CARINGPLACE Volume 46, Issue 2
August 2011
Fall Ministries
For Kids! pages 8-10
Don’t Miss
Sunday, August 14! Find out why on page 4
MATCH the MASCOTS See how well you can match these area schools to their mascots! Write the number by the school on the line under its mascot. Answers on page 12.
1. Bob Jones High School
5. Huntsville High School
2. Butler High School
6. Johnson High School
3. Columbia High School
7. Lee High School
4. Grissom High School
8. Sparkman High School
CARINGPLACE Volume 46, Issue 2
2 SWAT Student Worship Arts Team
August 2011
3 The Challenge of Education Encouragement from Dr. Jimmy Jackson
4 iConnect On Sunday, August 14
5 Layne Dillard An Interview with Whitesburg Christian Academy’s Elementary School Principal
Layne Dillard Experience & Vision
Weekly Clubs for Kids
9 Is Children’s Choir for Your Child?
Page 5
Long-term benefits 10 Missions Organizations Increase your kids’ awaremess of missions 11 Back to School Shopping Tips and Tricks
Caring Place magazine exists to open a window into the multifaceted ministries of Whitesburg Baptist Church whose purpose is to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known. We desire to know Jesus Christ through the Word and Worship, to exalt the Savior through education and evangelism and to mature all believers to minister and to be on mission. Caring Place magazine is a bimonthly publication by Whitesburg Baptist Church, 6806 Whitesburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802-2299. (Permit No. 446) To get your copy call (256) 704-5678, ext. 210 and leave your mailing address. Subscription Rate: $12.00 donation a year anywhere in the U.S.
13 Christian Soldiers Karate More than just great karate
Page 3
Publisher: Whitesburg Baptist Church Editor: Dr. Greg Corbin Publishing & Graphics: Melissa Schuster, Ron Snyder Editorial Assistants: Karen Tidwell, Beverly Dishman Distribution Team: Jennifer Baggett, Billy Davis, David Dolores, Larry Hardy, Marylin Johnson, Alan Murphy, Bob Raines Bundling Team: Claire Byrd, Martha Cain, Walt Caldwell, Jimmy Campbell, Debbie Canida, Greg & Kim Cline, Betty D. Cloud, Mabel Evans, Nina & Tim Hopper, Carolyn Kerr, Marsha Quick, Linda Robertson, Barbara Saunders, Phyllis Smith, Dee Tolemei, Cynthia Williams.
Volume 46, Issue 2
August 2011 | 1
Student Worship Arts Team of Whitesburg Baptist Church
SWAT is more than just singing, it is all about learning
how to live a life of worship. The first rehearsal for the 20112012 Season is Sunday, August 14 from 4:30-6:00 pm in the Whitesburg Campus Choir Room. All 6-12th graders are encouraged to come and bring a friend.
For more information contact Matthew Sloma at 256-704-
5678, ext. 236 or email You can also find us on facebook and at wbcswat.
o t e m o c , k c a b is Now that osrchyoooulr afternoon snack! the CafĂŠ f Join your friends at The Caring Place CafĂŠ to cure the afternoon munchies! Conveniently located in the Whitesburg Baptist Center, 7300 Whitesburg Drive, we have hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza and even carrot sticks with ranch. Call our menu line at 256-704-5678, ext. 777 for the weekly special.
Make it easy, get a gift card and leave the money at home. 2 | CARINGPLACE
at The Caring Place
By Dr. Jimmy Jackson
School zone lights will be flashing, buses running, parents and young people driving, teachers presenting lessons, ball teams playing, and a host of other very familiar things starting back up because ready or not, School Year 2011-2012 is here. We take the coming of this time of year in stride, but it should never be taken lightly. The need for and opportunity to receive a good education is enormous. The value of a quality education can hardly be overestimated. Our well being as an individual, and our ability to contribute to our family and our community are enhanced by the systematic process of teaching and learning. In the greatest of all of the commandments of God, the development of the mind is emphasized…“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matthew
22:37). How can we fulfill this awesome command if we do not develop our mind to its greatest capacity? How can we expect our children to obey it if we do not seek to provide the best possible education for them? Armed with this powerful mandate from our Lord, we should have a passion for learning and for making learning available. This puts school in a much different light. Not only does God expect it, He blesses it. We can assume the tremendous challenge of education for our family with the assurance that we “can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” And if you have a child who is as reluctant a student as I was at first, you will need the strength of Christ. How gracious of God to give us the ability to learn and develop for the purpose of both our life work and our life service to Him. I pray that you and your family will have a happy and meaningful school year. Dr. Jackson is Pastor of Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville, AL.
