5-20-12 Heartbeat Newsletter

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NEW MEMBERS Joining by Letter:

Joining by Baptism:

• Chris and Suzanne Clowers • Richard and Virginia Gibson • Carl Hall • John and Tracie McEwen • David and Sherry Sedberry

• Andrew Crane • Heather Ellison • Caleb Elmore • Jessica Fain • Linda Hall • Thomas Harmon • Aleah Henderson • Ed Holter • Chandler Lasater

Whitesburg Christian Academy

Jordan Baldwin

Ragen Cameron

• Scott Lasater • Stone Lasater • Matthew Manley • Beverly Martin • Hunter McEwen • Katherine McEwen • Blake Meeks • Christian (CJ) Meeks • Mary Ruth Minor


Caylor Feltman

Rachel Fox


• Taylor Plott • Luke Romine • Jay Stiles • Adeline Tunstill • Gabriel Turley • Ty Williams • Hunter Wood • Robert Young

Sunday, May 20 at 4:00 pm

Daniel Hammond

HEARTBEAT A Note from the Pastor Be courageous and be encouraged graduates. You are stepping across a major threshold but if God is with you on one side, He will still be with you on the other. Jesus never stops at thresholds. I came across some timely words of wisdom from someone named Mary Schmich on Preaching.com. “Don’t worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.” “Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts. Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.”

Erin Hudnall

“Floss.” Jordan Keller

Savannah Marett

Sarah McAnally

Britt Meeks

Heather Olson

John Sanders


“Don’t waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind. The race is long and, in the end, it’s only with yourself.”

students who are passionate followers of Christ and well-trained Lauren Smith


Mitchell Stevens

Emily Tarwater

Morgan Tate

Audrey Torkar

Congratulations Class of 2012

Riley Wallace

servant leaders.

“Stretch.” “Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.”

6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 Emails: firstname.lastname@wbccares.org

256-881-0952 (receptionist) 256-704-5678 (automated line)

“Be kind to your knees. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.”

Jimmy Jackson, Senior Pastor ext. 224 Terry Herald, Executive Pastor/Education ext. 235 Greg Corbin, Associate Pastor of Pastoral Ministries ext. 279 John Crocker, Associate Pastor of Missions ext. 211 Kenny Spain, Operations ext. 261

Deree Tarwater, Women’s Ministry Coordinator ext. 209 Guy Morton, Minister to Children ext. 227 Jane Baker, Recreation Director ext. 715 Jerry Reeder, Whitesburg Academy Headmaster ext. 454 Luanne Pugh, Director of Weekday Education ext. 259 Mary Lou Herald, Food Services Director ext. 711 Matthew Sloma, Associate Minister of Music ext. 236 Melvin Capps, Business Administrator ext. 232 Steven Dunne, Minister to Students ext. 217 Sue Ansley, Mature Adult Director ext. 243 Tim Bandy, Associate Minister of Music ext. 212

“Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you’ll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.”

Beth Cape, Director of Preschool Ministries ext. 240 Charles Malmede, Media Services Director ext. 242 Christian Parrish, First Impressions Coordinator ext. 246 David Dye, Minister to Young Adults ext. 205 David Loyed, Minister to Middle School Students ext. 220

Visit us online at WhitesburgBaptist.org

Have a happy God-honoring life.

Love in Jesus, Bro. Jimmy

May 20 - 31, 2012

Congratulations Class of 2012 . terans e v , u ank yo





Sunday, May 27

No Planet Rock or Champs No Evening Services

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 11 - 15 9 am - Noon Ages 4 (by 9-1-11) through Grade 5 completed Visit WhitesburgBaptist.org/summerfun to preregister!

iServe Keith Carlisle Contractor

Look inside to find out where Keith serves in ministry!

The Whitesburg Baptist Church Newsletter is a twice a month publication with the purpose of keeping our church body informed about its ministries.

ADULT MINISTRY LIFE Group Connection NIght

Summer Bible Studies

Tuesday, May 22

To assist the Staff in preparing for the new worship services starting August 12, we are taking a survey to find out which LIFE Group hour your family plans to attend this Fall. The survey can be filled out in your Life Group or online at WhitesburgBaptist.org/survey throughout the month of May and until June 17.


Scan this QR code with your mobile device to fill out the survey now!

Discover Whitesburg Evening Class Sunday, June 3

If you need to complete your membership process or would like more information about our church and the 11:00 am Sunday class doesn’t work for you, then join us Sunday, June 3, in the Hospitality Room 148 from 5:00 - 7:15 pm. Discover what makes Whitesburg Baptist Church special, what we believe, and the ministry areas that motivate you. Learn about the spiritual gifts you have and how to use them for His kingdom. For more information, please contact David Dye at 256-704-5678, ext. 222.

LIFE Group Fellowship Night Friday, June 8

Sign up for childcare in your LIFE Group or by calling the hotline number 256-704-5678, ext. 352. Sign up deadline is 12:00 pm on Wednesday, June 6. The cost is $5 per child or $15 family max.

Mark Your Calendar!

Sunday, June 24 LIFE Group Leadership Meeting This will be our first opportunity to see our new Fall line up of LIFE Group classes.

