LIFE Group Leadership Booklet 12-22-11

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Adult LIFE Group Leadership Meeting August 7, 2011

Whitesburg Baptist Church

Dr. Jimmy Jackson

Contents Dr. Jimmy Jackson....................................................................................................................................... 4 Mission and Values Statement.................................................................................................................. 5 Rev. Terry Herald........................................................................................................................................ 6 25 Leadership Principles........................................................................................................................... 7 Adult Leadership Team.............................................................................................................................. 8 First Impressions........................................................................................................................................ 9 The Place - Adult Team............................................................................................................................. 9 Support Team.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Leadership Covenant.............................................................................................................................. 10 LIFE Group Core Values......................................................................................................................... 11 Motivation ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Organized for Growth............................................................................................................................ 13 New LIFE Groups.................................................................................................................................... 14 LIFE Group Connection Night.............................................................................................................. 15 TeamReach Leader................................................................................................................................... 16 CaReach Leader....................................................................................................................................... 17 Open Enrollment...................................................................................................................................... 18 Discover Whitesburg............................................................................................................................... 19 Greeter Ministry...................................................................................................................................... 20 LIFE Group Fellowships.......................................................................................................................... 21 Event Request Form................................................................................................................................ 22 2011 LIFE Group Calendar.................................................................................................................... 23 2012 LIFE Group Calendar.................................................................................................................... 24 Leadership Resources............................................................................................................................. 25 Notes.......................................................................................................................................................... 26


Dr. Jimmy Jackson

Dear Fellow Servant: That is the way we would be addressed if we wanted to be most Biblically accurate. I have three brief thoughts for you. First, thank you for making yourself available to serve our Lord and His church. Whether you are just starting or have been working for multiplied years, thank you, thank you, thank you. Secondly, you are an integral and necessary part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in and through the called out congregation called Whitesburg Baptist Church. We are referred to as members of the body. Each member is very important to the whole body, and the body is not whole without each member functioning. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for accepting the call to minister the Word of God. Thirdly, you are a blessing to God and His church, and thereby a pain in the neck (and other places) to the Devil. Your work is not easy. You have been and will be challenged. Forward progress usually produces friction. Growth requires change. We must keep moving upward in our service for and with our Lord. Nothing encourages like love. Hear this from Him and from your pastor. I love you, I love you, I love you.

May the grace of God fill you with peace and joy.


Love in Jesus,

Mission and Values Statement As a growing body of believers, Whitesburg Baptist Church desires to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. We desire to know Jesus Christ through the Word and worship. to exalt the Savior through education and evangelism and to mature all believers to minister and be on mission. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.� Matthew 28:19-20

The love of Jesus Christ is the motivation and power for both individual Christian living and the church collectively fulfilling its mission. For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 We value prayer. We value worship - both individually and collectively. We value personal spiritual growth. We value expository biblical preaching and teaching. We value evangelism and global missions. We value biblical stewardship. We value biblical marriage and parenting. We value biblical community through small groups. We value a Christ-like lifestyle. We value ministry to those in need.


Rev. Terry Herald

Dear Fellow Laborer: I was so blessed in recent days to attend Sunday School Week at Ridgecrest Baptist Assembly in North Carolina. The theme for the conference was “Transformational Church Goes to Sunday School.� Extensive research has been done at LifeWay. Seven thousand churches were evaluated and there were hundreds of on-site interviews with Pastors. The churches surveyed are thriving congregations where truly changing lives is the norm. These churches have a deeper sense of accountability, discipleship and spiritual maturity. During our training night we will be learning some new concepts related to how we evaluate our effectiveness. I am thrilled to personally be involved in our Education Ministry once again. I am truly excited about our future together.


