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Wisdom Of Bon

Yungdrung Bön News

Wisdom of Bön

For several years now, Yeru Bön Center has been collecting, editing and curating videos and audio recordings of Bön teachings. These videos and audio recordings range from short teachings to question-andanswer sessions, interviews with visiting Geshes, historical facts about Bön, descriptions of travel by Yeru Bön Center members to Bön monasteries in various Bön Center members to Bön monasteries in various countries, and other nuggets of Bön wisdom. Now we are pleased to announce we will release these and other videos in our new series entitled Wisdom of Bön.

Beginning in July 2022, every Monday we will present a weekly video or audio recordings. Each of these will contain an aspect of Bön wisdom.

Wisdom of Bön episodes will be released to viewers on Wisdom of Bön episodes will be released to viewers on our new Wisdom of Bön Youtube page, at


They will also be released by e-mail, if you are on the Yeru Bön Center mailing list, and by Facebook, on the Yeru Bön Center Facebook page. If you want to be added to the Yeru Bön Center email list for notification, visit our website at https://yeruboncenter.org/contact/ and complete the contact form.

We plan to have a once-monthly question and answer session, where viewers can ask Latri Nyima We plan to have a once-monthly question and answer session, where viewers can ask Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche their questions about Bön. We welcome your questions to be included in this program. Send your questions to yerubön@yeruboncenter.org.

We welcome questions and suggestions for topics to include in this series. We are excited about making this information available to Bön practitioners.

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