Volume 46, Issue 2
August 2011 | 3
By Sue Ansley and Christian Parrish
Change is inevitable‌ nothing stays the same! Technology and communication are constantly changing. The rapid development of technology and the online world has changed how we communicate personally and professionally. We text more than we talk, we twitter for instant updates, and we facebook our friends. iConnect involves technology and change. iConnect is more than a day; it is a new process for how and where you connect @ WBC. iConnect emphasizes the importance of connecting in four areas:
g give
On Sunday, August 14, we will enjoy a fellowship meal beginning at 10:45 a.m. at the South Campus, Fellowship Dining Room. The menu will be hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, and cookies. Stations will be set up to preview the new iConnect website pages. This connection to serve will allow you to explore and register for service in various ministry areas. Participants will be entered for a chance to win an iPad and iTunes gift cards. The winners will be announced in the evening service.
Sunday, August 14 Connect to Worship @ 9:30 & 11:00 am Connect to LIFE Groups @ 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Meal and iConnect Intro after morning Worship Service Win an iPad and iTunes gift cards
Layne Dillard Experience & Vision
By Dr. Greg Corbin
Layne Dillard is someone you should know. She is entering her second year as the Elementary School Principal for Whitesburg Christian Academy. In order for our church family to get to know her better, we asked her to tell us about her family, faith, and her plans for the Academy.
Where did you grow up, graduate from high school, college, etc.?
I grew up in Falkville, a very small town in Morgan County. I attended twelve years of school there and graduated from Falkville High School. I attended the University of North Alabama on a Leadership Scholarship and I majored in Secondary Education with a certification in Social Science and Middle School Certification in Language Arts. I also received
my Masters of Arts in Education Administration from UNA. Tell us about your family.
I have been married to Shannon Dillard, my high school sweetheart, for almost 15 years. We live in Priceville and have three wonderful children. Addie is 9 years old and Brooks is 8. They both attend the Academy. We have a 4 year old, India, who will be at the Academy when she begins Kindergarten. I
was raised in a great Christian home with a brother and a sister. My Mom and Dad set wonderful examples for me of what it means to love Christ and live for Him. My grandfather, John Crawford, was a Southern Baptist Minister for many, many years. Tell us about your relationship with Christ and your church home.
My family and I worship at Central Continued on page 6
Volume 46, Issue 2
August 2011 | 5
Layne Dillard Continued from page 5
Baptist Church in Decatur. We have a wonderful church home and feel so fortunate to be able to serve God there. My husband and I both sing in the choir, and I teach the 7th Grade Girls Sunday School class. They keep me young! I have been a Christian since I was in high school, and have attended church since nine months before birth. I am only who I am today because of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that He has allowed me to serve Him through education for 15 years. I know that He has a wonderful plan for all of our lives, and I strive to do what He wants me to do so that I can be useful to the Kingdom. How long have you been an educator? What other positions have you held?
I have been an educator for 15 years. It has flown by! I started out as an In-School Suspension Aide at Danville Middle School and have played many roles since then. I taught Reading, Language Arts, Drama and Chorus to Sixth through Eighth graders at Danville. I spent seven years at Morgan County’s Alternative School; for two years I taught there and for five years I was the Principal at the school. I love At-Risk Programs and felt like God blessed me beyond measure by allowing me to
work with the children who need such love, mercy and grace. I also served as a Supervisor in the Morgan County School System in the capacity of Title IV, At-Risk Programs and Counseling. I have written my share of grants and had the pleasure of beginning a program for our Parenting Teens in the Morgan County system. Of all the programs that I have ever written or managed, the Moms program was my absolute favorite. It was so remarkable to be a part of connecting the girls back to local churches to have their real needs met, needs that I could never ever meet. The program has had over 50 young mothers come through it in the past three years, and none of the girls have quit school. Please pray that more programs like this will begin around the State of Alabama and that God will richly bless the ones in existence with much needed funding. I also had the wonderful opportunity to be the Principal at my alma mater, Falkville Elementary School, before I came to the Academy. I just completed my first year here and have had a wonderful year at Whitesburg. You made the transition from public schools to private schools. Tell us how that has gone.
Having spent all of my previous years in public school, it did take some transitioning to get used to the private setting. It has been a great transition, and the staff, parents and students have been so
supportive and wonderful to work with. It is so amazing to be able to share our faith and love of God with our students. How refreshing! I have heard you say that you support and love public schools. Tell us more about that.
