Whitesburg Baptist Church August/September Magazine

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Whitesburg AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016

Personal stories of what really happens inside and outside of LIFE Groups.


BROKEN to serve

“I saw the brokenness in our boys, and it paralleled mine...” PAGE 14

Elevator, or Walk?

Finding Solomon’s place in Special Friends

At some point, we all need help getting across.

The key is having someone you can count on when the time comes. At Whitesburg Baptist, you will find a group of people who do life with each other, passionately following God as they celebrate the good times and work through the tough stuff together. Here, you can hear straightfoward Bible teaching, and have a way to give back by serving God in the community.

WhitesburgBaptist.org 6806 WHITESBURG DRIVE, HUNTSVILLE, AL


Whitesburg AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016

PAGE 16 Playing by the Book

2 Following Together By Dr. Jimmy Jackson

4 Broken to Serve By Teresa Smith

8 Why I Am a Teacher By Jerry Reeder

11 Elevator or Walk? By Jonathan Powell 16 Playing by the Book By Burr Ingram PAGE 23 Three Reasons for Working with Kids

19 This is Beyond Me By David Oswell 22 Three Reasons for Working with Kids By Jason Bruening 26 Kid’s Space Mystery Objects

Whitesburg magazine is a publication by Whitesburg Baptist Church, 6806 Whitesburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802-2299. (Permit No. 446) Publisher: Whitesburg Baptist Church Editor-in-Chief: Rev. David Dye Graphics & Publishing: Melissa Schuster, Ron Snyder Editorial Assistants: Karen Tidwell, Beverly Dishman, Jordan Busk


27 In Need of Prayer By Margaret Kesler 31 Two Imperfect People By Tim and Shari Roberts 34 When Faith Becomes Action By Burns Smith

Receive Whitesburg magazine in your home or business by subscribing in one of these ways: • Visit WhitesburgBaptist.org/subscribe. • Email your name and mailing address to subscribe@wbccares.org. • Call the office at 256-704-5678, ext. 279. Cover photo by Jonathan Powell

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


Following Together by Dr. Jimmy Jackson



Everywhere I look, I see these words: LIFE Groups. It is on church marquees. It is in church literature and is a subject of casual conversation both inside and outside of the church. What is a LIFE Group? I am glad you asked. A LIFE Group is a modern synonym for Sunday School for youth and adults. Its emphasis is on being connected like a family of fellow believers. The purpose for this connection is to better carry out the New Testament concept of our family relationships in our spiritual walk with Jesus. He called us to follow Him together. We need each other. We enlarge our sphere of relationships. We get to know each other better, to know when and how to help one another, to learn to love one another as brothers and sisters – all of whom need to share each other’s joy and bear each other’s burdens. A church with healthy LIFE Groups will be a healthier and Why I

more effective church. We will see more people saved and discipled, and we will make an eternal difference by really caring about each other’s cares and concerns in life. If every member of our church were actively involved in a Christ centered LIFE Group, we would see the love of Jesus more clearly than ever before. It takes time and extra effort, but the Godhonoring results far outweigh any change in focus and schedule. If you are not involved in a LIFE Group, just call our Family Pastor, David Loyed, or call me. We will be delighted to help you. Dr. Jimmy Jackson can be reached at 256881-0952, ext. 224. Rev. David Loyed can be reached at 256-881-0952, ext. 222 or at david.loyed@whitesburgbaptist.org.

Dr. Jimmy Jackson

is the Senior Pastor of Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville, AL.

my LIFE Group

We share tears, fears and laughs as we go through God’s Word together. We have the most dedicated teachers around and hard working. They live out good, Godly examples in and out of church. McNabb Family, Cox/Loyed LIFE Group

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg



to serve by Teresa Smith



I am pretty passionate about our fourth grade boys at our Whitesburg Baptist Church Pulaski Pike Campus. I remember when my husband, Smitty, walked the boys to our class. They were a tough group of third grade boys and when we were introduced to them in August 2014, they were the most challenging of the primary grades. That first day, Xavier, the smallest of the boys, was provoked into a fight with one

of the bigger students. He was little, but he was not going to back down. The following week, another boy punched my husband in the stomach. The week after, another boy flipped over a table in anger and stomped out. They were a broken group of boys. Looking back, I was pretty broken, too. Six months earlier, in late February 2014, I had shared my teachings with three generations of family members on how to August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