25 Leadership Principles By: Terry Herald 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

God’s Word is the textbook for church growth. The Holy Spirit is the empowering dynamic for church growth. Church growth is the will of God. Prayer is the “power source for church growth.” Church growth principles apply in all places, at all times and to all churches. Team leadership is the key to church growth. The Pastor is the chief leadership catalyst for church growth. Hindrances to church growth can be identified, isolated and overcome. Planning is essential to church growth. Accurate numerical research and review of key “growth factors” is paramount.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Growth is the sign of a healthy church. The “faith factor” is honored by God. Vision with “possibility brainstorming” is a must. Strategic organizational enlargement and development is required for the church to grow. Ongoing enlisting, motivating and training volunteer leaders is the “lifeblood” of church growth. Maximum facility development and utilization improves church growth potential. A great commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment will grow a GREAT CHURCH. A warm “family atmosphere” facilitates church growth. Worship that honors, glorifies and magnifies God is necessary for church growth. Discovery, development and deployment of spiritual gifts enhance discipleship while ultimately assisting in church growth. Building and prioritizing “relationships” and “fellowship” are the “heart” of church growth. Excellence—If it bears His name it is worth our best, this honors God and God will grow the church that honors Him. Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure must be taught and practiced for church growth. Constant change is an integral part of church growth. Church growth is “process” driven.

You can do anything God wants you to do and you think you can do, because— NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! We are laborers together with God.


Adult Leadership Team

Rev. Terry Herald Executive Pastor/Education 256-704-5678, ext. 241

Sue Ansley

David Dye

Rico Vega

Mature Adult Director 256-704-5678, ext. 243

Young Adult Life Groups 256-704-5678, ext, 205

Campus Coordinator(The Place)

Black-Sue’s LIFE Groups

8:00 Director: Matt Morris Brad Hill Dan Fox Mark Taylor Ron Huskey Director: Ray Romine Jerry Rufe Director: David Williams Brazo Barry Tommy Glenn Ron Wincey Ramsey Williams Anna Lee Dunn Director: Dick Stone Bill Hastings Tom Massey Cindy Abercrombie Alex McCool Director: Duane Plank John Tate Dick Beam Eula Clark Troy Street Director: Don Nalley Steve Ralston Joy Ganus Evelyn Allen/Mary Alice Ingram Roy Lewis David Czachurski Director: Ken Ingram



11:00 Director: Tim Roberts Brian Dye

Director: Eddie Richardson Cory Cox Ron Nyberg Thomas Todd

Director: Joe Ansley

Director: Gordon Boswell Johnny Floyd Tom Williams Jim Hodges Director: Blain Burgess Mike Ralston Director: Ellis Cox Linda Mullenix 60’s Singles Director: Eloise Pate Bill Powell

Purple-Rico’s Groups

Red-David’s LIFE Groups

Director: Adam Thurmond Scott & Maria Beck Chris & Lauren Stokes

Director: Eddie Richardson Rita Coker Fred Niedermeyer Single Moms-Karen Tidwell


Director: Merlin Dummer Burr Ingram Rod Steakley

The Place Adults John Crocker

Married Adults Ken Manchester Men’s Class

Ricky Harris Senior Adults

Director: Spencer Thompson Carey Green Director: Larry Galloway Jerry Henley Kim Reisenwitz Director: Wayne Gilliam John Barnes Dianne Brockman Elois Sharpe Roy Lanier

Earl Tillman College/Single Adults Anna Lee Dunn & Laura Medley

Hispanic Adults Miami Pelaez

Director: Phillip & Renae Key Jerry Reeder Special Ministries Janie Davis Discover Whitesburg Mary Lou Herald

College Ministry Anna Hatchett: Coordinator Director:: 8AM

Jonathan Hitt

Director: Joe & Diane Vaughn 11AM Dan Reeves Andrea Thoenes

Support Team

Tina Burleson Administrative Assistant Young Adult LIFE Groups 256-704-5678, ext. 222