I have always been a big supporter of public schools, and I always will be. I think public and private alike have a solid place in every community. One reason I feel so passionately about public school is because I really do feel it is a mission field. As a public educator, there is nothing that they could do that could ever keep me from praying for my students and asking God to help me put someone into their path that could make a difference in their lives. Coming from the At-Risk side of education, and working at Title I schools, I knew that many of the children that I came into contact with may never see the love of Jesus, except through me. Wow, what a wonderful job! Please pray for our Christian teachers and Principals in public schools that they can make an impact for the Kingdom of God. They have been bound by so many rules and Federal regulations that make it almost impossible to even acknowledge God at school, but the Bible clearly tells us that with man many things are impossible but with God, all things are possible. Wow, what an awesome responsibility we have to pray for our schools and for God’s light to permeate the walls of each
school in our nation.
Jesus Christ in the many coming years.
You have been at The Academy for a year now. Share with us what you believe to be the strengths of our school.
What changes have you made? What is your vision for the future of our Elementary School?
I love the mission of the Academy to help create passionate servant leaders. Our nation is experiencing a deficit in leadership. Just look around! Our school sees the need and the opportunity to put out students into this world who are grounded spiritually and also understand the fundamental concepts of what it means to step up and show real leadership. We have enough bosses; we don’t want to just put out men and women who can tell people what to do. We strive to help students develop into real leaders who understand that you must be willing to serve to lead. Do you really understand the impact we can have on this earth if we teach our children to lead through serving others? That is my favorite part of this wonderful school and I can’t wait to see the impact these students make for
My vision for this school is to support the mission. I want to see us developing leadership qualities from Kindergarten all the way through to the Upper School. Children are wonderful little sponges who just soak in information. We want to be filling them up with goals and desires that help them grow up to be what God has created and designed them to be. One of the biggest changes that we are putting into place this year is the use of Goal Notebooks. Every month the students will set three academic and three personal goals for that month and everyday they will take out their goal setting sheet and track progress. I want our students to learn to be intentional about things that they want to accomplish and that they feel are important. If we can teach them to set goals and celebrate the
Volume 46, Issue 2
achievement of those goals at an early age, then we can get them into the habit of setting goals their whole life. We are really looking forward to this self evaluation tool this school year. Tell us about any hobbies or anything else you would like for our church family to know.
Well, I am really busy with three children under nine and a really great job, so hobbies have kind of gotten pushed to the back burner for the past few years. I do love politics and I like to work on political campaigns. Most people would not consider that a hobby, but I love it! If you have seen me, you know I love shoes and big jewelry. My favorite thing in the whole world to do is laugh. I try to find at least something great to laugh about every day of my life. There have been many times that someone from the church has had to poke their head around and see who was disturbing everyone with that really loud laugh. Sorry, I am guilty as charged!
August 2011 | 7
AWANA is designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to boys and girls and train them to serve Him. The acronym AWANA comes from 2 Timothy 2:15: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. Every Sunday evening, during the school year, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, children from preschool to 12th grade come to participate in the AWANA weekly club meetings. Each weekly club meeting includes Game Time, where Clubbers compete around the unique Awana game circle; Handbook Time, during which clubbers work from their handbooks while interacting individually with their leaders; and Council Time, during which a Bible message is presented. But most importantly, they build a spiritual bond with God, while having fun at the same time!
By Merlin Dummer
Come join us for a new year of AWANA! Registration is Sunday, August 7 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in MidTown at the Whitesburg Campus (6806 Whitesburg Drive). Bring your children by to register them for the new Awana Club Year after either of the Sunday morning worship services. Leaders will be available to answer any question you may have. All the Awana Handbooks & supplies will be on hand for sale. Awana Kick Off Night is Sunday, August 14 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Come join the fun at the first regular club night of Awana!