BROKEN TO SERVE pray with scripture, which I had like I lost everything – my hope, learned at a Come to Me Moms my faith, and my belief in God. I in Prayer International Retreat. mourned my loss of God more After intimate conversations of than any death experience I personal trials and tragedies, the had encountered. I had felt my crucial question they had was, Savior’s presence everyday with “Does God hear my prayers?” me, through all my trials and This began to joys. Yet here I was trouble my spirit. on my knees, totally I never Though I have been broken and certain doubted God through personal that God did not hear heard my tragedies, marriage me, and I began to struggles, and other prayers, but feel there was no God. hardships, God had My struggles led I began to brought me through me to serve at the it each time. I never wrestle with if Pulaski Pike Campus doubted God heard God does not with the third grade my prayers, but I boys. I now realize hear prayers began to wrestle with God was working if God does not hear in me. Although I is He real? prayers - is He real? had these tough A couple weeks later, this questions and doubts of God, doubt was worsened as a result my life experiences with God of something very personal I told me, “keep moving forward.” went through. I encountered Initially, I feared co-teaching for the first time the heart the boys with my husband. I felt wrenching knowledge and agony like a hypocrite and unworthy. of unanswered prayer. I had I confessed it to God. I realized prayed a prayer so significant I had two choices: I could walk to my being, and as I stared my away from God or persevere to unanswered prayer in the face, regain my faith. Many times I I whispered the words, “What was reminded of 1 Corinthians is the point of praying, Father, if 9:24; as believers in Jesus Christ, you don’t hear me?” My mind we are called to persevere, to run went into a tailspin and I felt and finish the race. Many Sunday 6


mornings, it was my husband who pushed through and I followed. I was wisely told to never stop praying, and although I struggled, I didn’t. I continued to study His Word by staying in a Bible study and I continued to serve in ministry. We moved from the third grade to the fourth grade with these same boys and soon they will move on to the fifth grade. Although I entered a long period of time without feeling God’s presence, I was reminded of Psalms 34:18: God is near the brokenhearted; He saves us when we are crushed in spirit. I saw the brokenness in our boys and it paralleled mine. As I learned their stories, their struggles, their sorrows and their joys, my focus was no longer on me. God used my struggles to cause me

to dig deep and reach our boys’ tender hearts, and by doing so, God slowly began to breathe life in me again and our boys began to embrace us with their hugs and smiles. I learned in a very personal way the meaning of Matthew 16:25 (HCSB): “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it.” Through the boys of the Pulaski Pike Campus and serving my Lord, He has gently and gratefully taught me the value of confession, prayer, and perseverance. He revealed His goodness and His mercy through serving His kingdom at Pulaski. He has carried me through my trials and I have grown stronger in the knowledge of who He really is.

Teresa Smith is a wife and mother of two and is Whitesburg’s Heart

to Serve Coordinator. Teresa and her husband teach third and fourth grade boys at the Whitesburg Baptist Church Pulaski Pike Campus.

Why I

my LIFE Group

I feel they are my extended family. Eloise Pate, Powell LIFE Group

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


m a I y Wh I grew up on a farm in

North Alabama. My family was relatively poor through my early childhood. We did not have running water or an indoor bathroom till I was nine. We did have all the necessities of life: food, clothes, and a warm house. I did not realize for many years that one important thing we had, that most poor families did not have, was books. I don’t know how my mother managed it, or where they came from, but our home had many books, including the Hardy Boys mysteries, countless westerns, and children’s classic books. As I got older, I began reading Mark Twain, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Melville, Hemingway, and other great authors. I have heard it said that great teachers are first great learners. My passion for teaching grew out of a passion for learning, and my passion for learning grew out of a passion for reading. I was a 8


teenager before I left the state of Alabama, but in my mind I had traveled everywhere in time and space. I rafted the Mississippi with Huck Finn and sailed the high seas with Captain Ahab. Most people who know me now are surprised to learn I was a very shy and reserved child. There simply were no other children close to our home, but I had great relationships with other children, such as a girl named Alice who lived in a place called Wonderland. Throughout this time I also read Bible storybooks and the Bible itself. My family attended a tiny rural church that only had five children attending, including myself, my brother and sister, and two other girls. One teacher taught all of us. I vividly remember the large Bible story pictures. To this day when I read Bible stories, I visualize them as they looked on those story pictures. People are sometimes

a teacher

by Jerry Reeder

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


WHY I AM A TEACHER amazed to learn that I have never physically visited the Holy Land. But I have been there many times in my heart and mind, through the reading of books, and the Bible, I allow the words to paint pictures in my mind. It is more than pictures of physical places, but pictures of concepts, ideas, and truth. The first time I took a spiritual gifts test, my highest ranked gift was teaching, followed closely by prophecy. The combination of all the above factors were worked together by God to develop me as a teacher. Through my love of reading I became fascinated with the use of words and how they could be woven together to paint mental pictures, to

