6-17-12 Heartbeat Newsletter

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NEW MEMBERS Joining by Letter:




• Branyn and Ashli Burkhart • Greg and Marissa Dulz

• Joe and Hazel Bobo

Joining by Baptism:

• Graham Nelson • Elaina Symes • Suzanne Uptain • Peyton Uptain • Katy Uptain • Clay Weir

• Kevin Blacklock • Callie Blacklock • Logan Freeman • Bennett Givhan • James Green • Mia Rose Griffith

RESOURCE CENTER Check out some new inventory at the Resource Center! A convenient spot to find books written by authors who are church members, pick up the latest sermon CD, grab a gift item and much more. The Center is open on Sundays from 9:00-9:45 am and 10:4511:15 am and is located in the South Lobby across from The Connection Point.

WBC Coffee Mugs

I want to wish all of our fathers a Happy Father’s Day. My prayer for today’s message is that men will assess who they are and where they are going in the days ahead. Men, we need to be, unapologetically, men of God.

October 3 - 5, 2012

Part of our strategic plans for Sunday morning, August 26 involves four goals. Our entire staff is leading the way for this special day.

Only 25 left!

Register NOW!

WBC Travel Coffee Mugs $3 - only a few left!

Words for a Woman’s Heart Divine Designs by Beth Cape A new batch of Scripture Note Cards has arrived!

Seating is limited. Only 40 places available. 4 people in a room = $165.25 per person 3 people in a room = $185.25 per person 2 people in a room = $215.25 per person 1 person in a room = $285.25 per person

Registration & deposit due by June 22. Balance due by August 17. Register by calling Dana at 256-704-5678, ext. 279.

6806 Whitesburg Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802 256-881-0952 (receptionist) Emails: firstname.lastname@wbccares.org 256-704-5678 (automated line)

Beth Cape, Director of Preschool Ministries ext. 240 Charles Malmede, Media Services Director ext. 242 Christian Parrish, First Impressions Coordinator ext. 246 David Dye, Minister to Young Adults ext. 205 David Loyed, Minister to Middle School Students ext. 220

The second worship experience will become a contemporary service. Pray for the music team as they lead us in preparation.

In the facilities area, we will be launching “Café 246.” You will enjoy the entire atmosphere of the north lobby. We are also improving our “curb appeal” at the main campus. We are asking the city to approve a brick marquise as well as a digital sign.

The fantastic education staff has been planning for a new LIFE Group year.

The communications team, led by Dr. Greg Corbin, is leading the way to inform our city and county of our worship service changes on August 26.

Cost includes conference, hotel & bus. Does not include meals.


Jimmy Jackson, Senior Pastor ext. 224 Terry Herald, Executive Pastor/Education ext. 235 Greg Corbin, Associate Pastor of Pastoral Ministries ext. 279 John Crocker, Associate Pastor of Missions ext. 211 Kenny Spain, Operations ext. 261

Happy Father’s Day

A Note from the Executive Pastor Artists such as Squire Parsons, The Oak Ridge Boys, Buddy Greene, Karen Peck and New River will lead us in great Southern gospel music. Also enjoy speakers Dennis Swanberg, Johnny Hunt and Herb Reavis.

Deree Tarwater, Women’s Ministry Coordinator ext. 209 Guy Morton, Minister to Children ext. 227 Jane Baker, Recreation Director ext. 715 Jerry Reeder, Whitesburg Academy Headmaster ext. 454 Luanne Pugh, Director of Weekday Education ext. 259 Mary Lou Herald, Food Services Director ext. 711 Matthew Sloma, Associate Minister of Music ext. 236 Melvin Capps, Business Administrator ext. 232 Steven Dunne, Minister to Students ext. 217 Sue Ansley, Mature Adult Director ext. 243 Tim Bandy, Associate Minister of Music ext. 212

Visit us online at WhitesburgBaptist.org

These four goals (contemporary service, facility changes, new LIFE Group year, and promotional strategies) will assist us in being more relevant to the culture in which we live. Our goal is to “Contextualize Without Compromise.” Love in Jesus, Brother Terry

June 17 - 30, 2012

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Family Wet and Wild Day Saturday, June 30 from 2 - 4 pm South Campus Pavilion

Dads’ and Lads’

Super Saturday Saturday, June 23 8:30 am - 4 pm Camp Macoba (New Market) $5 Per Person Signup in North Lobby or Children’s Hall by June 20.

Go to

WhitesburgBaptist.org/ sundayservices for info about the new Sunday services beginning August 26.

The Whitesburg Baptist Church Heartbeat is a twice a month publication with the purpose of keeping our church body informed about its ministries.


WOMEN’S MINISTRY Summer Bible Study

LIFE Group Leadership Meeting

LIFE Group Workers and Leadership for ALL ministry areas are invited to join us on Sunday, June 24 for our LIFE Group Leadership Meeting. We will meet in room 290 from 4:45 - 6:00 pm.

Ice Cream Fellowship Sunday, June 24

Join us on Sunday, June 24 for Ice Cream and Dessert Fellowship from 7:15 – 8:00 pm. We will meet in the Main Campus Fellowship Hall (Rooms 102/104/106). Please bring homemade ice cream, a half gallon of ice cream or cookies. The Golden Scoop Award will be given for the best homemade ice cream!

Nehemiah – A Heart That Can Break by Kelly Minter, led

by Emily Eckley, begins this Tuesday morning, June 19–July 31, 9:30–11:00 am at the Whitesburg Baptist Center (South Campus) in Room 607. Nehemiah’s heart was so broken for those in need that he left the comfort of his Persian palace to help them. This study challenges women to let God break their hearts for a hurting, lost world and move them in compassion to lead people to Jesus. Book Cost $13. Register for class and free childcare at WhitesburgBaptist.org/weeklygroups.

