4 minute read
From Bruce Lee to Guy Fawkes
2019 was perhaps one of the most turbulent years Hong Kong has ever seen. Following the announcement of the extradition law, over 2 million HongKongers took to the streets to express their discontent with the law. As the protests spanned over 6 months, many symbols have emerged as favourites among demonstrators.
Bruce Lee
In recent months, Bruce Lee’s “be water” quote has become a city-wide mantra throughout the protests. Taking the concept further, protestors have adapted the characteristics of water’s different forms to symbolize different modes of resistance:
• Be strong like ice; when confronted by armed police and opposition groups • Be fluid like water; when escaping through the city’s narrow streets • Gather like dew; to create flash-mob attacks • Scatter like mist; to avoid being arrested, and to be able to fight another day.
“Being water” allows protesters to quickly gather and scatter, then immediately flow to a different area of the city. Formless like water, they also adapt to whatever situation they are placed in; like Bruce Lee said “when placed in a cup, it becomes the cup; when placed in a teapot, it becomes the teapot”. This resonates with the meaning of the traditional Chinese saying (以柔克剛), as protestors must overcome rigidity with softness and fluidity. This puts the concept of water at the core of protesters’ presence and the city’s decentralised movement. These interpretations of the original quote are what defines the spirit and unity of Hong Kong’s protesters.
Guy Fawkes To protect themselves from surveillance, protestors often use face masks and scarves to safeguard their identities. In an effort to discouragepeoplefromtakingontothestreets, theHongKonggovernmentannouncedaban onfacemasksonOctober4th. However,not onlydidthislegislationprovetobeineffective, butitalsoaddedfueltothefire,asprotestors replacedfacemaskswiththeGuyFawkesmask fromthenovelandfilm,VforVendettaMany also created posters and decorated graffiti “Lennon”walls with quotes from the film, such as“people shouldn’tbe afraid of their government”and“beneath this mask is an idea,andideasarebulletproof”. Nonetheless, as a symbol of anarchism and anti-totalitarianisminthenovel,themaskhas been embraced by several movements such as 2011“OccupyWallStreet”movementand 2013 anti-government protests in Thailand. Picking up momentum in Hong Kong, it has come to represent the push for communist China to grant democratic freedoms in Hong Kongformanyprotesters.Thatsaid,theGuy FawkesmaskwornbyV,themaincharacterin VforVendetta,isnotonlyarepresentationof anti-authoritarianism,butalsoaformofselfpresentationandprotectionInfosteringidentity and solidarity, as well as provide anonymity, masks have greatly helped protesters build strength inthefaceofpoliticaloppression.
The Four Principles of Be Water

“Be water” poster used by protestors in Hong Kong.
Yellow, blue or red?
Amidst the demonstrations, a selection of coloured “ribbons” have emerged to represent different camps in the debate. The yellow ribbons have become synonymous with Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests over the years, starting with the umbrella revolution in 2014. It all started when protestors used Tony Orlando and Dawn’s song “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree” during protests. Since then, the yellow ribbon has been a symbol of support and solidarity with the movement in Hong Kong. In contrast, people of the pro-government camp usually sport blue ribbons, to represent the colour of local police uniforms and their wish for order to return to the city. Less common are the selfproclaimed “red ribbons” – the red colour symbolising the Chinese national flag and their patriotism and support for the mainland’s opposition to the protests. “Red ribbons” are most common among those who are originally from the mainland but live/work in Hong Kong.

Protestors boycott “blue” shops and restaurants due to their political stance.

Beacon by Jana Wong // WHKPASS Photography Competition - Third Place
“Lennon Walls” – post-it revolution
Meanwhile, some HongKongers choose to express themselves in a quieter, more creative method. In over 200 walls across the city, displays of thousands of colourful sticky notes have materialised over the months. The name pays homage to the John Lennon wall in Prague. Fans of the Beatles singer expressed their appreciation and messages for the superstar, after his tragic passing in 1980. Similarly, “Lennon walls” in Hong Kong have quickly emerged as a creative and popular hotspot for people to vent their frustration and opposition towards the extradition bill. In the true spirit of the Beatles, these walls have become sites for people to express their support, encouragement and love for the city. Supporters of the movement chose to use post-it notes instead of graffiti paint, as used in Prague, because they don’t want to deface any public property – once they’re peeled, they won’t leave a trace.
With the National Security Law and the suppression of dissent, Hong Kong protesters will inevitably need covert expressions to drive the movement forward. Here, creativity isn’t simply an aesthetic, it embodies Hong Konger’s pride and battle.

Photo: 遺下一 份信念
Karis Chung