communicate, inform, persuade, and teach. Because I loved to learn, I wanted everyone to love to learn. As God developed me as a teacher, I discovered that being a teacher forced me to be an even better learner. I am teaching the Through the Bible literature for the sixth time. Each time through, I learn new things, discover new truth, but most importantly I grow closer to God. A teacher is not a pitcher of water being poured out, until eventually empty. A teacher must be a learner, and a learner must be a reader and a thinker. A teacher can become a well of living water, springing up to show the way to eternal life.

Jerry Reeder followed his love of learning and is now the headmaster at Whitesburg Christian Academy. He and his wife, Sonya have four daughters and six grandsons. He also teaches an Adult LIFE Group class at Whitesburg Baptist Church.

Why I

my LIFE Group

Love is in this class. Hugs all around. The Word of God taught every week. Peggy Simpson, Williams LIFE Group



Elevator, or Walk?

by Jonathan Powell

If you ever get to meet my eight-year-old

son Solomon, you will get asked one of two questions. Elevator, or walk? He either wants to take YOU for a ride on the elevator, or he wants YOU to go with him on a walk around the church. He’s very insistent, that little guy. For all of 52 pounds, he has a super strong grip and the determination to make you do his bidding. Besides eating pizza, those are his two favorite things to do in the world. You gotta admit…that’s a pretty good time! My wife, Angie, and I have been members of WBC for 16 years now. We moved to Huntsville after graduating college in 2000. Since then, we’ve been blessed with five beautiful kids that provide us with a full life.

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


ELEVATOR OR WALK? While Solomon was still growing inside Angie’s womb around 10 weeks, his skull didn’t form fast enough around his brain which caused him to develop with an encephalocele. Basically, most of his brain was exposed outside of his skull. All of the doctors advised us to have an abortion because his chance of survival was minimal. They gave him a 23 percent chance to make it to birth, and only a 17 percent chance of survival after that. Angie and I never even discussed abortion as an option. In fact, I thought I was going to have to hold my sweet wife back when her doctor even mentioned that option to us. The birth of a child is definitely a miracle from God, but I like to think of Solomon’s birth as a miracle with a cherry on top. What was supposed to be a nine month (or longer) stay in Children’s Hospital at UAB, ended up only being a brief nine day stay. God is good! From 2012 to 2015, our family served together at WBC’s Pulaski Pike campus. We made so many good friends and met so many wonderful people at that campus. One of them was the sweetest lady, Ms. Georgia, who was Solomon’s caretaker 12


the entire time we were there. Unfortunately, there was no elevator at the Pulaski campus, but she walked him everywhere and Solomon loved it! We returned to the main campus in 2015 and while we were excited to be reunited with our close friends and church family, we wondered where Solomon would fit in. Having a child with special needs like Solomon is not easy. In fact, it’s safe to say that parenting him is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. In no way am I complaining, I just want to convey the gravity of the needs he has. After a few Sundays of visiting different life groups, we found out about the Special Friends class. Immediately after meeting Ms. Kathy, the Director of Special Friends, we knew Solomon would be happy and safe, which are the two things as a parent you want for your kids. Honestly, the first time I went to pickup Solomon from class, I fully expected them to be exasperated and ready for me to take him. To my astonishment, I found him sitting in a chair playing with Kaitlyn Hatmaker and having a great time! He had even made a new walking buddy with Ms. Kim! I almost

started crying from pure joy, which would have made for an extremely awkward moment for everyone. The ministry Ms. Kathy and all her volunteers provide is such a tremendous blessing to our family, and I’m sure all the other families would agree. Just being able to attend a worship service or LIFE Group class and not have to wonder if your child is ok is such a relief. And not just ok either, but having such a great time that they don’t want to leave! The work Ms. Kathy and her volunteers do every Sunday is a true act of worship. In the

same respect as Jesus washing His disciples’ feet. It’s selfless, difficult, extremely tiring, and most of the time goes without notice from anyone except the families it serves. In Matthew 19:14 when Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these,” He even meant the special kids like Solomon. To which I can only imagine Solomon taking Jesus’ hand and leading HIM around. I’m pretty sure Jesus would be cool with that. God is so good!