Debbie Davis

Donna Brown

Administrative Assistant Mature Adult LIFE Groups 256-704-5678, ext. 201

Outreach & Church Growth 256-704-5678, ext. 216

Anna Hatchett College Coordinator 256-704-5678, ext. 204

The Place - Adult Team

Mary Dunne

Miami Pelaez

Ricky Harris

Administrative Assistant 256-704-5678, ext. 723

Bus Evangelism

Adult LIFE Group Ministry

First Impressions

Christian Parrish

Decetria Akole

First Impressions Coordinator 256-704-5678, ext. 246

Administrative Assistant First Impressions 256-704-5678, ext. 206


Leadership Covenant

As a active Christian and member of Whitesburg Baptist Church, I, under guidance of the Holy Spirit, accept the opportunity and responsibility of leadership listed below. Position:________________________________________________________ For the Year of: __________________________________________________ As a disciple of Christ, I am a learner -- Faithful in Bible study through the LIFE Groups of Whitesburg Baptist Church. However, whatever my place of leadership, I am also a teacher -“teaching is a way of life.” As such it involves what I both say and do. Like the apostle Paul, I have not yet arrived, but choosing rather to be “on the way” than” in the way.” I hereby commit myself to: Faithfulness in Worship, attending worship with my church family weekly. (Hebrews 10:25) Faithfulness in personal Bible study. (2 Timothy 3:16,17) Faithfulness in prayer, interceding for my church family and its staff daily. (2 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Faithfulness to God’s mission for my church and will be a extension of my pastor and his ministry/vision. (Hebrews 13:17) Faithfulness in attendance, punctuality, and preparation that I may teach responsibly. (2 Timothy 2:14) Faithfulness in training that I may teach as a lifelong learner. (2 Timothy 2:13) Faithfulness in stewardship that I might teach that the tithe is the Lord’s (Malachi 3:13) Faithfulness in witnessing so that I might seek to fulfill the great commission. (Acts 1:8) Faithfulness in life that I may teach character. (2 Timothy 2:2)

For we are His creation - created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


LIFE Group Core Values iPray Pray for your class, members and prospects by name and ask God to work in their lives. If we are to lead people to grow and serve, we must pray. The Holy Spirit should be our greatest motivator.

iEnroll Enrollment in LIFE Group is valuable because at the moment of enrollment ministry begins. People are enrolled not for what they can do for us but for what we and God can do for them! At enrollment the LIFE Group becomes responsible for the individual. It cares for the person, visits them, witnesses to them and disciples them. Ministry is a valuable reason for us to enroll people in LIFE Groups.

iContact Some believe LIFE Groups exist only to teach the Bible. While meeting the spiritual needs of members is very important, we must consider the spiritual needs of those on the outside, in the community, who may be blind to their own needs. Contacting is the primary method by which a LIFE Group accomplishes ministry. Love, concern, compassion and care are expressed through contacts. A contact can be made through a face to face invitation such as a visit, or through a phone call made to express concern. It can be that a card or letter is useful when alternating the type of contact. Every member and prospect should be contacted before or at the beginning of the LIFE Group year. Every absentee should be checked on or contacted each week. Contacts need be made to prospects as they are discovered and throughout the year as they are cared for.

iOrganize It is important to enlist and equip workers to do the work of ministry. In order for this to happen, each LIFE Group must be staffed to accomplish the ministry. Each LIFE Group needs a teacher, a TeamReach Leader and CaReach Leaders.Teachers teach LIFE Group members God’s Word. TeamReach Leaders lead in reaching people for Bible study. CaReach Leaders minister to member’s and prospect’s needs. It is important for each LIFE Group to be organized to facilitate growth and keep the span of care to a manageable level.

iGrow As goes the LIFE Group ministry so goes the church. That means that missions, music, discipleship and ministry are as strong as the LIFE Group ministry. As LIFE grows there are more singers, more missionaries, more prayers, more outreachers, more youth, children and preschool workers. There are more coaches, Awana leaders, givers, and helpers when the LIFE Group ministry grows. Growth helps our church accomplish the mission God has given to us. We work like growth depends on us and pray because it depends on God. For each LIFE Group to be excellent, it must strive to grow.

iAttend Because LIFE is about people, LIFE Group workers meetings are the most important meetings in the church! The main group concerned about the people of the church and the community are our LIFE Group workers. These individuals pray together, fellowship together and learn together. Communication is facilitated through workers meetings. If we are to be excellent in our LIFE Group ministry as directors, teachers, TeamReach Leaders and CaReach leaders, we must attend these meetings.