Children meet in age-appropriate clubs: Puggles - 2 year olds Cubbbies - 3 & 4 year olds Sparks - Kindergarten thru 2nd grade Truth & Training Clubs - 3rd thru 6th grade Chums - 3rd & 4th grade girls Pals - 3rd & 4th grade boys Guards - 5th & 6th grade girls Pioneers - 5th & 6th grade boys Journey - 7th & 8th grade Trek - 9th thru 12th grade
Is Children’s Choir
For Your Child? Why choose Children’s Choir for your child? We believe that it is a worthy investment of your family’s time. Families today lead very busy lives, and sometimes are forced to make tough choices when it comes to activities for their children. There is just not enough time to do everything. Consider the many activities that today’s children might be involved in: sports, dance, drama, scouts, etc. There is no question that all these activities have benefits for the growth and development of children both physically and mentally. However, for most, if not all, of these activities, there will be a day when your child will cease being a participant in that activity and will become a spectator of that activity. Even if your child becomes a professional athlete
By Julie Cook
or dancer, there will come a time when he or she will need to retire and therefore become a spectator. But consider singing. What other activity is there that a person can continue, as an active participant, through every decade of his or her lifetime? And beyond that, we will continue to sing in heaven!! Singing is not our only means of worship, but it is such a primary form of expression for worship that it is sometimes hard to separate the two. A person’s ability or inability to sing becomes a means of praise and worship or a barrier. Singing in Children’s Choirs prepares kids for a lifetime, and eternity, of worship. Surely such a lifelong activity is worthy of an investment of time for music training through Children’s Choirs!
”S am ing e!” to G Psa od! Sin lm 6 g 8:4
Children’s Choirs at Whitesburg Baptist Church (6806 Whitesburg Drive); begin a new choir year on Sunday, August 14, 2011. Choirs meet 4:45 - 5:45 pm on most Sundays during the school year. Children’s choirs are designed to train children, age 3 (by 9/1/2011) through grade 5, in Biblical truths primarily using the medium of music. Other creative and performing arts are employed as well, including drama, movement, and visual art. Each child is placed in a graded choir which offers trained teachers, large and small group time, handson experience with musical instruments, and opportunities to perform in church services. Preschool choirs (ages 3-5) meet in rooms 131, 132, & 133; Grades 1-5 meet upstairs on the Children’s Hall.
, s y N a s The Bible o His praises t
Volume 46, Issue 2
August 2011 | 9
Starting back wednesday, august 10!
Mission Organizations
Preschool Mission Friends (ages 3 – Kindergarten) Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PM North Campus Rooms 132, 134 Director: Suzanne Crocker Mission Friends provides developmentally appropriate
for all people, learning how to carry the message of Christ around the world, working with others in sharing Christ and keeping clean and healthy in mind and body. The Lads (boys in grades 1-3) and Crusaders (boys in grades 4 - 5) study virtues such as Loyalty, Faith, Courage, Responsibility, and Self Discipline as well.
missions learning experiences to help preschoolers focus on others, become aware that there are many people in the world who need to hear of God’s love through Jesus Christ, and to understand ways they can help others know about this Good News!
Middle & High School Acteens...Girls Grades 6-12 Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM North Campus Rooms 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218 Director: Pam Brassart
Children Girls in Action (GA’s)...Girls Grades 1-5 Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM North Campus Rooms 203, 206, 208 Director: Pam Brassart GA’s learn about and pray for missions, engage in missions action and witness, and develop spiritually towards a missions lifestyle. Through participation in GA’s, girls grow in their knowledge, understanding and application of the Bible. In addition they also learn from the example of missionaries, believers and hands on mission action what it means to actively engage in ministering to others with the compassion of Christ. Royal Ambassadors (RA’s)...Boys Grades 1-5 Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM North Campus Rooms 248, 250, 252 Director: Ray Romine RA’s are committed to living out the purpose of the Royal
Through Acteens, teenage girls have opportunities to grow in their relationships with God and their peers. They learn to look beyond themselves and become involved in
missions and ministry.
Missions is what
Acteens is all about. Through Acteens, members explore and do hands on missions in Huntsville and to the ends of the earth. Acteens are also actively involved in learning about missions, praying for and giving to missions. Challengers...Boys Grades 6-12 Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM North Campus Room 247 Director: Tim Lawrence Challengers support each other to fulfill their personal commitment to live out and share the gospel. Through Challengers, young men have opportunities to lead others to faith in Christ, explore a wide range of ministry and Global Mission opportunities and develop their leadership skills.
Ambassadors Pledge, which focuses on becoming a well informed follower of Christ, having a Christ-like concern
Back to School Shopping These tips and tricks by local mom and Middle School teacher Jennifer Talton will help you and your child get the most out of this year’s school clothes shopping.
SALE! What a wonderful word this is in the window of a store. Put the words Back to School with it, and many different types of emotions emerge. If you are a student, you might feel sad because the opening of school is close and excited because it means getting new school clothes. If you are a parent, you also have mixed emotions, excitement because freedom from your children is close, unless you are a teacher, and also anxiety over the cost of school clothes and the hassle of shopping for them. Hopefully, the following tips will make the shopping adventure less traumatic for both of you.