Jonathan Powell often dreams about driving across the country

while living out of an Airstream camper with his wife Angie and five kids, but simply settles for short camping trips to Little River Canyon for now. Jonathan also enjoys running his small business, Orange Beard Films, which allows him to pursue his passion of digital storytelling.

Why I

my LIFE Group

I love learning about the Bible. The teachers make sure that I am happy to be there, and that I am paying attention. Sometimes it’s hard to pay attention, but they make it fun so it is easier for me to pay attention. I love our church and want to stay forever. Michael, 2nd Grade LIFE Group

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


I want their hearts to be

encouraged and

joined together

in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of

God’s mystery —


Colossians 2:2 (HCSB)



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5. Peer acceptance/bullying 6. Body image/worldliness 7. Grades/self-discipline 8. Sexual knowledge/ experimentation/pornography 9. Finances 10. Apathy/independence

We have resources available for these topics and many more in our Home Point Center and ministers who can stand with you as you answer God’s calling to be a parent.

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August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


Playing by the Book

by Burr Ingram

As a Bible teacher for

nearly four decades, I’ve learned and unlearned a few things when it comes to growing and maintaining a vibrant LIFE Group, many of us have known as “Sunday School” for most of our lives. Regardless of what you call them, there are some basic growth principles that have proven true in my experience. There’s no secret sauce, it’s just playing by the Book. I Corinthians 12 gives a clear Biblical illustration on how a church and a class should operate...just like the human body. There are eyes, ears, toes, 16


hands, fingers, feet, legs, elbows, etc. We are dependent on every part of our body each day. We breathe without thinking and our blood flows without effort. Similarly, a successful class operates with delegated roles and responsibilities. Ideally, these roles are filled by members who are appropriately gifted to perform that function. Spiritual gifts are given to each believer in order to build up other believers. It’s what we were made to do and it fits right in our spiritual wheelhouse. The challenge is to get the right gifts in the right roles and then let Christ’s love take over.

Our class has been blessed with much growth in recent years. I give a lot of credit to the enthusiastic leadership team we have in our class. Actually, it’s Jesus in them! When folks “get Jesus,” people come. Relationships are built and ministry is accomplished. David Oswell is the director of our class and performs all the “director duties” as well as anybody. He has a passion for mission and evangelism. The heart and muscle behind our class is Jane Baker, an extraordinary woman who does not quit. She puts the energizer bunny to shame as she oversees our 14 Care

Groups. Each group has its own leader and between 10 and 15 people are assigned respectively. These small group leaders do a phenomenal job. If they didn’t, a lot of our people would fall in the cracks and many needs would go unmet. Through our Care Group structure, we serve families every week in some manner. “Life happens” so the opportunities to show that we care are almost non-stop. Sickness and hospitalization are common to all, in fact; I occasionally (and jokingly) refer to my class as the “hip and knee club.” But whether it’s a health issue, a loss in the

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


PLAYING BY THE BOOK family, a job situation or a myriad of other issues, we try to be there for our members. Organization is very important, but it takes people who are surrendered to doing their part…and then occasionally a little more. From a practical standpoint, we also have an active fellowship team, mission team, and greeters who all play a vital role in our class. We do the basics – name tags, monthly snacks, coffee every week, and I try to stay in touch with a weekly email that usually includes a summary of the past week’s lesson notes. For nearly two years we have had a weekly prayer group at breakfast for the men, and more recently, the ladies started a prayer group at noon. When a dozen to fifteen

men meet regularly to pray, things happen. Add the ladies later in the day and get ready for God to move! Our class is a mixture of ages and statuses – married, never married, divorced, widows. We have couples with young children and couples who are great grandparents. We’ve found that the love of the Lord and His Word connects people of all ages. It all plays a part in growing our relationship with Christ and with each other. When everyone is doing what they can and doing it well, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That’s when you move into God’s math and people are touched by the Gospel.

Burr Ingram has served as a Life Group teacher and deacon at Whitesburg for more than two decades. He and his wife, Jan, have been married for 42 years and have three adult sons. Burr has served as vice president of communications and marketing at Huntsville Hospital since 1988. Why I

my LIFE Group

When I came to Huntsville four years ago as a widow, I was enveloped in the embrace of so many loving people who have become wonderful friends. God used my LIFE Group as a lifeline for me, at a difficult time in my life. Brenda Garrard Alexander, Ingram LIFE Group



T his is Beyond Me

by David Oswell

In 2012, WBC lost a giant of a

saint in Merlin Dummer. Among his many roles, Merlin served as the Director of the Median Adult class taught by Burr Ingram. After Merlin went home to Heaven, I was approached about replacing him as the director. I never saw that coming. Rest assured that I didn’t expect to be asked and I certainly didn’t want the job. I started asking questions.