Mark your calendar Christian Citizen Task Force

for our ladies retreat on September 21-22 with awesome speaker Jan Silvious at the beautiful Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa in Florence. Details coming soon . . .

Thank You CCTF Volunteers

Our Stand Up for Religious Freedom was a wonderful interfaith event to hold our government morally accountable. Thank you for making it a success.

What is Agenda 21 and Why Should I care?

CCTF Citizen Education series continues with Ken Freeman and Don Casey. Sunday, July 22 at 4:30 pm in North Campus Room 114.

What You Need to Know About Islam

CCTF special guest lecturer Dr. Bill Warner is coming on August 26, 4:30 pm in North Campus Room 114.

Mark the Date

City Elections - Tuesday, August 28

I pray that you,

being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s love, and to know the Messiah’s love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19 HCSB

Subscribe to the Heartbeat online at:

WhitesburgBaptist.org/ subscribe

Café Special $2.00 June 18 - 21

June 25 - 28

Peach Iced Tea

Peach Iced Tea

Café at The Caring Place

In the Whitesburg Baptist Center


The church family expresses sympathy for: • James and Carol Wasley in the death of their son, James Thomas Wasley. • Danny and Nancy Hill in the death of her father, Gil Moody. • Beverly Dummer and family in the loss of her husband, Merlin Dummer.


The following people wish to express their appreciation to the Church Family for all the love, prayers and concern shown to them in recent days: • Eleanor Kay during her recent surgery and recovery. • Bill and Vicki Welch at the death of his mother. • Don Roberson at the death of his wife, Fredna.

RECREATION Jon Sumrall Free Youth Football Camp

This camp will be on Monday, July 2, 2012, at the South Campus from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. It is for 6 year olds through those entering 8th grade. To register, contact the Sumralls at 256-880-8332.

Upward Flag Football & Cheerleading

Pick up your registration form at the ROC Welcome Desk or sign up online at www. whitesburgbaptist.org/upward. Please attend an evaluation on either Thursday, August 2, from 5:30-7:30 pm or on Saturday, August 4, from 9:00 - 11:00 am. The cost is $75 which includes shorts; after August 5 the cost will be $90. Ages are 1st-6th graders. Games begin Saturday, September 8.

Ballet Clinic

This clinic will be on July 23, 25 & 27, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 3 & 4 year olds meet from 10:00 am - 12 noon; 5 & 6 year olds meet from 12:30 - 2:30 pm and 7-10 year olds meet from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. The cost is $40 which includes a t-shirt.

GLOBAL MISSIONS 2012 London Olympic Mission Training

The final training sessions for the 2012 London Olympic Mission will be: Sunday, June 17, from 5 - 6 pm in Room 112. Sunday, June 24, from 5 - 6 pm in Room 112. Thursday, June 28, from 6 - 9 pm in Room 114. Friday, June 29, from 6 - 9 pm in Room 114.

2012 Blazing Glory Basketball Camp Block Party!

You are invited to join the Blazing Glory Basketball Block Party! The Block Party will take place at The Place on Thursday, June 21, from 6:30 to 8 pm. Team members are needed to come and assist in sharing the Gospel with approximately 150 children and students who plan on attending the Basketball Camp. Contact John Crocker in the Global Missions Office at 256-704-5678, ext. 211 to join the team or visit www.wbcglobal.org for more information.

Appalachia Regional Mission

WBC will be leading a team to Williamsburg, Kentucky, July 2-6 to serve in VBS and Backyard Bible Clubs. Sign up to pray by going to www.wbcglobal.org, click Pray then choose Appalachia Regional Mission.

Romania Global Mission Fly Tying Class

Learn the basics of fly tying with Reid Benton of the Tennessee Valley Fly Fishers. This class will be on Mondays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, July 23 – August 27 in the Community Room at the Martha Fleming Center located behind the Whitesburg Center. The cost is $25.

Ballet Classes

Classes begin the week of August 27. Creative Movement for 3 & 4 year olds will meet on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday from 3:45 - 4:30 pm; Pre-ballet for 5 & 6 year olds will meet on Tuesdays from 4:30 - 5:30 pm and Ballet for 7-10 year olds will meet on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 pm. The registration fee is $15 and the monthly cost is $25; 3 & 4 year olds are $20. Registration forms are available at the ROC Welcome Desk. For more information about classes and activities at the ROC, contact Jane, Joyce or Debbie at 256-704-5678, ext. 715, 714 or 713.

WBC will be leading a team to Romania, September 3-11. To sign up to pray for the mission go to www.wbcglobal. org, click Pray, click Romania.

Zimbabwe Global Mission

Zimbabwe Global Mission Applications are being received. The WBC Zimbabwe Global Mission will be September 13 - 22. Applications are due July 16. We will be serving with Pastor Norman Schaefer and the Open Baptist Church in a leadership training seminar and evangelistic outreach in neighboring Zimbabwe. For more information contact John Crocker at 256-783-5678, ext. 211 or visit www.wbcglobal.org.

STUDENTS High School Camp July 9 - 13

Sign up TODAY for High School Camp! Don’t miss out on this incredible week at Fort Faith, July 9 - 13! Joshua Price is back to lead worship and our speaker this year is Jonathan Spencer. The price is $210. You can sign up in the Student Center, Student Ministry Office, or at whitesburgbaptist.org/highschool.

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