Jonah by Priscilla Shirer, led by

Mary Johnson, will meet on Thursday evenings, June 7 - July 26, 6:308:00 pm. What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! In this Bible study, Priscilla shows that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in an entire city. Book cost is $12.

Nehemiah – A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter,

led by Emily Eckley, will meet on Tuesday mornings, June 19 - July 31, 9:30 - 11:00 am. Nehemiah’s heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. This study challenges women to let God break their hearts for a hurting, lost world and move them in compassion to lead people to Jesus. Book cost is $13. Free childcare is provided for this class, and registration is required (see below). Register for classes and childcare at WhitesburgBaptist. org/weeklygroups. Both classes meet at the Whitesburg Baptist Center (South Campus) in Room 607.

Mark your calendar for our ladies retreat on September 21-22 with awesome speaker Jan Silvious at the beautiful Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa in Florence. Details coming soon . . .



In the Whitesburg Center

Café Special $5.50

May 21 - 24 Chef’s Choice.

May 28 - 31 Smothered chicken sandwich, house made chips and a drink.


The following people wish to express their appreciation to the Church Family for all the love, prayers and concern shown to them in recent days: • Mrs. Joann Wester at the death of her husband, Doug Wester. • Mr. Paul McFall at the death of his wife, Barbara McFall. • Mrs. Terri Shannon during her recent surgery and recovery.


The church family expresses sympathy for: • Mrs. Naomi McAbee in the death of her mother. • Ms. Peggy Patterson in the death of her father. • Mrs. Bonnie Walker Jones in the death of her son, Hardy Walker. • The family of William Fox at his death. • The family of Jean Woodcock at her death.

VBS Needs Please donate your old CDs for Vacation Bible School crafts. Drop off in the Sunshine Alley Lobby or the Children’s Ministry Office.

CPR Class

will be offered on Thursday, June 7, from 5:45-8:00 pm in the Hearthside Room at the ROC. This class, led by Mary Brown with the American Heart Association, will teach adult, child and infant CPR with AED training. Cost is $40. To register, contact Debbie Pierce at 256-704-5678, ext. 713.

Senior Day at the ROC

will meet on Monday, June 11, with Dr. Steve Pierce, Director of Decisions Support Directorate at SMDC (Space and Missile Defense Command) as the speaker. Steve will be speaking on “Redstone - Its Impact, Today and Tomorrow.” Blood pressure checks begin at 10:30 am, followed by lunch at 11:30 and the speaker at noon. Cost is $5. Make your reservation by calling Debbie at 256-704-5678, ext. 713.

Balance Flow

Balance Flow Classes meet on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10:00 am in the Aerobics Room at the ROC. This class is designed to improve your balance and flexibility while adapting to all levels of physical ability. The cost is $15 per month.

Fly Casting Clinic

Learn specific techniques on how to cast your fly rod with Reid Benton of the Tennessee Valley Fly Fishers. This class will meet on Saturday, June 2, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm in the Craft Room at the South Campus. Cost is $20 which includes lunch. To register, contact Debbie at 256-704-5678, ext. 713.


Middle School Camp June 4 - 8 SIGN UP TODAY!

June 4-8 will be another awesome week at Fort Faith with our own Bro. Jimmy Jackson as Camp Pastor and Joshua Price leading worship! The price is now $240 and the last day to sign up is Wednesday, May 23. The Camp Parent Meeting is Wednesday, May 30 at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary. Informational brochures can be found in the Student Center (Midtown).

High School Camp July 9 - 13


Sign up TODAY for High School Camp! Don’t miss out on this incredible week at Fort Faith, July 9 - 13! Joshua Price is back to lead worship and our speaker this year is Jonathan Spencer. The early registration price is $180 through May 20; after that it goes up to $210! You can sign up in the Student Center, Student Ministry Office, or at whitesburgbaptist.org/highschool.

Where I serve in ministry: 4th Grade KidsLife Assistant Teacher How you can serve in this ministry: Each week Children’s LIFE

Group Teaching Assistants build relationships with and encourage a small group of kids (Grades 1-5). They also reinforce the weekly Bible lesson using activities and materials from our kid friendly curriculum. Interested in serving as an assistant teacher? Contact the Children’s Ministry Office for more information at 256-7045678, ext. 327 or email guy.morton@wbccares.org.


Café at The Caring Place

a t T h e C a r i n g P l a c e

Choose from two awesome ladies Bible studies this summer:

Come join us on Tuesday, May 22 at 5:00 pm for our monthly LIFE Group Connection Night. You can order a hamburger, hotdog or chicken finger combo from the Café or you can choose the food bar for only $3.00. All you need to do is get a ticket from the sign-in table and pay the cashier when you order your food. Childcare is also provided free of charge. All outreach supplies, class rolls, labels, postcards and prospect sheets with maps are available. Remember, prospects are members of your LIFE Group who are not yet connected…begin praying and providing ministry to everyone on your class roll. For more information, contact Donna Faye Brown at 256-704-5678, ext. 216 or donnafaye.brown@wbccares.org.

LIFE Group Survey


Middle School VBS June 11 - 15

Keith Carlisle Contractor

Join us for an exciting week of Vacation Bible School for middle school students in Grades 6-8! VBS meets Monday through Friday, 9 am - noon in the Student Center. We will have incredible Bible Study, awesome games and lots of fun! Don’t miss MS VBS!

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