Q: What’s the job description? A: Make coffee for the class;

stand up and make the announcements, welcome visitors, mention those with birthdays each week; take the roll; and make copies of the prayer list. Making coffee, taking roll, making copies – no problem. Standing up in front of forty people and making them feel like I’m glad to see them? That’s not me - or so I thought.

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg



Q: Why did you ask me? They

must have seen some quality in me that I was not aware of. Because you’re here every week. Well, at least I had that going for me. I was really surprised to be asked to serve in this position. I was a back-row Baptist even in the small group and I really didn’t want to have much to do with anyone in the class. I was there for a lesson and a prayer, and was ready to bolt for the door as soon as the necessities were over. I had been saved for almost 40 years, but was still spiritually immature. That’s a story in and of itself, but the bottom line is that I wanted to live my life in my way and I was too stubborn to accept the kind of relationship that God wanted to have with me. I was an immature Christian and anti-social poster child, and I was going to replace Merlin? I couldn’t see it, but out a sense of


obligation I said yes. And God took my willingness to serve in spite of my lack of enthusiasm and did something I couldn’t foresee. I grew into the role over the next several months. I became emotionally-invested in the class members as they shared their struggles and prayer requests. God answered many of those prayers in obvious ways that strengthened the class through His healing and His provision for us. And He began teaching me some important truths about serving. I’ll share a couple of those with you. We know that in the last week of His life, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. The Creator of all things (“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made”) got down on His knees and washed the dirty, filthy feet of those men. He said to them, “…I have given you an example,

God took my willingness to serve in spite of my lack of enthusiasm and did something I couldn’t foresee.



that you should do as I have done to you.” In the book of Romans, we read that God has predestined us “… to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Jesus modeled the expected behavior for us and then God told us that we are to be conformed to His image. How can I not serve? Another interesting principle that I have experienced is found in Luke 6:38, “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” I have been tremendously blessed by serving the class and God has repaid me overwhelmingly.

God has blessed our class with a fantastic teacher and a tireless care group leader. Our average attendance has almost tripled in the past three-and-a-half years. That’s pretty impressive, but the thing that most amazes me is how God has changed me as I’ve served. I have gone from being a guy that attended church every Sunday because that’s what he was supposed to do, to being a guy that’s genuinely excited to worship God and serve His church, that prays to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, that has sincere concern for the health and well-being of his fellow believers, and that’s even willing to share insights from his own Bible study from time-to-time. That’s amazing, and it’s beyond me.

David Oswell has attended WBC since 1966. He and his wife Melissa are blessed with two sons and two lovely daughters-in-law. He is so thankful to be “a new creation” in Jesus Christ!

Why I

my LIFE Group

How could I not love to be a part of such a vibrant and active LIFE Group! Wendell Johnson, Ingram LIFE Group

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg




Three Reasons for working

s d i k h wit by Jason Bruening

What full-grown American

male would choose to miss NFL football on Sundays to spend time with a bunch of kids who aren’t his own? I’m never home in time for kickoff now because I help in the first grade LIFE Group in the morning. Then, I only get to see the first quarter of the late game because Sunday evenings you’ll find my wife and me working with the toddlers in AWANA. I’m joking, of course… well, mostly joking (I can always get the scores and stats on my phone.) Whitesburg Baptist’s Children’s ministry is important to our family. My own children have benefited greatly from it, but there are several reasons why I choose to spend part of my free time volunteering. Setting a good example My brother and I were blessed to be raised by two

loving, Christian parents. They had us in church every time the doors opened, but they didn’t just drop us off and leave, they stayed and served. Growing up, I constantly witnessed my parents teaching in Sunday School and on Wednesday nights my Dad served as the director of the Royal Ambassadors. Mom and Dad set an example of servanthood for my brother and me. Now understand that my father was a career railroad man and for most of my childhood he worked weekends as a machinist on third shift. That meant on Sundays he would spend midnight to 8 AM working in an oily pit beneath a diesel locomotive, then get cleaned up and dressed up just in time to teach Sunday School at 9:30. If serving in the children’s ministry was that important to him, how can it be any less important to me? Now, like my Dad, I am the

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg



father of two kids. Nicole and I are currently parenting two young daughters. We pray that Brook and Brett will grow into adults who have hearts seeking to discern the Lord’s will and join Him in His work. What better way to teach that behavior than to model it? As Zig Ziglar said about parenting, “Your children more attention pay, to what you do than what you say.”

