Joining by Letter: • Joe and Pat Atnip • Justin Poole • Freya Bailey • Patricia Madewell
Joining by Baptism: • Liam Green • Lordus Green • Carlos Erazo
THE CONNECTION POINT The Connection Point in the South Lobby Opening Sunday, March 25
The point where coffee, caring, and community connect. Come check out the new South Lobby furnishings and enjoy a cup of coffee. The Connection Point will be a great place to fellowship and linger for a few minutes, as well as meet WBC guests. Think of it as coffee with a cause. Be a part of the opening on March 25 and many Sundays to follow. The Connection Point T H E will open Sundays: 9:00 - 9:45 am 10:45 - 11:15 am
Everyone is encouraged to park at our off campus lots and ride the shuttles on Easter Sunday, April 8. This will provide more guest parking on campus. There are two off campus parking lots: South Campus and Fern Bell/Recreation lot. Our South Campus shuttle goes to and from the South Lobby (Entrance 5). The Fern Bell/Recreation Lot shuttle goes to and from the North Lobby (Entrance 9). Plenty of parking + curbside service = Great Sunday Experience!!
SAVE THE DATE Vacation Bible School June 11 - 15 9 am – noon Ages 4 - grade 5 (Must be 4 by 9-1-11)
Winshape Camp July 16 - 20 7:45 am - 5 pm M-Th 7:45 am - 12:45 pm F
Grades 1 - 6
6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 Emails:
256-881-0952 (receptionist) 256-704-5678 (automated line)
Jimmy Jackson, Senior Pastor ext. 224 Terry Herald, Executive Pastor/Education ext. 235 Greg Corbin, Associate Pastor of Pastoral Ministries ext. 279 John Crocker, Associate Pastor of Missions ext. 211 Kenny Spain, Operations ext. 261
Deree Tarwater, Women’s Ministry Coordinator ext. 209 Guy Morton, Minister to Children ext. 227 Jane Baker, Recreation Director ext. 715 Jerry Reeder, Whitesburg Academy Headmaster ext. 454 Luanne Pugh, Director of Weekday Education ext. 259 Mary Lou Herald, Food Services Director ext. 711 Matthew Sloma, Associate Minister of Music ext. 236 Melvin Capps, Business Administrator ext. 232 Steven Dunne, Minister to Students ext. 217 Sue Ansley, Mature Adult Director ext. 243 Tim Bandy, Associate Minister of Music ext. 212
Beth Cape, Director of Preschool Ministries ext. 240 Charles Malmede, Media Services Director ext. 242 Christian Parrish, First Impressions Coordinator ext. 246 David Dye, Minister to Young Adults ext. 205 David Loyed, Minister to Middle School Students ext. 220
Hop Aboard the Shuttles on Easter Sunday, April 8
Praise Arts Camp July 23 - 27 9 am - 1:30 pm Grades 1 - 6
Visit us online at
A Note from the Pastor We have had such a pleasant winter that some of our spring plants are already getting ready to bloom. God has been very kind to us once again. With thanksgiving in our hearts, and with sincere concern for other s around us who have been victims of destructive weather, we are entering that time of the year when God’s creation cries out with silent shouts—“Resurrection, Resurrection.” Trees and flowers that looked dead are bursting with new life. We are surrounded by signs of life, hope, and new energy. God has been so good to cause His glory to declare itself in His creation. May this renewed energy invigorate each of us in being “His workmanship, created unto good works.” We have so much to do. A reading of the newsletter in which this article appears will help you to see many wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth, the making of new friends, and the challenge to make an eternal difference for Christ again or for the very first time. In the most famous Bible text in all the world, Psalm 23, we find these enlightening words: “He causes me to lie down in green pasture.” Does the idea of “green” pasture not remind you of the spring of the year? Then, just in case all we are to do is enjoy some spring fever wallowing around in the fresh green grass, the Psalmist adds these very appropriate words: “He leads me beside the still waters.” Notice the connection! He has us to lie down and rest in order to lead us on further to give us the sustaining water of life. He never gives us a work to do without the means by which His work is to be done. “Lord, help us to rejoice in your provision and be faithful to your calling.”
Love in Jesus, Bro. Jimmy
March 18 - 31, 2012
The Men’s Retreat Register by March 25 for a room reservation
April 27 & 28 at Joe Wheeler State Park
More information under Men’s Ministries.
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering March 25 WBC Goal: $145,000 National Goal: $70 million
See back page for more info!
The point where coffee, caring, and community connect. Opening Sunday, March 25
SU ENDER High School Choir Homecoming Concert
Sunday, April 1 in the 9:30 & 11:00 am Worship Services The Whitesburg Baptist Church Newsletter is a twice a month publication with the purpose of keeping our church body informed about its ministries.
LIFE Group Connection Night Fellowship Dining Room/South Campus
Bible Drill Competition and Youth Speakers Tournament
Come Support our kids and youth!
