazzarielli e Fagioli Chitarrina all’Abruzzese Polenta con Spuntatine Maialino in Porchetta Brioche Tiepida Pasticcera Loquori Tipici


Rémi DINEUR. Perfect room-mate. He doesn’t snore.

Johann CIVEL. Overall winner.

Didier BOTTA. Can drive 1h30 more after 12h across Italy. THANKS

Iko SPEZIALI. Nothing could happen without his help.

p o be u t t n a w If you ediately in d imm e daily to date ing about th t live ec en the ev , or even dir pots ns iting s k sessio w o n n’t he s from t he world, do hitet W around to join the « cefa e hesitat » group on low be ws kitene ick the link ur o Cl book. welcome to el and fe de crew !!! i worldw au tenus e r t te ê r Pou nowki s s o f n t des i fois en couran nnes, ou par tout ts ie quotid puis les spo , de de direct u vaste mon re le d joind e r autour à s News» tez pa i e s t i é h K ’ e n «Whit liquez sur e p u o C gr book. s et alors e c a f r su sou ci-des enus au n e i l v le s bien nowkite :-) e l z e s soy l’info e d r u coe


Spot : Roccaraso. 2014 European Snowkite Contest.


Kite-tracker : Stefano Gigli. Spot : Roccaraso, Monte Greco. Kite : OZONE Frenzy Ultralite 9m.


ons» is using «White Kite Sessi app for live GPS KITETRACKER e snowkiting recording along th ega database now routes or tracks. M d kiting spots aroun w o sn y er ev t u o ab handy. the world. Super

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Kiter : GG. Spot : Roccaraso, Monte Greco ridge.

Un grand merci au de leader des sites web kite FLYSURF.COM pour sceller un partenariat avec «White um, Kite Sessions». For ions News, Shop, Occas garanties, Reports : clickez le lien cii !!! dessous et c’est part nde Hésitez pas une seco de plus.


Vous lisez le numéro #18 de «White Kite You’re reading the ions» magazine ss Se te hi «W of 8 #1 e su is e. L’hiver derlin on e lin on » ns io ss Se Kite 13 numéros sont , er ni ase st La . ne zi web ut au long de to s ru pa t en w es su is son 13 l’hiver. Le numéro out along the winter #1 dès fin septembre, monthes. Starting puis un numéro à from the first sessions chaque voyage, seslate september here sion, événement, en in France, and keeFrance ou à l’étranping the readers up to Si vous en avez r. ge p tri y er ev r te af d te da qué certains ou si an m t en ev ol co or , ad ro ab débarquez tout us vo . ce an Fr in i à WKS, n’héic e st ju of e m so s is m u If yo pas à les retrouz te si w ne re u’ yo if , them , avec photos, us to r ve S, K W at re he comer infos, liens, portraits, you can have a look at vidéos, bref, tout ce the stories, the photos, qui constitue notre infos, links, details, petit monde du snowtips, portraits, well, kite. Cliquez le lien en everything which is haut à gauche. part of our snowkiting sport. Click the link up left.



We’ve been quite unlucky with the super hard weather during the event. So many rainy days, the live News from Roma were terrible. So, here in Roccaraso, nothing else to do than planning a great surfing session. Cool idea from Bruno Gagne, we went to the North Shore of Roccaraso, that was a strong swell so big waves coming. Many surfers around, never easy to take a wave. But Bruno managed it and I joined him for this cool watershot. With daily surfing trainings in Les Estables, Bruno went easy in the barrel with this endless left wave. It’s sad to see how much the oceans are durty with lot of pollution nowadays :-(

Marco MORICONI. Great kiteur, unlucky with the iPhone settings.

Stefano GIGLI. Experience of high mountains rules.

Michele LEONI. No pain, no gain.

Reinhold GEHRER. Fly Fish attitude on snow

In the middle of this page, far background, is the famous GRAN SASSO. Look at the Abruzzo snowkiting spot... Amazing. Click the screen above to see the video :-)

All s, t x This is the end. The e t , s o t o ph next issue will come out right after my next captions, trip to Bernina Pass, Switzerland.. designs : So stay tuned dudes. Don’t hesitate to share this mag if you like it. Thank you very much. Cheers.

ff o k a g l u o B l a c s a P

Kiters : GG & Stefano. Spot : Roccaraso, Monte Greco snowfields.



Check out the 2014 event page :


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