1 minute read
Sacred teachings of Nyam Trid Nying Gi Gya Chen
Teachings of Bön
Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche’s Yogic Style of Teaching
Sacred and Precious Teachings of Nyam Trid Nying Gi Gya Chen Shardza Rinpoche’s Experiencial Instruction of Dzogchen Sealed In The Heart!
Costa Rica In person or via Zoom January 3rd - 10th, 2022
You must come with true trust, genuine motivation, and an open heart of infinite space to receive the Yogic Style teaching – taking as it is and building inner self connections to gain true authentic experience.
– Latri Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche
This is part 2 ~ The first part was last year in Costa Rica. Students attended this retreat in person and on Zoom. They did not know what the topic would be and were so happy when Rinpoche gave them the topic: Nyam Trid Nying Gya Chen Shardza
Being happy with Rinpoche’s choice for the teaching, more important, the experience the students had with their meditation was phenominal. Rinpoche took the students to a new Meditative level. Natural State of Mind! to a new Meditative level. Natural State of Mind! This event was Yungdrung Bon teaching in it’s true form.
Although, this is part 2, you can still participate if you were not able to be a part of the first teaching.
Join us in Costa Rica for this amazing teaching. A beautiful place for a Bon Retreat. Book soon to be sure you can stay in the same hotel.