The importance of ministering to kids In Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” There comes a time in the life of a child when they are enabled by



God’s grace and may choose to become a Christian, an “age of accountability.” I once heard a sad statistic that if a child has not made a decision for Christ by the time that kid reaches the age of 18, there is only a 15% chance he or she will get saved as an adult. If you’re worried about the future of this great country, I guarantee you that sharing Jesus with a child and teaching them a love and understanding of the Bible will have more of a positive impact on the future of America than who you vote for in the presidential election this fall.

You get so much more out of it Yes, being involved in a children’s ministry requires a time commitment and a willingness to be prepared each week. But no matter how much work you put into it, you’re going to get so much more out of it. It’s been said that the best way to learn a subject

is to teach it. I can’t overstate how teaching children has enriched my own walk with Christ. The memory verses, the Bible stories, the songs; all come alive and have more effect in our lives when we know them well enough to teach them. The joy you’ll find in the smile of a child will leave a warmth in your heart that money can’t buy. Realizing the Holy Spirit used your efforts to make a difference in the life of a child gives you a job satisfaction much greater than what you can

find in the everyday workplace. I strongly encourage you to experience this for yourself, get involved in a kid’s ministry. As a church, the greatest thing we can do for families is to connect them to Jesus.

Jason Bruening is the happy husband of Nicole and a proud parent

of Brook and Brett. He works in the engineering department at WAFF48 TV. He is an avid fan of American History, Johnny Cash, and the Dallas Cowboys.

Why I

my LIFE Group

One reason why I adore my LIFE Group is because I admire my Sunday School teachers. Danny, Lori, Sharon, Butch, Julie and Susan, thank you for teaching me about my Savior and your Savior. Isabella, 4th Grade LIFE Group

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


KID’S SPACE Mystery Objects

Can you identify these objects?








Answers: 1 cake, 2 dog nose, 3 football, 4 strawberry, 5 colored pencils, 6 flip flop.


In Need of


by Margaret Kesler

As a child growing up in a small town surrounded by parents, sisters, grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins, I was introduced very early to “family prayer times.” On Sundays, after church and Sunday School, when lunch was finished and the kitchen was clean, we would gather at Aunt Tot’s house for dessert. Sometimes desserts were displayed on the dining table or, in summer time, ice cream makers were churning on the back porch. Someone would mention a person who was ill,

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg



facing a crisis, or experiencing a death in the family, and prayer would be extended to the Heavenly Father on behalf of these folks. Sunday afternoon gatherings always included the family singing. We would crowd around the piano and a cousin would open up one of several hymnals and each person would submit their “favorite” hymn. One of the alltime favorites was an old spiritual entitled “Standing in the Need of Prayer” and the people mentioned in the previous prayer time were remembered again. I was about five years old, but not too young to join in. My mother saw to that. I might have been the baby in the family, but I was given my own line to sing, “Not my mother or my father, but it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer.” Members of our family choir would choose a line

to sing and then we would all join in, singing, “it’s me, it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer.” I may not have known the Biblical depth of these words, but I knew if someone needed help or healing, they should go to the Lord and tell Him about it. “I’m standing in the need of prayer.” Years have gone by and those Sunday afternoon singings are a thing of the past. Most all of those family members are in Heaven now, singing in the Celestial Choir, but memories remain. Seeds were planted in my young heart and prayer has been a vital part of my spiritual walk. In our Life Group, we have a designated prayer chairman who keeps an up-to-date list of our members and their prayer requests. She is the right person for this assignment, as she is a dedicated prayer warrior and faithfully keeps up with our

I knew if someone needed help or healing, they should go to the Lord and tell Him about it.



members. Every Monday, those who have email receive a copy of the prayer requests submitted the day before and if a prayer request is called in to her during the week, she forwards the name on to us immediately. Those who do not have email receive a phone call from their Care Group Leader attempting to keep everyone informed. Praying and caring go hand in hand. Our class members are faithful “pray-ers” and they are also faithfully benevolent. If there is a need which can be fulfilled, we attempt to address it as soon as possible. In my personal life, I find myself praying not only at

designated times, but during the day. Ephesians 6:17, “and pray in the Spirit on all occasions.” This morning as I opened up my email, I received four lists of prayer requests from different sources. My husband and I have been recipients of the faithfulness of friends and church family who have lifted our names up to the Father. If we were an advertisement for the results of the faithful praying for us, it would read, “proof positive”. Are we not all in need of prayer? “It’s me, it’s me, O Lord, I’m standing in the need of prayer... again!”