Tip #1
Before going to the first store, decide on a budget. If you and your child know ahead of time how much can be spent and how many outfits you need to purchase, it will make things less stressful. It may take several days to find the best deals for the clothes you need. You may want to decide on two shopping trips during the school year. One could be Continued on page 12
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August 2011 | 11
Back to School Shopping Continued from page 11
before school starts and the other could be after first semester. Ross, Marshall’s, T.J. Maxx, and second hand stores are great places to find good deals.
Tip #2 Find the dress code for your school system or school. Dress codes for all three local school systems are located on their website under Student Code of Conduct. This is essential if you are changing schools or going in to grades in elementary school where dress codes apply. Don’t assume every school has the same dress code. Checking the dress code will not only save you money on clothes your child cannot wear to school but also a conflict with your child. If a child is not within dress code, most schools will have the student call his/her parent to bring more clothes or will send the student home. This means that someone will miss work, interrupt plans for the day, and class time which is unexcused and preventable. The first week of school you will receive a Student Code of Conduct which includes the dress code. By signing the required page, you and your child are stating that you have read and understand this
document, so using the excuse you didn’t know the rules will not work for you or your child.
Tip #3 Examine your child’s clothing and have him/her look in a full length mirror before leaving for school. Many dresses and skirts will meet the dress code when standing, but becomes too short or uncomfortable when seated. One way to check this is to sit in front of the mirror. Many times it is not obvious how short the dress or skirt becomes when seated unless you actually see it in a mirror. You should buy clothes that your child is comfortable sitting in. They should not have to be constantly pulling at their dress or skirt or putting a jacket over their legs because they do not feel comfortable. Shirts are also a problem. I always tell my middle school students, especially the females, to raise their hands over their heads to see if their midriff shows. If it does, then the shirt is too short. You also have to make sure that it is modest in the neck. A way to check to see if a dress or shirt is too low is to place their thumb at the bottom of their neck and lay their fingers flat on their chest.
A modest opening is no lower than your pinky. Unfortunately many shirts today are low in the neckline; a way to remedy this is to wear a tank or cami under the shirt. It can correct the problem of the shirt being too short or too low, but make sure the tank or cami isn’t low also because the problem will still exist. You also have to know the hidden meaning behind some of the sayings on shirts. They may look perfectly innocent at first glance, but some are not. If you have a concern about a shirt, ask questions. I know it is a well kept secret, but sometimes we as parents don’t know everything.
Th e B o t t om L i ne
The bottom line for all of us is to ask ourselves when we get dressed for school or any occasion is it pleasing to God. We are His creations and should dress to let Him shine through. Always be a positive example to others, not a distraction.
Inside Front Cover Mascot Matching Answers: Bob Jones Patriots, Butler Rebels, Columbia Eagles, Grissom Tigers, Huntsville Panthers, Johnson Jaguars, Lee Generals, Sparkman Senators.
Christian Soldiers Christian Soldiers Karate is an exciting new program that is being offered at the Recreation Outreach Center (ROC) this fall. This is one of the most dynamic martial arts programs in North America. The curriculum has been taught by the founder Grandmaster J. Pat Burleson for over thirty years. The goal is more than just teaching great karate. This training seeks to develop both the spiritual and physical dimensions.
By Debbie Milner
Here is what you can expect from Christian Soldiers Karate: »» Training on an individual and family basis. »» A family atmosphere at all of our belt tests and tournaments.
True to life self defense training. You will be equipped with easy to remember practical techniques.
»» Belt rankings are certified with World Martial Arts Ranking Association.
»» Affordable pricing. »» Focus on conservative and Christ-centered Bible teaching. Each belt rank has its own book by book Bible study.
»» Builds true confidence in the mind and heart by public speaking opportunities.
»» Encourage healthy physical fitness through all of our training. Everyone moves at their own pace.
Heath and Cathy Ferry will be the coordinators for the Christian Soldiers program. Orientation classes will be offered on July 30 and August 6 from 9-11 am. Classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30 and 6:30 pm beginning on August 15 in the Zone at the South Campus. Initial registration is $50 which includes the uniform and class fee for the first month. For more information, contact christiansoldiershsv@ or the ROC office at 256-704-5678 ext. 714 or 715. Volume 46, Issue 2
August 2011 | 13
Caring Place 6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802
the caring place
Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Huntsville, AL Permit 446
LOCATIONS & SUNDAY SERVICES Whitesburg Baptist Church 6806 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802
Worship 9:30 & 11:00 am Bible Study 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am
3911 Pulaski Pike Huntsville, AL 35810
Worship 9:30 am Bible Study 11:15 am