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.



Flake’s Formula Arthur Flake wrote ten books after he was 58 years old, one of which (Building a Standard Sunday School) has been studied by over a million people. He taught Southern Baptists how to build Sunday Schools, bringing Sunday School enrolment from around one million in 1910 to six million at the time of his death in 1952.

1. Know your possibilities. 2. Enlarge the organization. 3. Provide the space. 4. Enlist and train the workers. 5. Go after the people.

We desire to encourage and motivate you to carry out the Lord’s work through your LIFE Group.

To equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. -Ephesians 4: 12-13


Organized for Growth Lead Teachers, assistants, substitutes Responsible for teaching the Word of God on Sunday mornings and leading the class to minister to others and reach the unchurched. Apprentice Teacher Working with the Lead Teacher to develop personal leadership and teaching skills for the purpose of preparing to become a teacher of a LIFE Group. Director Is responsible for running the affairs of the class/department each week and works to lead the class to reach its goals. TeamReach Leader Lead class in reaching potential members, attend LIFE Group Connection Night, and maintain ongoing communication with Outreach office. CaReach Leader Works with other class leaders to shepherd and cultivate relationships with prospects and class members through relational intentionality. LIFE Group Secretary To maintain and report information on the LIFE Group roll and provide updates to the Records office. LIFE Group Fellowship Coordinator To provide opportunities for the class to build community through class fellowships that connects and involves members, prospects, and in-service members. Prayer Coordinator Guides the class toward spiritual transformation through encouraging personal daily devotions and leads the class to actively share prayer needs with each other. LIFE Group Greeter The class greeter is responsible for greeting each person as they enter the class each Sunday morning. Arrive early, greet with a smile and a handshake.

Are we organized for growth? We are a “harvest oriented” organization in an “unseeded” generation.

-Chuck Kelley


New LIFE Groups Commit To Starting a New Class Ultimately, the goal of every adult class is to birth new classes. Conditioning a Class to Birth a New ClassPrayerfully enlist an apprentice and begin training him or her to teach the existing class or the new class. Each class should have only one apprentice; they are not to be considered a substitute teacher. A class is full when attendance reaches 80 percent capacity. At 80 percent, it is time to start a new unit. Conditioning the class to birth a new class should already be taking place. The apprentice should already be teaching regularly in order to prepare him or her for beginning a new class. Number of members enrolled and attendingBy the time a class has 20 in attendance, the apprentice should be teaching at least once a month. By the time a class reaches 30 in attendance, the class should enlist a core group to begin a new class over the next three months. A rule of thumb is to limit enrollment to 60 members. Regularly ask members to pray about starting a new classEven if the class is small and the possibility seems remote, don’t limit the growth potential. God may be waiting for the group to pray.

In every class leadership meeting, remind leaders of the need to start a new class. Pray for new classes that have already begun. Starting a new class is another measure of success for a healthy LIFE Group. Without new LIFE Groups being created regularly we are only organized for maintenance.

”Because you’re not yet taking God seriously,” said Jesus. “The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppy seed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.” Matthew 17:20 (The Message)


LIFE Group Connection Night LIFE Group Connection Night will be monthly! LIFE Group Connection Night is a once a month opportunity for the entire church to be on mission together. During the meal LIFE Groups and Departments have the opportunity to sit together, plan, and follow-up with recent guest. Phones, note cards, labels, and information packets will be available. LIFE Group Connection Night happens monthly from 5-7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Dining Room at the Whitesburg Center. For your convenience childcare is available at no cost and dinner is available for only $3 each week. You may choose the buffet or you can order a Cheeseburger Combo, Tenders Combo or a Chef Salad from The Café. All other Café Meals will be full price. LIFE Group Connection Night Schedule: 5:00 PM $3.00 Meal 5:45 PM Prayer and Send-off 6:00 PM Outreach and CaReach begins Although we plan to have our LIFE Group Connection Night monthly, we encourage LIFE Groups to connect and follow-up with new and prospective members weekly. If you need anything before the Outreach night or if you have questions, please contact Donna Faye Brown at or Sue Ansley at sue. or by calling the Outreach Office at 256-704-5678, ext. 216.