Margaret Kesler is the wife of Gene, mother of Kristin, grandmother of Hunter and Mary Emily and a LIFE Group Leader.

Why I

my LIFE Group

I love my LIFE Group because I love the ladies in it. We give and receive hugs and look forward to seeing each other on Sunday morning. We have a wonderful teacher, who teaches from God’s Word. What a blessing! Margie Slayton, Williams LIFE Group

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


LIFE Groups... where the life of the church happens.

In LIFE Groups, you will find a place to connect with others like you. We have classes for all ages, life stages, and family situations. LIFE

Groups meet on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am.




WhitesburgBaptist.org connect. grow. serve.


Two Imperfect People

by Tim & Shari Roberts

After having been married

for about seven years, we received some much needed financial counseling from some older and wiser friends of ours who eventually became our marriage counselors. After many months of prayer, we got out of approximately $18,000 in debt in eighteen months and got back on the “right track� in our marriage. Getting out of debt in that amount of time was a miracle in itself because we did not make that much money. Around that time, God called us

to start teaching newlyweds. God placed us in a little town in Mississippi to start our newlywed ministry, but we had no idea what was in store. I think we had about three newlywed couples in our church at the time. It was exciting to see what God was going to do in their lives and ours. When we moved to Huntsville, we visited what seemed like 20 churches. We prayed that God would make it clear to us where He wanted us to serve. After we had been attending Whitesburg

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


TWO IMPERFECT PEOPLE about a month, Brother Jimmy saw us in the hallway one Sunday and said that there was a real need for some newlywed teachers in the church. I looked at Tim and he looked at me. In that moment, we knew that God wanted us to be planted right here. I told Brother Jimmy, “Teaching newlyweds is what we do!” We all knew right then that God was at work. Brother Jimmy even mentioned it in his sermon that morning. We have learned that God has to be at the center of your marriage in every area. You have to put Him first and then your spouse comes next. Then, your spouse needs to know that you put him or her before anyone else.

Some of the most important things we teach couples are that they need to pray together everyday, read the Bible together everyday, and go to church together regularly. We have seen several couples that don’t do one or more of these things and wind up needing help in their marriage. We encourage our couples to pray about every important decision that they make because it is a spiritual decision. Our class is built on the idea of two imperfect people serving a perfect God. Marriage was created as an illustration for His love for us, so we try to work hard at it everyday to bring God all the glory.

Tim and Shari Roberts tied the knot over 31 years ago. They have been passionate about teaching nearlyweds/newlyweds for over 20 years. They have two children, Jordan and Keely. Why I

my LIFE Group

Spiritual growth, based on sound Bible teaching, and true fellowship/ friendship rooted in love for one another, are just a few of the reasons we so appreciate our LIFE Group. Valarie and Stuart O’Dell, Ingram LIFE Group



Nearlyweds/Newlyweds Class Sundays at 9:30 am Room 220 at Whitesburg Baptist Church The class is for newly engaged couples that are getting married within the next twelve months and couples that have been married for less than three years. The Nearlyweds/Newlyweds class starts in January and ends in December each year. If any couple comes in during the year, they are welcome to continue on with the next class that will start in January until they feel they have gotten what they need from the class.

Topics include:

Effective Communication Managing God’s Money Intimacy Lifetime Commitment Expectations Being Selfless Giving In-laws Five Love Languages

Your Different Personalities Building Your Mate’s Self-esteem Emotional Closeness Spiritual Unity Managing Time and Stress Leaving and Cleaving Conflict Setting Priorities and Boundaries Ministering to Each Other & Others

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg




becomes by Burns Smith

My wife, Kelly, and I spend

the 9:30 am LIFE group hour at Whitesburg Baptist Church teaching, and being taught by, the kindergarten class. When asked to write a piece about LIFE groups, I was instantly reminded of the decision making process Kelly and I struggled with that ultimately led us to unite with Whitesburg. Except for a brief time during the period Kelly and I were looking for a church home, I’ve always attended churches that included LIFE groups, or Sunday



school. I’ve either attended LIFE groups or taught them, both adult and children’s classes, as far back as I can remember. Though regular church attendance has been a staple in Kelly’s life, it had not included LIFE groups since her late high school years. Consequently, when we married in 2006, our search to find a church home became a monumental battle of worship styles and LIFE groups. Thankfully, when Whitesburg began a contemporary service, there was now a church that offered us sound theological doctrine along with those elements which were critical to each of us. For Kelly, the contemporary worship style is what she was accustomed to and it met a need. For me, I had to have the opportunity to participate in LIFE groups. Why? Why did I feel so strongly that my family must unite with a church