Tuesday, March 20 from 5:00 – 7:30 pm
Come join us for our monthly LIFE Group Connection Night. You can order a hamburger, hot dog or chicken finger combo from the Café or the buffet for only $3.00. All you need to do is get a ticket from the sign-in table and pay the cashier when you order your food. Childcare is also provided free of charge. All outreach supplies, class rolls, labels, postcards and prospect sheets with maps are available. Remember, prospects are members of your LIFE Group who are not yet connected… begin praying and providing ministry to everyone on your class roll. For more information, contact Donna Faye Brown at 256704-5678, ext. 216 or
Churchwide Bible Drill Wednesday, April 4 - 7:30 pm Room 221
Speakers Tournament Saturday, April 7 - 1:00 pm Student Center Chapel
RESOURCE CENTER Spring is coming and new things are appearing at the
Resource Center. Stop by on Sundays from 9:00-9:45 am and 10:45-11:15 am to check out our wide range of biblically based resources. We are located in the South Lobby across from the soon to be The Connection Point and Noah’s Ark. Some of our latest resources include:
Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
Praise and Worship CDs
Leadership Meeting with Dr. Chuck Kelley
Sunday, April 15 at 4:00 pm in the Worship Center Dr. Charles (Chuck) Kelley, Jr. president of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary will be our guest on Sunday, April 15. Dr. Kelley received a B.A. in Philosophy from Baylor University and M.Div. and Th.D specializing in preaching from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. A much-requested public speaker throughout the Southern Baptist Convention, he is recognized for his evangelistic preaching and research in the area of church growth. Dr. Kelley is also the author of numerous denominational articles, training materials, and books. Everyone is invited to attend the Leadership Meeting on Sunday, April 15 at 4:00 pm in the Worship Center. At the meeting, you* will receive a free copy of Dr. Kelley’s book, Learning to Share My Faith. Breakout sessions for all LIFE Group leadership will be from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
4:00-4:45 pm 5:00-6:00 pm
Worship Center with Dr. Chuck Kelley Breakout sessions with LIFE Group Leadership Adults - Room 290 Youth - Student Center Children - Room 221 Preschool - Room 114
Snacks served and childcare provided. *One book per family.
Awakening by Passion Aftermath by Hillsong UNITED
We also have sermon CDs and an assortment of books.
SUBSCRIBE Have the Hearbeat newsletter emailed directly to your computer or mobile device. SUBSCRIBE AT
GLOBAL MISSIONS Connect 3on3 Information Meeting
Sunday, March 18, from 5 to 6 pm in Room 114. Come and learn how you can be a part of the 2012 Connect 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament on Saturday, May 5 !
Mission Council and Advisors Meeting
Sunday, March 25 from 4 to 6 pm in the Conference Room.
Christian Bible Land Seminar
Holy Land Journey May 31-June 10, 2012…18 spaces still available. For info call Dr. Dick Thomassian at 256-319-2072.
Café at The Caring Place In the Whitesburg Center
a t T h e C a r i n g P l a c e
Café Special $5.50
After School $3.50
March 19 - 22 Blackened salmon with wild rice and vegetable medley.
March 19 - 22 Pizza rolls with a 16 oz drink.
March 26 - 29 Spring Break!
March 26 - 29 Spring Break!
The following people wish to express their appreciation to the Church Family for all the love, prayers and concern shown to them in recent days: • The family of Margaret Owen at her recent death. • M a b e l E v a n s d u r i n g h e r re c e n t hospitalization and recovery. • The family of Doug Ray at the death of his brother, Reginald Ray. • Charlene Cason during her recent hospitalization. • Jan and Richard Waller at the death of his mother, Leonora Waller.
The church family expresses sympathy for: • Donna and Bob Lewis at the death of his brother. • Joan and Don Estes at the death of her mother, Ruth Burkett. • June and Jim Mann at the death of his mother. • Raymond Gurley at the death of his wife, Dorothy.
Starting March 25, the Lost and Found location will be in the North Lobby area in the cabinets behind the desk near the checkpoint station. Cabinets will be labeled and on Sunday mornings they will be unlocked for access. Greeters in the area will be available for assistance on Sunday mornings. Found items should be left in a box near the cabinets. Unclaimed items left in the cabinets for 6 months or more will be donated.
RECREATION Upward Soccer Registration forms are available at the ROC Welcome Desk. Practices will begin the week of Monday, March 19 and the first games will be on Saturday, March 31. Cost is $90 and includes shorts. Registration is also available online at CPR will be offered on Monday, April 16, from 5:45-8:00 pm in the Craft
Room at the ROC. This class, led by Mary Brown with the American Heart Association, will teach adult, child and infant CPR with AED training. Cost is $40. To register, contact Debbie Pierce at 256-704-5678, ext. 713.
Mentoring Ministry Orientation Coffee
Sunday, March 18 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm As encouraged in Titus 2, the mentoring ministry is a great opportunity for the ladies of WBC to experience the joys and blessings of encouraging each other. Come and learn about the mentoring ministry for ladies of all ages at the Orientation Coffee at the Whitesburg Baptist Center Fellowship Dining Room. Come learn how you can be involved . . . • as a mentor to encourage another woman with wisdom gained from your life and relationship with God . . . • as a mentee to learn and be encouraged in your Christian walk by another Christian woman . . . • as a vital support role in prayer, dinners, and more. To be matched into a mentoring relationship, attendance is required at both today’s Orientation Coffee and the Kick-Off Night on Tuesday, April 3. More info is available at or 256-704-5678, ext. 209
Men’s Retreat at Joe Wheeler State Park April 27 & 28 - The Men’s Retreat led by our pastor, Dr. Jimmy
Jackson, is for all men, married or single. Cost is $75.00 for Friday night buffet and double occupancy room or $105.00 for a single occupancy room, or $25.00 for buffet only with retreat. Camping is available by calling the lodge directly. Room reservations will be taken until March 25 unless they are filled earlier. You may register for the retreat only (no lodging) until April 27. See Eddie Richardson in the North Lobby on Sunday mornings or contact Karen Tidwell in the Pastor’s office at 256704-5678, ext. 224.
The ROMEOs meet on Thursday mornings at 7:30 at the
South Campus Fellowship Dining Room. All men are invited to come for breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and a special speaker. Breakfast buffet is $5.00; no reservations required. March 22: Ken Ingram, Gideons. March 29: Bill McDowell