Outreach Dates 2011-2012 August 23 September 27 October 25 November 15 December (No Outreach) January 24 February 28 March 20 April 24 May 22 June (No Outreach) July 24 When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak God’s message with boldness. Acts 4:37


TeamReach Leader

TeamReach is a team approach to accomplish outreach in your LIFE Group.


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age.” Matthew 28:19-20 Coordinate all evangelism and outreach activities for your LIFE Group.

“Love the Lord God with all your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it :Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39 Coordinate prospect-discovery and prospect enlistment efforts of the class.


“Do not cause anybody to stumble, whether Jew, Greeks or the church of God-even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.” 1 Corinthians 10:33 Maintain prospect records for your LIFE Group.



“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” John 4:35 Lead members to create an atmosphere that encourages unsaved people to place their faith in Christ and encourages believers to lead others to Christ.


“Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another.” 1 Peter 4:8-9 • Set a positive example for others by living an authentic witness of Christ and being fully involved in the life and ministry of the church.


CaReach Leader Contact Every Member Every Week CaReach teams work to develop and cultivate relationships with unchurched prospects and members through relational intentionality. The goal is to provide one CaReach Leader for every ten members. No more than five member couples should be assigned to a group in couple’s classes. Each group should consist of members, prospects and in-service members. • • • • •

Contact every group member every week. Contact them to let them know “we care.” Contact them to make them aware of other group concerns. Contact them to share with them about upcoming class fellowships. Contact them to share in any upcoming mission opportunity.

Experience tells us, when a care group leader does these things consistently over time with prospects, some of them will attend or join your LIFE Group, and some will be saved.

Ministry Ideas Send flowers Send a card from the class Organize a workday for inside or outside chores Organize a prayer ministry, using email Arrange rides to the doctor or keep kids Send special occasion cards

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13: 34-35 (ESV)


Open Enrollment Say “YES” to Open Enrollment What is open enrollment? Open enrollment is when you may enroll anyone, anywhere, anytime, so long as they agree. Our class rolls (ministry list) are filled with names of people that we have never met, but they are probably in more need of prayer, ministry and fellowship than regular attendees. • Open enrollment means that your class roll becomes a ministry list... NOT just used for tracking attendance. • Open enrollment requires LIFE Group leaders to become intentional about increasing enrollment... NOT passive. • Open enrollment requires that LIFE Groups commit to every person enrolled... NOT if each person commits to attend. • Open enrollment means that every person remains on the roll as long as we can provide ministry... NOT only if they are attending. • Open enrollment means new members and new believers are automatically assigned to a class. NOT only if they attend. • Open enrollment means every LIFE Group member receives ministry... NOT exclusive to faithful members.

If ministry only occurs with the same people, your LIFE Group WILL NOT grow. If new people are enrolled and neglected, your LIFE Group WILL NOT grow. Say “YES” to Open Enrollment and watch the impact on your LIFE Group as ministry opportunities grow. Growth naturally occurs when we minister to everyone.


Discover Whitesburg The Discover Whitesburg Class is designed to help new members and those desiring to join WBC in learning about our ministries, mission, and what makes us Whitesburg. This class is important because it gives new members and potential members valuable information about our church - it gives them a jump start on being a part of our church family. Participants leave with an understanding of church membership and LIFE Group membership. Session one provides an opportunity for discussion on the Baptist Faith and Message, our church history, our staff and their areas of responsibilities, and the expectations of church membership. Session two is devoted to spiritual gifts. A Spiritual Gifts Inventory is provided to discover spiritual gifts and how they can be used in church ministries. Getting new members connected through ministry and active in a LIFE Group is part of the Discover Whitesburg process.