that offered LIFE groups? In Acts 2:42-47, we read of the practices of the early Christian Church. We see a united body with common priorities among the members: prayer, praise, learning, sharing, meeting the needs of one another and growing the body. These are the practices that exemplify the consistent themes in Jesus ministry - love the Lord, love each other. The modern church continues to prioritize these themes through corporate worship and LIFE groups. I see, though, the contrast between corporate worship and LIFE groups as I see the contrast found in the classic New Testament dialogue between the apostles Paul and James: faith versus works.

Corporate worship is where I deepen and renew my faith emotionally and intellectually. In a worship service, faith is an abstract experience and a conscious decision made in my heart and mind to believe in Christ and to want to be more like Him. On the other hand, LIFE groups are where I begin to act on that want. LIFE groups are where Christian principles are “lived out.” I have a ”works” oriented personality and, in a sense, living out Christian principles legitimize my Christian faith. Certainly, we as believers are expected to live an exemplary Christian life at all times, however, the structure and resources offered through LIFE groups allows us so many more

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg


WHERE FAITH BECOMES ACTION opportunities to show Christ’s love to our brothers and sisters and those lost in a world outside the walls or our fellowship. This is when LIFE groups become vital to the health and righteousness of a body. I love Paul’s words of encouragement found in Philippians 3:7-14. Paul’s wants to “know Christ” and become like Him.” We are to “press on toward the goal.” LIFE groups offer us the resources, the strength of numbers, courage and support of other like-minded believers and more and greater opportunities to “become like Him” by putting Christian principles to work through our service to those in need. And so often, I am the one in need. Feeling the love of Christ through efforts of the group is not something I can get sitting in

a pew! These days, with personal devices, I can listen to sermons anywhere and at any time. But I won’t experience Jesus like I can through a healthy, active LIFE group. Putting my faith into action with the help of a LIFE group is what I consider “pressing on.” As a father and husband, I want to give my family every opportunity to “win the prize for which God has called me (us) heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Attending church is a good start. Attending a church that teaches and preaches the complete word of God is essential, and uniting with a fellowship that makes it a priority to live out Christian principles is the best I can offer my family. LIFE groups is where the practice begins.

Burns Smith has lived in Huntsville since 1965 and is married to Kelly. They have five children, with Kellen, age 7, being the only one still at home. The Smiths are currently fostering three siblings, ages one, two and three. Burns is the owner of Custom Trucks on Research Park Blvd. His hobby is raising kids. Why I

my LIFE Group

I love my LIFE Group because we learn about Jesus, and my teachers love us, care about us, and ask if we are having a good day. Michael, 2nd Grade LIFE Group




2016 SUMMER/FALL CALENDAR August 7 AWANA Registration Resolved Student Choirs Begin Discover Whitesburg PM Class 8 Senior Day at the ROC 10 Missions Orgnizations Begin 12 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 13 Singles’ Coffeehouse

14 LIFE Group Leadership Training 21 LIFE Group Promotion Sunday AWANA Begins Children’s Choirs Begin Fall Adult Discipleship Begins 27 Singles’ Coffeehouse 28 Whitesburg in Worship



2 ROC Closes at Noon 2-5 Singles’ Labor Day Retreat 4 No Evening Service 5 Church Offices & ROC Closed 9 LIFE Group Fellowship Night 9-10 Fresh Grounded Faith Ladies Conference 10 Singles’ Coffee House 11 Discover Whitesburg PM Class 20 Ladies Mentoring Potluck 23-24 dotMOM Conference 24 Singles’ Coffee House

2 Discover Whitesburg Class 9:30 am (Part 1) and 5 pm 8 Singles’ Coffeehouse 9 Discover Whitesburg Class 9:30 am (Part 2) 10 Senior Day at the ROC 14 Date Night 21 Fall Festival at Tate Farms 22 Singles’ Bluegrass & BBQ 25 Ladies FOLD

For more details on these and other events, visit WhitesburgBaptist.org.

August/September 2016 | Whitesburg




Photo: Cox/Loyed LIFE Group class on Sunday morning.




LIFE Groups 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Blended Traditional Service 9:30 am with Dr. Jimmy Jackson Contemporary Service 11:11 am with Rev. Steven Dunne Evening Service 6:15 pm

Join us on Sundays for... 6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802

Whitesburg Baptist Church


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