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Volunteering in WC?S
NEWS & EVENTS LIFESTYLE Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020Speak Out Magazine | AUTUMN 2020 Volunteering
in Who Cares? Scotland
Timeline & History of the volunteer programme:
May 2016 – The volunteering programme first started in Renfrewshire with the
Communities that Care project. There was a collective understanding that volunteers would bring added value and impact to our members and the work of WC?S.
October 2016 – first ever volunteer led event Cares Got Talent which paved the way as evidence of volunteers’ passion to get involved in the wider work of WC?S and so progression was made to ensure volunteers played a role in local and national events. 2017 – The impact and success of volunteering in Renfrewshire was beginning to be recognised and so progression was made to expand volunteering to Ayrshire and
Why is volunteering so important to Who Cares? Scotland?
Experienced people. Many of our 2018 – We started delivering regular inputs and stalls to colleges and universities in Renfrewshire, Ayrshire and Inverclyde along with volunteers. This led to increased volunteer recruitment, further influencing opportunities and relationship building within local communities. 2018 – Volunteers supported their first Kiltwalk and Summer Camp. Volunteering expanded to East Renfrewshire in March 2018 and South Lanarkshire in September 2018. 2019 – Volunteers developed and led on delivering training sessions around the STV Who Cares documentary to professionals, students and local communities. Volunteering expanded to Clackmannanshire in January 2019. WC?S achieved the Volunteer Friendly Award. Volunteering expanded to North Lanarkshire in November 2019. 2020 – Volunteering expanded to Glasgow and Fundraising. Volunteers supported the first ever
Volunteers contribute so much to the work we do at Who Cares? Scotland, as they come from a wide range of educational, personal and employment backgrounds and share their skills and experience with our staff and Care Experienced people. Volunteers are community champions who not only support participation groups and events, but also help fundraise, influence and take learnings about Care Experience back into the community and to their networks. Volunteers help to extend our reach and ensure society becomes more respectful and understanding of our Care WC?S Digital Festival.
volunteers are Care Experienced and members of WC?S too.
We currently have volunteers in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Clackmannanshire and Ayrshire. Volunteer roles include: Participation Support, Community Schools, Fundraising, Events and Influencing.
Although we are not currently recruiting due to Covid-19 restrictions, if you would like to know more about Volunteering at Who Cares? Scotland please email us at volunteering@whocaresscotland. org and we’ll gladly answer any questions!
Did you know?
Who Cares? Scotland started as a voluntary organisation in 1978 and stayed that way until 1988, with supportive adults such as social workers giving up their time to make sure Care Experienced people could be heard. Our volunteers have contributed over 6990 hours since the volunteer programme began in May 2016! 96% of volunteers we surveyed would recommend volunteering with WC?S to a friend/family (WC?S volunteer survey 2020) 89% of volunteers we surveyed felt they were able to develop their skills through their volunteer role (WC?S volunteer survey 2020)