The Membership Process Step 1 - Meet with an Encourager The encourager invites them to attend the Discover Whitesburg Class for two sessions. The class meets every Sunday at 11AM in the Hospitality Room, and we offer a quarterly Sunday evening session for two hours. Step 2 - Attend Discover Whitesburg Class After the completion of both classes the status of attendees will move from membership candidate to member. Step 3 - Presentation to the church family The new member is contacted about being presented before the church family on Sunday morning, Sunday evening or Wednesday evening. (This is not required, but encouraged.)

Discover Whitesburg Class Before Membership Individuals also visit our church to learn more about WBC before making a decision to join. We encourage church membership after the completion of the two sessions, but it is not a requirement.


Greeter Ministry Does your class have a LIFE Group Greeter? Our LIFE Groups are open classes where we place an emphasis on being ready for and receiving guests. Guests are the life line to our classes. They bring a sense of energy, excitement, and wonder to the group. Having guests in our classes gives us the opportunity to share the Gospel message with unbelievers and to grow classes both numerically and spiritually. As members/regular attenders of a LIFE Group our job is to help our guests connect to WBC by assimilating them into our classes. Most guests come to our church and LIFE Groups feeling overwhelmed. Many are intimidated by the size of the church and wonder if they will be able to connect and build relationships. They are looking to us for caring guidance. When a guest arrives to a class they usually make a decision about whether it is worth their time to return within the first minute. Having a designated Greeter in your LIFE Group can increase the likelihood that a guest will return. Never knowing when a guest will come, LIFE Groups should always be prepared to receive guests. Being prepared to receive guests, creates a since of anticipation in the class. Guests should feel accepted and included from the moment they step in the door. Greeting guests with a warm welcome is an important step in helping make the guest feel accepted and included. A LIFE Group Greeter takes the next step by engaging guests in conversation and including then in the class. Greeters are challenged to assist guests with connecting to worship services, with their children, and any other church events. By connecting immediately with guests and assisting them with connecting to WBC a relationship can begin to develop. This allows for the Holy Spirit to work. Of course, guests come with obstacles and the enemy is at work both in their lives and ours, but we must seek Christ to be more than conquers to for kingdom growth. If your class has not designated a LIFE Greeter(s) then take that first step.


LIFE Group Fellowships LIFE Group Fellowships do not have to be costly or complicated. Fellowships and activities help your LIFE Group or department become “smaller� through relationships. Fellowships help new members and prospects feel at home. There are three types of fellowships that we encourage you to plan:

WEEKLY LIFE GROUP OR DEPARTMENT FELLOWSHIPS Every week we have the opportunity to fellowship with guests in our LIFE Groups. Take time to evaluate and prepare your welcome for your LIFE Group and your fellowships. Here are some keys: Have your greeter team arrive ten minutes before time to begin. Remember, the reason for arriving early: it is for the guests and unchurched. Offer refreshments to your guests. It might be coffee, water, or snacks depending on the setting. This is common courtesy and a great way to make visitors feel welcome. Make name tags available for everyone. It is easier to remember names and much more inviting to be able to call people by their names. Be sure the guest is engaged in conversation. Guests should never be sitting or standing by themselves. Connect guests to class/group members with similar interests. Once you discover what they enjoy, you need to introduce them to others with similar interests. Have someone in the class invite guests to sit with them or show them to the worship center.. Invite guests to lunch on Sunday and follow-up with a phone call during the week.

LIFE GROUP and OUTREACH FELLOWSHIPS We are asking that your fellowships be devoted to reaching out to neighbors, co-workers, friends and prospects. Everyone needs a place to belong and fellowships help that happen.

CARE GROUP FELLOWSHIPS We are asking that you have fellowships that are for your Care Group. As a CaReach Leader, you want to grow in your relationships with those you care for. Please invite the prospects assigned to your Care Group.


Event Request Form Return this form to your Adult LIFE Group contact 2 weeks before your event.

LIFE Group/Teacher Name:______________________________________________________ Event Name/Description:_______________________________________________________ Date Requested: 1st choice:___________________________ 2nd choice: __________________________

Rooms Requested: 1st choice:__________________________ 2nd choice: _________________________

Event Beginning Time: _________________ Resource Beginning Time: ______________

Event Ending Time: ___________________ Resource ending Time: ________________

Room Set-up:________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Estimated number of people: ______ Food service requested: (please circle) Your group is responsible for all costs. Ice Plates Tablecloths Napkins Utensils Other:______________________________________________ Menu ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Support Services Requested: Your group is responsible for all costs. Sound Technician: __________________ Microphones (How many)____________ Childcare: ________________________ Access to Building: _________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ Date Submitted: _______________________


2011 LIFE Group Calendar August 7 LIFE Group Training Night 14 iConnect Sunday/Promotion Sunday 17 Fall Discipleship Begins 19 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 23 LIFE Group Connection Night September 16 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 18 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 23 Ladies LIFT Dinner 25 One Day Revival w/Len Turner 27 LIFE Group Connection Night October 14 Parents Night Out 23 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 4-6PM 25 LIFE Group Connection Night

LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 5:00 p.m. Room 114

LIFE Group Fellowship Nights About once a month, childcare is provided at the 6806 Whitesburg Drive Campus from 6:30-9:45 pm to allow LIFE Groups time to fellowship either on campus or away. Childcare is $5 per child with a $15 family maximum. Parents Night Out Several times a year, childcare is provided at the 6806 Whitesburg Drive Campus from 6:30-9:45 pm so that parents can enjoy a date night together. Childcare is $5 per child with a $20 family maximum.

November 6 High Attendance Day 11 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 15 LIFE Group Connection Night 20 Adult LIFE Group Leadership Meeting December 2 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 3 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 9 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 10 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 10 Singles Christmas Banquet


2012 LIFE Group Calendar January 8 Vision Night 4-6PM 13 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 24 LIFE Group Connection Night 25 Adult Discipleship begins February 17 Parents Night Out 19 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 28 LIFE Group Connection Night March 2 4 16 18 20 26-30

Outdoor Expo High Attendance Day LIFE Group Fellowship Night LIFE Group Leadership Meeting LIFE Group Connection Night Home Week

April 15 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 4-6PM 24 LIFE Group Connection Night 27-28 Men’s Retreat - Joe Wheeler State Park May 11 22

Parents Night Out LIFE Group Connection Night

June 8 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 17 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting July 15 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting August 5 LIFE Group Training Night 4-6PM 12 Promotion Sunday 17 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 22 Fall Discipleship Begins 28 LIFE Group Connection Night


September 14 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 16 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 20 Ladies LIFT Dinner 25 LIFE Group Connection Night October 19 Parents Night Out 21 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 23 LIFE Group Connection Night November 4 High Attendance Day 9 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 13 LIFE Group Connection Night 18 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting December 7 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 8 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 14 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 15 Childcare for LIFE Group Christmas Fellowships 15 Singles Christmas Banquet

LIFE Group Leadership Meeting 5:00 p.m. Room 114

LIFE Group Fellowship Nights About once a month, childcare is provided at the 6806 Whitesburg Drive Campus from 6:30-9:45 pm to allow LIFE Groups time to fellowship either on campus or away. Childcare is $5 per child with a $15 family maximum. Parents Night Out Several times a year, childcare is provided at the 6806 Whitesburg Drive Campus from 6:30-9:45 pm so that parents can enjoy a date night together. Childcare is $5 per child with a $20 family maximum.

Leadership Resources FYI News (Weekly Announcements) Teacher Toolbox Holman Christian Standard Bible (WBC website/Resources/Teacher’s Toolboxes)

Bible Gateway

LIFESOURCE (Start a Healthy New Class) 13 week DVD Kit Share Jesus Without Fear by William Fay Teaching With Style by Dr. Bruce Wilkinson Sunday School in HD by Allan Taylor Sunday School That Really Works by Steve Parr Transformational Church by Ed Stetzer and Thom S. Rainer

Reminder: If you are not using LifeWay curriculum for your LIFE Group, please notify the Adult Ministry Office so we will not order curriculum for your class. Also, we would appreciate prior approval before teaching a different curriculum.




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